Once again, the immensely talented Alex! makes our words look funnier than they actually are. Click, bitches.
We're starting to think that Project Runway would be loads more fun if it was animated.
Don't forget to make your picks on the TRESemmé Fantasy Runway Game today. Who's in and who's auf tonight, girls?
Hahahahahahahaha! Snort!
Still giggling!
ROFLMAO! Freaking hilarious!!!
Alex! is awesome!
lol - so well done! more, please!!!
"That outburst was totally unprofessional of me."
Hahahahahaha! You go girls and boy!
Nice design on Kevin. I love that he doesn't have eyes, just huge fucking eyebrows.
Quite funny! Loved it, thanks!
I love Victorya's tiny little unhappy face. I can picture her so easily as a discontented preschooler.
"I apologize. That outburst was totally unprofessional of me."
An animated Project Runway would rock. Thanks, TLo and Alex! And Happy Project Wednesday!
Who would think that a straight (and cute) man could be so talented?
I love this comic, especially angry Christian in panel 2.
Fabulous and fucking hilarious!!!
All three of you are incredibly talented--kudos! You make me smile!
alex! you are brilliant! keep 'em coming.
This is SO cool, guys. One more reason to express how much I love this site. You guys rock! Thank you for sharing your talent with us, Alex!
LOL. I love how Victorya's expression never changes in the three drawings.
Great job!
By the way, Boston Herald mentioned your blog. Did you bitches see that?
SO SO funny!!! "the female you" laughing my ass off over here..thank you Alex! (and boys for posting it)!
OHMYGOD this is so funny, guys.Thank you for the giggles. YOUDABEST!
My picks:
Winner: Chris
Loser: Ricky
Is there any way we can nominate Alex! for a Nobel Prize, or something?
Please keep bringing the Alex! I think you need a book deal, the three of you.
ROFLMAO! I agree, you guys should get a book deal. This is very good stuff.
And on another note entirely. I just found out who's going to be the judge for the next episode and she/he is known for his/her designs featuring twisting, tucking, and draping techniques.
Rami, congratulations, you're the winner of this challenge. You may leave the runway.
Love the little black rain cloud over Christian's head. Poor kid.
Re: TresEmme game, Who do I have to fuck to get my 4 bonus points for the ice skater question?
Anyhoo, I picked Jillian for the win.
And Ricky for the auf'.
The bonus question doesn't have a correct answer unless the corrected it.
A M A Z I N G !!!
You guys cheer me up when I'm down - keep up the great work!
Alex, you are truly the talent PR was meant to find. Awesome.
LOVE Alex!
Thanks for making me laugh!
Love these. Thank you for distracting me from my job...for the last hour. YIKES!
"We're starting to think that Project Runway would be loads more fun if it was animated."
I'm starting to think that its too bad Alex! wasn't watching from season 1. I would have loved to see what he would have done.
He has become the Hirschfeld of Project Runway!
LOL!!!! the last panel was the best! i was waiting for someone to mention Kevin's parting comment about hugging Heidi.
Alex! is great!
Christian is definitely in need of more fierce. xD
"gothamtomato said...
I'm starting to think that its too bad Alex! wasn't watching from season 1. I would have loved to see what he would have done."
That's a suggestion... maybe he could do some comics about the previous seasons too! xD
Something about Guadalupe on the reunion show... ;D
david said...
By the way, Boston Herald mentioned your blog. Did you bitches see that?
David, was that today's Herald? If so, I gotta run out and pick it up!
This is all I could find in today's Boston Globe:
'Can you imagine what the "homosexual-related activity" was? Was it designing an outfit for "Project Runway"? Maybe it was doing a re-creation of the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel? Or could it have been showing the kids how to win back-to-back Olympic titles in both the 3m and 10m diving events? Quite possibly it was just putting on the Laramie Project.'
Oops! HERALD, not Globe. Never mind.
Interesting to see this in the article:
"Christiana, 31, has taken his departure from the series (airing Wednesday night at 10) in stride.
“I came off like a gem. I tried very hard not to get involved with the politics. I had my opinions about other designers, but I kept it to myself,” said the composed contestant, whose unfinished, red cocktail-length frock drew sharp criticism from the judges."
First, I'd love to know what politics he's talking about, even though, yes, I know, if I'm being a good girl, I shouldn't want to know -- and do appreciate his professionalism.
In a more perfect world, we'd have both professionalism and dish. Is that wrong?
"Gorgeous Things said...
david said...
By the way, Boston Herald mentioned your blog. Did you bitches see that?
David, was that today's Herald? If so, I gotta run out and pick it up!
1:50 PM"
Yes, today's paper. Here it is:
Despite ‘Runway’ crash, Christiana’s designs flying high
Kevin Christiana’s run on Bravo’s “Project Runway” was undone by a loose hem, but fans love him nonetheless.
Other outraged “Runway” faithful have lamented on his “auf”-ing on such fan blogs as projectrungay.blogspot.com.
This is awesome! LOL.
The little black cloud over Christian's head is priceless. I can't stop laughing. Thanks, guys!
We're starting to think that Project Runway would be loads more fun if it was animated.
Incidentally, anyone else notice the error that was in this week's Bonus Question? It's fixed now, but until at least Monday, they were saying the beauty pageant designing contest was in Season 2. Idjits.
glad to see he put Kit in there.
This is truly adorable. You 3 should collaborate on a project and get it published! And think of what you could do with past seasons of PR!!!
On Fantasy Runway: I picked Ricky to go home (again), Kit to win (because it's about time, dammit), and Chris to get best hair concept (only because you guys were poking fun at the hairstyles in his portfolio).
Question about the Fantasy Runway: on the "bonus" question this week, they ask about a beauty pageant challenge in Season 2. Am I wrong, or wasn't that Season 3? Did they also have a beauty pageant challenge in Season 2 that I missed somehow?
oops. I see now that the Fantasy Runway error was fixed. Sorry for the stupid earlier posting.
All you black cloud commenters beat me to it.
That was so fierce, Bitches!
Alex, you're brilliant. Best comics I've ever seen...
We definitely need a few from previous seasons. I'm waiting for a Wendy Pepper comic.
I love how Alex drew Christian's dress. LOL. Genius!
HA! You bitches are the best. Very funny. Kevin looks hot :)
Freakin LOVE it!
Yall need to make these into a book at the end of the season.
That is so fu'in funny! You nailed it on the head. Exactly what Christian is like and swee'pea you got down to a tee too. Alex, you are truly awesome. If you weren't a breeder, you would make a great husband for me.
Addendum to Kevin's final thoughts "It sucks I have to go, but at least I copped some Klum tit on the way out...because I'm STRAIGHT!"
Three cheers for TLO & Alex! You made me feel so much better after being horribly ill yesterday. You were like ginger ale and chicken soup for the PRG deprived soul.
If I am not mistaken, the little black cloud is a frustration cloud, often used in comics. Cool as hell.
I also love that Viyaya's expression doesn't move, like in real life and how she has no boobs, like in real life.
I would much rather hang out with Chris, than with VictorYA and Kevin. Just sayin...
Hooray! Alex,I love the way you placed the the wickety wack on the Princess dress and those tatoos! SweetP's is perfect!
god these are FABOOOO.
i would love love love a little single-panel of Sad Christian saying: "I don't feel so fierce right now." maybe with him wearing fierce designer footie-pajamas?
a la eeyore, i guess. that was the best moment of television i've seen in ages (ok, so i don't watch much tv).
these really are fab comix!
and i've been watching season two on DVD - if I can do it, so can Alex!
Going to see Kathy Griffin tonight!!! TiVo it is...
I have to say this was the best week ever in PRG! So many things happened: stupid judges' decision, Rami wearing only a towel, Jack's interview, and these funny cartoons. Thank you TLo and Alex; and thanks to all you people for your comments. I had so much fun!
Thank you!!
What genius comics!
ooooooo Suzanne, have fun at Kathy Griffin tonight!
Alex! is cute, funny, intelligent, witty, honest, sexy-disheveled, has faboo gay friends, and he's STRAIGHT? Why o why o why o why o why can't I find that kind of guy? WHY?
Thanks for the new comic - however you owe me another keyboard!
Gotham Tomato said...
First, I'd love to know what politics he's talking about, even though, yes, I know, if I'm being a good girl, I shouldn't want to know ...
You say that as if being a bad girl is a good thing! I would rather know, even at the risk of being (finally) a bad girl. After all, everyone knows the bad girls have the most fun.
Oops, I meant to type
You say that as if being a good girl is a good thing! I would rather know the political stuff, even at the risk of being (finally) a bad girl. After all, everyone knows the bad girls have the most fun.
7:33 PM
Thank you for transcribing that Boston Globe mention..woohoo! Our Boys are so famous!
Now w/ the addition of Alex, I feel like I should be paying for this entertainment! (it's better than the freaking show, including the comment section).
You guys ALL ROCK!
on pins and needles for tonite!
hee hee hee
Who's the person standing behing Christian?
Alex, that was fierce.
The writing on this cartoon is just too tiny. I can't read it. Anyone got a magnifying glass handy?
I'm still laughing at Victorya's outburst
I think I have a hernia now.
So damned good, you guys!
I can not BELIEVE they did not auf Ricky tonight! They auf KIT, who has done beautifully in every competition, and auf Ricky who has created bullshit crappy lingerie for every freaking competition. This is an outrage. It is ALSO an outrage that they gave the win to Christian, whose outfit was mediocre at best, instead of to Chris, who was the STAR of the show tonight. CHRIS WAS ROBBED.
And Chris has been robbed WAY too many times. I am ready to go picket Elle magazine and Michael Kors' studio.
I cannot believe who was sent home tonight.
Absolutely rediculous. Horrendous.
People are going to quit watching the show over this one.
Duh...Chris was there, too. What gives with the continued Chris slights? It's driving me nutz. I have nowhere else to put this (for now).
I haven't seen the new episode, but I just logged in... I'm not watching that freaking show anymore!!! Kit got auf'ed and I'm pissed... Still don't know why, but come on!
BTW, still going to read you guys, I think you give a better judgement than those bitches on the show, and you make the show more interesting. For now on, I will only know about the show through you, thanks!
you should get your on show though...
I can't wait to see what our Boys serve up tomorrow...WOW.
Although I hate hate hate who was eliminated (and who wasn't), this episode was awesome and some of THE BEST stuff on the runway of this season.
tomorrow will be like waking up on Christmas morning to sign on here.
Y'know, a bunch of people scoffed the other day when I went off about how rotten it was that every single challenge involves (a) nontraditional materials, (b) special models, (c) clothes that aren't womenswear, or (d) teamwork. Yeah, um, the effect of this is that we are eliminating one of the most interesting designers Every. Single. Week.
This is such bullshit. The most insulting part was how they blithely sent Ricky off the runway after he's made nothing good all year--and the first time they called out Kit was to rip her up and down. I don't understand. I just don't.
Who the hell is Ricky doing to stay on that show??!!??!!
I agree mike b-- is it because she is young??
Do we like older crying guys more than young women who have it all together (at least emotionally on the show)??? Are they rewarding poor workmanship this season or what???
LOVE the comic-- again y'all should publish this-- we would pay to have an actual copy in our hands...
I have to say that all of the designers are so talented, but only a few make for really great reality TV!
Reality TV thrives on attitude, a showing of humanity, a big dose of ego, drama, histrionics and yes --talent. Christian, Chris, Kevin, Ricky, Sweet P, Jack, and Elisa had much of what I've mentioned and were perfect for reality TV and are entirely watchable but for different reasons. It's sad some of the others got cut when they did. We never got to know them.
This isn't to say that J-girl and Ya Ya aren't deserving to win, but they're not what delivers to advertisers on reality TV.
As much as I hate last night's results, I can't argue with them (that much). The hoop dress was Kit's concept, and she picked the fabrics.
As for Chris and the Princess, give PP some credit. It's not like he just sat back and let Chris build the avant-garde dress -- and wasn't he the first one to suggest doing layers of ruffles? Have to rewatch. Besides, he was the one who took the risk of being team leader (with the attendant risk of getting roasted if the dress had turned out crappy), so he deserves the reward.
Still drooling over Victorya and Jillian's coat today....
This was the best episode yet. All four teams produced amazing garments for the avant garde part. But my opinion Jillian and Victorya should have won the challenge. Both of their dress were unbelievable. Too bad about Kit, she got reemed. The team pairings were a set up. She had to go, it was in the script.
I can't wait for the screen caps.
I'm actually embarassed by how pissed I was when Heidi said, "Ricky, you're in." Rami and Kit in the bottom two, and RICKY's in?
I didn't get the little black dress.
I was surprised Ricky stayed in --actually also surprised Rami stayed in. Ah well, that's TV.
That comic is a riot! I love Victorya and Kevin. Hahaha.
My artist friend drew fan art of Princess Puffysleeves.
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