Jillian wants to get to Bryant Park so badly...
...that she will use her model as an IRONING BOARD to get there. That is some hardcore, no-wire-hangers shit.
We have to admit...
...we kinda loved this.
But Jillian, for the love of God, enough with those shoes.
Detail from the Story of the Argonauts by Unknown Master
She did a pretty good job of interpreting a piece without copying it outright and it is, of course, unsurprising that she gravitated toward an equestrian/military figure, since she certainly loves to apply touches of that look to her work.
Yeah, the skirt hem was a little screwed up and the length of it was a bit too short for that jacket, but the overall look is sleek and smart when you first set eyes on it.
Gold and black is always a great combination and the jacket is just GORGEOUS. She can do these military or equestrian-inspired pieces and somehow not make them look gimmicky or costumey.
And we agree with Signor Cavalli here.
One thing we hadn't put together before now (but we'll definitely expand on when we look at each finalist's entire body of work for the season side-by-side), Jillian's work always has some unique detail to top it off. That it's usually so subtle is a credit to her.
Then there's the dress. Y'know, it didn't quite work in the end, but we have to give her props for first, going there, and second, almost nailing a look that's REALLY tough to get right: gold lame.
We think it was an inspired choice for the dress and the lining of the jacket, but she didn't have the time to execute it properly and it was too wrinkled and formless by the end. Her Bryant Park collection had a pleated gold lame dress that came off looking FAR better than this.
The execution problems with the dress kept it from getting the win this week, but the overall design was so smart and stylish, how could the judges not wave her on to Fashion Week?
And it's a good thing they did.
...because that bitch had a knife strapped to her thigh and she wasn't afraid to use it to get what she wants.
[Photos: Metmuseum.org - Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Yes, I actually liked this look more than Christian's (and I tend to be a huge Christian fan.) I do think she looked a little bit like a baton twirler, though.
WOW, a knife strapped to her thigh...LOL! Miss Kors better temper her review of Jillian's final runway collection OR ELSE!
I will have to disagree. I didn't like this look, at all. I didn't like the dress--the proportions were terrible with the jacket--and I didn't care all that much for the jacket. Granted, I tend to find metallic piping of any kind gauche, so maybe I'm not the person to whom this look is designed to appeal. :-\
All in all, I was pretty underwhelmed.
I THOUGHT that's what I saw but didn't trust myself. So awesome! Maybe our Jillian has personality (and balls) after all.
Haha! I saw the garter thingy and thought the same thing!! Nobody puts Baby Bueller Bot 3000 in a corner!
I loved what she did with the jacket, and could easily see where she was going with the dress.
Go Jillian!
Loved the jacket, not so much the dress. Really great, but couldn't compare with the Christian extravaganza.
That Jillian intrigues me! She has an off-kilter take on things, and even if I don't always get it, I appreciate her unique viewpoint. While I don't love the dress, I like the idea of it (it was almost there), and I love the surprise gold-on-gold reflection between the dress and the coat lining. The jacket was lovely. The dress was an unexpected mix of Medieval chainmail joustwear and Studio 54 party dress.
Go Jillian, you Kid from Fame, you!
I wasn't too impressed by this outfit at all. I liked the coat, but I couldn't get past that horrid dressl. In my opinion, gold lame is never a good option. NEVER! It just says 1960's Las Vegas hooker to me.
I just went to the Bravo site and checked out the Bryant Park collection photos again. I have to say, I like her collection better than I did the first time I saw it, but it still is not deserving of the win.
Looking at the Bryant Park photos, my favorite is still Chris', but I think Christian will win, just because of Posh's comment and everything he had looked like something she would wear.
That's her Mic strap. Sorry to bring dow the fantasies.
Loved the jacket, (she does have a knack for those, doesn't she?)
Hated the dress. Too Vegas-y.
Oh my, reading the word "extravaganza" in (previous) Anonymous's post made me think of Christain, and Organza the dog and its a new PRG word....Extravorganza! Should be Christain's new drag name (Ferosh Extravorganza)!
HA! Love the comment about using the model as an ironing board! You darlings made me choke on my morning tea again....
Loved this look more than Christian's - she's great at jackets (with the exception of the mess she made for the Levi's challenge). The little gold dress leaves a bit to be desired but hers was the only look that made me say wow when I watched the episode.
Ferosha Coutoura better watch his 'tude - he may get cut by that ambitious b*tch! Go BuellerBot!
Yeah, I think that's a microphone thing, not a weapon. Still looks hot, though.
Well I loved it and as usual Jillian had a look that was distinctive and looked amazingly well tailored. Well, the jacket did at least but geesh, if you ordered that jacket as a OOAK from a designer they would be "oh darling but that will take at LEAST 3 months to make!"
so I give her kudos for making it in 2 days. Her pleats in the back were so even.
Yep, I am a Jillian fan now that my fave Sweet P is gone....(sob!), I am gonna miss her!
I was ticked off though that they were supposed to auf TWO designers and yet they allowed "Drapy Dog" to get another chance? What, do wow us with his ability to DRAPE? GIMME A BREAK!
All in all I do like 3 out of the 4 designers left. All for different reasons, and boy do I wish I was a size 2 so I could wear their clothes!
Jillian and Christian are the two, for me, who made this season halfway watchable. That said, gold lame just gives me shudders. It reads like a cheesy Vegas showgirl who moonlights at Waffle House and always smells like Virginia Slims.
I loved Heidi squealing over the gold lining and calling Jills ballsy. Pow!
She did a great job interpreting that artwork. . . I kinda wish she'd found a gold brocade or something a bit more reminiscent of the painting, but still. She always comes up with something unexpected.
I am lukewarm on Jillian. I loved her Avant Garde coat, and then saw she repeated it in the denim challenge, and again in Bryant Park, but wasn't called on it.
I like her better than Christian, though not as much as Chris. And apparently Cavalli agreed, because he told Chris he could do haute couture in Paris, told Christian that he could have his own show, and offered Jillian a job working for him. She is, without a doubt, a good technician, but most of her designs were nothing spectacular. I realize that Heidi loves her, but Heidi strikes me as having very questionable taste herself.
She reminds me of the ice skater Nancy Kerrigan - a great technician, but not as much "soul" as some of the other designers. (or skaters, in Kerrigan's case!)
I really liked Jillian's outfit (especially the jacket) and I have to disagree with TLO because I think this is the only time that those shoes look good with an outfit!
Is that really a knife? I missed that completely. It would be more interesting to use a paisley print, since the original artwork looked a bit like that. I'm a bit tired of gold at the moment.
What I like about Jillian is that she can design clothes that make women look strong and powerful. Imagine if this model had walked this outfit the way the one for the AG challenge did--popping open the jacket at the end of the catwalk! Pow!
Anyway, will say again, Jillian is not much older than Christian, and the two of them are by far the best designers of the season.
Regarding "Mumbles Monotone"/aka Jillian (from my recap):
Jillian: “Mumble, mumble … I’m not a fast mover … mumble, mumble … still a lot for me to do … mumble, mumble …”. Then she plays with her bangs. She ALWAYS plays with her bangs. In fact, if she spent as much time sewing as she does adjusting her bangs, she might be able to get something done.
My God, My Eyes!!! It Burns!!!
Tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky TACKY!!!
Gold Lame???? BARF!! Matching gold piping? Mico Mini-skirt??? Eye Vomit.
TACK-O-RAMA in Technicolor.
She looked exactly like a cocktail waitress at the Golden Nugget.
Imagine what a talented designer could do with a tastefully conceived medieval equestrian design. To quote Madame-Schaden:
Completely typical of ever mis-conceived garment Jillian has struggled with this season. No surprise - a hot mess.
Another Jacket? Gold Lame?
Yikes. I HAAAATED this outfit.
The jacket is great, the dress not so much. I realize that most of her time was spent on the jacket, but the dress is just kind of there-it really is not special in any way.
When I saw that breif flash of something strapped to her thigh I though, "I KNOW TLo will have a screencap of that so that I can see what the heck it is."
Thanks boys!
I was wondering about the garter too. Now someone says it's her mic strap. I prefer the knife scenario.
It is Reality TV, which in turn is some sort of fantasy!
(Christian's lucky she didn't stab him when he bugged her about ironing).
She is so meticulous, but this feels too 80's. Black with gold piping reminds me of a retired school teacher trying to get posh for a cruise.
Its odd - I normally loathe all things mettalic and Lame, but I thought she pulled this off without it looking new money O.C. socialite tacky. And I appreciate that, while she's had moments, she lets her clothes speak for her rather than running around like an insecure 7th grader telling eceryone how fierce she is (yep - so over PPS).
Think she deserved the spot. She also interpreted her piece rather than literally recreating it in a new decade, which is closer to what 3 of the other 4 did.
"...because that bitch had a knife strapped to her thigh and she wasn't afraid to use it to get what she wants."
You know, they should get you guys to analyze the Zapruder film.
The great thing about Jillian all season has been, she consistantly takes risks, is ambitious, and creates unique, meticulous pieces. She also understands women's bodies and pocketbooks.
She has definitely been the biggest surprise of the season.
"adigal said: She reminds me of the ice skater Nancy Kerrigan - a great technician, but not as much "soul" as some of the other designers. (or skaters, in Kerrigan's case!)"
I'd say she's nothing at all like Kerrigan. (Besiddes, Kerrigan was not such a great technician anyway).
I'd say Jillian is like Michelle Kwan: Not flashy, but rather quiet, steady, and yeoman-like in her work ethic; with moments of brilliance that surprise (but shouldn't); bringing attention to her work, rather than herself.
I agree about the length, but maybe just because I'm becoming a prude in old age.
This would have looked killer with boots, but I think there aren't many shoes to choose from and some major hording is going on.
I'm not a big fan of the military/equestrian influence, but she doesn't hit you over the head with it, and it doesn't look at all costumey (like Chris/Christian's).
Jillian's workmanship gets very high marks from me. I prefer to see fewer pieces done well, than more pieces done poorly. I thought she deserved the win.
The most annoying thing about Jillian all season has been, she consistantly misses the mark, repeats herself again and again (another coat??), and creates tired, lack-luster, drab pieces. And with her Bodice-smashing, militaire esthetic, she appears to be clueless about a women's body.
She has definitely been a judges pet this season and underserving of a final spot.
"I'd say Jillian is like Michelle Kwan."
.. in that in the end, she dissapoints and loses.
Gold lame is NEVER okay unless you are a sex-starved 70-something divorcee from Houston. And even then. This look was horrible.
I'm so glad y'all featured the garter. I thought she was taking the 20's showgirl thing to a new level of authenticity!
i gotta say, i really loved this outfit. it was smart, sophisticated, modern and sexy. wonderful interpretation of the artwork. truly inspired and daring. i mean, she made gold lame look stylish & hot. that's talent.
i think jillian's garment was more clever than christian's. for me, she deserved the win.
"Anonymous said...
Yeah, I think that's a microphone thing, not a weapon."
WOW!! Really? Not a weapon? Are you sure?
Boys, how could you be so wrong?
Love love love that first screencap. Hilarious! Lauren is a doll, isn't she?
I liked the jacket a lot, the dress not so much but it worked with the jacket.
Loved this, it was a great interpretation of the entire painting, not just the detail of the rider on the horse. The gold lame makes a lot of sense when you think about the Story of the Argonauts--Jason pursuing the golden fleece.
Who can blame Jillian for the knife strapped to her leg this week and the martial arts practice last week. Look how many times she has been shot this season.
I loved this look and would wear it in a heart beat. I really want a Jillian coat.
I guess I'm in the minority for thinking that gold lame is rad and should be used more!
But this outfit, I don't like. It looks like a figure skating costume.
I totally missed seeing the garter-mic, and I usually see all the subliminal stuff (advertisers love me)! Hilarious that she'd have to stick hers there.
Loved the jacket, hated the dress, hope those shoes were burned after filming was done.
and yes, I agree with the Kerrigan analogy! Kwan just seems so much warmer and genuine (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I really like the jacket, and for the lining, I think the gold lame works. But I think it loses some of the impact because of the solid gold lame dress underneath--together, it's just too much of the gold. And yeah, Jillian needs to learn to make her dresses a few inches longer.
i totally flashed on a small hand gun when i saw the garter and nothing more reasonable ever occurred to me.
It was all very Rhythm Nation as re-imagined for a Holiday Inn cocktail lounge waitress in 1990.
That first screen cap is screamingly funny. I ironed a shirt on myself once in college. You pretty much only do something like that once.
But I love that nobody was putting Bueller in the corner and she was willing to fry her model to reach her goal. Makes me believe that was a knife strapped to her leg.
A mike holder? I was so convinced that she had a garter belt on, which my straight ass was very intrigued by...
Ahem, anyway I think you hit it right on the head with inspired by the art, but not re-creating. That was the problem I had with both Chris and Christian's, they were almost trying to make the same outfit as the painting.
Rami, of course, did but his problem was more his apparent uncontrollable compulsion to drape (yeah, he calls it a passion, but any enthusiasm that becomes a liability is an addiction).
I thought the garter held a pair
of scissors, a seam ripper, threaded needle, tissue, breath mints and a lipstick...
Oh yeah, and steaming the dress while the model is wearing it. Jill, sweetie, they have warning labels that SPECFICALLY tell you not to do that.
Now I know who warning labels are written for. 26 year old, harried , fashion designers.
Am I the only one who tittered when they read "especially in the back, I like very much"?
Sorry, sorry....I am fresh out of the three-hour meeting.
Absolutely loved this outfit. Jillian will go far.
Lauren, darling, we love you! LOL. Anything for fashion!!
thats not a knife its her mic.
funny though.
I liked this ok but there is no way in hell any real women would ever wear Gold like that unless they are hookers or 70's disco queens.
"But this outfit, I don't like. It looks like a figure skating costume."
That must be why Madame-Schaden likes it so much!! All that's missing is the canned Muzak, a few Cameltoes, and Dick Buttons.
"Anonymous said...
"I'd say Jillian is like Michelle Kwan."
.. in that in the end, she dissapoints and loses."
Or that she has a career of unparralled longevity; quietly and steadily becoming one of the most highly decorated skaters ever. That she missed just one prize only made her more sought after.
Jillian, Queen of Klonopin, Maker of Technicolor Dream Coats...
She underwhelms me. I think its her personality and that whining that she won't finish in time. Borrrrring. You said that last week....
"BG said...
Am I the only one who tittered when they read "especially in the back, I like very much"?"
Actually, I was thinking, wouldn't it be great to have subtitles, for all the judges, that said what they were really thinking about both the garments, and the other judges opinions.
Bill said: "Rhythm Nation as re-imagined for a Holiday Inn cocktail lounge waitress in 1990."
LOL, that's hysterical!!
The taste level on this is frighteningly low. A Crap-tacular fug-fest.
I wonder how it would have looked with either knee-high boots, or bootie shoes, like in the original picture. Trying to decide if that would have made the look more or less majorette-y.
Loved the jacket. The dress, not so much. I think it would have had the same impact with ANY color in both the dress and the jacket lining (and the piping). I saw something a few months ago about the colors this season being dark blue and black, and I can see this outfit in dark blue rather than gold, and still having a wow factor.
I didn't go back to check my recollection, but the dress reminded me of what she was wearing in her audition video. You know, the one where she was all lively and emotional and nothing like she's been on the program. But I thought this outfit was fine, and she deserves to be in the finals.
By the way, when she was doing all that ironing and PP said something about pressing for three hours and she responded and he told her not to be a bitch, I had a major pot-kettle-black moment.
"The great thing about Jillian all season has been, she consistantly takes risks, is ambitious, and creates unique, meticulous pieces. She also understands women's bodies and pocketbooks."
I'm sorry, I'm kind-of new to this, but could you explain how Jillian understands a woman's pocketbook? And what exactly does that mean? Are you saying her garments look cheap or inexpensive? Is Invana Trumps pocketbook the same as, say, my Aunt Fannie's pocketbook.
Your comments are so authoritative and numerous, I'm sure you can help me.
Pretty Betty said...
"The great thing about Jillian all season has been, she consistantly takes risks, is ambitious, and creates unique, meticulous pieces. She also understands women's bodies and pocketbooks."
I'm sorry, I'm kind-of new to this, but could you explain how Jillian understands a woman's pocketbook? And what exactly does that mean? Are you saying her garments look cheap or inexpensive? Is Invana Trumps pocketbook the same as, say, my Aunt Fannie's pocketbook.
Your comments are so authoritative and numerous, I'm sure you can help me.
Your obsession (using different IDs, agreeing with your own previous comment under a different ID, etc etc etc) with GT worries me a little, yes, juts a little...but have you thought of seeking professional help? That's a huge load to carry with you.
I have to admit, I am not a Jillian fan, mostly because she lacks personality and she can be a little predictable, but she did a great job with this look. I was amazed that I didn't hate, and actually kind of liked, the gold lame dress. And the jacket was lovely! I would like to see her, when given free rein, do something that doesn't involve a structured jacket, though.
Jillian's was my favorite just because it was the least literal interpretation of the painting.
The jacket was very intricate and well-done. I loved it!! The dress went well with her inspiration. In my opinion, it was very appropriate for the challenge.
Jillian's work always has some unique detail to top it off.
This is exactly why I love her work. God is in the details, said Mies, and it's as true in fashion as it is in architecture.
How great was Jillian's reaction when Roberto (LOVE HIM!) said that he'd like to have her on his staff! In her best monotone she said "that would be an incredible honor..." But the look in her eyes said "I just escaped from Ralph Lauren. If I get trapped into working for another egomaniacal genius I'm blasting my way out of here with the steam iron."
Almighty Isis going out for a few drinks with her girlfriends after spending the whole day fighting crime.
To Jillian's credit, she knew the dress had issues, particularly with the length, but it was the last challenge, she had (rightful) confidence in the coat and she let it go.
It is interesting to me that Jillian never fooled herself. She didn't reflexively defend herself like Rami absolutely ("Everything I do is good.") or Christian comparatively ("My prom dress was bad but plenty of others were way worse," "they praised my outfit, but then had the nerve to praise other people's").
I was impressed that Heidi noticed that although Jillian is quiet, the clothes aren't. However, I wonder how much of that ego and edge you need to be "America's next top designer."
Great work, I'm very proud of her, she's my favorite.
Love the last picture, boys. Hilarious!!
Me no like the shiny. Or the little points on the shoulders of the jacket which reminded me of the hairdos in 'Dilbert' for some reason. And TLo is right about the dress being too short. Not my favorite look from Jillian, and certainly not the winner, but I'm glad she made it to Bryant Park. And thanks for pointing out the detail in the back.
And I'm disappointed in me - I saw the black thing on her leg and all I thought was 'garter, ooh, kinky.' A weapon is so much more fun.
Ugh... sorry but I totally disagree. I hated this outfit, it didn't work for me. The jacket was weird, I hated the little holes, the shoulders, all of it. And then the dress, too short, no hem, too vegas.
I think she deserves to be in the finals, though. I just hated how it was SO OBVIOUS that the judges wanted her so badly to show at Bryant Park; especially Heidi. The judges were terrible this episode, they clearly had an agenda to kick out Sweet P and Chris. Fortunately we had Roberto Cavalli to save Chris.
"Anonymous said...
The most annoying thing about Jillian all season has been, she consistantly misses the mark, repeats herself again and again (another coat??), and creates tired, lack-luster, drab pieces. And with her Bodice-smashing, militaire esthetic, she appears to be clueless about a women's body.
She has definitely been a judges pet this season and underserving of a final spot."
Gotta disagree with you, anonymous...I think you may be confusing Jillian with Victorya, at least about the bodice smashing.
Maybe you should review Jillian's work to date to refresh your memory. This is her first jacket (she did two coats) for a woman, every dress she's done has been different from the last.
Her work hasn't been to my taste, but I think she's very talented, versatile, and has excellent skills. Her time management needs a little work, but she generally comes through with the goods.
She definitely deserves to be one of the final three.
I liked this look a lot. the jacket was gorgeous and the dress didn't quite work, but given the inspiration was a solid effort.
Loved the gold lining of the jacket.
I'm not sure women would love to wear this, but they wouldn't wear Christian's or Chris's outfit either.
This look may not have been as dramatic as christian's, but Heidi was right saying this was a strong look.
I think Jillian is a really talented designer and wish her the best in the future.
"Me no like the shiny."
Hee hee. I agree. The coat is nice though. And when she flashed her mic holder it was great to see her showing some personality. Fainlly!
I mean "finally." I can't type!
Did anyone else have problems with Roberto Cavalli telling Chris that he should show in Paris, Christian that he was very talented, and Jillian that she should work on his staff?
Either it was a backhanded way of saying he didn't like her design but she was a great technician, or a really sexist slap in the face. I don't blame her for her underwhelmed response.
Am I the only one who tittered when they read "especially in the back, I like very much"?
Oh my God! That is SO FUNNY. Between that, the original TLo post, and Gotham's Zapruder and Bill's Rhythm Nation comment, you all are on a roll today! Hilarious.
Loved the jacket for the well done detailing. The lame mini dress, not so much.
And thanks to those of you who compared the lame dress to a figure skating outfit. Now I will spend the rest of the day trying to get the image of Tara Lipinski skating to "Copa Cabana" in a big Broadway styled routine in Stars on Ice. My girl Michelle Kwan would never wear something so tacky!
For real, what was strapped to her leg??
That dress underneath is wretched. And the short gold lame, boob-in-cups-on-the-outside dress in the final collection is also wretched.
Maybe she just needs to be told to put down the gold lame and walk away. Its time for an intervention.
Otherwise she's pretty darn good at making nice clothes.
I gotta admit, I actually like Jillian's stuff for the most part. I think what was really nice about this one is that it wasn't as out there and avante-garde as Christian and Chris's, but there was a very strong "Wow", (or "Whoa") when the jacket was opened that I think Rami and Sweet P's were missing.
Love the screenshot, and the subsequent discussion of the mic pack. I am totally amused by the knife comment, and kind of amused that they would use a thigh pack, but I guess it makes sense. Most of the time, they're strapped around the back, because for the most part people are wearing shirt and pants, and it's easier to get at mics that way, but when you wear a one piece dress, it's easier to get at a mic when it's around the thigh. Which they need to do since the mics probably die *all* the time.
I love her clothes. I'd wear all of them. She's a great designer.
I can understand why people who don't like Jillian or her work might say "it's just another coat", but really, if you look back at all the challenges you'll see that's not so. She's actually got the most range. And, besides -- coats ain't easy.
(Actually Puffysleeves has more of a range than I'd remembered)
It's fascinating to look at each designer's entire season's work. Christian's are immediately eye-catching, but I have to go with Jillian's more imaginative (and subtle) sophistication, humor and range.
It's all down to Christian & Jillian, isn't it?
(Sparklies has great super-high resolution pix of Bryant Park on their site.)
-- desertwind
sorry to interrupt with my weirdness but am i the last one to notice the "donate" button on the left of the blog? has that been there all along?
A knife strapped to her thigh...
Hahahahahahaha! Love it!
I loved the jacket, wasn't as wild about the dress. But back in the day I might have gone for the full look.
Well, let's not forget that metallics and sparkles were very hot when they shot this episode.
I personally love the jacket AND the dress.
As usual, Jillian shot out of the gate with a strong start (see jacket) and ran out of steam at the finish line (see dress). While I loved her WWE look, this one's too USO-showgirl-dons-soldier's-jacket for me.
I loved the way she genuinely thanked the judges when they informed her she would also be showing in Bryant Park.
Class all the way!
Anonymous said...
sorry to interrupt with my weirdness but am i the last one to notice the "donate" button on the left of the blog? has that been there all along?
I have never seen that before, but I will gladly send them some cash to help with expenses. I love this blog and there is no advertising.
"Anonymous said...
sorry to interrupt with my weirdness but am i the last one to notice the "donate" button on the left of the blog? has that been there all along?
I think it's been there for a while now, I could be wrong; it's quite common for blogs to have that. It's an easy way to support the blogs you like.
She still is a little too down on herself but I think Jillian and her designs are beautiful. I love the little cutout detail!
And Flash It if you got it GIRL!
Liked the jacket, the dress...my eyes! They burn! Too shiny!
I just about died when she started steaming the dress on the model. I have the same iron, the steam is VERY hot! When she started moaning about the steam disappearing, I was yelling at her to fill the reservoir, it's really easy. I know, studies have shown that the people on TV can't hear me. At least that's what my son said to me! LOL!
Jillian never ceases to amaze me. She is a fantastic designer. I love her work and I think she could do wonders with the money and support she'd get winning.
i'll gladly send them cash too (next paycheck) but now i feel bad if that donate button has been up for months and i never noticed it. i know from my own blog how time consuming it is and how little money it brings in.
thanks, t lo!
Jillian was/is my favorite designer this season. Her outfits are always so cute and chic. She's sweet, but still very honest.
Freaking GORGEOUS! I would look so hot in that outfit :)
I'm not sure women would love to wear this, but they wouldn't wear Christian's or Chris's outfit either.
I'm not the right age or shape for the dress, but I'd wear the jacket in a heartbeat. Had I the right height and the right money, I'd definitely wear Chris' - talk about an "opening night at the opera" gown! But I'd never wear Christian's, not unless I were 18 again, and back in my "let's dress up in costumes because we're high and it's 19--* and we're hanging out in the East Village" mode.
*date deliberately left vague to protect the innocent (or guilty, depending on your point of view)
I wondered if it were a knife or a Derringer .22; the glimpse of it passed by so quickly I wasn't sure just WHAT I was seeing, though I have to give her props for being armed to the teeth.
And I would pay to see her go psycho on Christian and slash his puffy sleeves.
That first picture is so funny. I can't stop laughing. I totally forgot about it. You boys capture everything. LOL.
Of course Heidi Tacky Klum liked the shiny gold. No kidding.
"UsmcSgtFTL said...
I wondered if it were a knife or a Derringer .22; the glimpse of it passed by so quickly I wasn't sure just WHAT I was seeing, though I have to give her props for being armed to the teeth.
And I would pay to see her go psycho on Christian and slash his puffy sleeves."
Jillian ROCKS!
This was incredibly detailed and well made yet current and wearable at the same time. I absolutely loved the details on the shoulders and the pleats on the back. The little gold dress underneath was cute as well.
I wouldn’t say that Jillian is the most versatile designer because heaven knows NONE of them deserve that title this season, but I would give her the title of most competent designer.
Gotham Tomato said:
"I'd say she's nothing at all like Kerrigan. (Besiddes, Kerrigan was not such a great technician anyway).
I'd say Jillian is like Michelle Kwan: Not flashy, but rather quiet, steady, and yeoman-like in her work ethic; with moments of brilliance that surprise (but shouldn't); bringing attention to her work, rather than herself."
I love Michelle Kwan because she seems to have depth and soul, even though she is quiet and humble. Jillian - I don't know. I think she is a nice young lady, I think she is a great technician, but does she have that vision to create something that will move you, like Kwan does when she does a spiral? I haven't been moved emotionally by anything she has done this season. I liked her Avant Garde jacket, it was very interesting, but I haven't been moved by it. I don't know how else to describe what I feel about her work.
"anon said: Your obsession (using different IDs, agreeing with your own previous comment under a different ID, etc etc etc) with GT worries me a little, yes, juts a little...but have you thought of seeking professional help? That's a huge load to carry with you."
Seriously. It reminds me of that old commercial, 'Between love and madness lies obsession'.
"cpny said: The gold lame makes a lot of sense when you think about the Story of the Argonauts--Jason pursuing the golden fleece."
I did not know that part of it. That's a terrific little detail. I liked the gold lame before, but now it's kicked up to another level of wit.
Could Jason make wishes with the golden fleece, or was it just Gene London who did that?
Why didn't she get questioned about doing the same thing she's done before? We've seen this dress, we've seen this jacket.
"Her Bryant Park collection had a pleated gold lame dress that came off looking FAR better than this."
While I respect the boys right to mention what they saw in the tents in Bryant Park, can they please please please PLEASE respect that many of the ProjectRunGay readers might NOT want to hear spoilers like this.
There are plenty of ways to warn readers about a looming spoiler and allow them the ability to opt out, skip over it or look away. Let's play fair, folks!
"Pat said...
Why didn't she get questioned about doing the same thing she's done before? We've seen this dress, we've seen this jacket."
The same way they didn't question Christian. And the only reason they questioned Rami was to make us believe that he was actually going to be aufed. Those judges pick their favorites early on and never deviate, regardless of their performance.
I loved loved this outfit. I'm so glad she made it. This season has been hard to watch, with the judges being so obvious about their pets [Chris and Christian]...I'm just so thankful that Rami was actually given a chance against Chris...though, there is no way the judges are going to let Rami beat out Chris. The favoritism is just blatant, and so I expect Christian to win, and Chris to make it to the final three.
Sorry, but there is nothing "witty" about gold lame. Lame is ... LAME. Very tacky. Like Polyester. Or Spandex.
Agree with Pat. Coats and Jackets seem about all Jillian can do ... and not often very well. One trick horsey.
Pat said...
Why didn't she get questioned about doing the same thing she's done before? We've seen this dress, we've seen this jacket.
In which challenge did she make this outfit before? "Dress" and "jacket" are pretty broad catagories.
"Matthew said...
While I respect the boys right to mention what they saw in the tents in Bryant Park, can they please please please PLEASE respect that many of the ProjectRunGay readers might NOT want to hear spoilers like this.
There are plenty of ways to warn readers about a looming spoiler and allow them the ability to opt out, skip over it or look away. Let's play fair, folks!"
How is that a spoiler?
Hmm, eleven challenges, two coats,one jacket, four dresses, one kimono, one pair of overalls, a man's suit, a wrestling outfit and separates made of candy.
Definitely a one note!
"Matthew said...
While I respect the boys right to mention what they saw in the tents in Bryant Park, can they please please please PLEASE respect that many of the ProjectRunGay readers might NOT want to hear spoilers like this.
There are plenty of ways to warn readers about a looming spoiler and allow them the ability to opt out, skip over it or look away. Let's play fair, folks!"
How is that a spoiler?
Right! How is that a spoiler? It seems someone is just bitching to bitch.
haha..I saw that garter flash too...but didn't realize she was a closet Jane Bond there. Shaken or stirred there Jill?
Did Jillian hem the gold dress, or cut it shorter and send it out unhemmed? It looked unhemmed to me. Maybe gold lame is unhemmable?
I need to know!
Sara in NB
"Seriously. It reminds me of that old commercial, 'Between love and madness lies obsession'.
Hey, stellar way to segue back on topic or shall I say, bring fashion in to stalking! Goodonya Calvin! ;)
It literally pains me to laugh today and yet here I am, laughing (and crying, but in a good way) because of you. Hardcore fashion bitch, indeed.
I didn't like the length of the skirt on Jillian's outfit, but I did like the jacket, specifically the details, including the lining.
I wasn't crazy about her gold dress in her final colleciton, but compared to this one, yes, it looked much better.
Now, I have a sister who needs to look at Jillian's garments because she'd be super feers in them.
Gotham Tomato said
"Could Jason make wishes with the golden fleece, or was it just Gene London who did that?"
Gene London!! What a blast from the past--I've heard of him but never saw the show (I think he was only on in Philly).
If I remember correctly, Jason had to find the fleece, which was guarded by some mythic monster, in order to rightfully claim his throne in Greece.
How freaking fabulous is this blog? Now we're talking about Jason and his quest to find the Golden Fleece!!!
CPNY said...
If I remember correctly, Jason had to find the fleece, which was guarded by some mythic monster, in order to rightfully claim his throne in Greece.
Jason was the rightful ruler of a kingdom in Greece. He asked his nephew to give him the kingdom back, and his nephew said he would if he would bring back the Golden Fleece. Jason encounters many trials and adventures on his journey; he also meets Medea. Medea helps him overcome the greatest perils of his journey along with Hera's help. Jason gets the Golden Fleece, and then heads home with Medea and the Argonauts. When he reaches home, he has some children with Medea, but decides to marry another wife. This makes Medea mad and she is exiled. Jason said he knew that she loved him and was basically using her. Medea then kills off Jason's wife, kids, and then flies away before Jason can get revenge on her.
More here via Wikipedia.
Love your readers, Boys!
Loved, Loved, Loved it!
Including the gold dress. First, I thought it was an interesting way to interpret the armour worn by some characters in the painting (not shown in the screen cap, which is a close up of one section of the entire painting). Second, lame is a total beeatch to work with, so I applaud her taking up the challenge.
And, without question, loved the jacket. I am an equestrian, but I don't go around carrying leather goods with ticky-tacky bits on them or wearing jophurs and dress boots to the grocery store (however, I did swoon a bit to see LB wearing them to Central Park last season on the off chance the challenge involved horses). But in some subtle way it must influence my choices because, although I don't see "equestrian" in all Jillian does like some do, I do LIKE most everything she does that others call equestrian.
VERY pleased the girl is going to fashion week.
Nicole Miller, Diane von Furstenberg (check the PRG post on her collection), Angel Sanchez - just to name a few - had p-l-e-n-t-y of lame dresses for Fall 2008! Wake up, folks, and catch up with the trends!!
She's the boogie woogie bugle girl from Company B! I loved this look, other than the fact that the dress was too short.
This challenge was to do something closer to art than Ready to Wear. That is what she understood about it that Rami didn't, and she created a thoroughly modern piece reminiscent of the art, but not derivative of it.
If I could make my waist 3 inches longer, I'd so wear it.
Seth said " I love this blog and there is no advertising."
I, too, love this blog. And if wit was counted among riches (monetarily), Tom and Lorenzo would be unfathomably wealthy. But Seth, I had to chuckle--try scrolling up to the top of the blog--notice anything at the top and right? :) Hopefully you are joyfully oblivious to the PR product placements as well--I wish I were :)
To me, this dress by Jillian is worthy of Ricky. Blah. I think it is ugly and who could possibly wear such a dress but a very skinny 11 year old girl?
I won't say it's worse than Sweet P's peacock dress catastrophe, but it's pretty bloody awful. It's not commercial. It's not beautiful. It's not artistic. It's nothing.
Nicole Miller, Diane von Furstenberg (check the PRG post on her collection), Angel Sanchez - just to name a few - had p-l-e-n-t-y of lame dresses for Fall 2008! Wake up, folks, and catch up with the trends!!
and????? Lame is tacky, I don't care who puts it out. It always has been tacky and always will be. Be an original thinker. If someone put a feces dress on the runway would you wear it just because it was designer?
the first screen shot, of the model shrieking, made my morning. HA!
Jason's father was the King of Thessaly, but gave up his throne, temporarily to his brother (Jason's uncle). The uncle suggested to Jason that he go steal the Golden Fleece from the King of Colchis, assuming that he would never return from this quest.
Jason, however, with the help of the much-maligned Medea*, succeeded. He carried Medea off, married her, had kids by her, and then dumped her for the daughter of the King of Corinth. Medea then sent his new bride a gorgeous robe, infused with poison, which killed her when she put it on. Then she killed their children, and fled to Athens. And so on.
* I highly recommend the Pier Paolo Pasolini film (based on Euripedes' play) starring Maria Callas. Callas also recorded Cherubini's opera, Medea, which has one of the most glorious arias ever, Io son Medea!
" Anonymous said...
Lame is tacky, I don't care who puts it out. It always has been tacky and always will be."
Coupled with the statement:
"Be an original thinker."
Has me ROFLMAO...
Anonymous said...
Nicole Miller, Diane von Furstenberg (check the PRG post on her collection), Angel Sanchez - just to name a few - had p-l-e-n-t-y of lame dresses for Fall 2008! Wake up, folks, and catch up with the trends!!
and????? Lame is tacky, I don't care who puts it out. It always has been tacky and always will be. Be an original thinker. If someone put a feces dress on the runway would you wear it just because it was designer?
Maybe TO YOU it has ALWAYS been tacky. I disagree. Anything can be tacky depending on how it's done, even the most expensive chiffon.
If someone put a feces dress on the runway would you wear it just because it was designer?
No need to go to extremes here. Trends are created every season and most designers follow them. YOU don't have to follow them, but Jillian AS A DESIGNER understands them, even foresees them, and designs accordingly.
And a little lesson here: not everything sent down the runway trickles down to the general public in the form of merchandise on store shelves. That "tacky" lame dress might end up as something completely different, like a cute top or something.
Jillian has been my fave from the beginning, so no surprise that I liked this. I think that this was the least literal interpretation that looked good. I didn’t like the gold at first, but it has grown on me after repeated viewings. I had originally thought that she should have used brocade for the jacket, but am happy now that she didn’t as it would have been too literal. While the dress isn’t my cup of tea, I did find it fun and flirty. She definitely knows how to construct a garment. I agree with other posters that this needed some killer boots instead of the CFM Pumps (if you have to ask, you don’t want to know ;-)
I always love it when Heidi gets distracted by the sparklies. I remember Kors making fun of her last year when she lost concentration over a gold garment.
When Cavalli said Jillian could come work for him anytime, I fully expected her to lunge at him and yell, "I"m NOT going to execute anyone else's designs ANYMORE!!!"
"Did Jillian hem the gold dress, or cut it shorter and send it out unhemmed? It looked unhemmed to me."
It was unhemmed, crooked, too short, sloppy and poorly constructed. A hot, tacky mess, honey.
She should have cut it out of Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil. Would have looked much the same.
"Anonymous said...
"Hmm, eleven challenges, two coats,one jacket ... Definately a one note!"
Absolutely right.
Trying toi convince others the OBVIOUS and VAST difference between a "Coat" and a "Jacket" has me
Are you sure you're interested in fashion or just in another reality TV show? There is a major difference between a coat and a jacket.
LOL AGREED Anon 4:52!!
Jacket, Coat, it's the same aesthetic. Someone's desperately trying to split the hair mighty thin.
Jillian's talented ... she won't win though. Very one note.
OMG the first picture and comment for it is so funny I can't even think about the jacket!!!
I have to come back when I compose myself.
If you google gold lame', it brings up all these hits about Elvis.....yeah, that's a nice thing.
Love Jillian's (Baby Bueller Bot-- Brilliant!) aesthetic (adored the dress & jacket's dichotomous pairing), but she emulates her boss Ralph way too much. Her attention to detail is flawless, her taste level is refinement par excellence and well considered. But there's no innovation or uniqueness.
While I think Christian will win (youth, brashness, drama), I think Chris should win (innovation, uniqueness, dramatic, artistic flair).
From Wikipedia:
A coat (a term frequently interchangeable with jacket) is an outer garment worn by both men and women, for warmth or fashion. Coats typically have long sleeves and open down the front, closing by means of buttons, zippers, hook-and-loop fasteners, toggles, a belt, or a combination of these.
The term jacket is reserved for a hip-length or shorter garment, while coat can be used for a garment of any length.
Oh, Jillian, the 80s called. They want their gold lame back.
Loved the jacket but the dress was a hot mess IMO. Great idea but time management is ever her downfall. And ironing on the model? YEOW.
She deserved to make Bryant Park, but definitely not the win.
You know, you see those warning on stuff like irons that say "do not iron while wearing" and you think, how stupid, who would do that? Now we know.
You know what's especially cute about the picture of Jillian flashin' her derringer at Puffysleeves? It looks like that made Puffy's hair stand on end!
-- desertwind
If I were TLo--although I could be neither that witty nor that fabulous--I think I might consider disabling anonymous posting. It's getting a little bit ugly on the blog today.
Still hate the dress.
It doesn't matter if they disable the anon posting. It still is anon. Anyone can make up any name on the internet and sign up for a blogger account.
I really liked the look as well, but seriously, has Jillian gotten each and every outfit for her challenges by mugging the Rockettes in an alleyway behind Radio City Music Hall? Think about it...it would explain the dirk strapped to her leg.
Hi phantominuet, I live in Nashville too.
Sigh ... Guess I gotta create a new identity. AGAIN!!
Why does everyone keep picking on ME!!!
Oh right. Cause I say things like ROTFLMAO.
Who should I be this time?
Funny thing, my profile is actually available for anyone to view for now But I guess you're obsessed enough to copy that info too.
So clever of you to copy the photo, I must say.
Hey, Sam. ;-)
A lot of Jillian's designs look like flag corp or majorette outfits. And you idiots, that's a mic strapped to her.
"I just escaped from Ralph Lauren. If I get trapped into working for another egomaniacal genius I'm blasting my way out of here with the steam iron." LMAO!!!!
i cringed, however when i saw her pick up the iron while the model was wearing the dress -- i could see what was coming.... OUCH!!!
i actually really liked this outfit -- i agree that the dress was not well made like the jacket -- the hem was a mess and it was too short, but it was a great concept with a well made jacket.
i'm glad she's going to fashion week...
i like Jillian's coats/jackets, but again, I'm tired of seeing the same thing from every designer. I looked again at the painting Jillian chose, and then at the screencaps here, and it seems to me that (like Christian, Rami and maybe even Chris), she chose a painting that allowed her to do exactly the kind of design she always does. I DON'T see a very close link between this outfit and her painting, and I feel disappointed by it. This jacket is way more military than equestrienne. And I really do hate gold lame.
The thing I like so much about Chris, especially his Bryant park collection, is that (except for the A-G challenge and this one), he hasn't reproduced any of his looks or designs. And you can't say that for the others, except maybe Sweet P.
I like the shoes, btw, but not so much with this outfit. The suggestion of boots was a good one.
I can't believe she steamed her model. The poor girl is lucky if she didn't have to go to the hospital. And why would you even steam gold lame? Doesn't that just make it melt?
My 9 year old tap class is wearing a version of that gold dress this year when they dance to "We're in the Money" from 42nd St.
Uuck. Hated that dress big time, but loved the jacket.
Anonymous said...
"And you idiots, that's a mic strapped to her."
C'mon now, lighten up a bit. Besides, it's obviously a tourniquet.
This thing just looked sooo dated to my eyes. More kudos on the commenter who brought up Rhythm Nation... so true.
I'm on the "lamé is always tacky" bandwagon, I have to say. Blick. But I didn't like the jacket, either. I'm pretty sure I've seen it before, anyway. On Heather Chandler. Quite possibly at the Dead Gay Son's funeral.
Rhythm Nation 1814 and Heathers both came out in 1989, incidentally. That's as much carbon-dating as I need on this ugly outfit.
fyi... i'm 99.9% sure that what we're seeing is a mic pack gaff taped to her thigh. i had to make the picture big to see it. not as fun as a knife, but also not nearly as disturbing, so... (we don't want anymore wendy peppers!)
Not Gaff tape- it's basically like a black elastic ace bandage.
I was just glad that we didn't have a Tonya Harding, as they did in Season 1.
"hjb said: i'm 99.9% sure that what we're seeing is a mic pack gaff taped to her thigh. i had to make the picture big to see it. not as fun as a knife, but also not nearly as disturbing, so... (we don't want anymore wendy peppers!)"
No, Wendy Pepper would have had an orthepedic shoe taped to her thigh.
hey Ms Sangrail, is that cute little boy turtle in your profile yours?
re michelle:
I'm pretty sure Heather Chandler was dead before the Dead Gay Son funeral, unless I'm getting my Heathers mixed up.
And I do see the resemblance... the styling really helps complete the look.
...But I knew when I saw that happen that there would be a screen shot and a comment from you two!!
No, Wendy Pepper would have had an orthepedic shoe taped to her thigh.
Good one!!
Whatever became of her?
Kanani said,
Good one!!
Whatever became of her? [Wendy Pepper}
From Wikipedia it looks like a few reality show appearances, the shop she opened in Virginia didn't make it, she is still designing and participating in D list celebrity stuff (or more like Q list. This is assuming that Wiki is correct.
Good to have you back from your cruise.
Rosie's Girl
"Anonymous said...
And you idiots, that's a mic strapped to her."
No, YOU are the idiot who doesn't get a good joke.
I mean, seriously, are these people new here? Where are they coming from? OF COURSE the boys knew that wasn't a knife and probably a microphone battery or something. IT WAS A JOKE. These people wouldn't know a joke even if it bit them in the ass! I swear!
The tailoring is impeccable. The overall look is a little too 80s, but it's inspired and surprising. And when the coat comes undone, the dress beneath is actually delightful - even in gold lame.
TLo~~ said:" We have to admit......we kinda loved this."
Lads, love you like a brother... but this, particular garment....is misshapen for me...unlike Signor Cavalli, I do not "like very much."
Black and gold *can* be done regally...and this uses gold piping fairly well , but the skirt/dress....aaiiieee...looks like flared hot-pants paired with Mary-Janes.
The double-layer of pleated jacket over too-short-pleated-skirt has a "I forgot to wear my pants" quality to it.
The piked collar is a nusiance and repetitive. As the Duchess would say, "Where is she going in this?"
I say to a Sci-Fi con.
Agree to disagree? :) Sal
Hi Rosie's Girl,
Yes, I'm back.
Turned out to be The Super Bowl Cruise.
Bless their hearts. They all wore jerseys and tore up the buffet.
(Wendy Pepper --could sew, but didn't give a whit about style or fashion).
"Joan said...
Hey Ms Sangrail, is that cute little boy turtle in your profile yours?"
Yes he is. :o)
Check out the always superlative Shoe Blog.
The Manolo calls TLo "truly super fantastic Tom and Lorenzo, of the Project Rungay Blog" !!!!
- no burlap -
(blogger won't let me sign in! grrr!)
Isn't that nice?
(oops - this is how I meant for it to read...)
Check out the always superlative Shoe Blog.
The Manolo calls TLo "truly super fantastic Tom and Lorenzo, of the Project Rungay Blog" !!!!
Isn't that nice?
- no burlap -
(blogger won't let me sign in! grrr!)
In keeping with the military theme.. .did no one else think the garter/knife would have looked great on the model?
@anonymous 11:11---Of course you're right. My mistake. I must've had a brain tumor for breakfast ;D
I thought it was a great interpretation of the painting - really creative. But I know why Jillian was not happy with the dress. It need to be longer and more tunic-y and less flouncy. And yes, the shoes!! Are there only 4 pairs of shoes on the flipping Bluefly wall? I actually like these as opposed to the orthopedic shoes Rami always used but plesase Jillian, they don't go with everything. Boots would have been so much better. Loved the coats though. I would love a Jillian coat (QVC??!)
I love this look. I covet that jacket. And looking back, I've said that about several of Jillian's creations. She's my pick for the win.
And of course she had to do the gold lamé! It's Jason of the Argonauts, people!
"thyrza said...
And of course she had to do the gold lamé! It's Jason of the Argonauts, people!"
They can't get that through their thick skull.
She chose a inspiration that featured a jacket, as she does jackets very well. But yawn. And I am a jacket addict myself!
I love the jacket and would definitly wear it. However, I think the same rules apply for staring at the dress as they do for staring at the sun. Stare at it for too long, and you will go legally blind.
I can't believe she was ironing the model! She must have been very tired!
Thanks for providing a view of the back; I had missed that. Beautiful!
I suppose the cutouts in the back of the jacket, letting the gold lame show through, as well as the metallic piping, were a nod to the jacquard of the painting.
It wasn't enough of a nod as far as I'm concerned. The coat/armor in the painting is so fabulous. I would have liked to see a hat and something red, as in the painting, plus jacquard accents. She could've brought the gold in that way.
But I'm too literal-minded, plus I just hate gold lame so much, even though I once wore silver lame to a dinner in the 80s.
This look was AMAZING. Personally, I would never wear it, I just love it, anyway (the pleats on the hips would make my already hourglass-figure look like a giant pear). I can't fault the judge's decision to give Christian the win - even though that look was ridiculous unwearable in the real world - but I like Jillian's better. Christian just seemed to go with the "more is more" theory, though, and I think the judges swooned at the sight of so many well-executed pieces that made any sort of a coherent fashion statement. Can't say that's wrong, but meh.
One more thing: stop hating on the gold lame, everyone! Yeah, ok, the dress itself is a bit boring, but if it were in some plain jane fabric or with a plain jane print, it wouldn't have had so much of an impact as it did. That being said, though, the proportions were pretty horrible. I don't like skirts that don't pass the bending-over-to-get-a-drink-from-a-water-fountain without exposing too much tootie. Well, any tootie. Gross!
Jesus X! I own an older model of that Rowenta iron, and you NEVER use the steam when the clothes are on the people. Criminy!
Oh, and yes, they DO run out of water/steam after a couple hours of use. The model Rowenta they use (the 5030) has an easy to refill tank, in that you don't have to wait for the pressure to fall before opening it up and putting more water inside.
I am so so happy that Jillian made the final. This season has scared me. The judges have been so biased towards Chris and Christian, I was so afraid they'd just pass them both on through.
I've read a few posts referring to the judges having a bias toward Chris and I'd just like to ask: If that's the case, how the hell do you account for him having been KICKED OFF THE SHOW?!?!?! Oh, and then being busted on and passed over repeatedly? I'm not a Chris fan at all, but are we discussing the same show here?
Loved the jacket, HATED the dress. I also think Jillian's little gold gladiator number from Fashion Week is downright tacky and again, way too short. It looked like something a cocktail waitress working Caesar's in Vegas might wear with black fishnets and too much make up.
I'm NOT a fan of gold lame but like others have said Jillian always comes through. It's all about her details. She does details meticulously and they may not pop right out at you, you notice them once you take a good long look at her pieces. She gets an A- from me. Only a minus because of my gold lame hatred.
I wish I could see a closeup of what's happening on the shoulders of that coat. It looks interesting but i can't make out what it is. Does anyone know what that detailing is?
Bettie said...
How freaking fabulous is this blog? Now we're talking about Jason and his quest to find the Golden Fleece!!!
and I watched an episode of Dirty Jobs this week on which Medea was brought up! Amazing where this stuff comes up!
Now, I am by no one's definition the fashion police, but I really think Jillian's dress would have looked better in a brocade or a brocatelle. It would have given it some richness that the lamé just seems to lack - which makes it look lame. (see what one little accent mark can do for you?)
HATED the dress, but for the most part the jacket worked although I felt it needed a little more tribute to the original.
However, I do like her final collection the best. Christian as much as it pains me still should be the winner here then Chris and then Jillian.
The judges have been so biased towards Chris and Christian
You do mean Christian and RAMI, right?? 'Cuz Huggy Bear don't get no respect!
Well I loved Jillian's work, as always.
And I'm anouncing that if I meet a girl who wears her gray coat from her Bryan Park collection, I marry her immediatly!
That was so stunning!
Jillian shmillian....enough already with the damned trench coat couture...yikes! How many times have we seen that same raised collar? Hmmmm....edgy? Yeah for a Ralph Lauren cubicle designer creating fashion for the forwardly bounding polo players....
Gross...simply gross....
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