So the morning after the party, we called Laura up and headed over there for some much-needed coffee and of course, picture-taking. We weren't getting out of there without at least a couple pictures to show you. We do it all for you, darlings.
This visit was much quieter and even more laid back than the night before. We just chatted like old friends and took random pictures of the place so you could get a better feel for it.

Look, our heads match! Bitch is something like eleven months pregnant and she looks better than we do first thing in the morning.

What's the latin version of Blue Steel? Laura wanted to make sure that we got her maternity form in the pic.

Being the great big mo's that we are, we insisted "We HAVE to take a picture of you with your shoes!" God bless her, our girl was game for everything.
And of course, we had to take pictures of her workspace.

Workaholic that she is, we doubt those dressforms are ever without a work in progress on them.
This made us squeal like little girls:

Her freaking sketches for her collection! Check out Camilla in the upper right corner! Hey girl! It's interesting to look at these and see how she edited herself.
We asked her about the chartreuse coat that Tim didn't like. We loved it and told her so. She brought it out and put it on a form for us but admitted it wasn't photo-ready, so we didn't take a pic. It was gorgeous, though. We totally disagreed with Tim on that one.
We did take a picture of what Laura called her "Uli dress," the dress underneath the coat.

The fabric is gorgeous. And it was a treat to see Laura's finishing up close. She seemed unimpressed with it but we thought it was beautiful.
We also asked if we could see some of her jewelry. Now, we realize it's a little tacky to say "OMG, LOOK AT HER DIAMONDS!!!" but we really wanted to take some pics because she made these pieces. They are absolutely gorgeous in person and we're stunned at the craftmanship.

This is her Harry Winston knockoff. She wore this set for her runway show. She. Made. That.

She also made this breathtaking bracelet. It's a reproduction of a vintage piece she has from the 1920s.
Okay, we lied. We have to gush over her diamonds a little bit. Just LOOK at this:

Sharp-eyed viewers will recognize this as the "buckle" she wore on several of her outfits during the season. It's vintage, French (Boucheron), from the 1920s. Trust us, neither television nor our little digital camera did this piece justice.
And of course, we had to ask about Frank. Not missing a beat, dressed in heels and that gorgeous velvet coat, she dropped on all fours and fished him out from under the stove, where he apparently spends most of his time.
Tom lost the quick game of rock-paper-scissors we did behind Laura's back and he was the one forced to handle the

Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing.
it was an EXTREEEEEEEEME pleasure to read this blog entry.
You are friends with her now!
why you and not me?
OMG, Tom looks so "I'm not gonna take much more of this shit" freakin funny in the turtle pic! Between this and Project Gay I am hoarse from laughing!
Just a dish with the girls - what a pleasure. The turtle picture alone is worth it! Any updates on what the frontrunning prospective baby name is?
First of all, all the red hair just fires me up!!! Yowza!!!
Secondly, Girlfriend is even more talented than I thought. DO TELL - is the ice REAL????
I didn't think I could love her more than I did before, but I do.
OMG is there anything this woman can't do?
I LOVE HER!!! She needs her own TV show.
This is the best post EVER, guys. Thank you SO much.
I love her sense of humor. The maternity form is hilarious.
My heart will not stop pounding. I just died and went to orgasmic heaven. I'm verklempt.
OK. ok.... I am calmer now.
I am good for another 4 hrs.
Then I need my fix.
Dish, Dish now, you @$%&* bitches.
I still have 7 lives left.
I can take more.
Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing.
Okay, I'm going to need that on a t-shirt.
These pictures are great. Thank you for sharing. I feel like was there with you Boys.
Forget PR1.
Make it Bad Daddy, Laura and the clan 24/7.
1. It's a turtle, guys. Compared with most pets, they're rather innoccuous.
2. If I recall correctly, Laura has one daughter. When she grows up, she better be the one to inherit the jewelry. (You could probably buy a house with what that one belt buckle is worth.)
"Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing."
You boys are the best. I love this post.
Guys, guys, guys. That maternity form picture was obviously faked. There was a bra on that form. Laura doesn't own bras. All she has is ridiculous amounts of titty tape.
I can't get enough of the PRGuys and Laura's fabulousity!!
Oh man. Laura was walking around in a DIAMOND BUCKLE all season long? Shit. If I was another designer on the show, I would have been frickin' terrified. You just don't mess with a woman wearing a diamond buckle.
What did she tell you about the designers -- the competition --? Anything you can say?
Loved this -- thanks!
OMG, the turtle photo, what else can you say?
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. thanks so much for sharing.
mjude aka sissy
You guys are the BEST. Love your blog and I keep thinking you can't top the last thing you just posted. But you did! Thank you for sharing Laura with the rest of us. She's my pic of season 4!:-D
Again, your Laura post made my day! I should screw my college major and go back and get a degree in jealousy! And you need to post more Laura entries...it's the only way to get through the days!
&%$# off, Martha Stewart! La Laura should be the next Design/Domicile/Fashion Diva!
What an incredibly talented person!
What an inspiration.
Tom, you're so adorable! Looking at the position of your hands (pinkies extended!) & that expression I cracked up! You look like you want to say, to paraphrase Tim Gunn, "I draw the line @ turtle."
Freakin classic. This glamorous woman in heels, diamonds and a velvet coat, on her hands and knees hunting for a turtle.
And yeah, are the diamonds real?
We all want to know....
My god, the woman's a friggin' genius. I mean, I loved her clothing design, and then we found out she designed those shoes, but jewelry, too? And repro-'20s vintage, yet? I want everything!!
Is that greedy? Well, TOO BAD!
if the rocks are real ...
i didn't think i could love her more than i already did.
I have been waiting for this. Thank you, Thank you. But that can't be all, more please.
Thank you so much, guys and Laura. Those pictures are amazing. I love Laura. She is a true artist. What an inspiration!!
Omg, I want to be Laura one day. Why does bitch have to hog all the world's fabulous?
Forgot to ask, has she been approached by any sponsors or designers, what are her plans??
what are we going to do without Laura every week???
This is just too much.
No, really! I'm still having fun playing "Laura's Zest" and going over her final collection recaps. I'm having trouble keeping up with all this... but at least I'm closer to understanding the question: "Can there ever be too much of a good thing?"
I hope all involved, the Laura Family, the people who did and shared her Zest song, the PRG's and my fellow Commentarians do not get sick of reading "Thanks!" cuz I'm NOT sick of typing it yet.
Hee! Tom, the look on your face holding that turtle is priceless. Sometimes, words aren't even necessary.
Fab post. You guys never cease to amaze us with your wit. We are all jealous as hell and we'll never get over it.
Now on to the critique...
Tom: Love the jacket AND the hair. The guys at TRESemme need your expert assistance next season. You are rockin hot for coffee with the girls.
Lorenzo: Tell us about your ensemble. Who are you and where are you going in this outfit? Is this appropriate for coffee with la Laura? HMM? Looks INexpensive, no?
What a beautiful woman. Man, she has held together well. You all look fabulous together.
I feel so proud. :-)
This post was pure pleasure. Thank you for sharing your visit with her!
Great fun to see your pics. Laura's workroom is quite impressive. Just got my catalogue from Atlanta Thread & Supply Company (from whence comes some of the sewing equipment in the Bravo store) and it is clear that she has made a serious investment in tippy top of the line dress forms. I am soooo jealous.
The bra on the dress form was just too funny.
OMG - I waited until my staff left so I could read this - I can laugh out loud with abandon!
I'm with Anne - I want this on a t-shirt:
"Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing."
"Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing."
Somebody call 911 and send them over cuz I just fell out of my chair laughing and I can't get up!!!
(Her jewelry is fabulous, just like all of you'ze!)
I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay.
Alas, I'm not gay, but one can always hope . . .
marvelous, as usual.
Oh. My. God. This was all too much for one post. I'm on overload! I will collect myself and come back in an hour to take it all in again (and again and again and again), sigh. I feel like such an underachiever.
Tom, the photo of you holding Frank is priceless. Be thankful he didn't poop on you. :-)
I love this woman.
yup. still jealous. I never did figure out how that clip worked. For a long time I thought it was a belt.
Things I've learned from Project Runway/Gay this week-
Tim Gunn might not ALWAYS be on the money, bless his heart (re: chartreuse coat and Uli dress), and
Turtles are like kryptonite to gay men.
Tom and the turtle is priceless. So eeeeewwwwwww.
The pinkies are always the first to escape.
/s/ One hell of a jealous fruitfly,
What a Lauriffic day! She has a new post on her blog, too.
I love her more and more as the days go by!
Anonymous said...
What a Lauriffic day! She has a new post on her blog, too.
Thanks! We have a link to her blog under "Bravo: Project Runway."
Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing.
Definitely a tee shirt! But you have to have the picture of Tom on it too for the whole effect. Please place my order ASAP. Seriously!!!
Love you guys!
" Anonymous said...
Look, I'm tired, I haven't had enough coffee, my hair looks like shit and I'm gay. I just don't do the whole turtle thing.
Okay, I'm going to need that on a t-shirt.
Anne "
Hi Anne,
I sent an email to the PRGays boys and they told me that they were going to create the "turtle thing" and the "would you like a diamond?" t-shirts and make them available through their "little shop."
I can't wait!!
Did you get the turtle poop?
Did you get the turtle poop?
Did you get the turtle poop?
You know, to put next to the Tim Gunn Bobblehead.
Laura/Harry Winston, Boucheron, Laura/Harry Winston,Bucheron...I can't decide, I'll take them both.
OK, so next you are going to show us her photography, pottery, weaving and sculptures, right?
Did Laura make the Warhol-like collage of her husband? Can you show us some pics of Peter as well, or any of both of them together? Still wondering if Laura waited to tell him about #6 until she got home.
Ok, I've got to ask:
Is there a turtle tank or is this a free-roaming turtle? Ummm, is he litter-box trained or do you have to watch where you walk?
good questions anonymous 10:44! Imagine if she did wait to tell Peter until she got home.
if all of those diamonds are real, i am envious and awed all at the same time. how is she so rich? is it the husband or is she a trustafarian, or is there some other story?
i want answers, PR gay boys, stat!
OMG that is so so soooooooooo.........!
Love the pinkie extended gay turtle caress there Tom. LOL!
You guys are beyond fabulous..oh and Lorenzo and the camo and "Ford" T shirt...RAOW!
Are. those. really. all. diamonds.????
She MADE that jewelry?? God, I want to be her when I grow up so much.
And I love how she has her fabulous shoes arranged by color.
after seeing that, it makes you wonder why she didn't win...
and guys, that turtle looked as thrilled to be in tom's hands as he was holding it, lol
I love this post. I love Laura. And I love you guys! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!! :)
Please assure us that you will be getting that fabulously autographed fabulous picture of fabulous Laura fabulously pregnant and fabulously perched on her fabulous luggage framed with the utmost fabulosity.
What an incredibly wonderful keepsake.
I guess I can post this here:
I wore my "Remember not to breathe Mommy's air" t shirt to the Halloween party at my daughter's school Tuesday.
I was a hit.
I think.
Tom's gritted teeth and pinky say it all: Can I please drop Frank now?
And Laura's note. So perfect. Such elegant printing, and on 100% handmade silk or linen paper no doubt.
Love this post, guys. Thanks for the peek.
Best post ever. I LOVE Laura. Peter is so lucky to have this woman by his side.
Thanks so much, guys!
Laura, I know you lurk here: please, please, please continue with your jewelry design and clothing. Chic and worth it (okay, so I may need to ask you to work with silver and moissanite). I can totally see you and your jewelry collection both high end and on QVC, like Heidi's cloverleafs.
I love all the red touches that were shown in your sketches, and would love to see more of your work in color--the red dress you wore to the reunion show was fabulous! As an avowed avoider of black except for funerals, I want a "LRD" [Little Red Dress]!
yup, I still like the "Uli dress." (sorry, Tim) The only thing is needs is something transitory between the top and bottom. Perhaps the perfect belt?
I am so jealous, I can hardly speak. I bet Tim Gunn is has the turtle picture on his wall.
Hi TIM! (I know you read this!)
Peter Shelton is a major architect and designer. Name partner in a firm he's had for many years. Did the Ralph Lauren headquarters in NYC. Lots and lots of awards.
Laura seems like the kind of person who I would love to be friends with but who would secretly, deep down inside make me mad. One of those people who is good at so many things and makes it look easy, yet is too funny, nice and down to earth to genuinely dislike. I have friends like this...it's a love/hate thing.
Examples of my predicted thought patterns if I were to be friends with Laura:
"What a huge loft! Great light and living space!" (Bitch.)
"Wow! You're 11 months pregnant?! You look great!" (of course you do. bitch.)
"You made that necklace yourself? How on earth did you learn to make jewlery like that?" (let me guess - you taught yourself once when you were stuck home with the flu, right? Probably found a freakin' lighter and piece of coax cable and knocked together a little brooch, huh?)
"oh! You remembered my birthday!" (Shit. What's hers? Bitch!)
"A double-chocolate cake you made yourself?" (Arrgh! Bitch!)
That dress !!!!!!!! I was dieing to see what was under that coat.
Good grief. What was she thinking?
Oh God, the pinky extended gay turtle caress you guys are going to GET ME FIRED!!!! Stop! Stop! (don't stop!)
And BAB, you SO DID NOT write that on your office wall, did you?
It's gotten so the comments around here are as funny as the blog!
Anonymous said...
Oh God, the pinky extended gay turtle caress you guys are going to GET ME FIRED!!!! Stop! Stop! (don't stop!)
And BAB, you SO DID NOT write that on your office wall, did you?
It's gotten so the comments around here are as funny as the blog!
That's because are readers are FABULOUS! : - )
I swear to God, reading this blog I forget that I'm a two-weeks-from-40, totally unfabulous Mom of 5 and I feel all bitchy and faboo!
I think I need more gay friends, you guys really rachet me up a notch for some reason.
BG, I lived next door to a woman like that. She was up at 5:00 AM and by 8:00 would have her lawn mowed, dinner made, and grocery shopping done -- while I was still stumbling around in ratty pjs looking for coffee.
She would coax dead plants to life. Her garden was drop dead gorgeous. My garden -- hah, everything I touched died.
She would go trash picking, find an "antique" patio set that looked hideous, paint it, reupholster it, then sit on the now beautiful chi chi chairs, surrounded by her now thriving blooming plants, and drink wine.
All I ever wanted to do was scream BITCH!!!!!
But she was a really good friend. I loved her.
--Granite Janet
All this talk about diamonds reminds me of the song, "Diamonds are Girl's Best Friend."
A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds are a girls best friend.
A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat
or help you at the automat.
Men grow cold as girls grow old and we all lose our charms in the end.
But square cut or pear shaped these rocks don't lose their shape.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
To the over 40 crowd -- I first heard this song in the 80s. Did Joe Jackson do it?
--Granite Janet
I hope they'll let Laura be a guest judge for Season 4.
Anonymous Anne 2:00 pm,
You ARE fabulous, girlfriend. And don't forget to wear your see through silk and lace undies. They complete the I'M FABULOUS package.
mwah! mwah! mwah!
Any pics of Peter? I have a slight crush.
Here's what I want to know...
The picture with Laura in her shoe closet; she has several pairs that look alike. For example, the gold pumps that have a jeweled band across the top of the shoe. DID SHE
Move over Martha...Fashion has a new Renaissance woman who can do it all. Laura we love you!
Tom and Lorenzo...dish on the shoes!
It looks like Laura is recreating her black & white challenge dress. Zac Posen said any store would pick that up and sell it.
Smart lady.
OK, pardon my French, but Holy Shit! Seriously? Those are real diamonds?
I too NEED that t-shirt.
BUt what would really be fab would be one of those Rubber Band bracelets with
WWLD on them
What Would Laura Do?
Laura, please adopt me?!!
We need more Laura pics and dish Please!!!! I' am having withdrawl symptoms. I need my fix! PLEASE!
I think we should all order from here
All of us need a WWLD? band!
I saw Peter (Mr Laura) walking down's 5th Avenue at 21st Street two weeks ago. He seemed to be in a hurry, but had I caught his eye, I would have charged up to him to say, "I LOVE you wife's dresses and I am prepared to mortgage my co-op for the privlige of buying one." And I would. Fab-U-Losity.
Is that a buckle or a pin? How did Laura attach it to her clothing?
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