Is it us or does she look like a children's book character?
"Hello, children! Hello! My name is Bumble Bea and I'm here to take you through the magic land of the sugar plum fairies on the way to Santa's Village! Hold hands now - stop crying - hold hands and follow me!
Stop crying!"
Stop crying!"
In the immortal words of Tim, "Oh, Jesus." She is damn lucky she sent that down the runway on the very first challenge while the judges were in a forgiving mood, because that? Holy shit. Her model looks about ready to take her behind the runway and beat her to within an inch of her life.
"Haha! Shit, girl. I might look like a UPS package, but you look like an explosion in a Hallmark store."
"I'm gonna fucking kill this skinny little bitch."
"I'm gonna fucking kill this skinny little bitch."
Yeah, I never liked this Starr girl, the extra S just annoys me. Love you guys tho!
I always wondered why someone so thin-skinned would choose law as a profession. She obviously does not work well under pressure because that dress is indescribable.
love you guys
CP (finally identifying myself)
I don't know but I definitely see some Jubilee Jumbles Convention in that outfit's future for sure!
haha *meep*
what a cry baby. I don't know what they said to her (haven't seen the episode), but she's acting like someone just ran over her cat. Just by looking at her, I can tell I don't like her.
OMG!!! She rivals claymation! Her real name is Starr Rankin-Bass.
Seriously, the art show FREAKS they allow on this show and kick off within the first few episodes are just HILARIOUS. Do the producers put them on there just so we can laugh at them???
If so, thank you :)
that looks like an outfit for a french art camp governess to me...
What's Starr's last name?? I remember it goes with "Starr" to make some clever little quip...
Starr was such a tragic character! It was painful to watch her put this apparel vomit together and send it down the runway on an unsuspecting young girl. Double meep.
Oh, never mind. It must have been Jay Mac making a joke about her name....her real last name is unpronouncable for me.
I'm laughing so hard it's starting to hurt.
You two are screencap geniuses -- I saw that episode, but your finesse in picking exactly the right frame makes me see it at a whole new depth.
Oh God, you guys are KILLING me. I'm getting fired today, I just know it.
You know what just occurred to me? You know how toward the end of Season 3 people were saying, "Oh, you're not fun and snarky anymore, whine whine."?
I think that what happens is usually by the final four or five, the really snark-worthy people have been eliminated. Certainly you don't get the opportunity for the real bitch-slap the way you do in the early seasons when you could fertilize Iowa with what's coming down the runway.
After Kayne got cut, it was serious business for Season 3! That was the dividing line. This time thank God Kara the Diva made it through to the final runway show.
And I don't remember this dress, but she looks like Rainbow Brite on the bad stuff alright.
"I might look like a UPS package, but you look like an explosion in a Hallmark store."
If that model would raise her right arm just a little and point it in the direction of the southern sky, I guarantee you she could pick up Oprah & Friends on XM.
Angela took lessons from her with the damned granny circles. What the hell was around this woman's neck? Daniel Franco should not have gone home with that monstrosity hanging about.
And Gigi is right....Starr is probably a shitty lawyer.
patsystone- that was funny... but is she hi-def? how's your gracious drawing room, hun?
oh yeah
That's odd -- I could have sworn the recycling challenge was in season three....
poor starr.
i don't hate her as a person.
I wonder if you shook her back and forth over a hot stovetop, if she'd shoot popcorn out of her ass. Me? Or my imagination?
Starr reminds me of Olive Oil off her Prozac. I think she's either a lawyer the way Miss November is a rocket scientist or she's daddy's little lawyer.
Every outfit she sent down the runway looked like a Disney creation for Daisy Duck. Like Starr herself, all her fashions are cartooney.
Having said that, she has a great future in soaps because the bitch can cry like her lip gloss hurts.
i just cant believe starr had the nerve to make the girl carry a handbag on top of all that mess...
"that other redhead said...
...the bitch can cry like her lip gloss hurts."
LOL. How can you be a lawyer and cry like that? The dress is HIDEOUS. It's a freaking kid's project.
Welcome to Starr Circus. Yah-ah, I make clown costumes.
My poor Me-li-SAH. Stick with Austin, girl. Dahling Austin turns you into a water nymph!
loveyameanit T&L, Austin.
Haha! Shit, girl. I might look like a UPS package, but you look like an explosion in a Hallmark store.
ROFLMAO. Shit funny fabulousness.
"Hello, children! Hello! My name is Bumble Bea.
To Bea or Not to Bea, that is the question.
OK. had to change my pants again.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if you shook her back and forth over a hot stovetop, if she'd shoot popcorn out of her ass. Me? Or my imagination?
OH MY GOD!!! Laughing...so...hard...right...now.....need to breathe.....
I know I am going to get fired today. The whole month of NOV. I have been vasted here.
Never fear, my family can live on sunshine, air and fabulousity vapors.
Let's Pah-tee, darlings.
Shopping at Hallmark, may I please have precious moments.
1. Is it us or does she look like a children's book character?
2. Hello, children! Hello! My name is Bumble Bea
3. I might look like a UPS package, but you look like an explosion in a Hallmark store.
4. *meep!*
Yes, I would pay anything for these priceless treasures!
Must get back to work or I will have too much time to LMAO here T&L. Bravo.
Starr's unfortunate model is Audrey - Audrey will look fabulous in Wendy's Banana Republic design. It's just not fair to blame the models. Honestly - do you suppose Audrey added this shot to her portfolio? This is complete humiliation for her you can tell.
I so agree with the comment upstream about the jiffypop factor. This is exactly what my husband said.
There is NO WAY this woman functions as a lawyer. I work with lawyers and they have to be bastids. They definitely can't cry at the drop of a hat!
Who was better tv, Daniel or Starr? I say Daniel. I'll take creepy over neurotic basket case any day.
She says she's a lawyer, but what lawyer wears colored contacts over brown eyes? Don't people stop doing that their junior year of high school? She's a depressed mess, and I hate that she stayed more than one episode. If only they could have auf'd more than one for the first challenge.
so, starr has a website "stellamaris couture" - she models her own designs for a can can dress, saloon dress, and mermaid outfit.
no comment
If you take that first picture, widen Starr's eyes a smidge and replace the mole under her left eye with a tear, you'd have the perfect model for one of those obnoxious black velvet paint-by-number portraits.
Thanks, Guys, for a good laugh on an otherwise depressing day.
Starr looks like a butterfly!
come on stop picking on poor starr,
i look at this clothes for a second glance and i think...vincent and angela are even weaker...
Star looks like the pole dancer on TC2blogger.
I go to Project Rungay and Project Gay.
Heres make many happinesses. Always manyways LMAO.
Nov 3rd
"an explosion in a Hallmark store." Oh My Sacred God! And with that screen capture!
I haven't seen this episode yet but when I get the DVD, at least now I'll know to put on the welder's mask when this comes down the runway!
The best is yet to come... they've not discussed Wendy's faboo creation...Too bad T&L didn't discuss it before Halloween.
How can you tell she's wearing colored contacts? Her eyes look pretty brown to me.
That being said, I watched season one this summer for the first time. Starr had some serious fashion horrors.
The sad thing is how Starr looks like she cringes at absolutely everythng. When you look at her here, it doesn't inspire confidence that she knows how to make a client look confident, comfortable, and utterly fashionable. Somebody like Santino would have defended this mess creatively, but she looks so upset by her effort that you automatically pick up the vibe that it is awful.
Loves me some PRGays and the Commentarian Army. The lofty heights of the best smack are attained here.
I've never seen the first few episodes of season 1 (or season 2 for that matter), so this is the first time I've seen this outfit. Wow. And are some people saying that Wendy's is worse? I'm frightened to find out...
Gigi said: "I always wondered why someone so thin-skinned would choose law as a profession."
Well Gigi, I don't think she actually practices law, and let's face it, she went to BU (I'm an alum). I'll let you fill in the rest!
Agree with anon 1:05. I think Starr came back as a psuedo pastry chef named Marisa on Top Chef.
The pole dancer with Marisa's head is a nod to her pimping a horrific swimsuit calendar on her website.
What a freaking mess of a dress. Even Kaynebow's garbage dress was a thousand times better than this.
" potty mouth princess said...
Agree with anon 1:05. I think Starr came back as a psuedo pastry chef named Marisa on Top Chef."
It's true. She does look like Marisa.
Seeing that again, I immediately thought "Jubilee Jumbles"!
The word for today is *meep*.
stacey: technically, I'm not sure Wendy's work even qualifies as an "outfit". It'll be fun to see what the guys come up for to explain *that*.
Also: swiped from TWoP, but Starr *totally* looks like Wednesday Addams. I also think she could pass for Violet of the Incredibles, but she is a bit meek.
Aside: S1 was really awesome, I highly recommend purchasing the DVD if you've only been watching from S2 on. I think there was better rapport in some ways, and definitely Jay McCarroll is a hoot. S1 is better than S2, and S3 rivals it (although Vincent and Jeffrey's attitudes bring S3 down and I will not be purchasing the S3 DVD).
Anonymous said...
The word for today is *meep*.
You're damn right! I've said it twice already to the warehouse guys at work as I covered my mouth with my hand with my eyes wide. They SO want me now, seriously.
question, how did she NOT go home?
Never could stand cry babies.
How's she gonna pursue law (which she will after this challenge)if she can't even stand up to a a more than generous critique? (Given the crap she showed the judges.)
Oh, you sweet little princes. Bless you for posting those pictures. BLESS YOU. My eyes are permanently crossed.
She and Violet Parr are the same damn person.
Star pissed me off w/ all that damn crying, like it was the end of the world that the judges did not like her creations; there are people dying everyday, people starving living in unreal circumstances, but this girl has to make a judging critique out to be a fate worse than death. In fact she acted like the judges were sending her to her death.
BTW, how could Star actually believe she would make it to the end of PR? Surely you'd think that after the first competition, she'd clue in that she doesn't have the talent to compete w/ the likes of Kara Saun, Austin, Jay, etc, etc. If I was Star I would expect to get sent home very soon, so there's no need in fooling yourself that you can somehow sqeek by all season long. Did you see how happy she was after the eliminations where she did not get auf'd, but she was on stage as one of the 2 worse designers voted by the judges? She'd get all happy and shit, but I'd be like, damn, I don't have a prayer here.
Just wait til you see the dress with the tumor on it.
--Gotham Tomato
i hate starr. Her face just literally makes me nauseas...
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