Sayonara, Daniel!

Thursday, November 02, 2006 by

Hey Daniel! We just saw your bliss get in a taxi heading for the airport! We think you should follow it!

To be fair, we didn't think he needed to go over this one. Yes, it was completely unimaginative, but it wasn't nearly the assault on the eyes that some of the other outfits were (Wendy and Starr, sit down. We'll get to you in a bit.)

k.d. lang called. She wants her head back.

Ugh, what a smacked ass. It's fine, maybe even necessary for a designer to have self-confidence, but his problem is he's so focussed on talking up his game that he's not concentrating on his plays. Shut up and take a look at what you're doing -- and stop dancing in front of the dress form. It's creepy on too many levels to name.


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Anonymous said...

Ugh, I can't believe that Wendy didn't go home this episode. 2 years later and I'm still upset about it!

Gigi said...

Well, one good thing came out of this: Daniel Franco gave his cocky alter-ego the boot and returned for Season 2 as a mensch whom we've grown to love. But, like Christie, I'm still upset that Wendy or Starr weren't sent packing after this episode.

Chgo_John said...

"k.d. lang called. She wants her head back."

It doesn't get any better than this. LMAO

Suzanne said...

Um, are those SEQUINS along the edge of the jacket? Looks like a dance recital costume of mine from 1982.

Anonymous said...

Follow your Bliss. Follow the sun. Do not go past LA. Do not collect $200.
See ya next season.

Anonymous said...

Meli-SAH, you are gorgeous, honey. But stick with Austin, will ya.

Anonymous said...

What? We don't get some judge bitcheroes for breakfast?

Dish, dish now, bitches.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Franco has ALWAYS creeped me out - K.D. Lang, indeed (without the talent or flair for dressing like a cowgirl!)


Sewhat? said... Starr is the Angela of Season 1 and that is why she didn't get booted for this challenge?

DF's design wasn't brilliant, but it wasn't an 8 year olds version of a 'Space Princess' costume like Starr's, either. I swear those are paper 'fleurchons' up near the collar.

Anonymous said...

Alright fellas, how long have you been waiting to bust out the k.d. lang joke? Good one.

Anonymous said...

Daniel's outfit was amateurish and poorly done. Jesus, I wore garbage-bag dresses in the 80's to go clubbing and they had more style than this.

And what's up with the brown paper thing? He was so seriously proud of it all. It looked like a girl scout project.

Anonymous said...

Met Daniel back in May in LA-- What a lovely guy. This isn't him. Too much jerk in this incarnation. Glad the surgery he had to remove it was successful.

jinxy said...

Suzanne... it's worse than sequins, it looks like aluminum foil. A poor substitute for sequins IMO.

Anonymous said...

starr was the stacey estrella (even the name is the same) of season 1

patsystone said...

Boys, did you redecorate? Do I detect a new look for your blog?

Anonymous said...

Daniel Franco shuffles on to Season 2. I think he got the boot over other more deserving designers because he was so insufferably clueless. I'm sure the judges just couldn't stomach the idea of having him on for even one more challenge.

He may have come back as a mensch but, he still creeps me out.

kd lang. I love you guys!

BigAssBelle said...

hahaha!!! KD LANG CALLED!!! too funny :-)

yuck. what an outfit.

Anonymous said...

What christie said.

Sewhat? said...

patsystone said...
Boys, did you redecorate?

Well Patsy Stone, it's happening. The Boys are all famous and stuff and they are moving up to that DEEELUX, minimalist, apartment in the sky. Probably influenced by Peter Shelton's fine work, is my guess. At least we still get to peek in and leave nose prints on the windows.

patsystone said...

I hope they remember us. Sniff, Sniff.

Anonymous said...

"Gigi said...

Well, one good thing came out of this: Daniel Franco gave his cocky alter-ego the boot and returned for Season 2 as a mensch whom we've grown to love."

I agree. I also don't think he deserved to be aufed. Yes, the outfit was boring, but I mean, look at Starr's monstrosity.

Anonymous said...

I will never not love Daniel Franco. That's all I've got to say about that.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God. I thought it was me. I was switching glasses with both hands trying to figure out why my Sjogren's Syndrome had suddenly become so severe that I couldn't discern pink anymore.

Whew. I feel better now.

Anonymous said...

Melissa was my favorite model of that season and I thought that she looked ugly here which is really hard to do but Daniel made it possible! I don't think this was the worst outfit but it still stunk! Wendy should have been sent packing on this one for her lack of taste!

Anonymous said...

Franco was freaking obnoxious. So glad he got his ass tossed off. Tim said he couldn't stand him. And Jays said he was always mugging for the cameras. Good riddance!

Embeedubya said...

"Too busy talking up his game to pay attention to his plays"??? Boys - a sports metaphor? Could get you kicked out of the club!

Anonymous said...

When I saw Kara Saun's runway show, it was soooo dumb to see Daniel hamming it up in the front row, standing up to shake her hand only because it was so clear it was for him to be noticed.

Anonymous said...

Just a note, Daniel's model isn't Melissa (I think Melissa was Robert's model this challenge). It's another model. Julia maybe?
- CF

Anonymous said...

That pukey green is the color of envy. How appropriate, a tribute to us die hard fans.
Just adding salt to the wound, imho again.
That green happens to be the color of my co.'s logo. Hated it. We have a very fond name for it.

When are we going to see the Lepepper/Lalaura deathmatch!

Bring it on. Let the snarkfest begin.

Vic said...

Loved Austen Scarlett's vision. I can never view corn husks in the same way again. Daniel just didn't stand a chance. That butcher paper butchered him. Starr is absolutely in over her head, and

Wendy Pepper's outfit is, well, cheap, awful, tasteless, and crass. She's also stupid. As if...folks younger than her aren't smarter or can see through her game. Dumb moves, woman.

I am in LOVE with Jay, every glorious flabby pound of him. Can't wait to see Episode Two!

LauraK said...

Daniel's model here is Mary. Remember how he said "Mary - you're hired!" or something....?

Anonymous said...

Everybody sing..

Do-mo-a-ri-ga Mis-ter D Fran-co.

See ya later. Dee Fran co.

Anonymous said...

well I still think he is a poseur actually. his playing cute is so disgusting. errrrrr.
his model is mary, and the mary-you-are-hired is not funny.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this for the first time last week. Daniel F.gave me the HeeBeeGeeBee's in Season 2, now after seeing Season 1, Yikes! At the reunion show in Season 2, he was even more sick...Mano v Mano with Santino? Please....

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Franco, ugh, the ultimate fake ass poser. Can't believe that anyone would fall for his crying act on stage during the lingerie challenge (judging segment), as well as his butting in to tell Santino (and judges) that nobody would wear Santino's designs; it's like shut the fuck up, Franco and mind your own damn business cause ur in the worse 2 category so you have enough problems, bitch.
Jay was correct in his Daniel Franco assessment, he was a total Bob Barker, and you know he's retarded for using butcher paper & tin foil cause the challenge was to create a frock that is as close to being like "real clothes" as possible, as well as innovative. Danny boy thought the butcher paper would represent what he would do if he actually had fabric to use.
Tim hates him cause he used season 2 finale OFW PR show to his own advantage by parading his designs on his models backstage (where the cameras were), hoping to get any kind of exposure -pathetic. I hate how viewers gave Santino and Jeffrey so much shit, but they didn't call out Franco as much as they should have; at least Santino and Jeffrey weren't acting like bad actors in a cheesey comercial all while giving that blank and over dramatic facial expressions of his. He should stick to just being a taylor, cause he can't design for shit, but if he ever gets his hands on a time machine, he can dial it back to the 1980's and his designs will actually sell.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Franco, where did you go?
My favoite thing about this episode is the look on Tim Gunn's face when he is talking to Daniel about the tin foil on butcher paper jacket. Priceless
Ours Blanc