Super Mario
Reviewed by TLo
Monday, November 06, 2006
Rating: 5

Super Mario
Monday, November 06, 2006 by Author
It's certainly not ugly, but for crying out loud, Wendy put more work into her Candy Hooker outfit than Mario did for this thing.
Certainly, there's no rule that says fashion has to be complicated but we would think a design competition would frown upon simply tying a garment together on a model. Did he do any sewing at all? Or even any cutting, for that matter?
Call it a hunch, but we have a feeling this was the closest he'd been to a shower curtain in quite some time. We just want to get a napkin and blot him.
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Aw.w.wwww come on guys~ lol I liked it! I'd wear this one before Jeffery's couture Crate and Barrel barbeque tablecloth, anyday! Mario just needs a makeover..let's start with soap and water. Next... Hello.oo. hair stylist??? I must get Season One tapes! Haven't seen it yet!!
It was far more wearable than a lot of the schlock we've seen on PR.
EWWWW, he's gross!!!! Wait, is he drooling?!?!?
Maybe the design is getting him auf... (snicker)
I dunno was it any less "original" than Michael's plastic/mylar/canvas dress that he WON! with? Still think Laura should have taken that one! Her dress was even lined!
Lisette, you're right. It looks just like Michael's recycle-challenge dress. Wow. Weird.
Actually, Michael's recycling dress challenge had a black sash and was short--and his would look like Mario's since Mario came first. ;) I would describe Mario's more like Michael crossed with Vincent's (that model couldn't move).
But here is a mantra that you must remember with Mario: he does not compromise his art. Repeat often.
But why haven't you guys shown Mario with his beer?
Super Mario Bro has Malanese aesthetics.
Kind of retro glam.
I like his work ethics. Smoke a lot and do the minimum.
This was definitely one of those "I coulda done that" moments. And, yes, he had that greasy-chic going. When WILL that look go away?! Or why don't they all just lay strips of uncooked bacon on their head and call it done!
when he said "I don't compromise my art" and presented that, I was like, are you freaking kidding me?
I won't give it away to the uninitiated, but Mario still holds the "best quip" sweepstakes for all seasons of PR, and T&L should know what I'm talking about! And he was so right on!
He just couldn't be bothered to participate in the competition, tho, sad to say.
And please, people, stop signing your posts! There's this little button called "other" that you can use if you don't want an account. Jeeze. Pet peeve of mine....
It does remind me of Michael's dress but Michael's was far more elaborate than that. No comparison, IMO.
Oh come on, I liked Mario.
That "what are the q-tips for?" moment was probably the best of the episode. I thought it was pretty funny watching him lounge around the workstation and hearing Wendy complain "does that mean he's smarter than me because I didn't just buy a shower curtain and wrap it around my model?" (A: yes). And he and Jay made a cute couple.
"we have a feeling this was the closest he'd been to a shower curtain in quite some time"
OMG, that is so rude ... and so true!
I think it would compromise the integrity of his art to actually do any work.
" Anonymous said...
Oh come on, I liked Mario.
That "what are the q-tips for?" moment was probably the best of the episode. I thought it was pretty funny watching him lounge around the workstation and hearing Wendy complain "does that mean he's smarter than me because I didn't just buy a shower curtain and wrap it around my model?" (A: yes). And he and Jay made a cute couple."
I have to agree, that was funny. I also think that Jay had a crush on him.
"Call it a hunch, but we have a feeling this was the closest he'd been to a shower curtain in quite some time. We just want to get a napkin and blot him."
Thank you. I thought it was just me. I never liked the guy. I hate this whole "I don't give a shit. I'm done. I'm going out to smoke a cigarette" kind of bullshit.
How can you expect to win with that kind of attitude?
I thought most of the outfits for this challenge sucked.
At least the dress looks good from a distance and outperformed Starr's horrible getup. B'sides, Jay likes him. What's good for my boy Jay is good enough for me.
It's Stacey's (Who?) Season 3 room challenge w/ a broach & no granny panty. Bad.
But if you scrape the Ick off (might take a coupla days), MC's pretty adorable.
But it's exactly what Keith won for in S3 challenge #1. It was no less innovative for Mario to do this w/the shower curtain than it was for Keith to make a dress out of a duvet cover (ie, big piece of cloth). Wendy or Starr should have gone.
This looks like a longer version of Michael's recycling dress. Almost the same, actually.
Greasy is never chic. It's gross.
You might need a roll of brawny before you dried him off!!
Jennifer, it's true that it is no less innovative than Keith's duvet-cover dress but at least Keith spent more than 15 minutes and actually sewed a dress. I didn't think Keith should have won that challenge but he didn't just wrap the fabric around his model like Mario did.
I didn't think it looked deplorably ugly, just ugly. But the wrapping is so cynical, as if he expects to make it to the top without even having sewn a stitch. While there are probably some interesting and perhaps even glam wrap looks, why pay all that money for a designer dress unless the designer actually lifted a finger to do some real construction?
While I'm certain that Mario smells like an aged cotto salami, there does seem to be evidence of grooming; doesn't he seem like the type to naturally sport a uni-brow? And yet there are TWO, distinct arches!
Yippee! My DVDs arrived today so I can catch up tonight to play along on Thursday instead of having to try to remember back that far.
Thanks T&L for the Amazon link so you can keep us rolling in laughter & risking our jobs because of it, as well as allowing contributions to your Fabulousness fund!
Jules said...
Yippee! My DVDs arrived today so I can catch up tonight to play along on Thursday instead of having to try to remember back that far.
Thanks T&L for the Amazon link so you can keep us rolling in laughter & risking our jobs because of it, as well as allowing contributions to your Fabulousness fund!
Thank YOU (and all our readers), darling! Enjoy them!!
U R Well come. T&L.
Open Sesame. We want to snark on the next episode. I cheated and watched it last nite.
Ready and willing....
This doesn't really have to do with the current post, but I have to say this before we move on to episode 2...
My favorite moment for season 1 episode 1 is in Tim's blog... "Little did they realize they'd be doing their shopping at a typical Manhattan supermarket!." I've lived in Manhattan for 10 years and typical, that supermarket was not. It's Gristede's, right?
In my neighborhood, I can't buy regular cheese... just that crazy white Dominican stuff. I have witnessed women almost throw down over whether their coupons applied to the Huggies in question. I have watched women use their food stamps on 10 gallon vats of vegetable oil, 15 hungry man dinners and 5 boxes of fruit loops (no milk, mind you). Are they planning on deep fat frying the hungry man dinners or the fruit loops?
Anyway... my supermarket does not even exist for Tim Gunn. And I love that. I want to believe in Tim Gunn's world. I choose to live in Tim Gunn's Manhattan.
Personally, if he can sew, wrap, glue the thing in 15 minutes, good for him... This is a design competition, not a construction competition (unless Nina is a judge, apparently)
It has always been my opinion that they gave the designers so little time so they could see the designers innovate in the face of a time constraint, and also so they could see a relatively unedited version of the designer's gut reaction.
They want to see what the designers first think of for the challenge, not what the designers finally come around to thinking the judges want...
Yeah Mario is lazy, but talent normally doesn't have anything to do with how much work you put into something... If he actually applied himself, I do not doubt he could have done some wonderful stuff... As it is the stuff he did was just "okay" and that is a tragedy to me, because I truly love good fashion.
As far as the "no shower" thing went... Eww... If I had to share a room with the boy there would have been some midnight interventions, and Pigpen would have found himself dumped unceremoniously in the shower and scrubbed whether he liked it or not...
Still... I loved the fact that he only put 15 minutes into his dress and STILL did WAY better than our Falling Starr and Frankenstein's Mistress...
unless i move to canada after today, i'll be back tomorrow to laugh with my darling PRGBs and the rest of you. but today . . .
let's take back our country.
I love you, Bigassbell!
My partner and I voted this morning. Goodbye, Rick Santorum!
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