We have 5 copies of St. Tim's A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style and bitches, we're handing them out. Here's what you need to do: compose a jingle about how lemony fresh new Pine-Sol Lemon with Power Crystals gets your floors. Then, send us an email with the subject title "I want my book, darlings!" to theprgayboys@gmail.com. Here's the hitch: Do NOT send the email until 12 noon, EST tomorrow (TUESDAY, April 24th). The first 5 emails after the noon mark get the book. Got that? Starting tomorrow at noon, EST, the race is on! Remember: you have to be prepared to give us your mailing address to receive the book because as much as we'd love to go on a nationwide tour to greet all our fans and spew Tim Gunn books in every direction, we can't get anyone to feed our cats.
We don't need the jingle. Perform it for your friends instead!
"We're SLUTS Darlings!"
Ah, yes. Somehow we knew this, even without having to see paparazzi shots of you getting out of your limo without your panties on.
But we wouldn't have you any other way.(Just don't ever think of flashing your Brazilian).
--Gotham Tomato
thank god you don't need the jingle. i was gonna have to buy that mess just to see if it provided inspiration!
"Here's what you need to do: compose a jingle about how lemony fresh new Pine-Sol Lemon with Power Crystals gets your floors."
LOL. You slutty bitches are the best! I'll send my email tomorrow.
So, how long do you think it'll take your Internet Service Provider to get back up and running after the server crashes at 12:01 p.m.? I don't think I can wait very long to hear your thoughts on the Santino dress.
Poo, I have a class at that time in a room with no wireless signal, but I may write you a jingle anyway.
Aw, I'll be in school at 12 :(
- Teryn
Damn you sluts - I went & paid for it over the weekend! If I'd only known you were going to be giving it away....
You gals. You put the "ho" back in "homo." I adore you. However, I won't be able to participate tomorrow because I'll be in class at the time. I guess I'll just need to pony up the cash and buy it for myself. Le sigh.
So...you guys are "promosexuals"!
Fabulous! I'll send my email tomorrow.
Sweet! GAME ON, people!
You bitches!! Some of us have to work for a living. Oh well I'll buy it.
so????? how many requests for the book did you have? since I didn't get a response from you yet, I assume I was not in the first 5 messages :-(
anyway, i'm glad I participated :-)
Who are the winners? First names?
Isn't anybody going to write a jingle anyway? Come on, someone!!
I wrote a bad jingle to the boys but they probably didn't open the email if I didn't win. pouting
Look how cute Tim Gunn is on the cover!
JohnP :)
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