High School Confidential

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 by
"Wendy has cooties! Meet me behind the bleachers after 8th period!"

That about sums up the level of conflict this week.

The drama of FabricGate. You know what? We love Kara Saun but she really needed to get over herself here. Nancy O'Dell walks in wearing an orange top and two of the designers decide to go with an orange dress. End of story. Wendy didn't steal your idea, girl. You both took the easiest route but you decided that you were being original and Wendy wasn't.

Did Wendy deliberately "steal" her fabric? We don't know. It's never shown on camera. But when two people walk into a fabric store and head straight to the orange section, chances are they're both going to be looking at some of the same bolts.

Clearly, we're not fans of Wendy, but for once, we were on her side. The workroom resembled nothing more than a high school cafeteria, with all the kewl kids deciding to ignore dirty girl to see if they could make her cry.

"Wendy steals and she's a bitch. Pass it on."

"Jay, Kara Saun said Wendy feels an itch. Pass it on."

"Wendy peels the rich? What does that mean? Who am I supposed to pass it on to? My dress form?"

"I'm standing right here, you morons."

As we said earlier, Kara Saun's anger with Wendy (which was justified, although not for any fabric-stealing) turned her into the head of the cheerleading squad and threw her off her game. It's nice to be self-confident, but she allowed it to trip her up this week.

We can't help thinking that the whole "helping Jay out" bit was less about helping Jay out and more about saying to Wendy "See? I help my FRIENDS, which you are NOT ONE. If you weren't such a BAD PERSON maybe I would be helping you too but I'm NOT."

"Because then I would have to talk to her and I WON'T because she's awful and she's fat and no one likes her."

Look, it's not like we've suddenly discovered a soft spot for Wendy. She earned her reputation. It's just that the remaining designers strutted around so entitled, so nose-in-the-air that we automatically took her side on this one. Especially since for the most part she conducted herself well in the midst of all that adolescent drama.

Sure, we were appalled that she made it into the final 3, but we have to admit, that backroom tension was hilarious.

"I cannot help it. I really enjoy seeing people squirm who have made my life difficult. Sorry! I was eating it up. I could stay there forever."

That's the part about Wendy that we kindasorta admire. Her defiance. Sure, she's untalented, backstabbing, manipulative, and emotionally unstable, but ...

Okay, we can't come up with an ending to that sentence.

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]

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Jules/JAA said...

Hahahahahahaha! Excellent start to the day, Boys!

Anonymous said...

i agree, kara s was a little immature but she had been cool to wendy in the past and wendy WAS relentless in her unpleasantness

Anonymous said...

ROFL, this post is so funny, boys!

"Wendy peels the rich? What does that mean? Who am I supposed to pass it on to? My dress form?"

ROFL. Kara acted immaturely. For once I sided with Wendy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Young Offender, WITH LIQUOR!!!


Embeedubya said...

"Wendy is just a stealer and a ... stealer and we hate her!" This is familiar territory to anyone currently watching Top Chef, where one obnoxious chef is getting the junior high school treatment. But you do kindasorta have to admire Wendy's "Bring it on, bitches" attitude. But not for long.

jinxy said...

Okay, finally, we are getting to the part where I drew my conclusions about Kara Saun. I had always picked up a half-snooty "I'm better than the rest of you, therefore I'm above the social rules set for all of you" attitude, and in these last episodes it really shows itself more.

I cannot stand a hypocrite. There are nice people in this world I love, and there are total bitches in this world I admire the hell out of. But I hate a hypocrite.

Wendy is a hypocrite. But so is Kara Saun. She only likes people that compliment her unendingly, and the minute someone offers criticism on her work, they are dead to her.

From her name-dropping and braggadocio, to her self-entitlement, I just found so many things about her irritating. In the beginning of the season, it was unnoticeable enough that I just didn't quite feel right about her. I didn't dislike her, but I could never warm to her. Later in the series however, as her behavior got bolder, so did my opinion.

I like her clothes and I respect her skills. But I don't like her personality. I like Austin (who could not totally fall for his sweetness?) Jay is two-faced, but he is so hilarious about it, I guess I find it easier to forgive.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the other designers came off definitely childish in this one, but at least they aren't trying to throw her under the train, like the Top Chef contestants are doing with each other! The third season PR contestants really did disparage each other very openly AND to the judges, but the first season either didn't sink to that level, or the editing didn't show it to us! Wendy should't have made it that far, but the level of drama in the show would have been much lower if she wasn't there, and producers love drama so who knows what their "input" into the judging added.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!!!
People in my office do not understand how I manage to fall, point and laugh like a hyena so early in the morning (they do not watch the show).

AJ said...

Oh my damn, you made the designers play "telephone".

I love you both.

Anonymous said...

Oh boys you're right. And when you're right, you're right. And you? You're always right!

Anonymous said...

"Sure, she's untalented, backstabbing, manipulative, and emotionally unstable, but ..."

...she owns her shit.

And *that's* where I give her credit. If you are going to be a untalented, backstabbing, manipulative and emotionally unstable cold-heart bitch, then be it. Wear your crown with pride. And Wendy does.

For some reason, I got SO over Kara on this episode. All the wins surely went into her head and she was SURE that any crap she would throw on the runway, would be drooled over.

OMG, and that caption for Jay made me cry so hard, my husband asked me if I was ok! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Love you more! :-**

Anonymous said...

Yeah, KaraSaun overreacted. And the backstage snittiness was priceless. BUT, if I recall correctly from some of the boards after this episode aired, Wendy did have a huge breach of etiquette because she did take a bolt of fabric from Kara Saun's table at Mood to compare with some of her potential fabrics.

Apparently, those with fabric store experience on the boards noted that that was a big no-no in etiquette. You wait until the person has decided to use the bolt, or you ask them for permission.

Guess it's especially relevant if you are looking at a fabric in a limited supply, which many of the fabrics at Mood are.

I know, the grammar of that last sentence is off, but it's lunchtime and I can't think straight.

James Derek Dwyer said...

I've kind of decided that Wendy really is the new "ugly American." When people from outside the USA look at our society and wince- it's because of people like her.

Kara Saun only annoyed me when she brought those dang shoes to the Final.

I knew Jay was gonna win by this point... if he wasnt kicked off for being to cool.

Gorgeous Things said...

Yeah, this was the ep that turned me off Kara completely. The high school riff is SO dead on. Like, really!!!

After this was over I was in Jay's corner all the way home. I think to carry the HS analogy too far:

Kara - Captain of the Cheerleaders
Wendy - Dirty girl (HAHAHAHAHAHAH!)
Austin - Costume mistress for the "Les Miz" production in May
Jay - Yearbook photographer

Anonymous said...

I've got to agree with Jinxy and Lele.

You know, I didn't watch PR when it first came on, until the final episode or two, and when I did, I really thought that Kara Saun was the "villain" based on her princess-I-can-do-no-wrong attitude toward Wendy, Jay and Tim when the now-infamous shoe issue arose.
Of course I had not had the benefit of witnessing Wendy in her full glory throughout the series, but really, Kara Saun is no prize.


Anonymous said...

Kara Saun's performance just goes to show that when you face someone behaving like Wendy, you'll be much better off if you can shrug it off and focus on your own stuff. Kara Saun fell apart and started showing her true colors because she let Wendy get to her. Real kewl kids know how to keep their cool. It's good though, that we're finally starting to see golden child Kara Saun for the hypocrite that she is--it makes for a good story arc.

DolceLorenzo said...

OMG the designers playing telephone...hilarious!
I love Kara Saun but I have to agree that her behavior wasn't exactly the best. It turned me off a bit.

Anonymous said...

OK. I've waited until now to admit it...

I like Wendy. I HATE KaraSaun.

There. I said it.

Yes, I know she is wacko. Yes, I know she manipulates. Yes, I know she is less of a designer and more of a dressmaker. But....

1. It is a contest. And they all played each other to some extent.
2. These are creatives, people. They are all a little wacko. Jay? Austin "Miss Scaaaaaaaaaahlett" Scarlett? Kara "SowhodoyouthinkyouareIwilltalkaboutyoubehindyourbackthewholedamntimeandgetawaywithit"Saun? THEY are mentally healthy???
3. I'm with you jinxy...anyone feeling that entitled is irritating. Wendy NEVER had confidence, so unfortunately she resorted to some serious weirdo gameplaying.

My favorite part of this season is watching all the designers talk about Wendy behind her back and call her a backstabber (Oh, you mean like talking about her behind her back???). Hello pot, it's kettle. You're black.

So now you all know my dirty little secret...

Suzanne said...

I would have loved to have viewed the episodes when they actually aired with the designers themselves to see their reactions to Wendy's "confessional" time....

At least KaraSaun made no bones about the fact that she hated Wendy. Unlike Austin who actually hugged her when she won the last challenge.

Anonymous said...

You know, sometimes I wonder if Wendy's behavior was really that bad. After all, it is a competition. What do you guys think?

Bill said...

I have nothing to add but I love what you all said.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss the crazy. Wait, what am I saying? Santino and Zulema are next!!!

Anonymous said...

"You both took the easiest route but you decided that you were being original and Wendy wasn't."

Exactly! I love when Wendy says that she's "been second to last every fucking week." Hahahaha.

BigAssBelle said...

Did Wendy deliberately "steal" her fabric? We don't know.

of course she did. this was classic 7th grade, though. you've definitely nailed it on that point.

i remember sitting around the 7th grade art table in Miss Stiver's class. i was there because i was funny and talented and lived in the right place and so was included.

the others were there because they were all woodland school buds from way back. at one point Gary Johnson (the talented costumer/designer, Gary Johnson), said "we don't like Krista. she doesn't have good clothes."

never forgotten that one. Gary was/is a talent but even at that hideous age I was horrified. not enough to get up from the table of the popular kids, nor to take up for krista. i was weak, but i was appalled, but weak.

i hate spoiled children who feel smug and entitled and better than, especially when they're walking around in grown up bodies.

this is the only reason i had an iota of sympathy for this untalented useless sow this week. i still want to whack her upside the head to remove that smug expression from her face. i still think she sucks as a designer. i don't think she should have been picked on by the "popular kids."

Anonymous said...

Hate to say I never got on the Kara Saun bandwagon. I think she's got the holier than thou, goody two-shoes act down, but when push comes to shove, she's as mean spirited as Wendy. At least Wendy, as much as a bitch as she is, is upfront about it. Kara Saun is a backstabber. I'm really glad she didn't win Season 1. Yes, she's talented, but she's not a nice person. As the series gets closer to the end and the pressure is amped up, she just seems to get nastier and nastier.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I've watched too many reality shows, but I didn't think Wendy was as bad as some of the others I've seen. I actually never liked Kara. She was a bitch this week and just keeps on going like the Energizer bunny.

I actually thought Santino and Zulema were worse, but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

If you want to see the 7th grade overpriviliged child in an adult body syndrome at its best, just spend a little time in any retail store. I worked in retail for 20 years and gladly left because of the sense of privilige and abuse. I once had an adult/child return a rug that she had owned for 3 years and her dog urinated on and became upset when she was told that she couldn't return it. The upshot of course was that she threw a temper tantrum and complained to enough people that she was able to return it. I get the feeling that Kara might be like that.

Lisette said...

"Kara - Captain of the Cheerleaders
Wendy - Dirty girl (HAHAHAHAHAHAH!)
Austin - Costume mistress for the "Les Miz" production in May
Jay - Yearbook photographer"

Hey, I was yearbook photographer, your telling me I was cool and never even knew it?

kora in hell said...

The workroom resembled nothing more than a high school cafeteria

Doesn't it always?

Maybe it is just that Wendy doesn't make my skin crawl the way that some of the other psychos on the show have but I've never quite understood the level of vitriol that people have heaped on her. At least she didn't go around bellowing about how she was a genius and everyone else was a fraud.

She may not be very sympathetic, but anyone who's been tormented by the kewl kids can't help but get that little knot in ones stomach at Kara Saun's Queen Bee behavior.

When it comes to queen bitchery, if you haven't been cast out as unworthy by a group of twelve year old girls then you don't know the half of it.

And Kara’s quite the expert. Guess who ruled her playground? Poor Jay and Austin! They're quick witted but they didn't know what hit them! Like putty in her hands they were.

Training in feminine social aggression starts early, is relentless, ruthless, and highly sophisticated. It is a form of psychological warfare that continues throughout our lives.

Witnessing events such as the PR workroom scene can actually bring on post traumatic stress disorder. Um, excuse me. I have to go to my safe place for a while . . .

Sewhat? said...

trixie b,


Anonymous said...

"If you are going to be a untalented, backstabbing, manipulative and emotionally unstable cold-heart bitch, then be it. Wear your crown with pride. And Wendy does."

She has no qualms about being backstabbing but she can't stand that people hate her for it. When she said that the designers thought she was a horrible person, she could barely get the words out.

She also has said that she got to fashion week because of her talent. As in design talent.

GothamTomato said...

Wow. All this hatred of Kara. It sure is NOT warranted.

I do not blame her one bit for how she behaved towards Wendy. Kara, more than anyone, tried to be nice to Wendy; tried to help her out when she really didn't have too, and when the others had already written her off- and now they are all down to the end and Kara must have realized how much she had been played.

And I don't see any self-entitlement in Kara - just confidence. I wonder if people would think she was self-entitled if she was white.

However, Wendy did get into her head and threw her off her game - and that is the only place where Wendy succeeded. THAT was Wendy's game all along: She did not have the talent to compete, so her only chance was to throw the more talented ones off their game. And I think that she succeeded more with Kara because, if I recall corectly, she Kara had to live with her too- so there was no getting away from her. She must have just been completely worn down by this point.

And it's funny where someone gave Wendy props for 'owning' her bull. That's just nuts. She lied like a rug- all season long. She was playing Survivor, not PR. She is a menopausal Jeffrey - and there's nothing good to be said about that worthless loser.

And wait til Tim goes to visit Wendy at home. Watch for the exchange between Tim, Wendy & her daughter- where she uses her daughter once more, and the little kid calls her out on her mother's lies! (That poor kid has no chance!)

Nope...Kara's only mistake here was in letting Wendy get into her head and throw her off her game. But it is understandable: She came to compete in a talent competition and got stuck dealing with this energy draining, multiple personality disorder, manipulative, uber-geek.

Wendy is like a cross between Lisa Loopner and the Wicked Witch of the West. Kara was just trying to get home, but this week the flying monkeys caught her.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, I can no longer stay quiet, I must out myself:

I have been reading you forever, laughing myself silly & the "telephone" game thing just did me in.

You boys are fabulous!

And I want to come & live with you.

BigAssBelle said...

Training in feminine social aggression starts early, is relentless, ruthless, and highly sophisticated. It is a form of psychological warfare that continues throughout our lives.

Alas, 'tis true. Trixie B, where you been, girl? you're just right on top of it today :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll finish that sentence...
That's the part about Wendy that we kindasorta admire. Her defiance. Sure, she's untalented, backstabbing, manipulative, and emotionally unstable, but ...she's 1 amazing bitch, & she's pretty awesome!

omg, she did win 2 challenges...Jay didn't win any, and Kara Saun's all high and mighty...


Anonymous said...

MAN! I love you guys! (And you gayboys are awesome, too).

Anonymous said...

The first episode I ever saw was this one. I later went back and watched the season. And I didn't understand what made people think Kara was endearing. She certainly took every oppertunity to brag, and frankly I found he designs to be often too revealing and sometimes boring (though not always) At least she did make things that were perfectly tailored. I mean Wendy is the wicked witch of the east, but...

Wow you're right that IS a hard sentance to finish.

Anonymous said...

Gotham Tomato wrote:

" I wonder if people would think she was self-entitled if she was white. "

C'mom, dude. If she was white and people said the same thing, somebody would come here and say: "I wonder if people would think self-entitled if she was a man"...

I don't play the race and/or sex card. You are what you are.

You see self-empowerment, I see self-entitlement. You like tomato, I like tomahto (pun totally intended.. ;-) )...

But it has nothing to do with her race and/or sex. Trust me on that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if people would think she was self-entitled if she was white.

Race undoubtedly plays a role in perception, but I'm fairly certain that she would come off that way to some no matter what race she was. Production (literally) labeled her as "The Professional" hence almost everything she said on the show could be translated as "I'm a professional designer."

I doubt that she went around talking about designing for Queen Latifah and Eve the entire time, yet we kept hearing about it.

Vanessa ("The Brit") and Wendy ("The Long Shot") both had stores, yet we were told that one store was small and that neither was located in a fashion capital. Alexandra ("The Princess") had a small line, but we did not hear that Jay ("The Wildcard"), Kevin ("The Enigma), and Robert ("The Player") also had lines.

Vic said...

Actually, dahlings, this is where my feelings for Kara Saun turned the corner. I was squarely for Jay from this episode on. Kara Saun just couldn't let it go.

She knew La Pepper was certifiable. Why did she squander her energy over something she couldn't control? Bad move.

Go Jay!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Gotham Tomato. You finally see that someone has been taking advantage of your good will and playing a game that is unnecessary and manipulative and you aren't supposed to be angry?

Team Kara Saun here.

jinxy said...


Some bitches are white, some are black. I've literally been around the world and it takes all kinds.

Possibly you are giving her the benefit of the doubt because she is black? You are the one that brought up race...

Personally Kara Saun's name-dropping in the Sarah Hudson episode started it for me. She was using what she had to win, but pushing her advantage almost to the point of being unfair, but GOD FORBID anyone else pull any fast ones.

I just think she needs to get over herself and realize that all's fair in love and war...

As far as Wendy goes, I think she is just as big a hypocrite as Kara Saun, and I've never declared anything to the contrary. But Wendy admits in her confessional that she is being manipulative, but to even suggest something like that about golden child Kara Saun??

Methinks she doth protest too much.

Anonymous said...

See, I don't know if it's my respect for Kara Saun's top-notch design skillz or because she's hot (and Wendy's not, neener neener neener), but by this point in the show I was too attached to her to judge her very harshly. Yes, she acted in a petulant, even immature manner in this ep. However, I think that throughout the show, she was convinced that she would be in the final three (with good reason). I think that this is where it finally hit her that she might not make it. She'd seen designers far more talented than Wendy get the aufing axe, and there's the Evil One, still freakin' there. If I were Kara Saun, the thought that Wendy might make it to Bryant Park instead of me would probably gnaw at my insides until I lost all composure. And remember, Kara was the poor soul who had to room with Bitchy McTalentless. So, yeah, Kara went a bit unhinged, but I really couldn't stop liking her for it; I'd have behaved far worse. And I couldn't start liking Wendy for anything under the sun.

I keep switching tenses in all my comments. So difficult! It seems like it's all happening right now, only not.

Oh, and to all Top Chef viewers: I'm completely on Marcel's side there. Sure, he's immature and annoying, but I've never seen him do anything on camera that merited the kind of, yeah, high school-level venom directed at him. ("Marcel's never had sex! Nah!") Unless he's doing really unspeakable things behind the scenes, he's got my respect just for holding his head up in the face of all that pettiness. Hope he whips their asses.

kora in hell said...

gothamtomato wrote: Wow. All this hatred of Kara...
Just want to point out that it's all fun and games for me. I'm not hating anyone. It's a tv show for chrissakes.

Anyway, if you are feeling the hate it is good for you to point that out and to try to restore the good feelings for KS.

With that in mind, this may not have been the wisest of observations:
I wonder if people would think she was self-entitled if she was white.

(Okay, I confess that because I am such a dork my first thought was: "Help help I'm being oppressed!")

My second thought was: Bloody Hell. Don't even try that one on me.

That's all I'm going to say. I choose to play nice. Let's move on.

Anonymous said...

You boys always bring a smile to my face. Pass it on!

GothamTomato said...

"Lelê said...
Gotham Tomato wrote:

" I wonder if people would think she was self-entitled if she was white. "

C'mom, dude. If she was white and people said the same thing, somebody would come here and say: "I wonder if people would think self-entitled if she was a man"... "

Exactly. And they would be correct to make that observation. A male in business, with certain qualities is called decisive and professional. A woman with the same qualities is called a bitch. It just is what it is.

It is not a condemnation, but if you observe you see these patterns. That's all.

--Gotham Tomato

jinxy said...

GT said...

Exactly. And they would be correct to make that observation. A male in business, with certain qualities is called decisive and professional. A woman with the same qualities is called a bitch. It just is what it is.

I agree but only kinda sorta.

There is a double standard on both sides, but who it benefits usually depends on who is applying it.

Traditionalists usually give women a harder time than men because that's how it has been done for so long. But feminists (both male and female) usually give men a harder time and are quick to give women the benefit of the doubt.

But you were right,
It just is what it is.

At the end of the day everyone has to make their own judgements, and allow others to make theirs. We could all just agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

This was the episode where I definitely started to quirk my eyebrow at Kara Saun....secret bitchery coming out! With KS, I'm less likely to overlook her being a bit bitchy because she's actually a talented person and one of the contestants I had been rooting for. Wendy, on the other hand, is the kind of contestant I can love to hate, because she's never had a chance. She's too ridiculous to take seriously.

Anonymous said...


Man UP Kara (I mean KaraSaun) - you chose the safe fabric and so did Wendy. And then you stuck giant, ugly-ass pants under it after Tim told you not to because you just know so much better than everybody.

Ugh, I mean, I hate Wendy but I *really* hate Kara.


Anonymous said...

FINALLY... I am reading this a year after you posted it (only just had the time to read your archived articles) but I so agree with many of the observations on Kara Saun. I have somehow missed several of the earlier shows (though I think I've seen the postal uniform about 25 times..how is that possible)...but I always wondered why Wendy was so demonized in this episode, and Kara Saun came out smelling like a rose. Kara belittled, and smugly berated Wendy all the while complaining of Wendy's bitchiness....huh? And we all know that the SHOE episode is coming up next, and that was inexcusable on Kara Saun's part. I found her to be so unpleasant, and I was disappointed in Jay for jumping on the bandwagon. I thought he was better than that!!

Anonymous said...

I thought I would just add my two cents way way later and say that when I watched the series (which was on dvd, I got sucked into it on TV during the flower challenge of season 2) I really like Wendy Pepper. But I know why. It was because she was an underdog. And I love to root for the underdog. And she was crazy and that was entertaining.