Jennifer, Keith and Joe

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 by
Home stretch, bitches!

Jennifer describes her style thusly: " Holly Golightly goes to Salvador Dali exhibit."

Makes a good soundbite but we don't see it. The clothes are nice, though. A little too precious, but nice.

Model: Topacio

A little too precious, but nice" just about sums up this entry.

The little lip prints all over it were cheesy as hell.

And the dress is certainly well executed, but she chose to make it with one of the easiest (and subsequently, most boring) materials: paper towels. As an entry, it's good enough to get her to the next round, but it's nothing to get excited about.

"I'm a completely self-taught designer. I have a gift that many aspire to, go to school to have it and I was just born with it."

Ahh, ego. Why is it so forgivable in hot men? He's the Fashion Messiah, here to Show Us The Way with his gifts.

Enh. It's a look. Two of them, in fact.

Model: Runa

Ditto. It's not terrible, but it's kinda basic. Like Suede's, no matter what you do to it, it's still going to look like a picnic tablecloth.

Points for using that laundry bag netting and that metallic belt.

And we do like the skirt, but we'd like it more if he used a different material.

Gratuitous face shot. Enjoy.

This is Joe. He has daughters. That means he's straight.

Model: Bell

From a technical standpoint, he did a pretty great job, especially on that skirt. Not only did it move, which is a big deal when you have ten pounds of uncooked pasta hot-glued to it, but the pattern was arranged in such a way that it didn't actually look like ten pounds of uncooked pasta. It looked like a cute print skirt.

Kudos also need to be handed out for that top, which you'd never know was made out of oven mitts.

The problem is, that top and skirt don't look like they go together. It's like he spent his time figuring out how to make his materials work without considering how they work together. Still, a decent effort.

BONUS: Tim Gunn Spanking!

"Designers, I just have to say that I'm seeing a lot of tablecloths in this room and that pisses me the fuck off. You were supposed to pick materials that were untraditional and unexpected. If I wanted to see a bunch of dresses made out of shit, I would have taken you to Jo Ann's Fabrics.

Whatever. I'm out of here. Bunch of lazy motherfuckers."

More pics:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps:]
[Additional Pictures:]


Brooklyn Bomber said...

"Makes a good soundbite but we don't see it."

Exactly what I thought. Or, actually, what I thought was more like,"huh?" Seen up close, the embossing on the towels looks good. But the tacked on kisses -- oy! If nothing else she should have done that directly on the dress. One big giant lipstick smear across the bodice or something.

I like Joe's design a lot, and I think the top and skirt do go together, in a sort of don't-go-together way. But where are the tomato can labels??

Keith: please keep the hood off. We need you to be one of the saner ones.

Anonymous said...

Check, check, check, YAWN. On to the next episode

Lilithcat said...

"The little lip prints all over it were cheesy as hell."

It's better than spit!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I thought the lipstick prints were cute. They were witty. Kind of like putting "FOR NUTS ONLY" on a dress. Ahem. :)

And I know lots of gay men who have daughters. Keep the dream alive!!!!

Embeedubya said...

We LOVE Angry Tim! More, please.

Mom said...

Interesting that you grouped these three together because they each showed better-than-average construction skills and a tantalizing hint of originality. Jennifer's outfit was very pretty (but, oh, does that girl need a makeover!). I loved the way Keith's skirt was playfully hoisted up (goodness, that somehow sounds filthy). And I really liked the top and the bottom with Joe (again with the filthy) but together they were a bit fingernails-on-a-chalkboard.

Anonymous said...

Fashion Messiah!? Oh Lordy, I want a contest between Keith and Rami to determine who has the bigger ego.... And if that contest can be conducted with both of them in only bath towels, so much the better.

Thanks for the photos of the details on Joe's skirt. Seeing it "real-time" I just thought he glued a bunch of multi-colored pasta on there. Nice to see that at least he tried to make a pattern of it. I'm still not a fan of the "let's glue shit on it" school of alternative material usage, however.

Finally, the wonderful thing about Tim is that he can show that much dissatisfaction by merely moving his glasses down his nose. When he has to verbalize it, you know you've REALLY F'd up. But thanks for the more entertaining interpretation!

Anonymous said...

"This is Joe. He has daughters. That means he's straight."


So true.

PhantomMinuet said...

Angry Tim is hi-larious. :-D

I like Joe, I liked his ideas, and I thought his top and skirt worked together pretty well.

The lip prints...not so much.

Anonymous said...

I actually liked Joe's pieces together. The contrasting prints gave it a little edge. Not something I would wear, but certainly the mismatched prints look shows up in a lot of fashion mags.

Otherwise, what agnes gooch said. These 3 are pretty good and I look forward to their future productions.

Anonymous said...

Loved Angry Tim, he needs to have a reality intervention every week with these designers. Keith doesn't do it for me but Joe...Me Likee!!!

mjude said...

once again i am giggling at my desk!
it was nice to see joe's up close, didnt realize the pasta was on the skirt!

omg, your take on tim gunn's reaction. priceless!

Anonymous said...

Look at your screen shot of the "oven mitt" look again. You wouldn't know it was made out of oven mitts? I would, considering the odd shape at the bust line.

I agree with brooklyn bomber that the embossing on the paper towels looks good. And I guess paper towels aren't that creative in theory, but how do you sew paper together? Is it actually adhering to the muslin? As a non-sewer it impresses me either way.

And hello to the PRG fan in Perth Australia... TLo, you have fans everywhere!

- - TLo Addict - -

Sewing Siren said...

Jennifer's dress was well made, but boring. I agree with Bomber that the kisses at the very least should have been applied directly on the dress, like a dress made out of tissue you really did blot lipstick on...

I actually thought the Vichy cloth tablecloth dresses looked better than the ones made of the soild color disposable ones. Mainly because the plaid ones have a flannel back and are designed to last all summer so they have more body. The belt he made was good too. Keith apparently likes that festooned skirt, he's doing it again this week.

I loved the way Joe's skirt moved on the runway, and the oven mitt halter is really pretty cute. In some ways it could have been top three, I bet it was 4 or 5.

DolceLorenzo said...

"Ahh, ego. Why is it so forgivable in hot men? He's the Fashion Messiah, here to Show Us The Way with his gifts."

YUP! I can't wait for him to show us his gifts.

CQAussie said...

I'm not a fan of Jennifer, it's nice but a tad too cute-sy for me. I was a bit grossed out by the lip print thing.....was weird. Much like the Spit Incident from last season - but with WAY WAY less personality.

Keith is hot. I'll listen to anything he says =)

Joe seems nice but a bit boring - I'm not expecting tears and drama from him. I liked the top but agree, totally wrong with the skirt.

It's always like this for me the first ep - I remember a maximum of 4 outfits then the rest is a blur.....

Tim Gunn spanking was THE highlight for me honestly =) And I LOVE your ad libs, I totally bet that was what he really wanted to say! Sir Tim was not pleased!

can't wait for the PR Lounge AND the ep tonight! =)

Anonymous said...

This is Joe. He has daughters. That means he's straight.


That's a weird sentence guys. I know several gay fathers and lesbian mothers and please lets not forget that bisexuality is not a phase ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL I loved seeing Harsh!Tim. If I had been there though, I'd want to hide in a closet and rock back and forth slowly, but it makes for great TV.

Joe's was definitely the best of the three. That skirt was amazing.

GothamTomato said...

" I have a gift that many aspire to, go to school to have it and I was just born with it."

You know, technically, that makes it a birth defect.


Brooklyn Bomber said...

Re TLo's "that means he's straight" comment: it's what's known as satire. Or, more simply, a joke. The idea is that Joe keeps mentioning wife and daughters so we know he's straight.

Anonymous said...

I thought Joe's was the best of the three. I would have liked to have seen someone string pasta together into a sort of chainmail, but I guess that would have taken too much time.

Bailey said...

That's funny. From where I'm looking, Joe's top goes with his skirt a hell of a lot more than Keith is hot. (Seriously? I'm hearing this from the world THAT hard up that this average douche is "hot"?)

I think LeAnn and Jennifer's designs will be interesting on the show. Not sure about Joe. Keith will have to work a LOT harder to convince me he was born with any sort of immense talent.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

This is Joe. He has daughters. That means he's straight.


That's a weird sentence guys. I know several gay fathers and lesbian mothers and please lets not forget that bisexuality is not a phase ;)"

I love new readers : )

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Does anyone know if Bravo is rebroadcasting the same (current) episode later in the evening, the way they've done in past seasons--and if so, what time (east coast)? It's Mets vs. Project Runway tonight, and if I want to keep peace on the homefront, I may have to watch the rebroadcast. . . but will there be one? My only other hope is to pray for rain.

Anonymous said...

Joe's design was cute and feminine. Tim says on his "Tim's Take" that he was going to paint the muslin with tomato paste. I'm glad somebody stopped him.

aimee said...

Yeah, I was intrigued by Jennifer's description of her work, but underwhelmed by the dress. I actually loved Joe's. And Keith's? Meh.

Not really feeling the Keith love in terms of his appearance, either. I mean, sure, he's got a nice chest. But the face? Again, meh.

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn Bomber - last week it was rebroadcast at 11pm - I have the same dilemma and will have to watch it later too - Go METS!

GothamTomato said...

"This is Joe. He has daughters. That means he's straight."

I wish that one of these seasons, they'd put a little timeclock in the corner of the TV screen, so we can see the actual elapsed time of how long it takes a straight guy to start dropping hints that he's not on the menu. Make it a game, the designer unknowingly competing for dollars for every second he can hold out on not sharing his horrible secret.


Hutchlover said...

I think these three were 6,5,4 in that order. (At least to me)

Joe's top actually does go with that skirt. Much more so than Emily (?) red ball top with pastel blue lawnchair skirt.

The lipstick print were actually a cute idea to make an impact. Problem was it appeared to be an afterthought (hence the tacking on) and there were too few. And is she confusing Salvatore Dali with Dolley Madison? (the 1st lady).

Anonymous said...

Jennifer bores me. Joe's creation was very interesting considering what he had to work with. Keith is hot.

Anonymous said...

I love Joe's number. Very creative and cute!

lovemesomeuli said...

"That's funny. From where I'm looking, Joe's top goes with his skirt a hell of a lot more than Keith is hot."

I agree bailey! Give me more Wesley anytime over Keith! And I like Joe's outfit. Very innovative.

And I don't like the kiss marks. They just sem so random and don't enhance the look of the outfit at all.

Sewing Siren said...

Brooklyn Bomber said...
Does anyone know if Bravo is rebroadcasting the same (current) episode later in the evening, the way they've done in past seasons--and if so, what time (east coast)? It's Mets vs. Project Runway tonight, and if I want to keep peace on the homefront, I may have to watch the rebroadcast. . . but will there be one? My only other hope is to pray for rain.

Maybe you could convince the spouse(?) it would be really cool and retro to listen to the game on the radio.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Thanks, Dubois. Go, Mets, for sure, as long as they don't GO into overtime!

GothamTomato said...

"Jennifer describes her style thusly: " Holly Golightly goes to Salvador Dali exhibit.""

I see it more as 'Jackie Kennedy drives out to the Hamptons in a convertible'.

Maybe that's just me.


Anonymous said...

I would have loved the paper towel more if the towels were different PRINTS (they do have those in stores here) I loved Joe's outfit == when you only have a few hours - you have to glue --
I don't see Dreamboat or would look twice at Keith - I did like the skirt on his dress better than Suede.

I check this site because I have become a Gotham Tomato stalker -- I love her posts! (lilithcat is running a close second)

Anonymous said...

Jennifer might be a one-trick pony; cutesy plain dresses with ruffles. If so, she's destined to be auf'ed, and quickly.

Keith, hot? Are you kidding me? Average, wearable, soon forgotton. So was the dress.

Joe, however. That top and skirt worked together, even though they didn't "match". And the skirt moved well, the model could and did really work it on the runway. Swingy, sexy and sassy. What more could you ask for? Finally, just because they edited in the part where he mentions he has a wife and daughters doesn't mean he was dwelling on it; the designers probably all exchanged vital stats with each other, this part just got in to the final cut. Unlike the tool from Shear G who couldn't draw breath without mentioning his wifey-poo, Joe could just be a nice guy with a family.

Anonymous said...

GothamTomato Said:
"I see it more as 'Jackie Kennedy drives out to the Hamptons in a convertible'."

"Maybe that's just me."

Mmmm, no, GT. I was wondering about the styling of the hair as well.

I think we'll hear a lot of big talk from this designer (I STILL can't tell them apart), that does not live up to the dress.

Fnarf said...

Keith looks like the Rob Gretton character in "24 Hour Party People". He's got the special-ed glasses and everything. Too bad he doesn't have the sour Mancunian accent, though.

Jennifer is going to have to do something to distinguish herself from Leanne. Nametags?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer and Leanne aren't the same person? Really?

And I love Joe. D-town represent!

madscntst said...

I like Keith's straight boy vibe. It says, "Maybe I'm straight, maybe I'm not, but with enough alcohol in me I might fuck you."

Anonymous said...

Joe is an amazing designer. We're rooting for his success.

Anonymous said...

embeedubya said...
We LOVE Angry Tim! More, please.

Absolutely! And if his tone of voice in the preview when he says, "Holla..." is any indication, our wish will be granted. (I can hardly wait.)

Anonymous said...

I think all of you missed the point of Joe's outfit!! I thought it was fabulous. Look closely, the trim from the oven mit is continued on the hem of the skirt. The green trim at the waist is exactly the same green of the pasta. And don't forget the "tasty" combination of tomatoes and pasta. It was a clever, witty outfit and it fit the model beautifully, unlike the plastic cup dress.
Bon appetit!!

Bill said...

Jennifer describes her style thusly: " Holly Golightly goes to Salvador Dali exhibit."

I got "Betsey Johnson does Umbrellas of Cherbourg" out of it.

If Jennifer had done that dress with Kelli's vacuum bag staining, it would have been something.

Keith's dress. My parents took us to see some sort of Disney show when I was a kid. Was it an Ice Capades type thing? Anyway, there was some barnyard production number with a line of chorus girls dressed as chickens - cute dancing showgirl chickens. They had hats with giant beaks on them and wore ruffly checked dresses. Keith's picnic tablecloth dress flashed me right back to it.

Joe's pasta skirt was spot on and truly in keeping with the spirit of the challenge. I loved it. I agree on the innovation of both top & bottom but also see a lack of cohesion btwn them. And seeing the screen cap makes me see that the oven mitt top also has the appearance of someone cupping the model's breasts. Something a bit creepy about an edible skirt and 'feel me up' top.

Stubenville said...

TLo, you owe me a new keyboard. I spewed a latte all over it when I read Tim saying "...Whatever. I'm out of here. Bunch of lazy motherfuckers." Okay, I should know better than to take a sip of a beverage when reading PRG.

Jennifer? Feh. I was waiting for someone to sabotage her 'Bountiful' creation with a coffee spill. Now that would have been high drama! Her portfolio? Simplicity patterns again.

Keith? His model looks cute, but in a "I'm out in a hurricane and blowing $hit has stuck to me" kinda way. The portfolio? His dress reminds me of Elisa's "pooing fabric dress"; or has some deranged kitten on crack attacked it? Anyway I hope Keith steps up to the plate and sticks around if only to see more shots of him shirtless (note to production staff; MUCH SMALLER bath towels please.)

I'll give Joe credit; the look was cute. Did you notice the little spinach farfalle bows on the front of the top? I think the judges should have given him a little more acknowledgement (but maybe that was the edit.)

I’m looking forward to getting liquored up and seeing some high drama on the TV tonight. My guess for ‘auf’ – Cheroin.

Anonymous said...

" Bailey said...

That's funny. From where I'm looking, Joe's top goes with his skirt a hell of a lot more than Keith is hot. (Seriously? I'm hearing this from the world THAT hard up that this average douche is "hot"?)"

Yes, because everyone everywhere defines "hot" the same way. People who deviate from accepted forms of hotness are therefore "hard up."

God, I love the internet.

FashionFanatic said...

I love Joe's and I agree with Sewing Siren, I loved the way the skirt moved. He did a great job. I guess there were too many good ones to choose from.

Anonymous said...

I loved Joe's Ode to Italia! He was robbed!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe's idea to string pasta together was utterly brilliant. Jennifer does not impress me. Keith's was far better than Suede's but still looks like a tablecloth. I do like the belt, though.

Bailey said...

"Yes, because everyone everywhere defines "hot" the same way. People who deviate from accepted forms of hotness are therefore "hard up." - anonymous

Whatever, I was just noting the fact that this is the only dude I have heard people calling hot, and there are definitely other cute (and IN MY OPINION, much cuteR) guys this season. And yes, sorry, you do seem hard up to me. Trying to pick fights online screams desperation.

Anonymous said...

I was extremely impressed with Joe Feris’ Italian-inspired design. Apparently he used the can labels too. I don't see it. Where?

Anonymous said...

All three were ok.

I like the overall look of Joe's design, but the skirt bugs me. It's true it moved nicely and looked great from a distance. But I'm with the other person here who doesn't see much in people glueing things to fabric. And this one in particular reminds me too much of all glued pasta craft projects i did as a kid. And then there's the "fusili Jerry" episode from Seinfeld.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer's a bore. Keith would be much hotter without that huge misshapen ego and Joe could be bi but he's just not my type. He made a great outfit though.

SUS said...

These weren't too bad (no winners here, just "safe" designs). I liked Joe's skirt, but hated the oven-mitt top (it could have been that awful dimestore print).

Anonymous said...

I actually loved Joe's dress!! I thought the top was adorable, and it is obvious the skirt took a helluva lot of precise hot gluing!!!
Sorry, I don't see "hotness" eminating from Keith, unless wearing a hoodie makes one hot.
Uhhhh, Jennifer. Who?? She kind of blends into some of the other girls. In fact, they could all be a commercial for Oster. (Except, of course, for Cheroin..blech).

Anonymous said...

She could have really made a statement by putting the cheesy little lip prints on the bust !
Just kidding. I though all three were ok but I'm telling ya, that corn husk number that Austin did has yet to be outdone.

PS to B Bomber and dubois, last night must have been painful and as a Phillies fan...............sorry I'm terrible.. but Nyah nyah.

Myra Flection

Anonymous said...

Shout out to Bailey: I agree with you about Keith. All this excitement over the buff one is a bit ... much. I guess people are just excited to have a butch dude (without daughters) amongst the twinks and queens. (Myself, I prefer the neurotic type. Gonna have me some Daniel.)
Also: Keith's comments ("I'm a completely self-taught designer. I have a gift that many aspire to, go to school to have it and I was just born with it") strike me as a bit delusional. His portfolio hardly substantiates such a claim, and his first outfit down the runway was just adequate. These designers need to let the clothes do the talking.

Anonymous said...

Guys, I think Keith looks like an angry accountant in that head shot photo. Ech, the glasses have got to go!

Loved your translation of the Tim Gunn scolding. Perfect!

Anonymous said...

i don't see Keith's hotness either, but well if he keeps TLo happy, then it's all good :-)

what? when I saw Jennifer's photo in the post I thought: "what? they got her picture mistaken with LEanne".... wow, I have to pay more attention tonight and try to tell them apart....

i think Joe's dress was the most creative of all of these....

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

She could have really made a statement by putting the cheesy little lip prints on the bust !
Just kidding. I though all three were ok but I'm telling ya, that corn husk number that Austin did has yet to be outdone.

PS to B Bomber and dubois, last night must have been painful and as a Phillies fan...............sorry I'm terrible.. but Nyah nyah.

Myra Flection"

Quite frankly, I find Austin's corn husk number overrated. Pieces were falling on the runway and it looked completely dried out.

Anonymous said...

"Bailey said...

Whatever, I was just noting the fact that this is the only dude I have heard people calling hot, and there are definitely other cute (and IN MY OPINION, much cuteR) guys this season. And yes, sorry, you do seem hard up to me. Trying to pick fights online screams desperation."

Says the guy slinging around terms like "douche," "hard up," and "desperation."

There's nothing wrong with having AN OPINION but it's incredibly lame and childish to put down others for having a DIFFERENT opinion.

Anonymous said...

Keith is HOT AS HELL. His pictures are all over the Internet, mainly gay sites I admit. I guess it's a matter of taste. I find Wesley, Jerell and Daniel good looking too, but Keith is definitely my kind of hotness.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I just about spit out my coffee at the Tim caption! You two always make my morning!

Anonymous said...


point taken

I just really admire what some of these designers come up with given such unconventional material. Especially when you see how many copped out and went for tablecloths. The corn husk dress and the cup dress from last week, I just love that kind of out of the box thinking.

Myra Flection

tom in kc said...

Joe's dress? Olive Garden Hooker. It was creative, but as Nina would say, "I question the taste level."

It was fun to see a skinny model dressed entirely in carbs, though! I'll bet she has nightmares for weeks!

Speaking of taste, was the spaghetti strap made of real spaghetti? I would have love to have seen the model nibble on it during her runway walk.

(Forgive me for being late to the party, boys -- I've been down in Miami sweating my balls off for ten days.)

Anonymous said...

Spot on, as usual, TLo.

I hope that Joe barely missed getting into the top three with his outfit. I thought it was creative and used (arguable) food product. Ranking with paper-towel girl and the many tableclothes? I don't think so.

My fave part of the episode was Tim Gunn being so over the tablecloths.

I wish I thought Keith is hot, but he just strikes me as a not-so-nice hipster doofus. Perhaps the best of this bunch, but I need some more and different personality to emerge. Now.

Anonymous said...

"tom in kc said...

Joe's dress? Olive Garden Hooker. It was creative, but as Nina would say, "I question the taste level."

It was fun to see a skinny model dressed entirely in carbs, though! I'll bet she has nightmares for weeks!

Speaking of taste, was the spaghetti strap made of real spaghetti? I would have love to have seen the model nibble on it during her runway walk.

(Forgive me for being late to the party, boys -- I've been down in Miami sweating my balls off for ten days.)"

We'll, we missed you, darling :)

Gorgeous Things said...

I liked Joe's skirt, but that was about it. LOVE the Tim Gunn recap though - it's exactly how I feel!

Anonymous said...

Of these 3 Joe's is the best and most interesting.

Keith needs contacts-- or way better glasses.
If he wins the whole thing he can afford some.
Or we could take up a collection...

It will be interesting to see if his hair grows out a bit during the season.

CroqueMonsieur said...

I love the Olive Garden look. I can see someone wearing that and turning heads. It's really pretty.

Anonymous said...

"Designers, I just have to say that I'm seeing a lot of tablecloths in this room and that pisses me the fuck off. You were supposed to pick materials that were untraditional and unexpected. If I wanted to see a bunch of dresses made out of shit, I would have taken you to Jo Ann's Fabrics.

Whatever. I'm out of here. Bunch of lazy motherfuckers."

hahahahahahahahahaha you bitches rock!!!!!

Joanie said...

Pissed off Tim is such a pistol! I like. We need more of that this season.

Unknown said...

I can't handle looking at Jennifer; she reminds of S1's Kevin Johns. Watch the part where she and Stella are at Atlas discussing how they don't want to go home next and tell me you don't see it. The teeth, the shape of the face, the slight lisp. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

I'm over keith, good looking but on closer inspection nothing special.

as for the dresses, all three were among the best designs on the runway, but weren't good enough to be top 3.

that's all I really have to say about them.

Bailey said...

Jennifer does seem like a big bowl of plain oatmeal but there's something interesting about her designes. The drawing she did during the first episode showed a lot of potential for a real outfit, though I agree her portfolio pics showed clothes that were a bit twee (and let's face it, not that original). I'm more annoyed by the way she was all "I live just outside of Florence." You know this one gets off on saying that to every single person she meets. Nerdy, plain girls always romanticize shit like that. Oh, and I can see Holly Golightly but bitch needs to actually go to a Dali exhibit. "Surrealism" doesn't mean whimsical.

Anonymous said...

Gotham Tomato: "I see it more as 'Jackie Kennedy drives out to the Hamptons in a convertible'."

More like Jackie Kennedy dives out of the convertible on the way to the Hamptons.

PhantomMinuet said...

Did you notice the little spinach farfalle bows on the front of the top?

I actually missed that detail, Stubenville. Thanks for pointing it out. :-)

Justin Davis said...

On the one hand, I'm glad I wasn't imagining things when I missed Joe's bio and portfolio on the show. On the other hand, it gives me a bad vibe about how the show is treating what seems to be the one straight guy. Am I wrong or was he the only one who didn't get an extended bio time or a portfolio? I honestly thought he was going to be the one to leave at the end of the show because of that. Not giving him more screen time is fine if he's simply boring in front of the camera, but not showing his portfolio when everyone else's was show feels off.

Stubenville said...

Justin Davis said...
On the one hand, I'm glad I wasn't imagining things when I missed Joe's bio and portfolio on the show...

Hey JD -

It may show up tonight. Curiously, NOT getting a lot of camera time is frequently a good thing on Project Runway. Almost without fail the designers with the most camera time are whack jobs (thought to be 'entertaining' by the producers) or have one foot out the door. Be very afraid when a 'normal' designer gets extra airtime.

Anonymous said...

Justin Davis said...

On the one hand, I'm glad I wasn't imagining things when I missed Joe's bio and portfolio on the show. On the other hand, it gives me a bad vibe about how the show is treating what seems to be the one straight guy. Am I wrong or was he the only one who didn't get an extended bio time or a portfolio? I honestly thought he was going to be the one to leave at the end of the show because of that. Not giving him more screen time is fine if he's simply boring in front of the camera, but not showing his portfolio when everyone else's was show feels off.

I noticed that too. Very strange...They showed all of them except his. I'm sure he presented one to the producers.

Stephanie said...

keith needs to lose the napoleon dynamite glasses! ...and joe is straight cuz he has daughters? nope...been there, done that, got the divorce decree as a souvenir

Anonymous said...

Have you ever made anything out of paper towels? Let alone a dress made out of paper?

Anonymous said...

WTH??? Is this the season of the serial killer??? Jerry makes dresses for them and with hood up, Keith looks like one!

Jennifer's design was basic, kinda cute. Paper towels was clever. Really. half the time they fall apart sopping up some water. She managed to sew them and make a dress that actually looks like clothes!

Joe's outfit was clever- really sharp print with pasta! I'll never look at a plate of spaghetti the same way again.

FashionFanatic said...

"Anonymous said...

Have you ever made anything out of paper towels? Let alone a dress made out of paper?"

I don't think anyone needs to make one to judge one. Defensive much?

Karmander said...

Jennifer's inspiration looks more "Umbrellas of Cherbourg" to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for Jennifer and she can do no wrong.

Plain Girls represent!

I'm heartened that she's not featured in this week's preview. So, at least she's safe for another week!

Joe's was cute.

-- desertwind

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Myra Reflection, the Brooklyn equivalent of a Bronx cheer to you!

Justin & Poptart, if you saw season 3 you know that Mychael got very little attention in the first few episodes, only to emerge as fan favorite & a finalist. I have no idea what will happen to Joe--all I'm saying is it's a little soon to be worried about "how the show is treating what seems to be the one straight guy."

Sewing Siren, I'm looking for a good old fashioned transistor radio for the full nostalgia effect!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious Tim bonus, guys. I love when Tim Gunn gets "mad." More, more, more...

Sewing Siren said...

Anonymous said...
Have you ever made anything out of paper towels?

An emergency Kotex.

Let alone a dress made out of paper?

Paper dresses were a fad in the 60's. Paper towel weight paper isn't that hard to sew.

Anonymous said...

I thought Jennifer's dress was pretty. I had no idea she used paper towels until I read it here. Pretty impressive! I just hate lipstick prints on anything. It's so lame and tacky.

FashionFanatic said...

"Sewing Siren said...

Anonymous said...
Have you ever made anything out of paper towels?

An emergency Kotex.

Let alone a dress made out of paper?

Paper dresses were a fad in the 60's. Paper towel weight paper isn't that hard to sew."

I. LOVE. YOU. Sewing Siren!

Anonymous said...

I love Joe's - You cook it you wear it.

Justin Davis said...

Justin & Poptart, if you saw season 3 you know that Mychael got very little attention in the first few episodes, only to emerge as fan favorite & a finalist. I have no idea what will happen to Joe--all I'm saying is it's a little soon to be worried about "how the show is treating what seems to be the one straight guy."

Yeah, I saw the previous couple of seasons and noticed that too. It was just a little weird to see "bio and portfolio, bio and portfolio, bio and portfolio, bio and portfolio, no bio and portfolio for the straight guy, bio and portfolio, bio and portfolio, etc." My girlfriend noticed it too and we really thought it was blatant when it happened again until they did a bio on the other guy later. Then, we figured that guy, Smartwater, was gay and it went back to being odd that the one straight guy didn't get his portfolio shown or a decent bio.

It may mean very little and like others said, could actually be a good thing for him. Still, it was a noticeable absence.

Anonymous said...

Do we actually know that Keith is gay? Someone at another blog site said they had met him through his clothes store and believed he was straight.
He certainly doesn't look gay (which is his appeal - to women and gays alike!).

BTW I visited his website. The clothes - what there was of it - was not terribly impressive.

Anonymous said...

Haha EXACTLY what I was thinking about the straight guy.

Anonymous said...

do you guys take it as an insult when guys like Kevin from season 4 and Joe from this season say they're straight? i don't blame them. if i was them i'd feel a little self concious about people thinking i'm something i'm not. straight guys don't think the same way gay guys do so you can't blame them.

Anonymous said...

Tim's spanking is priceless!

Anonymous said...

e'est moi, c'est moi, lola said:

Fashion Messiah!? Oh Lordy, I want a contest between Keith and Rami to determine who has the bigger ego.... And if that contest can be conducted with both of them in only bath towels, so much the better.

And lots of lotion to rub alllllll
oooooovverrrrr their bodies....

Anonymous said...

I love your captions, boys! Keep them coming!!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Do we actually know that Keith is gay? Someone at another blog site said they had met him through his clothes store and believed he was straight.
He certainly doesn't look gay (which is his appeal - to women and gays alike!).

BTW I visited his website. The clothes - what there was of it - was not terribly impressive."

Just curious how that was approached.

Hi, how much is that dress? By the way, are you gay? Thanks. Can I pay with my credit card?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Do we actually know that Keith is gay? Someone at another blog site said they had met him through his clothes store and believed he was straight.
He certainly doesn't look gay (which is his appeal - to women and gays alike!)."

What does "gay" look like?

Anonymous said...

What does 'gay' look like?

First response: see photo of Austin Scarlet on this website.
Second response: every male contestant on the show except Keith and Joe.

Anonymous said...

"First response: see photo of Austin Scarlet on this website.
Second response: every male contestant on the show except Keith and Joe."

What a narrow view.

Anonymous said...

"What a narrow view"

WTF? I didn't say "gay" was a bad thing. (Why would I be reading this website or watching PR if I did?)
Moreover, how is describing "everyone but Keith and Joe" as gay looking a narrow view? I didn't say all the contestants looked or acted exactly the same.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

WTF? I didn't say "gay" was a bad thing. (Why would I be reading this website or watching PR if I did?)
Moreover, how is describing "everyone but Keith and Joe" as gay looking a narrow view? I didn't say all the contestants looked or acted exactly the same."

It's a narrow view because Keith and Joe look as "gay" as anyone else considering that gay people can and do look like every type of person you can imagine.

Anonymous said...

keith's dress kinda looked like a jillian dress, no?

Anonymous said...

Uh, why does it matter? Will you like his designs more or less once you know his preference?

Bailey said...

Well, thanks to Anonymous 2:24 PM, I now know that, as a homo, guys that don't "look gay" are autmatically supposed to be appealing to me. Wtf? I'm not offended, just annoyed by people saying stupid shit.

Daxx said...

The paper towel dress was OK, nothing innovative. I liked Keiths as a dress, but I've already gone on record against the people who have used square pieces of fabric.

I agree with the posters that have stated that glueing shit on a muslin is not that impressive. Granted, Joe's skirt did move well and had some thoughtful design behind the glueing. I did really enjoy the top though. Very creative and an interesting re-use of an item. I didn't find the effect of the "boob grab" look creepy, but more cheeky. I'm interested in seeing more of his work.

Anonymous said...

"It's a narrow view because Keith and Joe look as "gay" as anyone else considering that gay people can and do look like every type of person you can imagine."

Okay, you're right. Everyone looks gay, which is to say, everyone looks straight, which is to say, everyone looks like nothing in particular. And only little ole me is so "narrow" to think (or say) otherwise.
Yes, I'm a bad bad person.

GothamTomato said...

"Anonymous said...
Do we actually know that Keith is gay? Someone at another blog site said they had met him through his clothes store and believed he was straight."

Oh honey, we've ALL made THAT mistake before.


Anonymous said...

Okay, you're right. Everyone looks gay, which is to say, everyone looks straight, which is to say, everyone looks like nothing in particular.

Or put another way: "Don't judge a book by its cover." I'm not exactly espousing radical ideas here.

And only little ole me is so "narrow" to think (or say) otherwise.

Oh, no. There are plenty of people out there who trade in stereotypes, so you're not alone.

Yes, I'm a bad bad person.

I wouldn't know.

GothamTomato said...

"anonymous said: It's a narrow view because Keith and Joe look as "gay" as anyone else considering that gay people can and do look like every type of person you can imagine."

Yes, it must be that homosexual agenda I keep hearing about on Fox News. I think they've all had some sort of special camouflage training; completely un-nerving any number of upstanding wide-stanced family values-type republicans, who are having a devil of a time with mistaken identity when they are only being friendly in bathrooms.

And I can sympathize. Just last month I was at a parade when I saw a whole truckload of cowboys dancing and I got all excited, (what with being such a big fan of Roy Rogers and all), but then I noticed that there was no Dale Evans and then I realized something must be up there. Such a disgrace (and they drove by too fast).

It's a conspiracy. (Good thing there aren't any here.)


Stubenville said...

I'm feeling magnanimous, so I'll chalk up all the 'gay' sniping back and forth to excitement about the upcoming episode of PR5.

All joking aside, I'd just like to point out that it is a common misconception to assume that all effeminate men are gay.

And yes, I made an assumption about Keith because of the business he is in (fashion) and because he has pierced nipples (butch kinky gay) while he lives in a less-than-hip city (Salt Lake City, UT.) I assume a stereotypical straight guy in SLC wouldn’t have nipple rings.

It would be nice if the society in which we all live could reach the point where sexuality just becomes another facet of someone's personality, like skin color or eye color and nothing more.

Justin Davis said...

If I go ahead and say I'm sorry for bringing it up, can all the back-and-forth about what is and isn't gay stereotypes end? If so, then, I'm sorry.

Yes, Joe looks to be the straight guy this season. For all we know though, he's the gayest gay to ever gay. No matter what though, I thought it was odd that his portfolio wasn't shown and that his bio seemed shorter (it may not have been) than the other designers. However, Tom clued me in as to a good reason why his portfolio might not have been shown. If so, it seems like a good enough reason and has nothing to do with purposeful editing to keep someone out of the spotlight based on his perceived sexual orientation.

Look, at least we can all agree that Blayne may be one of the most annoying Runwayers yet and I personally thought his portfolio was outright ugly for the most part.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the camp of "love Joe's dress & think the colors work, in case you're taking a poll.

Also, I kind of hope these people keep fucking up, so Tim can stay pissed. He's so cute when he's angry.

Maria said...

wow, i have to respectfully disagree with you on the oven mitt outfit. i think they go together perfectly and i appreciated his taste for mixing those two patterns together.

i turn my back on all the tablecloth entries. the laundry mesh was horrible and lame. a mesh is still a mesh.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the Joann Fabrics comment!

Anonymous said...

The enraged Tim Gunn screencap has me shrieking with laughter - more, MORE!

Heidi said...

Jennifer's paper towel dress looked EXACTLY like my 6th grade graduation dress. From 1987.

Anonymous said...

TLo, Thank you so much for not taking any of this sh*t seriously! Angry Tim is just the best!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I could have sworn Jennifer said her style was Holly GoLightly goes to a Degas exhibit...which would make a lot more sense...that also may be the reason I think thats what she said. I don't have a DVR (I know, how do I live??) so I can't fact check or anything.

Anywho, as a woman, I liked her designs the most when they were introducing the designers. They're cute and fun, and things I would actually wear on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

I liked the kiss marks when Elisa did them. And since she just did them just last season, I feel odd about them here.