We always hated this outfit, but looking at the screencaps, we wound up liking it a little more than we thought. Don't get us wrong, we're not crazy about it, but we don't hate it anymore.
The color's pretty and the basic design is fine, if a little...well, basic.
TERRIBLE styling.
Not supercrazy about the trim on the bust. Certainly, the garment needed some sort of trim or embellishment, but this seems a little too heavy.
And the whole thing is puckery and very noticeably so since the fabric is shiny.
Still, with a little more time and some tweaking, this could have been a really sharp costume.
Well let's get this out of the way first: like our thoughts on handkerchief hems, we very rarely think asymmetrical busts look good. No matter how beautiful the garment or how well-executed, we always wind up thinking the wearer looks like she's got a touch of scoliosis.
We always had this one filed in the "pretty but bland" drawer, but looking at it again, it's really much prettier than we thought. Delicate and feminine, it would look great on the ice, except for one thing: the fabric.
Don't get us wrong, it's a very pretty fabric. In fact, it's the best looking fabric out of all the entries. It'd be great for a party or red carpet dress, but it seems like it would wash out on the ice.
Granted, so would Zulema's but hers was a much more dramatic (and dramatically ugly) costume, so it would likely still have impact in the nosebleed seats. This, we're not so sure would register. Even from the relatively close vantage point in these shots, a lot of the fantastic detail kind of fades out.
Look at that skirt. That is really beautifully constructed - and we'd never even noticed the back on this thing before.
Honestly? Looking at these pictures, we're going to have to amend our previous position. Chloe's was nice, but this was the best entry. If only that fabric was in a more impactful shade.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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I still hold out that Chloe's was best. The design on hers was more original and flowy. The fabric on this one is far more beautiful, but beautiful fabric can only take something so far.
Chloe gets it on innovation alone for me. But I do like this one.
I love Nick's. It's really beautiful.
Tarah is fucking gorgeous, isn't she?
I thought the fabric was beautiful against her skin, but the illusion netting was not the right shade and looked even more obvious than usual.
Am I the only one noticing that Rebecca looks like she has one torpedo breast? I suppose, used correctly, it beats a thug and a stick to take out the competition (Oh no - her dress is opeining and firing on Irina Slutskaya!)
okay, first of all, lovin' jinxy's pic!!!
second of all, daniel's could have been the winner. if he had made it fit better, i think sasha would have picked it. but nick's was good too. i think he picked the color illusion netting based on a halfway point between tarah and sasha. well, if not then thats what he should tell people.
Can I just say that I LOVE these screen captures? I would never be able to see all those details without them.
I thought Daniel's was nice but poorly fitted. Great color, though. Nick's was interesting , but I have to agree with you guys on the color choice.
LOL. I want a t-shirt that says that. Maybe we can send one to Anne Slowey; signed by Emmett.
i still think chloe's is the best.
nick's ...good back,but fugly front.
I love Nick but I hate what he did to Tarah's bosom with this costume. She's gorgeous (and that turn she did on the runway was exquisite) but as much as I love the back of the outfit, the front made her chest look asymmetrical.
I still think Chloe's is the best because of the innovation, construction and the styling.
That torpedo-breast thing in the red costume is SO weird! Plus Sasha has basically no breasts, so I think that any design that accentuated the breasts was going to be wrong for her from the outset.
I still think Chloe's is the best too. Nick's is a close second, but I really think the uneven bust and the color killed it. If it had been maybe a deep navy (although I guess others chose it too), or just generally some richer color (but not Daniel V's maroon - gross), maybe a deep purple, it would have stolen the show for me.
Daniel V's maroon was almost as bad as the cranberry Marla used for the Barbie challenge. And it was poorly fitted around the belly.
Agree with what seems like the consensus: Loved Nick's but wish he'd skipped the asymmetrical bust. Otherwise, lovely.
- CF
I agree, I think that Nick got hit because of a poor fabric choice--it looked like oatmeal when I watched it on TV and it wasn't until I got the DVDs and could pause that I could really see it wasn't as fugly as I thought.
Nick's better than Chloe's? OK, what have you boys been smoking?
Hey you freaking pliagarist idiots.
It's " petootie" not "tootie" What do either of you two know about womans parts ?
Hey no mention of the word FUGLY except a few idiot "commenters" that think you made the word up.
Desparate desparate, fools you are.
Maybe Laura will pay you to clean her house.
Chloe's was the best design. And I must say...it seems that Sasha Cohen wears that sequined dark blue outfit with the cut-out neckline an awful lot. Is that the only skating outfit she owns???? She even does a commercial for a cold remedy in it! SHEESH! And on top of that, she picked Zulema's over Chloe's to wear at an "exhibition event" (which translates to "will never wear in public").
eric3K - you always say what I was thinking....I'm guessing crack.
Asymmetry always looks gimmicky to me and the color was bad. Considering how twitterpated he was just to meet her, I was very disappointed in Uncle Nick on this one.
I was disappointed in Daniel AND Nick...Daniel was a dancer, Nick's sister was a dancer....not skaters I know but the same costume principals kind of apply.
I am still voting for Chloe on this one......
So, Boys, what do you like about Daniel's? I do think Nick's has some nice things going for it, even if I don't love it, but I just can't see anything to like about Nick's. Okay, you said the color and the basic design, but that's pretty much faint praise, you know?
I think they're both ugly and boring. Quite frankly, I don't think that designers new exactly what they were doing.
I meant to add that I think they're tacky in general. The fact that you have to use certain fabrics and materials limits your creativity. Besides, you can't really classify them as "fashion."
I wish Nick had decided on one way to do the top, the breasts look post-masectomy and they both would look good if they matched. Tarah and Danielle and Heather were all stunning models, what a season for girls!
I agree that Nick's was the best! While Chloe's was innovative, I don't think it would look as good on the ice. Most of the time when you're watching a skater, it's from relatively far away, and I think that Nick's looks better from far away and would not hide the lines of the skater's body or be too ripply and distracting when she was in motion (which I think Chloe's would).
"A more impactful shade"?
404: Word not found
Main Entry: impactful
Part of Speech: adj
Definition: having a great impact or effect.
Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)
Copyright © 2003-2006 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
Keep looking!
Sorry, but I don't think the screencaps improve Daniel's costume. It looks harsh and angular--pointy isn't the right look for skating. It's poorly made and poorly fitted, and I think the color would not look good on the ice--and you wouldn't notice any of the detail out in the audience.
The screencaps do show Nick's to be better than it looked on TV, but the mistakes (fabric choice and asymmetry) were too major for this one to win. Looked at close up, the main fabric does actually match the peach fabric, but at a distance, which is what counts in skating, the two fabrics look discordant--both in terms of color and texture/weight. I don't think the use of a heavier main fabric together with the more sheer peach works very well--it gives the whole thing a heavy look. And in motion, you barely noticed the peach because it was overwhelmed by the heavier fabric. The skirt and back are fabulous, but would be better with two different colors of the same sheer fabric. I don't think the back is intended to be illusion netting--it's intended to be peach like the skirt, but with the two different textures, it does kind of look like an off-color netting. And the asymmetrical top probably killed this one--he definitely should have picked one or the other bodice for both sides.
The word is patootie, not petootie.
Please don't anyone take offense, but Nick's asymmetrical top makes me think "mastectomy". One of that poor girl's breasts has disappeared.
The first things I noticed about Daniel's garment on the runway was that creepy Hugh Hefner lounge robe color and that the outfit gave Rebecca a gut.
Thanks for the screencaps on Nick's--his does look very well done up close, but that color mixture was repulsive. It seems no one could get the color right on this challenge except Chloe. I don't understand that, its ice capades, float-in-a-parade time people--go nuts!
As much as it pains me to say this T&L, Daniel V's garment does not even warrant a second look. It's bad. Really, you can let it go, we still love you. As to Nick, I understand your POV. I am close to agreeing with this as the best in show. Chloe's garment needed something to connect it from the chest to the neckline.
Forgot to ask - I don't have the S2 CD's, I am just following your commentary - who were the top 2 designers in this challenge.
Daniel V's outfits are always too tight. It makes Rebecca look like she has a poochy stomach.
I like Nick's. It was interesting.
i liked the back on nick's and it showed of curves more, but was it the best? not by a long shot.
i hate the skirt, and the fact that it seems to showcase tootie. it covers the side of her thighs but not that area. also the assymetrical top bothers me because it makes her look really flat up top.
Nick's was very nice, but I agree about the color, and nothing, nothing can make me like the asymmetrical bust thing. If he had fixed those issues, this would have been a stunner.
Still like Chloe's best, though.
Dan's...well...it was all right. Great color, but damn, how does Dan manage to make Rebecca look bulgy? It's weird.
I love Nick, Tarah is gorgeous, but Nick's outfit here? The bust ruins it for me. It looks like she has one breast significantly larger than the other, and I dont' think that's true. I also agree with T&L that the color is far too washed-out.
And why the hell didn't Slowey pass a watermelon about the tootie exposure on Nick's garment? Seems to me there is way more hanging out here than on Em's. What a hack job they did on poor Emmett.....
Sometimes I think people react to what they think the boys wrote rather than what they actually wrote. T&L never said they liked Daniels outfit or even that it was good.
Can you imagine what Laura would have made for this challenge? I think this would have been right up her bedazzled alley.
I would have chosen Nick's as the winner.
I usually agree about an asymetrical bust, but Sasha is completely flat, so I think it would work on her.
--Gotham Tomato
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