Congratulations Kevin!

Friday, November 24, 2006 by

Quickie recap: The challenge was a "rock and roll makeover" for an artist no one ever heard of before. Each designer submitted sketches to singer Sarah Hudson and she chose the three best; Austin, Jay, and Kevin. Each designer picked two from the remaining designers for three teams of three. Kevin's team, which included Nora and Alexandra, won. You can read Tim's Take on this episode here.

Oh, Melissa. What have they done to you?

Not only would this not have been our choice for the win, we considered it the worst out of the three.

We'll grant you that a design challenge like this means you can pretty much throw everything out the window and do whatever you want, but this is not only ugly, it's ridiculously dated.

This is straight out of the 1984 playbook. Pure "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Is there anything more cliched than a fauxhawk and fishnets? This doesn't look "rocker" to us; it looks "poser."

In fact, it looks like a Halloween costume. Like what a 16-year-old would put together for an '80s theme party. She looks like she shredded an old prom dress and then raided her father's tie rack for accessories, which, if you're Molly Ringwald in a John Hughes film, would be considered spunky and cute, but in 2004 it just looked tired and done.


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Brooklyn Bomber said...

Did Sarah Hudson ever make a video (or do whatever she was supposed to do) wearing this? Anyone know?

Alden V said...

i liked JAY's team much better.

Anonymous said...

So the legs are tied up together? WTF?

Bean said...

Ew. Yucky threads.

Anonymous said...

yea, I really didn't like this one when I saw season one, I loved Jay's team's design. I thought it should have won. There was a whole lot of crazy going on in that dress.(Kevin's)

christopher.john said...

I actually really liked it. It was innovative, and fashion-forward. It may not be your taste, but it was defiantly Sarah Hudson's.

Anonymous said...

Oh, boys, I couldn't agree more. Kevin'd dress SUCKED and I can't believe she chose that one!! Jeez! No wonder celebrities have personal stylists.

It was so dated and SO amateur! Both Jay's and Kevin's were FAR superior, IMO...

And, boys, how was the turkey? I was counting the minutes for a new entry... call me selfish. :-D

DolceLorenzo said...

I think there's just too much going on at once with this outfit but, judging by the video, I see why she picked this one.

Anonymous said...

The Eighties are back, unfortunately. We have to remember that 1984 was 22 years ago, just enough time for people who were teenagers in 1984 to have teenagers of their own now. Teenagers that annoyingly wear leggings and triangle earrings. Ew! I even saw stirrup pants in a catalog the other day. STIRRUP PANTS! The humanity! I feel like we'll be seeing crimped hair any minute.

I went to a concert a few years ago of a band I love and every kid in there was wearing an off-the-shoulder t-shirt with their tank top strap showing. I felt about 300 years old.

Crow Winters said...

Well, lovely PRGay boys, you said it looks like something a poser would wear?

Then Kevin obviousily knew his client well, and deserved the win. :)

Anonymous said...

I like this one! but i think team jay is better.

and team austin...what the's so awful and disgusting. and kind of horrible actually.

judges love austin and he is in. but...why is vanessa out? shouldn't austin take the responsibility?
the design itself is lame, and who is reponsible for the DESIGN? surely the team leader.

after seeing 3 seasons, now i think team-challenge is a chance for eliminating people that judgs don't like. austin won once and audience love him anyway.

Anonymous said...

This one was OK. I think Jay's was the best.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...the 80's; when everyone looked like they were from Jersey.

Living through it once was enough, though I wouldn't mind a second time around if, in the process, we could bring the city back to it's pre-Starbucks, gritty, cracky splendor. Sigh. Those were the daze. Though, I have to say, it was murder for theatre viewing--I spent the entire decade sitting behind bridge & tunnel crawlers with over-moussed hair. I missed actually seeing a lot of great shows.

And speaking of I crazy, or are the model's legs teathered together with a necktie? During the real 80's, there were quite a few working girls on my block who would charge those Jersey gentlemen 20 bucks for that privledge. Kids today; they just give it away.

--Gotham Tomato

madelineanne said...

This doesn't look "rocker" to us; it looks "poser."

Well, to be hoenst, Sarah did seem a bit "Hot Topic" so perhaps the outfit was more apt than one might think.

And you know an outfit must be pretty terrible for the ever professional Melissa to look that grumpy.

Anonymous said...

"and team austin...what the's so awful and disgusting. and kind of horrible actually."

Are you serious? I loved Austin's Alice/Lolita style!! Maybe because I'm into japanese fashion ( and collect asian ball-jointed dolls).

I can tell you that his dress is *very* IN. Teens would have LOVED that!

But, as some said, that girl looked as poser as they come, so maybe Kevin was the best for her.. ;-)

bungle said...

During the real 80's, there were quite a few working girls on my block who would charge those Jersey gentlemen 20 bucks for that privledge. Kids today; they just give it away.

Loves me some Gothic Tumulto!

Anonymous said...

You know, I couldn't agree more. When I saw that I couldn't believe that she chose it. I mean it was bad retro Pretty in Punk. But then again this chick didn't really go very far anyway.

If Jeffrey had gotten this challenge, wonder what he would have done?

Anonymous said...

If Jeffrey had gotten this challenge, wonder what he would have done?

Jeffrey who?

Anonymous said...

The outfit is a dead ringer for something Cyndi Lauper would wear.

Anonymous said...

PRGayBoys... no post about Heidi popping out kid number 3?!?

Anonymous said...

" Granite Janet said...

The outfit is a dead ringer for something Cyndi Lauper would wear."

YES, this outfit is SO "she bop."

"She bop - he bop - a - we bop
I bop - you bop - a - they bop
be bop - be bop - a - lu - she bop..."

Unknown said...

omg thank you! i was thinking the same thing!

Anonymous said...

guccigirl said,

"She bop - he bop - a - we bop
I bop - you bop - a - they bop
be bop - be bop - a - lu - she bop..."

GG -- I was thinking the same thing!

Anonymous said...

This dress makes me shudder. But what can you do? Sarah Whoever clearly liked that design when Kevin drew it for her, and thought it came out exactly as she expected from the sketches. Congrats to Kevin for being able to "read" his client so well. Boos to Project Runway for bringing on such a client in the first place. This was probably my least favorite challenge this season.

Anonymous said...

I hated this outfit. It is supposed to be "rock and roll" and all, but also aesthetically pleasing. This looks like someone just threw a bunch of fabric together.

Anonymous said...

"judges love austin and he is in. but...why is vanessa out? shouldn't austin take the responsibility?"

They were asked who should be eliminated, to which Vanessa said "Eliminate me." It really had nothing to do with who the judges loved.

eric3000 said...

Yeah, I really thought this was the weakest of the three. Completely dated concept and poorly executed. A retro-80s look could work if done right but I don't think this was it.

Anonymous said...

You may have not liked the outfit, but the client, Sarah Hudson, did. In fact she first chose this outfit based on Kevin Johnn's pitch to her, and the resulting outfit on the runway was exactly as he had presented to her from his sketches. That's why he won this challenge. As far as a stage piece, the outfit totally worked on Sarah.

Anonymous said...

"if you're Molly Ringwald in a John Hughes film, would be considered spunky and cute, but in 2004 it just looked tired and done."

Amen, sisters.

Anonymous said...

I like Jay's team too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe for a video or something, but I think it sucks as a stage piece.

Miranda said...

Hear, hear. I would have picked Jay's design for the win. In fact, if I had the bod for it, I would wear his design right this minute. (It'd be an odd choice of outfit for hanging around my basement watching DVDs, but I'd wear it!)

I didn't like Austin's design much, but Kevin's? Ptooey. "Dear Mr. Fashion Designer, Can you please make my ass look three times as big as it really is? Love and smooches, Sarah."

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of what you said. I just knew Jay had the win - while I don't care for the "hard rocker" look, that was a very cool outfit. Austin's was too "pretty" for S.H. - and for this challenge. It definitely didn't have the hard edge. Kevin's winning outfit was just plain ugly! I look forward to the comments on the crying jags, but I did enjoy Austin rocking out during the performance shown during the credits! Wish they had shown us more of that! Happy Thanksgiving, Guys - I'm thankful for YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank God other people can't stand this outfit. WTF was Sarah Hudson thinking? I thought she would have picked Jay's, which was much more stylish.

(And I'm still wondering why she was acting like Austin's outfit didn't match what he'd said in his pitch. Alice in Wonderland, fantasy French hooker, little girl gone bad? Um, I think he was pretty clear. Maybe if it had been Gwen Stefani?)

Operakatz said...

Ooh looky...A Joann's Fabric Store puked on a model!

Gah...Jay's was the best but there's no accounting for taste...Fug galore!

Vic said...

Am in total agreement.

Anonymous said...

[sarcasm]I'll just say that the overwhelming success of Ms. Hudson's career will make liars of us all![/sarcasm]

BigAssBelle said...

i did like the little sleeves, though. it's incredibly cindy lauperish c. 1982 :-) and how did they turn that girl ugly? criminy, now that takes skill!

Anonymous said...

Melissa looked like shit. I didn't like the style at all. The dress is OK.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

The Eighties are back, unfortunately."

Yes now, but not back then. To me, with the exception of Austin's, the outfits conformed to classic and stereotypical interpretations of rock and roll, and not in a good way.

Anonymous said...

As a sixteen year old girl, I concur with the fact I'd put that together for an 80's-themed day. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sarah Hudson has Kevin Johnn as one of her best friends on her MySpace Page.

Apparently they're still in touch.

Anonymous said...

"Andrea said...
Did Sarah Hudson ever make a video (or do whatever she was supposed to do) wearing this? Anyone know?"

Was the outfit just for that thing at the end of the episode?