"I'm gonna pick...Nazri."
I'm gonna kill you in your sleep, y'know."
"WHAT?! Ohmigod, are you kidding me? Look at me! Did you see how I worked the shit out of every frikkin art camp project I had to wear? That paper dress? I was FIERCE! You people are big STUPIDHEADS and when I'm on the cover of Vogue - because who the hell wants to be in Elle anyway - you know what it'll say? I'll tell you what it'll say! It'll say "AMANDA FIELDS IS FIERCE! SUCK IT, BITCHES!!!!!!"
"I'm sorry, Lindsay!"
"Fuck off, Swiss Miss. Yeah, that's right. You better be looking both ways when you come outta that tent at Bryant Park, Bitch."
Suck it, Bitches."
I 'bout fell off the couch at Amanda's face last night. Girl doesn't have an unuttered thought even when she's not speaking.
Ha! You guys are too funny. What will I do after 10/18?!
LOL. you guys are the best. Love the Lindsay & Amanda line. My fave ULI won!!!
ROFL. That is sooooo funny.
Amanda ROCKS!!!
everybody wins, indeed! by which I mean all of us snarky viewers. and the readers of PRgay in particular... I was so looking foward to your commentary on the model part, and you did not disappoint. I especially loved your response to Amanda's big-giant-hairball-disbelief face.
Uli: strategic genius. Who knew. Snagging Nazri was a brilliant stroke from someone who knew she had to step up her game in any way possible. Did you see the vote that said 50% thought Uli should be auf'd? I admit I thought it was going to be her week to go. But the Nazri move and not letting herself make the same Uli dress saved her little German heinie. Good for her! As for Michael, I don't know if even Nazri could have saved that mess of a dress.
i thought michael was gonna hafta choke a bitch.
"You people are big STUPIDHEADS and when I'm on the cover of Vogue - because who the hell wants to be in Elle anyway - you know what it'll say? I'll tell you what it'll say! It'll say "AMANDA FIELDS IS FIERCE! SUCK IT, BITCHES!!!!!!"
LOL. That is hilarious. You bitches are the best.
I honestly do think Michael should have gone with Amanda. She may be chatty (and amusingly horrified at being auf'd) but she is such a stunning model and she sold the hell out of every design she wore.
But it appears that she's doing all right, being seen in a lot of shows, wearing Malan's designs. Good for you ya stunning redhead!!
(I will not ever give up my belief that redheads rule and you can't make me, now where is that bottle of Feria?)
Just knew you guys would use the picture of Amanda and her "jaw drop of disbelief." The moment she did it, I said "That's a keeper!" I didn't blame Uli a bit. When the pressure is on, go with the talent.
LOVE "Fuck off Swiss Miss"...I'm about to go to Germany in a couple of weeks, I may need to put that one in my English-Deutsch dictionary!
I have to admit, I was expecting to hear Michael get ghetto and cuss Miss Uli out. But he was as gracious as he could be, bless his heart.
And AMANDA! That girl's face screamed, "What in the fresh HELL is wrong with you people? I am effin' FIERCE!" Lurved it.
Nazri is perfect for Uli because she can carry off even the loudest garment.
I just want to add that Camilla is every bit as good as Nazri, but she's much better suited to Laura's aesthetic.
"Michael, why, oh why, didn't you take Lyndsey or Amanda? Amanda, God bless the yakyaone, has sold every dress coming down that runway. I knew her auf'ing would be a great screen shot."
I agree. Far better models.
Thank God for Amanda. Good ole model drama.
Shetangi lives!!!!!
Way to pull a Zuleima, Uli. That was about as original as 90% of her previous dresses.
LOLOLOL funny, you guys! Funniest in a while. Keep it up!
Can't blame Uli for pulling the ol'switcheroo... Nazri is definately the one to beat. I was surprised by Michaels pick though. She's not gutsy enough if you ask me. And I agree Amanda's confidence on the runway shows through and usually helps her designer.
Loved Uli's and Laura's dresses. Michael's, ah not so much, and Jeffrey's was a joke. I think he was trying to get Heidi behind him... yodelaheeoo.
I agree... can't wait to see all their homes. A little insight into their real world is always interesting.
Clarissa is ok, but Amanda wins hands down. Her reaction was priceless.
Hilarious! No big surprise that Michael was as good-natured and gentlemanly as always. Given the chance, I would have snapped Nazri up too! That girl could sell a feed sack dress.
Excellent work, gentlemen!
PURRR,PURRR,SNARL,SNAP - Got ya, Nazri! I didn't know Uli had claws, but she has been very goal-oriented all along, and she is smart. I think this was the funniest one yet, guys. LOVED IT!!
oh good grief, is say this every time but THIS IS THE BEST EVER!!! those faces! you captured them perfectly and the captions! i am wetting myself . . .
bahahaha!! amanda's face was my favorite part of the whole show...
im dying for some footage of a backstage temper tantrum.
"Fuck off, Swiss Miss"
OMFG. HILARIOUS! God, I love you bitches!
Laughing too hard.
You boys never disappoint.
Eke....that Amanda could never play poker, could she? Nope. Kudos to Uli's coup....now will she deliver the de gras? I rather doubt it. Something in my gut tells me that Peanut with a chip on his angry little topknot is going to win....and HOPEFULLY...go down in a flaming mess when fully exposed during Sewinggate...or should we call it Bad Mommygate?
I'll let you figure it out!
Wrestled for it? Come on, what we needed what a mother f*ing walk-off, THAT would have completed it.
La Bell Nazri doesn't have to emote or sashay. So FIERCE is she all she had to do is BE!
Amanda is a lovely jeune talent with (semi mad) skills. However, all that gesticulation did not get her to the final four. DID. IT. !
Stupidheads! Comme c'est hilare!
PRGay Boys-- all that & a Gucci Bag!
"I know I'm not the only nosy bitch DYING to see Laura's digs when Tim visits to check up on them. I just want to see the room where the vintage LV luggage is stored!"
Ya, it may be great, but the shot they show over and over of her kids' play area is 100 percent IKEA.
OMG, my face hurts from the Swiss Miss comment. You guys are hilarious!
I love you guys. You don't miss a beat. Amanda's reaction was priceless.
I lauged so hard at Amanda's expression last night. Man. Maybe Nazri should just win everything.
I knew the second I saw that face on Amanda that it would show up here. Kudos, boys.
Love the expression on Amanda's face.
Shut UP!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaynebow would have been proud. :-)
This is for you bigassbelle:
"...I even made a white girl look like she has some ass..that's how damn sexy my dress is."
- Michael
Hilarious caption on Amanda! I know you boys love her which makes it even more funny. Perfect screen capture...LMAO.
katiecoo ~ that struck me as funny. hysterical, actually, being a big. ass. belle ;-) guess michael's neve seen a white girl with some ass on her. heh.
and they all seemed to play so nicely with one another. then .... uli grabs michael's toy. perhaps uli was thinking "eef i haf a deefrint modil, maybeeee they wont noteece itz zee zame dress onlee short'r?"
Yours is the first blog I check in the morning. Can't stop laughing.
"Fuck off, Swiss Miss!"
That is officialy my favorite bit of prgayboys dialogue yet! I luuuuuuuuuurve you guys.
"Fuck off Swiss Miss" is now my adult version of "Pipe down Mary, your slip is showing." I said it to my sister this morning and we both just BROKE UP.
God I love this website! I found it about a week ago and have since tried to catch up on all the archives! You boys are hilarious and I couldn't wait to see what you were gonna write for the model elimination. As many have said, you didn't disappoint.
I really must stop reading this at work though. I'm like the crazy lady giggling in her cubicle all morning!!!
I like what Nick said last year when ZULEMA STOLE HIS MODEL,Nicj said..."I WANTED TO CuuuuuuutttT Her!!!! I think ULI was a beeeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaatch. But Michael was nice, because in the end it's NOT all about the model. I think ULI is still "one note" pattern caftcan,hippie dress maker with better fabrics. I hope in the end it's between Michael and Jeffrey both are more talented and have more variety than Uli, the model stealer. That's okay though...it's all in the spirit of the competition.
Hehehe....awesome, guys. And I'm going to miss Lindsay. I'm the only one in my corner of the world who loves her.
You got two pictures in one.
Check out the look on Lindsey's face.
She is enjoying this moment way too much. She looks like the cat that swallowed the canary. Perhaps someone just bitch-slapped her worst enemy. Meoowwwwr !!!
Michael should have pick Amanda after seeing her booty in the Goth-Marilyn Monroe dress Kayne designed...what was Michael thinking, I think he was just thrown. Jeffrey would have kicked some Uli a##s all over that stage if she pulled that shhhheeeeeeeyat with Maralinda.
Does it get any better than Nazri? Look at that gorgeous face...wow...
Ah, you crack me up, GayBoys :)
Doesn't anyone see that Uli picked Nazri because her name sounds like Nazi?
Nazri won already. She got the TRESemme ad and now the FIRST LOOK page ... she got her spread, baby, she got her spread.
Taking Michaels model was not the first time that bitch did this!! I just saw an episode where she had first choice (I think it was after her first win) and she took Keith's model, and she commented that he had the best model and it was an advantage. I think the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence for Uli...I guess she's not so confident that her talent will win , so she feels it's necessary to take better designers models.
First of all, I don't understand why Uli traded in Lindsey for Nasri, they are both equally beautiful and she would still have won. Lindsey did a heck of a job for her.
Second, Uli forgot that this is not only a competition for the designers, and she advanced herself by stepping on the back of her model, and Lindsey was eliminated.
Had I been Michael, I would have chosen Lindsey, since she and Nasri are similar types, but I truly think he was so thrown that he was not thinking clearly.
What's the hype on Amanda? She's a homely stick figure. A bobblehead if you will. Where's the Beef?
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