One of the great things about S1 (aside from the higher-than-normal levels of crazy) is that the designers and cast were far more likely to party on camera.
Everything was so raw this season, so the designers didn't all come into it with big ambitions the way later designers did. They just seemed to wander around, wide-eyed in front of the cameras, not quite sure how they were supposed to act. Plus, the median age was kind of low - a lot of the designers were under 30 and a handful of them were under 25.
"No, really. I'm straight."
Certainly, there was no small amount of tension, drama and scheming that eventually found its way into the competition, but this group really did have a camaraderie, a "summer camp" vibe that later groups didn't. We're not saying they all liked each other, but (with some notable exceptions) they didn't seem to have any problem getting along with each other.
And they knew how to have a good time.
Well, most of them, anyway.
Do you have any idea just how much we want to hang out and party on a Manhattan rooftop with a bunch of chainsmoking models doing a walk-off? Do you?
MELISSA! You fabulous teenage whore! We missed you.
And sorry girls, you're all good, but the minute Heidi entered that game, she owned it.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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I did notice Season 1 tended to have a LOT more partying... And I did like the dynamic between competitors more season 1...
Plus I just wanted to see Austin get VASTED!!!!!
That's it, girlfriend! Show those young upstarts what real hip action looks like.
Love Jay's comments and the costumes he and Austen wear in front of the camera.
Love the craziness of PR1, and the energy level, which crackles and sizzles. Love it. Love it!!
YAY!! I love the last screen cap too!
Heidi is a great model and the bitch really knows how to walk. Guys, you have no idea how much I'm loving the fact that you guys are blogging Season 1, MY favorite!!
Thank you!
I forgot all about that rooftop romp. I could go for some champagne and cigarettes right about now.
"No, really. I'm straight." lol - I always had doubts about that tushy-flashing Robert Plotkin.
Boys, I have a feeling you someday will be hanging out on a Manhattan rooftop with some models doing a walk off.
LOL....I looked quickly of that picture of Daniel Franco and it looked like he was pinching the models nipples.....
Melissa is fabulous!
I think Season 1 had the best models.
Now THAT's a motherf***ing walk. You go, bitches!
"jinxy said...
I did notice Season 1 tended to have a LOT more partying... And I did like the dynamic between competitors more season 1..."
I agree. There was a lot of drama going on, but they also had a great time partying and drinking all the time.
MELISSA! I just kept wondering "What is her mother THINKING??"
I wonder if the later seasons partied, too, and it just didn't make it out of editing.
S1 did have the best models - by far.
Dammit, I can't! The girl can swang that thang! Serious hip action!
She is all THAT & a Gucci bag!
HA! All along I thought Daniel V. from S2 said "it's a MOTHER-fuckin' walkoff". After watching the first season's rooftop catwalk smack down, I think he must have said "it's ANOTHER-fuckin walkoff". Heidi's walk is classic.
T & L said "And sorry girls, you're all good, but the minute Heidi entered that game, she owned it."
Yeah, except Ms Klum mighta done herself a favor if she had borrowed one of those Victoria's Secret products. Things look like they are moving too close to the equator to be , um, unleashed like that.
The thing I've noticed about S1 is that everything is so unscripted. Everyone is unsure how to act or what to do with the challenges. The stress level is high.
With S3, the designers knew what to expect. For example, on the first challenge they ran from the rooftop to their rooms to nab the best materials. And they knew what the PR judges meant when they said, "Innovation" -- who can forget Michael's coffee filter dress? No one would have dared showed a candy/brazilian hooker non-garment!
Loved, loved, loved the model walk-off.
Heidi is fab, but I remember her saying somewhere that she is NOT a runway model. She did Victoria Secret ads and lots of other print stuff, but not much runway. Sorry boys!
They have edited out the partying more each season, preferring to show the meanness and spite. I really love these tanked up S1 contestants AND models! They hardly showed the models at all in subsequent seasons.
Melissa is the sh*t!
Season 1 was also pregnancy-free!!!! :) Hooray.
All right T&L,
Who can concentrate on the hip action when all I see a Nordstrom ad?
There is a saying in the happening place...
I'd rather be shopping at Nordstrom.
Bye, seeya. The java there is great too.
sewhat? said...
"Yeah, except Ms Klum mighta done herself a favor if she had borrowed one of those Victoria's Secret products. Things look like they are moving too close to the equator to be , um, unleashed like that."
Yeah I noticed that... I was actually thinking to myself that here is Heidi Klum and either that top is not flattering, she went sans bra (and girls over a B cup should only do that sparingly) or that cameraman had a lot to answer for after Heidi saw this footage.
But hey... if anyone can pull it off, leave it to Heidi Klum...
Sewhat said...
"...Things look like they are moving too close to the equator to be , um, unleashed like that."
She'd better put those things away. It's all fun and games until someone puts their eye out!
"No, really, I'm straight."
Season 1 models were strikingly beautiful and poised except for crazy Morganza's kookiness of course. That rooftop parade of beauties gives me lesbian thoughts.
Definitely one of the things I remember most about Season I is all of the drinking. They were just constantly partying to keep themselves sane. Season I will always be my favorite. :)
They were the best models and the best walk by far.
I think what I like most about Season 1 is that it centered more around the innovative clothing designs and the raw talent of each contestant.
It's so funny to see Daniel Franco so concentrated, making sure he's not wasting any minute and yet he's the first one to go. LOL.
I liked the Bravo coverage of the MODELS more the first season. They have taken a major backseat to the designers, and their competition has been minimized. Bring back the drama!
I was a bit disappointed when Bravo didn't bring back any of the models for the Season 3 reunion.
Heidi looks so different, don't you think?
I love those pictures showing the models walking. Thank you, guys.
season 1 was the bomb, what you guys said in your post is the exact reason why subsequent seasons won't do season 1 any justice.
Sweet Me-li-SAH
Nobody can shake it up like you do!
My $$ is on her.
S1 is the best Project Drunkway. TC1, getting vasted all the time.
Melissa was not afraid of wearing anything and the girl could strut down that runway like very few models. I forgot how good she was!
"MELISSA! You fabulous teenage whore! We missed you."
LOL. You guys are hilarious. She was young, wasn't she? She's fabulous.
I agree with Sarah, Heidi does look different. guess a couple of bebes will do that to 'ya. I was surprised by the roots in that photo - Miss Heidi is usually so flawless...
I can't stop looking at that last picture. It's fabulous. They ARE the "soldiers of fabulosity."
" macasism said...
Melissa is the sh*t! "
Yes, she is the shit; also Dominique and crazy Morgan. They're my favorites.
who is that smoking model? as i was counting and eliminating(like, morgan and julia are blonde, so it's not them, and-the dress, so it's not mellisa and allison...) but then i found i forgot that a lot of models smoke so doesn't even matter who was taken a picture smoking! the model MARY for daniel franco had an ugly picture on the pr season 1 site(in the model section), but i found that she is not that ugly...so poor mary. well i actually don't love morgan and melissa that much. melissa is way toooo sophiscated
I'm afraid of Melissa. I'm sure she was genetically constructed by the Olsen twins. Just think, she's legal (18) now. What do you think she's doing? "Just" modeling? Ha! She's probably owns half of Manhattan and plotting a strategic takeover of the Donald.
Gotta Google her and find out if she's shopping for minions.
S1 is the best season compared to S2 and S3. It was fresh and spontaneous and the camaraderie was infectious and very watchable. And there were some truly interesting personalities, ie Austin, Jay, Kara Saun, WPepper...and the models were quite beautiful and glam.
This is my fave season by far and I have it on Dvd and must have watched it over a thousand times!!
I just get cranky when I see them out and about in a New York where you could still smoke in bars. *sigh*
And please no big ugy debates about how somkers are evil and cause foot fungus and possibly ebola. I know, it's bad and I also know that now in New York you can't smoke in bars and I live with that, but when I see the happy Season One gang out smoking in bars I get jealous and nostalgic.
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