Congratulations, Jillian!

Friday, March 07, 2008 by

The Dish announced today that Jillian is the winner of the Sew Not Over competition:

"Well, users, you've spoken. Just to refresh, we asked this season's Project Runway designers to create a three-piece collection for our Sew Not Over online challenge and had you guys vote. And your winner, with over 20,000 votes, is ... JILLIAN! We called up the Sew Not Over winner to tell her the good news and she couldn't have been happier."

Congrats, darling!

Just to review, here's the winning collection:

Video of her mini-collection:

Check out all the other collections here.

[Photos: - Video:]


Anonymous said...

Yea Jillian!!!! I hope more of this success rolls your way! You have earned it!

(I love the floral print dress.)

Anonymous said...

Love it--
I would happily wear those.

Congrats Jillian!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jillian! She was definitely one of my votes.

Lilithcat said...

I must say, I did not vote for her, but it was close! I loved that second look particularly.

Rainwood said...

I voted for Elisa but Jillian was my second choice, and given how the rest of the competition played out I'm glad she won.

veruca salt said...

Yes, Jillian, there is a Santa Claus.

Anonymous said...

I voted for her on the strength of that first dress alone. Though she wasn't my first choice for the win, her aesthetic is the most similar to my personal style, and I would wear just about everything she made in this competition.

Anonymous said...

By "win" I mean the actual show. I wanted Christian to take the grand prize, but I loved her Sew Not Over collection.

Anonymous said...

Good for her..this was TONS more beautiful than her actual Bryant Park collection!

Anonymous said...

Imagine the exit interview if she had lost:

"I could not believe I was being judged by random people with no fashion sense, wearing their outlet mall pajamas with their hair up in a towel... Just you wait people, one day, I will be FAMOUS! It's in the stars!!"

Mom said...

Love you, anon 4:29! That's exactly the spin I was looking for.

Ms Sangrail said...

Go Baby Bueller-bot 3000!

Anonymous said...

i love the 3rd look, and it was a nice surprise to see the vest had a racer back, very pretty. I'm glad she won.

Anonymous said...

See, now there IS a silver lining in all this! I hope that she really, really uses all this exposure to go on to do great things.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't mind seeing her in a WWE ring with Posh! And that WOULDN'T be a microphone pack she'd be wearing....

Anonymous said...


Listen boys, when you talk to her -- tell her we want her hats! Black and in color, too.


-- desertwind

Gorgeous Things said...

Yay! Go Jillian!!! I thought hers was the most wearable. I liked Christian's too, but I have to admit that I was hoping she would get one win out of this.

Crow Winters said...

Yaaay Jillian! I'm glad you ended up getting something monetary out of this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jillian!! I would wear each of those three looks, but my favorite is the floral dress. She got my votes!!!!

Anonymous said...

c'est moi, c'est moi lola said:

Doesn't mean I wouldn't mind seeing her in a WWE ring with Posh! And that WOULDN'T be a microphone pack she'd be wearing....

LOL!! The best idea I have heard in a long time!!
I would even watch it on pay-per-view.

I bet TLo could arrange something...

Cedar said...


I'm not 100% sure, but I think Victorya's SJP outfit had a racerback vest as well (which I also found very cute).

But cheers! I voted for Elisa, but I love Jillian's style. I'd wear almost anything she designed this season.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Her collection was the WORST of the lot. The floral dress looks right out of a production of The Sound of Music, handmade from only the *finest* bedroom curtains. Bleaugh.

I *am* glad Jillian won something, because she is a talented designer, but these three pieces were awful. :(

Brian said...

I wonder if a clairvoyant woman told her she would win this.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she won! I remember commenting back when y'all were reviewing the sew not over collections that Jillian's were my favorite... enjoyed her exit interviews, too. I love christian but I thought it was between rami and jillian as well... and jillian's was my favorite. must say, she also is looking absolutely gorgeous in those pics :)

Anonymous said...

ahahahha bop

Anonymous said...

nevvie: are you kidding me? sound of music? that would be SCANDALOUS.

also, have you never heard of an elegant floral? ;)

I thought they were divine. I thought the shoulder bit in the second dress was odd, but I think it's the model and her pose, not the dress.

Anonymous said...

I voted for her! Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

YAY! About fucking time she wins something. She looks GORGEOUS in that picture.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy she won. He mini-collection was unpretentious, pretty and very wearable. I also agree that she looks stunning in those pictures.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jillian!!! You ROCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for her. There IS a GOD!

DolceLorenzo said...

YES!! Congratulations, gorgeous!! And hold on to that hottie of yours!!

Anonymous said...

Aw....She looks so gorgeous in these recent pics. And the dress she's wearing is stunning - I assume it's one of hers. Honey, you're going to have a brilliant career. Congrats!

And nevvie, check out the March edition of Elle. Floral prints are one of the strongest trends for spring this year.

Unknown said...

I love Jillian, but kind of hated this collection.

Eh. Good for her anyway.

Hutchlover said...

Well, it's not a winning collection to me, but it's not the worst, either. I'm just glad the myspace legions didn't give it Christian.

Congrats to Jillian!

Suzanne said...

And THAT will translate out in the marketplace. She is right. She will make lots of money!! GOOD FOR HER!!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, she's gorgeous, thanks for that picture. Congrats, Jillian!

Anonymous said...

congratulations jillian! the people have spoken and they have chosen you!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I really didn't like the first two looks in her collection. Especially the second look. I voted for Elisa, Kit, and Christian. I actually thought Elisa might take it.

Save_The_Hobbit said...

That was really...unexpected. I really don't like anything she made in her didn't even go together! I don't know...I just didn't like any of the three outfits.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jillian! You deserve it!!

Anonymous said...

Not my favorite collection, but I'm happy for her. She's very talented and I really liked the first dress.

Anonymous said...

Poor Rami. He dug his grave when he said he came on the show because he wanted to introduce his work to a larger audience. OK mission accomplished. But for anyone thinking of going on the show next season here's some smart advice: CRY POVERTY!!

Apparently it works.

Sewing Siren said...

I voted for Kit, but I am glad Jillian won. Her body of work during the season was amazing. I feel like this mini collection is kind of a Spring '09 to follow the Fall'08 she showed at fashion week. It would have been nice to see a Spring version of that wonderful coat/jacket, but I guess she was pretty exasusted by the time this challenge rolled around.
Thanks a million for posting that pic of her wearing the coat she arrived in at the TresEmme finale party. I would love to see them all lined up. From the one in the Pre-show collection on.. Hint, hint.

gidgetsews said...

Jillian, you look beautiful in that picture! I would love to wear your clothes. Congratulations from Michigan!

Anonymous said...

Jillian was my fav from day 1, so I'm just going to say... FINALLY! My girl deserved some recognition for being as fab as she is!

Sewing Siren said...

The silver dress that Jillian is wearing, is from her pre-view collection isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Sewing Siren said...

The silver dress that Jillian is wearing, is from her pre-view collection isn't it?"

yes, it is. Good catch!! It's gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she won. I loved her final collection (I thought she was a shoo in - drats!) and this collection was just as beautiful in a totally different way. Jillian you Rock!!

Anonymous said...

I loved her collection. I would wear every single one of these outfits. Congratulations, Jillian!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jillian! I'm glad you won something.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if they are going to auction off the sew not over looks? Or do those belong to the designers?