I honestly have to say this looks like an all time Project Runway low.
You know, I know some readers are tired of the endless Project Runway Canada comments, but suck it up: here is another. How about a challenge like Iman did to raise money for her charity (AIDS/Africa)? Instead it seems like its Product Placement Extravaganza this year, between Levi's , Bitten, Hershey's, etc.
At least seeing what Laura designed will give us something to look forward to.
Does the timing of all this mean 2 designers get eliminated?
I hate the idea of this challenge. They look like sluts and that plays hugely to Ricky's advantage, since his aesthetic runs from "hooker at work" to "hooker on her day off."
The Pope at a sex club? Me thinks the Duchess is going be hearing from that Donuhue guy who likes to picket.
You just know they had to have kept SweetP around just for this challenge. I'd think it would be tough for her to skate by (again) this challenge because it'll be hard for her to disguise that she cannot fit a body. But then again, she is getting the Auf edit in previews. Which likely means she's probably not going to be eliminated. Damn.
I think this episode has potential, actually. Sure, the product placement is annoying, but I'm becoming immune to it. Anyone who regularly watches the Amazing Race can tell you how awful that stupid Travel-Company-I-Don't-Want-To-Endorse gnome is, but it doesn't ruin the show.
Ok, I know this might be hard to believe, but I scrolled down, saw the photo of Heidi and said to myself "she looks like Laura" and THEN scrolled more to see your comment. I feel so fashion savvy! (for once)
Hey, did anyone notice that Bravo bleeped out Sweet P's design on the form for the previews? The first time I saw the preview I saw her "outfit" and now it's a big blur on the dress form. I won't offer a spoiler..but I'm very curious about how this goes down.
I just wanted to add; I think these producers need some serious help coming up with new challenges. And if there is another season of PR, I hope they get it.
It is become like a Canal Street knock-off of it's former self.
That sounds like an off season challenge for say, the Project Rungay Boys (and readers). A "come up with next season challenges" contest. Maybe you could win a T shirt? Once worn by a previous contestant? In Rami's case, all lotioned up.
katiecoo, I saw that last night during Make Me a Supermodel - I have seen Sweet P's outfits and Tim throwing that feather boa around all week, and NOW they blur it out? If they are so worried about spoilers, why are they telling us it's wrestling right in the commercial? Argh!
katiecoo said... Hey, did anyone notice that Bravo bleeped out Sweet P's design on the form for the previews? The first time I saw the preview I saw her "outfit" and now it's a big blur on the dress form. I won't offer a spoiler..but I'm very curious about how this goes down.
Ooh! I have to go look again, because Tim's comment was unusually blunt - did they cut that too?
As for Heidi, the dress is by Laura so I'm sure it's fabulous, but that color - feh.
"As for Heidi, the dress is by Laura so I'm sure it's fabulous, but that color - feh."
That may not have been Laura's call. Heidi likes red. Remember she had Jay make her a red dress, and then she wore a red dress at (was it the Emmy's) some award show last year that TLo blogged about.
I don't have a problem with the challenge. The WWE divas are fabulous and it's not like they're going to design something for them to fight in. It reminds me of the challenge where they had to take a picture and create a story/dress based on that picture.
TLO, do you realize there are 6 designers left and only 2 of them from now on out won't be showing at Bryant Park (even if they just do a decoy) ? That means there's a good chance either Sweet P or Ricky will have a collection. Ugh, just shoot me. With the judge's retarded decisions this season, I'm almost counting on it. ...Also, wouldn't it be funny if Rami made some drape-y toga for this challenge, yet again?!
Man, they really are running out of ideas, aren't they? I don't know why they don't repeat some of the challenges. For instance, I would mind seeing again the wedding dress challenge.
I can see Sweet P's outfit just fine. Katie, get your eyes checked.
Well, I agree I do need an eye exam but how is it you are seeing Sweet P's design on that dress form while Tim is admonishing her for the feather boa? You must have some serious Xray vision. Can I borrow it?
I knew that they were going to do something with the WWE. I just happen to recap PR for a WWE wrestler's official message board, so I'm excited about watching and recapping this episode, good or bad. Now, if they had a wrestler be the special guest judge...you know what, nevermind.
Well, I agree I do need an eye exam but how is it you are seeing Sweet P's design on that dress form while Tim is admonishing her for the feather boa? You must have some serious Xray vision. Can I borrow it?"
I don't know what to tell you. I can see it just fine. Seriously, schedule that appointment.
I guess my real life and blog life are blurring in to one. I have Bravo on in the backround here and the spot they are showing for next week shows the "blurred dress form" image. This season is so non dramatic, we are having to create this kind of drama here on the blogs I think. ;) I feel kind of special being involved in (even instigating) this much scandal.
I guess my real life and blog life are blurring in to one. I have Bravo on in the backround here and the spot they are showing for next week shows the "blurred dress form" image. This season is so non dramatic, we are having to create this kind of drama here on the blogs I think. ;) I feel kind of special being involved in (even instigating) this much scandal."
I think you're talking about the TV commercial, Katie, and people here are talking about the preview videos. You can see it clearly in the video.
"veruca salt said... I completely unfamiliar with the WWE world. Who are these women?"
Diva is a term used by the professional wrestling promotion World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) to refer to its female talent. The term is applied to women who appear as wrestlers, managers or valets, backstage interviewers, or ring announcers.
The popularity of women in WWE has resulted in various cross-promotions with other brands featuring WWE Divas. Various Divas have posed in Playboy, and others have appeared in commercials for WWE and non-WWE products as well as men's interest magazines.
although it seems like a sleazy challenge -- i can't wait to see what chris comes up with!
i agree with other posters that as much as i like sweet p, i don't think she belongs at bryant park and of course ricky......i'm still trying to figure out how he's coasted this far....
There are so many endorsements product placements this season, both in the challenges and in the environment, it seems like Bravo and the Weinsteins must have made a profit before the episodes even aired.
If they're going down that road--they can show it to us without commercials!
"I completely unfamiliar with the WWE world. Who are these women?"
They're basically female wrestlers, veruca, although some of them are there for eye candy more than anything. Candice and Torrie, for example, have been on the Playboy cover. Like the WWE men, the women have their own division and championship, which Candice has won a while back. Maria, until recently, was just an interview girl on RAW on USA. Layla won the WWE Diva Search in 2006 (and is now on ECW on Sci-Fi), while Candice was a former contestant in 2004. Torrie and Michelle are on Friday Night Smackdown on the CW.
Oh dear! The image of draped spandex will haunt my dreams until this challenge has been revealed. Not a pretty picture.
isabella said... Ok, there are 5 WWE divas -
Maria, Candice Michelle, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Layla
- but 6 designers left. How are they going to do this?
I read somewhere that there is indeed a sixth diva, but she quit the WWE. Apparently the WWE is not yet out of fifth grade, so they aren't speaking to her, and won't let her hang out with the cool crowd - even for a photo op. ("We aren't BFF with you any more! So there!!")
Anyway if true, this could be why she is not included in any of the promos.
I am coming to you guys in the future for all my WWE tech support needs.
Hmmm, with the words "Playboy," "wrestling," "RAW," "Smackdown" and, a euphemism I just love: "men's interest magazines," being used to describe the muses for this challenge, the results should be interesting to say the least. Pope in a sex club, indeed.
I noticed that too, Veruca Salt. How come there's one less "model" than the number of designers?
Whomever said that new challenge ideas should come right from this blog is dead on. These posters could think up 6 seasons worth of fabulous ideas in two hours.
I had to google WWE to even learn who those ho's were, but that trashiness aside, I think it will be a good episode.
It should definately push the designers out of their comfort zone. I cannot wait to hear what Rami has to say about these girls since they don't have wrestlers in the west bank and he will probably be shocked at the amount of skin shown.
I'd recognize the Laura's work if we could see Heidi standing in the dress; her profiles are unmistakable.
Honestly, I have to reserve judgement on this challenge too, but I have to admit I really would have enjoyed seeing Laura try to make some WWE bimbo dress correctly for once.
Wrestling costumes deside who goes to fashion week? What a disappointment."
I thought the same thing. It's too late in the game to throw silly challenges like that at the designers. We need to see what these people can do, real gowns, real dresses.
I think SweetP might be toast. She seems beyond frazzled and I can't imagine that white is going to be a good color choice for this sort of, um, activity. And I'm picking Chris for the win. Green velour and a leopard print? I mean if that doesn't scream WWE, I don't know what does.
Red is not Heidi's color. I don't know who told her it was. But it is one of MY colors, so Heidi can send me that dress. Dry-cleaned first, of course.
Maybe they will auf 2 designers this week. My choice would be Ricky and Jillian. That way Chris, Christian, Rami and Sweet P could go to Bryant Park. That would be awesome. I don't know if I would like it more because I wish sweet p well or because it would piss certain people off.
Maybe they will auf 2 designers this week. My choice would be Ricky and Jillian. That way Chris, Christian, Rami and Sweet P could go to Bryant Park. That would be awesome. I don't know if I would like it more because I wish sweet p well or because it would piss certain people off.
Regarding the 5 "divas" and 6 designers issue, maybe the designers aren't designing for the "divas" themselves -- maybe the wrestlers are merely inspiration, and the garments will be worn by the (underused) models...that way there doesn't need to be a 1:1 correlation.
Or, maybe it's a mini collection: Wrestler in the Ring, Wrestler as a Tractor Pull Emcee, Wrester at the PTA, Tranny Wrestlers on Ice....
The popularity of women in WWE has resulted in various cross-promotions with other brands featuring WWE Divas. Various Divas have posed in Playboy, and others have appeared in commercials for WWE and non-WWE products as well as men's interest magazines.
Wow-what a classy group-NOT. Just what I wanted to see on PR-a challenge designing for a bunch of women who basically don't wear clothes.
Love the euphemism "mens interest magazines-in other words, the magazines aimed at that portion of the male demographic whose sex lives revolve around jacking off to airbrushed photos of caricatures of real women?
I know that PR is entertainment, but does it really have to aim so low?
If they continue in this direction, maybe it's time to take down the tents and close the runway
elisafan said... This would have been an interesting challenge to see last season. Could you imagine Laura, Uli, or Vincent coming up with wrestling outfits?
OMG-can you imagine how many times we would have heard Vincent moaning "It turns me on"? they would have had to hose that man down every five seconds....
How ironic to have THIS as a challenge and at the same time find here a prime example of the good old days, elegance, sophistication represented by a previous contestant's dress.
Hi TLo, guess I was a day early with the Laura Bennett dress guess! Thanks for letting me know on the SeenOn post. Felt like a star getting a personal answer from you guys :) Mmmmmwwwwaahh! Me2
I am so tired of Ricky I don't know what to do. He clearly has no talent. If this show wants to keep its credibility he needs to go next week, he's on there just to keep the ratings up.
What should we expect next? Clown costumes for Ringling Bros.? Re-design a Disney princess into a more modern one? Hannah Montana Stage outfits? New WMBA uniforms? Or how about a new outfit for the Chicken of the Sea Mermaid?
Stop with the whoring out of challenges by using paid for tie-ins. And to put this challenge so late in the game is not right - the challenges should progress in sophistication. If they were goning to use this challenge it should have been used ealier on. It is a 2nd or third challenge at best. I would be so angry if I was a contestant to get this far and be aufed on this commercial, I mean challenge. ~Zombiebirdhouse
If things continue in this vein; e.g. keeping half-assed designers around for drama/effect, the credibility of PR stands to suffer. Also, I'd like to see some actual clothing. This year's setups have been rather lame overall in my opinion. I'm not interested in seeing people construct clothes out of spit and toilet paper. Come on producers...this is supposed to be high fashion...
I would love to see what kind of wrestling outfit Laura would have come up with. Her dress looks great of course.
I think you guys should be Laura's posse at QVC and give us a full report of the experience, behind-the-scenes with pics. Isn't QVC in PA anyway? right in your backyard.
love laura's dress! perfect cut & color for heidi. laura needs to come fill my closet with her awesomeness!
i'm actually kinda excited for this episode. it's like lingerie/bathing suit/skating costume, but not. while most fashionistas might suspect this challenge to be less than kosher, it's actually really difficult to construct costumes that are revealing, flashy and don't fall to bits while in action.
i suspect ricky may do well. hopefully chris, too. poor sweet p is stressed out again. and christian hates the challenge. surprise surprise.
There are so many endorsements product placements this season, both in the challenges and in the environment, it seems like Bravo and the Weinsteins must have made a profit before the episodes even aired.
If they're going down that road--they can show it to us without commercials!"
For all those Ricky haters out there, yes, he's annoying, but really, is his personality worse than Vincent? Is his design esthetic worse than Ms. Fleurchon? Really, he's not so bad.
And remember Robert Plotkin made it til there were 5 designers. Five!
He's definitely the weakest and he's definitely annoying but I only wish he were worse. This season is just too boring.
peterpan said..."Why? She's a far better designer than Chris, Ricky and Sweet P."
That is a matter of opinion dear. I don't think she is better than Chris or Sweet P. While they both have their foibles, they are both great in their own right. Chacon a son gout.
How could I have forgotten to add that Ricky never sent anything down nearly as horrible as some of the craptastic turkey feather ledehosen monstrosities that Santino got through with.
peterpan said..."Why? She's a far better designer than Chris, Ricky and Sweet P."
That is a matter of opinion dear. I don't think she is better than Chris or Sweet P. While they both have their foibles, they are both great in their own right. Chacon a son gout.
Exactly. Just because the judges play favorites doesn't mean the viewers should too. If Chris or Sweet P makes it, or even Ricky, it is because they will have earned it.
Do you think Christian will make a pleated puffy sleeves tight pants outfit? Cause that would be FIERCELY original. Get that guy a binky, I'm truly sick of hearing him. He really needs to lay off Ricky or
Bitchesdye said: For all those Ricky haters out there, yes, he's annoying, but really, is his personality worse than Vincent? Is his design esthetic worse than Ms. Fleurchon? Really, he's not so bad.
I agree. There seems to be so much hatred for Ricky and I don't understand why. Yes, he is incredibly emotional and while that doesn't bother ME I can see how some others would find that annoying. But he seems to have a good heart, he isn't mean to anyone and he's trying very hard to do a good job. Perhaps this competition isn't the right place for him but isn't it the fault of the judges for keeping him on for so long?
. There seems to be so much hatred for Ricky and I don't understand why. Yes, he is incredibly emotional and while that doesn't bother ME I can see how some others would find that annoying. But he seems to have a good heart, he isn't mean to anyone and he's trying very hard to do a good job
How could I have forgotten to add that Ricky never sent anything down nearly as horrible as some of the craptastic turkey feather ledehosen monstrosities that Santino got through with.
Yes and yes. I think he's sincere and very sensitive and that makes people uncomfortable.
"How could I have forgotten to add that Ricky never sent anything down nearly as horrible as some of the craptastic turkey feather ledehosen monstrosities that Santino got through with."
That is so true, Santino was the worst designer. The only reason he made it anywhere was because his "personality' (if you can call it that) made good TV and he was on the show to create drama.
Exactly. Just because the judges play favorites doesn't mean the viewers should too. If Chris or Sweet P makes it, or even Ricky, it is because they will have earned it.
I agree with this comment so much. Too many people are of the mindset that if you don't agree with them or the judges, you are wrong. Those judges aren't the end all beat all last word in fashion. Their opinions are just that.
How does the old saying go, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink.
bitchybitchybitchy said... OMG-can you imagine how many times we would have heard Vincent moaning "It turns me on"? they would have had to hose that man down every five seconds....
On Ricky: Yeah, I kind of feel for the guy. I don't like to see anyone be ostracized. It looks to me like they (the producers) have been fucking with him from the begining. For instance I don't really think he was bottom three on the very first show, or bottom two on the men's wear. And the prom challenge the had a bottom 4 just to mess with him (it seems). Anyway being in the bottom two has to be pretty hard on your self-esteem. It even made Laura cry.
On Ricky: Yeah, I kind of feel for the guy. I don't like to see anyone be ostracized
I agree so much, too many people don't have compassion for their fellow human beings. I know Ricky isn't the best designer and he should have been auf'd long ago. But the way he has been treated makes me sad.
Being a little gay boy in school, I was constantly picked on and I know how it feels to be belittled and ostracized. It feels horrible and makes you feel like you aren't worthy. I am glad they gave him a win, even though it was because his dress had the most commercial appeal.
I am not saying Ricky should win or even be in the finals. I am saying people need to lighten up on him. God knows most of us gay boys have been picked on in our lives and don't need it from our peers too.
For straight guys watching the episode, and I know there are some out there, the fitting scenes could be fun....
Look, these people go on PR to face interesting challenges, right?
It could certainly turn out to be a skating outfit-type horror show, but dare I dream of a judge's comment along the lines of "there's way too much tootie"???? Well, dare I?!?!?!?!?
Anonymous said... Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE
I have heard several people saying this, where was this? What are you talking about?
In the video when he is talking to Rami there is what appears to be a small shaving/toiletries bag, it isn't a purse, on the bed. I assume that is what others are talking about.
I loved the line: "Like Trannies on Ice." he-he I am looking forward to a cheesy good time with this one! Oh, and Tim Gunn's "Green Acres" comment should bring lots of grins when it's put into context of the show.
Talk about being put out of their comfort zones! The WWE gals always dress so Frederick of Hollywood. Can't wait to hear the Judges comments on this. If we thought they were out of touch with Prom dresses? Just ask yourself if Michael Kors or Nina has ever been to a wrestling match. I'm not including Heidi, she probably has. =D
Ok, I don't have sound at my work computer so I can only watch the video, I can't hear anything. I understand the challenge is making clothing for the 'rastlin' ladies, but what kind of clothing? Are they making "stage" wear or what?
anon 2:34 said, He's probably a nice guy, but that's not the issue here.
I never said Ricky should win (reread my post). I didn't say that he deserved his position either. I just think he has been treated like crap by the show and has been judged too critically by others. I voiced the opinion that people should be nice to him and everyone for that matter. There is no need to treat someone like dirt.
P.S. I do not dislike any of the designers on a personal level. I dislike several of their design aesthetics, Rami's Roman/Greco one note comes to mind here. I also hate the way the editing monkeys have Ricky crying every week. Surely they have better footage to use. I can't blame Ricky for that.
I've gotten a kick out of several of the challenges this year. The WWE Diva's costume seems basically to be a glammed out bikini that needs to accentuate a body-builders form. I can't wait to see what serious designers will create for them.
I think that if any of the Histrionic 6 don't embrace the "fashion everywhere for everyone," that I feel is at the very core of this challenge. They are going to fail miserably by being hoisted by their own snobby petard.
Looking at the video of the designers in Mood, it appears that several of them were buying spandex. So I think they are making fantasy-type "ring" wear.
That concept is so broad, they can come up with anything and you know during judging they will bring up some point of reference which wasn't mentioned earlier. Throwing off most of the designers.
rosie's girl said...I read somewhere that there is indeed a sixth diva, but she quit the WWE. Apparently the WWE is not yet out of fifth grade, so they aren't speaking to her, and won't let her hang out with the cool crowd - even for a photo op. ("We aren't BFF with you any more! So there!!")
So I am assuming this may be the reaon there are only 5 designers shown. Who knows.
sam said....God knows most of us gay boys have been picked on in our lives and don't need it from our peers too.
I agree with you man, I have always wondered why gay guys rip one another apart when most of them have been harassed at some point in their life. You would think they would not do that. I guess that is the big gay paradox.
Maybe Ricky will go home this week, I am wondering how they are going to get rid of at least 2 designers before fashion week. They don't have enough time. But last year they had the show before it actually aired and we got a sneak peek at the collections. But we knew who the top 4 were then too. I don't know how they are going to do it unless they auf 2 this week.
Okay, that link won't work...There is a photo of Uli and laura together at some event, and Laura is wearing a dress that is similar to the one Heidi is wearing...same color different neckline.
This is the 2nd time Christian has made "trannie" comments that I've heard. Aren't these comments offensive to transexuals? I would think they would be. They seem insulting to me. Am I wrong? Anyone transexual out there that can comment on this?
I can't wait for the next episode! It's probably going to be a cringe-fest, but just think of all the fun we'll all have the following week here with TLo!
C'mon, I'm sure most of us now watch the show and say to ourselves, "What are Tom & Lorenzo going to say about THAT!?!" We're lucky to have this companion piece to PRway.
omg this is gonna be a creepy challenge im kinda afraid of the tackiness we are gonna get!!! this challenge is not cool not cool at all lol :P i think its gonna be an episode to get reeeeeal bitchy! lol cheers!
About "what will they do to get done by fashion week?": they don't have to be done with the season by the end of fashion week, do they? They just need to have the final four decided. They still will need time to edit the final shows.
I'm echoing Sewing Siren's comment, "How disappointing to have a challenge like this determine the final contestants."
Not exactly a trip to Paris, is it? (trippy, yes)
My first reaction was, "Damn, if I were one of these designers I'd slap a thong & pasties on the 'rastlin-chick, give the producers two-middle-fingers and walk towards the door."
Then, after some consideration, I got my sense of humor back.
...decided that Project Runway is just a vehicle for getting your name out there and anyone who signs on for it can expect absurdity.
I have a sinking feeling that Ricky might really excel at this challenge. Don't hate him, but I really loathe trashy-dress. sigh.
Anon- In a really amazing way, you managed to combine my SN, Crow Winters, with Sarah Hudson, the name I actually wrote. I'm.. I'm impressed, and a little horrified.
Sarah Hudson was the, um, "Rock Star" in season one that the designers split into teams and designed for. (It was actually the first team challenge!) As a musician myself, it was disheartening to see the show shill for someone who A) didn't write their own music and B) was only in the industry due to family ties. That you haven't heard of her despite mass marketing way back when, well, that speaks volumes of her.
I find the WWE shilling no less embarrassing. (Since Hudson hits a little more home, I actually find them pushing her as an "artist" even more offensive, since, you, know, the WWE Divas at least work for a living.)
Slade- Thank you! Unexpected comments cause unexpected smiles.
...oh, almost forgot, one of Nina's FAVORITE phrases:
"Perhaps the Taste-Level is not there."
She loves to pepper her comments with subtle-acid about a designer's choice of fabric or cut. Wonder how she's going to work that in on this challenge...har-dee-har-har. >:)
The Duchess, quoted in Jan. 31 NY Times, article "The Newly Uptight":
"In collections for fall that American designers plan to present starting on Friday, when another Fashion Week begins in New York, many will jettison the baby-doll dresses, the thigh-high skirts and the disco boots of the spirited Warhol years — touchstones of recent seasons — in favor of a meticulously tailored look that evokes the White House years of Jacqueline Kennedy.
“That moment resonates with a lot of people and how they want to live,” said Michael Kors, whose runway show on Wednesday will cater to the fantasy. “There is not a minidress to be found, not a platform shoe in sight. And ‘suit’ is not going to be a dirty word.”
His show and others’ are expected to pay homage to a period, the late ’50s and early ’60s, that was, in retrospect, an interlude of prosperity and stability, one enriched by material comforts as substantial as a Steuben crystal cocktail shaker."
That may not have been Laura's call. Heidi likes red. Remember she had Jay make her a red dress, and then she wore a red dress at (was it the Emmy's) some award show last year that TLo blogged about.
You're right about Heidi and red. It's just that shade of red/brown is so "pinto-beans-on-a-taco-platter" to me...
But then Laura seems to like unusual shades; remember the 'chartreuse popsicle' look that she axed from her Bryant Park collection at Tim's urging?
I can't believe all this bitching about how dare they use this challenge to determine who shows at Bryant Park, and how they would never have done this in the old days.
Doesn't anyone remember Season 1? Who they had to design for to get to Bryant Park, who won that challenge, and for what design?
I agree with what nibs said above. The designers have had plenty of chances to create "just a dress" this season, and it's given certain designers too much opportunity to skate by with one-note aesthetics.
I for one can't wait to see what these oh-so-serious designers come up with when forced to come up with something just a little whimsical or, dare I say it, trashy.
This is where sissy bear can really bring it kiddies. Lets not forget his superwoman drag thing we all saw a picture of him in. Bring it sissy! We love you.
Ricky. . . just go home. . . "I could give them advice, but why should I" . . . Ricky lets think. . . You were team leader for the trends challenge. . . didnt seem to work for you. . you've been in the bottom since day one. you won ONE challenge so far. ONE. Now you think you're a design God? Seeing your lengerie on those girls makes me even more gay.
Hi fritterfae, you said... "Let me just say that this is not unlike the challenge where they had to design an ice skating outfit in season 2."
It certainly has similarities, i.e. spandex, but the *tone* of what a professional athlete needs for presentation is, imho, vastly different.
I'm trying very hard not to be high-brow, yet, c'mon...please tell me how many "professional sports" request & require women to have silicone breast implants?
(I don't EVEN WANT TO KNOW what kind of implants the male wrestlers are invested in...cheesus!)
If I allow myself to wander into irony....I can laugh and enjoy this upcoming epi.
The hubby brought me back into humor with this: "You know Michael Kors will say, 'It looks like the Studebaker in the 1982 re-make of Annie."
"Who the heck will their GUEST JUDGE be this week???? The Amazing Moolah?"
I'm not getting mad at you, Hep, but:
First of all, it's the Fabulous Moolah. Second of all, she died 3 months ago. But now that you mention it, I now have a pretty good idea of who will be the guest judge for the challenge.
snf in va said... I for one think that the shade of red of the LB original that Heidi is wearing is FABULOUS!
It's a beautiful deep, rich garnet:
Maybe it's my monitor - I went back and looked again and it really looks brownish to me. I hope you're right; garnet would look so much better than 'pinto bean'!
If they do a NASCAR ep, Ricky will have a definite hat-design-experience advantage. Rami had to resort to draping for the prom dress challenge, as there are no proms in Jerusalem. Does Jerusalem have WWE, or will this be one more instance of Rami-draping?
I'm afraid of this one. Too bad they wasted an entire episode on this. I would have loved to have seen more fashion from these final designers at this stage of the game.
Everything is going to be horrendous. If they try to meet the challenge, it must be.
Though this has the potential to be a fun episode in terms of designer wackiness, I'm concerned about PR pandering to this WT aesthetic, which has spread throughout mainstream culture like a pernicious virus. I'm all for making fashion more accessible, but this is just gross.
Aside from the obvious "WTF!" I gotta say "I feel like the Pope at a sex club" is the best line the Dutchess has uttered this season.
This has the potential to either be a really awful episode, or to be a really amazing/hilarious episode. Either way I'm looking forward to it.
Weel said Princess. Tranny Ice Capades indeed.
I cringed just looking at those fabrics.
or even snapped in two =P
Anonymous said...
or even snapped in two =P
Fixed, bitch.
Ok, there are 5 WWE divas -
Maria, Candice Michelle, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Layla
- but 6 designers left. How are they going to do this?
I honestly have to say this looks like an all time Project Runway low.
You know, I know some readers are tired of the endless Project Runway Canada comments, but suck it up: here is another. How about a challenge like Iman did to raise money for her charity (AIDS/Africa)? Instead it seems like its Product Placement Extravaganza this year, between Levi's , Bitten, Hershey's, etc.
At least seeing what Laura designed will give us something to look forward to.
Does the timing of all this mean 2 designers get eliminated?
Love Laura's dress!!!
The challenge? Not so much. Big disappointment this season.
Is Heidi preggers again? Cuz I swear I saw some tummy bulge in that dress.
As for the ep, it'll suck but there'll be some fun moments. When Tim is horrified, I'm happy.
I hate the idea of this challenge. They look like sluts and that plays hugely to Ricky's advantage, since his aesthetic runs from "hooker at work" to "hooker on her day off."
He should have been gone weeks ago.
At the very least, the gang will be forced to work outside their comfort zones (except maybe Chris) and that should prove interesting.
And look at it this way, at least we aren't going to have to see the designers in wrestling garb a la the ice skating challenge of yore.
Oh, no. And I haven't even watched the previews yet.
The Pope at a sex club? Me thinks the Duchess is going be hearing from that Donuhue guy who likes to picket.
You just know they had to have kept SweetP around just for this challenge. I'd think it would be tough for her to skate by (again) this challenge because it'll be hard for her to disguise that she cannot fit a body. But then again, she is getting the Auf edit in previews. Which likely means she's probably not going to be eliminated. Damn.
Did you see the biceps on Sweet P?
I swear she can snap Princess in half!
"Tlo said: Princess, she could snap you in two."
Gosh, even Heidi could snap him in two (though she'd probably use her teeth.)
Sex moans! Hahahahahahaha.
Who knows? Maybe it'll be a fun episode. I didn't think the candy one was going to be any good, and it turned out to be pretty entertaining.
Heidi looks amazing in Laura's dress.
I think this episode has potential, actually. Sure, the product placement is annoying, but I'm becoming immune to it. Anyone who regularly watches the Amazing Race can tell you how awful that stupid Travel-Company-I-Don't-Want-To-Endorse gnome is, but it doesn't ruin the show.
Heidi, Ricky needs to go.
Nina, Ricky needs to go.
Michael, Ricky needs to go.
Tim, Ricky needs to go.
Producers, Ricky needs to go.
Ok, I know this might be hard to believe, but I scrolled down, saw the photo of Heidi and said to myself "she looks like Laura" and THEN scrolled more to see your comment. I feel so fashion savvy! (for once)
Hey, did anyone notice that Bravo bleeped out Sweet P's design on the form for the previews? The first time I saw the preview I saw her "outfit" and now it's a big blur on the dress form. I won't offer a spoiler..but I'm very curious about how this goes down.
I just wanted to add; I think these producers need some serious help coming up with new challenges. And if there is another season of PR, I hope they get it.
It is become like a Canal Street knock-off of it's former self.
When Tim is horrified, I'm happy.
The makings of great TV!
Gotham Tomato,
That sounds like an off season challenge for say, the Project Rungay Boys (and readers). A "come up with next season challenges" contest. Maybe you could win a T shirt? Once worn by a previous contestant? In Rami's case, all lotioned up.
Dear God.
But, I want to know how I get my hands on a LB original. I have a FANCY event coming up, and I'm willing to spend a few bucks....
katiecoo, I saw that last night during Make Me a Supermodel - I have seen Sweet P's outfits and Tim throwing that feather boa around all week, and NOW they blur it out? If they are so worried about spoilers, why are they telling us it's wrestling right in the commercial? Argh!
katiecoo said...
Hey, did anyone notice that Bravo bleeped out Sweet P's design on the form for the previews? The first time I saw the preview I saw her "outfit" and now it's a big blur on the dress form. I won't offer a spoiler..but I'm very curious about how this goes down.
Ooh! I have to go look again, because Tim's comment was unusually blunt - did they cut that too?
As for Heidi, the dress is by Laura so I'm sure it's fabulous, but that color - feh.
I THOUGHT it looked familiar! Yay, Heidi is showing some fabulous taste!
I'm with you on reserving judgement. We'll see what happens...
If you are going to throw over
the traces you might as well
go whole hog.
Stubenville said...
"As for Heidi, the dress is by Laura so I'm sure it's fabulous, but that color - feh."
That may not have been Laura's call. Heidi likes red. Remember she had Jay make her a red dress, and then she wore a red dress at (was it the Emmy's) some award show last year that TLo blogged about.
I don't have a problem with the challenge. The WWE divas are fabulous and it's not like they're going to design something for them to fight in. It reminds me of the challenge where they had to take a picture and create a story/dress based on that picture.
I can see Sweet P's outfit just fine. Katie, get your eyes checked.
Sweet P is awesome. I love her! I hope she's not sent home.
"Anonymous said...
I can see Sweet P's outfit just fine. Katie, get your eyes checked."
And you need to have your manners checked. She's saying ON TV.
At the very least, I hope it's hilarious.
All I can tell is that Tim does not like feather boas. Why does this come as no surprise?
Bon Voyage! Write lots so I have tons to come back and read on Monday.
Looks like Sweet P will be auf'd, I think
Hey, at least draping won't be possible. Plus we'll get to hear Rami talk about class and sophistication while standing next to a wrestler.
TLO, do you realize there are 6 designers left and only 2 of them from now on out won't be showing at Bryant Park (even if they just do a decoy) ? That means there's a good chance either Sweet P or Ricky will have a collection. Ugh, just shoot me. With the judge's retarded decisions this season, I'm almost counting on it.
...Also, wouldn't it be funny if Rami made some drape-y toga for this challenge, yet again?!
Man, they really are running out of ideas, aren't they? I don't know why they don't repeat some of the challenges. For instance, I would mind seeing again the wedding dress challenge.
"Anonymous said...
And you need to have your manners checked. She's saying ON TV."
Yow. Switch to decaf. She didn't say a thing about TV.
"janine said...
Hey, at least draping won't be possible."
Don't hold your breath.
As long as there is a lot of hair pulling I'm fine with this challenge.
Anonymous said...
I can see Sweet P's outfit just fine. Katie, get your eyes checked.
Well, I agree I do need an eye exam but how is it you are seeing Sweet P's design on that dress form while Tim is admonishing her for the feather boa? You must have some serious Xray vision. Can I borrow it?
Why can't we have some of the WWE men on the show? :)
Why are they all being so mean to Ricky? Christian is the worst. You not THAT talent.
I knew that they were going to do something with the WWE. I just happen to recap PR for a WWE wrestler's official message board, so I'm excited about watching and recapping this episode, good or bad. Now, if they had a wrestler be the special guest judge...you know what, nevermind.
GothamTomato said:
It is become like a Canal Street knock-off of it's former self.
Even Canal St. isn't that bad!
"katiecoo said...
Well, I agree I do need an eye exam but how is it you are seeing Sweet P's design on that dress form while Tim is admonishing her for the feather boa? You must have some serious Xray vision. Can I borrow it?"
I don't know what to tell you. I can see it just fine. Seriously, schedule that appointment.
I guess my real life and blog life are blurring in to one. I have Bravo on in the backround here and the spot they are showing for next week shows the "blurred dress form" image. This season is so non dramatic, we are having to create this kind of drama here on the blogs I think. ;) I feel kind of special being involved in (even instigating) this much scandal.
"katiecoo said...
I guess my real life and blog life are blurring in to one. I have Bravo on in the backround here and the spot they are showing for next week shows the "blurred dress form" image. This season is so non dramatic, we are having to create this kind of drama here on the blogs I think. ;) I feel kind of special being involved in (even instigating) this much scandal."
I think you're talking about the TV commercial, Katie, and people here are talking about the preview videos. You can see it clearly in the video.
It's all coming clear to me now...
"meg said: That means there's a good chance either Sweet P or Ricky will have a collection. Ugh, just shoot me.:
I know. If either SweetP or Ricky walks that Bryant Park runway, in any capacity (even as a decoy), this show will be a joke.
Hey! We can see Ricky's head in that promo! It isn't misshapen even.
So what's next for our designers? NASCAR jumpsuits?
Ha! I hope we see designs like these here. WWE's finest fashion plates – and fashion disasters.
Isabella said...
"Ok, there are 5 WWE divas -
Maria, Candice Michelle, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Layla
- but 6 designers left. How are they going to do this?"
I don't get this either. Does anyone have any insight or, better yet, insider knowledge?
I completely unfamiliar with the WWE world. Who are these women?
"GothamTomato said...
"meg said: That means there's a good chance either Sweet P or Ricky will have a collection. Ugh, just shoot me.:
I know. If either SweetP or Ricky walks that Bryant Park runway, in any capacity (even as a decoy), this show will be a joke.
Yup, sad but true. I hate to say it but they do not deserve to be there.
"veruca salt said...
I completely unfamiliar with the WWE world. Who are these women?"
Diva is a term used by the professional wrestling promotion World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) to refer to its female talent. The term is applied to women who appear as wrestlers, managers or valets, backstage interviewers, or ring announcers.
The popularity of women in WWE has resulted in various cross-promotions with other brands featuring WWE Divas. Various Divas have posed in Playboy, and others have appeared in commercials for WWE and non-WWE products as well as men's interest magazines.
although it seems like a sleazy challenge -- i can't wait to see what chris comes up with!
i agree with other posters that as much as i like sweet p, i don't think she belongs at bryant park and of course ricky......i'm still trying to figure out how he's coasted this far....
There are so many endorsements product placements this season, both in the challenges and in the environment, it seems like Bravo and the Weinsteins must have made a profit before the episodes even aired.
If they're going down that road--they can show it to us without commercials!
oh gosh.... we went from Ice skating in Season 2 to WWE in Season 4! it's disappointing.
Awesome that Heidi is wearing a Laura original!!!! I can't wait for Laura's line in QVC.
"I completely unfamiliar with the WWE world. Who are these women?"
They're basically female wrestlers, veruca, although some of them are there for eye candy more than anything. Candice and Torrie, for example, have been on the Playboy cover. Like the WWE men, the women have their own division and championship, which Candice has won a while back. Maria, until recently, was just an interview girl on RAW on USA. Layla won the WWE Diva Search in 2006 (and is now on ECW on Sci-Fi), while Candice was a former contestant in 2004. Torrie and Michelle are on Friday Night Smackdown on the CW.
That's all I can tell you.
Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE.
And honey, if those violent shouts and noises were "sex moans"....what the HELL are you into?
Oh dear! The image of draped spandex will haunt my dreams until this challenge has been revealed. Not a pretty picture.
isabella said...
Ok, there are 5 WWE divas -
Maria, Candice Michelle, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Layla
- but 6 designers left. How are they going to do this?
I read somewhere that there is indeed a sixth diva, but she quit the WWE. Apparently the WWE is not yet out of fifth grade, so they aren't speaking to her, and won't let her hang out with the cool crowd - even for a photo op. ("We aren't BFF with you any more! So there!!")
Anyway if true, this could be why she is not included in any of the promos.
Rosie's Girl
Oh, I think it will be fun. I know it's completely bizarre, but why not?
At least they are not designing for the American Gladiators!
Thanks, KitschTrain and Wes!
I am coming to you guys in the future for all my WWE tech support needs.
Hmmm, with the words "Playboy," "wrestling," "RAW," "Smackdown" and, a euphemism I just love: "men's interest magazines," being used to describe the muses for this challenge, the results should be interesting to say the least. Pope in a sex club, indeed.
janine said...
Plus we'll get to hear Rami talk about class and sophistication while standing next to a wrestler.
LOVE it!!!!
"janine said...
Hey, at least draping won't be possible. Plus we'll get to hear Rami talk about class and sophistication while standing next to a wrestler."
ROFL. And how edgy he is.
Heidi should wear Laura's clothes more often -- class herself up!
Laura is a goddess!!
I noticed that too, Veruca Salt. How come there's one less "model" than the number of designers?
Whomever said that new challenge ideas should come right from this blog is dead on. These posters could think up 6 seasons worth of fabulous ideas in two hours.
Allen said...
Oh, I think it will be fun. I know it's completely bizarre, but why not?
At least they are not designing for the American Gladiators!
Hey, why not? : - )
Wow I have A LOT to catch up on! I'm back, kittens, after a long hiatus. Out of the country with no fucking Bravo.
I had to google WWE to even learn who those ho's were, but that trashiness aside, I think it will be a good episode.
It should definately push the designers out of their comfort zone. I cannot wait to hear what Rami has to say about these girls since they don't have wrestlers in the west bank and he will probably be shocked at the amount of skin shown.
Wrestling costumes deside who goes to fashion week? What a disappointment.
Maybe this will be the challenge that does Jillian in. One can only hope.
I'd recognize the Laura's work if we could see Heidi standing in the dress; her profiles are unmistakable.
Honestly, I have to reserve judgement on this challenge too, but I have to admit I really would have enjoyed seeing Laura try to make some WWE bimbo dress correctly for once.
"Sewing Siren said...
Wrestling costumes deside who goes to fashion week? What a disappointment."
I thought the same thing. It's too late in the game to throw silly challenges like that at the designers. We need to see what these people can do, real gowns, real dresses.
I think SweetP might be toast. She seems beyond frazzled and I can't imagine that white is going to be a good color choice for this sort of, um, activity. And I'm picking Chris for the win. Green velour and a leopard print? I mean if that doesn't scream WWE, I don't know what does.
Red is not Heidi's color. I don't know who told her it was. But it is one of MY colors, so Heidi can send me that dress. Dry-cleaned first, of course.
Two words: Academy Awards. Did the writer's strike put the fear of God in them for even considering it? Hmph.
Ricky at Bryant Park?
"Mon Dieu! My very womb just recoiled!"
Remember, kittens?
Aw, I love the dress. I want an LB so badly. When is Laura Bennett going to be on QVC?
This would have been an interesting challenge to see last season. Could you imagine Laura, Uli, or Vincent coming up with wrestling outfits?
Maybe they will auf 2 designers this week. My choice would be Ricky and Jillian. That way Chris, Christian, Rami and Sweet P could go to Bryant Park. That would be awesome. I don't know if I would like it more because I wish sweet p well or because it would piss certain people off.
Maybe they will auf 2 designers this week. My choice would be Ricky and Jillian. That way Chris, Christian, Rami and Sweet P could go to Bryant Park. That would be awesome. I don't know if I would like it more because I wish sweet p well or because it would piss certain people off.
LindaLA said...
Aw, I love the dress. I want an LB so badly. When is Laura Bennett going to be on QVC?
Hi LindaLA,
Feb 24th and 25th. We don't have the exact time yet, but we'll keep you posted, of course.
Know what? I watched the video closely and I think that it's Jillian who is getting the auf edit.
Don't shoot me, just sayin'.
Regarding the 5 "divas" and 6 designers issue, maybe the designers aren't designing for the "divas" themselves -- maybe the wrestlers are merely inspiration, and the garments will be worn by the (underused) models...that way there doesn't need to be a 1:1 correlation.
Or, maybe it's a mini collection: Wrestler in the Ring, Wrestler as a Tractor Pull Emcee, Wrester at the PTA, Tranny Wrestlers on Ice....
lima bean said...
Know what? I watched the video closely and I think that it's Jillian who is getting the auf edit.
YAY!! that would be awesome.
Jillian's fabric is HIDEOUS! Please don't go home, girl!
The popularity of women in WWE has resulted in various cross-promotions with other brands featuring WWE Divas. Various Divas have posed in Playboy, and others have appeared in commercials for WWE and non-WWE products as well as men's interest magazines.
Wow-what a classy group-NOT. Just what I wanted to see on PR-a challenge designing for a bunch of women who basically don't wear clothes.
Love the euphemism "mens interest magazines-in other words, the magazines aimed at that portion of the male demographic whose sex lives revolve around jacking off to airbrushed photos of caricatures of real women?
I know that PR is entertainment, but does it really have to aim so low?
If they continue in this direction, maybe it's time to take down the tents and close the runway
Anonymous said...
lima bean said...
Know what? I watched the video closely and I think that it's Jillian who is getting the auf edit.
YAY!! that would be awesome.
Why? She's a far better designer than Chris, Ricky and Sweet P.
Um, the WWE? I see a shark jumping coming up, although I hope not.
Love the Laura dress though. She's so fab.
I didn't say that would be awesome, somebody else did.
elisafan said...
This would have been an interesting challenge to see last season. Could you imagine Laura, Uli, or Vincent coming up with wrestling outfits?
OMG-can you imagine how many times we would have heard Vincent moaning "It turns me on"? they would have had to hose that man down every five seconds....
They're not whores. They're professional wrestlers.
How ironic to have THIS as a challenge and at the same time find here a prime example of the good old days, elegance, sophistication represented by a previous contestant's dress.
Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE.
And honey, if those violent shouts and noises were "sex moans"....what the HELL are you into?
Hi TLo, guess I was a day early with the Laura Bennett dress guess! Thanks for letting me know on the SeenOn post. Felt like a star getting a personal answer from you guys :)
Anonymous Aria said...
Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE.
Adorable indeed.
Jillian's black-bra-under-a-deep-v-backed-dress looks exactly like the costume i wore as a trashy biker-chick to a high school dance.
For the first time, I feel very disappointed in PR and I'm afraid that the show might be "jumping the shark."
I am so tired of Ricky I don't know what to do. He clearly has no talent. If this show wants to keep its credibility he needs to go next week, he's on there just to keep the ratings up.
What should we expect next?
Clown costumes for Ringling Bros.?
Re-design a Disney princess into a more modern one?
Hannah Montana Stage outfits?
New WMBA uniforms?
Or how about a new outfit for the Chicken of the Sea Mermaid?
Stop with the whoring out of challenges by using paid for tie-ins.
And to put this challenge so late in the game is not right - the challenges should progress in sophistication. If they were goning to use this challenge it should have been used ealier on. It is a 2nd or third challenge at best. I would be so angry if I was a contestant to get this far and be aufed on this commercial, I mean challenge.
If things continue in this vein; e.g. keeping half-assed designers around for drama/effect, the credibility of PR stands to suffer. Also, I'd like to see some actual clothing. This year's setups have been rather lame overall in my opinion. I'm not interested in seeing people construct clothes out of spit and toilet paper. Come on producers...this is supposed to be high fashion...
anonymous said:
They're not whores. They're professional wrestlers.
12:54 PM
I didn't say they were whores. If memory serves me correctly, pro wrestlers wear revealing costumes-be they male or female.
I would love to see what kind of wrestling outfit Laura would have come up with. Her dress looks great of course.
I think you guys should be Laura's posse at QVC and give us a full report of the experience, behind-the-scenes with pics.
Isn't QVC in PA anyway? right in your backyard.
love laura's dress! perfect cut & color for heidi. laura needs to come fill my closet with her awesomeness!
i'm actually kinda excited for this episode. it's like lingerie/bathing suit/skating costume, but not. while most fashionistas might suspect this challenge to be less than kosher, it's actually really difficult to construct costumes that are revealing, flashy and don't fall to bits while in action.
i suspect ricky may do well. hopefully chris, too. poor sweet p is stressed out again. and christian hates the challenge. surprise surprise.
"Anonymous Redspring said...
There are so many endorsements product placements this season, both in the challenges and in the environment, it seems like Bravo and the Weinsteins must have made a profit before the episodes even aired.
If they're going down that road--they can show it to us without commercials!"
Redspring, that is so true!
For all those Ricky haters out there, yes, he's annoying, but really, is his personality worse than Vincent? Is his design esthetic worse than Ms. Fleurchon? Really, he's not so bad.
And remember Robert Plotkin made it til there were 5 designers. Five!
He's definitely the weakest and he's definitely annoying but I only wish he were worse. This season is just too boring.
peterpan said..."Why? She's a far better designer than Chris, Ricky and Sweet P."
That is a matter of opinion dear. I don't think she is better than Chris or Sweet P. While they both have their foibles, they are both great in their own right. Chacon a son gout.
How could I have forgotten to add that Ricky never sent anything down nearly as horrible as some of the craptastic turkey feather ledehosen monstrosities that Santino got through with.
peterpan said..."Why? She's a far better designer than Chris, Ricky and Sweet P."
That is a matter of opinion dear. I don't think she is better than Chris or Sweet P. While they both have their foibles, they are both great in their own right. Chacon a son gout.
Exactly. Just because the judges play favorites doesn't mean the viewers should too. If Chris or Sweet P makes it, or even Ricky, it is because they will have earned it.
Do you think Christian will make a pleated puffy sleeves tight pants outfit? Cause that would be FIERCELY original. Get that guy a binky, I'm truly sick of hearing him. He really needs to lay off Ricky or
Bitchesdye said:
For all those Ricky haters out there, yes, he's annoying, but really, is his personality worse than Vincent? Is his design esthetic worse than Ms. Fleurchon? Really, he's not so bad.
I agree. There seems to be so much hatred for Ricky and I don't understand why. Yes, he is incredibly emotional and while that doesn't bother ME I can see how some others would find that annoying. But he seems to have a good heart, he isn't mean to anyone and he's trying very hard to do a good job. Perhaps this competition isn't the right place for him but isn't it the fault of the judges for keeping him on for so long?
... or - I don't know. I might be forced to become a Ricky supporter.
. There seems to be so much hatred for Ricky and I don't understand why. Yes, he is incredibly emotional and while that doesn't bother ME I can see how some others would find that annoying. But he seems to have a good heart, he isn't mean to anyone and he's trying very hard to do a good job
How could I have forgotten to add that Ricky never sent anything down nearly as horrible as some of the craptastic turkey feather ledehosen monstrosities that Santino got through with.
Yes and yes. I think he's sincere and very sensitive and that makes people uncomfortable.
"How could I have forgotten to add that Ricky never sent anything down nearly as horrible as some of the craptastic turkey feather ledehosen monstrosities that Santino got through with."
That is so true, Santino was the worst designer. The only reason he made it anywhere was because his "personality' (if you can call it that) made good TV and he was on the show to create drama.
Exactly. Just because the judges play favorites doesn't mean the viewers should too. If Chris or Sweet P makes it, or even Ricky, it is because they will have earned it.
I agree with this comment so much. Too many people are of the mindset that if you don't agree with them or the judges, you are wrong. Those judges aren't the end all beat all last word in fashion. Their opinions are just that.
How does the old saying go, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink.
bitchybitchybitchy said...
OMG-can you imagine how many times we would have heard Vincent moaning "It turns me on"? they would have had to hose that man down every five seconds....
It's blowing my doors off!!!
On Ricky: Yeah, I kind of feel for the guy. I don't like to see anyone be ostracized. It looks to me like they (the producers) have been fucking with him from the begining. For instance I don't really think he was bottom three on the very first show, or bottom two on the men's wear. And the prom challenge the had a bottom 4 just to mess with him (it seems). Anyway being in the bottom two has to be pretty hard on your self-esteem. It even made Laura cry.
Aria said...
Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE.
And honey, if those violent shouts and noises were "sex moans"....what the HELL are you into?
Sometimes those little guys will suprise you.
On Ricky: Yeah, I kind of feel for the guy. I don't like to see anyone be ostracized
I agree so much, too many people don't have compassion for their fellow human beings. I know Ricky isn't the best designer and he should have been auf'd long ago. But the way he has been treated makes me sad.
Being a little gay boy in school, I was constantly picked on and I know how it feels to be belittled and ostracized. It feels horrible and makes you feel like you aren't worthy. I am glad they gave him a win, even though it was because his dress had the most commercial appeal.
I am not saying Ricky should win or even be in the finals. I am saying people need to lighten up on him. God knows most of us gay boys have been picked on in our lives and don't need it from our peers too.
For straight guys watching the episode, and I know there are some out there, the fitting scenes could be fun....
Look, these people go on PR to face interesting challenges, right?
It could certainly turn out to be a skating outfit-type horror show, but dare I dream of a judge's comment along the lines of "there's way too much tootie"???? Well, dare I?!?!?!?!?
Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE
I have heard several people saying this, where was this? What are you talking about?
Anonymous said...
Did anyone notice Princess' little leather purse on the foot of his bed? ADORABLE
I have heard several people saying this, where was this? What are you talking about?
In the video when he is talking to Rami there is what appears to be a small shaving/toiletries bag, it isn't a purse, on the bed. I assume that is what others are talking about.
I firmly believe Sweet P has superhuman strength. :)
I loved the line: "Like Trannies on Ice." he-he I am looking forward to a cheesy good time with this one! Oh, and Tim Gunn's "Green Acres" comment should bring lots of grins when it's put into context of the show.
Talk about being put out of their comfort zones! The WWE gals always dress so Frederick of Hollywood. Can't wait to hear the Judges comments on this. If we thought they were out of touch with Prom dresses? Just ask yourself if Michael Kors or Nina has ever been to a wrestling match. I'm not including Heidi, she probably has. =D
Well said. Thanks for taking the time to share that.
Barf. Barf barf barf barf.
Speaking as a straight man, I cannot effing STAND "WWE" or "divas" or this trashed-out hooker aesthetic.
Puke puke puke.
What's next? NASCAR?
Ricky's crying is the only thing that made him stay on the show for so long, certainly not his designs.
Kit makes one mistake....she's OUT!
Kevin makes one mistake....he's OUT!
Ricky send crap on a daily basis...he's STILL in!
He's probably a nice guy, but that's not the issue here.
Fnarf said...
What's next? NASCAR?
They already did that, last week :(.
Oh my...
The end results must be hideous.
How else can they not be?
This is a silly challenge, perhaps for shock value and comedy.
Ok, I don't have sound at my work computer so I can only watch the video, I can't hear anything. I understand the challenge is making clothing for the 'rastlin' ladies, but what kind of clothing? Are they making "stage" wear or what?
anon 2:34 said, He's probably a nice guy, but that's not the issue here.
I never said Ricky should win (reread my post). I didn't say that he deserved his position either. I just think he has been treated like crap by the show and has been judged too critically by others. I voiced the opinion that people should be nice to him and everyone for that matter. There is no need to treat someone like dirt.
P.S. I do not dislike any of the designers on a personal level. I dislike several of their design aesthetics, Rami's Roman/Greco one note comes to mind here. I also hate the way the editing monkeys have Ricky crying every week. Surely they have better footage to use. I can't blame Ricky for that.
I've gotten a kick out of several of the challenges this year. The WWE Diva's costume seems basically to be a glammed out bikini that needs to accentuate a body-builders form. I can't wait to see what serious designers will create for them.
I think that if any of the Histrionic 6 don't embrace the "fashion everywhere for everyone," that I feel is at the very core of this challenge. They are going to fail miserably by being hoisted by their own snobby petard.
Sewing Siren said...
Fnarf said...
What's next? NASCAR?
They already did that, last week :(.
No, last week was the denim challenge. I don't think they have done NASCAR and I hope they don't.
Isabella said...
"Ok, there are 5 WWE divas -
Maria, Candice Michelle, Torrie Wilson, Michelle McCool and Layla
- but 6 designers left. How are they going to do this?"
Maybe 5 of the designs will be worn at an event, but the 6th, auf'ed look will not be worn?
Looking at the video of the designers in Mood, it appears that several of them were buying spandex. So I think they are making fantasy-type "ring" wear.
That concept is so broad, they can come up with anything and you know during judging they will bring up some point of reference which wasn't mentioned earlier. Throwing off most of the designers.
rosie's girl said...I read somewhere that there is indeed a sixth diva, but she quit the WWE. Apparently the WWE is not yet out of fifth grade, so they aren't speaking to her, and won't let her hang out with the cool crowd - even for a photo op. ("We aren't BFF with you any more! So there!!")
So I am assuming this may be the reaon there are only 5 designers shown. Who knows.
" GothamTomato said...
"Tlo said: Princess, she could snap you in two."
Gosh, even Heidi could snap him in two (though she'd probably use her teeth.)
Ha! She could use the Gabors to do that!
Sewing Siren said...
Fnarf said...
What's next? NASCAR?
They already did that, last week :(.
sam said....God knows most of us gay boys have been picked on in our lives and don't need it from our peers too.
I agree with you man, I have always wondered why gay guys rip one another apart when most of them have been harassed at some point in their life. You would think they would not do that. I guess that is the big gay paradox.
I thought that Laura dress looked familiar...
It's the same color, but cut lower, to better show off the Gabors.
That's what I'm calling 'the twins' from now on....Thanks Gotham!
I'm wondering if Ricky is the one to go this week...after all, he's talking about how he could give the other designer's pointers...
Possible kiss of death right there....like Vincent talking up his couture chops on PR3.
Maybe Ricky will go home this week, I am wondering how they are going to get rid of at least 2 designers before fashion week. They don't have enough time. But last year they had the show before it actually aired and we got a sneak peek at the collections. But we knew who the top 4 were then too. I don't know how they are going to do it unless they auf 2 this week.
Okay, that link won't work...There is a photo of Uli and laura together at some event, and Laura is wearing a dress that is similar to the one Heidi is wearing...same color different neckline.
The link worked for me. It was Laura and Uli. The red dress looked kinda like the one Hiedi was wearing.
This show had Sarah Hudson in it's first season, and your all offended at wrestling outfits in S4?
I never want to see any of your CD collections.
Crow Winters said...
This show had Sarah Hudson in it's first season, and your all offended at wrestling outfits in S4?
I never want to see any of your CD collections
What?? First who is Sarah Winters and what does that have to do with anything? Second, what does CD collections have to do witht this show?
I am confused by this whole post, I don't really see many people acting appalled about this challenge.
Crow Winters, I did check out your blog. Nice drawings and you are waaay cute. ;)
This is the 2nd time Christian has made "trannie" comments that I've heard. Aren't these comments offensive to transexuals? I would think they would be. They seem insulting to me. Am I wrong? Anyone transexual out there that can comment on this?
@ ~Zombiebirdhouse
Am I the only one who thinks re-imagining a Disney Princess would be AWESOME?
Of course, I have a six year old, and would do anything to get Belle out of yellow :)
LOVE IT. Bring it on, bitches!!!
Holy crap, this is going to be fun. Either hilarious or a car wreck you must stare at, but fun either way.
Anyone transexual out there that can comment on this?
I am not a transexual, but I have a friend who is and yes that is very offensive to her.
The friggin' WWE??
A Laura Bennett original almost makes up for the absurdity of this challenge!
I can't wait for the next episode!
It's probably going to be a cringe-fest, but just think of all the fun we'll all have the following week here with TLo!
C'mon, I'm sure most of us now watch the show and say to ourselves, "What are Tom & Lorenzo going to say about THAT!?!" We're lucky to have this companion piece to PRway.
"They were like, sex moans!"
ahhhh!! Princess I'd do you if i was a gay man.
oohh i fucking love christian too soo sexy & cute,mmm;)
Who the heck will their GUEST JUDGE be this week???? The Amazing Moolah?
omg this is gonna be a creepy challenge im kinda afraid of the tackiness we are gonna get!!!
this challenge is not cool not cool at all lol :P
i think its gonna be an episode to get reeeeeal bitchy!
I knew that was an LB original as soon as I saw it in the clip last week! Love that dress, will never have the figure to wear it.
About "what will they do to get done by fashion week?": they don't have to be done with the season by the end of fashion week, do they? They just need to have the final four decided. They still will need time to edit the final shows.
wow. WWE Diva spandex-challenge.
I'm echoing Sewing Siren's comment, "How disappointing to have a challenge like this determine the final contestants."
Not exactly a trip to Paris, is it? (trippy, yes)
My first reaction was, "Damn, if I were one of these designers I'd slap a thong & pasties on the 'rastlin-chick, give the producers two-middle-fingers and walk towards the door."
Then, after some consideration, I got my sense of humor back.
...decided that Project Runway is just a vehicle for getting your name out there and anyone who signs on for it can expect absurdity.
I have a sinking feeling that Ricky might really excel at this challenge. Don't hate him, but I really loathe trashy-dress. sigh.
Anon- In a really amazing way, you managed to combine my SN, Crow Winters, with Sarah Hudson, the name I actually wrote. I'm.. I'm impressed, and a little horrified.
Sarah Hudson was the, um, "Rock Star" in season one that the designers split into teams and designed for. (It was actually the first team challenge!) As a musician myself, it was disheartening to see the show shill for someone who A) didn't write their own music and B) was only in the industry due to family ties. That you haven't heard of her despite mass marketing way back when, well, that speaks volumes of her.
I find the WWE shilling no less embarrassing. (Since Hudson hits a little more home, I actually find them pushing her as an "artist" even more offensive, since, you, know, the WWE Divas at least work for a living.)
Slade- Thank you! Unexpected comments cause unexpected smiles.
...oh, almost forgot, one of Nina's FAVORITE phrases:
"Perhaps the Taste-Level is not there."
She loves to pepper her comments with subtle-acid about a designer's choice of fabric or cut. Wonder how she's going to work that in on this challenge...har-dee-har-har. >:)
The Duchess, quoted in Jan. 31 NY Times, article "The Newly Uptight":
"In collections for fall that American designers plan to present starting on Friday, when another Fashion Week begins in New York, many will jettison the baby-doll dresses, the thigh-high skirts and the disco boots of the spirited Warhol years — touchstones of recent seasons — in favor of a meticulously tailored look that evokes the White House years of Jacqueline Kennedy.
“That moment resonates with a lot of people and how they want to live,” said Michael Kors, whose runway show on Wednesday will cater to the fantasy. “There is not a minidress to be found, not a platform shoe in sight. And ‘suit’ is not going to be a dirty word.”
His show and others’ are expected to pay homage to a period, the late ’50s and early ’60s, that was, in retrospect, an interlude of prosperity and stability, one enriched by material comforts as substantial as a Steuben crystal cocktail shaker."
Definitely not the WWE.
Let me just say that this is not unlike the challenge where they had to design an ice skating outfit in season 2.
Gorgeous Things said...
That may not have been Laura's call. Heidi likes red. Remember she had Jay make her a red dress, and then she wore a red dress at (was it the Emmy's) some award show last year that TLo blogged about.
You're right about Heidi and red. It's just that shade of red/brown is so "pinto-beans-on-a-taco-platter" to me...
But then Laura seems to like unusual shades; remember the 'chartreuse popsicle' look that she axed from her Bryant Park collection at Tim's urging?
I can't believe all this bitching about how dare they use this challenge to determine who shows at Bryant Park, and how they would never have done this in the old days.
Doesn't anyone remember Season 1? Who they had to design for to get to Bryant Park, who won that challenge, and for what design?
I agree with what nibs said above. The designers have had plenty of chances to create "just a dress" this season, and it's given certain designers too much opportunity to skate by with one-note aesthetics.
I for one can't wait to see what these oh-so-serious designers come up with when forced to come up with something just a little whimsical or, dare I say it, trashy.
This is where sissy bear can really bring it kiddies. Lets not forget his superwoman drag thing we all saw a picture of him in. Bring it sissy! We love you.
Ricky. . . just go home. . . "I could give them advice, but why should I" . . . Ricky lets think. . . You were team leader for the trends challenge. . . didnt seem to work for you. . you've been in the bottom since day one. you won ONE challenge so far. ONE. Now you think you're a design God? Seeing your lengerie on those girls makes me even more gay.
Hi fritterfae,
you said...
"Let me just say that this is not unlike the challenge where they had to design an ice skating outfit in season 2."
It certainly has similarities, i.e. spandex, but the *tone* of what a professional athlete needs for presentation is, imho, vastly different.
I'm trying very hard not to be high-brow, yet, c'mon...please tell me how many "professional sports" request & require women to have silicone breast implants?
(I don't EVEN WANT TO KNOW what kind of implants the male wrestlers are invested in...cheesus!)
If I allow myself to wander into irony....I can laugh and enjoy this upcoming epi.
The hubby brought me back into humor with this:
"You know Michael Kors will say, 'It looks like the Studebaker in the 1982 re-make of Annie."
I'm beginning to embrace the insanity. :)
"Who the heck will their GUEST JUDGE be this week???? The Amazing Moolah?"
I'm not getting mad at you, Hep, but:
First of all, it's the Fabulous Moolah. Second of all, she died 3 months ago. But now that you mention it, I now have a pretty good idea of who will be the guest judge for the challenge.
I for one think that the shade of red of the LB original that Heidi is wearing is FABULOUS!
It's a beautiful deep, rich garnet:
that is far classier, IMHO, than a brighter shade...great way to wear red without being flashy or chip-chip-chip.
It's also a red that would probably look great on just about anyone.
snf in va said...
I for one think that the shade of red of the LB original that Heidi is wearing is FABULOUS!
It's a beautiful deep, rich garnet:
Maybe it's my monitor - I went back and looked again and it really looks brownish to me. I hope you're right; garnet would look so much better than 'pinto bean'!
If they do a NASCAR ep, Ricky will have a definite hat-design-experience advantage. Rami had to resort to draping for the prom dress challenge, as there are no proms in Jerusalem. Does Jerusalem have WWE, or will this be one more instance of Rami-draping?
I'm afraid of this one. Too bad they wasted an entire episode on this. I would have loved to have seen more fashion from these final designers at this stage of the game.
Everything is going to be horrendous. If they try to meet the challenge, it must be.
WWE and Bravo are owned by NBC Universal . They just slip their holdings in a Glad Bag and shake. Voila Instant shake and bake programming.
There used to be real models on Project Runway, right?
Though this has the potential to be a fun episode in terms of designer wackiness, I'm concerned about PR pandering to this WT aesthetic, which has spread throughout mainstream culture like a pernicious virus. I'm all for making fashion more accessible, but this is just gross.
i love the platform sandals that Jillian was wearing on this episode? Does anybody know the brand of those platforms?
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