And so, season one of Project Runway comes to an end, with several bangs and only a few whimpers.
We're gonna milk this episode for the next couple of weeks, but before we dissect the drama and rip the clothes, we thought it would be appropriate to just take a moment and congratulate the winner - 2 years later.
Personally, the GayBoys felt vindicated when Jay won it. At the time, Project Runway was something you watched alone and when you brought it up in a social setting, no one had ever heard of it. We had been saying (to no one in particular) for a while that Jay was the one to watch but in the few places on the internet where the show was being discussed, the conventional wisdom held that it was Kara Saun's to win.
We'll compare their collections later, but as gorgeous as Kara Saun's collection was, Jay's was just miles ahead of it in terms of creativity and yes, that horribly overused word, innovation. Watching the show again last night for what must have been the 6th or 7th time, we were both struck by just how amazing Jay's collection was. No PR finalist has matched it to date - and that's saying something.
So congratulations, Jay! We know you're still struggling to establish yourself in this harshest of industries, but we were reminded last night of just how explosive your talent really is and we hope you get to accomplish whatever it is you desire. It would be the world's loss if you didn't.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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I don't really remember the clothes but I sure remember Jay. True original.
I still think they should do an updated Mary-Rhoda sitcom/reality show with Jay & Austin as two youngish fashion designer roommates trying to make it (after all) in the big bad city.
I remember watching his collection coming down the runway for the first time, just knowing that I was seeing something rare - the New York debut of a future fashion star. It was obvious to me that he was the winner.
Oh, and to this day I want his music.
I would totally watch the Jay & Austin show.
I remember I didn't like his collection. Everything looked so gimmicky.
The night Jay won I did a little jig. I've been a huge fan since day one. Just love his humor and general style, and the guy is talented to boot.
Those knits were to die for.
Looking back, I knew he would win, but I don't think I really appreciated his collections until after I saw season 2. You guys are right, no one has come close to that collection since in terms of "innovation" in my opinion.
i always loved that blue diamond print sweater. it's stuck in my mind, and stuck in production.
Jay's win was the cap on what is still the most overall satisfying season of Project Runway, which I've realized as I've rewatched the show with you two. That collection is absolutely the best among PR contestants to date.
Jay really is from another solar system entirely in terms of creativity, and he has the technical skills to execute his vision, too.
T&L, you're right about this: nobody has matched that level of creativity since.
Quirky & innovative clothes win the day! Sure, some of the completed runway looks are a little gimmicky, but unlike many of the other designers we've seen on PR, a lot of his individual pieces could and would be worn by, and look good on, real people--not only by rail-thin models. Bravo, Jay!
Congratulations, Jay, again, again, and again! Best collection ever(followed by Laura's)!!!
Jay is a creative bomb ready to explode!
I watched very little of season 1, so thanks for going through it again. But I did happen to catch the episode where he made the Chrysler building bustier and at that moment I knew he should win. Amazing choice for inspiration as it was, it could have come out looking like the tinman, but instead he made a truly original garment.
I remember applauding after watching Jay's show -- it was just so beautiful and inspired.
I've always felt that Kara's show, while *gorgeous*, was a bit of a let-down ... because there was no surprise. She played all her cards during the challenges, which let her win a bunch during the season but left very little to surprise with in the finale.
Like the sweeping jacket for the Future Challenge ... a breathtaking garment, and one that, having seen it, diluted the impact of the jacket sent down the runway show.
— CF
I so agree with everything you said about Jay. He really has immense talent - on a different level to anyone else we have seen on PR. Oh and yes, I remember being the only one watching the weird little show that was PR!
I watched the show alone in my sewing room. Everyone else in the house was asleep. ALL of the designers had such beautiful collections that I was literally sobbing as they came down the runway. The was by far the best finale of all three seasons. Jay deserved the win - all was right in the end. Thanks for the memories, gentlemen.
It wasn't only the clothes per se that was genius....the theme, the music, the styling....all his stars aligned for him that season.
Come on Jay, make some clothes!! Our checkbooks are open!!
Jay was my man from the get-go. Especially since he was a double-homey (I grew up not too far from where he grew up and I live in Philadelphia, not far from where he went to school). I thought Kara Saun's collection was lovely, but that same year Ralph Lauren did an "Aviator" inspired collection. The contrast was instructive -- his stuff just looked cleaner, better made, better proportioned and better fit. I often wondered if the judges saw his collection first, and if they concluded, as did I, that hers looked derivative and inferior. (Unfair, of course, since he had a labor force and she did not).
Jay's clothes were unique. And still are. I wish Urban Outfitters or somebody would just figure out they need to do a deal with him.
Bean said...
i always loved that blue diamond print sweater. it's stuck in my mind, and stuck in production.
YES! I remember watching and saying, "I've never seen anything like this." The perspective was completely unique, the narrative clear yet unusual. And, surprisingly wearable. That's fashion as art. KaraSaun's collection was jaw droppingly beautiful (flygirl narrative fresh yet nostalgic; simultaneously worked on more than one level), but no innovation (too Gucci). Clearly for the criteria of the judging (the 1st and only time it made sense)Jay was the undisputed victor.
But why is Jay still struggling to establish himself, if he's such a genius? Is it his personality? Is it that he turned down the $100,000 and people think he's cocky?
I loved a lot of his designs too, and I love the way he uses color and structure to enhance the garment rather than *be* the garment.
So does anyone have an opinion on why he's not getting on?
I don't know how I found or got hooked on PR 1. It was the first "reality" contest-type show I ever watched. When Wendy and Robert were left in the final five, I got to the point of being kind of turned off, thinking they were just leaving the good-looking straight guy and the bitch in for good television. But when Jay won, it made it all okay, because his collections was so head and shoulders above the rest.
shit. was it wednesday?
I watched the finale a few days ago, but now I have to go watch it again after reading these comments. I loved Jay's clothes and KS's too. Wendy had a couple of good pieces, but nothing to die for.
I agree, Jay was definitely the right choice for the win ... though I think that particular dress makes the lovely Julia look like a giant Muppet.
I agree -- Jay was the clear winner in the competition. He is so gifted. Being such a visionary and coming from where he did makes it all the more remarkable.
I wish Jay would have accepted the mentorship. I really think he needs someone to take him under the wing and show him the business side of fashion.
I think lots of people would buy his designs -- if they could find them! He needs to swallow his pride and start schlepping his stuff.
Bean said...
i always loved that blue diamond print sweater. it's stuck in my mind.
Me too! That sweater and poodle permed Parker Posey really stuck out.
Did anyone watch "Project Jay's" one and only episode? It gave me a little insight as to why he has not made it on the business side of fashion yet...he really comes from a very small town, very eccentric town. He seemed to be reluctant to relocate to NY and to be a bit overwhelmed by the city. He really needs a business partner so he can concentrate on the creative side!
T&L -- When, when, when , when, when do you start blogging Season 2?? We need to know!!
I remember liking the handcrafted elements, like the quilted coat, the applique work and that blue pieced skirt (or maybe it's a dress).
First, I was amazed by how Jay always skated under the radar during the first season, never winning, but usually being second place.
Second, the reason Jay hasn't got his business off the ground isn't financial, it's ethical. He's stated many times that he will NOT let his work be mass produced by some slave labor sweatshop in the middle of Howdoyadoistan. That's a lot like saying "I don't want to make my clothes." to the slimy fiscal scumbags that bankroll industry. And more power to him to sticking to his guns.
Jay was clearly the winner.
What has surprised me, is how much more I like his total body of work now compared to 18 months ago. He has something special in his designs, but is HE marketable as a designer?
As for why he hasn't been an instant hit, I agree somewhat with the person who mentioned Project Jay, but not exactly for the same reasons. I really don't think that program did him any favors by projecting the image of him that it did. Instead of seeing a young designer hustling to establish contacts, we saw a young designer spinning his wheels and whining.
No matter what ideals he may have and wish to impose on his career, he also needs some strong mentorship in the business aspect and perhaps a bit of help with his personal appearance and how he presents himself. And that includes the stuff that comes out of his mouth. Sad to say, it's really hard to take him seriously. He just isn't a total package .... yet(?).
Oh, I was so happy when Jay won. My absolute favorite interchange of the entire Season 1 was between Heidi and Jay:
Heidi: "Congratulations. You ah the next great American designah!"
Jay: "That's just nutty!"
No hollering, no cussing, just nutty.
Oh yes, and I loved how they summarily dismissed Wendy with no fanfare.
I sincerely loved Jay from the start, so getting to see his final collection was really wonderful.
I love Jay because he doesn't pretend to be anything he's not, and his talent is obvious in most every piece in that collection.
why can't all collections be that good?
I really liked Project Jay. I wish it had become a regular series.
I don't know why everyone thinks Jay hasn't "made it" as a designer. Didn't anyone see his fabulous Spring 07 show? He's still got it, and he is for real. Just because you don't see him in Target doesn't mean he's frittering away his talent.
Jay's collection still gives me chills. He's definitely the best thing ever in three years on this show.
i love jay... CONGRATS!!!
no other PR-related collection ha been as innovative, creative, and inspiring as his finale collection.
God I love Jay! and his collection. There's a couple of skirts there that I really wanted when I first saw them. And I still do want them.
No one has matched Jay's collection, have they? Man, I hope he becomes a success, or at least gets a collection out.
seriously, jay is most creative designer to ever have appeared on the show. that runway of his is still stunning...
Nina Garcia put it best during the judges' deliberation that Jay has something inside him that does not come from outside influence (or something to that effect).
"Always the bridesmaid, never the bride." Well, I was so glad when he was declared the "bride." I now realize that he was the only PR winner who got to the top three w/o winning a challenge.
Yeah for the guy who marches to the beat of a different drummer!!
"Didn't anyone see his fabulous Spring 07 show?"
Anyone have a link to that? There's almost nothing on Jay's website. Thanks.
Andrea said...
"Didn't anyone see his fabulous Spring 07 show?"
Anyone have a link to that? There's almost nothing on Jay's website. Thanks.
Hi Andrea,
You can see his Spring 2007 collection here.
Just here to agree with every word you wrote. What a fantastic collection, and a fitting end to PR's first and greatest season.
You are going to go through his collection piece by piece, aren't you? Please please please?!
Unfortunately, that link only has thumbnails on it. Any links with larger pictures?
I don't know if anyone cares, but I actually made a video that shows all of Jay's work from this season (through the runway shows), including his final collection. I hope you guys like it:
Click on "play slideshow" -- it's a button on top of the thumbnails (under Jay's name and "Spring 2007". Or you can click on any individual thumbnail to enlarge it.
Thank you, T&L!
I totally agree that nothing that's come down the runway on PR has even come close to the league of Jay's collection. It was brilliant in every way. It gave me goosebumps and I don't really know that much about fashion...I just knew this was something way way extraordinary.
Jay's collection was even more amazing seeing it a second time. It's really what has made subsequent season runway shows seem disappointing.
Everything Jay has done from Season 1 up to his collection from last Fall is so "fashion forward" that it will be years before any designer catches up. Amazing talent.
friends i could not agree more with the fact that jay has had the best collection - hands down - of all seasons!
I was just like you guys watching season 1. I would try to talk to the ladies at work and it was all, "What's Project Runway?" and "But did you see what's going on with Days of Our Lives?"
It wasn't until midseason when I finally got my boyfriend addicted too. He and I made our predictions for the final three and were addicted to Jay from then on. (BTW- our top three were Jay, Kara, and Austin. If only...)
" At the time, Project Runway was something you watched alone and when you brought it up in a social setting, no one had ever heard of it. " - AMEN!!! As a PR fan since day one; nothing thrills me more than the show's popularity now - simply because I can talk about it with people!!!
I was watching Season 1 Finale again the other day (yes, I'm that sad) and I noticed that during the judging, in one of the flashbacks, you get to see a great shot of the back of Jay's incredible quilted coat. FWIW.
p.s. love your blog
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