Entertainment Weekly has an article about the upcoming season and the move to Lifetime and everyone is spinning like tops. Choice bits:
"'We're totally focused on the show — on the challenges, the drama,'' says Klum. ''I'm not already with one foot over at Lifetime. Both of my feet are here, and I'm concentrating on making a beautiful show.''
''People always think I have all the say. I don't!'' she says with a laugh. ''It's Harvey — he owns most of the show. And exactly what they do behind closed doors, I don't really know.''
''I'll be blunt: I don't know how we could have raised the talent bar any higher than season 4,'' says Gunn. ''But the bar is still there for season 5. We have an extremely high level of talent.''
''The product placement this season is not egregious,'' promises executive producer Jane Cha, who will continue on with the show at Lifetime. ''The challenges are super creative. I don't think viewers are going to have cause for complaint.''
''We really want to go out with a bang,'' says Cutforth, who with partner Lipsitz opted to sign a first-look deal with NBC Universal instead of re-upping with Runway for future cycles. He adds, ''We don't feel like it's over-promising to say that this will be one of the greatest seasons of the show.''
"The first court date is in July, when a judge will decide whether to grant a preliminary injunction against The Weinstein Co. barring them from proceeding with their Lifetime deal. Already there have been whispers that cycle 6's scheduled November premiere could get bumped to January."
Exec producer Cha just asks that people give it a chance. ''We've spent five seasons in New York, and a little changeup is not a bad thing,'' she says. ''L.A. gives us Hollywood, red-carpet fashion, and more context for our challenges involving celebrity culture.''
For Klum, who denies reports that the coastal jump was motivated by her wish to be closer to her husband Seal and three kids, the locale shouldn't matter anyway. ''The designers are in the Project Runway world — they don't go anywhere apart from the house or Parsons or [the fabric store] Mood,'' she says. ''You can do that anywhere. You could do it on Mars, really.''
Look, at the end of the day, the upcoming season probably won't be noticeably different from previous seasons and for all we know, the first season on Lifetime won't either. But this article sure smells like "damage control" to us. All that "supercreative, greatest season ever, 'I'm totally committed to this show'" is having the exact opposite effect intended on us.
As hard as it is to believe, Season 5 starts in a week (a week!) and we're totally on board, no matter what. We can't speak for the rest of fandom, but the somewhat desperate nature of the article ("give it a chance") sure sounds like The Powers That Be don't have much faith in their product.
Watch What Happens!
UPDATE: For more on the rather unconventional methods of promoting the upcoming season, our gal Mo Ryan of the Chicago Tribune has some thoughts here.
'Project Runway': Still in Fashion for Season 5? [Entertainment Weekly]
Where’s ‘Project Runway’? Invisible, even though a new season begins soon [Chicago Tribune]
[Photo: Bravotv.com]
Last night I was watching Jeff Lewis "Flipping" the fuck out and saw a Bravo promo saying that they would be showcasing all the new contestants and a glimpse of their first challenge during a show in the next day or so.
We'll see, but I'm remaining skeptical on this season.
While I agree that the article is mainly damage control, it still irks me that it is now perfectly clear that Weinstein Co. will bleed the show dry until only a pale husk of a show is left. I'm a little disappointed that Heidi has "disowned" any responsibiliy for where the show is going. Yes, Harvey owns most of the show, but as the "star" you still have to be concerned with the product you're putting out. Especially if the venue is being changed because the star wants to spend more time with her kids in LA. Or may be not, since $$$ and ratings are really all that count in TV land.
Yes, the show itself may not glaringly change in the next two seasons, but after all this hubbub in the press, the fans reception and PERCEPTION of the show sure as hell will.
I still don't understand how the "talent bar" in season 4 was so much higher than in previous seasons. As for the rest, I don't think it matters.
"Exec producer Cha just asks that people give it a chance. ''We've spent five seasons in New York, and a little changeup is not a bad thing,'' she says. ''L.A. gives us Hollywood, red-carpet fashion, and more context for our challenges involving celebrity culture.'"
I say not every change is a good thing. We'll see...
I think you guys are reading between the lines too much. They've said these exact kinds of things (with the exception of hyping the move to L.A., obviously) for the past 3 seasons. They always come out with the "best season ever, best talent ever" promotion right before the new season begins.
I think you're right about the 'damage control'. My guess is that they have been inudated with angry emails, etc from fans upset about the changes which, face it, are not good.
Yeah, LA could possibly be tolerable (under certain conditions), but the combination of Lifetime & LA, then tossed on top of that, Bunim-Murray, and you have reached beyond the tipping point, at least in the minds of most intelligent viewers. This is the type of show that fans feel passionate about, and when fans feel passionately about a show, they make themselves known - and I'll bet it's been ugly on their end (and maybe surprised them).
agree, total damage control.
I WILL give it a chance but I am sure that loyal PR Fans have THEIR bar set high too.
I understand the lure of LA and celeb culture but this show is about designers - not the people who wear their designs.
Can't believe it'll be on again in one week!
I heard that the season 5 designers are all raw talent, no Rami Kashou this time.
For Klum, who denies reports that the coastal jump was motivated by her wish to be closer to her husband Seal and three kids, the locale shouldn't matter anyway. ''The designers are in the Project Runway world — they don't go anywhere apart from the house or Parsons or [the fabric store] Mood,'' she says. ''You can do that anywhere. You could do it on Mars, really.''
That's bullshit. What about the challenges involving outside locations like the museum challege or the Central park challenge? LA has a totally different vibe which to me does not scream fashion with a capital F.
It is hard to get excited about nothing... remember seeing that glimpse of Chris March last season?
Who is this guy and I want to know more!! Nothing this season. DD and I will have the marathon on today whilst painting the kitchen so maybe we'll see SOMETHING!
"Anonymous said...
I think you guys are reading between the lines too much. They've said these exact kinds of things (with the exception of hyping the move to L.A., obviously) for the past 3 seasons. "
No quite. This is the first time I've read such a statement about the show:
''The product placement this season is not egregious,'' promises executive producer Jane Cha, who will continue on with the show at Lifetime. ''The challenges are super creative. I don't think viewers are going to have cause for complaint.''
It sounds like a lot of people complained about the outrageous product placement last season including in the challenges.
Agreed on damage control. Agreed that they got the message about product placement (but I still think there will be plenty of it). Agreed that every season of every reality competition show is hyped as the BEST EVER ASSEMBLAGE OF TALENT!!! Although you will note that Tim only inferred they were pretty much met the Season 4 bar: In Tim-speak, I think that means they don't completely suck but nobody's rocking his world.
"a-nony-mouse said...
It is hard to get excited about nothing... remember seeing that glimpse of Chris March last season?
Who is this guy and I want to know more!! Nothing this season. DD and I will have the marathon on today whilst painting the kitchen so maybe we'll see SOMETHING!"
In a way, I feel the same way. We know nothing, we've seen nothing...they're lucky that the show has such a huge fan base because casual viewers are going to 'forget' about it or lose interest.
I'm going to watch. I can't help myself! I take the article with a grain of salt, and keep my fingers crossed.
If it's true that they've gone back to more "raw talent" then I'll be happy about it. Season 4 bored me, actually, although some of the clothes were amazing. I'd rather see more Jay McCarroll and less Rami Kashou.
"give it a chance"?
"you could do it on Mars, really"?
product placement "is not egregious"?
challenges involving "celebrity culture" - a new oxymoron, if I ever heard it!
thanks for keeping us informed, TLo. I'll be watching if only to be able to fully appreciate your commentary.
of course i will still watch but i am still bitter about the LA move. i think the reason is complete bullshit.
btw, patsy stone, your comment about jeff lewis made me LMFAO!
I hope they go out with a bang. The show will never be same without Bravo.
So no info on the designers until Monday??? That's ridiculous!
Darlings, as long as we have you both blogging about it everything will be hilariously fine.
Patsy Stone said,
"Last night I was watching Jeff Lewis "Flipping" the fuck out and saw a Bravo promo saying that they would be showcasing all the new contestants and a glimpse of their first challenge during a show in the next day or so."
I thought the promo said we would get the "sneak peek" next Tuesday, during Flipping Out. So, we'll have almost 23 hours to get excited about the new season. Wow.
After consulting my Magic 8 Ball as I drank my morning tea, I can say with absolute uncertainty that it is going to be an All Stars season. Four previous seasons, 3-4 contestants from each one, some previous challenges (you know, the old 'What if Austin had competed against Chris March on the food challenge? Wendy competing against Santino on...yada yada yada..)It seems to me that is the only way they could have pulled this season together so quickly, so quietly and under the cloak of invisibility. It also seems to fit with their Criers and Villans promos and the marathon showings of all four seasons (Season One is on Bravo right now, as a matter of fact, the other three are showing this weekend.) It lets everyone become familiar with all of the contestants again. It's work done, the mystic Ball now goes back into my desk drawer.
i'm starting to realize that, for me, the show serves this blog, and not the other way around. So as long as T.Lo are here to entertain us, wipe our tears, etc., it will be okay, right? ...RIGHT?!?! Say it with me: 'It will be okay... It will be okay... It will be okay...'
Heid's copout annoyed me. Jane Cha sounded pathetic and insincere.
I agree with Gotham Tomato. Lifetime + LA + Bunim-Murray just sent the whole thing over the edge. It will be a completely different show, and I for one think these are deliberate steps taken by the Weinstein Co. They want to change the show to make it more appealing to the Lifetime demographic, which is different from the Bravo demographic.
Back in the recesses of my mind, I think I remember reading 'somewhere' that they got season 5 people from the season 4 auditions.
I could be wrong.
It has actually happened before.
pj, I might die of happiness if your Magic 8 Ball is correct!
I don't know if the marathons of past seasons are any evidence of an All Star season to come, though. Didn't they do the same thing to gear up for previous seasons?
Why haven't they released the designer's profiles yet? Let us see them!
Well, at least Our Dynamic Duo TLo is getting a lot of well-deserved and positive ink from Ms. Ryan.
That's the good part.
The rest... hard to gin up enthusiasm when the portents are so discouraging. I agree with TLo and Mo that money is driving the promo decisions.
Indeed, kana, Our Boys make the show for us these days. And more power to 'em!
All that being said, I'll be watching next week....
All the best,
I hope it ISN'T an All Star program. I think that would be kind of affected. It would also be a bit of a jip for all the hopefuls that went to the expense/time/effort it takes to go to the auditions.
C'est Moi Lola, I think it's weird too that Heidi seems to be distancing herself from the production of the program, usually the star wants more credit than they are due.
pj said...
"After consulting my Magic 8 Ball as I drank my morning tea, I can say with absolute uncertainty that it is going to be an All Stars season. Four previous seasons, 3-4 contestants from each one, some previous challenges (you know, the old 'What if Austin had competed against Chris March on the food challenge? Wendy competing against Santino on...yada yada yada..)It seems to me that is the only way they could have pulled this season together so quickly, so quietly and under the cloak of invisibility."
Does this mean that Daniel Franco is back? AGAIN?
Wendy maybe going one-on-one with somebody asshole-ic like Jeffrey or Santino. I might sit through a season for that.
I can't imagine there are too many quality former contestants who would want to go through the sleep-deprivation hell they all say Project Runway is. Unless their careers have never taken off. In which case, who wants to see them get a second chance?
Well, OK, I would but only for Tim.
I think "egregious" is becoming one of my favorite words. It just rolls off the tounge...egggreeegious.
I will have to inject it into my daily vocabulary.
Sewing Siren said:
"I think it's weird too that Heidi seems to be distancing herself from the production of the program, usually the star wants more credit than they are due."
Especially since in previous interviews she prides herself at being part of the show from it's inception.
Following up on this point, when the shizz hits the fan, who will be pointing fingers at whom? For all things that Harvey Weinstein is, he sure makes a great "PR Villain"!
Hey, we all know how precise and accurate the Eight Ball is...c'mon! Doncha think Harvey Weinstein should have consulted it before he signed the Lifetime deal..huh? What's that? Opens drawer at the prompting of what sounds like muffled dialogue ...ahhhhhhh (gulp)...according to the Ball, he did! Geeze, I wondered why I couldn't find that darn Ball for a while. Throws the Ball into the piles of fabric behind her desk...BAD BALL, VERY BAD BALL!
Do you think the Season 5 finale will take place in the fall (at the Spring 09 fashion show)?
I think the lack of hype is a combo pack of Bravo not having a lot of incentive to push PR and the insane production schedule.
The Weinsteins are only in it for the money they can squeeze out of the show and they're being paid upfront so the show doesn't need to be good. And I can see why Bravo wouldn't be working its promo butt off. But I think the Magical Elves care. This is their baby. They'd probably like to go out on top with a really great season. The question is whether that's possible with such a compressed production schedule. They've stumbled with that in the past - was it season 3? - so we'll have to see what plays out.
I would be much happier though if Bravo had given PR5 even half the promo spots they've been running for that Jo & Slade dating show. Talk about lame. It's programming like that, that makes me wonder whether Bravo has now officially run out of ideas.
"more context for our challenges involving celebrity culture"
Bwahahahaha, hualp. This show is either going to become unwatchable tripe, or so horrible you can't tear your eyes away. I'm hoping for the latter, so at least TLo will have good blog fodder.
Wow! Gawker mentioned you guys too. Very interesting article.
Here's the link.
You kittens rule!
And here's Reality Blurred mentioning PRG. What can I say? I read a lot of stuff on the InternetS : )
I actually like that we don't know anything about the designers. It'll be a lot more exciting to watch the first episode this way.
The real question remains, when is PR Canada starting up! After PR moves on to Cali and Lifetime, PR Canada may be even more of feasible alternate.
"Anonymous said...
Does this mean that Daniel Franco is back? AGAIN?
I hope not. I can't take his "follow your bliss" BS anymore.
"For Klum, who denies reports that the coastal jump was motivated by her wish to be closer to her husband Seal and three kids, the locale shouldn't matter anyway. ''The designers are in the Project Runway world — they don't go anywhere apart from the house or Parsons or [the fabric store] Mood,'' she says. ''You can do that anywhere. You could do it on Mars, really.''"
Yes, they do. What is she talking about? You know, sometimes Heidi's unfounded statements really annoy the hell out of me.
"ToddNY said...
Darlings, as long as we have you both blogging about it everything will be hilariously fine."
You're right! To preserve our sanity, this must be our mantra!
p.s.-Todd, I miss your big sunglasses avatar.
One thing though, if they haul out those ucky RHOC gals like they did on Shear Genius, I ain't watching that epi!
"PJ said...
After consulting my Magic 8 Ball as I drank my morning tea, I can say with absolute uncertainty that it is going to be an All Stars season."
Sorry to burst your bubble but that ain't happening.
"hello, i'm patsy stone said...
Last night I was watching Jeff Lewis "Flipping" the fuck out and saw a Bravo promo saying that they would be showcasing all the new contestants and a glimpse of their first challenge during a show in the next day or so.
We'll see, but I'm remaining skeptical on this season."
Does that mean that I have to watch that asshole and his stupid show? I can't stand that freakshow. I really can't.
I wish they would allow a few previous seasons' designers to return for season 5. That would fun. Anyway, I'm still trying to get used to the idea that I'm going to be watching freaking Lifetime.
Could we see a PR spinoff on Bravo? Now that's a thought isn't it?
Project Runway is airing on Bravo all day today, guys!
TokyoDoll said...
Does that mean that I have to watch that asshole (Jeff - Flipping Out) and his stupid show? I can't stand that freak show. I really can't.
TD - You just need the right mood enhancers; after two Xanax and/or three strong cocktails Jeff is hilarious. Then again, after imbibing that mix, watching paint dry could be hilarious.
I dunno. pj's magic eight-ball just might be on to something. Btw: funny stuff, pj.
Why all the mystery, Bravo? It can't be so great that they're keeping it under wraps until the last minute, can it? My instincts tell me there will be a serious lack of awesomeness and creativity in the production of season five. I'm talking about a bare bones, cable-access-style production.
But, no matter how crappy, bar-raising fabulous, uninspired, best season ever, or all-star greatest season five turns out, our boys will keep us informed and in stitches.
- edina -
you guys are SUCH drama queens chill.
I guess we're going to have to... watch what happens.
Anonymous 8:43 said you guys are SUCH drama queens chill.
No, no, no! The drama is why we read this blog! That's the point!
I ran into Daniel Vosovic, who said it's because they finish filming the season 2 days before it starts and they need to edit it all together, which is why there are no "meet the new season" promos.
the insider said: 'Sorry to burst your bubble but that ain't happening.'
Ok, since you are THE INSIDER, why don't you enlighten me and all of the inquiring minds here what IS happening, hmmmmmm? I for one would be happy to have some actual facts so I could lock up that friggin' Eight Ball...well, at least until I need it to tell me who will WIN this season of Project Runway! Toddling off to bed with tongue firmly planted in cheek (and I am NOT telling whose cheek, either..bwaaaaahhhhaaaaah!)
"Kristina Marie said...
I ran into Daniel Vosovic, who said it's because they finish filming the season 2 days before it starts and they need to edit it all together, which is why there are no "meet the new season" promos."
Thanks for the info, Kristina, but I don't understand that; they could've shot some promo stuff in the beginning. You know, just the whole group together like they always do.
Y'know, I really can't blame Heidi or Tim too much as they keep doing interviews with shit-eating grins. I believe Heidi when she says 'IT'S ALL HARVEY!' They must walk into work each day terrified, wondering 'what's Harvey done today to fuck up the golden egg?'
It won't be an all-star season. I've been skulking around Parsons after work some nights, and last week I actually tailed a few contestants home to The Atlas. That barrista twink Blayne was one of them, or if not, his doppelganger.
Usually they shoot the promo stuff about a week into filming, after a couple of designers have already been auf'd. Dunno what the deal is this time...
"hello, i'm patsy stone said...
Last night I was watching Jeff Lewis "Flipping" the fuck out and saw a Bravo promo saying that they would be showcasing all the new contestants and a glimpse of their first challenge during a show in the next day or so.
We'll see, but I'm remaining skeptical on this season."
They showed the same thing tonight during Shear Genius. I can't wait to see those designers.
"uncle vanya said...
Usually they shoot the promo stuff about a week into filming, after a couple of designers have already been auf'd. Dunno what the deal is this time..."
Exactly, I don't get it.
Kristina Marie said...
I ran into Daniel Vosovic, who said it's because they finish filming the season 2 days before it starts and they need to edit it all together, which is why there are no "meet the new season" promos.
Oh...no. There are so many things about that don't make sense that I just have to call bullshit.
re: Heidi
If I had legs like hers, i would show them off too. But isn't that green dress a bit.... tiny? It would work great as a cute top over blue jeans. Really, take a look.
And funny how her pose in both the green dress and the magazine cover you also have posted at the side, are almost the same.
Of course I can be hyper-critical of her out of sheer envy.
I find myself caring less. Were it not for the snarky commentary from TLo and this group, I doubt I'd bother to watch.
In fact, I might just let it pass and just come here for the laughter instead!
As for Heidi's green dress, I hate those black shoes. She can carry off that hemline, though frankly, not many women can. To wit: that Kardashian mother had a hemline like that on. It made her look like a bubble with short legs. And that's the problem. They see it on Heidi, and everyone thinks they can wear it.
The semi finalists have to fly themselves out? Isn't that kind of tacky?
G.T. said:
". . the combination of Lifetime & LA, then tossed on top of that, Bunim-Murray, and you have reached beyond the tipping point, at least in the minds of most intelligent viewers."
Yikes - one does envision sleazy 70's swingin' in the hut tub, and "quality, taste and style" going down the drain with the contaminated water. Ewww.
Poor Tim - when is his contract up? I don't think he will be able to stand "real worldness". The reason the show is intriguing is because of the challenges and the creative responses, and this blog. Change any of that, and it's gonna be a yuckfest.
I'll stop watching the show and just read this blog, if it comes to it.
Hey TLo, did you see this in the comments on the Gawker article:
Maybe they should just hire the guys from projectrungay to comment directly on the show pop-up video style. Now that I would watch.
Guys, whaddya say? :D
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