GLAAD to hear it!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 by

"Bravo's hit series "Project Runway" won a GLAAD award for Outstanding Reality Program at the 18th Annual GLAAD Media Awards last night. The honors were given out by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS) in New York at the Marriott Marquis (3/26/07). This marks the first time "Project Runway" was nominated for a GLAAD award which recognizes and honors mainstream media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the issues that affect their lives.

Bravo's "Project Runway" style guru Tim Gunn accepted the award for the series and said, "I don't know whether people realize the seminal work of Bravo and, by definition Bravo's support of the LGBT community. Beginning with 'Queer Eye' and transcending to 'Project Runway' and 'Work Out,' Bravo's content dispels myths, challenges stereotypes and positions LGBT issues thoughtfully and respectfully. Winning this award is quite possibly my proudest moment."

Added Bravo President Lauren Zalaznick, "This GLAAD award recognizes Bravo's commitment to present our diverse and eclectic view of the world through the creativity of our programming."

You go, girlies! These two 'mos are proud of y'all. Bravo's press release is here.

Edited to add:

Project Runway's Tim Gunn, who accepted the award for Outstanding Reality Program

Project Runway's Malan Breton with Melrose Bickerstaff from America's Next Top Model


Andreas said...

Well, this show certainly is constantly trying to outgay itself. It wouldn't be fun if it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

Pity they don't have a media award for blogs. Because if they do, you guys would win it, hands down.

DolceLorenzo said...

Bravo has been really supportive to the gay community. Congratulations, darlings!

Anonymous said...

Bravo is practically synonymous with gay TV! They deserve the GLAAD recognition. Way to go guys!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bravo, Heidi, Tim Gunn, designers, Andy, PRBoys, and everyone else who has made this a fabulous experience!

Miranda said...

Yay, Bravo, and yay, Tim Gunn! I am so adopting him as my gay uncle. Love, love, love him, and I'm so happy to see him and Bravo get this much-deserved recognition. I was also pleased to see that The Amazing Race was nominated; that show has done a great job of quietly showing that gay people are ... you know, PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I do not see Project Runway as a gay show. I know lots of gay guys are on it, but for me, it's just a show -- and a good one at that.

I'm glaad it won an award, though.

And you boys should enter your blog for some award or other. The show wouldn't be half as good without your witty commentary.

Anonymous said...

How awesome! Congratulations, Bravo!

Anonymous said...

I'm very GLAAD they won!! Congratulations!!

Gorgeous Things said...

Ow, that hurt! But well deserved praise to a show that continues to be fresh! Bra-vo!

Anonymous said...

"Bravo's content dispels myths, challenges stereotypes and positions LGBT issues thoughtfully and respectfully."

Exactly! We love you Tim! BRAVO!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Well-deserved!

Suzanne said...

granite janet & jlp:
Tom and Lorenzo WERE nominated for a "Bloggie" this year after, what? 6 months of blogging?
I think thats pretty amazing, but not at all surprising....

Sarah said...


...But what on earth is Melrose wearing?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! Isn't Tim adorable? Malan looks gorgeous, as usual. Did he design that dress? I love the colors.
Congratulations Bravo!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ granite janet that I don't think of Project Runway as a gay show....exactly. But I think that's what lets it so fabulously represent. It's just a range of gay people (well, ok, no lesbians so far, but my fingers are crossed for S4), doing their work and being themselves and being part of a larger plot. They're sweet (Austin!) or evil incarnate (Santino!) or mixed like everyone else on the show. But they're there, and they're out, and they're real (L Word, I'm looking at you!) and they're part of the group, and I can't imagine seeing something like that on TV when I was a kid.

So glaad about the award. :-) That PR got it and that it exists to begin with.


Anonymous said...

Well, she did get fugged for it!

Anonymous said...

Don't Count Your Chickens Until They Cry Wolf.

Anonymous said...

Why is Melrose wearing a watch on the red carpet? That is so not fabulous.
Congratulations, Bravo! So well deserved!! PR is one of the best shows on TV.

Anonymous said...

It has been mentioned that Zulema is a lesbian.

So if that's important to your enjoyment of PR, there you have it.

Unknown said...

I am probably in the minority here, but Bravo is not only gay, it is TOO GAY, and not in a good way either. It seems that the majority of their programming is kind of trashy and bottom of the barrel. PR of course, is the exception, as it is probably the ONLY show right now that seems to be above par at this time. I would personally like for Bravo to step it up a bit and do MORE quality programming, gay or otherwise. Do we REALLY need a Paula Abdul or Posh Spice reality series? Or Real Housewives of Orange County or Blow Out? I am glad that Bravo won an award at GLAAD this year, but please please please do something to increase the quality of your programming.

IMHO, as always,



Anonymous said...

So Smellrose is a lesbian?

Anonymous said...

Didn't Bravo produce an awful update on Anna Nicole Smith recently? Argh!

GothamTomato said...

Malan did not just bring a beard to the GLAAD awards, did he?

--Gotham Tomato

GothamTomato said...

"John said...
I am probably in the minority here, but Bravo is not only gay, it is TOO GAY, and not in a good way either. It seems that the majority of their programming is kind of trashy and bottom of the barrel. PR of course, is the exception, as it is probably the ONLY show right now that seems to be above par at this time. I would personally like for Bravo to step it up a bit and do MORE quality programming, gay or otherwise."

I agree about the quality thing, but the trashiness isn't gay, just stupid (& stupidity has nothing to do with sexual preference) - especially those OC Housewives (can't stand those bitches & couldn't even get through one episode).

The thing about so much of reality TV that I can't tolerate is its cheap tendancy to try to appeal to the lowest common denominator & validate people & behavior that should not be validated (whether it be the sweet 16 monsters on MTV or the OC bitches on Bravo or Jeffrey on PR).

I'd watch more reality TV if it didn't do that; if it, instead, highlighted more talent & quality. That means fewer Santinos, Jeffreys and Vincents, and more Nicks, Emmetts, Chloes & Lauras.

--Gotham Tomato