
How about that?
Sometimes a dress we wouldn't normally be all that crazy about turns into one that we love if it's right for the wearer.

She looks fabulous and comfortable and sexy in that. We even love the color. Kittens, if you want to know one of the things we like to see on the red carpet, it's someone taking risks with color. She gets a "Brava."

We just can't get behind the Amazon-esque one-breast look.

We like the shoes too. Simple was a good choice.

See? We so do not like the dress on that model? On Becki? LOVE IT.
More pictures:

[Photos: WireImage/]
I don't get the boob effect he's doing but the color is really lovely on her and quite striking. And she is well styled too. Dig the shoes. And the dress is really well made and finished beautifully. It ain't my style, but she looks great.
At first glance, I wasn't thrilled, but the more I look at it, the more I rather like it. I actually caught myself thinkint that it didn't give her much of a figure, but (again, on second look), it's nice to see something that is flattering without requiring binging the morning of the event.
Agree with you both on 2 points - the shoes are great, and the dress looks horrible on the model.
It looks amazing on her. Perfect accessories and attitude.
I have to dissent on the color, though I'll concede it might be the Internet that is doing it a disservice, but to me that color screams "Grandma's couch" or "Gramps' chair." In a really grim 1950s/early 1970s way.
I'm also not at all in favor of his one-boob-camo. I think it's an odd and unflattering design tic.
All the best,
I think the dress looks fabulous on her & that peek-a-boo back angle is red carpet perfect. But I hate the color.
Not a fan. It looks like two different dresses glued together...the dress on the right half of the body is flattering, the dress on the left is maternity wear. I like a little bit of asymmetry, but this goes a bit too far.
Love the shoes, though.
Love the back, and the effect on the bottom of the dress. The weird tit thing definitely takes away from the dress, sadly. I do like the color... not love, but it's rich and not a weird pastel-puke color.
The dress is G-O-R-G-E-O-US, I love Rami!!
I don't know. I love the color on her, and the styling, particularly the shoes, is excellent. But I just don't like red carpet dresses that look as though they are designed for sex in the limo.
I hate the Amazonian one-breast front but love the peekaboo back and sides! She is lovely!
The back is to die for. Very sexy, very in.
It's okay - there's some definite titscrepancy going on with it, though.
I like the draping on this one, but like Christian and his ruffles, it too is working on my last nerve. Can these guys do anything else??? I love the color, but the titscrepancy has to go.
I like the back and the color. I hate the one draped tit, and the collar. I don't even remember what her face looks like, because I was looking at how wonky the collar is.
But, for someone who's less anal retentive than me, I can see how one might like it. It's at least flattering on her.
She looks beautiful. The color and peekaboo back are lovely, shoes and styling are perfect. But please, stop the titscrepancy.
Great color, great shoes and good styling do not make up for the fact that the design makes her look like she has scoliosis.
out. sorry.
the collar is driving me bat-shit crazy. everytime i look at the picture my eyes just automatically zero in on the collar.
i agree, the color is great, as are the shoes and the styling. the back is fantastic, but from the front it looks like he ran out of time and didnt finish it
I love the dress and I love love love love the earrings. Rami should've won S4. Nobody does red carpet like nobody else.
I hate green but I think the right dress can change my mind and that's one of them.
I love green. It's my favorite color. But I don't love that green. I really don't love the dress that much, either. I liked it at first glance, but the more I look, the less I like.
Is nobody else bothered by the fact that she is orange? Orange is not a human skin tone. The green goes perfectly with it though, like a pumpkin.
It looks 'Victorian-curtainy' :(
LOVEloveLOVE the jungle green. Hate all the tacked on Ramiesque elements.
From HER left, wonderful! From the right? Puhleeeze! From the front or back, kinda wonderful again. She pulls it off just fine except when viewed from the saggy baggy side.
The styling on this was perfect.
I love everything about it but the bust. I totally agree that on her the look is stunning, but on the model YIKES! Becky looks regal and etherial.
Love the shoes :)
I just don't get his obsession with each boob doing its own thing. They're called a pair for a reason, Rami. And the color is, um, unfortunate. Very autumnal and kind of clashes with the red carpet in a not quite Christmas sort of color combo.
I do like half the back and the styling, but that's not enough to be in. This is an 'out'fit for me.
OUT! She looks as if she's been swallowed by a tree. Just Awful.
It's a big OUT for me. Hate the neckline, hate the unmatched boob look, hate the color (I've seen prettier shades of green in a petri dish).
Love the shoes.
why does Rami Kashou hate boobs? they're always assymetrical!
I've never been a Rami fan and now I remember why. This looks like an unfinished mess to me. And could the color be any drabber? Yuck.
I love the dress!
She looks very nice and I love the sandals. I think she pulled the Grecian goddess look together quite stylishly.
The dress is very intricate with a lot of details. I love that she went with a very simple hair style, makeup and jewelry. IN!
Rami's dresses are unbelievably stunning. Becki Newton's my favorite actress on the show. She's definitely IN.
what is that, a boob SHELF?
Anonymous 5:48 said: Orange is not a human skin tone.
Try telling that to Michael Kors!
She doesn't look orange, please...she's just tanned.
The dress looks very unflattering on the model, maybe it's the picture, but Beck Newton is working it. She looks gorgeous and sophisticated.
This is the way to do a drape!
It appears effortless, although we know it's actually constructed the hell out of.
This is one of my favorites Rami has done.
-- desertwind
"Anonymous said...
This is the way to do a drape!
It appears effortless, although we know it's actually constructed the hell out of.
This is one of my favorites Rami has done.
-- desertwind"
I agree, especially if you see the shots up close. The dress is gorgeous. Rami is incredibly talented. I wish him the best!
Rami, let's talk about breasts. Useful, yet decorative, the perfect accoutrement' to the female upper body. Consider, if you would, the word itself: BREASTS. See how it appears to be plural? This is because they come IN PAIRS! Yea verily, even the crude street slang is plural. Tits, boobs, hooters. A lone bazonga is but a sad asymmetrical bulge. Far be it from me to ask you to ever embrace a set of ladyhumps. In the future though, I feel it's not asking you to celebrate and enhance them as Nature herself intended-IN TANDEM.
good god, Rami. STOP. WITH. THE. DRAPING. just stop. PLEASE.
I say Out, it just looks sloppy to me. Love the shoes though.
Completely agree with you on this dress. It seems like a dress I would just find annoying but it looks great on her.
Shoes in.
LOVE the green emerald gown on Becki. Pure beauty.
(I also like it on the model.)
Becki looks gorgeous in it.
Another masterpiece from Rami Kashou.
Thanks for showing it TLO. I didn't see it elsewhere yet.
Love her, love her styling, love her shoes, love her smile.
The dress? No love there. Becki shines in spite of it, not because of it.
she looks massive-o
and it seems like shes carrying her boob on a baackpack with that strap
Wow he looks stunning. She looks like a beautiful statue.
The color is a hit on her too.
Very classic looking, but has some of Rami's edge to it.
I agree, it's a "IN" for certain.
Since Rami and Project Runway 4, I am seeing SOO MUCH draping around lately everywhere.
Um, yeah, I think her father works the door in my building.
Sorry. Nice color ('cept for the Christmas effect with the red carpet). But it looks like an ad for Two Dresses in One. Wear it belted; wear it loose! Two looks for the price of one!
it's gorgeous she looks fierce some of you bitches here in the comment section have no taste.
So that's what happened to ol' Miss Scarlet's curtain dress...
Ugly, ugly green, weird asymmetrical bust thing, truly the only thing holding up this half greek goddess half pregnancy muumuu is the actress' undeniable happiness in wearing it.
omg -- i disagree. all Rami's dresses seem to be mastectomy fashions to me.
i don't care for this dress at all.
(damn! i hate disagreeing with you guys - i know, i have bad taste!!)
To me, Rami's dresses always look unfinished. I think it's the asymmetrical draping he always does. And the fact that he's made the severed boob his trademark.
Yes anon correct you have bad taste.
Becky Newton looks sexy and very fashionable in that RK. Unique! The color seems to be bringing out her eyes. I love how she looks in it. Bravo!
Becki Newton is gorgous but that dress is OUT!
The green looks kind of drab, one side looks great, the other doesn't, the freaky collar (the right side is higher than the left), the demi-boob look... no.
The styling... whatever. She just wouldn't stand out in a crowd (for the right reasons).
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
The dress is fabulous! She looks like a goddess! The color is perfect, the shoes are perfect, the hair...Becki, darling, buy your gay something fabulous! He nailed it!
I actually love assymetry but this dress is a mess IMHO. It just doesn't look like it fits correctly. And that wide collar looks sooo clunky. And why dark green?
She obviously seems happy in it, on the other hand. ::shrug:: so what the hell do I know.
BTW, what the hell is a Golden Nymph, and why have I never heard of it for 48 years?
Re: A List: Gawd I'm glad to read that I wasn't the only one who decided that cleaning the lint trap on my dryer was more entertaining. Plus, seeing darling Tim reduced to network shill on the red carpet (!!!) The nerve of these people.
Oooooh! Love it on her! A well styled and happy wearer make all the difference in the world!
(and the dress color does make a nice contrast to the carpet's)
MICHAEL URIE! *dies* I love him. I'd love the dress if it weren't for that one big drape on the side. It bothers me!
I think it's gorgeous!! pure elegance.. I would rock it in a heart beat, just give me an event to go to..
When I looked at the pictures before I read the captioning, I immediately thought Becki was pregnant in that dress! It almost completely eradicates her bust and makes her figure shapeless from the front (the back view is its saving grace). Also, she is young and beautiful and vibrant so why does she want to look like she is wearing a shroud and performing in the chorus of a demented Greek tragedy?
I luv how it shows a sneak peak at her back ~~ sexy!
I also luv the slit at the bottom.
You don't have to wear a mini hooker dress from the "Girls Next Door" to look young and sexy. This is the red carpet, a variety of fashionable looks are needed.
Becki Newton looks fabulous!
Now this is a perfect gown to look elegant in on a very hot night.
Stunning. Is that a dark green gemstone on the sandals? That is nice, too.
It's a fresh, clean look. She looks effortlessly amazing. The dress is great for her, very flattering.
Becki Newton is uber-cute. I think she looks divine.
I still wonder about Rami's color sense.
It does look good on her though.
I also have a feeling that Rami's draping will be very OUT in another year or so, as in passee, soo last year, etc. etc.
As Patsy already pointed out, Rami and Christian need to snap out of it or become the one-hit-wonders of PR.
Nein! It makes her look lopsided and unfinished. The color is alright, but it does nothing to amend the enormous mistake that dress is.
Love the color! It's so obvious it works of her.
All of you black and beige borings got to
She looks beautiful!
I hate the boob thing. Its totally distracting and weird. She looks comfy and sexy otherwise, which I love, esp for the summer, but the missing breast ruins in for me.
Love it!
Becki's headed for the Fashionista List :)
I saw the money dress Rami made for Heidi too in Forbes. HOT!!!
Rami just chooses really odd colors. Mmmm no.
I don't get the uni-boob look, but I love the back, and she does wear this well.
Out. She wears it well, and I like the color. But there's only so much asymmetry my little brain can handle, and this is too much.
Hmm...don't look at any Picasso's.
I love the asymmetry, that's what makes the dress so interesting.
Not loving the dress. The neckline looks like it was sliding off her left shoulder before she grabbed the strap and hauled it up. The right hip area is baggy-looking. The best part about it is the peekaboo to the back. This could have been a much more effective dress if Rami had just bothered to construct it properly. Seams will not send you to hell.
Aside from the dress, she looks really good.
The dress is adorable and she looks gorgeous in it. A real nice colour and the longer I look at the dress, the more I like it. Plus the shoes are great too.
Totally IN.
I totally agree with anonymous 1:22
The asymmetry is a big element in making this particular design very interesting and unique.
Asymmetry also allows you to play with hair and accessory styling is a creative way.
I hate it. Of course, that's because IT LOOKS LIKE EVERY OTHER DRESS THAT RAMI DOES. One boob melting into a giant curtain of a skirt.
Love it! Becki looks Fab!
As for the "same thing" -- look at his website you sweet as sugar thing you -- you'll see otherwize
I love the color, but hate the boob thing, and it looks like a PR challenge where he ran out of time.
I love Becki Newton though, and her shoes, so Becki in,
Rami, get back to me when you finish the dress.
The dress is beautiful.
Becki is great :)
It looks good from the waist down. Asymetry isn't bad, but it takes away from the wearer and you hope that your vision is going because it's slightly off kilter and have to check yourself. If it were on me, I feel like I'd have to pull up the left side all the time.
The rest is cute and styling looks nice on her.
It doesn't matter who wears that dress... Rami loves to do "tits akimbo" and that dress has some serious issues in that regard.
Agree on the color, it complements her skin tone beautifully.
But please, no more with the headlights askew!!!
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