The PRGayBoys were in mild disagreement over this one. Lorenzo liked it a lot more than Tom did. It's definitely bold and eye-catching. But penis envy, Robert? Puh-leeze.
It wasn't an original concept, but against what the other designers were doing, it stood out. It's a little pucker-y but for the most part, it's well-executed. It's just the color choices we're not crazy about more than anything.
Wow, that bitch from e-bay really tore this to shreds. We didn't think it was that bad. Conceptually, it was very weak. You don't really get the envy vibe off it. It looks more like a wedding dress than anything else, especially with the bound hands resembling a bouquet. We're not sure if that was deliberate, but if it was, we'll give her points for being clever.
And the back makes a little more sense than the front, in terms of her explanation. Simplistic, sure. But did you have to make Nora cry, e-bitch?
Martinique, you slinkyfabulous thing, you.
Don't get us wrong, it's definitely costume-y and maybe not even pretty, but we were talking about this last night and we decided that this really is how Austin envisions envy. It just felt like pure expression of vision to us. The green heart is clever and the whole "Evil Queen" thing is totally Austin. Plus we loved the way he directed her to slink down the runway.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Once again, you nailed it. I tend to agree with others that although Robert's was derivative, he sold it well (guy can sell you the Brooklyn Bridge), and it was obvious that he loved the woman's body.
I was disappointed in Nora's design also, but I wonder what it would have looked like had it been done in black or red--more hooker-ish? Or more statement like Galliano or Versace? Tying her hands together didn't help, and this was a definite step back from her first challenge idea.
Austin. Austin, austin. How could you ignore his quote of "I think we all have a bit of an Evil Queen inside of us?" The dress was as derivative as Robert's, but saved by the fact that he went SOOOOO literal. Otherwise, aside from a wonderful model and a superb dye job, that dress really isn't that difficult.
Melissa is one of my favorite models from all three seasons. She MADE Robert's outfit.
"Ms. Place said...
Melissa is one of my favorite models from all three seasons. She MADE Robert's outfit."
Yes, Melissa and Martinique are by far the best models.
This was the first episode I saw of P.R. I like the colors Robert used; imagine if he'd used something more typical -- gray, black, or navy. It would be much less interesting. In any case, it's actually wearable, though I agree it doesn't suggest envy, and . . . penis envy? Oy.
But my favorite was and still is Austin's. I don't see it as costumy. In fact, while you've rightly pointed out that many of the outfits in this challenge were purely conceptual, I don't think this one is. I think it evokes the theme while still being wearable.
The only thing that would have made it more "penis envy" is if he had turned over a stupid little rounded basket and made it into a hat.
But nobody on a design show would ever *really* do that.
I have to agree with Austin that the "evil queen" in me is alive and well. I just love his point of view.
I think his dress was one of the only one that really was both conceptual and commercial. It was costumey only in a slight sense, and let's face it, that's just Austin. All of his clothes have a slight costumey feel to them. This dress was one of the more commercial pieces I've seen out of him. Which is funny considering everyone else went more conceptual.
I disagree that Nora's dress was too plain. If she had done much more she would have been venturing into Kaynebow territory, and she would have been fried alive by the wicked queen of Elle and labelled as tasteless. I think the back was more interesting than the front, but if she had carried the effect to the front of the dress, it could have been disastrous.
And all I have to say about Robert's outfit is that he WOULD choose penis envy...
I love Nora, but that dress was absolutely shiteous. It didn't even fit properly. And Plotkin's outfit looked like a tap costume I wore once when we danced to "Five Guys Named Moe".
I actually loved Austins.
I love these oufits and I do think they represent envy. Austin's is my favorite. Martinique is simply gorgeous. I LOVE her.
not too crazy about that austin envy, it's kinda tacky to have a big heart there.
when i think of envy i think of purple, but using other colors to make envy is more special.
"The dress was as derivative as Robert's, but saved by the fact that he went SOOOOO literal. Otherwise, aside from a wonderful model and a superb dye job, that dress really isn't that difficult. "
that looks just like an homework.
I'm just itching for when the time comes that Austin wins.
I wish Nora had done just a bit more on the front. I think a small circle of sheer over her belly button, or a question mark with the dot on the belly button might have saved this dress from the "boring" comments. I think the back is awesome and the white saves it from looking hookerish. But what is missing is the "Wit".
I get Austin's dress but my favorite part of "Malificent's" (the evil Queen in Snow White) clothes is her head covering. Now THAT would have been costumey, so good for Austin's restraint. I know he wanted to put that on her, too.
I liked Robert's. Oh, I agree, penis envy is ridiculous, but it's very, well, Robert. But the outfit looked great (although, yeah, that had a lot to do with Melissa as well. Melissa! I love her!)
Nora's was dull but certainly didn't deserve the egregiously bitchy comments the e-bitch (love that) poured upon it. It was far better than some.
And I liked Austin's as well. Not as creative as some of his designs, but it made sense to me. And in this particular challenge, that whole "makes sense" thing? Was rare.
Jay's was fantastic. You're right; the longer one looks at it, the more his creativity and wit shines through. It's genius. Ah, Jay. I'm falling in love with him all over again.
I didn't like Robert's, I thought the trim was cheap-looking and reminiscent of Daniel Franco's butcher-paper outfit.
Liked Robert's design though totally not a fan of his. I think Melissa's what really put the ensemble over the top. Melissa's smokin'. Is it me or is Martinique channeling Josephine Baker? Wow. Martinique. That's where I want to take my vacation. Not the island.
Penis envy is a totally valid concept for this challenge. If you want to talk ridiculous, how about Vanessa's pregnancy envy? At least Robert translated his into something cool.
I thought Austin's dress was really memorable, and that it was deserving of top three status. When you guys said you were going to critique season 1, I tried to think back and remember what the various challenges were. All I could remember for this one was it was the challenge with the heart dress.
As a hetero gal, I adore Robert, I hate his clothes, but I have have been under his charm spell for 2 years. I can only hope that soon you will post his ass since the webpage honoring his ass is no longer up!
Dork loves the ladies, no wonder his mother had the balls!
Hey - does anyone else think Michael Kors "borrowed" this look from a certain PR3 finalist?
I didn't like Robert's either. I have to agree. It looked cheap.
I'm not impressed with any of these outfits. They look very costume-y to me, but I guess that was because of the challenge. Envy? What a bullshit challenge!
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