Whoopi Goldberg in Christian Siriano at the Tony Awards

Monday, June 16, 2008 by
Miss Whoopi wears a Siriano original to the Tony Awards:

Not bad.

We don't LOVELOVELOVE the dress, but it's appropriate for her. Whoopi always did make some questionable wardrobe choices, so this is definitely a winner based on past performance. The black is flattering to her, the ruffles aren't overdone, and for once, she gets to show off her legs.

It's not the best we've ever seen from Christian, but it's probably the best thing Whoopi's worn in a long time.

More pictures:

More about the outfit and his original ideas:

[Photos: WireImage - Video:Yahoo.com]


Lilia B. said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Dunno. I think, me no likey. It makes her look strangely short. I don't think the top fits her well. I'm unmoved.

Beth said...

I agree, it's probably one of the best dress choices she's made in a while...BUT would it kill the bitch to wear a support bra and maybe something a little more snug around the waist? It looks like it's about 3 sizes too large around the middle. That is certainly her input and not a design/fitting flaw. That's just how she wears everything.

The peweter blouse she wore towards the end of the show appeared to be PPS's as well. Lotz-o-ruffles.

Goldielox said...

I think I saw in People or TV Guide that Christian sketched several designs and that's the one Whoopi picked. There was a photo of one of the other sketches. I'll try to find it and let you know for sure.

GothamTomato said...

I thought it was awful. I've seen her looking much better than that. I think he was actually doing his own take on a silhouette she has worn before, to the Oscars, that was a coat of a similar shape, over slim slacks. She looked fabulous in that.

And since I heard he was making her more than one outfit, I wondered if Princess also made her the big blouse she wore in the second half of the show; the one that made her look like she was about to sing Pagliacci.

It looked like Princess had good seats to the show though.


Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GothamTomato said...

BTW, on a side note: Am I the only person who thought that Liza Minelli has turned into Mario Cantone?


Anonymous said...

I watched the Tony's, but didn't eXACTLY love the look on Ms. Whoopi. However, it was, indeed, by far the best she's looked in ages. Even her hair and makeup looked great.

I couldn't catch all the finer details of the dress and I'm sure they were amazing, but when Whoopi turned around once or twice, I caught some asymmetrical business going on. Interesting.

Wonder what she plans to do with the dress now?

- edina -

ETA: Kudos, to The Heights!!!

Suzanne said...

Yuck. Too much. She needed something much simpler....
I am still daydreaming about MYKael Knights dress from the A List Awards....

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Not bad, but not exactly good. It's a whole lot of too much: ruffles, fabric, black. She does have nice legs, so showing them is a plus, but on Whoopie less would be a lot more. . . based on past looks, I'm not sure she realizes that.

Anonymous said...

too Goth
too costumey, although maybe that's appropriate for the Tonys

I just don't think its flattering on her. My colleague took one look and said "Cruella Deville."

Anonymous said...

Big Bird at a funeral....

YvesPaul said...

Me no likey that much either, and like Suzanne, I would go for something much simpler and classic. And somehow I don't think showing off her legs that much is appropriate for an award show.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw it I thought Ewww! But it looks tons better on stage, and I think the open front makes her look taller--who knew she had such great gams? I agree with the others that the fit of the bodice looks like her call...actually this dress seems like a good example of give and take between client and designer...Christian found a way to show off her legs that she could be comfortable with, but let her get by with a loose-fitting top. WTG PPS!

Anonymous said...

I'm not crazy about the dress but it's one of the best dresses she's ever worn on stage.

Bill said...

Looked a bit like a leftover costume from Dracula, the Musical, Lestat, or Dance of the Vampires (pick your bad vampire musical; saw them all and they all sucked).

When she came out wearing it, I thought it was coming off of her. I thouhgt maybe she had done a quick change and wasn't quite into it yet and needed to button the front jacket part. She looked like she was having some fit issues in the bodice or that she was afraid it was falling open. She grabbed at it a few times.

I didn't care for it and it looked very home sewn.

Anonymous said...

Christian keeps designing the same thing over and over.

Anonymous said...

Meh. Meh. Meh. If Alexander McQueen made costumes for a Fellini film, this is what they'd look like.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the dress and she has killer legs.

Anonymous said...

"I didn't care for it and it looked very home sewn."

I thought the same thing, like most of the stuff he does.

Anonymous said...

She looks amazing. And the only reason why you stop short of giving her, for her decision, or the dress, for its design, simple, unqualified praise is because Whoopi is not one of the skinny white celebrities you glorify. There's nothing wrong with the dress, as far as you're concerned; it's seeing it on her that you have a problem with, which is racist. You guys are stupid.

Anonymous said...

To: Luke Said

Oh, please.... go have a martini or something.


Anonymous said...

luke said
"... one of the skinny white models you glorify."

Like Iman ? Gee, I didn't know she was white.

Anonymous said...

celebrities not models
you're a tool

Unknown said...

For some reason, I think it would look much better if the sleeves were shorter or something. There's just way too much black fabric at the top.

kath said...

I didn't love the dress itself, but you're right, on Whoopi it was a vast improvement over past award show outfits.
Oh, and Luke? Sweetie, don't go making statements about people you've never met. You don't know what color any of us are to be calling anyone a racist. Go cause trouble somewhere else.

kath said...

I just saw Whoopi on the View talking about the dress and she said she chose it because it was easy to change into after the crab outfit. That explains a lot, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I agree that there is way too much black fabric - and part of the problem is it made the top of the dress feel too big/not the right fit.

It is interesting to me that in the first photo, she looks awkward and I don't like the dress at all. However, the rest of the pictures show that it is more attractive than I first believed. Which goes to show that often one picture does not capture the essence.

Oh, and "Luke Said", do us all a favor and do not share your opinions with us. We care not for your strange diversions into ridiculous theories. As an African-American woman who has much weight to lose, I can tell you that my opinions of the dress are all about the dress, and not about the model.

SUS said...

It's OK. It's certainly not terrible. And it's a heck of a lot better than that blue muppet dress he created for some TV person a few weeks back (I wish I could find the link).

Anonymous said...

Great gams on Whoopie. She should show them off more often.

But the dress was hideous in every way. Bill's comments about it looking like something from a bad vampire musical and looking poorly sewn to boot were spot on. Not to mention that it was probably too young and too goth for her.

If he continues to churn out this crap, can PPS have a real career? I know he's become a celebrity and Bravo is apparently promoting the hell out of him but his work sucks. Based on what he's put out since the end of the show I have to think that he won't have a really viable career as a designer. But it seems like he'll be able to get invited to awards shows and parties and get cameos on NBC-owned tv shows so for a time at least he'll survive as a minor celebrity.

GothamTomato said...

"Petunias Mom said...
I just saw Whoopi on the View talking about the dress and she said she chose it because it was easy to change into after the crab outfit. That explains a lot, doesn't it?"

I saw her talking on the View as well, but I don't think that's what she said. She did mention the quick change, but she didn't say anything about that being the reason she chose the dress. They were separate points. It is hard to follow a thread on that show, with that moron Elizabeth continually interupting, but there wasn't any connection that I heard between the quick change and the choice.


TheNYCourier said...

Pretty much...I liked the fact that it was toned down Christian, and it was appropriate for the client/venue. He's breaking out of his McQueen shell (well, sorta...).

I was so amazed how good she looked last night. Even as Mary Poppins.

PS- Wasn't that the greatest Tony Award ceremony ever? Congrats to Laura Benanti, Boyd Gaines and, of course, Patti LuPone!

Stubenville said...

The proportions are ghastly, the ruffles make Whoopi look top heavy and the front of the hem looked too short; it should have ended at the knee IMHO.

Pure fug - Whoopi deserved better than a leftover costume from a Dracula movie. For G*d's sake girl, hire yourself some new gays!

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of that bike-shorts dress Demi Moore designed and wore to the Oscars.

Anonymous said...

i think that there's too much fabric up top. the dress makes her legs look amazing though. victoria's secret model gorge!

Anonymous said...

The dress is fug, ill-fitting, cheap looking and seems like it's going to fall off her at any moment. Very poor showing from Christian. However, it is better than 90% of everything Whoopie's ever worn on the red carpet.

Lilithcat said...

Awful. Once again, Christian shows that he hates women, or at least he hates women's bodies. Okay, so Whoopi's not a size zip, but does he have to make her a dress that adds so much bulk in the torso and waist?

theminx said...

I'm sorry, but she looks ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

"Petunias Mom said...

I just saw Whoopi on the View talking about the dress and she said she chose it because it was easy to change into after the crab outfit. That explains a lot, doesn't it?"


Anonymous said...

I hate the dress, but again, I've always hated her choices for these types of events.

FashionFanatic said...

It's definitely a Christian Siriano dress.

DolceLorenzo said...

He doesn't know how to dress "real women;" it's really is an issue.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think this dress design suits her and the occasion. I think Christian did good.

Anonymous said...

Very unflattering, there's so much fabric you can't even see the dress underneath that cape or whatever that is. I see legs and that's about it.

Bittybis said...

I never would have thought to put ruffles all over Whoopi Goldberg, and I kind of love it. Since she obviously wishes she could wear jeans and a sweatshirt everywhere she goes, it would be silly to dress her up in the standard issue starlet or goddess gowns that currently clutter up the red carpets. She looks dressed up and comfortable at the same time. And let's face it: she's Whoopi Fucking Goldberg. She can wear whatever the hell she wants.

Anonymous said...

She looks uncomfortable, like a kid being forced into his Sunday-school clothes.

Anonymous said...

It seems ok in some of the pictures, but in others looks like a body drowning in an explosion of fabric (with a pair of lovely legs sticking out).

I think it really just needs a tighter bodice and tighter sleeves, and maybe a few less ruffles.
The black is also too dreary for this heavy design --maybe dark purple?

Anonymous said...

She's usually in something frumpy, this is not bad at all.

Anonymous said...

She's going to a funeral not the Tony Awards. And is that her rosary?

Anonymous said...

FUGLY beyond repair! I'm underwhelmed, princess!!!

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of that challenge where the designers had to use every bit of fabric they had purchased. It's just too much fabric gathered around her, especially her waist.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Whoopi on The View, because I have a job, but regardless of whether the "threads were separate points" (lol) or not, the dress was hideous fug.

Morticia Adams. Elvira. Blech.

And calling him "Princess" stopped being clever months ago.

Stubenville said...

Rancor said...
The dress is fug, ill-fitting, cheap looking and seems like it's going to fall off her at any moment.

You missed "rash inducing."


Anonymous said...

I think she looks great. We rarely see her in a dress and heels but when we do she always looks great.

Anonymous said...

yuck. looks like a goth birthday cake.

Anonymous said...

It's not the dress, it's the fact that the girls are unsupported. If she had been wearing a good bra or bustier under the dress, it would have pulled up most of that excess fabric bunched around her waistline. She also needed to have her dreds or curls styled up and back to continue the line of elongation she was trying to achieve in the dress design, and add some COLOR to her lips and eyes, maybe even some lashes. Then she could have looked ravishing and sophisticated. If you really look at the photos, her makeup and hair style don't harmonize with the dress or enhance her natural beauty. She has sweat shirt and jeans hair and makeup atop glamour diva clothes (HATE the shoes with this dress!) If you are going to do it, DO IT. Whoopi can be very sexy when she wants to be.

Ms Sangrail said...

She looks neck-less. Not the most flattering outfit, although I agree about her showing a little leg being a positive.

Anonymous said...

The Whoopster has some nice gams. I've met her a few times on the street and woulda never thunk it.

Interesting dress, but a little too ruffly for my taste, but I'm probably Whoopi's polar opposite looks-wise, so it works for her.

Anonymous said...

I think it's awful. I really loved Christian's things on PR, but it looks to me (especially alongside the prom dress fiasco) as if he doesn't know how to dress a woman who isn't model-slim in a way that's flattering and attractive.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to comment that everything PPS designs has a high drama quotient and requires a commitment by the wearer to Glam It Up. If you don't want to do so, wear someone dull and draped like Rami. Also, when did Black evening gowns automatically get labeled as 'Goth'? Nothing 'Goth' about this dress. Influences of Marie Antoinette, maybe, but not Ann Rice.

GothamTomato said...

"I didn't see Whoopi on The View, because I have a job"

Does your boss know you're posting here on company time?


Anonymous said...

I agree, it was as though the dress was several sizes too large. I got the distinct impression that she could vanish inside, kinda like a turtle shell. Maybe that is how they got it on her - dropped from a great height. Whoopi has been losing a lot of weight, but surely that can't have affected the presentation?

The latter blue/gray blouse looked was missing a palatte and an easle - maybe it was meant for the Sunday in the Park with George scene.

Anonymous said...

No loving it. I felt the dress was wearing her more than she was wearing the dress (if that makes any sense. It's Whoopi Goldberg, I mean, the woman hates dresses.

Anonymous said...

I love Whoopi but the dress is wrong for her, something simpler and sleeker instead of layers upon layers of chiffon (??) would've worked much better; the accessories are wrong and the shoes look like something Pat Field designed for Payless.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygodawful. I'm not cutting him any slack because Whoopie hasn't dressed terribly well in the past - it's not like his challenge was to make something from her past outfits! It looks terrible.

Julie said...

wow, Whoopi has legs?

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely HIDEOUS.

Anonymous said...

It's fug in a fug way. What was he thinking? Again, another disappointment. He needs to go back to the cutting board, literally.

Anonymous said...

So out it should be light years away from earth. Somewhere there must be some stone tablets concerning designers, and one of the lines should read; "Do thou never put ruffles where ye client be thickest." Lavender lightning blast strikes PPS.

Anonymous said...

The dress is hideous! Well, the style of the dress is cute but that pattern is a mess.

Anonymous said...


Vera said...

The (non) color is so boring on her. I am completely unmoved by the whole thing. And while Whoopi has certainly made many, many fashion boo-boos, I disagree with you guys that this is the best she's looked.

I have to say that nothing I've seen Christian design for celebrities has really impressed me.

Anonymous said...

I usually like Christian's design, but I'm not loving this one. A few too many ruffles, and yes, if Whoopie had supported the girls, it would have helped...does this woman have a stylist for red carpet events?

Anonymous said...

He made the jacket in one day? No wonder!

Anonymous said...

Pretty good, but I think it would've been better in color. Or metalics. Solid or duo-tone. I'm seein' it in blue.

And, I know it's Whoopi's style, but it also might've been better in a tighter silhoutte.

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

It actually looks much better in the video than in the photos. His clothes never fit properly unless you're his size.

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that you can see Whoopi's legs, which are rather nice for a woman her age. But something is seriously amiss, particularly with the fit. The overall design is very heavy handed and it reminds me of the prom dress challenge, but this time for a funeral. Where are Whoopi's breasts? Where is her waist? It looks like the dress is wearing her instead of her wearing the dress.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even notice the blouse underneath. I like it!

Anonymous said...

She should've called Rami, now THAT's a real designer.

Anonymous said...

He needs a breaky-break.

Anonymous said...

I find it appalling that he admits that he made that jacket in one day. It's some celebrity's special night. I would assume he would have more respect and professionalism than that. How can you achieve "perfection" in one day?

Rainwood said...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. The only good decision made was to show Whoopi's legs. Everything after that is a huge mistake. And ditto on the Demi bike shorts dress. That's what it reminded me of too.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's that bad. I like christian so I'm probably biased and want him to succeed.

It's not a glam dress, it probably could have used some editing, but I think whoopi looks ok in it.

It just doesn't make sense to have whoopi in a gown. This seems appropriate for her.

Does it miss the mark? maybe a tad, but it's a difficult project to marry her tastes and levels of comfort with fashion. I think Christian did fine.

But my guess is she'll end up on worst dressed tho :/

GothamTomato said...

That is a great new space he's got there. 1400 sq ft in NYC is not too shabby.

The coat looks better in the video and in a few of the pictures, than that first red carpet picture. But the whole thing just doesn't look like it fits her. Maybe it would have been helped by the right support garments, but still not loving it.


Anonymous said...

So not fierce...

Anonymous said...

"Goldielox said...

I think I saw in People or TV Guide that Christian sketched several designs and that's the one Whoopi picked. There was a photo of one of the other sketches. I'll try to find it and let you know for sure."

I wonder what the other ones looked like. His work needs some serious editing.

Anonymous said...

Love the kid, hate the dress.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, Whoopi is not exactly a model. She needs a new style. The dress looks sloppy on her and she needs to do something with her hair and makeup.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Luke -- People aren't racist on this blog -- Some of them hate Christian - but most of them are Fashionista Gestapo-- if they don't like it - they are going to be militant about it. That's why I love this blog --

Anonymous said...

First of all I love Whoopi so this has nothing to do with her size or her color (Luke!)
My issue is with Christian. The problem with making a dress in one day is that it looks like a dress made in one day! They are some nice features, but it doesn't look polished or finished and everything above the waist looks a frightful mess. I like Christian but he needs to stop accepting jobs he does't have the time to devote to them. His work just shows poorly and who wants that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, me no likey.

Rachel said...

If the collar on the dress/coat was cleaner, this would be a great outfit. As it is, the collar just looks messy and ruins the drama in the skirt.

Anonymous said...

ellie said...

First of all I love Whoopi so this has nothing to do with her size or her color (Luke!)
My issue is with Christian. The problem with making a dress in one day is that it looks like a dress made in one day! They are some nice features, but it doesn't look polished or finished and everything above the waist looks a frightful mess. I like Christian but he needs to stop accepting jobs he does't have the time to devote to them. His work just shows poorly and who wants that?

Exactly! Gorgeous and perfectly fitted gowns take time to make, if you don't have the time "just say no."

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, she looks horrible.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm just tired of PPS. ZZZZ

Anonymous said...

He gets another chance and he ruins it. The dress is very unflattering, and worst of all, it doesn't even look like something she'd wear.

Anonymous said...

even though i LOVE christian with my heart and soul...
it's.. OKAY.
i think it's that weird pose/stance she's doing on the red carpet that makes it look so wonkey.
It looks way better on stage

Christian needs to learn to say NO to a client if he's only going to have one day to do something

Anonymous said...

i will say this, god he is ADORABLE.
"People are not ready!"
how cute can you get

Anonymous said...

For Television it is awful. No real thinking designer would swallow up the presenter like that, showing off their "trademark" ruffles over showing off the star first. And BLACK engulfing all the light around her in those folds... yeah, really helpful.

Come on. Face it. Whoopi can look good in something relaxed and fit, when she wants to and with good colors. But this is the exact opposite, a costume that happens to have her in it, but doesn't notice or care about her. Yeah, that's really supporting a star. "Great designer" Christian as usual, all about him him him.

Brian said...

I think it's fantastic.

PhantomMinuet said...

I don't like it, especially at the neckline. Basically because I can't tell where her dreads end and that frou-frou ruffly collar begins.


Joanie said...

Too heavy on top. And what's that gold/bronze thing between her waist and her crotch?

The legs? Who the hell knew Whoopi had such nice legs? Bravo to PPS for getting her to show off those gams.

Still, not happy with the top. Too much.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else humming - Hey Johnny One Note besides me?

Anonymous said...

Gotta disagree with you boys, Whoopy loos pretty weird in that getup.

The top is so fussy and ruffly that the complete look is very unbalanced, she looks so top heavy.

I have to say though, that her legs look FABULOUS! Who new that Whoopy had such lovely legs and it is so refreshing to see them. Great shoes too! I just wish the top of the dres was more chic and less vulture in a territorial dispute.

Anonymous said...

She looks OK but not PPS' best.

Anonymous said...

the ruffles....aren't... overdone?

Anonymous said...

"ellie said...
The problem with making a dress in one day is that it looks like a dress made in one day!"

Somebody needs to tell him that the show is over, no more challenges for him, he can take his time now.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord...that looks like my prom dress I wore in 1983. Christian still has no clue how to design for a woman over the age of 20. Ruffles (in that quantity) were gastly in the 1980's as they still are now. There are just some fashion statements that should stay dead.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the usual Christian mess to me. Nice legs, Whoopie, now find a designer who can show them off!

"the one that made her look like she was about to sing Pagliacci." LOL, GT! I thought the same thing. I was wondering if there was some Broadway-fied of the Pagliacci story nom'd this year!

GothamTomato said...

"Ellie said: I like Christian but he needs to stop accepting jobs he does't have the time to devote to them. His work just shows poorly and who wants that?"

It's hard to say no when you are a freelancer. Every freelancer, whether they be in the visual or performing arts, is always thinking that every job they get could be their last, and so it is difficult to learn how to balance it all.

Add to that that he is likely trying to get the most out of his championship before the next winner is chosen (he is seemingly everywhere at once), so learning to say no, under those circumstances, is even tougher.


Hells Kitten said...

AHH!!!! Yicks!
FUGLY as Hell darlings.
Dis-ASS- ter.

Meow Meow...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Say what you will about the dress, it's pure Princess and enough people are paying for his look for him to have the most kick ass Manhattan loft since Bad Mommy.

Anonymous said...

Christian doesn't live in Manhattan. His loft is in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Anonymous said...

I got this weird Eva Gabor vibe when I saw the dress on TV last night. Except Eva's would be pink or a huge floral. But all those ruffles and flowing fabric was real late 60's looking for me.

And Whoopi did that comic run off stage at one point while wearing the dress, so I'm thinking she picked it partly for stage effect. She had to know that by wearing this dress she'd be the talk of the town, for better or for worse.

Gotham Tomato, you are so right about Liza and Mario Cantone! I love when he does her in his stand up act!


Anonymous said...

Christian really only designs things that would look good on skinny people.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Welcome to the circus!
I'll get you my little pretty and your little "dog" too! LOL!

Yuck! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Are we on The Jamie Kennedy Experiment?

Sewing Siren said...

To me it looks more like a gown to be worn to a Winter event.
I think he is making a huge mistake bragging about how little time he spends on making the garments that are appearing on the red carpet. He has had a measure of success actioning off gowns for charitable events, but that is a tax deduction and the buyer is not terribly conserned with the quaity. If he wants to make a career out of designing for individual clients that will pay for his work, the workmanship has got to improve.
PS It seems to me he had plenty of time to design and construct this garment, why did he wait so late to start?

Anonymous said...

Christian Siriano can only design for for a size zero figure. He failed on PR with the prom dress, then the dress for Kimberly Locke and now Whoopi Goldberg. It's going to ruin his reputation as a designer. Christian, stop and get some help from someone with experience handling high-profile clients!

Kanani said...

I think this proves that no one styles Whoopi. She can wear a designer gown and still look like Benjamin Franklin.

Anonymous said...

Ha Haaa!!! What a joke. Are we too take this seriously?

I still haven't seen anything from Christian since the show.
And with the next season coming up, I suspect he'll fizzle away.

Lilithcat said...

Whoopi is a really beautiful and striking woman who can look totally glam when she wants. For instance, this, and this.

Anonymous said...

HATED this dress. Now that I know it's Christian's I wanna slap my princess. I think the back or the front of the bottom would have been good, but making her look like she had a peacock butt was not a wise choice on her part, or his, depending. The top part didn't look quite right with the bottom of the dress. I would have liked a little better sleeve, and a little less collar. I think it would have shown off her face a little better. It seems to take away from her. She did a grand job at the Tonys, but that dress distracted me the whole time she wore it.

Anonymous said...

GAK! Coffee down windpipe!

Hid. E. Ous.

Christian--not MY choice for fan favorite--designs for Christian. Get a clue, Pixie!