Sorry, Jeffreyphiles. We hated this one.
Y'know, it really says something about Jeffrey that when he thinks "Romantic, provocative," he thinks of the St. Pauli Girl.
It's to his credit that he consistently makes the attempt to work outside his expectations. That can't be said of any of the other designers this season. The problem is, he doesn't do well outside of his comfort zone, which forces the question, Is he to be commended for shaking things up or condemned for not realizing his limitations?
The jet-setter outfit? The couture dress? They worked because Jeffrey took those challenges and molded his style and strengths to them. Simply declaring "I'm going to shake things up" isn't enough of a design statement. In fact, it's not a statement at all; it's a reaction.
He's got a very strong aesthetic and when he's working within the boundaries of that aesthetic, he's capable of producing some really interesting stuff. Thing is, Jeffrey doing "romantic" is about as good a fit as Laura doing "hip-hop" or Uli doing business wear.
And, well...this is a bit nasty, but Jeffrey always seems to make expensive fabrics look cheap.
"I made a dress like this once before and people almost cried when they saw it."
Well, we can certainly understand that.
As with so much of Jeffrey's stuff, this just looks rough and unfinished. Yes, it could be said that this is his style, but another question that has to be asked at this point is, can he just not sew?
Uli made a dress in less than a day, Laura made an incredibly intricate, hand-beaded dress in two days. This was a relatively simple dress, so there's just no excuse for pulling a Libretti and whipping out the glue gun.
Awwww. They are totally going to be voted cutest couple by the Prom Committee. They're like those old "Love is..." tchotchkes. "Love is...wearing a poorly fitted skirt with bugs on it."
To me this dress looked very amateurish. I know Jeffrey knows how to attach a skirt to a bodice, so why does this look so slapped together? Honestly, the dress looks like it was made by a high school girl who was trying to rework her grandmother's old nightgown into a dress to wear to the homecoming dance.
I'm as confused as Nina was about this mess.
Holding hands with Marilinda when the crap starting raining down - how touching was that? I think I saw his chin quiver.
well, whatever you guys do, just make sure you don't make a post about how laura made the exact same thing she has made a billion times. because y'all are her bitches.
This outfit was definitely the Revenge of Angela. Poor Jeff. He really can't get her off his mind, can he?
I do like that Jeffrey tries something different, even if it may cost him, that's what designers should do. I like that he and Michael just did what they felt, but it was bad, still... so what, both are talented. I like Jeffrey and Michael much more than a one-note designer like Uli, she's all hippie,beach stuff, or rich hippie chic, when she has better material. I think her dress looked like a TeePee on Nazri. Uli is lucky the other designers had a meltdown for the last one, because she basically just designed her same one-note hippie dress and put it on Nazri and it got her through. I think Michael Kors is totally behind Michael and Jeffrey because he always defends them ,no matter what, even if they lose the challenge. If Uli wins it'll be sad. Laura's clothes are fabulous classics, she's like watching a 1940's movie, I love her clothes. I just don't think the judges will go with classic Laura designs.
If he had just done the newspaper dress skirt, it would have been pretty and romantic and entirely unexpected. Hobble skirts almost never look good and all the unfinished bits were distracting. I like the Peanut but not this dress.
Sadly for Jeffrey, he developed an aversion to needles after the neck tattoo. Thus the glue gun.
In the beginning of the episode, I was sure he was going to win. In the early stages, it looked like it would be in the sort of direction that he went with his final collection, which made me think the judges encouraged him to follow that line of thought.
But, it really didn't work out that way. Some of his stuff through the season I really loved, but so much of it was just -- off.
I don't get the bottom of his dress.
It looks like a curtain someone stole out of your grandma's kitchen.
No matter what happens, the exposure the designers have received from being on the show will definitely further their careers.
Although they may be "one notes," Uli and Laura will find a market. If I was tall and thin, I would snatch up Laura's dresses.
Does anyone know how long the designers are in New York working on the challenges - prior to being chosen for Fashion Week? They all talk about being so tired - what kind of time frame are we talking about?
Laura is NOT a one-note, but ULI is. ULI is really the only one-note designer up there. The other three, Jeffrey,Michael, Laura have all shown variety. Laura's a classic designer but her dresses are not ALL the same, whereas ALL of ULI's dresses are almost exactly the same just a different color. ULI is a one-note.
That skirt looks like he asked Marilinda to slip on some bloomers, but she accidentally put both of her legs through one of the bloomers'. Then he cut off the other half and said "Genius!"
I'm thinking that maybe the glue gun was as much for sniffing as for sewing.
Tacky and poorly-sewn. Again.
For the life of me, I cannot fathom why Michael Kors would call this dress "too pretty" -- and nothing in his tone/inflection indicated sarcasm. I just don't get it.
In answer to Ladyem's question, from the contestants arriving in NYC to the final runway challenge (before fashion week) is 31 days long, according to an interview with Tim Gunn.
I am willing to bet that most of the posters have never seen a fashion show before. Comments on so and so's outfit being ugly or posts of the "I wouldn't wear THAT!" variety are merely subjective opinions, of which, like assholes, everybody has one. A lot of the designs at fashion shows could be called ugly and none of them wouldn't fit us lard-asses anyway even back once upon a time on our skinniest day! LOL Stick to posting comments on the TV show and the personalities and quit pretending that fashion is something you know about, ever wear, or could afford...AS IF! Project Runway is about as far removed from "reality" as it gets.
oh you hateful bitches ~ evil, wicked men. i ADORED this dress! only thing i'd have changed is the gathering at the hem. loved the little embroidered bees on the skirt, the blue velvet, the red cummerbund. i LOVE this dress!!!!
"And, well...this is a bit nasty, but Jeffrey always seems to make expensive fabrics look cheap." . . . though I don't agree, as I love this dress, did I really read "this is a bit nasty" from y'all? Say it's not so, cupcakes!
When that dress came out on the runway the first thing I thought was 'I thought they kicked Angela off LAST EPISODE!!!'
"I made a dress like this once before and people almost cried when they saw it."
Well, we can certainly understand that.
pulling a Libretti
Is it any surprise how much we love you?!?!?!
I want to be your love slave.
None of the final four are wowing me the way the finalists did the first two seasons.
When Jeffrey talked about doing something romantic and I saw that red white and blue fabric I hoped he was going to do some kind of demented French Revolution meets Courtney Love thing. And he made a frock.
It's still entertaining to watch but kind of empty.
Aside from the fact that it's ugly, a dirndl skirt with a pouf may be one of the most unflattering silhouettes ever.
I've posted many a comment here sticking up for Jeffrey, praising his talent, scolding the name-callers, chuckling at the those easily manipulated into thinking this is a popularity contest instead of a competition of artistic talent.
Truth be told? I hated this dress.
Oh well. He still made it.
Right on.
Awww, poor Peanut. Yes, the dress was bad, but when the judges started bashing it ... I felt for him!! Especially after he was so daring in trying to do something different.
It just sorta said.... petite pirate wench....
Didn't Jeffrey make some snide comment regarding Laura and "moth balls"? Get out the magnifying glass....I'll bet he actually found inspiration in his attack and decided to put said moth balls all over the bodice of his dress. Peanut is deranged!
Jeffrey should have been out! The skirt of the dress was dowdy and unflattering, and the bodice looked messy and poorly made. And he went way too far with trying to show the judges a different design style. Michael definitely dropped the ball on his own design, but compared to Jeffrey's, at least he was true to his design asthetic.... it was so lame that they didn't cut at least one of them. Hello, it's a COMPETITION!
Jeffrey's silhouette was the same as his Recycling dress -- down to the big wide belt. At least he made this one rather than just painting it on, but still ... he's done it before!
Who knew that Jeffrey would design the new touring outfits for the Von Trapp Family Singers?
Marilinda looks like she just kicked Rolf in the balls and is about to run over the Swiss border.
When it comes to Jeffrey, he must always be condemned.
And now I have to finish reading the rest of the post.
jeffery will be a very hot designer, and his clothes are mostly all custom. Laura has clothes in her collection that can already be found at Filene's, and Fashion Barn.......
Same old boring old lady clothes
I dont like Jeffrey's 'rawk' stuff. It's ka-ka.
In one sense J. Sebelia gave Marilinda a huge compliment by essentially designing with utter abandon. He knows she can pull off any look, period. Their collaborations were something to behold because she's HAWT enough to get attention on her own and still make one notice what was worn.
That is saying something since for the most part the whole "women and clothes" thought for straights involves quick removal strategy brain-storms. Sayin'.
Is that normal: Models hold the designers hand on a runway judging - on national television... like, what, the tough "fuck you all and die" guy can't take it? By now.. he must understand he looks like an imbecile. Giving the finger constantly, ranking on everyone elses works, making all that crap "people cried when they saw it", then when his time comes for reality check, he gets hurt so that the MODEL even realizes she has to hold his hand?
And in case we dont get it: camera edits make it double-clear...
Weird. Still I am convinced in fact...Uli or Jeffrey will win it. Laura stayed one note and Michael Kors warned her now. And Michael's runway show...basically did not do the suggestion of sportswear they all seemed to EXPLAIN to him... So just as ULI is still to stuck in her free Miami spirit as well, I guess I believe now Jeffrey is going to win it - and therefore Laura went for the sewing disqualification method.
Laura might design great clothes from the 40's, but that is the problem.....Everyone has seen them the entire time rom the 40's untill now. There is nothing new or hip from her.....
Oh, PRGBoys, I am sooo disappointed. When I saw that dress I was expecting you two to add a Little Bow Peep hat, a shepard's crook and a couple of sheep next to them on the runway. The execution of this dress (glue gun !!! EXCUSE ME?!?!) was just BAAAAAAD.
And Boys, there will never be another ewe, I mean you...
i have to recall in season1, Jay was really special. And if one looks to the last four of that season, they were at least all able to come up with a certain level, and differences and variety. Nothing like the real drop in taste that Michael had this time around, and honestly, I can't understand Laura and the same damn neckline again. Season two was already a bit Santino-one-note but there was still differences in there. This time around, it really is too often that judges have reminded them to wake up and not repeat. And they do not. It hurts a bit, because I can not believe in it anymore. How can designers not rise to the challenge a bit more? Repeating the limits of what is possible with a cocktail dress is not a designer, but a cocktail dress designer. And project runway was about atitude, about design and fashion - think Jay, not Chloe, and not for sure Laura who is seemingly all about making sure she gets those clothes on the rack next week. Whether Laura, Uli or Jeffrey, it isn't enough atitude, and Michael is just too young still. Kind of sad.
In reference to her CD, didn't Paris Hilton say that people listen to it and just cry? I'm just saying---------
You say Little Bo Peep, I say Snow White on a street corner. Same ugly thing.
As I said ... the dress looks like Snow White turned whore.
And as I said ... I LOVE the men of Rungay. L-O-V-E.
Ugly dress + ugly man = Why is he still here?
I'm getting a sick feeling the Peanut is going to win. The last show and blogs all seem to be directed at redeeming him. We are witnessing Jeffrey in PR Rehab. At the end, it is hoped we forget all his angry crap and get all happy in his win.
Not all the Jeffrey fans are anonymous. I've been a fan of his (almost) since the beginning of the show, and I've been one of the admittedly small group of PRG fans who stick up for Jeffrey (and have ever since I discovered this crazy, wonderful blog).
I think the judges were unduly harsh in their comments to him. I'm not crazy about the dress, but I thought it was romantic.
And color me a sap, but I thought it was sweet that Marilinda held his hand (or vice versa).
I loved Jeffrey in this episode. Yes, the message from his son was a bit of manipulaton on the part of the producers (to make us feel warm and fuzzy), but we've seen this kind of thing before. (Remember Michael's call to his mother?) I also loved him running around in Uli's dress.
Actually, I loved everyone in this episode. Uli was really funny. Laura was more human (to me) and less when-you're-42-years-old and-have-5-kids-and-are-married-to
And poor Michael was just . . . I don't know. It's the first time he really seemed so vulnerable (and so young).
I'd probably never wear anything Jeffrey made (I'm too old, for one thing), but I think he's great and am rooting for him all the way.
I think the PRGayBoys are pretty great, too, and am going to have SERIOUS withdrawal issues when the season is over.
When I first saw Jeffrey's OFW collection I thought, "why is he doing a 180? Isn't sucking up to the judges what got Santino 3rd place? Shouldn't he have brought the shredded, "rawk" attitude?" Turns out that he deliberately decided to IGNORE the judges advice and do more "romance" in his OFW show. The girlie thing just does not fly coming from him. Polka dots, butterflies? PLEASE Jeffrey, give us Hot Topic skulls, trump l'oil belts, weird shredded sh*t! I hope the judges had you for a tasty snack.
Uli--if you've seen her collection, there's no WAY you can still accuse her of one-note-ism. Lots of variety, impeccably done. I don't love every piece, but I figure if any one person loved every single piece, it's probably too narrow a focus (see Laura). Go Uli, you get my vote!
Laura--just can't go there. I love her personality, but her clothes just remind me of all the rich NY society bitches I had to endure when I lived there. Yuck! There's a market for all those beads and feathers, but next great designer? no.
Michael--Your collection continues to grow on me. You will be a giant success regardless of how this little tv show thingy pans out. You are a class act, baby!
btw, LOVE you prgays! You're second only to fourfour and that's saying a lot.
It's like Jeffery made dress for a j jill or Garnet Hill catalog, a little velvet, some nature inspiration sewn up with mad skilz.
I didn't hate this dress but it's not PR worthy at all. Wonder what it would have looked like in his more typical dark colors
I'd vote for them for prom court. Well, maybe just Marilinda...
I think the dress would have been better is the skirt was an a-line. It wouldn' nesicarily make it good, just better.
Hate him, hate the dress and his 15 minutes are over.
I love the waist up, I respect the waist down. The tulip skirt, whether you love it or hate it (and I do personally hate it) is very now, and he took a calculated, editorial chance. But you know...by the time something IS editorially in, it's already realistically out.
deego I love you.
I can't stand Jeffrey--inside or out. He's stayed in the competition only because he seemed different from his fellow designers. The only dress he designed that merited any consideration was his Paris couture gown. The other design that won, the so-called jet setter outfit, was so cliche, so outdated 80's rocker, so predictable and so boring that I wonder what the judges were thinking voting him the winner. Jeffrey is a mysogynist who likes to make women look horrible. The only form fitting outfit he made was for himself.
As for the Laura naysayers: she can sew and she can design. Yes, she's a one-note designer, but the woman has more class in the tips of her perfectly manicured nails than Jeffrey could manage to stuff in his entire codpiece outfit.
Besides, she's smart, she's funny, she's an outrageous original.
Jeffrey's just another boorish pig rocker clone who mistakenly thinks he's talented.
deego I love you.
I can't stand Jeffrey--inside or out. He's stayed in the competition only because he seemed different from his fellow designers. The only dress he designed that merited any consideration was his Paris couture gown. The other design that won, the so-called jet setter outfit, was so cliche, so outdated 80's rocker, so predictable and so boring that I wonder what the judges were thinking voting him the winner. Jeffrey is a mysogynist who likes to make women look horrible. The only form fitting outfit he made was for himself.
As for the Laura naysayers: she can sew and she can design. Yes, she's a one-note designer, but the woman has more class in the tips of her perfectly manicured nails than Jeffrey could manage to stuff in his entire codpiece outfit.
Besides, she's smart, she's funny, she's an outrageous original.
Jeffrey's just another boorish pig rocker clone who mistakenly thinks he's talented.
Ok, I know people won't pay attention to me, but I have to say this (once again):
1) One of the pics (examples) in Nina's office was a Red, White and Blue dress. Coincidence?
2) The other pic was a Balenciaga outfit with striped pants. I decided to go to the Balenciaga site and if you click on Collection/Archives/2006, you'll see the "so praised" jacket in Jeffrey's collection. Except is black and blue striped. Coincidence?
3) I don't give a crap about his personality, but his seweing sucks donkey's balls. Is *very* sloppy. And his "point of view" is Balenciaga from begining to end.
I would be so happy and cheerful for him if he was actually any good. He's just an angry little peanut. And a Phony. Meh.
Oook... Now that's out of my system! Hehehe...
I meant Black and white. Duh.
Meh, I wasn't horrified by it, but it just really creeps me out to think Jeffrey and romantic in the same sentence. or paragraph. or page. or universe.
The peanut just does not go with the romance.
Interesting observation about a red, white & blue dress in Nina's office. That wouldn't be the first time Jeffrey took a "hint" from his immediate surroundings.
Remember their being in the Paris fabric store? He said he chose the yellow plaid because he was thinking of the Statute of Liberty. Yea, that and the dummy next to the front door with the exact same yellow plaid design with similar draping to his dress!
His dress looked like something Angela would have made, and if she would have made it, he would have ridiculed her.
He's a horse's ass!
"Remember their being in the Paris fabric store? He said he chose the yellow plaid because he was thinking of the Statute of Liberty."
Can someone please explain to me what yellow plaid and the resulting dress has to do with the Statue of Liberty? Didn't get it then, don't get it now.
"Awww, poor Peanut. Yes, the dress was bad, but when the judges started bashing it ... I felt for him!!"
I normally would feel empathy for any person who comes under that kind of attack. However, Jeffrey has done nothing but ridicule the other designers and their creations from the day he entered PR. If he can't stand the heat....
Anonymous said...
Ugly dress + ugly man = Why is he still here?
I'm getting a sick feeling the Peanut is going to win. The last show and blogs all seem to be directed at redeeming him. We are witnessing Jeffrey in PR Rehab. At the end, it is hoped we forget all his angry crap and get all happy in his win.
yeah...... he isn't ugly.
"Aside from the fact that it's ugly, a dirndl skirt with a pouf may be one of the most unflattering silhouettes ever."
And you know what? In the correct plus-size, it probably would have been charming on Angela's mother. seriously. It would have hidden the big ass and showed off the pretty shoulders.
Unfortunately Jefferey is so unprofessional and full of himself, he'd never have seen it.
hahaha - that dress was awful!! the skirt looked like a cabinet curtain youd find in grandma's country kitchen. the bodice looked like acid-wash velvet. and the belt was plainly garish... and none of it went together!overall it smacked of angela's holly hobby aesthetic. tear-inducing, indeed! just terrible. how did he not get sent home for this mess??
I liked it?
Whether people like him or not, his OFW collection was not the best IMHO I started to like him though in the last 2 episodes or so. He seemed a more genuinely excited to be showing his line and less like the a-hole he seemed to be through most of the show. You go with your bad(boy)-self Jeffrey. There's a spot for you in fashion, and I think you'll do quite well.
And yes, as testimony to the fact that I don't know shit about fashion, I sort of like the design. It could work in some perverted universe. But I can't believe he did that as the final challenge. Muy risky indeed.
Hey, give a fellow alcoholic a break, will ya? I think the problem here was execution, but there was an interesting idea buried in there that was lacking in all the others. "Jeffrey makes expensive fabrics look cheap." -- Yeah, that's sort of his aesthetic. Sort of like how Santino made chiffon look like a fabric store had exploded.
And maybe in Germany milkmaids are all whores, because I don't know otherwise what the hell Heidi was talking about. I think Jeffrey was trying to make "pretty" look "slutty"--he just needed to go a bit further.
Jeffrey's dress would have made more sense to the judges if he had used these three words instead:
Seriously. Am I the only one who sees it?!
Not only that, but Balenciaga also had a striped bag to match...
LelĂȘ said...
Seriously. Am I the only one who sees it?!
Not only that, but Balenciaga also had a striped bag to match...
there both wearing pants... and a stipped jacket. not that big of a deal.
Well, if you ignore the fact that this piece is definitely one of the "highlights" of Jeffrey's collection... I don't see anything inovative about it, as it is Balenciaga's PAST collection.
Also, as I said before, is not the first time he gets "inspired" by something so closely and makes it up as a great invention.
And is not just "pants and striped jacket". Is a very similar stripe (just dif colors), skinny pants and grey/silver blouse.
Sorry, I see it as very similar. As it is his Checkred couture gown from the drapped mannequinn ( thanks for reminding!) and the "Redn White and Blue" dress, some colors and the one he's seen a few moments earlier.
IMHO, of course. :-)
"I made a dress like this once before and people loved it so much they hunted me down and tried to kill me with their bare hands."
*spit* :-DDD
"Pulling a Libretti". Genius.
You guys really know what you're saying when you break this stuff down, BTW. If there were a Nobel prize or Pulitzer for this, you would get it.
... bitch should have yodelled on the runway....
He's just the weakest of the final four. Yes, he can construct a garment, but I'm just so over...the rock-n-roll street walker look...he just evolved into a look for the street walker's European cousin...they should have put hair extension under her arm pitts to complete the look. He's just limited to a single nitch market.
You guys just totally rock!!!
I was a model in the garment center in the showrooms for the designers, Big Designers and I can tell you , Designers put out some ugly cr@p in the showroom before the public ever sees it. Buyers come to the showroom and give input into how the designers line is going and NONE of the designers were walking around being Nice, they were always nice to the Models yes....(unless a girl just blew up like a blimp, since the six months before when the designer had used her)...but Designers were cranky, mean,nasty pieces of work sometimes, Why people think these designers are supposed to win a Popularity contest....I just don't know, because those buyers didn't care if the designer wore full drag, did a line of snrrt, or cursed everyone in the room As long as they got the line into the stores on time and sold the hell out of those clothes with big unit sales... Designing is not about people liking or dis-liking a designer. So Jeffrey's personality, or Michael's doesn't mean much, all that matters in the end in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and who is going to make the Most!
"You jump, I jump Peanut!"
This post made me realize something important about Marilinda: DEAR LORD SHE'S SO TALL
I think Amanda was a victim of editing. She probably made that face when Uli chose Nazri instead of Lindsay...
It wouldn't be the first time PR edited something in the wrong order...
FIT GRAD~ Jeffrey doesn't really knows how to construct a garment. His construction is always sloppy at best. He uses mostly "unfinished edges" and for fitted, "tailored" clothing, he goes for strechy fabrics. All to hide the fact that he can't really sew that neatly.
Which makes it even funnier his comments agaisnt Angela, whom, even having a crazy aesthetic, REALLY can construct a garment. Vera Wang commented on it and Malandrino asked her to help her at OFW...
Lele darling, there is a difference between constructing a garment and finishing a garment, and I agree with you about Jeffy's finishing skills.
He does bring back Santino memories.
Jackie said...
Marilinda is crazy hot and a great model... why was Amanda surprised when Jeff picked her? (Aside from the fact that they've worked together for most of the challenges.) And didn't you love hearing her talk? Tough Puerto Rican meets New York. "Yo Jeffrey, we gonna take the picture here or what?"
3:20 AM
I don't think that's quite what she said, but, um, okay.
New York's met plenty of Puerto Ricans. They're called Nuyoricans.
I don't think Marilinda is Puerto Rican although she is certainly Latina.
I'm a dumbass; I stand corrected. Just saw Marilinda's MySpace and she is indeed from Puerto Rico.
I seriously doubt that Jeffrey would have gotten as far in the competition without his fab model. Marilinda works the runway something firece. On anyone else, the couture dress would have been exposed as granny's tablecloth.
As others have commented, it is interesting that the Peanut lacks the sewing (construction and finishing) skills of Angela.
He was always roaring about the sewing room about being a professional. Ha! What a fraud!
Fit Grad, dahling, I stand by my point. If you look at Jeffrey's designs, NONE of his outfite required amazing consturction skills. His most "complex" outfit, construction wise was the "Madonna" corset. And anybody, with basic sweing skills and a search feature at "Craftster.org" can learn to make one. Everything else is just "ok" at best.
His whole 'descontruction' is BS. His couture dress was a joke. Not for the fabric, but because he abused of the optical illusion to pretend it was a great garment.
If you listen to Tim's podcasts, you know that the judges only see the garments from afar. For them to notice any problems it has to be reaaally bad.
I think Maralinda and Nazri are HOT, HOT,HOT both ladies will be in demand for some smoking ads and contracts. Maralinda was smart she knows to keep the little guy happy with a hand squeeze every now and then. Models can be fiercly loyal to their designers, they probably have developed a bond that they will keep for years. I will say that Jeffrey''s personality doesn't matter , all that matters is IF he can make money. I think Jeffrey will have a huge business from his Rock world clients and branch off into a range of clothing for edgy- young Rock or Rave party wannabees. He's edgy. What I want to know is when Project Runway will do a show of All final contestants in a season...Santino, Daniel,Jeffrey,Micheal,Laura,Uli,Kara Suan,Austin Scarlett, Wendy Pepper,maybe even throw in a Vncent, a Nick, some who Won a design challenge.
Lele, honey...I'm not disagreeing with you..I orginally said he could construct a garment (not that he did it well), and that there is a difference between contructing a grament, and finishing a garment. Also, it would be against the rules to do web-based research (look at poor Kieth....Ha) for these projects during the competition. XXXOOO
I understand what you mean about construction and finishing. I guess I just put 2 thoughts in 1.
In the end, I think we can both agree he does both quite basically (and by basic, I mean sloppy).. :-P
But, then again, in the "industry" he won't have to do either..
someone please tell me why jeffrey is called peanut?
This wasn't the first time he used glue. I looked at his yellow/plaid explosion dress in Macy's window, and there was visible glue on it (and it was poorly constructed as well).
Oh! I watched the Bonus reunion videos, and the reason they are holding hands is becuase Marlinda fainted after that moment.
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