We have burning real estate envy when we look at Nina's office. We especially love the fact that she apparently doesn't feel the need to provide seating for anyone other than herself. She made a pregnant woman sit on an air conditioner. That's a level of fabulous bitchery of which we can only sit in awe.
Betcha her staff has to sit on the floor when she's pissed off.
We fully support any office dress code that sees spangled tank tops as appropriate and encouraged. What do they wear on casual Fridays? Bathing suits?
Mrowr, Chica! Hot! We're as gay as pink Christmas trees, but who wouldn't want a bitchy Latin woman in kickass shoes to make you sit on the windowsill in her fabulous office, bark orders at you, and kick you out? Where do we send our resumés?
I'm quite fond of her shorts. Very chic!
All I could look at was her heels. Damn, those are HIGH.
NinahgahciahfashiondesigneratElleMagazine is all that and a big bag of chips! She could out-alpha-bitch a rottie in heat.
I hope you guys have some MAJOR balls if you're going to work for the divine Nina. She's like the professor who could reduce me to a quivering mess with a single word.
When she told Jeffery "I'm confused," those two words alone made even my stomach collapse. It's no wonder he had to clutch Marilinda's hand to keep from breaking down into tears.
Guys, Magazines are so last century! 'course so is that phrase! NeeeNaH would be a fierce boss sorta a cross between a battle axe and a diva. Bet her office isn't actually big enough for chairs.
bg is dead on. You could really skewer someone bigtime with those heels. Begs the question though of just how tall is Nina, anyway?
Y'know what? I think half the reason Michael, Jeffrey and Laura screwed up so badly was because Tim warned them, "Don't Bore Nina" and those three words just utterly threw them off their game.
Mister Terrific
Those shoes made me salivate. I loves me some fierce heels...I'm 5'9" and I feel naked unless my shoes have at least 3-inch heels.
But...honestly...? I couldn't see working for her. She'd go too far with the bitchery, and I'd end up having to toss her ass from her breathtaking-view-offering window.
During that whole scene at Elle, all I could think of was "Take your daughters to work day".
NeenahGahseeya totally dominated them like a parent over a child.....
Ruckers blog at bravo suggests that it's not Nina's office and that they just went around Elle to find a big enough space to film in.
They even got to visit the "closet"--but it was too small to film in, unfortunately!
Oh, and forgot to say, TERRIFIC post. Again. You guys are fabulosity itself.....
shorts, glittery tank top ~ sounds like the tulsa state fair until you get to those kick ass come fuck me baby shoes. neenah, neenah, neenah ~ she's fabulous.
i cannot believe i JUST discovered you fabulous gays!! where have i been? i spent waaay too much of my work day yesterday reading all your entries and getting caught up. and now i see you're in philly! sweet! so am i....so, where are we watching the finale together, boys?
OMG, bigassbelle, that is exactly what my husband's southern aunt calls shoes like that! I feel so unfabulous every time I see Ninagarcia. Maybe I need some new shoes.
And there are CFM shoes, and then there are CFMH (hard) shoes. Ah yes, I remember those days. and those shoes. and those...where was I?
You boys continue to destroy me. Great post about the office.
I LOVED Nina's outfit. I was so inspired I wore something similar for Casual Friday today.
"Ah yes, I remember those days. and those shoes. and those...where was I . . . "
anonymous, darling, if you were anything like the rest of us, you were flat on your back watching your fabulous spiked CFMs waving in the air ;-)
what glittering days and nights we had in those pre-AIDS days . . .
Surely, there must be an opening or two for a "specialassistanttothefashiondirectorofellemagazine."
That pic of Nina standing next to the "The Look" blowup reminds me of those mother-daughter ads for - what was it? - Ivory soap? - back in the day. Maybe Nina does need an update, but if *I* looked that good with the long hair and the sparkly tank top and the come-and-get-me shoes, I'd dress like that too! And I'm old!! ;o)
As usual, you guys rock. Thanks for the daily smiles.
That Nina is ugly, but she looks well put together, but still ugly face, ugly chin...
How incredibly fucking hot is Nina? Oh my god. Whenever she comes on camera I just get the goofiest damn grin on my face.
You know it's one thing to be pretty or beautiful or cute, but to have that come-fuck-me-I'm-fabulous attitude that Nina conveys is 100% attitude ... No amount of plastic surgery or outstanding genetics will get you that.
And honestly? I'd rather have Nina that someone like Heidi any day of the week.
Just my two cents y'all.
Seriously. How high are those shoes? I'm not good at that kind of thing.
It looks like they're higher than she could stand on her tip-toes!
Ninotchka Garcia de Castellanos. Love ya, bitch!
I worked on the business side (not fashion/editorial)at Mirabella magazine back in the early 90's when Nina was a fashion editor there. One thing I remember about her was that she wore SKIRTS UP TO HER PUPICK, as we say in NYC. I thought it was tacky, but she could get away with it because she was young,super-thin, and carried herself so beautifully.
As for the "rules" for dressing at a fashion magazine, I'd say a big (unwritten) one is not to look like you're trying too hard--definitely NOT like in The Devil Wears Prada.
On a day-to-day basis,while working in the office, most of the fashion editors wear lots of black, little make-up, and flat shoes. It's pretty unglamorous, although a HUGE perk--and not-so dirty-little-secret-- is that they get lots of clothes and accessories for free (either as samples or outright gifts from designers who want exposure in the magazine).
Nina,do NOT cut your hair. You look like a woman, regardless of people who think only teens should have long hair. Don't listen to any gay hairdressers telling you to cut your hair, they are jealous, if they have the chance to wear long hair and high heels they DO! NINA you are Fierce Miss Thang.
Most of you know WAY more about the fashion form of art than I; for me PR is a crash course in it, for most of you, more than that. In that light, it is imperative that I aim for listening to Professors Nina Garcia, Michael Kors and Tim Gunn in a way that requires strict attention to what is said and blocking out all other considerations (i.e. their personal styles).
So it's fun to tune in to this blog to see what observations y'all (I mean PRG's and fellow readers) come up with on other matters.
BTW- Seems the PRGays are forming something of an army with all the comments coming to this blog.
Soon I think we'll have our orders. The GeneralissHomos will probably design some fabulous uniforms for us (which, as a straight dude, gives me pause), send us thru basic training (can't fathom what that will be) and send us into battle against the forces of Boring.
GeneralissHomos? That's funny!
Ewwwwwwwww. TMI!! TMI!!! TMI!!
I need some Clorox for my Brain.
OhnoNancy is right, NINA needs to chop OFF that frizzle-frazzled splitended, flyaway mess. It's just not asthetically pleasing.
Sweethearts, that wasn't HER office, that's her "Tearsheet Foyer". You need a special key for the "Ellevator" to get to NINAGARCIA's office. I love Nina giving the challenge this week. I love how she almost pretends they aren't there with her!
I could not take my eyes off of those shoes the whole time they were in the shot.
I wonder if the Elle offices have a balcony rigged with microphones for Nina-vita's inspirational propaganda messages to the unwashed masses, who gather to cheer "Nina...Nina...Santa Nina!"
"Don't cry for me, Mirabella, the truth is, Elle pays better!"
How come no one has commented on the Angry Little Peanut's feet dangling - all he needs are some feetsie jammies and Bad Mommy to tuck him in at night.
Love you guys!!
Sorry, just not an Evita-ninagarcia fan. I have a problem with her passing judgement on the runway when she dresses the way she does. I guess that explains why I think Elle is such a second tier fashion magazine...sort of the House Beautiful is to Architectual Digest as Elle is to Vogue. Evita-ninagarcia gets to be el Presidente of her own little fashion-Latin Dictatorship.
It's interesting to see how Nina has evolved as a judge over the seasons. In the first, she was all "Please tell me about the construction, etc..." nice-nice.
Santino must have really brought out the beast in her during season two, cause she don't hold anything back now (I.E. when she almost had Bonnie burnt at the stake for the shitbrown wool crepe granny pants).
Ninotchka rocks.
Oh, you guys are priceless! But I must say....Nina provides such great material. Mrowr....I'm just pink.
As gay as pink Christmas trees?
No. You. Didn't.
No. You. SO. Didn't.
Bigassbelle, those were the days, weren't they? And you had to keep them on while ... you know. That was the whole point. So even if he wasn't that great you could look over his shoulder and be like humming in your head, "This guy's really bo-ring me, but I've got pretty shoo-ooes."
"Mrowr, Chica! Hot! We're as gay as pink Christmas trees, but who wouldn't want a bitchy Latin woman in kickass shoes to make you sit on the windowsill in her fabulous office, bark orders at you, and kick you out? Where do we send our resumés?"
Shut up! You KILL me!!! Pink Christmas trees, indeed! Oh gawd you guys are fuuuuuuunnny.
Amen bonnie lass. Nina is just delish.
LOVE your tak eon the Divine Miss N! Although I think I lack the emotional (and arch-ical) fortitude to work in her world.
But I was delighted to realize that Elle's office is about a bloack and a half from my current temp gig. Wheee!
If I didn't think it would take WAY too much energy I could become her stalker, but again, WAY too much energy. ;)
"I guess that explains why I think Elle is such a second tier fashion magazine...sort of the House Beautiful is to Architectual Digest as Elle is to Vogue."
Elle is beneath Vogue just as EVERY fashion magazine is beneath Vogue. There is nothing higher than Vogue. Elle, like Harper's Bazaar and W, is a very serious fashion magazine though.
It's all a matter of personal opinion. I happen to think that Elle magazine puts Vogue to shame.
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