Is anyone else falling a little in love with her? She seems so sweet and fun to be around. We'll be disappointed if she turns out to be a bitch. Then again, the sweet ones make the most entertaining bitches.
And What is UP with her stuff consistently getting ignored by the judges? This is GORGEOUS. Great silhouette, great proportions and fabulously styled with a model that looked beautiful in it and walked like she knew it.
Are we wrong here? We can admit it's not a show-stopping dress, but it's beautifully done and it demonstrates taste, skill and even restraint, which can't be undervalued.
We love the irregular ruffles and the contrasting sash.
And it's even got a nice "walking away" effect.
It's not the best color in the world for this design and the fabric doesn't look rich enough, but she did the best she had with what she was given and turned out a cute, sexy little dress.
We don't know what it's going to take for her to get a little recognition for her work. This was the second time she sent a stylish, unique look down the runway and the second time the judges yawned and looked away.
Don't hate us for this, kittens, but we actually thought he was pretty enjoyable this episode.
Oh, don't look at us like that. His "leatha" interactions with Stella were pretty funny.
Coming so close on the heels of last season's exhausting (and overt) push of Christian Siriano star-making, we feel like we just got finished babysitting a friend's kid when another friend unexpectedly showed up to drop their flamboyant little attention-seeking child off. Sure, we'll watch them for you but we're wiped out, so we're probably going to ignore them a lot and let them play with drycleaning bags.
Even so, he was less annoying this week and showed a dramatic improvement in his output.
It's not that we love the dress, because we really don't, but it was a pleasant surprise after last week's crotch centipede.
It demonstrates that he does have some skill even if it isn't particularly stylish or sophisticated.
Just a bit too pink and tight and short. The asymmetrical, puffy thing he was doing with the neckline wasn't really to our taste but it wasn't a bad attempt at trying to make it more visually interesting. Ditto the off-center black panel. Points for effort, but the overall look isn't very chic.
We're not saying it's tacky; it's just that it would look better on a Barbie doll than an actual flesh-and-blood girl.
[Photos: Projectrunway.com - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
Blayne's outfit looked like the kind of thing Mariah Carey would make her bridesmaids wear at her wedding.
Terri's dress is really cute. It should've been top three. Blayne's pink number was kind of sexy but a bit predictable. I hate the color.
By the way, thank you for the sat and sun posts, boys.
I think Terri is being treated like Mychael Knight of S3... ignored at first, but then DAMN!
OMG! You guys are the KINGS of the coffee-snort-through-the-nose! I so wish I had found this site earlier--it contributes so much to my enjoyment of the show. "Crotch centipede"??? How do you come up with this stuff?
You are dead on about Terri--she's amazing! Last season, the judges ignored Chris's beautiful early pieces too, so there is hope.
Blayne is just tiresome. As tiresome as Christian but with less talent. Clearly an attempt by the producers to recreate last season's Christian phenomenon. PR did just fine without bratty children for its first three seasons. I want Blayne to chase his ball into traffic, and the sooner the better.
Terri's stuff ROCKED. I agree: what's it gonna take? I do think, though, that the bitch and claws are gonna come out soon enough.
An intersting point about Blayne's dress. a big improvement but hampered by his model's fabric selection. A case of making do
As far as Terri's, her dress had a nice design, tasteful, unquestionably well made and the model looked great. Thanksfully it also had a lower hemline. However when I first saw it I wasn't dazzled by it.
When I thought about it and after seeing the composite of all the dresses posted on the BPR blog, I noticed something significant. All the other dresses (despite the variable quality) looked like they were designed specifically for a cocktail party.
Terri's with the more conservative design she created for that color fabric could be worn by many women at such an event but I also see the same dress at a sunday brunch or even at some places of business. In other words the design + the color gave the outfit a slightly generic look. A warmer, brighter color i think would have made the dress pop more. or if she had made a bolder design for that fabric.
I suspect she just missed the top and possibly for the reasons stated above.
She is talented though and if she's as fast as she claims, she'll go far in the competition
Jen in Philly, I was thinking the same exact thing! Terri might be the Mychael Knight of S5. His output was outstanding/interesting, but deemed "safe" for a few challenges, then suddenly he pulled ahead of the pack.
I agree with Frank that the subdued colors (chosen by the model, let's not forget) might have kept Terri from being singled out. She probably got good marks all round (say, 7 or 8 out of 10) but no top scores. Having said that, I'm still puzzled as to how Stella made the top three, especially since Natalie's comments made it clear that she wasn't that in to it. I suspect it was the teutonic queen whose score pushed it up toward the front of the pack. Anyway, can't wait for TLo's report on old leatherface!
Andre B.
You two have been busy, busy, busy. I come back from a week away and find out I missed: you liked my TLounge suggestion (yeah!); your second birthday at Laura's; the frilly, Jilly collection; Bravo's smackdown of the Weinsteins; the finish up of Ep 1; and the lowdown on Ep 2. I'm never going to catch up!
Thanks for all the great stuff so far. Don't exhaust yourselves, sweeties. We depend on you to sort out who's fierce and who's pooing fabric.
Woo hoo, weekend posts--thanks!
I barely saw Terri's dress on TV--now I can see how terrific it is. Talk about super chic. Perhaps too chic, too sophisticated. True, the second place dress was sophisticated, but the light color and novelty collar caused it to stand out. Perhaps Terri's had less impact in terms of the specific challenge because it's so grown up and so wearable.
Or, on the other hand, who the hell knows why the judges (with input from the producers, isn't it?) make the decisions they make?
Terri's was one of my favorites on Wed. night, but I looked at it on the Bravo site and I thought it was meh.. Now I like it again, I think they may take unflattering pictures of the good ones that are over looked just so the judges will look "right". They did that with Kit's menswear last season. She should have been in the top three for this dress. Over Stella for sure.
Blayne's dress is much better than last week. It looks like something Heidi would wear. A lot of them do in fact. Anyway at least we know he can make a garment(improvement). His personality was more charming in the epi as well, but Stella was alright too, in the way she handled being made fun of (leathah).
Agree with TLo about Terri. I was just waiting for their critique. Her dress was a top 3 contender for sure, ahead of Suede (who I think got mega points for doing the "weaving" strips on such tight time constraints, and Cheroin, whose dress I've seen in LEATHA a thousand times in punk clubs circa 1985.
Blayne? Better, but still meh. Leatherface was pretty funny, but isn't there a bit of the pot/kettle thing going on? I'm still leaning toward the drycleaning bag idea. ;-)
Bitch or no bitch, that Terri is t-a-l-e-n-t-e-d.
Blane is on my nerves...I can see him last season, arms folded and slouched in his sofa, watching Princess Puffy Sleeves through squinted eyes....saying "oh so its like THAT? I just need to be cute and catch phrasey." I don't see him as a winner....though oddly it seems Tim has an affinity for him?
I didn't really appreciate Terri's dress until it's close-up here, but I agree with the kudos.
ANd: bless your industrious little hearts for putting up a new post on a Sunday.
I really like Terri's dress too, and I would have thought it would be easier to mass produce for Bluefly. It's not as memorable as Suede's creation (which stunned me at the end, it looked pretty good), so that means you could wear it more often.
I agree, Blayne was much less annoying this episode.
The thing that initially worried me about Blayne and Stella is that they would turn out to have *nothing* going for them--there's nothing worse than a "personality" who has no aesthetic sense and can't sew worth a damn. Those people have me tearing my hair out, wondering when they're finally going to be sent home for their misdeeds.
Whatever else can be said for Blayne's and Stella's dresses, they were very well executed and had some elements of visual interest. Given that there are still some contestants who don't have a clue what they're doing, I think that counts for a little bit.
"[W]e feel like we just got finished babysitting a friend's kid when another friend unexpectedly showed up to drop their flamboyant little attention-seeking child off. Sure, we'll watch them for you but we're wiped out, so we're probably going to ignore them a lot and let them play with drycleaning bags."
Just one more reason you two write the best blog out there. Hysterical -- and so, so true.
>>we feel like we just got finished babysitting a friend's kid when another friend unexpectedly showed up to drop their flamboyant little attention-seeking child off. <<
LOL! Spot on!
Yes, Terri has been overlooked, but there has been a history of good stuff being overlooked on PR. Wasn't Jillian overlooked last season?
And I thought Blayne de Soliel WAS more enjoyable this episode as well. Maybe because he has relaxed into it, or maybe because he's already too tired to keep up the girlicious game. Or maybe that little mocking slap he got from the judges in episode 1 made him wise up.
First of all, thanks so much, TLo, for this excellent weekend surprise!!
On to Terri's dress. They go so fast on the runway segment of the show, we just don't have time to study and appreciate the designs. Upon further scrutiny, thanks to you, I am really loving Terri's dress. I would totally wear it!!
Can't say the same about Blayne's pink and black throw back to the 80's, but at least it wasn't AWFUL!!
I thought Terri's dress was really cute and totally wearable. Blayne's was borderline hookerland to me. The pink and black combo makes me wanna puke.
Blayne's work is only better this week in the sense that this time it was an actual dress. It's totally 80's Barbiewear. I think he's so hung up on super-girliness that the result is a gross exaggeration of some plastic femininity. Or something.
Terri's is beautiful, but muted. Suede's win clearly demonstrates the judges wanted a show-stopping dress, an event dress, not something that can be worn many times. I too look forward to seeing more from Terri, I think she's great. (And I hope she's a nice and caring bitch!)
"Coming so close on the heels of last season's exhausting (and overt) push of Christian Siriano star-making, we feel like we just got finished babysitting a friend's kid when another friend unexpectedly showed up to drop their flamboyant little attention-seeking child off. Sure, we'll watch them for you but we're wiped out, so we're probably going to ignore them a lot and let them play with drycleaning bags."
Priceless, guys! I had to forward that to a friend of mine and she was ROFL.
With the tan a tiny bit faded and the hair watched, Blayne reminded me of Dennis Christopher in "Breaking Away" or "Chariots of Fire." (I haven't figured out hyperlinks like Bill, so either take my word for it or go Google!)
And I'm still liking Terri and hoping the stealth edit now is a harbinger of better things to come later.
Hair washed, not watched. The hell?
I loved Terri's dress, shoulda won!
Does anyone else think that Terri would have been in the top three if Stella had not made such an improvement from last week? Not to say that Stella's dress was better than Terri's (it certainly wasn't), but it made for a good story to put her up there in the top three after last week's trash bag hot mess. I mean, I'm sure Natalie Portman was not in agreement with the choice of Stella's over Terri's, but the producers really took the reigns here. And the disgusted look on Natalie's face was priceless when she was discussing Stella's dress. That thing had a lace up side! It looked like something you could get at Forever 21.
I liked both these dresses better than Stella's... and really, who can't see Heidi wearing Blayne's?
Terri's dress deserved a spot in the top three, unlike Cheroine, but we'll get to that later.
Blayne's dress looked tacky and dated, and it didn't help that the model chose pink. I didn't hate but definitely fugly. Terri's was OK, nothing special.
I HATED the black side panel and the horrible pink. I can't wait for him to go home.
Terri was robbed! Her navy blue cocktail dress was totally Bluefly material.
Oh cheroin's dress was fine. I did like Terri's dress better. maybe things looked different on the runway and cheroin's seemed better or her model worked it better. the model had pretty nice styling.
Terri's dress looked well fitted and classy. I really liked that dress. I also agree with you guys, Blayne's looked like a Barbie doll dress.
I agree Terri wuz robbed. I can't believe hers lost out to Suede's design.
"Just a bit too pink and tight and short."
Yeah, I'm surprised Heidi wasn't all gaga over it. Maybe if he had added Shiny....
i LOVE it. i love the color, the cut, the sash, the ruffles, the length - ALL of it. this was far and away my favorite thing on the runway. i was lucky - i didn't have to blink for the nanosecond the dress was on the screen.
i cannot believe Stella's tight, shiny, short thing placed higher than this gorgeousness.
I loved Terri's dress from this week. If that had been on Bluefly I would have bought it.
And I could actually see Heidi wearing Blayne's dress, and I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing...
I know for me a big evening out is Chuck E Cheese followed by Coldstone Creamery, but was there a memo I missed somewhere about "cocktail" being a secret code for "Make the world your gyno"?
Please enlighten.
"Another Suburban Mom said...
And I could actually see Heidi wearing Blayne's dress, and I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing..."
A VERY bad thing...
Terri's was my favorite dress on the runway. Blayne is a joke that will last a long time.
"Mike B. said...
Given that there are still some contestants who don't have a clue what they're doing, I think that counts for a little bit."
Yup, they’re going to have to step up their game. So far, I'm not impressed with their designs.
Another Suburban Mom, I think the insane shortness was due in part to the models not knowing how much fabric to get their designers. It seemed like a lot of them were getting about 2 yards, which, depending on the width of the fabric, isn't too much to play with.
I didn't really like any of the offerings this week, but I still thought Terri's was by far the best, certainly better than Stella's, and much more attractive and well-made when compared to Kenley's.
Blayne is kind of cute, like Gilligan's sunburned cousin.
Terri designed a beautiful dress, now why wasn’t she in the top three? That's insane.
Terri’s dress is gorgeous. I love the black and blue combination and the neckline is beautiful. I thought she was going to be one of the top dresses.
"Anonymous said...
Blayne is kind of cute, like Gilligan's sunburned cousin."
Call me tacky but I loved Blayne’s pink and black dress.
Blayne is incredibly irritating. I can't stand him. And guess what Blayne de Soleil? You're NOT Christian!
I like really pale pink, but other than that pink is not my color, having said that, I thought the pink looked great on his model.
NO. He must be stoppedlicious.
"Anonymous said...
I am really loving Terri's dress. I would totally wear it!!
Can't say the same about Blayne's pink and black throw back to the 80's...
Same here. I love her dress. It accented the model's body without revealing too much. Blayne's reminded me of what went wrong with 80's fashion.
I thought Blayne's dress was a bit Ivankalicious.
And here's your Dennis Christopher link, agnes gooch. Back in the day, Dennis did resemble Blayne and, oddly enough, was in a Drew Barrymore movie called Doppelganger (a double or lookalike of a person).
I loved Terri's dress and I think given that her materials to work with were tougher than Kenley's - it shows more innovation and creativity as well as great execution.
I enjoyed Blayne this week too, when he wasn't doing the Licious thing! - the leatha comments were hilarious =)
I didn't like his dress at all though but agree - compared to last week - it was WAY better!
Crotch centipede! hahahahaha *snort* hahahahha
I so agree about the drive-by runway show. By the time they show the reactions of designer/ judges, the model is back behind the scrim. We barely get to see your diva, Shannone, strut. Terri's look is stellar on close-up.
Can't believe you boys didn't mention all the "liciouses" (liciousi?) being thrown about. I wanted to reach into the TV and throttle him everytime he did that.
At this rate, by the time he gets kicked off I may have to avoid eating tasty food around other people, lest someone pronounce it "delicious" and my Pavlovian response kicks in...
Oh and yes, the judges need to stop sniffing fabric glue, Terri's dress was gorgeous!
Terri rocks! I'm rooting for my girl!
Terri's dress is so me! Love the accessories! The look just like the picture is so serene and simply beautiful!
Terri's dress was my favorite, too. It's a shame the judges completely ignored it. And where the hell was she during the challenge? They barely featured her at all.
After the "caterpillar crawled out of my coot" look from Blayne week 1, let's face it: anything would be an improvement. I bet her model is glad he didn't frock her in another pubic mound disaster.
And Terri- merci me! Her 2 looks so far have been fabulous. And girl just works! I think she's the bee's knees!
ps- Her model is gorgeous.
Anonymous 3:06--
I think he's kinda cute, too, in the same way I sorta thought the guy in Grizzly Man was cute.
Those producers need to start giving some time and credit to Terri - her garment was one of the best!
I haven't liked anything Blayne's made so far, but he's just so adorable! I think he's going to be the MUCH sweeter version of Christian [not that I don't love Christian].
"taste, skill and even restraint"
These things are not valued on Project Runway. Also, I think that the color was not particularly flattering to her model's skin tone, and that detracted from the overall impact.
Blayne's dress was just boring. Which is an improvement over, "Oh, my god, what the heck is that thing?", but nevertheless . . .
I hated Blayne's dress. Who the hell wants to wear something that you have to keep adjusting all the time? That off the shoulder thing is hideous!
Not much to add, I just discovered your blog and all I can say is "WOW!" I love it!
You guys are completely right about Terri being unfairly ignored. I first thought Kenley should have won, but looking at the screencaps I would have to say Terri's was the better executed dress, and just as chic.
I didn't get a good enough look at Terri's on the program, but if I had I would have wanted it to win. I still think Suede's was a respectable choice, but Terri's was better. And she seems awesome.
I agree with Jen in philly..
If my memory serves me (and it usually doesn't) - Laura was not given much camera time in the first couple of episodes either. Nor was Michael (Mychael)
Okay - I have to say that there is a vulnerability about Blayne that just tugs at me.
All that expectation... when we see the writing on the wall...
LOVE this blog. Have to say, I absolutely enjoy the comments, too!
Laura was in the top 3 on the first challenge, but took a few more challenges after that to get noticed again.
I liked Terri's too, but I didn't like that the model's miracle bra is showing.
Consistently ignored? Uh, there's only been two challenges. I think it's too early to say that.
I LOVE Terri. She seems grounded. Look at how she told Koto she was over-reacting? I also love her dress. It was cute, flirty, and, most important for cocktail wear (in my book), lengthy enough.
Blayne didn't bother me so much either in this episode. I LOVED how he cracked up when he was called out on his "leatha" wisecracks after he came out of the sewing room. His dress is "meh." I do like the black panel, because it creates this wonderful illusion of narrowing his model and accentuating her curves. But waaaay too short, and bubblegum pink is icky in my book.
I liked Terri's dress but her model's fabric colour choices didn't make the dress phhhew-aaaaah, ya know?
If the colours had been less... um... earthy, the dress may have stood out more.
On the other hand, the dress itself was nice and wearable but I'm not getting that designer vibe from it. But if the colours were different, the guy from BlueFly should have made a good push for the dress because I can definitely see a wider audience for it than the winning one.
Blayne had the same problem in reverse. If the colours his model had chosen were either more on-trend or more complimentary to each other and her skin tone, the dress may have looked better.
But what can you *do* with Pepto aBismal pink and black and not make something hideously reminiscent of either Barbie or the '80s?
I liked this dress and am glad you boys picked it out for more careful notice, but it does seem like this dress has been done before, and on project runway. Isn't it reminiscent of a Laura Bennett? I'm not so sure I like the irregular collar and belt, either, and two dresses were sent down the runway belted. I can see why Suede's more vibrant offering woke the judges up a little.
blayne's model is kind of way too big for runway
and i'd buy terri's dress RIGHT now.
love love love terri's dress its so cute and girly blayne's dress is cute if you're a barbie.
"Shauna said...
blayne's model is kind of way too big for runway"
Big for runway????
Terri's dress was definitely overlooked. I loved the dark blue and the fit. It's the only one I would wear.
I find Blayne to be an irritating little cockroach. I can't wait until Heidi squishes him.
Terri's work looks well designed and well crafted. Unfortunately her style may be insufficiently youthful for the judges (like Laura Bennett.)
And it's a good strategy to try to stay in the middle of the pack and avoid risk until the crowd thins out. Staying out of the bottom three is far more important than winning the challenge much of the time.
I hope Terri's more like Mychael than she is like Kit Pistol who was ignored until she was auf'd
Chimming in late, but just wanted to say how much I loved Terri's dress and wish they had given it a bit more camera time on the episode. I look forward to seeing more from her in the future.
Yes, Blayne is tiresome, but his "leathuh" schtick left me in hysterics. Who knew the boy had a decent sense of humor? We're still quoting the scene around my house and at work.
And suzanne (12:43), you Blayne post ("oh, so it's like THAT?") was absolutely hilarious. I'm sure that's exactly the way it happened.
- edina -
Completely agree with you about Terri. I wish I could buy that dress.
Cheer up! Being ignored is good for a longer life on the sho. If Terri is being ignored now, that means that she is probably there for the longer term. They usually feature the ones that get auf'ed earlier.
Really liked Terri's dress also but.....didn't anyone else notice the peek-a-boo bra action going on? She was having definite trouble getting the bodice to cover her model's plunge bra. You can see the black bra in the runway shots. Perhaps she got called on that during the runway critique.
I think the talent of this season's designers is pretty weak, so far I haven't seen one thing that REALLY impressed me.
Blayne won't be laughing about leatha when Cheroin skins his leathery ass and makes a pair of chaps for Stephen Tyler!
Tim also agrees:
"Terri commanded her textile: another silk/hemp blend, but this time in navy. She knew that it was best to keep the design clean: a simple shift. But she opted for exuberance in the neckline and collar where ruffled embellishments made a bold and beautiful statement. Bravo, Terri!"
I thought it was a lovely dress. Hey great blog. Love what you have got posted here!
Seriously if you put samples of all those dresses for sale at a store Terri's would be the first one sold out of.
jen in philly you're SO callin in now.
Terri might be getting the "let's let her fly under the radar so we can surprise everyone with her" edit.
Or maybe not.
Blayne uttering "Darthlicious" was too much. I so didn't like.
the mom
My least favorite designer is Blayne, but that may have more to do with the fact that his personality is so grating.
we feel like we just got finished babysitting a friend's kid when another friend unexpectedly showed up to drop their flamboyant little attention-seeking child off. Sure, we'll watch them for you but we're wiped out, so we're probably going to ignore them a lot and let them play with drycleaning bags.
ROFL. This is why I love this blog so much. You guys are amazing!
I feel bad for Blayne's model. All the shit she's going to have to wear on the show.
Blayne's dress is a little too hot pink and a little too 80's for my taste but I love how it comes in at her waist. I think he did a great job considering what he did for the previous challenge.
Even my husband sat with me screaming at the TV that Terri's dress didn't make it to the top three ... we said it was the clear winner.
Promise, he's straight.
I adore Terri's dress. I'd buy Terri's dress.
But the assignment was "young" and that's something that that dress isn't.
Terri's dress is executed well and is a nice, chic dress. But it's kinda boring at the same time.
the judges want to be excited. I'm sure she got high marks, but I think there were other dresses on the runway that made more of an impact.
I won't say she played it safe, because she did some interesting things with the design, but it's a dress that's been done many times.
Terri's dress looks nice and unspectacular and it gor exactly what it deserved: a free ride to the next challenge.
I didn't really like Blayne's dress but I agree it was a lot better than the diaper.
I don't have any problem with Blayne. His clothes are not to my liking either, but that's no reason to hate on someone. I always say, the worst personalities are the dull ones, and Blayne isn't dull, and he refuses to be, even if he comes off a little desperate and lame.
I totally agree about Terri. Her dress was my favorite, and I couldn't believe she wasn't in the top three!
Terri is this year's Jillian. The silent assassin. The others better watch out for her because she's had two slam dunks in a row.
And I agree I didn't hate Blayne this week. In fact, he was hilarious. He may be out there, but at least he's good natured. And his dress was a massive improvement on his first, ahem, effort.
Yeah Terri's dress was cute, and I liked Blayne's as well. I know it's a shitload of designers so everyone can't get the spotlight, but is seems as if the designers who aren't even worthy of the spotlight are getting their extra 10 minutes. I agree that Terri ( love her damn hair!) is getting hoses as far as judging. I also like Leslie's braided sailor dress and thought she was ignored as well!
I agree, I found myself laughing at the Stella/Blayne interactions in episode two. It was almost enough to shake my lingering irritation with both of them from the first episode.
Terri's dress was freaking gorgeous, yet they put Stella's cheap, wrinkly, Vegas-hooker ensemble in the top three? Take another bong hit, judges!
Blayne's looked like a misguided surfer interpretation of Chloe's "clothes off your back" dress in S2.
Terri was robbed!
Not only was Blayne's design rather "cheeeepp" but the sewing was puckered and poorly done. Therefore, although the leather schtick was cute and all, I am not amuzed.
Terri's dress was my favorite too. I was pissed that the judges ignored it and liked the big yellow tablecloth thing the other day.
I think Terri is being treated like Mychael Knight of S3... ignored at first, but then DAMN!
Jen in Philly, you took the words right out of my mouth...er, fingers?
OK, so I don't hate Blayne this week. The whole "letha" conversation/teasing was very funny to me. I was glad to see somebody teasing Stella about that and to see her taking it pretty well was good too.
I think Terri is going be the Michael Knight of S5. She'll go unnoticed until the "Icon" challenge and then blow up. There is something about her that says quiet fan favorite. Just a guess but, who knows? Get back to me in 3 months.
I'm with you. I love Terri and I think she should have won both of the last challenges. WHY won't they notice her?
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