At any rate, we are COMMITTED TO YOU and despite the dark circles under our eyes, we just HAVE to tell you about our day. Get your coffee and come here and sit down.
When we got to the tents with Emmett at around 8:30 in the morning the line to get into the PR show had easily 500 people in it. Emmett was having none of it and walked straight up to a clipboard person and we were on the other side of the rope within seconds. Connections, baby.
We saw Valerie Brown, Director of Marketing and Events for Bravo, walking by speaking into her madonnaphone and waved her down. She handed us over to another Bravo person with a clipboard and we were ushered into the almost-empty tent. We stood on the runway kind of milling around with the 50 or so people who were in there. Workmen were applying the Project Runway logo to the scrim.
We saw Laura talking to some reporters and waved from across the tent. A couple people came up to us and asked if they could take our picture, which has yet to get old. All the while, the tent was filling up with more and more people. We stuck close by to our personal Bravo clipboard person because we weren't going to relax until we knew exactly where we were sitting. We even turned down a frikkin interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Bitches, we were GETTING those seats and nothing was going to distract us from that.
Eventually, we got our seats and were THRILLED when we realized we were sitting directly behind the judges, about 3 rows back. We parked our asses and watched the tent fill up. People were coming in in dribs and drabs, but after the scheduled start time of 9 am came and went, the crowd suddenly got thick and then completely impassable. Sitting from our little perch, we watched the place erupt into controlled chaos for about 20 minutes as the crowd of celebrities and beautiful people made their appearances, air-kissed each other and found their seats. We saw Padma Lakshi giving Andy Cohen a kiss on the runway, towering over him. We saw Nikki Taylor and Tyson Beckford enter with much fanfare and saw a very pregnant Ana Gasteyer get ushered to her front row seat. We found out later that Meryl motherfucking Streep was in the hizzouse but left after the lights went down. It's probably a good thing that we didn't see her because our double gay gasps would have been so loud you would have heard them several blocks away.
Then, as if they appeared out of a hole in the floor, Nina, Heidi, Michael and Posh were standing right there. They're all thinner than you realize. Posh is, believe it or not, very pretty in person. We expected her face to be harsh and severe, but it's soft and she's got the tiniest little delicate features. Granted, she paid good money for them, but still. Her dress is getting a lot of criticism on line but the color doesn't photograph well. In person, it was a striking yellowish tangerine and really stood out in the tent.
We have to apologize for having no pictures of all of this, but the place was in chaos and we weren't budging one centimeter of ass cheek off our hard-earned seats. Besides, we wouldn't have been able to get anywhere near any of these people and the milling crowds around them prevented any clear pictures from a distance.
After the show was another story as anybody who was anybody strolled around the runway posing for pictures and giving interviews.
Kayne and ...friend? Boyfriend? You make the call.
Haughty competition.
[Photos: Project RunGay]
Nick Verreos is GREEK, not Latina!
"We're the Joan and Melissa of Project Runway."
You two are going to end up with your own show one of these days.
Nick's mother is from Venezuela.
Wow - Kit looked so CUTE! Good to see Steven again too.
I want you guys to be judges someday. Just so ya know.
You boys were like Alice stepping through the looking glass.
Yes, Nora DOES look unrecognizable (and fabulous) with the new hairdoo. Kit should lose the White Rabbit do too - it ages her. Love Mad Hatter Ricky's red patent leather hat (did he have shoes to match? Oh wait, different story.)
But tell the truth: Was it you boys who drew the moustache on Queen of Hearts Heidi? (A gold star, if you did).
Ok, attempting to recover from my spontaneous orgasm over here (and I mean that in the *nicest* possible way).
This is all just!
THANK YOU for getting all those photos, for thinking of all your little rabid lambs over here dying for info and for just being the fabulous duo you are.
Jay and his black nail polish..LOVE IT!
So did Sir/Madame Clipboard assign you those seats or were you just able to grab them? It seems like had you vacated them,they might have been up for grabs. I'm just picturing your seats with your friggin names on them...or copies of Alex's toon versions of you. If not, that's coming, oh yes it is....
Oh. My. God. is all I can say.
G. are so damn funny. Wish I had an ounce of your wit.
Squee, squee, squee, squee...squee! You two really are to be commended for the fun and fabulosity you bring into all your readers' lives! I just got in from a godawful run, battling hurricane-force headwinds, feeling utterly spent and lo! This treat awaited me! But I need to know...are you going to critique the collections now or wait until they air on the show? I vote that you should wait. You can critique the two decoys once we know who they are (but I think they'll be Sweet P and Rami).
As for your wonderful pix, I have to say Kit does not photograph in stills as young and beautiful as she is in video. Very strange! And Emmett and Rami made a breathtakingly beautiful pairing. Just sayin'.
Rest and recover well!
Enough modesty can say here (you're among friends) how many people said "OH MY GOD ITS THE PROJECT RUNGAY BOYS"!!!! It was priceless.
anonymous 4pm wrote
I want you guys to be judges someday.<<
Oooo! Excellent idea, someone
should start a petition!
Love the pics, boys. Thanks for sharing!
How fabulous! Thanx for the pics darlings. Now get some rest!
what fun... I almost feel as if I was there, and judging from the shoving, etc.. and the fact that you were so worn out that you turned down the lunch invite... something tells me (thanks to you) that I had the best seat in the house.
muchogracias me leetle friends!!
As a friend to the designers I can tell you they were probably happy you did not how you think you are super stars. Are you kidding? they are just nice to you so you won't write shitty things about them - trust.
Boy Rami looks hot!!!!!
How about this dish, bitches!
Word has it Meryl Streep was there to root for Chris specifically, and was whisked backstage for a VIP preview of his collection!
Looks like someone is choking on some sour grapes. I guess you've made it to the big time when you have your own personal hecklers/stalkers! Congrats Boys!
Let's be clear Mr./Ms. Bitter. These boys ARE Superstars, they don't *think* they are..they ARE. Trust.
(feel free to delete this if/when you delete the f'nut--no worries)
The Heidi graffiti reminds me of my favorite NY graffiti ever...
Someone had filled in words so that the poster for "Vin Diesel...A Man Apart" ended up saying "Vin Diesel...tears...A Man Apart...with his witty repartee."
I love NY subway graffiti
Oh, and pay little attention to nasty anonymous above; I too know one of the designers personally and can confirm they at least place you above the rest of the blogosphere (even when you justly criticize them), as do I. Rock on, bitches!
I love Kit's dandruff dress.
Anonymous said...
As a friend to the designers I can tell you they were probably happy you did not how you think you are super stars. Are you kidding? they are just nice to you so you won't write shitty things about them - trust.
And if that isn't power I don't know what else is. Rock on, bitches! We love you!!
Thank you secretstitch. One of the myriad of things we love about our Boys here is that even when they are bitchy, they are lovable (even moreso). That's a rare find, in my opinion.
Gee, anon@4:50, you didn't happen to the sole friend of the one designer that shall remain unnamed that everyone was obviously avoiding at the after party like the plague, now would you?
OK, Suzanne; now you'll have to let us know: Which designer has the plague?
Or at least, give us a better hint.
lets see, if you talked shit to anyone who would listen about your fellow designers after you left, who would you be?
Great pictures! Everybody seemed to be having a good time whether they were watching or competing. I'm jealous!
AWESOME, bitches!!!!
Laura looks gorge with Tom : - )
Thank you so much for taking the time to take all those pictures just for us. I love to see them on the blog.
Gracias, darlings!
I can't believe Heidi was wearing jeans!
So hmmm...was his friend a Beanstalk?
Oh. My. Lord!
I feel as though somebody has just lovingly fed me the sweet nectar of the Gods. The pictures are to die for. AND, you didn't stay at the luncheon because you wanted to get back to US???? Seriously, how could we ever say thanks?
Everybody looks STUPENDOUS. Except for Simone. She looks like she had a mouth transplant.
My Gawd. Could you bitches have EVER have imagined this in your wildest dreams?
Can I buy a vowel? Or a magic bean?
lima bean said...
"Oh. My. Lord!
I feel as though somebody has just lovingly fed me the sweet nectar of the Gods. The pictures are to die for. AND, you didn't stay at the luncheon because you wanted to get back to US???? Seriously, how could we ever say thanks? "
You're could we ever repay TLo's dedication?! They don't even know most of us faceless people, but yet they do all this for US!
As for anonymous4:50.....pffffft!
Nora looks like Brittany Spears with her new hair. Laura looked gorgeous, I loved the dress, but never mind that, how plugged in are you two now that you are turning DOWN coveted invitations???
OK, suzanne....who? and anon? TLo are
You are both beyond fabulous! I have to say - Kayne's friend and Jay must have the same hairdresser!
Bravo really needs to give you guys a show.
lol great ending to a perfect blog post. you really should have gone to that PR party. but i am so thankful that you decided against it and gave us the skinny on those PR bitches instead. thank you, thank you, thank you!
Nora doesn't look like Christian any more...
Dang, Laura has ENORMOUS feet! Is the Paris Hilton Collection going into drag-queen sizes?
This blog has long been my favorite source for wit fun, and fabulosity.
TLO are never mean spirited.
I've said this before, but it really makes me feel fabulous by association.
Thanks for sharing, TLO.
We're glad you held on to your great seats!
I loved the dress Kit was wearing. It looked great with her hair.
I bow before the gods of PR commentary. You deserve the fanfare and a show of your own. Of course, if that happened, we'd have less fun. Still, I'm never to begrudge anyone their just rewards.
Well done! Bravo, even.
They're all thinner than you realize.
Oh, I so HATE hearing this.
Thanks for sharing. Your excitement comes through and I'm thrilled for you. Laura looks fabulous, as usual, and it was good to see Malan with the others. I agree. Glad to see Ricky pair up with Uncle Nick. Funny comment about the Judge Judy robe!
All in all, you two are terrific and deserve all the plaudit Bravo can give you.
I am soooo jealous!!!! But you deserve the perks. How unreal it must have been. I'm thinking last november's show must have been a blast. But yesterday must have beeen sheer nirvana.
PS I'd loved to know what you and Elisa chatted about. Too bad you could've chatted up Christian or Chris. Any of those conversations would have been worth spying on.
I don't blame you for not wantiung to move from your seats!! You realize you'll have to try and screen capture yourselves when the finale is aired!
And to you Mr/Ms sourgrapes. TLo have been very much in awe in the attention they've been getting from Bravo, Entertainment weekly and the Project Runway community. Nothing they've written concerning the press and priviliges they've received smacks of arrogance or entitlement..bitchery yes...entitlement no.
Personally I think as bloggers go, they would be the most qualified as guest hosts. All snark aside,the boys are very thorough and articulate about their critiques. They really try to dissect the design and the quality of the outfit. They do not let personal feelings get in the way of their judgements. (They've had no trouble blasting rami,Elisa and even Laura for bad work.) More importantly they make a point of explaining and justifying their critiques.
I don't always agree with their judgements (note their feelings about the WWE challenge) but I can honestly respect what they ahve to say.
It's that insightful analysis combined with their razor sharp snark and wit that has earned them noterioty in PR community and fanbase.
Personally I don't think you should be judges on the show. You have your role in the PR world and it works fine.
Very cute bolg and photos. I just watched the rerun episode where Christian and Chris won the challenge--how "Pricilla, Queen of the Desert" was that mammoth dress??!!
As a friend to the designers I can tell you they were probably happy you did not go....
All I've read is how surprised and grateful they are to be included. The arrogance you claim just isn't there. And while all of us have gotten our digs into the designers, they have to expect that ribbing --both good natured or not, goes hand in hand with accepting a reality TV show contract.
One can't discount how important blogging is, and how it's the entire backbone of the new media, which has changed journalism and print formats forever.
I'm thrilled TLO have found a niche and that they've worked so consistently to not only bring us great commentary, but also provide a forum for all of us who love fashion, and for others who are curious and perhaps getting their first chance to think about it.
We're the Joan and Melissa of Project Runway."
No, darlings I've seen pictures; you do not look like circus freaks. Joan has had so much surgery on her face she is starting to look like that kid from Mask.
Next time this heterosexual female would like more pics of Daniel. A gal can dream, surely?
Judge Judy! heeee -- that's what I thought!
-- Is that Wendy Pepper behind Raymundo?
-- Di y'all see Peanut?
Thanks so much for the lovely pix, you superstars, you!
the monterey stood alone ;-)
Btw I know y'all may not believe this but the peanut was actually pretty charming.
would someone mind explaining to me how exactly the judging is going because i'm a little confused.
the designers went back and got critiqued right away? huh?
Thank you so, so much, guys! I absolutely LOVE your blog and appreciate all you do. It is wicked exciting that you got to go to the show! I was feeling all giddy for you all day. The pictures you posted are fun, fun, fun! Thank you!!!!
By the way...the dress in Emmett's ad is GORGEOUS! But it isn't on his website. Is it in his upcoming Spring collection? Does anyone know?
Vindaloo said...
"By the way...the dress in Emmett's ad is GORGEOUS! But it isn't on his website. Is it in his upcoming Spring collection? Does anyone know?"
It is in his spring collection, and it is even more beautiful in person than it is in the picture!
I noticed you had a dress of his on in the pics. It looked great! I thought of ordering it and decided to wait to see what's coming out for spring!
Ah... then you missed *this* guy... or, should I say, 'guys' [see 2nd row - or, at least it's the 2nd row for now :-)]?
This latest post didn't help the acute green skin condition from which I presently suffer. Bitches. :-)
Did you see Dale with Jack in the Getty Images? I think our snarker is someone else; Dale can be a bit snarky, but I don't think he's an out and out beeyotch, and furthermore understands the reality show experience, for good and not so good.
I can see Peanut with an equally angry little friend.
I was right about Danielle from ANTM (she walks for Chris). Yay me.
Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you!!
And you both look adorable!!
I agree with anon 4pm--- you should be judges!!!
Maybe you two could be the weekly fourth judge(s) then the 5th judging spot could rotate.
Sorry suzanne--
I need a bigger hint- although I have a guess...
a seasonal direction perhaps??
i have a good friend whose brother goes to parsons and, i'm very jealous to write this, was in an elevator with posh and heidi on friday. unfortunately posh was surrounded by bodyguards, but nonetheless i'm jealous.
Woot! Thanks, again, gallant sirs ~
LOVE the pics...! Please tell Laura, for me, that her legs looks spectacular, I covet her shoes ~
EMMett~ ~...(say it like you're singing) sigh.
I have a girly-crush on mr. blue eyes. Love the tousled hair ...clearly a bold pin-stripe is what's *going on* for menswear today. btw....that bone structure is going to look just as hot when he's 55, 65 +, think Tim Gunn.
Hope you're resting-up after your Excellent Adventures. ((hug))
Love you!
Dear TLo -
Thank you, thank you for your mammothly heroic effort with this engaging, vivid "you are there" report on Friday morning's electric atmosphere.
I think all of your devotees who read Part Zwei will feel darn close to having been there, or perched on your recognizable shoulders. I sure did. You stars, you.
You have made my early Sunday morning as bright as the dawn sun rising today in the east (briefly bright, while you guys shine much more reliably). Gee, a bit effulgent there, but... what can I say? It's my sincere reaction.
You two are fabulous. And you don't assume fabulosity's mantle but forget the fun. That makes you very, very special. Thanks again for thinking of all of us over several incredibly busy, doubtless overloaded (sensorily, temporally, maybe even emotionally?) days.
Now, rest and recoup. You more than deserve it!
All the best,
Thanks, Gorgeous Things!
Total agreement with all the others on the fact Tlo should:
a. Be a judge
b. Get your own show.
Since discovering this blog, I haven't cared a whit about the writers' strike. Tlo is more witty and original than anything outa H-wood!This gives me a daily shot of fabulocity and humor in such a sophisticated voice. Thanks so much, congratulations and you lucky bitches!
Who is Nora??
Hephaestion said...
Who is Nora??
Season 1 - Nora Caliguri. Remember the wedding challenge?
NO, don't be judges! If you were judges, who would we go to for catty/bitchy/snarky comments about the quality of your judging? Who would there be to speculate as to whether you were smoking crack, throwing darts, or both, when you chose the winner? And we would miss out on our favorite pastime of whining about the judges because we could never whine about you - we love you too much.
So don't.
Laurent said...
Hephaestion said...
Who is Nora??
Season 1 - Nora Caliguri. Remember the wedding challenge?
And the only Pratt graduate that they have ever had on the show.
A few more thoughts on the show:
The more I look at Christian's the more I think he may be a decoy and is trying to pull a Kara Janx (who wouldn't). But some of his outfits look like parodies of high fashion (the 1st one, the ruff neck with giant hat, and the last gown in particular). Maybe he had his tonuge in his cheek when he sent all those black puffy sleeve jackets in a row?
I was hoping Jillian would have shown more versions of that fabulous redingoat. Maybe even twelve versions, one for every occasion in your life :).
I wish Rami had bumped up the spectacle element of his show with really extreme styling and accessories( like a golden crown with the gold dress and a long sheer mantla with the black one). If he had he would be the clear winner.
I think it's Rami that Posh likes. I can see her in all of his dresses, she would look like a fool in some of Christian's. I can see her in Jillian's, but I she is the type that would not want a woman to dress her.
This season's theme for PR is product placement and in that spirit,
Heidi just came out with her own line of jeans and she was advertising them live.
All the fashion mags tell us denim is dead and if you must wear it, a dark wash is most stylish. So why Heidi is trying to hock light wash, skinny jeans during a recession is a mystery to me.
My God I want to have sex with Steven Rosengard!!!
"sewing siren said: I think it's Rami that Posh likes. I can see her in all of his dresses, she would look like a fool in some of Christian's."
She looks like a fool most of the time anyway. She's a boob stick with a permanent pout.
And like I said before, Posh & Christian were clearly separated at birth.
I'd bet it's Christian she loves.
But, I'm rooting for Jillian to win though.
"potty mouth princess said: I can see Peanut with an equally angry little friend."
True. And we know he hates being called Peanut too (which, of course, would be a sore spot with any small guy, especially when it's an apt little description).
But aren't we lucky that Tlo have a low bullshit threshold and thus cannot be bought? If they were starfuckers, like some others we could mention, we would miss out on all this snarky deliciousness.
And the blogosphere would be a less fabulous place.
Perish the thought.
(Squealling like a teenage girl).
That's all I'm sayin for a change.
OMG - you lucky bitches!! Thank god you charged your camera battery.
Love your 2-school-girls-sneaking-into-the-grownup-tent vibe of this post!! Your take on PR is the ONLY reason I still tune into the show.
Fascinating theory on Christian, Sewing Siren. If he were any older than, what, 11, I'd say, yeah, I could see where playing it safe tends to be the guiding theme with most final collections, but I think he's young enough and therefore cocky enough to think he can and should take a bold gamble. Plus he was weaned on those over-the-top European collections he so clearly admires and they are definitely all about outrageous repetition in order to make one or two points that will eventually filter down to RTW. In this case, with Christian, that would be skinny pants and detailed volume on top. And black...which given the current economic climate, really isn't all that much of a gamble.
I still think Rami and Sweet P are the decoys. Their collections seemed to suffer from a noticeable ebb and flow of effort.
If Tim went to see Sweet P he would have told her to ditch the poufy hip stuff...and she would have listened. And so I think she is a decoy. Sort of with Chris too - Tim would have been horified at the Dr Lechter hair trim.
As far a s Christian and all the look alike stuff - he never would have listened to Tim anyway.
Ceratinly Rami would not.
And I still say - given what Posh was wearing - it's Rami she would choose.
Tons of fun--thanks, Boys.
Carmen looks beautiful.
I think Kit looks great; yeah, maybe the look makes her look a bit older, but in a sophisticated, stand-out-in-a-crowd kind of way.
Is that Wendy Pepper behind Raymundo & Diana?
Where does the name Puppet Girl come from? Somehow I missed that.
I think that Rami is a decoy for a couple of reasons. The judges stated earlier this season that bubble hems were definitely out. Rami has two dresses with bubble hems. Nina Garcia stated during the Raw Talent challenge that she hated the color of Rami's design. Rami has several pieces in a deep pink that only seems to be a shade or two darker than his WWE design but has the same tone. Rami's clothes just came off as a passive agressive bow-finger to the judges to me.
Sweet P's designs really surprised me. She has improved a lot since experiencing PR. The contrast between the fashions she had on her pre-PR website and what she showed at Bryant Park is quite startling. I don't think she is a top 3 finalist. But I also don't believe we have seen the last of her. Especially if her design aesthetic keeps showing dramatic improvements.
suzq said, "All the fashion mags tell us denim is dead and if you must wear it, a dark wash is most stylish. So why Heidi is trying to hock light wash, skinny jeans during a recession is a mystery to me."
Apparently not. Or not exactly. The NY Times Style Section tells us that jeans being out means dark is old news, and what's in are light-colored, shredded jeans, which are being presented as a new idea (yeah, right). And this look is so in that you can't even get it yet unless you shop at the only place where the idiot designer who has beat everyone else to the punch sells. Otherwise you'll have to wait till fall (which means more of this dreadful look is on its way), or take an old pair of Levi's and have your way with them.
Who's Dale??
GothamTomato said...
"sewing siren said: I think it's Rami that Posh likes. I can see her in all of his dresses, she would look like a fool in some of Christian's."
She looks like a fool most of the time anyway. She's a boob stick with a permanent pout.
And like I said before, Posh & Christian were clearly separated at birth.
Oh, I agree she looks foolish most of the time, but does she know it? ...
And Christian does do a well studied Posh imitation, but does she like it that a 21yo boy does Posh better than Posh?? Maybe not?
Agnes, I also should have added that I think Bravo really doen't want to give the prize to a young turk. They are desparate to have someone they can claim "made it" because of this show. The only way to make certain that the kid doesn't win is to not have him in the running for the prize. We will see soon.
Dale is a former contestant from Bravo's Top Chef.
The guy with Kayne is Mitchell, his boyfriend. We met him at the Miss Florida Pageant.
Hmmmm, again interesting thoughts, Sewing Siren! I can see where Bravo might be afraid Christian would prove another You-Know-Who from Top Chef infamy. Let's hope they plan on giving us some answers next Wednesday!!!
Thanks for the great photos and commentary, TLo. You certainly deserve to be in on as much of the PR finale hoopla as you feel like doing. Your blog makes PR much more interesting than it would otherwise be, and even the yo-yos at Bravo seem to get that.
What the hell was Kit wearing??? And the hair's got to go!
Did Puppet Girl draw something on her cleavage?
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing, guys!
But, did Smirky McDimpleson flirt back? (I'm trying to be a lady here, so I won't ask about the consolation sex.) Enquiring minds want to know!
thanks boys!
love it all!
So who is Joan and who is Melissa!? You must choose and report back to us.
Thanks for all the fabulous photos. I'm green with envy.
I'm surprised there are seats for anyone else besides PR alumns. With 4 seasons worth of designers, they must take up half the tent! ha ha ha
Is Rami so pale that even flash photography reflects off of him? Not to mention that square head of his. hehe.
After looking at all five...
and as a whole...
I'd have to say while there wasn't any one designer that popped out with a collection that stretched my mind, it was overall, a very strong show.
Tim Gunn might be right. This is the most experienced crew they've had.
Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time. Thank you for the pictures.
Your commentary is a layer deeper than bitchy. It comes off as personal, and kind of hints at a deeper unhappiness within yourself.
"Sewing Siren said...
Laurent said...
Hephaestion said...
Who is Nora??
Season 1 - Nora Caliguri. Remember the wedding challenge?
And the only Pratt graduate that they have ever had on the show."
Indeed. Nora was awesome. I miss the Season 1 designers. What a great bunch!
Kayne looks great in those pictures!
I am very, very proud to say that I have participated in the vandalism of a Heidi Klum poster on the New York subway - and I have photographic evidence. A truly great accomplishment, almost as amazing as the photo of me giving the White House the middle finger.
Laura Bennett and Tom look like twins.
Tom, I saw you in the background in a photo on behind Heidi and Posh. I swooned.
"ayla said...
Tom, I saw you in the background in a photo on behind Heidi and Posh. I swooned."
Link, please : - )
ayla said...
Tom, I saw you in the background in a photo on behind Heidi and Posh. I swooned.
We found it. Here it is. Thanks, ayla : )
Boys, who was Posh wearing?
TokyoDoll said...
Boys, who was Posh wearing?
Hi TokyoDoll,
She was wearing an orange Donna Karan 2008 Resort jersey dress with Versace Spring 2008 strappy sandals. She looked amazing.
Oh, sweeties. I'm so glad you're having so much fun....and taking us along for the ride!
Simone looks like a Simon in need of a brow wax.
You boys know better: CLOSE UP of Laura's shoes. Always! :)
So - I am guessing the final 3 to show are Christian/Jillian and Chris cause you boys don't have any pictures of Chris and you do of Rami - am I right am I right - ok don't tell us or the won't let you back in =)
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