A Note from Jay McCarroll

Friday, November 24, 2006 by
"Hello everyone. Whats up? I have a very special request for you. Yesterday we celebrated a holiday that gives thanks. Thanks for family and friends, thanks for a wonderful existence on this planet. Some creatures in this world dont have such a choice. Over 50 million animals a year give up their beautiful coats and more unfortunately, their lives for something so unnecessary. As a consumer, you have the power to change the way the fur trade operates. If you dont buy it, they wont sell it. Lets join forces to wipe out the cruelty of the fur trade. It starts with you.

Please sign this pledge and make compassion your fashion!

Have a great day!



madelineanne said...

SIgned sealed and delivered!
Although I do still love faux fur!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I gotta disagree with Jay. Generations of families have been sustained by the fur industry, and just because it's now become politically incorrect to wear fur, an entire industry is supposed to be wiped out, people become unemployed and very specialized skills will be lost.

If you wear leather shoes, what is fur but leather with the fur scraped off? Demonizing the fur industry is nothing but sensationalism.

Anonymous said...

I am against wearing real fur, besides, there are alternatives, like faux fur, for example.

Anonymous said...

sorry anon 4:54, I really could care less about people who exploit animals for what is now a luxury, NOT A NECESSITY.

I wear pleather, and faux fur, thank you very much.

Needless to say, I'm with Jay on this one.

jxl said...

I'm surprised, I think I saw Jay wearing fur and maybe using some for his designs? I could be mistaken though. What would surprise me beyond that is seeing Jay campaigning for deeper animal rights. I don't know, it doesn't seem to click with this persona. Or, I can see where it can but... it just doesn't fit.

And, as for the leather/fur comparison, thousands of animals with less than luxurious fur are killed everyday for the food on your plates (not mine because I'm personally a vegetarian) - leather can serve to be more of a byproduct than fur is...

fonferek's glen said...

I'll join Jay in giving thanks for all of life's gifts and wishing in others well.

However, I respectfully disagree with his message.

Anonymous said...

"barnaby said...

... However, I respectfully disagree with his message."

And that's one of the reasons why I love this blog.

I happen to agree with Jay.

NahnCee said...

Buncha turkeys gave their lives to the cause yesterday, too. I see absolutely no difference between minks bred for their skin and turkey's bred for their white meat.

If you want to save an animal, go out and stand in front of a Japanese whaler while they're torturing a large swimming SMART mammal to death. Because *those* deaths are not fast, not humane, are totally unnecessary AND the animals have verged upon extinction for years.

Oh - and actually do something about it ... petitions are for the weak, the helpless and the lazy.

Anonymous said...

I like my fur coats, just like you might like your chicken breast sandwich or your leather shoes or your medicine or your paint or your makeup or your building products or your glue or your.....fill in the blank. Many, many items in everyday use contain animal by-products. Personally, Jay's personality offends me - could I sign a petition against him? I think he is a passive-aggressive mean spirited person hiding behing "bitchy niceness".

Anonymous said...

I love you, Jay. I've been watching Season 1 with the PR boys and you and Kara Saun are my favorite designers.

DolceLorenzo said...

I don't wear fur personally, but I'm not going to attack someone who does. I do care about the animals but I'm 50/50 on this one.
Perhaps we can discuss this in a civilized way without attacking others, including Jay.

Anonymous said...

It's a definite NAY from me. I don't eat animal products either.

Anonymous said...

I don't eat meat or wear fur or leather. I think fur is particularly egregious because it's so unnecessary - there are tons of warm synthetics that are just as effective as fur. Fur, or anything that means other living things have to suffer for what I feel like wearing, is the biggest fashion NAY I can think of.

Anonymous said...

I think fur is not a very good material by modern standards, and also overpriced.

Miranda said...

Wow, I am amazed at the anger from the people who disagree with Jay.

Jay, dahling, I signed the petition. I don't wear fur unless it's faux. And if more companies would make nice pleather shoes, I would gladly give up wearing leather shoes. Killing animals for food is one thing (though I'm not really comfortable with it, and go back and forth between being a vegetarian unhappy with the foods available and being a meat eater who feels guilty about eating meet) ... but killing animals for vanity is just sick and sad.

Anonymous said...

"Wow, I am amazed at the anger from the people who disagree with Jay."
so agree, miranda. What's with the uncool invective? Disagree with Jay if you want to, but please don't try and rationalize the fur industry.

Washington Cube said...

I'm glad that you posted his opinion. I don't agree with it, but it's nice that your blog is providing air space for the PR peeps.

Anonymous said...

"Washington Cube said...

I'm glad that you posted his opinion. I don't agree with it, but it's nice that your blog is providing air space for the PR peeps. "

I agree. We should respect his opinion even if we disagree with it. I would not wear fur, but that's just me.

By the way, Washington Cube, your avatar is fabulous : - )

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely no reason to wear fur in today's society. If you still like the look of fur, there are plenty of fabulous fake furs around that are difficult to tell from the real thing.

Anonymous said...

If you wear pleather, it came originally from an animal (oil from decomposing prehistoric animals). If you waffle on eating veggies vs. eating meat, cause it "tastes" better to eat meat or fish and/or you feel better eating meat (though you can live on veggie matter alone), no difference than enjoying the feel of a fur coat. No difference on liking Jay or not liking Jay - again a personal preference. Let's not be lifestyle Nazis and dictate what people can eat, wear, drink, etc. because of a personal preference on your part. Frankly, I am offended by muffin tops, halters on most women, tattoos, dreads....I hate wearing jeans. I think the majority of people don't look good in them. A lot of our clothes are made by practically slave labor in China - those no one EVER mentions that aspect of the clothes trade. Lots of sweatshops still abound - though I never hear a designer speaking out on behalf of PEOPLE - only animals. So trendy to be a PETA person and not a DARFUR or other oppressed group of people. Yeah, Darfur isn't in the clothes arena but it is a large nation of people who are being slaughtered. Why doesn't Jay and the rest campaign for people?????????????

Anonymous said...

Anon: I did not know that about pleather. Wow, I can't believe that by wearing pleather I might be contributing to the cruel slaughter of prehistorical animals! Shame on me!

And yeah, Darfur is more important than fur. Lots of people all over the world are suffering, and there is much that can, and needs to be, done on that score. But why would you criticize someone for campaigning on behalf of animals? It's not an either/or. You can care about both. There's no shortage of suffering in the world, and people who try to alleviate it, wherever it occurs, have my respect.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I back up what I say by contributing to a Darfur Fund. I try to be aware of where my clothes are made and buy appropriately as much as I can, I send money to cure leprosy (yes it can be cured), collect and buys toys for kids at the holidays, give money, food and clothes to people in need and raise funds for diabetes research by contributing time, money and energy. Oh, I have rescued many animals from the side of the road and from negligient neighbors and then found them good homes. I support adoption initiatives and tutor adults to read. Yeah - I wear a fur, too.


Anonymous said...

Angela says: A lot of our clothes are made by practically slave labor in China - those no one EVER mentions that aspect of the clothes trade.

I recall Jay talking about that, actually, and about not wanting to use those resources. He's able to care about both people and animals, it seems.

Anonymous said...

Love the show, love the blog...so much that I've been reading it every day even in Russia, where I'm living these days. I see where Jay is coming from but I think such strong sentiment against fur strike me as a radicalism of the elite. In America, fur might be a luxury, but it isn't in some parts of the world. In Russia, every other person owns a fur, or fur-lined coat (which they buy once and wear for ten or more years). These days there are more synthetic coats because their quality is getting better to withstand the cold, but if you spend half the year in temperatures at 30 below zero, you start to worry less about the survival of an animal and more about your own.

Anonymous said...

I make all my clothes from hemp I grow in my backyard.

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

Fake fur does not decompose and stays in landfills forever. The process by which it is made requires oil and many other harsh chemicals that affect our ozone layer. As do fabric dyes, and factories. The process by which any synthetic is made is offensive. I think people are missing the big picture, its not just fur and animals. Why not make an organization called PETE, People against the unethical treatment of our earth.Lets just walk around naked, or better yet why not make clothes from rodents? Rat Leather jeans would be so chic. ROLF!!!! I just lost my stirfry!

Operakatz said...

I think people need to differentiate between fur as fashion and fur as climate-based necessity. There are places in the world where the climate warrants use of such materials...faux fur freezes to your face...real fur does not. That's a big difference from wearing fur in barely freezing Manhattan winters, however.

Personally, I'd like to see more fur recycled...find vintage furs and have them reworked to a more modern (unless you like the vintage) look. Reuse what we already have out there as much as possible.

We just can't make it a black or white issue...because it's not.

Anonymous said...

some people who's into fashion are absolutely STUPID.

people in los angeles do not need to wear fur. it's warm out there. people doing haute couture do not need to use fur. because they are aware of the fact that the entire industry will copy them and people who do not need fur will kill each other to get one. BUT REALLY, some people in the world need fur, some people who live in minus twenty degree weather. but they make it seem like all fur is evil. ugh, give me a fucking break.

and also i can't believe that some people believe that whales are "smart" or they're becoming "extinct".. what age do you live in? you have the internet, why does anyone not look for the truth?

when will americans realize that PETA are ecoterrorists?

Anna said...

I'm a vegetarian...but I am a fashion designer first. I don't want to limit my creative resources by not using leather or fur if that is what is inspirational to me.

Sorry Jay but the garment industry is full of animal by-products. I doubt you would have won Project Runway had your collection been strictly vegan.

Anonymous said...

Love this blog. Such civilized exchanges. Thanks PRGayBoys-- With your snarky love people are inspired to come together to discuss topics reasonably w/out making it cruel or personal. The World needs you!

Anonymous said...

Signed, sealed and delivered from me as well, because even the littlest move can make a difference!
Fur truly is a useless luxury, as I have seen women in Los Angeles walking around in 60 degree plus temperatures wearing the stuff. The fur trade is completely inhumane-- the way much fur is imported is by skinning animals BEFORE THEY HAVE BEEN KILLED! We don't need it, there are much more eco-friendly, much WARMER options out there today! Take a look at them sometime, they're brilliant!
Unless you are an eskimo (who use everything they kill and need the warmth), please consider the humane option!

Anonymous said...

You can look gorgeous, whatever it is, and you don’t need to wear fur.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a great deal of cruelty involved in both killing animals for food and clothing. However, I eat meat and while I try to go for free range, or welfare grade meat, I also wear leather shoes, and they don't (as yet) come from free range animals...

I think wearing fur is different to wearing leather, in that it takes a greater number of animals to make a fur coat than it does to make a leather bag, or pair of shoes.

Also, I have no problem with people wearing fur in climates that deserve it - it is a fantastic means of keeping warm, and probably more environmentally appropriate than using some synthetics, given that most of them have a petro-chemical base. But seeing people wearing fur purely for decoration does make me a bit uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Uhm dude, there aren't 50 million animals on the PLANET, let alone those who give up their furs for the fashion industry. Quit speaking in extremes to make yer point. You sound like a doofus.

This, and 5,000 acres a minute of the rain forest are destroyed. Why isn't it gone by now?

And what is pleather made of? Latex comes from trees, and nylons and polyester blends come from oil products. How about styrofoam cups from Starbucks?

The largest pollution problem in landfills is from phonebooks. Recycle yer yellow pages, my friends!

And buy fur coats, they keep rich people warm and put fur makers' kids in college.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please!

Face it, we love our leather Manolo Blahniks, luxurious goose-down duvets, nice leather belts, cool black leather jackets, fur-trimmed coats, etc.

Most of us eat steak, chicken, lamb, pork, etc.

I'm sure most of you ate turkey last night.

Save the lectures.

Give it a rest, Jay. We're sick of your passive-aggressive bitchiness.

TLo said...


This topic sure makes some people defensive.

Anonymous said...

TheGayBoys said...

"Wow. This topic sure makes some people defensive."

It sure does. Seems there is no middle ground. I think it is most productive to look at the transformation as a journey of civilzation. We need fur, leather and meat less than we used to 300 years ago. In another 100 years we'll use even less because of the advances and affordability of alternatives.

This is in no small part to people like Jay and others who stand up publically for what they think is right. These small efforts won't change humanity, but they plant small seeds of change. In the aggregate and over time, the journey takes place towards a better and more humane society.

Just my .02. Thanks for the reminder, Jay. It's never wrong to be compassionate in whatever small way possible.

Anonymous said...

"Lima Bean said......Just my .02. Thanks for the reminder, Jay. It's never wrong to be compassionate in whatever small way possible."

Absolutely. Never give up or be ashamed by your will to fight for what you believe in.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it any better, Lima Bean.
We hope there are some middle ground solutions that retain the positive benefits of both sides.

Anonymous said...

These kinds of issues are like arguing the validity of religions. Both sides will just agree to disagree. I know this makes me an ass, but I'm sorry, there's truly bigger issues in the world.

Anonymous said...

He's right and wrong. Those of you who think animals are killed humanely for their fur and leather need to look again. That may have been the prevailing ethos 50 years ago, but like so many things, fur production has moved to Asia. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say they don't share American attitudes regarding humane treatment of animals, particularly fur-bearing ones.

I'm not a vegan, and I do wear leather, but the Humane Society video about the fur-bearing creatures and their treatment by the fashion industry has ruined fur for me forever. If I thought I could get it from a mink farm where the animals were humanely treated and humanely killed, I might be okay with it.

It's a different world out there kids. Let's not close our eyes to it.

Anonymous said...

i know some people have brought up the people side of this arguement with slave labor in china, etc.

let me lend my knowledge, if you want to call it that. a year ago, on a study abroad, i visited Morocco, and more specifically the medina in Fez. While in Fez, we visited the tanneries, which just in case you need to know are the places where these leather hides are tanned, colored, and hardened. Let me tell you as awful as it is to use animals for fashion. It is a million times worse the conditions that they humans are put in to produce these products. there were kids out there who couldn't have been more than 13 years old, in nothing but their underwear in vats of different chemicals/solutions dipping this leather to tan it. There were also older men too, but the point is, these people had these harsh and awful chemicals coming into contact with their bare skin. The conditions were unbareable for me to even stand in. Not to mention they get paid approximately $6 (of course this is a conversion) which they gladly take because that buys them a meal easily. But it is beyond disgusting and not fair for humans to have to resort to doing this just to live. Not that I don't believe in animal issues, but we have way too many human issues that need to come first, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Uhm dude, there aren't 50 million animals on the PLANET, let alone those who give up their furs for the fashion industry. Quit speaking in extremes to make yer point. You sound like a doofus."

There are over 6 billion PEOPLE on the planet.
Now you're telling me we outnumber animals by 130 to 1?
Who's the doofus now?

Anonymous said...


Jay's fur video.

Anonymous said...

All you non-fur wearing, yet meat eating folks need to go look at a chicken /egg farm or a meat processing plant. Then you'll line up your views on animal processing.
It is no different to wear a fur because you want to than to eat chicken or beef because it tastes good or feels good. There are other non-meat protein sources available, if you can stick by your convictions. Most of you can't or don't want to. You just want to take a popular stand, shoot off your mouth and then go eat your fish dinner. Oh yeah, seems like eating fish is OK to most "vegetarians". (For health reasons, I explored being a vegan for three years. A lot of the vegans/vegetarians I met would eat fish occasionally. Somehow, they thought it was OK because it was a fish. As though a fish is less of an animal than a cow.

The fur industry is a minuscule part of the animal processing industry. Really, really tiny, folks. Most animals are killed for your paint, medicine, makeup and everyday products than are remotely killed for furs.

Wearing fur is a personal choice.
The fur farms in North America are not much different than well-run beef processing plants. Anyone can find a bad one, video it and "shock" naive people, rile them up and take the focus off what is REALLY needed to be aghast at (human rights, Iraq, pesticides that are killing animals and people).

To conclude, I find it sad and ironic that the "fashionistas" that decry the use of fur involve themselves in an industry that exploits young women sexually (15 year old models, practically nude fashion shoots), promotes anorexia (they do, they do, face it), uses 25 cents/hour labor (or thereabouts) in China and Vietnam, turns their face when they see their products being made with sweat shop labor right here in New York City, and designs clothing so completely unusable that all it is is "ART".


Anonymous said...

Defensive, party of one. Defensive, party of one. Your table is ready.

Anonymous said...

Give up my furs? When a Chicago winter is all balmy 70s and sunny, I'll give them up.

And, no, I will not wear those big quilty things that make me look twice my weight or those faux things that are made from synthetics and trash the environment and, not incidentally, scream "I'm a fake!" so loudly it hurts my ears.

I choose to be both elegant and warm.

Anonymous said...

I would never wear fur, but that's my choice.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jay and others,

My husband, David Robinson, worked hard in conjunction with Senator Diane Feinstein of California to get the US Senate (last year-the Republican Senate-soon to be a Democrat Senate) to proclaim in perpetuity, May 11..Endangered Species Day.

By doing this, we stand with the Anti Fur coalition to stop the needless fur trade and to have people stop purchasing fur for the sake of fashion.

And just because (as Anonymous stated) "generation of families have been sustained by the fur industry" that doesn't make it right.

If we truly needed fur to survive, we would wear the fur on the inside against the cold and the leather or hide on the outside. That would make a much better garment against the cold. Just ask the Eskimos, Inuit's and other native Americans of Canada, North America (Alaska) and the Artic Circle)...I think it only appropriate that these indigenous groups along with others of Siberia, be the only ones who have the right to wear fur if they need to...I would prefer they didn't...but then again, Macy's doesn't have an outlet at the North Pole.

Follow Jay, boycott use of Fur in fashion...and educate people about endangered species on May 11, 2007: website: stopextinction.org/endange


Anonymous said...

An added comment:

Remember this people..when the animals of the world go, humans are not far behind! We already domesticated animals for food, do we really need to use wild animals for use in our fashion? How stupid can you people be...and I live in California and yes, it is stupid to wear fur here...but there are always idiots...just like there are idiots on the Runways of America.

We may have domesticated some animals for food and that business needs to be cleaned up and be more humane. But we also don't really need the mink farms either...

Don't be an fur idiot..wear fake fur and be smart with our environment and the animals entrusted in our care.