You know you've made it when...

Sunday, March 09, 2008 by
Offered without comment:



Anonymous said...

I got to go to the dress rehearsal for SNL yesterday and saw this live. It was FIERCE.

Anonymous said...

Amy P. is brilliant.

Methinks spoofing the entire final four would have been rather easy, and I would have loved to have seen an SNL version of Jillian.

Anonymous said...

Ha! - funny!
It would have been even BETTER if the final sequence included TLo, "just stopping by to get some good blog dish, poodles!"

- Ignatz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope Christian was chuffed to see cool is it to be parodied on SNL?

Lothian said...

That Tim Gunn terrified me! However, Amy's Christian was DEAD ON. Usually SNL isn't all that funny, but I loved this!

Anonymous said...

Tim would be wise to adopt him for Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, and whenever Christian is not available I'm sure Amy Poehler could fill in.

Unknown said...

As soon as I saw this last night, I was wondering if you picked up on it, and naturally, you did! ;-) It was a great spoof, but they forgot another important word that Christian often uses-- FABULOUS!
:-) And I agree with Fergus-- spoofing the final four would've been, well, fierce and fabulous. LOL

Anonymous said...

That was funny. I thought the guy who did Tim Gunn was really good.

"Don't bore Nina!"

Anonymous said...

Perfect for my Sunday morning!!!

Anonymous said...


"BG said...

I hope Christian was chuffed to see cool is it to be parodied on SNL?"

Me too.

DolceLorenzo said...

Aw, I missed that!...Thanks for the video. Very funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha. Amy is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

That was feroush! Histerical! I wonder if he knew about it. Can you imagine? You turn the TV on and there's "you".

Anonymous said...

You know you are fierce when Saturday Night Live does a skit of you LOL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Christian is officially "kind of a big deal"!

Ms Sangrail said...

Wow! Go Christian!

Vic said...

Hah! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

How incredible! I think Christian poses more and moves much less, but good job overall. I hope he saw it!

YvesPaul said...

I love it, I lost it when the mock Tim Gunn showed up!!!

Anonymous said...

Christian, you really HAVE made it! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

At first I thought the "apartment owner was supposed to be Jillian, what with the long dark hair and all. I think she should have been portraying Jillian!! Would have added a little more to the skit. Even Sissy Bear dropping in would have been great!! Or even a MR. Clean looking Rami. Not that I don't think it was already hilarious!! I LOVED it!!!

Anonymous said...

Amy, I feel that you might have overdesigned the skit a bit. I saw a lot of "tranny", and I wondered why you didn't go for the "fabulous" and "lady." But your color story was interesting and you made it work.

Bwah! Loved it. Being parodied on SNL is feerz.

Anonymous said...

tlo? i want to hear what YOU GUYS think about it.

Gorgeous Things said...

Amy P is not only brilliant, she's from my town!

And she's totally tranny fierce as PP

Anonymous said...

A lovely picker-upper on a chore-filled Sunday.

Glad to have the smiles 'n' giggles. And I know I can always count on the Fabulous (and FOREVER FIERCE) T&L to deliver.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Guys, if you haven't taken the time to read through the comments on TLo's Post, "Young, Raw Talent" (the post just previous to this one) I highly recommend that you do. There's great stuff there.

I thought that the reaction to the SNL skit was just light, polite laughter, like maybe a lot of the audience weren't familiar with the show. Weren't the statistics something like 3.5 million people watched the finale? That's not very many in the big picture.

Well, we loved it anyway. :-)

Anonymous said...

A lot of skits are sometimes obscure references. I thought it was hilarious.

If Christian was good enough material to be parodied on SNL, no wonder he won fan favorite.

He can be bitchy (and what gay isn't), but he's really endearing and doesn't take him too seriously. That's why we all love PPS!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

A lot of skits are sometimes obscure references. I thought it was hilarious. "

I agree. I thought it was funny and original. "- You're out. - But I live here" bit was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

" lima bean said...

I thought that the reaction to the SNL skit was just light, polite laughter, like maybe a lot of the audience weren't familiar with the show. Weren't the statistics something like 3.5 million people watched the finale? That's not very many in the big picture."

the audience reaction was waaayy bigger during the dress rehearsal, everyone was roaring with laughter
maybe there weren't as many pr fans there during the live show

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Amy Poehler!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! Amy Poehler as PPS was hysterical!!! and he is definitely kind of a big deal if he made it all the way to SNL!!!!

good for you Christian!!!! he has definitely grown on me...

Anonymous said...

OHMYGOD Freaking hilarious!!! LOVED IT!!! Thanks, guys!

Anonymous said...

Amy P. is so talented. She's my favorite. Definitely fierce!

Anonymous said...

It's tranny hot that Christian got this shout-out, but color me underwhelmed.

As is often the case with SNL, they beat the same joke until it wasn't funny anymore. And they didn't capitalize on the fact that most people think Christian's clothes couldn't be worn by everyday women.

Imagine Christian throwing out the victim's entire wardrobe and having Tim Gunn or Heidi come in with the feather gown as its replacement.

Victim: I can't wear this.
Christian: Don't give me attitude, bitch. This hotness is worth 10 times that pile of barfness on the floor.

I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

"Phuz01 said...
As is often the case with SNL, they beat the same joke until it wasn't funny anymore."

Agreed. They could've added more stuff. Still, nice to see Princess on SNL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"You are a tranny who looks like a hot mess … And not in a good way. You’re a ticketty-tack tranny, hot mess, out of control, super-tranny from Transylvania, who is not apologizing for it."


Anonymous said...

Pretty funny. Thanks for the video, guys.

Anonymous said...


Laura said...

Every joke in the script was kinda obvious, but Amy's impersonation is so dead-on that it was funny anyway.

Anonymous said...

Was pretty funny, but I'm sad to say that actress on SNL (whatsername? Amy?) always gets on my nerves something... you guessed it, fierce. xP

Lilithcat said...

I didn't find it terribly funny. That may be because Christian is a walking parody to begin with, which makes him difficult to satirize.

Of course, SNL hasn't been funny in thirty years.

When PR makes the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle, then they'll have made it!

Anonymous said...

Their Heidi was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

in my humble opinion she went way over the top with "tranny" all the time...

she should have made more pauses and made it more dramatic...

still funny as hell...

go siriano! fierce fabulous and flawless

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Their Heidi was hilarious!

-Did you know that the SNL Heidi was actually guest host Amy Adams, with a blonde wig of course. Yes, she was pretty darn funny considering she is not even a regular cast member. -

Anonymous said...

As for the ideas about bringing in other contestants (Jillian or SB) or making reference to his design style, etc., I think the writers realized only 10-20% of their audience would get these inside jokes, and they were best to focus on the character who would be funny whether you'd ever seen the show or not. If I'd never seen PR, I would have just though Amy invented this hysterical sprite-y queen, and it still would have been funny.

The skit makes me wonder if Christian's strongest talent isn't TV presence and humor. He'd be a great guest on the US version of "Little Britain."

Anonymous said...

Yes you know you've arrived Christian...Well i think the issue is they didn't get their gimmick in in time that the show features "three times the catchphrases"-- they said that at the end of the sketch, and had that been at the beginning...the repeated hot mess, fierce, tranny would have made more sense. - I still thought Amy P was really good- funny, and Amy was good as Heidi too even styled like her pretty well!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Their Heidi was hilarious!

-Did you know that the SNL Heidi was actually guest host Amy Adams, with a blonde wig of course. Yes, she was pretty darn funny considering she is not even a regular cast member. -"

I thought that was the best part.

Aww, TLo, working on Sunday? : )

Anonymous said...

I loved this! I was watching last night and hoping that you guys saw it live! As Anon 2:58 said, we would have loved to see more of the crowd spoofed, but this was funny to anyone. After all, we have TLo to lampoon everyone else for us!

Aaron Frey said...

Amy Poehler was hilarious and dead-on as Christian, but I thought that Amy Adams could have been more stiff and Teutonic in her delivery as Heidi. But the skit very funny and mercifully short.

Anonymous said...

"No. You make it work, Silver-tranny Feroshia."


It could have been been more robust in dialogue, but if was just brief enough to not make me cringe, which most SNL skits do. Too often the skits are like an eight year old who gets a laugh then repeats what they said about 20 times.

The guy playing Tim Gunn should do more with that character, he was a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Amy Poehler was great, but imagine if Chris Kattan was still on SNL. Christian always reminded me of Mango!

Anonymous said...

Amy was great, but Michael McDonald from Madtv does a hilarious Tim. I hope they make Christian a reoccuring character, but with better material than repeating "tranny" over and over. I like the idea of Christian replacing Veronica Webb on TGGTS.

Anonymous said...

Wow she's got him down. LOL!

I'm not surprised though. NBC Universal owns Bravo. It's all cross promotion.

Fnarf said...

Wow. I thought it was terrible. Christian is ten times funnier than this, just repeating couple of catch phrases over and over and over. Christian was able to apply his fierceness through the deployment of actual sentences. And I didn't get the impression Amy P has ever seen the show, just the previews. Apparently they haven't told SNL the writers strike is over.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome.

igotmoxie said...

i have to admit, i was hoping chris katan would make a guest appearance last night for something like this.
christian is the best chris katan character ever.

Anonymous said...

Where was TLo??
And I would love to see commentary boys!!

But it was supposed to be a promo--
so that's why all the quick catch phrases.

It should be a semi-regular feature, each time a new personality with Christian (Chris, Jack, etc).

Fierce & Fabulous!!!

Joanie said...

They failed to capture the "this is business, this is the party, and this is the money maker" part of Christian's hair/face speech, which I found hysterical. But, damn if they didn't make me laugh...a rare feat for SNL anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ugh -- this skit went on for too long; a regrettable SNL trait. I prefer the real Ferocia Coutura!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Christian is scheduled to appear on Ellen?

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! How funny!

Thombeau said...

Good Lord!

Anonymous said...

Funny for about 15 seconds then kind of cringy yet it does show that PR is popular enough to be parodied.

Anonymous said...

Funny for about 15 seconds then kind of cringy yet it does show that PR is popular enough to be parodied.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see that I wasn't the only one who thought it went on way too long and was extremely repetitive.

I loved the Tim Gunn impersonation more so than the Christian impersonation.

Anonymous said...

This sketch was hilarious, but I really wished that they did one of the runway show or designers at work. Amy was dead on as Christian, but Bill Hader was more Tim Gunn than the man himself!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure most of us could've written a much funnier skit without having Christian say "tranny" sixty times. Still, I loved hearing "don't-bore-Nina!"

the dogs' mother said...

elisafan wrote
>>I like the idea of Christian replacing Veronica Webb on TGGTS.<<

Can you imagine! And if he started going thru the underwear drawer most women could pick him up and toss him out the window!

(Though I did read, somewhere, that the evil underwear rummage will not make the cut in any new episodes.)

Anonymous said...

Oh. em. gee. I watched that last night and it was fabulous.

Amy P. got Christian DEAD ON... even his smile and mannerisms were completely correct. LOVED IT!

Anonymous said...

Lilithcat said...

"I didn't find it terribly funny. That may be because Christian is a walking parody to begin with, which makes him difficult to satirize."

I would agree. Its mildly amusing - not much more. Most of the audience did not get the joke - so it fell rather flat. Look at the photo with Lisa as the end of the runway. Christian is himself not much more than a caricature -- there is very little to satire -- the skit was more like a very adept imitation/mimic of how he actually behaves much of the time. And he does indeed seem to spew the same things over and over - reminiscent of the simplistic text like code I have seen quite often through out the season. As in: u r fierce!!!!

I am older than the hills (OK about the age of Chris and Sweat P). Is SNL even relevant anymore? I do know its on NBC (as in tie in with Bravo - not so fierce).

Mom said...

Oh, I think it's hilarious. Why must we ponderously hyperanalyze it into the ground?

On a related note, my niece ran into Christian on Bleeker St. Friday, and snagged a picture with him. She reports he was very nice and happily supplied fierceness for the photo.

I predict, even if he is part of the Cool Kids Club, he won't be burning bridges the way Some of Them are.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, if you're using the literal definition of satire, this fits it quite well. It's not great parody, with parody being a goofy imitation of something (and as it's been said, how can you get much goofier than Christian?).

Strict satire, though, is meant to have a message and a bite, and this skit does have one, albeit one that's rather buried under the silliness. Did no one catch the line at the very end, "Like Project Runway, but with some of the same people, half the budget, and twice the catchphrases... no, three times the catchphrases!"

I don't know about you guys, but that strikes me as a pretty specific burn on this season, as well as a more general burn on the tendencies of TV spinoffs.

Anonymous said...

PS. Apologies to agnes for the hyper-analysis in the post right after you asked that there be no more.

StrangelyNormalSteph said...

I freakin' love Amy. She is HILARIOUS. And the guy who played Tim was awesome too.

Go Princess, you really are a big deal!

Anonymous said...

"Why must we ponderously hyperanalyze it into the ground? "

Perhaps in a culture saturated with competitive reality TV and it's picky expert judges, we're oddly compelled to become insta-experts and "judge" everything from singing to fashion to dance to modeling to, um, sketch comedy...

I just ponderously hyperanalyzed that to death, didn't I? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Someone please give Christian his own TV show. I also think he'd be perfect for the film version of "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" as Becky Bloomwood's downstairs gay neighbor who also happens to be a fashion designer!

Anonymous said...

That was dead-on. I loved it!

Mom said...

I think Ponderous Hyperanalysis could be the next Hot New Blog. I do sincerely appreciate you both, tehkou and tristessa, for hyperanalyzing with integrity! Carry on!

Anonymous said...

Guys, it's just a sketch. I thought it was funny.

Anonymous said...

Amy is awesome! I love her work. Very funny I totally missed it thank you for the video.

Anonymous said...

"agnes gooch said...

I think Ponderous Hyperanalysis could be the next Hot New Blog."

ROFL. You're the best!

Pam said...

Ponderous Hyperanalysis is my wrestling diva name.

Look for me to take on Polly Syllabicus later this year.

Anonymous said...

I loved it!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny and kind of a big deal for him.

Anonymous said...

I think it's quite flattering that PR is being spoofed on SNL.

E :) said...

I nearly spat tea all over my computer screen. Amy P. could have been Christian! That was the funniest parody I've seen in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's wonderful. It's pretty funny how much that actually is like Christian. Although, he doesn't really say tranny that much. It was very good anyway.

Anonymous said...

That parody was FIERCE! And Bill Hader was an excellent Tim Gunn.

Mike.URBFC said...

OK, drunk now... did the "Fierce" drinking game.. every time Christian says "Fierce" I take a shot...After season 4 I need rehab! I thought that wjen the season was done, I would be OK, but this clip sent me over the edge.

Anonymous said...

Despite the repetiveness and thus too long, I think I peed myself a little.

(Santino does a better Tim Gunn.)

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I love Amy Pohler. She captures him perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Amy Adams is a goddess. She makes everything seem so effortless.

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong but I feel that SNL is laughing at him more than laughing with him.

Anonymous said...

i fucking hate the word fierce.

Anonymous said...

The word word tranny isn't acceptable to be used in every day conversation. he should know that.

Anonymous said...

spazzle said...

i fucking hate the word fierce.

LOL. I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

Not as bad as some people are making it out to be, but the Season One sketch was definitely superior. (The Wendy moment ALONE...) Damn, wish I could still find that online.

Joli said...

"Serious Ugly" from last season was way more Fierce than "Hot Mess".

Ps: Dear Christian, Tyra Banks wants her catchphrase back. ( no really, she'll eat you if you don't give it back..... !)

Anonymous said...

I watched it last night, and yelled "Oh my GAWD!" as it came on. My husband came running into the living room to see what was wrong. I had to rewind the DVR and watch it several times. When "Tim" came on we both we hysterical. Very silly!

Anonymous said...

Love SNL, love Amy P., loved that they did this sketch. Didn't love the sketch, but loved that they did it.

Anonymous said...

This sketch pretty much sums up all of PR4. Take a self-aggrandizing queen, add a handful of catchphrases, and you've got Bravo gay monocultural magic. America eats it up.

P.S. I'm surprised more people aren't put off by the "tranny mess" schtick. Totally offensive. Christian Siriano is setting the LGBT community back with his minstrelsy performance. But hey, it sells, right?

Anonymous said...

that was sooo funny!! and it's on SNL?!? omg!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was Bill Hader's Tim Gunn. Bill is a spot-on vocal impressionist, though my favorite character of his is the Italian talk show host.

Sewing Siren said...

Clio said...
Lilithcat said...

"I didn't find it terribly funny. That may be because Christian is a walking parody to begin with, which makes him difficult to satirize."

I would agree. Its mildly amusing - not much more. Most of the audience did not get the joke - so it fell rather flat. Look at the photo with Lisa as the end of the runway. Christian is himself not much more than a caricature -- there is very little to satire -- the skit was more like a very adept imitation/mimic of how he actually behaves much of the time. And he does indeed seem to spew the same things over and over - reminiscent of the simplistic text like code I have seen quite often through out the season. As in: u r fierce!!!!

I am older than the hills (OK about the age of Chris and Sweat P). Is SNL even relevant anymore? I do know its on NBC (as in tie in with Bravo - not so fierce).

I agree with both of you. And further more, it's almost like Christian watched the older seasons numerous times to come up with his catch phrases, Uncle Nick said "Fierce" alot in season 2, and didn't Santino coin the "ticky- tack" first refering to Marla, then Uncle Nick's Nicki Hilton dress? And I am sure that it was Tim that used " hot mess" last season, I think to refer to Angela's travel outfit, or maybe more than one of her garments. Anywho, I hope that Christian is in on the joke, and he isn't stuck saying "Dy-no-mite" for the rest of his life.

Bill said...

I got quite a chuckle out of it because Pohler always cracks me up and Bill Hader's Tim Gunn was quite good. Harmless fun and a hoot for fans of the show.

But the whole Bravo/NBC thing makes me wonder what inspired the skit - desire of the writers and cast, or the powers that be at parent company General Electric. Sort of smelled of the Today show challenge tie in with Runway.

But I enoyed the laugh - their Heidi was pretty on the money, too.

Anonymous said...

Agnes Gooch, you fabulous bitch, now that you have a catch phrase, I think you need your own Bravo show featuring the ponderous hyperanalysis of all other Bravo shows. That would be fierce. Make it work!

Sewing siren, I think your ponderous hyperanalysis is a hot mess. Wasn't it Uncle Nick who said "wickety whack" to describe Marla's whickety whack trim? (She said with love.)

Anonymous said...

I got the impression since Christian only won on Wed (officially) & there wasn't much time to create a fully realized skit, this is what they came up w/ on such short notice (perhaps by parent co NBCU edict). Regardless, Amy Poehler & Bill Hader were hilarious. Amy Adams' Heidi wasn't shrill enough.

Emma P.

Pam said...

Ponderous Hyperanalysis is my wrestling diva name.


Anonymous said...

I think it's about time somebody pointed out how not-funny Christian's use of the word "tranny" is, how offensive it is to trans people, and how equally unfunny and offensive it is for SNL to put even more emphasis on it. So I'm glad I'm not the first one to do it.

I know that a lot of gay men are, shall I say, notoriously insensitive to and ignorant of trans issues, if not openly transphobic. Still, it's about time people realized that use of that word -- especially by people who aren't trans themselves, which Christian doesn't appear to be, no matter how many people go along with the silly, incredibly dated joke of calling him "she" -- is pretty much the equivalent of some straight guy trying to be funny by going around saying "faggot" all the time, or referring to everything as "gay." Or a white person saying the "n" word, for that matter.

Somehow, my 17-year old gay son has no trouble getting this, and when we watch Project Runway together (one of our favorite pastimes), this stuff annoys him almost as much as it does me. But maybe that comes from having a father who happens to be a woman.

But I don't expect people here to understand, given the shameful way that people on this blog -- including T & L themselves, to my great disappointment -- were throwing the word "tranny" around with great hilarity after the wrestling outfit episode. Or the even more shameful way that Blogging Project Runway posted, apparently without hesitation, the "60-second version" of that episode, for which every other word seemed to be tranny. When the jerk who did it wasn't referring to "chicks with dicks," that is.

Thanks for letting me rant.

I watch PR for entertainment, like everyone else. It's my favorite show. Frankly, I don't appreciate
the continual use of belittling, insulting language at every opportunity. I blame Christian less than anyone, because I suspect that like many queer people his age, he may actually have trans people among his friends.

So, it's just not funny. You may think it's no big deal, but keep in mind that dehumanizing people may begin with words, but sometimes ends up elsewhere. The number of young trans and gender-variant people murdered for being who they are every year is enormous -- several, as I'm sure some of you know, just in the last month. Think about it, please.

Donna L.

GothamTomato said...

Until I saw this SNL gag, I don't think I realized just how close Christian is to crossing the rubicon and becoming Paris Hilton.


Anonymous said...

Bill Heder is a GREAT Tim Gunn!

Anonymous said...

Great imperonation but deeply unfunny and unoriginal. Talk about lack of comic creativity - hey, just dress up Amy in nerd glasses and a peacock wig and have her be all, "FIERCE!!" and "TRANNY!" How about writing an actual skit around that, SNL?

Anonymous said...

i'm a huge christian fan, but i can only remember him saying "tranny" like, once on the show. so i'm a little confused by the skit.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for your rant, Donna. I think that it is sometimes hard to remember that transsexualism and transvestitism are real parts of some people's lives, and not just something wacky gay men do or reference from time to time to get yuks.

More power to you and yours.

SUS said...

Meh. Reminds me why I haven't tuned into SNL since Dan Hartman left. (Yeah, I'm an old fart. Whatever.)

Anonymous said...

I just realized that in this sketch, Amy Poehler looks like the love child of Christian and Wendy Pepper.


Anonymous said...

forgive my ignorance - does "tranny" refer to a transexual or a transvestite? (I don't use the word myself; until this show I don't think I had heard it. But now I won't anyway.)

CQAussie said...

holy shit I am pissing myself laughing - that was priceless!

if TLo were to drop in and say - holy titscrepancy batman that is one shitastic wardrobe. watch the preview kittens!



mimi said...

I think it was an okay skit but I also think they pulled it together quickly. Rami said it best when he described Christian as a cartoon character. Imagine me, finally getting my husband to watch the finale (after my obsession with this season, reading all the blogs, raised eyebrows when I incessantly quoted and talked about T-Lo's) and having the princess win and his winning speech " he needs to take a vacay and a breaky break" ! Paris Hilton was never that original!

Judy said...

Donna - your post took a lot of guts and integrity and I thank you for that. It was the epitome of fierce actually.

e jerry said...

Somehow I miss Fred Armisen's Austin Scarlett in there...

And let's not even talk about Maya Rudolph's Kara Saun.

Anonymous said...

Sooooooooooo funny!!!!!!

Hot Mess!



Tranny Hot Mess!


Christian Rules.

So does Amy Poehler.

