Crazy as it sounds to us, The Boston Herald interviewed us about the blog and the show. Also, people keep telling us we were mentioned in Newsweek, although we can't seem to find it online. We ARE the queens of all media, bitches!
Edited to add: Here's the link to the Newsweek mention. And we just checked, we're in the print edition as well! Fame, darlings, FAME!
you were in newsweek this week. it was under the weekly section about blogs to keep an eye on. congrats!
Fabulous, guys. Congrats!
Great article, guys.
Though, personally, if I was getting such amazing publicity from a brilliant blog, I'd use it to try to get into Daniel Vosovic's pants rather than get invited to Laura's apartment...
That is too fabulous! I love you guys!!
Pretty soon you'll be on Letterman and Martha....Just don't release some cheesey "Queens Go Wild" DVDs
Wonderful. Congratulations! You guys rule!
--Granite Janet
5 Stars, babies, and every one is deserved!
what am I going to do with out you???
Congrats, darlings. I'm going to see you tonight at the you-know-what!
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! SO proud of you both.
Love you boys!
Awesome, guys!
Doesn't anybody else feel a twinge of "I found PRG a long time ago, so ya'll can f%#@ off!" ;)
No PR until NEXT SUMMER???? Please tell me this is an unsubstantiated rumor.
Must buy PR 1+2 DVDs
overnight delivery
off to Amazon
Absolutely Fabulous, boys...
here's the link to the Newsweek blogwatch:)
A great article and well deserved! I wondered what you two did on your off hours. 9 to 5 when you're not doing your real work here, that is. You have such talent for putting words to images so I'm not surprised it involves more language skills.
That was a nice pic of the final 4 with the article but I'd have preferred seeing you!
Thanks for all your wit and intelligence and a place for us to come and yak!
"patsystone said…
Absolutely Fabulous, boys...
here's the link to the Newsweek blogwatch:)
Hi Patsy,
Thank you SO much, darling!
You guys deserve the kudos. Best blog ever! Always spot-on!
I will miss you. Carry on!
‘‘We said, ‘We love this woman. We have to find a way to talk about her,’ ” said Fitzgerald. ‘‘She’s a fabulous, take-no-crap kind of woman.
If this blog doesn't do it, surely the raves should warrant an invitation to Laura's loft?
Well-deserved kudos!
this doesn't have anything to do with the post, but I thought y'all might like to know that Michael was featured at an event for the Art Institute of Atlanta
(it's about a third of the way down the page - with a not so great picture of Michael.)
PS my husband looks a lot like Michael. I'm so lucky!
PPS congratulations PRGayboys on your growing fame!!!!
Congratulations, darlings! All of the kudos are well-deserved. I was *very* happy to read the bit about how you're planning on keeping the blog going in the off season. I've reached a point where I think I can handle the lack of new episodes if I don't have to do without you two. So thank you!!!
Dahlinks, I'm not at all surprised that you're not only fabulous but famous as well! Mwa! When the season is over, who will brighten the dull life of this embroiderer? Sigh, corporate logos, all day long with no PRG breaks. :-(
Well deserved recognition. And you are showing such restraint in not overtly plugging the merchandise line! "Angry Little Peanut" bib makes me wanna have a baby (well, almost). And a tee shirt from my absolute favorite snarkism, "Princess Pinking Shears". I had to think a minute to remember the source of "I wonder what kind of praise I'll get today," -- Keith's morning mantra! You have posted thanks to us, your devoted fans, but let me add my thanks to you guys for making me do the snort laugh, blow coffee through my nose, and giving me great lines to quote as my own. I'm gonna miss you! What will you do in the off-season?
When you two fabulously gay boys get your book deal, I would like it noted that it was *I* who first suggested that this blog be compiled in that format. It should really be packaged with the Season 3 DVD. Congratulations for all the great press, and to the media who are finally getting a clue, all I can say is, it took you long enough! PRG is the BEST blog in the history of humankind!
And if I may...not to fuel the fire (again), but I saw another preview of tonight's episode, wherein Jeffrey was making another garment in case his shorts were disallowed due to lack of a receipt for the outsourced work. I went back to one of the sites that shows all of the designs for his runway show, and there are no shorts. So - my guess is that the shorts were disallowed, he substituted a new outfit, and that was the extent of the controversy.
Not trying to start another debate - just imparting some info.
Totally deserved attention!
Believe your own press clippings, fellas. We do.
You guys are the bestest! and we've always known that!
I feel that twinge as well. Luckily, I have not ceased to be entertained by our dear boys. Congratulations on all of the well deserved recognition!
wow- you guys really think Jeff is gonna win? I havent been wrong yet in the past two seasons and he isnt my pick to win. Let's see...
Congrats, Boys, for the very much deserved recognition. What's Next?
Time mag's Men of the Year?
The 1st Pulitzer for Blog Reporting?
Dare I say it: the Nobel Peace Prize? If your efforts the last few weeks don't at least qualify you, there is no justice in the world!
The Tom & Lorenzo Show (on Bravo?) is definitely next!
Do you have an agent?
Hi Fabo boys!
Why don't you blog on season 1 & 2?
That way, we don't have to wait until next season to read your hysterical take?
Loving you.
Just don't release some cheesey "Queens Go Wild" DVDs
Bwahahaha. I just had a flashback to Kayne's description of Tara Reid's show.
You guys are fabulous. My word, do you ever get sick of hearing that?
And, wow, I'm thrilled to hear you think Jeffrey will win, even though I know he's not your fave.
Thanks for weeks of great fun. You guys are a class act.
You deserve every inch of press that you get. Congrats!
Your mammas must be proud! I am. Thank you so much for a great blog, and for starting each of my days with a smile. I'm looking forward to the "auf season"..
Congratulations, bitches!
Just wanted to let you know that i just got the print copy of Newsweek and there you are mentioned on page 11. Somehow seeing it in print made it more real for me.
Aah, I'm feeling all "I knew them when..." right now.
Congrats T&L.
The biggest baddest bitches have arrived. Spread in Elle. Not. Print in Newsweek. Priceless.
loveit loveit loveit T&L. You fabulous bitches done your mamma proud.
I hope you will keep giving us your sunshine everyday.
actually i was thinking y'all should be front page, nyt. nothing less than the grand dame for you two dames ;-) congrats!
at some point, i would like a bio of the two of you: who you are, what you did pre-PRGay, what you're going to do after besides TopChef ;-) and what surge of creativity prompted this fabulous meeting place.
tell all, sisters . . .
Don't let Perez hear you say that!
Oh, yes! If you'll blog about Seasons I and II, I'll buy them on DVD. DH finally made me delete them from the TiVo.
You guys are the personification of the Santino catchphrase, "Lighten up, it's just fashion!"
Seriously, y'all are fabulous and really deserve this. You provide a vital service to all those doing 9-5.
Please keep this blog going. You have the e-mail hotline to Laura, keep us posted on what she does no matter the outcome of PR. Even if she loses, I think she'll turn out to be winner in the long run.
I personally think that T&L are on the brink of discovery. Soon, they'll be invited to become commentors on shows like Reality Remix, E!, etc. you watch! Go boys, yer making us proud.
I am anticipating Project Rungay withdrawal symptoms after the PR party is over. Congratulations on your fab coverage. You two lovely boys have ARRIVED!
FABULOUS!! Congratulations, guys. I do agree with BG though.
(BG said...
Awesome, guys!
Doesn't anybody else feel a twinge of "I found PRG a long time ago, so ya'll can f%#@ off!" ;) )
But I know we couldn't keep you to ourselves, and really wouldn't want to, but just remember we've been here all along. And I will continue to read anything or anyone you blog until next season. I agree with someone else that I have enjoyed this season more than the previous ones BECAUSE of this blog. You have a gift for pulling out the funniest bits and succinctly commenting on things I didn't even notice. YOU GO, GIRLS!!
"James Derek Dwyer said...
wow- you guys really think Jeff is gonna win? I havent been wrong yet in the past two seasons and he isnt my pick to win. Let's see... "
Ok...spill it, who is your pick?
You go girls! That's just fabulously fierce.
I've been have trouble getting a breath all day. I feel my world closing in on me. Everything feels less wonderful and less colorful and less real. I feel like my life is over and there will be no more terrific wonderfulness for me anymore.
And tonight I realize that it's because I'm losing you. How can I ever go on? What will be my reason for logging on? How can you be so heartless and cruel when I can't live without you?
Blog-Spot on! How exciting!
Well-deserved Congratulations, boyz... just think of the community you've created here in your own little corner of the ether.
Also, you are responsible for the term "Don't go all Kaynebow on me" becoming part of our family's lexicon.
I agree that one of the BEST things about this blog is the civility - the most very bestest thing, however, is the ab-so-lute wit.
Fellow PRG readers/bloggers, I propose we post rememberances of our favorite posts - I, personally, cannot forget the love letter to our Tim Gunn........ others?
Good idea ProfP. While yours is a classic, "KOO KOO KACHOOO Mrs. Bennett" is something I can almost recite verbatim.
People, I think we can agree on something we're all familiar with: Luxury. It is the big in-your-face statement of being that on the flip side is replete with tiny, almost innocuous amenities that just leave nothing to chance.
That is this blog. Great big giant posts and all the great little touches. Luxury.
We've been blessed, PRGays, thanks!
I just turned a friend on to this blog today, she'd never seen it and I felt remiss that I hadn't clued her in. I was like, Girl, you have to go read the Ode to Tim Gunn RIGHT NOW and then read the entire blog all in one sitting, right now!
This blog rules. Please tell me you'll still talk to me now that you're all famous and stuff.
Boys, there is no way you can leave us now. So I respectfully submit the follwoing, from the E-online story announcing the winner, for your consideration:
"Oh, and in case you haven't seen enough people stabbed in the back with pinking shears lately, Bravo is rolling out a Runway spinoff in January. Top Design will feature interior designers battling it out, presumably for a spread in Elle Décor magazine, considering editor-in-chief Margaret Russell is along for the ride. Fashion-turned-home furnishings guru Todd Oldham will host."
Congrats on the well-deserved recognition. So glad our Boston newspaper acknowledged your genius!
My darlings, if Tim Gunn is half as fabulous as we KNOW he is, he'll hire you instantly for the TIM GUNN NETWORK! All fabulous, all gay, all the damn time. GO PRGayBoys!
Dear Guys,
I am sooo very disappointed that Laura didn't win and boycotted my computer all day in liew of it.,.and will boycott Project Runway (like they really care) until the next season...
I feel a real major loss about her not winning..and although I am from Southern California...I will tell you this...ONLY IDIOT EASTERNERS, ROCKSTAR WANNABES, HANGER ON FRIENDS OF HIS, AND AGING ROCK STARS ARE GOING TO BE WEARING JEFFREY SEBALIA LINE OF CLOTHING.
I was an immoral vote imho...
That's all I will say...I* am so glad you two got to see the actual show..am as jealous as can be...
I suggest an espisode for the next Project Runway: Have the designers dress for the apple and pear body shape..it doesn't have to be a large person...include the really shortwaisted person (myself who looks deformed) and the really long waisted...No one designs clothes for us apple shortwaisted bodies that have any style..they are all empire crap...
Thanks Project Rungay for being there for us this season.
Most sincerely,
Mr. and Mrs. DL Robinson
San Diego, CA
two of your fans!
Dear Guys,
You have such a following, why don't you just keep your BLOG open for all of us to come and see what you are up to, what we should keep our eyes on, et al.
Is Project Chef just too too for you? HOw about that new HGTV show coming up?
How about following Laura into her next phase of design? You be her biographers and document and keep us informed...we think she is fabulous too.
I know you will think of something wonderful that all genders and combinations there of can relate to...a meeting of the minds online of incredibly taleneted, discerning, open minded-(need I really say that?)- intelligent people who love the arts and all facets thereof?
Think about it guys...I will keep logging in til you find your hook that gets you both famous and we can all say "We knew them when..."
hmmm do I hear a magazine in the future?????? A possible futurism magazine of where American culture is going re: the arts? now that's just one idea...
your friend in San Diego
Jacqueline Robinson
San Diego, CA
You get it off the ground, get a circulation going and I probably could find funding after the whole thing works...can't promise, but know the people who can do it.
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