Place ya bets!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008 by

Okay, poodles, which one of these adorable little ragamuffins takes the prize tonight? Bowl Cut, Punky Brewster or Baby Blues? Give us your predictions and come back here later to scream and yell at other commenters because your favorite didn't win!

As for us, we're off to the TRESemmé finale party where, with any luck, an angry designer will throw a drink in our face and call us bitches! You'll be the first to know!

[Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


GothamTomato said...

I'm hoping it's Jillian, but I'm betting it'll be Princess (who, I swear, looks like Jack in that baby picture).

Have fun at the party & don't do anything I wouldn't do (that's a short list, so you should have some fun).


mjude said...


DolceLorenzo said...

"As for us, we're off to the TRESemme finale party where, with any luck, an angry designer will throw a drink in our face and call us bitches! You'll be the first to know!"

Oh, please God let it happen LOL. I'm sure you bitches would have a field day with that LOLOLOL

I want Jillian but it's going to be Christian or Rami of course

Anonymous said...

The judges will pick Christian.

Anonymous said...

Definitely PPS! Love him!

mimi said...

When you are baptized - I hope there is a camera -- Maybe we should bet on WHO will annoint our favorite bloggers? My heart is with Christian --but I would be happy for any of them -Don't you need an assistant to help protect you? I am only a train-ride away!!!! I am having my own party of screaming women and we are going to drink and go down to the local sports bar and demand they put on PR

Anonymous said...

Rami-lama-ding-dong for the win!

veruca salt said...

I am rooting for Jillian, but in my heart I believe they will pick Christian.

Dear God, anyone but Rami.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Honestly, I haven't a clue.

You just have a FABULOUS time, you glamorous pair!

Susan said...

Go Chris March! Oh, wait...

Of the three, I'll have to go with Jillian, based on the preview on last week's ep.

Anonymous said...

Christian! FIERCE

( Although Jillian is a "Darkhorse)

If Rami wins the show loses some of it's luster. This guy has already dressed Jessica Alba, has a huge store front Studio and is already doing the "hollywood" thing! I though Project Runway was for Fresh Talent?

Unknown said...


I think she came across as a little boring all season because she had such ambitious designs and was lot a super fast worker, so she didn't have time to be amusing.
But I think her work was consistently interesting and pretty and wearable, whereas Christian's wasn't always wearable and Rami's wasn't always interesting. But I think they all almost always managed pretty, and I like all three so I don't think I will suffer as I did last time when stupid jerkhead won.

Ms Sangrail said...

I too am hoping for Baby Bueller-bot 3000, but feel that PPS will prevail with the judges.

Anonymous said...

I want it to be Jillian, but with Posh as guest judge, you know it'll be Princess SkinnyPants.

lilybp said...

Like many others, I am rooting for Jillian but believe that Christian will win. I will be OK with AnyoneButRami (ABR).

Anonymous said...

The challenge was to create a "12 piece collection", not a statement or idea.

Tricia said...

Christian/Jillian!!! but mostly Christian. Wooo can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

I really want Christian to win. He is so damn talented, and I loved his collection the most. Jillian made beautiful garments as well, it would be fine with me if she wins.

Rami... I don't know. He definitely grew on me but I prefer the other two.

Have a great time TLo! You guys deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Christian!! I love my little totegay!


Anonymous said...

I say Rami or Jillian for the win! They will make the most and best use out of Bravo's money.

Christian would just buy club glow sticks with it. lol!

Suzanne said...

Christian by a landslide.

Brian said...

Please please please let it be Christian.

janimation said...

rumor has it that jillian wins.

TopCat said...

I would go with Rami for certain.

I agree with Trent, that Rami's is much more of a collection.
Christian's, although very good, is not a collection. I also feel Christian's gown is a bit over the top and costume.
I'm a fashion buyer though, so I always sway towards real wearable fashion.

Fingers crossed for Rami! Rami's collection is unique, beautiful and truly his own voice. But who knows what reality TV will do.

Anonymous said...

The baby blue eyes have it. I hope I hope!

Jillian's collection is by far my least favorite of the three collections, which probably means she'll win. I seem to like the winner's collection every other year, if three seasons is enough to develop a pattern that is.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Jillian, but I have this little sneaking suspicion that the judges will go with the Princess. And Posh will agree.
I abhor the Spice Girls, and can't imagine why they would choose PoshSlosh to be a judge. I think her face would explode if she ever tried to smile.
Good Luck, Jillian!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I can post this on here. Sorry TLO of not.

But I saw the results of that big twigs poll on Who SHOULD Win and out of over 4,660 votes - 45% said Rami -- 27% Jillian and 27% Christian.

I'm excited about that, cause my fingers are crossed for Rami.

Anonymous said...

Anyone but Rami.

I think it will be Jillian, though.

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter and Jillian.

epicurious erin said...

Jillian! She's not my fave but hers is the best

Anonymous said...

Jillian, definately. She has the broadest market!

Anonymous said...

Rami! Rami! Rami!
Rami please dress me!
I just adore him xo and his designs.

Anyone but Christian! Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Christian. There's just no chance that it will go any other way, and rightfully so.

Anonymous said...

I picked Jillin way back in week two of that horrible TRESemme site, so I'll get lots of points if she wins, but I bet it's going to be Christian instead.

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for Jillian (I must have one of her coats and jackets in the future) but I think it will be Princess. I'm okay with any of them winning, actually, since they're all very talented and none of them are evil like The Tattooed Neck.

Project Runway has been great at inspiring interest in fashion but so far has done a pretty bad job of producing good, successful designers, let alone the next great American designer. Most of the past contestants have either disappeared from sight or are languishing in Reality TV Celebrity Hell, hanging out at B,C and D list parties and capitalizing on their little bit of fame. Some of them have experienced some success (Chloe, Emmett with his store, the occasional dress for a celebrity), but no one is really consistently producing great clothes.

For the first time I think the three finalists have the potential to be very successful designers. They're all talented and have a specific niche, but most important, they all seem somewhat driven - and clearly that's probably more important than talent.

Rami of course is already very successful. He's too much of a one-note designer to ever be truly great but this exposure will probably lead to better financing and an expansion of his line and a very lucrative career. He'll be dressing starlets for the red carpt, and socialites for their museum galas, and the ladies who lunch, for a long time to come. Think Oscar de la Renta's career.

Jillian has the ability to produce fresh, original, highly wearable, beautiful-with-an-edge clothes that lots of American women will want to buy. She's clearly driven and has a killer work ethic so I don't doubt that she'll succeed. She wasn't wrong to compare herself to those other great American Long Island designers. She well could be her generation's Donna Karan.

The Princess seems most in danger of falling into C-List Celebrity Hell, given her personality and "I'm kind of a big deal" attitude. But if he can resist this he has the ability to produce great stuff. I think his work has been as one-dimensional as Rami's and it's very derivative (McQueen) but he's insanely talented and could produce some memorable stuff, probably couture, if he keeps his focus.

Anyway, congrats to them all!

Anonymous said...

Sista Christian

Anonymous said...

Rami hands down.

I read all 3 previous PR winners Jay McCarroll, Chloe Doa and Jeffrey Sebelia were at the Bryant Park show and all 3 picked Rami for the win too! :)

Anonymous said...

Ramilicoius is delicious!

bitchesdye said...

I fully expect them to give it to Christian, at which I will just sigh resignedly. Personality gets you far in this world.

If they give it to Jillian, I'll be surprised because they never agree with me. I really liked hers best because of her versatility and wearability, but I'm usually wrong.

If they give it to Rami, I'm done with this show. His evening gowns are nice, but hardly cutting edge. The rest of it looks like Chloe's--couch fabric and all.

What I wanna know is, why didn't TLo make any predictions? Do you guys already know who won, and if so, is that EVEN fair?

Anonymous said...

Go Baby Blues! That boy knows how to sew!

Rainwood said...

Based on the collections and assuming that the judges don't let Posh steamroller them into the wrong decision, my money is on Jillian. Christian comes in a close, but not close enough, second. I'd be very surprised if Rami wins.

ChristopherM said...

Christian for the win, and both smack-talking Jack and bitter sister Carmen for giving you boys a martini facial tonight at the party.

Lisa said...

I am pulling for Jillian.

I believe the winner will be PPS with his fierceness. Truly though... after sleeping, designing, and sewing in that tiny room of his, he does deserve it.

Anonymous said...

"If they give it to Rami, I'm done with this show. "

Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami Rami

... oh pleeeeeease, Rami, do us this favor?

Anonymous said...

Should win: Christian

Will win: Christian

Anonymous said...

LOL you guys are so gay! i love it! have fun boys : D

Sewing Siren said...

I like what all three of the finalists produced during the season and they are all very talented and deserve to be there. I think that Rami's final collection is the best. 2nd runner up Jillian, 3rd Christian. I have no guess on what the judges/producers will decide though.

Anonymous said...

Christian looks so exactly like himself in that photo... Someone shop his current hair onto that photo, I swear it'll look like a current photo.

And yes, Christian for the win!

Brooklyn Bomber said...

I'm afraid to read the responses. If anybody actually does know--please don't spoil it for those of us who want to find out tonight. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

I hope Jillian. She seems to be the most commercial and marketable and makes clothes I'd actually want to wear.

Anonymous said...


Pumpkin Man said...

Christian for sure!!

Anonymous said...

I think Jillian should, although, considering how biased towards PPS the judging has been, I guess Christian will. Victoria Beckham is the guest judge and she said that one of them showed a collection that she loved, and would wear every piece. Considering what she wears, probably PPS. Reminds me of the AbFab episode "Art"..."Sure it's crap, but is it ART?"

Psychomom said...

1 - Jillian
2 - Christian
3 - Rami

Carry on!

MimiCatKnits said...

I’m hoping Jillian (like someone else mentioned, I want one of her coats!), but think it will be Christian... and that’s OK with me too; he had a very strong collection! If Rami wins I’ll be pissed off for days.

Lizzy poo said...


Anonymous said...

Should win: Christian

Will win: Jillian

TLo, don't DO NOT forget your camera tonight or I'm done with the show.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping it is Christian - his talent at such a young age is kind of breathtaking. His collection kind of freaked me out - in a good way!

However, because Jillian's collection is more "ready to wear" and possibly more appealing to the general public, she might get the nod b/c of marketability factors. Although, I think she is exceedingly talented, I don't think her final collection was a "collection" in a cohesive sense.

Mom said...

Cutest kid photo: Rami
Should win: Chris
Will win: Christian

Anonymous said...

"Reminds me of the AbFab episode "Art"..."Sure it's crap, but is it ART?" " favorite AbFab scene to apply to Christian's sometimes way over the top fashion is...

Patsy: Edie, what the h*ll are you wearing?!?
Edie: It's Lacroix.
Patsy: It's fabulous.

Stephanie, with a P H said...

I'm cheering for Jillian - Girl Power! But I'm thinkin' Christian's gonna win, they seem to get a hardon for that new wave street urchin look.

StrangelyNormalSteph said...

Princess Puffysleeves FTW!

Anonymous said...

Jillian aka punky brewster

webbie said...

Like so many others, I am rooting for Jillian but believe that PPS will probably win.

And while I feel that Rami is HOT!HOT!HOT!, I'm still eating sour grapes over the travesty that was the "walk-off"!

Anonymous said...

I like Jillian's collection best but I think the judges will like Christian's.

Unknown said...

Jillian. She and Christian are neck-and-neck, but Christian already won fan favorite. Rami was only let in because of the walk-off, and I don't think his collection is going to make up for that.

Plus, Bravo has only had one female winner of their reality series in 3 seasons of PR, 3 seasons of Top Chef, 1 season of Top Design, and 1 season of Shear Genius. I jokingly say that Bravo hates women, but it's starting to get pathetic that Chloe Dao is all by herself as a woman winning a Bravo competition series.

Anonymous said...

Tim Gunn was on Ryan Seacrest's show this morning. He said great things about all the designers. Of Christian, he said:
"He's a wise old soul. Never before have I met someone so young who has such a clear vision of himself as a designer."

That's way cool.

texasinafrica said...

Christian. He's an immature little twit, but he's got more talent than the other two put together.

Anonymous said...

Christian is very talented, but I think his collection is too costumey and what woman can actual wear the skinny pants. He made them from sleeves on the jeans challenge. Rami's green coat is just plain fugly. The draping look is over, it was the look for the 2007 awards season.
Love Love Love Jillian's coats, they are creative, fashionble, and wearable. I hope Jillian wins win, but I believe Christian will because the whole season was about his talent.

Anonymous said...

Who should win: Rami.
Who I want to win: Jillian.
Who will win: Christian.

Rami should win b/c his dresses were GORGEOUS. I want Jillian to win b/c her design concept is exactly what I wear. Christian will win b/c everytime I don't want someone to win, he/she ends up winning.

Bill said...

sewing siren said - I have no guess on what the judges/producers will decide...

Thank you for pointing out the rarely mentioned fact that the producers have input with the judges toward their final decisions. I imagine it can have quite an impact on their picks.

I have been on Team Jillian from the get-go. Nobody puts Baby in the corner, but I hope everyone puts her in their closets!

Go Buellerbot 3000!
Heidi: What's your name?
Jillian: It's Jillian, but most guys call me Shauna.
Heidi: You win, Jillian!

Have a blast at the tresemme party. Snap lots of pics and get lots of dirt. Love you, TLo, for living the dream for us!

YvesPaul said...

Christian... Arrogant and bitchy with the least business sense, but his talent and potential is overwhelming.

Kerry said...

Punky Punky Punky!!!

She's the one designer of the three left who makes things that I(if I were a size zero) would want to wear!

Anonymous said...

Christian has the most instinctual talent with a strong point of view. Like many designers his clothes won't suit every body. He's my favorite but to be honest I won't be upset if Jillian or Rami wins. The cast this season has been amazingly kind - for the most part - to one another, and I suspect that this friendliness is why some fans think this season was boring. It's fun, it's "reality" and your site is first on my favorites list.

Anonymous said...

Christian! And I am so jealous you get to go to the party! Pics! Pics!

Anonymous said...

If they give it to Christian's black death "funeral march" (I actually read a NY reviewer call it that) I'm done with the show.

Rami for the win!

Anonymous said...

Please, NOT Rami. Nothing against him personally, but everything in his collection reminds me of Krystal Carrington, as in Krystal goes to dinner, Krystal goes to the prom, Krystal becomes a WWE diva...

Hutchlover said...

I guess I want Jillian to win, but I'm fairly sure PPS will win.

There goes the ego through the roof!

At least he could use some of that $100K to buy himself a bigger place.

And I'll bet anything with his legion of myspace fans, that he'll win "Sew Not Over", too.


The Java Junkie said...

I'm not sure who the judges will pick, but I love Christian's designs...Have fun at the party, fabulous bitches - be fierce!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say RAMI!
I think Rami deserves a shot to win just like anyone of the 15 designers the producers picked to compete.

He did the 1 month of competitions like anyone else. If they were not going to give him a fair shot, then he should not have been asked on the show
Not only that, he has the best collection by far (hence the poll results).

Nillandre said...

My money's on the Jillian horse. Not that I find her the best but I believe the judges will want her for the win.

I am, of course, a Baby Blues lover.

Anonymous said...

His designs and this collection are simply gorgeous, empowering and yes unique. Too say it's ugly only shows bias, and that you're a fan of one of the others which is fine. I think all 3 collections are fantastic. That's why these 3 designers made it to the Finale.
I'm not going to knock the others, but I am going to say that Rami is my favorite.

I'm rooting Rami all the way :)

Thombeau said...

Christian does some pretty amazing stuff, and he is kind of a big deal, but I see Jillian winning this competition.

Have a great time tonight, boys! I'm so excited for ya!

Sewing Siren said...

shiver72876 said...
Punky Punky Punky!!!

She's the one designer of the three left who makes things that I(if I were a size zero) would want to wear!

Shiver, I don't think you need to be a "0" to wear most of her stuff, just have a good bust to wasit to hip ratio. Bust 10"> than Waist, Waist 12"< than Hip.

Kendra said...

Jillian, pleeeeeease.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Part of my says Jillian, but the other part of me says it'll be Christian. I don't think Rami has a hope in Hades to get the win tonight.

GothamTomato said...

"hutchlover said: At least he could use some of that $100K to buy himself a bigger place."

That would be nice, but in NYC, 100K won't even buy you a closet. That's not even a downpayment on a studio.

If he does win, hopefully he'll be smart with it, and get a wearable line up on to the Bluefly site quickly so that he gets a steady income that allows him to do the couture work he wants to do (at least, I'm hoping the designer who puts their line up on Bluefly will get income from it and it won't be owned by Bravo).


Anonymous said...

Grew to really like Jillian's stuff. Jillian for the win!

I'm just hoping I can get out of work in time to see it in real time rather than watching the DVR at 2 in the morning....

Have fun at the party, bitches! Can't wait, and see if you can fit that little teeny camera in Lorenzo's tight jeans this time, huh, guys, for some fabool pics?

Anonymous said...

I really hope it's Jillian, but the judges can't stop kissing Christian's butt.

Anonymous said...

Jillian for the win. She wasn't my favourite this season but I think her final collection is beautiful, wearable and the most diverse of the 3.

Anonymous said...

it is so going to be Christian. Though i originally thought Rami.

SUS said...

Me too Gotham! I think Christian will win, but I wish it would be Jillian.

Anonymous said...

If you guys went to the same show I went to, you know Christian is a shoo in for the win. Based on the caliber of design, if it were any one other than Christian, I think the show would lose more credibility than it already has.

blusurfer said...

I think it will be Christian who will win it all, but I also think he is the one who would do the least with "fame" and 100K. Although wildly talented, he's just too young and full of himself.

I really wish it the winner would be Jillian. I think she has what it takes to take the prize and really turn it into something.

Whitney said...

Princess Puffy Sleeves!

And please, you must come back tomorrow with news on Kevin's girlfriend. I'm really curious about her - especially since he said "everything is fine now" at the reunion show. "Fine now?" WTF is that supposed to mean? There's gotta be a story there - or a least a mayja rumor

Anonymous said...

i agree blusurfer. Rami is already much more established and Christian is young and most likely will not be as responsible. Jillian probably would make the best business decisions.

Anonymous said...

Posh is the real dark horse here!

According to one of the Elle editors blogging from recent Paris shows, Posh's favorite designer is Giambattista Valli.

When I look at Valli's Fall 08 RTW at -- I see Christian.

And when I look at Fall 07 RTW-- I see Jillian.

So much for this "clue".

-- desertwind

I think Christian will win. I'm cool with that, although I like Jillian's work best. Christian needs the money and a little time. I think Jillian will get some serious financial backing from this exposure. Rami will be fine, too.

Anonymous said...

my boo rami's got it in the bag!

gotta agree w/ jay mccarrol's blog, christian's just seems too one-note. he should of sent 2 or 3 of those black puffy sleeve jackets and tight pants down the runway not 7 or 8.

ramilicous knock em dead!

Anonymous said...

I want it to be Christian, but I bet it will be Jillian. :( Watch - he's too "young" and "inexperienced". :/

Anonymous said...

I hope that Christian wins, because it's obvious he lives and breathes fashion, but I just have a hunch that Jillian will take it home.

Anonymous said...

Christian's fierce but why did he do the same thing again??
I think it's cause the judges did not get on his back about it during the show, maybe because the judges wanted Rami or Jillian to win, so they can get on Christian for being so repetitive tonight.

I just don't know why oh why he would do the same thing over and over again?? :(

Gidget Bananas said...


Gail said...

I hope it is Jillian. Her attention to finishing and detail just may be enough to push her out in front of PPS and Rami.

Spandrel Studios said...

I like Jillian's designs personally, but in the spirit of the show's mission, it makes more sense for the judges to give it to Christian... it would mean helping someone who is *just* starting out in fashion. And why not reward talent *and* time management skills?

Anonymous said...

I voted Rami ages ago on the Tresemme site. I'm secretly rooting for Jillian.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"If you guys went to the same show I went to, you know Christian is a shoo in...".

3:06 PM

Thank you for spelling shoo-in correctly!

Anonymous said...

Jillian, probably. And I LOVE AbFab!!!!


Anonymous said...

Rami should win. I agree with the polls too!
But reality TV and that skewing towards a younger teen audience crap ... I just don't know.
My bf and I have our fingers crossed for Rami.

L. said...

I totally think Jillian's going to win. I don't know why, I just do :P. I do sort of think she deserves it the most of the three, as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping Baby Bueller Bot will shock the knickers off the judges & win it in the end.
But this season's been way too predictable (by predictable I mean zzzzzzzz...) so Team Fierce will be victorious.

Emma P.

Veruca Salt said...
Dear God, anyone but Rami.


Anonymous said...

Either Jillian or Christian. I really want Christian to take it all!

Brooklyn Bomber said...

"That would be nice, but in NYC, 100K won't even buy you a closet. That's not even a downpayment on a studio."

Haha. . . I sold my 350 sq. ft. meatpacking district studio apt. for 100K in, um. . . 1986, when the meatpacking district still meant trannie hookers, the Mineshaft, the Vault, oh, and, yeah. . . meatpacking (which is still there, hidden among the velvet-rope restaurants and designer boutiques). I don't even want to think about what it's worth now.

Anonymous said...

Christian all the way!

Anonymous said...

I hope its Rami or Jillian, but I'd bet on the golden boy teachers pet, Christian!

Anonymous said...

My money is on them picking Jillian, because otherwise 3 out of 4 winners since the show's inception would be male. Gender balance - or the appearance of it - definitely matters to the judges and producers.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing PPS, who some clever person recently called Ruffle-up-agus, WILL win.

Who SHOULD win? I don't see a clear winner.

What I really want to know is what Tom & Lorenzo have to say tomorrow. Can't wait!

--Sally in NB

Anonymous said...

christian was the most honest and entertaining of the don't have to like his opinions but give him credit for having some.the work done in groups bore out the fact that rami was terminally passive agressive and elitist.jillian only thawed out in the last 3 episodes or so and until then was too frosty to be of any entertainment value.we must always remember this is first and foremost a television show and the producers should be drawn to the cult of personality.if any of you,(like i)have ever sat somewhere and made snide toss offs about someones clothes,then you should applaud christian .he was the biggest breath of fresh air in the competition.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

It has to be Christian.

Embeedubya said...

Remember when we all that Daniel V. had it in the bag and they gave it to Chloe instead? Hmmmmm. I'll go with Jillian.

Anonymous said...

Christian all the way! Most talent, most personality and most potential! Project Runway has never quite lived up to its apparent goal of producing the next great designer. Let's face it, past winners are more famous as former reality TV stars than designers. Christian has all the makings of the next hot young designer, and Project Runway can finally live up to its potential of hatching the new new thing.

Anonymous said...

I think it'll be Jillian. At least I hope.

Anonymous said...

Odds-on favorite: Christian.

Slight chance: Jillian.

No chance, but the judges will cream over him anyway: Rami.

Now that my beloved Chris is out, I am pulling for Jillian because I think her work shows more range. Christian's collection is certainly interesting and exuberant, but if he was a singer, he'd have a half-octave range in a really bizarre key, while Jillian is singing strong over 3 octaves.

Anonymous said...

twc, I don't blame the judges for creaming over Rami. Can I be next!!??

The judges apparently know a thing or 2 about talent and fashion. Especially after seeing the 3 that made the finale.

I say RAMI! His designs rock!

NahnCee said...


although if either Rami or Jillian wins, I can live with that, too.

unlike the abysmal win last season of Jeffrey Who????

Anonymous said...

omg anon 4:33...yes! Christian is the "teachers pet". lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Jillian FTW, but it's most likely going to be Christian because my pick never wins. xD

Anonymous said...

You guys got mentioned in the Baltimore Sun. It's an interview with Christian. Cool!

Anonymous said...

Now that the most original, talented designer, Chris, is out, I don't really care. I am probably not going to watch. But I do like Jillian, and since Chris can't win, I am rooting for her.

If Christian wins, I will be disappointed, because he is talented, but has been very one note all season. If Rami wins, I will refuse to ever watch PR again. Really. What a one note talent.

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

based on the 2 second judging clip, I say Jillian because she was far apart from the boys.

You can see why I don't handicap horses for a living.

Have a great time.

Anonymous said...

"For once, Christian is someone who lives up to his own expectation of himself," said Tom Fitzgerald, of the blog Project Rungay ("Project Runway from a VERY gay perspective"), who saw the finalists' collections being shown during New York's Fashion Week. "All of the collections were beautiful, but his was absolutely stunning coming down that runway."

Here's the link:

Fabulous, guys!

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping the fabulous Laura wins, although I wouldn't mind Uli walking away with the prize.

But, if the Peanut wins, I'm going to lock myself in my room until I can't remember anything about tonight's outcome.


Jenn said...

I have no idea which one will win, but I'm hoping it's Jillian. The girls need to rep-resent.

Milla said...

It's between PPS and Riff Raff.
I think it's going to be PPS because female skeletor bad surgical tranny job married to soccer hottie is the finale judge.
So put me down for a batch of home-baked fudge brownies on PPS.
Love ya babies and have a blast!

Anonymous said...

PRINCESS!!!! he deserves it! he's the most creative (and really needs the money!)

If Rami wins I'll be pissed off, he already got a successful career.

Anonymous said...

If Christian wins I will not only REFUSE to watch the show ever EVER again...but I also fast for 90 days and nights!!

LOL!! You guys are killen me...

Anonymous said...

uumm ~~ is this a fashion contest or a which slob is poorer contest??

Anonymous said...

Christian will win, much to my disappointment. Like most non-PPS-s, I want Jillian to win.

Anonymous said...

ehhhh....I'm okay with any of them winning. I feel like I'm a jinx; whenever I start rooting for a certain contestant in any reality show, they make it all the way to the last cut before the final group. Sorry, Yau Man. Sorry, Chris March.

Looking forward to reading all about your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry. I just vomited in my mouth at the thought of Princess Puffy Sleeves winning.

Please Please Please Jillian or Rami!

Anonymous said...

I think that based on the fact that his collection was anything but boring, and only a size triple zero woman like Posh could get a leg in the things, that Princess Christian will be taking away the $100,000 tonight. Jillian's collection is more wearable and commercial, but I think Nina, Mikey, and Heidi will think it's too "safe" (to use Nina's favorite term). Rami is probably out of the running since he had to compete against Chris to even make it to the top 3.

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for Christian! Jillian would be okay, too. I will be disappointed if Rami takes it...

Anonymous said...

Mariana (The Unoriginal),

Thank you for the link to the article about Christian! Very entertaining and it showed a gracious side to him.

Anonymous said...

Raa -MI!

Raa -MI!

Raa -MI!

Anonymous said...

I believe of the 3 of them Christian deserves it most. It will probably be Rami because the judges have loved him from the start. But really this is the 1st year I feel all of them deserve to be there. For those who said they didn't like this season to me that proves how good it was.

I do want to say this I HATE you bitches. Not really. I am just so JEALOUS that you get to go to the TRESemme finale party while I sit on my couch watching. Oh well, take lots of photos and tell all.

Badymaru said...

Agh I'm caught between Christan and Jillian. I live Christan's stuff, but more often I find myself looking at Jillians stuff and saying, "I want that!!"

I just hope Rami doesn't win.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for Jillian but since the Robot Spice is the judge I think it will be Princess. I think a better contest would be "Which bitch without a sense of humor will throw a drink in The Boys's Face/Faces???"

jm said...


Anonymous said...

Voto a favor de Rami!
Espero que Rami gane todo esto! Amo a Rami!

Anonymous said...

I suppose I'm the only one turned off by Jillian's armor inspired stuff. Depressing. Give me ruffles any day, baby.

Save_The_Hobbit said...


Thombeau said...

chgo_john said: "I'm hoping the fabulous Laura wins, although I wouldn't mind Uli walking away with the prize."


Anonymous said...

Tee hee chgo_john!

Thanks Mariana (the unoriginal) for the article on Christian from the Baltimore Sun. It's really good. I think I can see a spoiler between the lines. (Article)

Tom is quoted in it, too! How totally cool is that?

Layla said...

It will be my beloved Princess PuffySleeves!

Anonymous said...

I want Jillian to win, but looking at their collections, Christian's really stands out.

Anonymous said...

Rami for the win!
He's been my favorite all along.

Anonymous said...

GO RAMIE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Christian will win. I also think that Posh as a guest judge will make it sway that way. He's more in line with her fashion vision than Jillian or Rami.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm suprised at all the Rami votes, I found his collection a little too safe and more than a little bit boring. For me it's a toss-up between Christian & Jillian and I hope Jillian takes it. Her collection was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think that baby Jillian is showing a little bit too much tootie in that picture?

Anonymous said...

This was all decided before the show went to air. For the first time this season, Project Runway reminded me of American Idol, where it's clear early on who the judges want to win. Hope next year is better.

Anonymous said...

1st- Christian
2nd- Jillian

Dead Last- Rami

Unknown said...

Ok...I just cheated and re-watched the slide shows for all three.

Taking into account that runway shows have a very "of the moment" effect to which rational judgment can be overwhelmed by spectacle. ~And the fact that the judges have been profoundly un-even in their choices this season...I can only narrow it down to two.

Christian's over-the-topness and Rami's stuff-that-would-sell are my best guesses.

If I have to pick one...I think the judges (Posh, the greased-ferret) will twinkle themselves over Christian's McQueen re-hash. (so Editorial!)

Poor Jillian, I just don't think her collection is cohesive enough, albeit attractive in a horsey-culture-way. I think the judges will take her to task for not having more WOW pieces.

I wish I were more emotionally involved in the final contestants aesthetics, but honestly this season, for all the *talent hype* hasn't produced anything which makes me long~ to own a garment from any of these designers. (ok, well, maybe a Jillian frock coat...and one of Ricky's hats) hahaha...kidding about that last one ;)

Cheers everyone!

Anonymous said...

Christian...because the judges are intimidated by that eyerolling he does when someone else's design wins. I'm surprised he doesn't say "what-EVER!" Can you tell I'm still bitter that he was the fan favorite? I thought he was the favorite to hit the fan...but perhaps I misunderstood the intent of the contest.

Melissa said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

christianchristianchristianchristianchristianchristianchristian...oh you get the idea. go christian!!

Anonymous said...

This one's tough, cuz even though the little squelp has grown on me (it's a compliment), I think the judges are gonna toss this one to Jillian. Her stuff is wearable and seems to be fashion forward (but I don't know anything about fashion!).

We'll see!


P.S. I'm thinking Rami will be aufed, not a runner-up. :D Or is that a hope?

Hephaestion said...

I vote for Rami to win.

But I think Chris March is probably correct when he said they will give the Grand Prize to Christian.

If you haven't seen the interview with Chris March at you really need to see it. It is a FANTASTIC and lovely interview which will make you love and adore Chris even MORE!

Stubenville said...

I seem to recall that Mrs. Beckham slipped after Bryant Park and said something like "I would wear everything that he sent down the runway." So I'm thinking Jillian is out of the running.

Okay, maybe it's just because I find Princess Puffysleeves completely obnoxious, but I'm thinking he doesn't win. If you watched the finale of PR Canada, the judges openly quarreled about the maturity of Biddell, the guy who eventually won. So I'm hoping for Rami... but I won't be surprised if it's Princess Puffysleeves (AKA Chicken Lady.)

Anonymous said...


Jennifer Lacy said...


Hephaestion said...

I will be happy with whoever wins. I expect great things out of all of them in the future.

Anonymous said...

totally christian!

Anonymous said...

i am such a dork that i am excited about the finale! but for once it is so up in air about who will win. i think everyone has a good shot.

Auntie L said...

Should be: Jillian

Will be: Christian

Anonymous said...

I like all three of them: I know, I'm surprised too! But I'm saying Jillian for the win.

Unless it's Christian.

Or Rami.

Unknown said...


though part of me knows that the judges fantasize about getting in Rami's pants it may just be him.

But it better be Christian!

Anonymous said...

I predict...the judges will be deadlocked, and to everyone's surprise, there's a new twist: the winner is decided by a muthafuckin walk off. Ferocia Coutura takes the crown.

Stubenville said...

Not a spoiler -

I just saw the three collections, but they haven't done the Parsons judging nor announced the winner.

Damn, Princess REALLY had the most cohesive collection by far. If he looses, it's all because of his in-your-face personality.

GothamTomato said...

I would swear I saw a flash of Tlo, talking to each other, sitting in the audience.


goodsie said...

PR would never deny a winner because of an "in your face personality." Never in a million years.

I say Rami.

Anonymous said...


katiecoo said...

"I would swear I saw a flash of Tlo, talking to each other, sitting in the audience.



I rewound and freeze framed and I do think it was them, toward the beginning before the show started, behind the judges to the right.


Anonymous said...


katiecoo said...


Awwwwwww.......tears in my eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

Rami was so, so robbed! I can't believe Christian won!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


christmas come early.

Amanda said...

Um, now that Christian won, can we recant Chloe's title...Daniel should've won.

Anonymous said...

yeay! Love Jillian, Glad it's not Rami, but CS truly was fierce!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Christian so deserved it. I have seen Rami's work worn by Jessica Alba in gossip mags and I think Jillian can make it on her own. But Christian is only 21 and living in a closet and is soooo talented. He deserved it!!!

Hephaestion said...

Oh my God, how adorable was Christian when he won? I think he was genuinely moved to the depths of his little self and I thought it was HILARIOUS when he said he needed a "vay-cay" and a "breaky-break"! Ha!

Anonymous said...

I can't help it. I gave a little yelp of pure glee when Christian won. He was so HUMAN this episode, I couldn't help but root for him. Besides, as a budding designer, he is really who this show is designed to help, not the established sorts.

Still, once Jillian was auf'd, I knew Christian would take it.

Congratulations, Princess Puffysleeves!

Unknown said...


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