Not so much.
On the one hand, we're trying to remember that we are not actually pre-teen girls and therefore, not particularly qualified to predict what that mysterious little subset of humanity is going to consider The Hottest Thing Going.
On the other hand, we don't care if we ARE a couple of middle-aged queens, this is FUG.
Sure, there's a lot of stuff going on and a lot of interesting accessories that'll look great on a Barbie, but the whole effect is so ugly, so "folk dancer" that we imagine most girls would be bored by it, if they noticed it at all.
That skirt is adorable and chic.
And that hoodie is a masterpiece. Yeah, it's not particularly Barbie, but it is fun and youthful and different, not to mention eye-catching. That red fabric is gorgeous and it was a stroke of genius on Diana's part to cut out the circles for a lace-like effect. We just wish the hood was a little more realized.
And it still looks cute on the doll! We wouldn't have predicted that, but there you go.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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I love Diana's outfit! She shoud have won this 1!!!
I had a tiny crush on Diana fromt he start, and I loved her unique take on fashion, and this outfit just shows why. Glad you guys thought so too.
I adore Diana, and this Barbie outfit remains one of my favorites of the season. So awesome. I can't believe the judge's overlooked it.
By the by, I believe the fabric came with the holes (i.e., that they weren't cut out by Diana). Tim says something about it in the podcast as he was concerned about how it would translate to the Barbie-sized outfit.
I never realized how good of a designer and how innovative Diana was, I always really liked her, and liked her designs but now that I really look its really kind of awesome. Maybe not always wearable but really artistic.
Do you know what happened to Diana? She needs a little mentoring but can go a long way. I like the artistry and the lines in her work. They seemed so much more mature than say, Daniel V.
Wow, how did I miss that entry from Diana? I always questioned Chloe's choice later down the road, but this dress shows me exactly why Chloe picked her. They share a very geometric, clean aesthetic.
Well done, Dirty Diana!
Both outfits had the same problem: not Barbie.
But Daniel's was weird. Survivalist Barbie comes to mind. As a former pre-teen girl, I think I would've liked it only to track down the Yeti with Bob Moraine.
This is one of Diana's outfits I actually liked, but there was no way she was going to win the Barbie Challenge with that look.
I kinda like Daniel's little vest, but other than that, bleah. Not Barbie at all.
Diana's is FABULOUS, if not exactly Barbie.
Diana absolutely should have made Top 3 this episode. Love love loved this look.
Daniel V's was just like his other two - tight in the wrong places, loose in the wrong places.
I loved Diana's. I thought it was perfect for "My Scene". She should have been in the top two, if not out right won it.
I loved Diana's. The fabric with the holes is gorgeous. Daniel? Another miss, if you ask moi.
I think Daniel V.'s Barbie outfit was a step above what he's done in the prior challenges. It would be cute on a doll if it was done in a color with more pop too it. But in this color, it's too drab for Barbie.
Diana's is truly wonderful. I think Nick's was better for the challenge, but this was by far Diana's best work on PR, and it sucks that the judges didn't have her stay on the runway as one of the best. Didn't one of the other designers tell her on the show that it looked like couture Barbie? It does look like a couture teen Barbie, but in a good way, unlike Andrae's version of couture adult Barbie.
I love Diana's, and actually do think that it works for the My Scene Barbie line, which strives to be much more hip and teenaged than traditional Barbie. The skirt is perfect for that, and the jacket had a lack of real world practicality that I think translates well to a toy outfit. Mass production of that is the real problem, but I still wish the judges had recognized how great this was.
Daniel's? Pass.
Apparently, they're not fucking kidding you.
Also I wholeheartedly agree that this challenge rightly went to Nick, Diana's was always my favorite
Daniel V is so OVER-rated. It's not even funny. What was his inspiration? Chewy Chewbacca? It looked like he was channelling Pocohantas meets Bog Foot. Hideous!
Now Diana's was a revelation. Truly innovative and interesting. She was way UNDER-rated. Very original.
Oh my God, I love that Diana has her doll perched on her soldier. She is so adorable.
I thought Diana's was a perfect outfit for Barbie.
How cute! I love that picture of Diana with her doll. You bitches have the best screen caps.
love diana and her babylon 5 Barbie. As for Daniel V and the colors he chose. WTF? Fugly Barbie
being the sister of a preteen girl, none of these outfits were slutty enuff. these girls want miniskirts and babydoll tops w/ spaghetti straps made of red lace. nicks came close w/ the cuteness, but im tellin ya, thats why bratz sell more w/ the preteens
MAC Cosmetics would have approved of Diana's confection for Barbie's latest Ad Campaigne.
I think Cathie Horyne (Bitch for Fashion NYTimes)would have put Daniel's in the wood chipper.
Who would dress Barbie, an American fashion Icon in somber colors. I agree with the PRGay Boys it is FUG.
Colin: Oh my God, I love that Diana has her doll perched on her soldier. She is so adorable.
I swear I can hear the doll whispering plans for doll-mination of the universe into Diana's ear.
Gosh, Daniel's looks awful.
daniel's is so....bleh. forgettable and ugly. just skip this one.
diana's is soooo cute and chic and i like the whole outfit, dress, belt,
and hood are all lovely. also lesley's walk is lovely. she sales it.
kinda wondering why daniel is not one of the worst.
diana does need mentoring. she has to make her design mature.
tim said that he was afraid that diana might make it gimmick when he saw
that fabric but it turns out that he liks it!(also he did hate daniel's.
i know some people have been doing tech+fashion before but she just
introduce that to audience like me, although i don't like what she sells
in the website blackbox-nation now, but i think she is going to improve.
go diana!
WTF did Daniel do to Rebecca here? The outfit is bloody awful, and her styling looks like crap.
For research purposes, I had my 6 year old, a self professed Barbie aficionado, pick a winner.
It was Diana's. She asked me to find her a jacket with a hood like that.To Daniel V's she said "Its an ugly color."
BTW I cannot wait until the lingerie challenge. IMHO you are gonna get more material outta that one than the whole season combined.
Diana utter one of the funniest lines ever too about the work ethic of her model....
Cannot WAIT to see your comments on Marla's...I'm going to keep refreshing this page all day until it goes up haha
When I saw Diana's dress, I immediately thought that she was a contender to WIN THE WHOLE THING. It was young, it was innovative, it had a point of view and it took risks - things that the judges love. Plus, it was well-constructed. I could see that hoodie on the First Look page of Elle.
Oh, don't seel yourselves short; you two are just like a couple of pre-teen girls to me!
I think Diana should have won this! It may not be regular Barbie but it seems like it could be My Scene.
And Daniel V. is one of several designers who should be grateful Raymundo managed to make something even uglier than they did.
rebecca with the wig and the bad styling and the strange face looks like an...ugly MAN.
I really liked Chloe's look here-- very Barbie. And Grace does look really pretty here, with the dress and the long Barbie wig. Great styling. I rarely think pretty is a word to describe Grace. Striking, amazonian, but not usually pretty.
In this second go 'round, Diana's outfits are looking mighty fine. Wonder why I disliked her stuff the first time around? Oh, yeah. I didn't have T&L to slap me silly and set things straight.
Diana's: Cool. And how much do we love Miss Diana? So much.
Daniel V.'s: Good lord that is WRONG.
Again, I studied Diana's Barbie. She did an excellent job on both Barbie and the runway piece. Diana made Barbie fashionable in a way that did not look like a costume design but actually rather stylish.
I think she should have won this challenge, but no one asked my opinion, I was not asked to be a judge!
i loved diana's outfit! it was so cool...though I don't see it on a barbie. also, the hoodie and the skirt seemed a little disjointed to me.
I love Diana, I love her designs. She was totally underrated on this show.
Daniel V? Should I say the opposite?
" TokyoDoll said...
I love Diana, I love her designs. She was totally underrated on this show."
I agree. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
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