In what should be a surprise to no one, Laura Bennett was voted one of Reality Blurred's Sexiest Reality Stars of 2006. We're quite sure this will be appearing on her resume and business cards shortly. Congratulations, you fabulous thing! Only you could spend most of the year pregnant with your 6th child and come out looking so damn good.
In other, slightly disappointing news, Tim Gunn only made an honorable mention. *pout* That's bullshit. We love you, Tim! And when we say "love," we mean "would do the sex with."
Fabulous!! Congratulations, Laura! Oh my god, I LOVE LOVE this woman.
"We love you, Tim! And when we say "love," we mean "would do the sex with."
ROFL. You boys are SO FREAKING funny!!
Laura ~ good for her. As previously mentioned, I am a Laura convert and am convinced she's as fabulous as T&L believe.
Tim. Hell, I'd do "the sex" with Tim but I'd rather just keep him around as a big gay uncle/daddy/run my life kind of man. He could keep the dogs when we travel, could answer the phone and charm all comers, plan dinners, all of that.
He would be a nifty third to my two local gays who never get laid either for some god.knows.why.reason.
todd & i are very busy this morning ;-)
"BigAssBelle said...
todd & i are very busy this morning ;-) "
LOL. Honey, this site is my cocaine.
Congrats, Laura! You are fabulous, dear!
I think Laura is beautiful, sexy, and very chic.
Yay, Laura. You're still a sexpot with a bun in the oven!
Tim, I'm female and I'd do you, too, if you'd have me. You are the bombarama!
"We're quite sure this will be appearing on her resume and business cards shortly."
Hahaha. I love her and I love you guys : - )
Congratulations, Laura!
Congratulations Laura and Tim! You two are hot!!
"Only you could spend most of the year pregnant with your 6th child and come out looking so damn good."
Seriously. I wish I could look that good when I'm pregnant. Your award is well-deserved, darling.
Seriously, I wish I could look as good as her when I'm not pregnant.
Her example has improved my fabulosity quotient. I get compliments daily these days just for taking that extra bit of time for hair, makeup, and accessories. Only problem is - I'm never at work on time.
She finally had the kid, right?
Anonymous said...
She finally had the kid, right?
Hi Anon,
Yes, she had a lovely baby boy named Finn.
Will you boys ever be posting any pics of baby Finn? We would love to have a glimpse of the Fabulous Finn!
Great! I'm so happy for both of them. It's nice to see someone older than 21 being perceived as sexy.
I love you Lara! Let me know when you're get tired of BadDaddy. Heh.
LOVE. HER. Congrats, girl!!!
"Great! I'm so happy for both of them. It's nice to see someone older than 21 being perceived as sexy."
Its nice to see someone over 40 (and who hasn't had tons of work done) being perceived as sexy!
YAY!! Laura is divine and fucking sexy, right baddaddy?
FABULOUS, darlings!! Laura , you are sex-on-a-stick mwuah miss you!
I voted for Laura! Congratulations girlfriend!
Yay for Laura - well deserved.
Tim was robbed - unless they are saving him for sexiest reality star EVER.
When do they do the voting for sexiest Reality TV Bloggers of 2006? Tom & Lorenzo get my vote!
Congratulations, Laura. You rock!!
Laura is a role model! How often do you hear the words mommy and sexy in the same sentence?
How refreshing! Congratulations Laura!
Congratulations, Laura and Tim Gunn (eve if only runner-up)!
Easily the hottest and sexiest of the year! Congrats, Ginger!! We love you!!!
Congratulations to my favorite TV woman!
I never really noticed Laura's looks until the episode where she had her hair down -- was it the jet set episode? And then I turned to my husband and said, "Wow, Laura's *gorgeous*."
Tim ... I can see that he is sexy, but in a sort of "wow, your dad's hot" kind of way. This has nothing to do with his age; he's only 16 years older than I. It's just the way I see him ... I want him to adopt me, or at least be the wonderful gay uncle I never had. :-)
Good for you, darling!! You have shown that you can still be gorgeous and sexy over 40 without looking like Donatella.
I love that picture of Laura with her hair down and wearing that fabulous dress she made. She looks like a goddess.
"Laura’s sexiness is a result of several attributes, according to those who voted for her. The designer is, as Carrie R. wrote, “the epitome of class and sophistication.” And Margot wrote that “Laura is one tough cookie. She kind of ruins the curve for women, since she really does seem to do it all. I love that she’s in her 40s, I love that she’s assertive, I love that she is crazy talented.”
I Love that! Congratulations, Laura!
Laura is sexy because she's confident, classical, and gorgeous! I have never in my life looked as good as she does pregnant with her 6th child. She's as hot at is gets.
Hubba hubba Bill! Is that you in that picture with Tim Gunn? Talk about HOT! All three of you look deliciously divine.
Boys? Pic of Finn? Please? Begging?
Laura -- now THIS is the kind of 40-something person I like! With her spunk, talent and transparency, she's such a contrast to (also 40-something) Pepper Le Peu.
Tim -- Gorgeous man, inside and out. How I'd love to be as gracious and graceful as him!
What can I say -- they're both HOT!!
BPR has pics of Finn. He's cute!
LOVE LAURA BENNETT SHELTON! She is ALWAYS so freakin' Fabulously Glamorous. Laura looks awesome, and her model look was amazing and smoldering HOT!!!!
I love Laura. She's always well dressed and looking great. Congratulations, dear!
Congrats to Laura, and thanks to those who voted!
She is the bestest, smartest and sexiest woman around. Congrats, Laura!
I love them both, they're both gorgeous and amazingly talented.
Every now an then, (especially when I'm a little down like now) I throw my hands up into the air and proclaim, "I'm fabulously glamourous" and then I feel it. This is what Laura is all about ... power, beauty, glamour, brains, wit and style. I feel it but she lives it.
I know! I always feel better when I remind myself that "I'm fabulously glamourous!"
Congratulations, Laura. I voted for you, too. I mean, really, hottest mom ever. And can you imagine that business card? Laura Bennett: Fashion designer * Architect * Mother of six * Hottest Reality Star of 2006
err ... that is, Sexiest Reality Star of 2006
JKevin78 said...
I love you Lara! Let me know when you're get tired of BadDaddy. Heh.
I don't think she will be getting tired of him anytime soon. He must be very good at a few things, which automatically makes him a keeper.
Oh my God, congratulations, Laura! I ADORE her. ADORE. She is so fucking fabulous, I can't even stand it.
Laura is fabulously glamorous. I admire her so much. Congrats!
Laura made me think about the way I looked. I lost weight, bought a few outfits and now I feel fabulous and sexy (OK, just a little). Congratulations, Laura! You can be confident that you touched many lives and made a HUGE difference.
"The Scarlett said...
Every now an then, (especially when I'm a little down like now) I throw my hands up into the air and proclaim, "I'm fabulously glamourous" and then I feel it. "
I do the same thing, and then I take a deep breath and repeat my new mantra which I learned from the PRG boys:
"I am fabulous and everyone I meet wants to either be me or fuck me."
They're both confident, smart and sexy. Congratulations Laura and Tim!
If I didn't adore Laura so much, I'd hate her guts. Looking that good after six kids (and that SOON after the sixth one!) should be illegal in all 50 states.
Tim, honourable mention? Okay, that side of the house was rigged.
A big congratulations to you, Laura Bennett, and cake and streamers and party hats to you, too! You deserve them!
I like the fact that Laura Bennett isn’t bound by convention, and that is sexy as hell.
I met Laura a couple of times and she was always well dressed and ready to converse in her vivacious way upon any topic. A truly remarkable woman!
Laura may have to retire her "Bad Mommy" moniker and replace it with "Hot Mommy"
Does anyone else want to see Laura doing a television series on sexy/bad mommy fabulousity? I want child-rearing tips, sewing tips, decorating, entertaining, staying fabulous while working and homemaking stuff... from the Laura perspective. (Kind of like the anti-marthastewart.)
"would do the sex with."
I love you guys!
Congratulations, Laura! We love you!
I love the way Laura dresses and how she conducts herself. She and Tim Gunn are the best!
I was just looking at the picutre of Laura again and it suddenly occurred to me that she looks like Ginger in Gilligan's Island. For all of us who grew up besmitten by Ginger, that is a good thing. Laura's got that same smokey movie star look about her as Ginger did. Except better.
You'd figure that Tim would be getting more ass than a freakin' sofa these days. I know he could get all up in my bidness.
It's nice to see someone over 40 (and who hasn't had tons of work done) being perceived as sexy.
Yup, that pretty much sums it up for me as well. That's why I voted for her. I'd add that the word "glamorous" is used quite a bit, but Laura is one of those rare people who actually embody the concept. She's a woman for the ages, is our Laura.
For a brief moment, all is right in the world...
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