Once again, Joe skates in under the radar. It's too early to tell if this is an actual strategy on his part, but for the most part, he makes decent, reliable clothing. Not good enough to be noticed and not bad enough to be, well, noticed.
And once again, we're looking at something that's a little boring, but spiced up with a little tackiness.
Credit has to be given for fully realizing his inspiration. Sure, it doesn't say "night out in NYC" and as a dress, it's way too literal an interpretation, but there's something elegantly simple about being able to draw such a straight line from inspiration to realization.
Silhouette, proportion, fit - all fine. Basic, but fine.
It's the style that loses us. The shiny fabric in that bodice, although it exactly matches the quality of light in the photo, looks cheap. The shirring in the bust kind of bumps up the cheapness effect. And chokers should be used sparingly, if at all.
Oh, did we say we liked the silhouette? We did. Until she turned around. There's just no need for that tulle tail.
Judy Bernly knocks one out of the park by revisiting the design element that almost got her kicked off days before. We have to say, she may be quiet, but little Judy's got balls.
This was a very chic, understated look that was pretty much perfectly presented.
It seemed that she really needed to get those noodles out of her system. We wonder if she felt she needed to prove her vision to the judges since she clearly felt they didn't get it the week before.
Well, there was a difference. The week before, her noodles looked sloppy and half-assed. Now they look well-executed and thought out.
We think it was wise to downplay the top and let the skirt do all the talking. We also think playing around with different fabric finishes to get her effect showed that she's inventive and has a clearly defined sense of understatement.
Also, good job on the styling. Chic and simple.
If we have one criticism, it's that the skirt needed some fine-tuning so that all the pieces could lay correctly. We're willing to cut her some slack due to time restraints, but we were puzzled when the judges were all "It looks like it came right off the rack!" No it doesn't. It's close, but it's not quite there.
More detailed pictures:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of ProjectRunway.com]
I really like the noodle skirt.
I loved LeeAnn's dress and thought it should have won.
But seeing these close-ups stills now, I'm wondering if those minor details that the judges likely saw when she was standing there in front of them were what lost her the top spot. But then, Kenley's screamingly hideous, Margaritaville fabric choice should have lost it for her, and the model didn't need to stand still for the judges to see that.
So I don't get it.
Leanne's was absolutely the most "night-out-in-NY" of all of them.
Her model needs some work on that walk, though. Everyone I was watching with collectively winced when she moved down the runway.... it was rough.
I think Judy Noodles has the skillz, the design chops, and the taste level to go all the way- she has to keep her head on straight. We've already seen the pasta salad she throws together when she gets in a tizzy.
So far, not impressed by Pasta Joe's designs. It's a little straight-man-designing for women kind of designs: a little dated, a little tacky, something missing. Leanne's was GORGEOUS! Absolutely the best I've seen so far this season.
"Alex! said...
Leanne's was absolutely the most "night-out-in-NY" of all of them.
Her model needs some work on that walk, though. Everyone I was watching with collectively winced when she moved down the runway.... it was rough.
I think Judy Noodles has the skillz, the design chops, and the taste level to go all the way- she has to keep her head on straight. We've already seen the pasta salad she throws together when she gets in a tizzy."
Oh Alex, you're just in love with her : )
I liked both of these. Leanne's was youthful yet sophisticated. I could see myself wearing it with a tiny bit of tweaking. I was really impressed with the final product, especially when I saw FABRIC NOODLES! I asked the TV- Girl, didn't you learn last challenge??? But she made them work this time. Good goin', Judy! Take a break for some maui wowie with the girls before you restrain Mr. Hart.
And I liked Joe's except for the stupid train. The bust was a little wonky too. Perhaps the shirring?
"Tlo said: And once again, we're looking at something that's a little boring, but spiced up with a little tackiness."
Well, yeah. He's the straight guy. And straight guys, by definition are a little boring, but spiced up by tackiness.
However, we shouldn't discriminate against them. They were born that way.
I have to agree - Joe's top was tight, shiny and short. Did he have to be so literal with the shiny material? What next, a light bulb in her cleavage?
As for Leanne's look, I liked the bottom, the top seemed to lack detail and the gold collar was way too bold: it pulled the eye away from the skirt.
Spot on with the Joe analysis, TLo! What I liked most about it, too, was how well it reflected its photo inspiration. But otherwise, zzzz.
But Leanne's dress was fantastic, and it's also leading the PR online auction by far. That model is a Clydesdale of a walker, though. Hoo boy!
I agree, Joe's design looked cheap. The top looks so tacky and shiny. Leanne's design was young and sophisticated. I loved it!
I really like Leanne's skirt, too.
I also liked Joe's. Yeah, I see the side of tacky, but he at least followed directions as it were. I'm with you 100% on the choker. The look would have been much better without it, but I think it may have been part of his literal interpretation...like the pole (or whatever) holding the light up.
I'd like to see more from both of them.
"I think Judy Noodles has the skillz, the design chops, and the taste level to go all the way- she has to keep her head on straight"
You may be right. Who would have thought this after the first two challenges? I recall all the angry posts screaming that she should have been auf'd on the second challenge (probably the same people screaming that she was "robbed" on the third).
The other thing Judy has that could take her "all the way" are BALLS, as the boys so elegantly put it. I'm quite impressed that she stuck with the noodles and showed the judges (and the viewers) that she could pull them off in spectacular fashion. All this in combination – skills, taste, BALLS – make her a possible contender. This can't be said of half of the designers still on the show.
Of course every woman wants tulle on her ass. It means she can be prepared at a moments notice to clean out those touch sink stains, or scour a pot.
Some designers just don't know when to stop, do they?
As far for the whole dress, it DOES indeed say, "Night out in New York"..... circa 1985 with that silly choker.
-TLo Addict-
Judy Noodles - Another victim of the Ruffle Virus of '08 - but this dress survived due to a happy mutation. If ya gotta ruffle, this is the way to do it. Very elegant. Love it!
The last time I visited Rate the Runway I was astonished to discover that Joe's dress had one of the three top scores! This is what happens when inoffensiveness and wearability are confused with fashion. Thank goodness the judging is not left to the audience. Joe is a nice bloke, but... At this point Judy has got bigger balls than he does.
I like the noodle skirt a lot. It really shows what a difference the right fabric can make to the final outcome.
Regards Joe, honestly, if you boys didn't do a recap, I would have forgotten he was on the show altogether!
Judy's noodles were done just right this time, but she better not use the motif again anytime soon or she'll headed into one note territory.
Didn't she use a contrast fabric on the straps of the top? It seemed like she had twisted them somehow so the gray color revealed itself. I can't quite tell from the screen captures.
Joe's been playing dodge ball so far but as the desiger pool dwindles, he's going to be a bigger target. He'll have to step it up. It's like he can do good basic dresses but he needs to find his muse and stand out.
I did really like how he used his inspiration in the design of the dress. The tulle tail, not so much.
I like Joe. Yes, the interpretation is way too literal, but he's got some skills. Unfortunately, like Kevin last year, if he doesn't step it up he'll be gone.
Ah noodle girl. Can't make up my mind about her yet.
Well, yeah. He's the straight guy. And straight guys, by definition are a little boring, but spiced up by tackiness.
Pasta Joe's outfit = What Vanessa Williams probably wore to go out for cocktails after she replaced Chita Rivera in Kiss of the Spider Woman on Broadway.
"Tlo also said: it's way too literal an interpretation, but there's something elegantly simple about being able to draw such a straight line from inspiration to realization."
Yes, and without looking at a map. But I prefer to think of it as elegantly simpleminded. It's that straight guy thing again: Women are fuckable objects. Or not. Nothing in between.
"Alex! said: Hey! Nuh-uh!"
Not you, of course, Alex. You're one of the evolved ones.
Joe's design looks totally cheap and is way too literal, and that choker thing is just ugly. He is impressing me less week after week...
Leanne used the "noodles" much better this week, but I disagree she did just to show the judges she could make it work. If you remember her portfolio from the first episode, much of her work was comprised of similar geometric embellishments. That's just her style (one that will take her far, as long as she can change it up enough). I don't quite like the cut of the top, I don't like how it blouses out over the tight top of the skirt. Other than that it's great.
If there is anything that is coming increasingly clear from this episode recap is that the "city inspired" challenge needs to be retired. I'm done with angled details on bodices and graffiti/trash inspired motifs. Its just the same challenge recycled but reproduced slightly different with each season.
Joe hasn't done anything I liked since the pasta skirt, though it's only been 3 eps.
I thought Leanne's should've won. I think this is what happens when you get an incompetent celeb judge.
We call Leanne "Leeanne of Green Gables" for her reddish hair, puffed sleeves and ponytail.
I would kill for Leanne's dress. Not much point in bidding on it, though. It's been a long time since I've seen "0-3", and I never have, and never will, even approach "5'10"-6'3""!
"ovarb said...
If there is anything that is coming increasingly clear from this episode recap is that the "city inspired" challenge needs to be retired. I'm done with angled details on bodices and graffiti/trash inspired motifs. Its just the same challenge recycled but reproduced slightly different with each season"
I agree. It's hard to decide who has been less inspired this season: the designers or the show's producers. Yeah, the designers have shown a stunning lack of imagination, but so have the producers. In combination, the results have been semi-lethal.
Pasta Joe and Judy Noodles. Ha Ha! You guys crack me up!!!
Speaking of straight and gay guys, I caught the couple of episodes of PR Australia courtesy of YouTube. There are two ostensibly straight guys, nice enought blokes. But there is one very gay guy, Mark Antonio, who makes PPS look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. You thought PPS hairdo and manners were affected? Just wait until you see Mark Antonio. Very, very amusing teevee.
I also tried to watch a bit of PR Philipines, but I found some of the designer's accents very tough to understand. It may just be my lack of understanding the culture, but there seem to be no straight men on PR Philipines.
I can't wait to see them extend the franchise to "PR Cuba"; I wonder if that would be like the old Wendys commercial featuring a Soviet fashion show.
LOVED the tree grate dress. I thought it was a winner.
The lamp dress though? It was so literal, down to the "chain" hanging from the ceiling. Perhaps the stuff hanging off her rear was supposed to represent cobwebs?
I actually liked Joe's dress until you guys pointed out the "chain" hanging from her neck. You guys ruined it for me : )
Leanne's was flawless. She should've won the challenge.
[i]lovemesomedaniel said...
I like Joe. Yes, the interpretation is way too literal, but he's got some skills. Unfortunately, like Kevin last year, if he doesn't step it up he'll be gone.[/i]
Yeah, since the pool is rather thin this year, Joe might wind up sticking around as long as Robert "women are cars" from S1!
" SUS said...
Yeah, since the pool is rather thin this year, Joe might wind up sticking around as long as Robert "women are cars" from S1!"
I hope not. Robert was a womanizer and talentless buffoon.
bill said:
"Pasta Joe's outfit = What Vanessa Williams probably wore to go out for cocktails after she replaced Chita Rivera in Kiss of the Spider Woman on Broadway."
What's up with all the references? The youngans only know Ms. Williams from Ugly Betty so mentioning Kiss of the Spider Woman is like telling them that George Eliot wasn't a man. You're beginning to sound like the Duchess. (j/k. I like your comments.)
Why are you all so surprised a straight guy wants a woman with a tulle belt? (Rim shot!)
Otherwise, what y'all said.
I liked Leanne's but I thought the skirt was too stiff. It lacked movement. Joe's designs are dated and his sense of style isn't great.
My problem with Joe's dress was that the inspiration was not only extremely literal, but it stopped with top. The skirt was a throwaway. But the literal nature of the design would have been the kiss 'o death had he done an entire dress like that.
And the drawback with "Silent Fashion Assassin" Leanne's dress was that it stopped with the skirt. If she could have taken just a smidge of the detail to the top--or tried a bit of negative space (they were grates after all) on the top, she might have taken it.
But still, the judges seem attracted to pretty colors this year. By now, it's clear that's what you have to toss their way.
"Pasta Joe and Judy Noodles"
Brilliant! I loved Leanne's. It's nice to see someone design something that doesn't look like a costume for a school play.
Joe, what are we going to do with you?
The tulle tail was ass. What was he thinking? And he was making fun of Kenley's use of tulle?!
lilithcat said...
I would kill for Leanne's dress. Not much point in bidding on it, though. It's been a long time since I've seen "0-3", and I never have, and never will, even approach "5'10"-6'3""!
I noticed those dimensions, too, on all the outfits being auctioned off. But let's be real: Does Leanne's model look like she fits either of those dimensions? Don't think so!
Awful choker aside and puzzling tulle aside, i really liked Joe's dress. i thought it had great impact.
Is Leanne's model a Terminator? That walk is fascinatingly bad.
I've been rooting for Leanne since day one. I think the girl's got something beyond her onscreen quirkiness, lack of experience and occasional misses. She's got nerd appeal and a hidden fresh and new aesthetic that's sure to attract many. I would wear this piece in a heartbeat! It's elegant, chic, simple and tres moderne.
Anyone care to bet Leanne's look will "inspire" many, many knock-offs in the near future?
P.S. Joe who? I thought he'd been eliminated already.
- edina -
I can't help but thinking that Pasta Joe would be much happier if it was 1985 and his clientele were heavy metal video hos.
I heart Leanne. A few of her Leanimal pieces that I found (sold, boooo) on Etsy made my heart beat a little crazy-like. I'm glad she found some focus, because that skirt, it fills me with longing.
Did you know that Leeann has a shop on etsy? (Leanimal.etsy.com) She has one dress currently for sale (gah! And that HAT!!) but she's sold lots--if you look at the sold items, you can see the dresses. Generally, they're all either pleated or ruffled or noodled, some are nice, some are horrendous. But it's fun to see what she really does!!
I agree with Bailey, the top on Leanne's dress lets down the skirt. I would much rather see something similar to Korto's cut on her jumpsuit/one-piece thingo, or suzq's suggestion of playing with negative space.
I'm waiting for your take on Korto's design. If it were a two-piece outfit, it would have won it for me. I thought it was elegant and embodied the whole "Night in New York" look successfully. I have a feeling there are a lot of details we are missing that can't be picked up by the cameras.
Anonymous @11:13 AM said... What's up with all the references? ...You're beginning to sound like the Duchess.
My transformation won't be complete until I turn a nice bronzy orange and obtain an entirely black wardrobe.
stubenville said:
I can't wait to see them extend the franchise to "PR Cuba"; I wonder if that would be like the old Wendys commercial featuring a Soviet fashion show.
10:56 AM
For anyone who remembers, Winnie Winkle worked her way out of a Kruschev era Soviet prison by reworking the hell out of her Gulag prison garb!
Side Note: Why does the hair product ad featuring Christian Siriano feature Christian Siriano wearing a hat. Have we ever seen him wear a hat?
I loved Leanne's dress, and on second viewing of the episode really think it should have won, although it is hard to begrudge Kenley the win, and hers was, perhaps, the most innovative.
While I don't like Joe's dress and would never wear it, I have to disagree that it doesn't look like NYC at night. I've spent many nights dancing in NYC, and I think many girls who go out on the town would covet this dress.
Also, has anyone noticed that Kenley has called what the judge's take on things would be in all three episodes?
Leanne's outfit is one of my all-time favorite PR outfits. And like most of my all-time favorites, it wasn't the challenge winner. What do the judges think this is, the Oscars?
I liked Joe's dress better in the split second shots on TV. It wasn't great fashion but I liked the literal interpretation. The tulle tail is a definite mistake though. I totally missed that on the show.
Did Joe use electrical tape in that bodice?
Miss Noodles' skirt is one of my very favorite designs of all the seasons. I absolutely love it!!
Mr. Pasta's dress was Ok, and definitely deserved not to be auf'd, but the choker and tulle booty tail just made it look silly.
In this case, less should have been more.
Kana said: "Is Leanne's model a Terminator? That walk is fascinatingly bad."
Hysterical! One wonders!
- muellersdayoff
Stubenville said...
I have to agree - Joe's top was tight, shiny and short. Did he have to be so literal with the shiny material? What next, a light bulb in her cleavage?
I can't get this image out of my head!! Thanks a lot :)
Leanne's dress was beautiful. I would wear it in a heartbeat!
Leanne's dress was beautiful! My favorite by far. I can't believe she didn't win. She was robbed!!
Joe designed another unmemorable dress. Yawn!
Leanne definitely got robbed. she had the best, most sophisticated looking dress out there. Do I think Kenley’s dress deserved to win? No.
I liked Leanne's dress a lot but I wished she had used a brighter color instead of the black and gray combo.
Actually, she didn't design a dress but a top and skirt
Leanne's line is called Leannimal?? That's a tacky name for a line. Anyway, loved her design, it's something I would definitely wear. Joe's was too literal.
How beautiful and classy and chic-with-a-twist was Leanne's outfit? Loved it!!!
Anyone else think that Leanne looks like Mira Sorvino if Mira were in nerd mode (picture this shot with glasses and a frilly shirt):
Another one of Leanne's designs.
I'm almost back!
We're moved into our new digs & new city, state et al, but no internet yet. stupid isp
Anyway, LeeAnn got totally robbed, but I think she might've fared better with a different color top. The black tended to blend in too much.
Love Joe, but I did not like this choice of material AT ALL. Looks like this week he might be showing a spark of personality!
Leanne's clothing looks both comfortable and chic, and I would wear many of her leanimal dresses. However, this sort of thing is going to get her in trouble:
Wear a turtleneck under that dress? Waaaaaaaaah?!?
Joe apparently thinks of tits as headlights...
Leann's was very promising...not perfectly executed, but promising.
Leanne's: Love her inspiration, her design, her story...
Joe's: She looks like a portable lamp.
I loved Leanne's simple skirt and top. It's a classic look that would look good on a lot of women.
Leanne was robbed, her dress was spot on!!!
Aww, I want Leanne to post more stuff on etsy! Not 'cause I would buy it, just 'cause it makes me happy!
I don't know about Leanne. I have a feeling that she's going to be serving noodles in every challenge.
Leanne's outfit was far more interesting with the interwoven circular pleats and could be worn at any cocktail party.
Anyone else but me want a throwdown between Joe and Keith? I want some action on this show! Come on Joe, you can take him . . .
Leeanimal!?! Can I wear a Zebra noodle with a Monkey noodle? Or must all my animal noodles match?
Hahahaha. Bill is so funny! Leanimal is a pretty bad name!
Leanne should have won hands down, it was impeccable. Joe's dress was really neat and conveyed the photo well.
I thought Leanne's was well made and chic and instead of going for the obvious like graffiti, chandelier, fountain she chose something different and unique just like Andrae and his "gutter dress."
The noodle skirt was fierce!
What next, a light bulb in her cleavage?
It's been done (sort of). Back in 1883, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt wore Worth's "Spirit of Electricity" gown (complete with filaments) to a costume ball. (On the right in this picture.)
Then there's this LED dress.
Who is Judy Bernly? Don't laugh at me.
In the previews, I thought Leanimal was gonna be toast, but she proved she could take her noodles to a different level. Based on the close ups, I see where she needed to work her garment a bit more, but it was, overall, heads and shoulders above the crowd.
Joe's wasn't horrid, but he definitely needs to step up the effort if he's going to remain in the competition.
Judy Bernly was Jane Fonda's newly-divorced, somewhat naive and uptight character in the movie Nine to Five. She wore prim outfits with Peter Pan collars that look a lot like what LeeAnn has worn on the show.
Bill said...
Judy Bernly was Jane Fonda's newly-divorced, somewhat naive and uptight character in the movie Nine to Five. She wore prim outfits with Peter Pan collars that look a lot like what LeeAnn has worn on the show.
Thank you, darling : )
"Lilithcat said...
It's been done (sort of). Back in 1883, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt wore Worth's "Spirit of Electricity" gown (complete with filaments) to a costume ball."
And then there's this
You gotta have a gimmick if you wanna get ahead: Truer words have never been spoken. When they write 'Project Runway: The Musical' they'll have to borrow that song from Gypsy, and Heidi & Duchess will fight over who gets to wear this costume.
Leanne reminds me of the girl in that Freddie Prinze Jr. movie that starts out being gawky and undesirable, but by the end transforms into a goddess. (I know, that's the plot of ALL his movies.)
If she had a distributor, that design would sell out immediately. It's perfect for winter holiday parties.
Oh, Joe. That is totally a straight man's idea of fashion. The whole thing, but especially when paired with the choker.
Leanne's - Very beautiful, I love that it is separates. I love the
Joe's - His inspiration was bit obvious with the lines on the bodice, but it's a pretty.
Joe's dress was tacky as hell with that chain connecting to a choker.
I was a little surprised to see Leanne not win, but I think having a plain black top might have kept that from happening. The judges seem to really love the busy fabric this year.
Not so busy that they thought that Keith's dress was anything less than horrible though. I know it would've saddened many a Keith luster here, but I thought that was easily one of the worst dresses on the runway that night.
Terri looks like one the others really need to watch out for. In her own words, she's bring more of an "urban" feel to the runway.
If they do a black and white or monochromatic challenge where Blayne gets stuck with dark colors, I have a feeling he's going to be so screwed.
LOVED Leanne's dress/skirt. So awesome. Joe's looked like something my tacky aunt in NJ would wear.
bettie said:
Another one of Leanne's designs.
Changing the shape of the dress above the hemline is a clever concept, but there's an awful lot of sugar in this design-a bit too sweet and demure....
I liked Leeann's more on the show, and less now that I'm looking at it carefully. Let's face it -- part of the whole deal is that her noodles were just so hideous-ness last week, this week it was a relief that she LEARNED TO LISTEN TO TIM and did something decent.
I don't think Joe's dress should win any awards, but really, I thought it wasn't all that bad *for the challenge*. There've been a lot worse up there on that runway, that's for sure.
I'm glad she listened to the judges and changed her strategy instead of complaining that they don't get it or that she has her own style or that her dress is beautiful what were they thinking blah blah blah like the other one.
I would totally buy and wear both pieces that she made, together and separately. To me, her design was the best one on the runway.
I would have given Leanne the prize. Her design was beautiful.
Leanne was robbed. She should have won.
I sort of agree about Joe. He's definitely not the best or worst one out there at the moment, but he doesn't have to be right now. He just needs to stay in the game. Let the famewhores(Blayne) get all the attention, just produce something good enough to make it to the next round. As the show progresses, he'll need to step things up a bit. That's when we'll see whether or not he has any real talent.
I just kinda see "Tit Cagematch!!" when I look at Joe's dress. Humm... overactive imagination?
please post a picture of natalie portman's blue dress. You know, the one she was wearing when LittleLeanne almost got auf'd in the previous episode. Her "inspiration", even if it was subconscious, was probably that dress, too.
Leanne made a nice dress though.
I've been thinking that a challenge like "night out in New York" is basically open season on whatever the hell you want to make, provided you can find something (and it doesn't even hve to be accurate) to claim as your inspiration.
The flypaper dress was like that. It's his "vision". Yeah. Right.
I liked Joe's because it was something definite that you could relate to his photograph. And his neckline makes total sense if you think of it as being the suspension thingy that the lamp was hanging from -- that you can't see in the photo but presumaby it has.
I love it that Leanne busted out with this skirt. I liked her portfolio the best of all the designers and was hoping that she'd be able to pull it off in real life, too. Some might call it fussy and noodly and some might call it couture.
But, again, I think she re-made something she'd already made in a previous incarnation and then found a photo to match.
I *hate* it when a designer mewls, "it's my vision." What, exactly, does that have to do with black and white, touch and feel "does the damned thing look good?"!
"NahnCee said...
I liked Joe's because it was something definite that you could relate to his photograph."
If only he had added light bulbs and attached a power cord to the top so that her boobs could light up. He would've been the winner of this challenge.
Anonymous said...
please post a picture of natalie portman's blue dress. You know, the one she was wearing when LittleLeanne almost got auf'd in the previous episode. Her "inspiration", even if it was subconscious, was probably that dress, too.
Leanne made a nice dress though.
Do you mean this dress?
"I sort of agree about Joe. He's definitely not the best or worst one out there at the moment, but he doesn't have to be right now. He just needs to stay in the game"
I think your being overly generous here. There is no indication that Joe's just coasting for now until he has to haul out the big guns. To the contrary, everything points to him being a good tailor and a BORING designer.
Judy Noodles.
Like the kid I went to elementary school with who later became known as "Joey Calzone"...don't ask. It was Brooklyn in the 80's. What can I say?
i think "Spider Ho" when I look at Joe's dress.
baaaaaa ha ha ha ha
tit cagematch! brilliant!
All we need are the flashing strobes, some dry ice, and some yngwie malmsteen for the runway music.
GothamTomato wrote
"...'Project Runway: The Musical' "
I am SO there! The possibilities are mind-boggling!
Pasta Joe had better watch it. If he ends up in the bottom three (just once) he will be elimated.
I love Judy Noodle's work. I already want to see her dresses lined up in a row, so I can compare the similarities and differences. I hope the noodles aren't out of her system. I want to see more.
I'm getting confused about the homely girls, too. They each seem to have some talent, though.
I'm so over Suede and Blane and the hootchie cootch woman who sounded like she'd be interesting when she said she's designed for Blondie but just seems like a tasteless wench.
I'm late to the party today, but I knew knew knew people would blame Joe's oh-so-literal dress on his sexuality and I knew knew knew that Bill would make a "Spider Woman" reference!
I missed my PRG compadres the past few days!
I really liked Joe until I heard the preview for next week's show: "There's too much drama because there are too many queens," or somesuch. Now I'm wary.
I shall reserve judgment until I actually see the show. It's remotely possible that there's SOME context that makes that remark either forgiveable or funny, and it's more likely that he teases with love, which will be apparent when we see the words that precede and follow what seems at first blush to be a pretty ignorant and homophobic statement.
But girlfriend, if you actually MEANT that $#!t, then have a nice life is the f%&kin' FASHION industry. Yeesh ...
(Oh, and Leanne's outfit was beautiful and should have won.)
Better late than never, I guess: I'm sure someone already said this, but Judy Noodles? Sounds like a mafia moll. :-)
That skirt was effin' genius.
I liked Joe's dress, but I never caught that side view to catch the poor fit in the bust or that tulle tail. Ick. I liked the shirring in the bust off the center line, like it helped boost up her lack of bust a bit. Until I saw the tail, I thought it was a simple, chic cocktail dress perfect for a night in New York (then again, I haven't had a chance to see the show on my big teevee yet, just the 20", so I probably missed a buttload of details that were off).
If you lose the shiny and the tulle from Joe's dress, you have a dress for a 40-yearold. Nothing wrong with being 40 or more and plenty of over-40s still go out, but that's probably not who they meant when they said night on the town.
As for Leanne's, I'd have liked to have seen the neckline of the top echo the scallop shape of the skirt noodles. What she has isn't bad but it's not really related to the skirt and the scooped-neck tank shape is looking tired right now (and it's about time; that combination should have passed its sell-by date years ago).
tom in kc said...and I knew knew knew that Bill would make a "Spider Woman" reference!
And that's why we're online sisters and BFF's who've never met, darlin' tom.
Judy's skirt was my favourite in this episode, it's too bad she didn't win.
It's wearable, it's chic, I could see where she got the inspiration, I can see myself wearing something like that on a night out. And I like that it's not a dress. I'm kinda fed up with all these dresses. Can't designers do something else too?
Bill said...
Judy Bernly was Jane Fonda's newly-divorced, somewhat naive and uptight character in the movie Nine to Five. She wore prim outfits with Peter Pan collars that look a lot like what LeeAnn has worn on the show.
Thanks, Bill! It's all clear now. I remember those hideous career-secretary dresses. I might have actually worn one in college (shudders).
Love your PR commentary.
Leanne's skirt was lovely, and she's just so nice, too!
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