Staggering to the finish line.
Reviewed by TLo
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Rating: 5

Staggering to the finish line.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008 by Author
Korto's initial good impression is rapidly fading with each challenge. While this week's entry was better than last week's, it's still a fairly poor attempt.
Look, jumpsuits are making a comeback (although we suspect it's a brief one), so points to her for being on trend. That doesn't mean we have to like it, though.
Did the designers collectively just not get this challenge? What about this look says "night on the town in NYC?" What does the picture she took have to do with this look?
It's a testament to how badly these looks are photographed on the show that there's simply no way to tell that she apparently used rope and braiding techniques to mimic the column in the picture. It's way too subtle to be appreciated, but she did actually make a limited attempt at "inspiration."
Still, it's just a terribly bland look paired with bland styling. We're not all that crazy about the proportions either. The flare on those pants is insane and the bust and collar do weird things to her torso. Not flattering and not interesting.
Suede misses his mommy.
It's ... alright, we guess. So long as you ignore the execution and fit flaws. And the bigass HAZMAT boots.
He really only took color from his inspiration and then went off on his own. To our tastes, there's a little too much shiny and a little too much bling here.
To his credit, he did use some nice details that didn't show up on the Black Runway of Doom.
It's just that it's kind of sloppy-looking and it doesn't appear to fit her properly anywhere.
Still, lose the tacky belt, steam that thing, take another crack at that hemline, and put it on a person it fits correctly and it's not a bad look.
If Daniel wrote his autobiography, it would be titled Daniel Feld: Ten Seconds to Meltdown. Not that he ever will have a meltdown. He appears to live in a perpetual state of razor's edge. Almost, but not quite, flipping out.
And we don't get this dress. It looks like she's still in the process of putting it on.
Like so many others, his inspiration was incredibly vague but props to him for mimicking the quality of light in the photo so effectively.
There's all kinds of going on in that bodice.
So much, that we can't really get a handle on it. The finished effect looks like a lot of extra fabric hanging of her boob.
Just once, we'd like to see Daniel (who we can tell is talented) would calm down and make something a little simple and classic just to prove that he can. He seems to be throwing every trick he knows at the dress form every week and the result is always too much look.
[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps:]
[Additional pictures: Courtesy of]

Dear Lifetime,
Please give us better lighting and a longer look at the outfits on the runway.
He was obviously making a gown for Bilbo's eleventy-first birthday celebration. It's inspired by the fabrics of Rivendell!
Fool of a Took!
3 more forgettable designs...
excuse me...i meant school projects
i didnt like daniels at all. not to say the other 2 were better.
alex! your comment was to funny.
I thought Suede's was one of the tackiest things up there. If he had gone home instead of Emily I could not have disagreed. That thing is awful and kind of reminds me of something Starr would have made (except she would have made it in black, red, and white or something).
Daniel, yawn. His work has no wow factor, and I have problems with the proportion of his dress. It does not look good on the model at all.
Korto, oh Korto...I fucking hate jumpsuits but I can tell yours is well-made and it comes off as somewhat elegant. I disagree with TLo though and say the proportions are nice, if for no other reason than they create interest her boring black rag wouldn't have had otherwise.
Gotta feel sorry for the designers in the early going -- there are just too many for us to absorb! Thank God for Project Rungay or I'd never keep all the cannon fodder straight!
"Did the designers collectively just not get this challenge?"
About as well as they've gotten the last few. Tablecloths for all!
I really like Korto's jumpsuit, and mind you I usually hate jumpsuits on general principle.
The other two - YAWN!!!
I really like the big collar on Korto's design. I wish I could see how the braiding and stuff was used.
Daniel's portfolio looks stood out, but so far his challenge designs just. . . don't. . . quite. . . make it. He's sort of the anti-Mychael Knight. MK worked well under pressure, and a specific challenge--as nutty as it might have been--seemed to help him focus his creativity. The pressure and the challenges seem to have the opposite effect on Daniel. But, still, 3 challenges in. . .who the f. knows?
I predict that Daniel will have a meltdown ala Andrae.
All three of these would be suitable for a night on the town, but they lack something that makes them stand out from the crowd.
I was thinking Korto might have had it in mind to bead that collar on the jumpsuit. That would been outstanding, even though I am not a fan of the jumpsuit.
Sewing Siren argrees with Tom and Lorenzo that the workmanship on Suede's dress is poor. I do like the way he handled the embelishments, though. It also kind of fits with his other two dress, which I find interesting.
I love Daniel but he need to bump up his work a little. This dress is similar to what he did last week. The fabric looks like what I used to make a Sorceress Halloweeen costume ($1 yard at Wal-mart) not good. I still want to see 12 garments from him at Fashion week. Go Pratt.
None of these designs or any of the others of this NYC by Night challenge could hold a candle to the designs of NYC by Day on Season 2, or to Jay's Chrysler Building dress on Season 1.
I'm disappointed, but still hoping for more from this season's designers.
And I so agree with suzq, PLEASE give us better lighting and a longer look (more than 2.5 seconds) of each design.
I can't believe you guys gave Suede such a walk this week. Whackapoodle's dress looked like it was excreted, not sewn. Blah!
Sorry, Korto, but no one wore jumpsuits like this lady. No one will ever match all her looks so they should just end the trend.
And the detail on Suede's dress - Bill doesn't get it. Are they teeth? Was her night on the town a private screening of Shark Week on the Discovery CHannel?
Daniel has big time-management issues, but he has his priorities straight. Instead of showering and shaving he works on his dresses until the last minute.
Korto's jumpsuit stood out pleasantly from all the want-be-edgy-underground-surreal-impossible-to-wear-dresses of the others.
Pleather's was nice
he he, Bob!
I was just thinking about Suede's dress:
"Santino, you are so wrong. You can polish a turd."
Alex, thank you for the coffee currently soaking my desk. My sinuses love their early morning coffee!
I want to love Korto's designs, not just Korto. She's adorable and fun, but I want her to step up her game and start kicking some ass.
Daniel looks like big Broadway director and former actor (Angels in America) Joe Mantello in his younger years.
"Did the designers collectively just not get this challenge? What about this look says "night on the town in NYC?" What does the picture she took have to do with this look?"
TLo, you hit the nail on the head with your comment. With Daniel's 'inspiration' I thought he could do something along film noir meets NYC nightlife (however one wishes to define that). Then again Daniel is younger and film noir my not be in his cultural vocabulary yet.
But all the designers seemed to drop the ball on incorporating NYC and by choosing photos so vague they could just do whatever the hell they wanted as long as the colors were the same.
Anyway, Lola saw the details on Suede's dress (thanks TLo), and the first thing Lola thought was "Lola does not need a dress that up close makes Lola look like a horny toad."
I hope Korto can get her shizz together and bust out something good. I HATE jumpsuits, no matter how well designed.
These have all been so puzzling. I realize that my idea of a night out on the town in the city is a tad different from the judges' (and that I only lived in the city for a year) but....
Night out on the town to me means I need something with a wrap or to wear under a coat when I'm outside; something I can wear on the subway, something that I can dance in without putting someone else's eye out and that I can wear to a middlin' priced dinner or to stop off at my corner bar on the way home at 4am. And the hems can't trail in the rain or muck.
but I guess that's just me :)
I'm really glad you guys do such a great reprise of each episode. I fell asleep during the actual runway show last week. When I woke up, they were down to the best and worst, so I caught the episode on re-runs, hoping someone would say something about the designs in the middle of the pack. No such luck, but you guys never let me down. Thanks.
Ah, Korto's jumpsuit...
It is 1975 and we drove up to visit my aunt and uncle for a summer party and she slipped on her Halston knock-off black jumpsuit to serve highballs on the sun porch....
Those were the days, my friend... those were the days.
Thanks for the Emma Peel link, because indeed nobody could wear a jumpsuit like Diana Rigg. Uma Thurman in Kill Bill is close, but just not the same.
But let's hope Cheroin doesn't jump on the bandwagon and do one in pleathah...
Bailey I am waiting for when I'll ever agree with your "taste"?
Suede's dress "Tacky" - basically it is a cute shirtdess with overall a cute shape.
While not wonderfully executed - to act like this is the worse one ever??
Even among the 3 - Daniel's dress looks like an "almost" rip-off of the eighties.
And Korto - I think she has talent - but a "night on the town" and Jumpsuit don't make it. What woman wants to have to strip down (and try to hold all of that fabric off the floor ) in a public restroom?
See, Korto's jumpsuit looks like maternity wear I'd be happy to wear. Nice big legs to hide the cankles and that interesting collar to show off my neck---the only part of me that doesn't swell when pregnant.
I thought Daniel's was the worst. Even Alice's faux-Dali-Holly dress was more interesting. It seriously looked like a 16 year old made her own prom dress---actually, there's a bit of Christian Siriano/Maddie in it.
Suede's could have been a contender if the fit was better. But, who knows? Maybe his model shrunk.
Daniel and Korto are two early favorites who've not really stepped up the plate after their initial showing.
Both though are among the six designers left standing on the stage at the end of the runway show tonight (along with Jerell, Jennifer, Joe and Terri) so they are either in the top three or bottom three for today's episode. Let's hope it's good news. I fear for Daniel. I think the boy's going to have a nervous breakdown.
Andrea said...You can play Six Degrees of Diana Rigg
andrea, that kicks a$$. And Diana Rigg is only two degrees away from Heidi Klum:
Heidi Klum was in Blow Dry (2001) with Oliver Ford Davies;
Oliver Ford Davies was in Heidi (2005) with Diana Rigg
" Anonymous said...
Bailey I am waiting for when I'll ever agree with your "taste"? "
"I predict that Daniel will have a meltdown ala Andrae"
You may be right, but Andrae's meltdown had nothing to do with time management issues or stress. He was just an A-list drama queen. He even seemed to enjoy his meltdown, which is why the judges asked later whether he was acting or not. The answer was both: it was "for real" and it was acting. Daniel, on the other hand, won't enjoy his meltdown, if/when it occurs.
That's weird. Where did andrea's post about six degrees of Diana Rigg go?
Dear Lifetime,
Consult TLo before you start shooting the next season of PR.
Thank god for your pictures because these things go so fast you barely see anything. Although in this case, we didn't miss much. Boring, meh, wtf.
Wow, I really can't believe they made no effort to show the details on Korto's jumpsuit. I remember thinking, what the hell does that thing have to do with the inspiration photo...except perhaps that the collar is round. So thanks for showing us that...I thought I was going crazy. Not that the details make the jumpsuit any better. I mean, it's still a jumpsuit.
And OMG I had no idea jumpsuits were making a comeback. Shoot me now.
Oh Bill! I LOVE Emma Peel! Thanks for the pictures.
I have faith in my Daniel. Hang in there, honey. We know you are one of the 6 left on the runway tonight, and I'm gonna be bold and predict it's top 3.
Oh, by the way, I love you Alex! You crack me up.
Daniel's model makes me nervous. She always looks like she's perilously close to falling right off her high heels.
Suede! Yo Mama is a frozen pizza!
The fact that I had forgotten there were still three outfits left to critique pretty much says it all. But I do enjoy reading everyone else's comments enough to make up for my ennui!
I so want to get on board with the Suede!Hate, since he is astoundingly annoying on a personal level, but his dress had potential. I think, if it had been fitted correctly, it would have been a cool little dress and appropriate for a night out in NYC. It was definitely the best of the 3 in this post.
Love the Emma Peel. Classic 60's. all you need are some BoyWatcher/GirlWatcher sunglasses. I wish I had kept mine.
The Halston jumpsuit comment was spot-on. I can close my eyes and picture the whole look and setting - in face I'm getting a bit queasy...
Suede's dress was ridiculously Filene's discount rack. It would have looked better with better styling, as well. As it is, those boots bump up the "ick" factor about 10 times. (I didn't even realize Tia was wearing this! It takes a whole lotta fug to overshadow Tia.)
I really hope tonight has more memorable designs (whether that means they are amazing or amazingly horrible). If Suede is not going to be entertaining or design decent clothes he had better wow me with atrociousness.
And, off topic... I'm SO enjoying Project Runway Australia, courtesy of youtube. The car challenge was terrific. And, what up with Ed Grimley?
Off topic ... Has anyone watched the audition tapes available on ProjectRunway.Com (see link on TLo's home page)? Korto has a great personality, even a sense of humor. Who knew? And Terri's audition is quite impressive. She shows up with three fabulous garments that she made in a 36-hour period leading up to her audition! Suede's audition, on the other hand, is as annoying as you'd expect it to be, and his clothes are ... not enticing. The producers must have insisted that he be included on the show because of his "reality TV" potential, because there is nothing terribly exciting in the clothes he shows the judges.
They really should give the designers a little more time. Granted, better designers in previous seasons were able to make do with less, but this crop is clearly struggling. Maybe with another 6 hours they would produce less fug?
I just hate seeing so many craptastic creations every week.
a little off-topic, but it goes in line with the apparent lack of interest from Bravo to "pimp" the show this season:
yesterday I was watching a little bit of Flipping out and I saw NO promo for today's PR show! all were for Shear Genius and others... it was so evident that it made me think for a second that there was no show this week, until of course I remember TLo's preview post...
Bravo is definitely not interested in making any publicity for the show... they used to inundate their commercials with PR previews before, it was impossible to escape them...
G*d, how can these lackluster designers shovel so much underwhelming crap down the runway every week?
Korto - yea, the pants are insane, unless you're Bozo the Clown.
Naugahyde - Stubenville thinks that Naugahyde's dress is a sloppy copy of a Blass look circa 1980something.
Daniel - extra demerits for making your model look downright stumpy. What is she, 4'-6" tall???
I think Suede's dress was beyond tacky as well--it just looked so junior sale rack at a cheap department store--cluttered and trendy, made out of a fabric that looked like it was about to fall apart (and would wrinkle and get saggy after wearing it for a half an hour), with bad stitching and fitting. I think it was worse than Emily's (although not as bad as Jennifer's).
I like Daniel's first dress, and I just don't get how he could design something so sleek and sexy in one challenge, and then make these fussy, prissy little dresses for the other two challenges. That first dress just looks like it was made by a different designer.
Yep, I completely agree. Daniel's dress looks like something Gina Davis would have worn back in the 80s.
TLo said...we don't get this dress. It looks like she's still in the process of putting it on.
Look at the model. Perhaps it's supposed to be an homage to Winona Ryder getting caught in the dressing room shoplifting the dress.
TLo said: "Still, lose the tacky belt, steam that thing, take another crack at that hemline, and put it on a person it fits correctly and it's not a bad look."
LOL. Essentially, change the dress in almost every way, and it won't be a bad look.
Has anyone else wondered if they have decided to do away with group challenges this year? There are so damn many designers and so many dresses, we know they are all blending together. In past years they had several team challenges to fray nerves and move things along. Just askin'
-TLo Addict-
antares said:
"Ah, Korto's jumpsuit...It is 1975 ... Those were the days, my friend..."
This sounds like something bill (or Sophia from Golden Girls) would say. You get him started & he just goes on & on (ya just gotta love bill).
Bill, you're cracking me up today. Winnona Ryder and Suede's "Shark Week" dress are spot on!
I can't believe this, but if we're going to have to recycle fashion eras, I'll take Korto's 70's jumpsuit over the extremely unfortunate recycling of 80's fashion we've seen in the past two seasons (damn you, PPS, damn you.)
I can't imagine wearing either Korto's or Daniel's outfits anywhere, let alone for a NYC night on the town.
Suede's on the other hand, with a little restyling, I could see wearing to the office and out for cocktails and dinner afterwards, maybe even winding up in a club. It's versatile but I don't love it. It's mediocre but it is the kind of dress a girl on the move in the big city could use.
P thinks that Suede's dress looked like a second grader's effort at recreating a dress from Michael Knight's tragic "Urban Safari" line at Fashion Week. Suede used the basic shiny shirt dress from Michael, and then was a good little boy and used his Elmer's glue stick to add some construction paper quality detailing.
The other two...gosh, I don't even have words for how crap-tastic they were. Daniel took a break from trying to solve some quantum physics problems (or whatever makes him look so damn stressed) to make his model look like she came straight from the Land of Oz. And Korto...oh Korto...every 70's siren called, they want their jumpsuits back. Bleh.
Does anyone else think tonight's challenge is going to be boring? blah, blah, athlete's blah, blah. Kind of like the rest of the season has been so far. . .
EXCEPT for whatevuh leathuh Cheroine will come up with. Can you see the lace crotch track outfits? Grommets on the side of the speed skaters pants? Please, Cheroine, don't let me down!!!!!
Oh God! I need the TLo Lounge today....
1:30 and counting down. Does this make me an alcoholic?
Suede needs to get voted the hell off the island already. If Suzanne has to listen to Suede one more week Suzanne is going to drive an icepick through her temple.
Whitney said...
Oh God! I need the TLo Lounge today....
1:30 and counting down. Does this make me an alcoholic?
No, just a realist. Need the alcohol to put up with the crabasses and the fug that will undoubtably be offered up tonight!
...oh, and pour one for me, too, will ya?
Ok- I'll play along-
Picture it: Cleveland, 1977. I'm 6. We're sitting on the sun porch at my aunt and uncle's house. My aunt is in her Halston knock off jumpsuit with some big bangle bracelets and clunky corked platform shoes. My mother thinks she's too flashy, with her shiny lipstick and gold trim on her shoes. My mother has frosted hair and a flat purple lipstick and wears a matte bone colored flat. She'd wear the black ones but never between Memorial and Labor Days. I'm drinking Shirley Temples like they're made out of water and plotting how to sneak over to the next yard where they are running a sprinkler so I can run through it. But I have to be careful. Mom will be upset if dirty my authentic Hawaiian muumuu in avocado green with harvest gold and orange flowers....
GothamTomato likes Suede's dress a lot more having seen the detail shots you boys posted.
It would greatly improve the show if they got some better lighting design on the runway. But my guess is they can't figure out a way to make it a contest for electricians and lighting designers, so they can't get it cheap enough to suit these cheapo producers.
Korto: I get that her collar called to mind the circles in her photograph, but that was about it. I thought it was a fairly subdued and nice outfit, but it didn't have much oomph to it. Which, of course, is why she wasn't in the top three.
Suede: Sure, little details are nice, but the rest of the dress was just...meh. More than once I've had to go to the PR site to even remember what his outfit looked like. Not a good sign.
Daniel: Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Sigh. What are we going to do with him? Like Suede's garment, I had a hard time recalling what he put on the runway.
Well, tonight's the night and the designers all get a chance to thrill us again. Once I get home from my shoot, I'm all over PR!
Bill, second day in a row! "Was her night on the town a private screening of Shark Week on the Discovery CHannel?"
I wish you lived closer. I'd take you to lunch every single day just to sit and laugh and swoon over dreamy men with you.
That's all I have to say about this season.
Maybe it IS time for it to go over to Lifetime.
antares said...
"Ok- I'll play along-
Picture it: Cleveland, 1977"
Do I smell "White Shoulders?"
White Shoulders or Charlie or Jean Nate.
On a special occasion, my 7 year old self got a light splash of Love's Baby Soft and a smear of Tinker Bell nail polish.
Joanie, if TLo open a lunch counter, we are so there.
Korto's jumpsuit is pretty, albeit a little boring.
"Bill said...
Joanie, if TLo open a lunch counter, we are so there."
LOL. That's true, Bill.
I liked Korto's outfit but it doesn’t show much in the way of imagination or innovation. Daniel's is too shiny and borderline tacky. Suede's - I hate shirt dresses.
I LOVED Korto's jumpsuit.
Korto - It was just a bit too simple for my taste, but I respect the work that went into it. It looks great.
Suede - The studs, the gold chain belt, they don't complement each other at all.
Suede "F-ing" Rocked It! (finger guns!)made me gag.
Suede's shirt dress was absolutely fabulous and pretty timeless. Korto's was flat-out chic. I could picture it at any dinner party in any fabulous city.
"lovemesomedaniel said...
I have faith in my Daniel. Hang in there, honey. We know you are one of the 6 left on the runway tonight, and I'm gonna be bold and predict it's top 3."
Thank you for all those great pictures, guys. It make me appreciate the clothes and the designers' work a lot more.
Just not memorable, none of them. I'm underwhelmed with this group.
antares said...
Picture it: Cleveland, 1977"
blushlife said...
Do I smell "White Shoulders?"
antares said...
White Shoulders or Charlie or Jean Nate.
Ahhh 1977, best music year evah, starting with
We will we will rock you!
We will we will rock you!
I long for the days for Rami's boring draping. What a bunch of losers. Do anyone really have what it takes to seriously show at Bryant Park? Kenley, maybe.
Bill, I'm willing to buy dinner from time to time, too.
" JRH said...
I long for the days for Rami's boring draping. What a bunch of losers. Do anyone really have what it takes to seriously show at Bryant Park? Kenley, maybe."
Same here. Wake me up.
"And we don't get this dress. It looks like she's still in the process of putting it on."
I'm trying, why can't I get into this season at all?
what about Jovan musk?
Daniel-- Nothing spectacular.
Korto -- Just another jumpsuit.
Suede -- Tacky dress shirt with lots of bling and things sticking out.
I have a family photo of my first communion circa 1976. Mom is wearing a Korto-style jumpsuit in red and white polka dots with a short white trench coat, topped off with a Carol Brady shag. the perfume - Estee Lauder White Linen.
Back to the present, I am really getting sick of all the shiny fabrics on the runway. There are other ways to make a garment eye-catching.
"Anonymous said...
Back to the present, I am really getting sick of all the shiny fabrics on the runway. There are other ways to make a garment eye-catching."
I agree, and it's not that I hate metallics all together, because in a clutch or any style evening bag, I love them. I just can't get into them for an evening dress.
Not loving any of them. Korto hasn't produced anything interesting since the first challenge.
Korto's jumpsuit brings to mind one phrase:
"I'm Gumby Dammit!"
I don't understand why this group of designers has such a time with fit -- particularly in the bodice. Most of the designs don't even have enough fit to produce a titscrepancy. Women have tits -- don't they know that women need clothes to fit the tits?!?! These are some of the most poorly fitted clothes to ever walk any runway ever.
I'm getting hoarse yelling at each poorly fitted garment as it is presented on the runway. If they had a brain among them they would keep a card file on each model's measurement. How can the judges put up with this week after week?
That was fun ranting.
GT's Sister (still no idea what my password is)
My mother was not a fashionista. Her best look was a lime sherbet polyester pants suit with a zipper top. She smelled of Chanel #5 and Noxema (my favorite memory).
Car Wash by Rose Royce is now playing.
I don't know if it's editing, but Daniel looks like he's been having time management issues for the past two challenges, which is interesting because his first dress was so labor intensive. Perhaps, it's the pattern making that's challenging him.
Korto's is sophisticated and I would totally wear that.
Daniel can never finished his garment on time. Korto seemed bored like she was pissed she was bottom two previously and Suede is good reality TV.
i definitely don't hate jumpsuit but i couldn't pull it off. if i saw a tall lean model-esque lady wearing it, i think it would be impressive.
I don't like jumpsuits because I have a weird phobia of wearing the same color/pattern/fabric from top to bottom, unless it's a dress. I don't like matching suits for the same reason - I think most people look like a walking fabric swatch when their top and bottom pieces match
Not impressed. Next! by the way, great close-ups, boys, thanks.
You know, making a jumpsuit can be risky (remember Santino?), it was a risk and she totally pulled it off. I love her, I'm rooting for her.
Suede's dress is so fucking cheap-looking. And it went out of style circa 1994, if it ever was in style. Horrible. Simply horrible. I am appalled as a designer and as a human being.
Anonymous said...
Korto's jumpsuit brings to mind one phrase:
"I'm Gumby Dammit!"
7:02 PM
HAHAHAHAHA - Spot on! That was genius!
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