We just cannot come to an agreement on this one, kittens. Lorenzo thinks it's girly and fabulous and beautifully made and perfectly Barbie.
But Tom thinks it looks like a cliche and he thinks it's notable that it, more than any of the other designs, looks a little silly on the model. Too much of a fantasy dress. This seems more appropriate for a fashion doll aimed at the 6 and 7-year old market rather than the tweeners.
It looks marginally better on the doll but we love how such a big deal was made out of the requirement that they make a dress in doll-size and then the results looked so outrageously shitty and glued-together that the judges never even mentioned them.
That's our reaction to every garment she makes. Both a proper name and a description of her style. She should consider making the exclamation point a permanent part of her name, like she's a Broadway musical or something.
To be fair, we don't hate this dress. We actually like some parts of it. It's thankfully way toned down, the silhouette looks chic and flattering and the color is sophisticated. Those are the good parts.
The bad parts: once again, every element is so haphazard, seemingly without purpose or statement. It's still the "throw it against the wall and see what sticks" school of fashion design. The ruching looks like she just kept throwing the garment at a running sewing machine again and again to see what would happen. And if there's anything worse than wearing leg warmers on your arms, it's wearing a leg warmer on one of your arms.
Worst of all, does anyone look at this and think of Barbie? At all?
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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The thing that cracks me up about Lupe's creation, is the look on the model's face. It reminds me of; when you see a dog being walked down the street, all dressed up (by someone who thought it was cute to dress up their dog).
The dog usually has that same look on their face as Lupe's model does.
--Gotham Tomato
lol. but actually chloe's is one of my favorite!
it may look more like traditional barbie, but it is a pretty dress though.
i agree with lorenzo. but the hole on the fabric is too big to make it on the doll-size dress.
still, Grace looks so beautiful.
i even think chloe's could be one of the best! well..
maybe she made the doll dress in a hurry but...
the dress looks much better on Grace.
but it's not cliche.
gotta say it again, Grace is so beautiful. lol.
No comment on the Daisy Duck hairdo?
Definitely not Barbie.
Completely agree: Chloe's looked like something a little girl would like. Not right for My Scene. However, it was certainly better than many of the others.
I don't like Chloe's as much as I thought I did. It would have been cuter if it had just been a mini with out the hem dip in the back, and maybe some cute tights and platform shoes, My Scene Barbie always wears platforms.
I thought Lupe's looked very much like what a young hip fashion forward teenage girl would wear. Perhaps a little to real for Barbie. I loved the hair-do. But she should have used two arm warmers.
Sewingsiren said: "It would have been cuter if it had just been a mini with out the hem dip in the back, and maybe some cute tights and platform shoes, My Scene Barbie always wears platforms."
So agree - chloe's just needed some tweaking. Lupe's looked insane.
Lupe and Ryan should have some sort of clothing/interior design on acid show together.
My first thought on seeing any Lupe! creation is that she should be designing for Bjork, even though Bjork's clothes usually make much more sense than Lupe's.
(did I really just say that Bjork's clothes make some sense to me?)
I'm with Lorenzo, I liked Chloe's dress.
The ruched pocket thingie or whatever the hell it was on the front and one hip of Lupe's dress, looked like either olive-dyed scrambled eggs or a tumor. Can dresses have tumors? If Lupe designs them, yes.
Designing doll clothes is hard, especially if you're trying to reproduce a pattern, because everything has to be in 1/6 scale. Chloe couldn't duplicate her fabric in 1/6 in the time given, which isn't surprising; almost no one could. Some patterns CAN'T be duplicated, because the holes or stripes are too small; imagine a seersucker stripe in 1/6. Which makes Diane's achievement all the more remarkable; she should have won this challenge for her doll alone.
Lupe's isn't horrible, at least the shape of the dress, but it's so not Barbie. And what are those little spots on the lower left back of the dress??
I actually thought (at the time) that Chloe's was in the running to win. I thought if as a design it wasn't 100% successful (not convinced about the big dip), it was still a dress a lot of little and big girls would love to wear. But it does look crappy on Barbie herself. More of a real-life dress than a doll dress.
In fact, maybe that's why Nick won: looking back through all the designs, the only real-life ones that still look doll-like are Nick's and Emmett's. Tarah looks like a doll standing there; ditto Emmett's model, if slightly less so. And N's & E's are fun, which works since dolls are, after all, toys.
The others look like well-dressed or poorly-dressed models with wigs. (Speaking of wigs, didn't one of the designers get criticized for not using the wig? And yet now I see that Kara & Lupe didn't use wigs, either. . . anybody remember the details of that contretemps?)
Andrae was critiqued for using his model's naturl hairdo. I though the same thing when I saw Kara and Lupe's. WTF?
I liked Chloe's but it looked like something Barbie already has in her closet. Lupe is just Lupe! I mean, really, WTF?
I liked Chloe's, but I thought there were a few better this week. It is a little precious, and it's also very traditional Barbie--nothing innovative about this one. But I think that it's younger girls (6-7) and not the tweeners who want Barbies, so why not design something that would appeal more to younger girls? I'm not familiar with the My Scene line so I can't really comment on how it fits in with that line.
Lupe's is a very non-Barbie look with just a slight Barbie touch on the hem. It may be a great color for an adult woman, but not for teen Barbie. Too many of the designers chose colors that were just too adult for the challenge. I don't know what she was thinking with that hair. Maybe she was going for the look of a Barbie that's been thrown in the bottom of the toy bin after the 5-year old owner has played hairdresser with her doll way too many times.
For the first time ever boys, I actually disagree. I love Lupe's outfit. It's new, hip, and very trendy. Sure it really isn't American Barbie trendy, but I could definitely see this in a special collection Euro Barbie or Japanese Fruits Fashion Barbie.
Lupe's! doll had my favorite hair. She looked kind of like a Japanese anime character.
I liked Chloe's but it was not my favorite. And amazing Grace just looks completely wrong as Barbie; perhaps that is what Tom was responding to more than the look being a cliche.
Oh, and I agree that Lupe! should have an exclamation point as part of her name. How fabulous would that be? She could even just become one of those people identified by just one name like Charo, Oprah, Liza, Cher or Bullwinkle. Lupe! is so iconic!
Sweet Mother of God that is just a wooly scarf turned into a shrug. Did I miss a recycling aspect of this challenge?
i'm having a hard time respecting your guys' opinions. while what you say may be funny, i think a lot of critiques are quite unfounded and ridiculous. chloe's dress was amazing. the assymetrical hem was a stroke of genius.
Anonymous said...
i'm having a hard time respecting your guys' opinions. while what you say may be funny, i think a lot of critiques are quite unfounded and ridiculous. chloe's dress was amazing. the assymetrical hem was a stroke of genius.
In other words, you're having a hard time respecting their OPINION because they DO NOT AGREE with you.
I thought Chloe's was very pretty and appropriate for a Barbie. I don;t like pink but it works for a Barbie. Guadalupe's is just a mess!
Anon 4:24 -- It's fashion. It's subjective. There are no set-in-stone "right" and "wrong" points of view. Having differences of opinion is fine; in fact, often it's a good thing.
I remember liking Chloe's dress at the time, and I like it now. There's just something, though, that's not right, that keeps it from being "WOW!", but I can't figure out what it is. Anybody?
How did Lupe beat out other designers who never made it to the show? Nothing she created is even worth a mention. Even her color sense is hideous.
Is it sad that I would wear the first one?
Call me delusional, but it looks to me like there are four gaping cuts on the back of the left thigh of Lupe's model. Was Edward Scissorhands assisting her in sewing this thing?
toadily unreltaed but edward scissorhands=johnny depp=HAWT
plus i love my new pic!
yes Lupe made it looke like some japanese cartoon charactor.
i don't think Lupe didn't deserve to be there.
she is that kind of designers making something colorful.
but unluckyly not our favorites.
i always hate bravo's editng on the runway.
i don't want to see the judges writing the papers!!! i want to see the clothes!
I liked Chloe's, but it didn't stand out for me. That dress and Emmett's seemed solidly Barbie-esque to me -- not stunningly original, but cute and girly. I personally never played with Barbies as a child -- my mom thought they were thoroughly inappropriate for a modern girl-child -- but from my limited knowledge, Chloe's seemed like something a Barbie might have in her closet.
Lupe -- no, it did not make me think of a doll. As I said, not an expert on Barbie fashion here, but I know enough to know that that outfit ain't it. In fact, it might very well have looked more suitable on one of the GI-Joe action figures that my brother was not allowed to play with. Or maybe it's just the poor model's war-like expression that makes me think that. Girl wants to take Lupe OUT.
Gothamtomato's comment totally cracked me up as I fantisized my little dog dressed by Lupe.
My little dog Gizelle looks around before she takes a poo, she is kind of embarassed to do it in public.
I think she would not want to leave the house in what Lupe might think looked cute on her!
I also agree with the PR Gay boys, Lupe! describes it so succinctly!
Chloe's dress is beautiful and the pink behind the eyelette is very graphic and totally great on the runway. The fishtail dress isn't as successful in the interpretation on the My Scene Barbie. Diana did manage to scale down her circled embroidery successfully for her Barbie making Chloe's look eyelette less polished as a doll outfit.
Again, Lupe! or Lupe?
"Meet Barbie's Cousins: Cliche and Ruche!"
I love the title of this post. LOL.
I hated Guadalupe's. Chloe's was pretty.
Chloe's was cute but nothing different or special about it. Guadalupe is one of those contestants that, you know, you can't help but wonder what the fuck were the producers thinking.
I think Grace's legs are as long as my entire body. She is stunning.
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