Anne Hathaway in Zac Posen

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 by
Yes, kittens, fabulous Anne Hathaway attended the Australian premiere of "Get Smart" at Movie World in a flutter-sleeve red Zac Posen dress. We LOVE her! The dress? Not so much.

[Photo: Celebutopia]


hello, i'm patsy stone said...

I used to play dress up with my grandma's dresses she wore in the 20's & 30's. They were very flapper style and just gorgeous. I was 8 or 9 & I filled them out better that Anne fills this one.
Grandma's dresses may have been more beautiful, but she never had shoes that fabulous.

CHC said...

What are those things sticking out of her tummy? Awful!

antares said...

Eh. But it looks better than the dress on Naomi Watts.

TheNYCourier said...

What's with Zac and the primaries? I bet his color board is just a box of crayons...

Gorgeous Things said...

It looks like the dress is too big and hanging down off her, doesn't it? I love her, and I have since the Princess Diaries. But I'm just not feelin' the love for ZP of late.

astropixie said...

she looks like she's going to an 8th grade dance.

lala said...

i actually don't mind the dress, but i can't for the life of me understand what people see in anne hathaway. what am i missing here? everyone else seems to think she's this fabulous, gorgeous starlet, but i think she looks like an antelope.

Anonymous said...

What a horrible dress. I've been looking at it for quite a while now, trying to find something good to say... I especially hate the lower half --the gathering of the skirt low on the hips like that --ugh.

And AH has gotten too skinny of late. Her eyes and teeth look to be popping out of her head.

la mere artiste said...

Its a dress with one neckline and two extra collars. She must have forgot to put on her two extra heads.

Sewing Siren said...

To answer your question, no I can't tell who the designer is. The dress is unremarkable and it looks a little too big. She is very pretty, but it looks like she might be starving for attention..

Can't stop smiling today!!

kath said...

She can definitely pull off wearing that shade of red, but the top part of this dress is kind of funky looking (ill-fitting?) and not really flattering.
Hey, Sewing Siren, I don't think she looks starving for attention so much as just plain starving! (Maybe she lost weight from the boyfriend problems?)

GothamTomato said...

I hate the dress, but she is gorgeous in spite of it.
She is compelling to look at. She's like Audrey Hepburn in that when she's on the screen, you can't take your eyes off of her.


goodsie said...

She is a very beautiful girl, and she has very large feature, which is part of her beauty. But when you pair that with this huge shoulder 80's monstrosity, it makes my eyes burn. FUG!

kana said...

i'm kinda with lala on this one: i don't get the Anne Hathaway thing either. And that dress is HORRIBLE.

Bill said...

Huge crush on Steve Carrell here.

potty mouth princess said...

Love ya Anne (seen "Becoming Jane" five times), but man, you are gaunt these days. The tight up-do is doing her no favors.

The dress is a perfect color for her coloring, but so off in every other aspect.

Zac, you can do so much better. Gauging from his meh resort collection, I'd say complacency has set in.

Anonymous said...

I love that Anne Hathaway is smart enough to stay away from the spray-on tan. She is a lovely woman.

honesty.not.pc said...

It's the sleeves, they overwhelm her small frame. Love the shoes though :)

Coco Puff said...

I like her Agent 99 hair style. She looks like a different person with bangs. And I think she coulda looked much hotter in a different dress. This one is ok but doesn't do much for her.

ugly-kitties said...

Overdetailed, to say the least!

(Offtopic, but has anyone seen PPS's superheroine comic Saturn ad? I just found it in Elle and tore it out for scanning!)

Kanani said...

Well, Steve Carrell looks great. Movie-star great!

As for Ann, that dress looks stuck on her, like those paper dresses with tabs we'd put on paper dolls.

FashionFanatic said...

I adore her! She can wear a potato sack and make it look fashionable. The shoes are TO. DIE. FOR.

Mrs. Coach said...

Dress, eh, but you gotta love those shoes!!

And people, cut the poor girl a break. She just dumped her boyfriend who, alleges the authorities, is something of a con artist.

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed Anne's performances but in these photos with Steve, she looks like a freak of nature by comparison. Someone else mentioned her large features ... honey, her eyes, mouth and even NOSE are twice as big as Steve's! Poor kid.