There'd be a revolt if we didn't (cue the "Our commenters are revolting!" joke), so here:
It took him hours to drape that towel just so.
Anyone else coming to the conclusion that Rami is seriously limited as a designer? Yes, draping is a beautiful thing when it's done correctly and it's a difficult skill to master, but come on.
While it's true that he hasn't done the extensive draping in every challenge, we get the impression that he loves it so much and he's so proud of how good he is at it that he kept waiting for the right time to pull it out of his trick bag again. Sarah Jessica Parker? Too soon. Tiki Barber? No. Fashion trends? Not yet. Former fatties? Won't work. Hershey's? Can't drape shit. Prom dress? Excellent. Commence draping!
It's not that he hasn't shown some range; it's just that it seems to us any range he may have demonstrated was imposed on him by the challenges. But the minute you give him the opportunity to whip out a pretty dress, the twisting and the draping start anew.
And why is such a young designer so determined to work in such a mature style? Look at her face. Adorable! Now look at her hair. Eleanor Roosevelt! Rami, she's a teenager. Why are you trying to make her look like a matron?
And that's the operative - and really, only - word here: matronly. Taken on its own merits, it's a beautifully constructed dress even if it's not to our tastes. But as a prom dress? In that extremely toned down color? No way.
Actually, we take part of that back. Even on its own merits, this isn't such a hot dress. Too many damn elements to it. It's like he wants to pull every trick out of his bag the first opportunity he gets.
What's funny is, he defended this to the judges by saying that since he had immunity, he decided to take some risks. By churning out a dress remarkably similar to the one the judges orgasmed over in the first challenge? That's a risk? How the hell does he define risk? "The judges might only think I'm the greatest designer on the runway this time instead of the greatest designer ever!"
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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The towel draping is fabulous!
Ah, so close to being #1. Towel draping - great. Horizontal draping across the butt - bad.
Once again, you guys are dead-on!
That twisted fabric looks like something I find wrapped around the sides of my clothes dryer when a button gets caught in the works. There is something noose-like about it.
There is no doubt Rami is a talented hottie but this dress was so wrong for this girl.
If the prom were held in 1947, Rami would've won this for sure.
The twisted fabric looks painful; I hope the model didn't get rope burns.
And as a parent, there's no way I would let my daughter out of the house showing so much "backage."
I don't like the twisty-rope collar, but I think the rest of the dress is lovely.
Of course, it's not a "prom dress", but if this girl was at a banquet winning her MacArthur Genius Grant, it would be perfect.
I think the dress looks great from behind (cute and youthful), and if he had made a more cohesive look without all the toga weirdness on the boobage, it might have been an easy winner.
And can I just add... Rami is one handsome, handsome devil. I'm not even gay and I kinda want to pat his tushie.
you know I was ready to buy a ticket on the "Rami is So Limited" Express but then I think about his Hershey's dress. Girlfriend is gifted and one of my faves....I have to admit though this dress was so NOT right in so many ways.
The dress looked to me like his model had already been through a post-prom, limo wrestling match with a groping date and she couldn't twist the left side back up to match the right so she just left it hanging and prayed that mom and dad wouldn't notice when she strolled in after midnight.
One word: titscrepancy!
Wanna see more of the towel draping, though.
"It took him hours to drape that towel just so."
LOL. Did you see that ass? The man is GORGEOUS!
The dress? Not so much. I hated the color and the grandma design.
I can't believe y'all are slamming a prom dress that comes with its own baby sling.
Seriously, what material do you think this dress was made of? The weight and texture looked like cotton jersey to me.
It took him hours to drape that towel just so.
And we thank him for taking the time to do so. (bg)
My initial thoughts were - that's basically the same damn dress as Episode 1, just in a different ugly color.
I'm sure he's got the towel draping down to a science--can do it in his sleep in 15 seconds flat.
As for the dress, way too much going on. Asymmetric, twisting, ruching on the back (I'm not sure ruched is ever good on the backside), pleated skirt). Poor boy didn't know when to stop. I love this color, actually, but for a prom dress?
quite frankly, i can never remember who has immunity because the editing focuses on other shit the whole time. mostly Ricky crying.
i'm feeling tired of this season.
By churning out a dress remarkably similar to the one the judges orgasmed over in the first challenge?
THANK YOU! I said it on Kevin's entry. That dress is so similar to the first dress he made about the only thing different is the length and color. And still BLAH!
I don't go for asymetrical boobs....maybe its because mine are asymetrical to begin with...LMFAO.
I loved his "All my designs are sophisticated" crap he fed to the judges....as if that explains why she looks like she is going to high tea in about 60 years!
Bulky, unflattering dress in a boring color that is waaaaaaay too somber for the prom.
The girl who wore this to the prom would feel kind of dowdy. I can't imagine a worse fate for the evening (well I can, but fashion-wise, this would be terrible).
Since I was the one objecting to "tits" and "boobs" I can hardly say what I'd like about the front of that dress without being a total hypocrite. However, perhaps "brestaskew" would cover it...or one of them...
To my recollection - what he said was he didn't care about the age he designing for - he only designed for older women anyway. But - as an "older woman" - I wouldn't go near that ugly color and weird drappy thing.
Looks like an updated version of Marion's Pocahontas dress with the papoose in the front.
The length of the dress was all wrong for a teen-ager--shorter or longer, but not the conservative knee length Tim recommends for women of a certain age. And the color--in these trouble times the last thing we need is kids marching off to their prom in army green. Rami said there were no proms in Israel, but there is compulsory military service, so perhaps he was confused?
But in a different length and a different color, I did think this might appeal to a certain kind of girl who wants to look "different" but still sophisticated at her prom.
In the '70s our kitchen appliances were that exact color green. Fug then, fug now.
Love the pic of Rami in a towel. Thank you!
The green toga dress: FUG. Even if he had designed it for an older client, it would still be fug. The color, the titscrepancy, the ruching on the ass. All of it is FUG. I threw up a little bit in my mouth when it came down the runway.
Ruched ass? Who wants that? I'm glad he got a taste of the bottom four.
As a member of the Society of American Women in Support of Men in Towels, we would like to commend Rami. However, may we suggest shorter and smaller towels? Oh, and do lay off the Green Packers commemorative gowns...
I love how Christian looks in every 'end of runway' shot! He looks so pissed!
I would wear that to a cocktail party. I would wear that dress as long as I was holding a martini in one hand.
But I wouldn't wear that to a prom.
It's a pretty dress, but it's not glamorous, it's not young and it's not prom-worthy, and the twisted fabric is just so so heavy.
C'mon Rami! I want to see more of your candy dresses! Just... without all the york peppermint patties and twizzler busts.
The Duchess must have been biting his tongue to keep from calling it M.O.B.! Maybe M.O.P.Q. - Mother of the Prom Queen.
Speaking up for the "matronly" contingent, (as a brand new 53 year old,) Lordy, lordy, I wouldn't wear that dress. The color is dreary, the drape is just too much and there's too much skin in the back.
The observation about the sling was just perfect, if our young lady manages to break her arm on prom night, she'll be all set!! She can probably hide a flask as well!!
"Juliann K. said...
In the '70s our kitchen appliances were that exact color green. Fug then, fug now."
ROFL. My grandmother still has them.
(Drooling over the towel pic)
I love the color -- for upholstery.
I can deal with the dress, the color, but the sling makes no sense to me. Why would wear something with a piece of fabric hanging like that? It looks unfinished or something.
Oh, and do lay off the Green Packers commemorative gowns...
This reminds me of the That 70's Show episode where Bob and Midge renew their vows and the colors are Packers Green and Gold! It even looks like it could have been one of the bridesmaids dresses!
Towel draping? Hot! The dress, meh, not so much. The color is too drab and the hemline needs to either come up or go to the floor. I am also not a fan of twisted, ropey fabric, when I see it, I am reminded of pre-washing fabric, and the heavy-steam ironing that will have to take place. On an older woman, this would be glamorous, on a young girl, it looks like she borrowed Mom's cocktail dress.
I think now is a great time to say kudos and thank you to our fabulous hosts for a week of inspired posting. As they used to say on ESPN the boys are en fuego! Keep 'em coming - this is fun.
As for Rami, I do sort of see what he meant by taking a risk - this is clearly not a typical prom dress. I hated the color (and I usually like shades of green)and the sling effect but I do think the dress is interesting. I might wear it, but then again I'm more in Rami's target demographic. Certainly nothing screams "prom" about this dress. And his styling almost always sucks. That said, there was no way he deserved to be in the bottom group. I'd bet money that he's the winner of this season, so I think this was the judges' way of telling him not to get too cocky and to push himself. And finally, damn, he's gorgeous.
Wow. This dress really looks like Rami was trying to hide a lot of perceived 'flaws' in this girl's figure or something.
The back in particular makes her look like "La Gradisca" in Fellini's Amarcord.
Kill the sling and normalize the halter strap, and you have something Vogue might have done as a home sewing pattern in 1982.
Forget about the dress: I'm thinking that the housekeeping staff should have started giving them smaller towels.
Now that's the kind of 'reality' tv I can get behind.
The color is awful. Worse, there is way too much going on. A drape here, a twist there, and a hip yoke yonder.
Less is more.
Nice towel draping, though!
(P.S. I'm of a "matronly" age, though I hope not of a "matronly" style, and I wouldn't wear that!)
Rami said there were no proms in Israel, but there is compulsory military service, so perhaps he was confused?
Um, actually, you're the one confused here.
Rami isn't from Israel.
He's a Palestinian Arab, and was born in Ramallah, in the West Bank, in the Occupied Territories.
And those Israeli soldiers doing their compulsory military service? Yeah, they're the ones doing the occupation.
Although the cut and draping were impecable, the hem on the towel was much too conservative and should have been much higher. The fabric was too heavy and should have been more sheer (and less of it).
Embeedubya said...
The Duchess must have been biting his tongue to keep from calling it M.O.B.! Maybe M.O.P.Q. - Mother of the Prom Queen.
Perhaps Prom Queen Chaperone? I'm thinking Dody Goodman from Grease.
I thought the twisted piece was too thick and looked like a vine. I really like much of Rami's aesthetic, but like you, I thought this one was complicated and not prom.
As for the draping --well, it's his thing. But it was also Carol Burnett's
I don't like asymetrical bustlines (they don't look good on anyone - not even Halle Berry). And I thought that this dress looked like something Joan Collins would wear in a scene where slapped someone - though she would have slapped the designer who suggested she wear this color.
But it was funny though, the way he spoke to the girl during their initial meeting, trying to discern what she wante and said, 'draaaaaypeee?', like he was trying to hypnotize her. The boy knows how to work it.
LOL. Towel draping...mmm.
That one side of the dress is reminiscent of the hand towel dispensers in the mall bathrooms after a horde of teenagers have been through. Perhaps that's why he thought the look "youthful.
That dress....where have I seen it before? Oh yeah - Mrs. Howell on Gilligan's Island. Don't know what women of a certain age are wearing for cocktails in New York, but as a woman of a certain age, I wouldn't wear this homage to the late 50's on a bet (even after too many cocktails).
Taking a look at the back of the garment I would have to say that gathering fabric up to a long zipper is a recipe for giving someone the illusion of a big butt - something women everywhere want!
Rami, to a man with a hammer, every problem is a nail. Just because you can drape doesn't mean you should - except for that towel!
GothamTomato said...
Forgetabout the dress: I'm thinking that the housekeeping staff should have started giving them smaller towels.
Honey I love 'ya but be careful what you wish for; Sweet P and Sissy Bear in smaller towels too? I don't think so!
I don't understand what Rami has against the left boob.
"Did you see that ass? The man is GORGEOUS!"
The ass is impressive, but my GOD, those thighs!
Too bad the dress is so lousy.
antares said...
As a member of the Society of American Women in Support of Men in Towels, we would like to commend Rami. However, may we suggest shorter and smaller towels? Oh, and do lay off the Green Packers commemorative gowns...
10:10 AM
Ha! I'm spewing coffee on my keyboard over the Green Bay Packers commemorative gowns!
I'm not doubting Rami's talent and experience, but I have this vision of 12 draped somethings parading on the runway at Bryant Park.
This season is leaving me underwhelmed.
Nice Carol Burnett reference, Kanani.
I think the dress is beautiful and with a few adjustments would be perfect for a prom (and I am sure Rami is dying to know what this tacky old whore thinks those changes would be). He could have eliminated the left front drape and used a less muddy color, perhaps with a bit of sparkle flicked through it and maybe a little tulle under the hem flounce. Then it would be younger and more fun. His dress is the only one that looked like it would sell for more than $250 to me.
As far as being repetitive goes, they have very little time to come up with a design. They are all a little repetitive and I imagine most of them sort of have a plan about which of their signature looks they will use on the show. Funny thing is, some of his best work is when he is forced to do something else (weight loss, candy).
I totally respect his technical ability. He is really hands on with his craft. And that is not always the case when someone has reached his level of success.
Hey guys, I'm surprised you didn't mention this, but I think I saw some titscrepancy with that dress! Alert, alert!
He did drape in the menswear challenge, remember how he went on & on about how he draped the pants?
His ass is nice, but he still bores me.
tee freakin hee on the towel draping! You guys don't miss a beat.
I didn't like this dress-the color, etc.
It looks like something that Samantha might wear to a brunch get together, with a big hat and a ton of bracelets. Too old for this girl. I do think he's a contender though. His construction is generally flawless.
I wasn't crazy about it, but there were some things I loved.
The color was too mossy (more homecoming than prom and weird in the fabric) and the clingy, super-ruched back of the skirt was much too evening soap crica 1989.
But, since I'm not necessarily anti-twisting, I loved the shape of the top and the asymmetry. I don't think it was that mature, and I think it was by far the most interesting thing anyone did this week. Better skirt and better color, and I'd have picked it for the win.
Plus, I have it straight from Bianca's mouth that she loved it and it was just what she wanted. For the record, not every girl wants standard prom gear and not every 17-year-old girl feels right in standard 17-year-old girl fashions.
To be fair, Rami's done far fewer draped looks than Laura Bennett did plunging necklines last year. Nothing wrong with specializing in one look if you do it well.
Not the best dress this week, and not great for the brief, but well-made and without obvious flaws.
I had my issues with the color and the length, but otherwise, I thought this was a lovely dress. Of course, I'm 40-mumble, so I'm in Rami's preferred client base.
Any my, my, my...he does look tasty in that towel. :-p
I am surprised she can walk at all because the draping affect looks so heavy!
I think TLo and others have hit the main problem with the dress. It's not that the dress is necessarily bad. It is a piece of technical work on par with anything else he's put out. It's just that it's overdone and inappropriate for the challenge.
Even Tim mentions Rami got too stubborn and overindugled. If he had just eased off on the draping tricks and a different color.
I actually think his first dress would have worked better than this outfit. Taking another look at that one, it's actually cleaner in design and would work better in a formal setting.
HELLO! Never never never never NEVER NEVER put horizontal lines across a woman's butt (unless you hate her).
I can't get behind the Rami train. His personality is bland (and that's being generous), his designs are ridiculous (togas? really?) and I just don't see the physical thing about him at all. He's tight, but so are a lot of other more interesting and dimensional men.
Now, let's get to Chris' dress! There's an interesting man!
No woman of any age wants ruching on her rear end. It made that lovely girl look hideous from the back!
I can't decide which I hate more -- the color or the titscrepant draping. But for sure, the two factors together made for a caucophony of ugliness!
KitschTrain: "I'm glad he got a taste of the bottom four."
Except not really, because he knew they couldn't send him home ...
The dress wasn't very good. He misfired. He's done some great stuff in other challenges, though, and his Hershey dress should be in the Project Runway Hall of Fame.
All that is beside the point compared to his towel-draped appearance. They made us wait long enough, but I think from now on we'll being seeing more. I hope it started with a long towel and "minimizes" untill the trusted blurry ball needs to make an appearance.
The prom dress (and by the looks of it, next week) will just be a rocky stretch of road before he redeems himself right into the finals.
Everyone keeps complaining that this look wasn't 'prom', but isn't the point of fashion designing to create NEW looks? There seems to be an odd discrepancy between calling a look 'boring' or 'without Point Of View' and slamming something that doesn't fit the mold of the most mainstream look for something like prom. i'm frustrated by the inconsistency by both the judges and the blogosphere.
Anyway, i went to four proms at four different schools and this dress would've looked great at any of them. For a girl who doesn't buy into the floor-length gown idea but still wants to look sophisticated? i would've loved to have this dress! i realize i'm the only person in the world who likes it, but i do. i think it's interesting, exquisitely made and fun. So shoot me.
I get a Ben Kingsley (especially in Mrs. Harris) vibe from Rami. And a Ghandi vibe from the draped dresses. These are NOT good vibrations mind you.
I loved it when he asked his client "Do you want to go fitted or DRAAAPED?" If I remember correctly, she asked for fitted. Should have gone more in that direction.
Back in the day when I used to watch the soaps with my granny, there was a little voice over at the end of each ep that said "Clothes by Lillie Rubin" This dress is a Lillie Rubin Soap Opera dress. I swear I saw Felicia Gallant wear it on Another World! I may be alone in this but I am not on the "Rami is Hot" wagon; yes he has a nice ass but he always looks greasy and/or sweaty to me.
Since Rami shaves his head, we don't know whether the rug matches the drapes.
I just hated this dress. I wouldn't buy it for my prom-going daughters, and I wouldn't wear it myself. Ugly color, bizarre drapy-drapy-drapy busy-ness, and a strange length. Just fug.
This reminds me of the That 70's Show episode where Bob and Midge renew their vows and the colors are Packers Green and Gold! It even looks like it could have been one of the bridesmaids dresses!
That explains it! He thot it was a bridesmaids dress challenge!
Let me just say that I am a matron, and I would not be caught dead in that dress.
"SUS said...
I can't believe y'all are slamming a prom dress that comes with its own baby sling."
Actually, I really wish they would do a challenge in which they have to design a day dress that looks good accessorized with a baby sling. It would be oh-so "on trend" - what with all the celebrity mamas out there. And there are about 500 different baby carrying devices on the market to choose from. And they could incorporate actual babies in the runway show, making for telegenic high jinks as in the dog challenge... okay, there might be some trouble with the Jackie Coogan laws, but trust me, you would have NO trouble finding New York City parents who are willing to let some teenager in 4 inch heels carry their baby around on TV, even for no money...
I would like to request more screencaps of Rami nearly naked. I feel that this would be a great service to the loyal readers of this blog. Thank you.
That explains it! He thot it was a bridesmaids dress challenge!
I'd like to see a bridesmaid dress challenge- they can still be so ghastly!
ok, could one of you sewing geeks please define draping for me. It appears to be used as a verb here, but I can only find a definition of it used as a noun at google. Please help, this word is thrown around so casually as if everyone knows what it means, but I have no idea. Thanks.
ok, could one of you sewing geeks please define draping for me. It appears to be used as a verb here, but I can only find a definition of it used as a noun at google. Please help, this word is thrown around so casually as if everyone knows what it means, but I have no idea. Thanks.
I really think that his cluelessness in this challenge has to do with him being foreign-born. He had no idea what prom was and I think he had no clue what a prom dress should look like.
The baby sling idea, ain't gonna happen. Baby slings and high fashion don't go together.
I keep having a dream where Heidi tells the designers they're having another clothes-off-your-back contest and Rami has to do the whole challenge naked because he has immunity.
"The baby sling idea, ain't gonna happen. Baby slings and high fashion don't go together."
Coffee filters and high fashion don't go together. Corn husks and high fashion don't go together. Waste management and high fashion don't go together. That is, um, kind of the whole point of the show - to push the designers to design something that they wouldn't have otherwise. And generally the more restrictions they are given (up to a point), the better the work has been. It's when they say, "Just buy some fabric and show us your vision!" that the work really sucks.
That dress looks like something that Captain Kirk's interplanetary love interest would wear. (While quite possibly carring a tribble-fur purse.)
I question his taste level.
This could've been so cute & age appropriate with a few simple modifications - different fabric, different color, dropped half his tricks, fresh styling. It could've swung!
Why did he use that color?
Lillie Rubin is a famous evening wear designer. She makes fabulous clothing, all evening wear. To be compared to her is a compliment.
Lillie Rubin is a famous evening wear designer. She makes fabulous clothing, all evening wear. To be compared to her is a compliment.
Using unusual fabrics or materials to make a dress and making a baby sling are totally different things. You can still make an interesting garment from unusual materials, but babies (however cute) are not fashionable and I guarantee you won't see that as a challenge. It's too mommy and me. Save that for PBS.
oh come on.. I liked that dress, I am 22 years old and would totally rock it! I think he is talented and unique in his designing..
My dear Anonymous 2:41,
The point would be not to make a baby sling, but to make an outfit enabling the wearer to look chic despite sporting a baby sling. Unexpected - and arguably lowbrow - but no more so than the postal worker challenge, and that challenge produced a couple of sensational looks (and some very entertaining bad ones).
I don't think you can "guarantee" that we will never see this on PR. I would have bet that we would probably never see a challenge in which they had to dress some doofus on the Today Show, but there it is.
And I still maintain that Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez et al. are currently giving more than a little headspace to the question of how to look fashionable despite baby acoutrements.
The main reason we'll probably never see this challenge on PR would be the legal difficulty of keeping infants around all day to use as props.
I was thinking that Rami was still buzzed on the previous Hershey challenge and felt like he had to put just as many details and techniques into the prom dress too. It was pretty IMHO, but too busy. Busy doesn't work sometimes.
Rami's so elegant. So nice to look at!
"Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez et al"
Get a life. Who cares what those people are doing or thinking.
Personally I don't give a rat's ass what they're doing, but they and their ilk constitute a powerful client base for young designers, which is why they're relevant to this discussion.
As to getting a life, I probably should do that rather than spending the day being flamed by some anonymous breeder-hater.
I'm in with the general consensus, liked it but thought it too "tricky". He seemed to throw a lot of ideas at the model and used whatever stuck.
Hated the hair. But the Star Trek comment was hilarious and right on point! One of those random "ambassadors" that show up in every few episodes.
I'm not a person who sews, but I belive a serviceable definition of the verb "drape" would be to allow fabric to hang naturally from a form. It can be pinned or tucked or gathered, but the key is letting it hang. Ms Siren, please correct me if I'm wrong.
And as a parent, there's no way I would let my daughter out of the house showing so much "backage."
Huh? Her skin doesn't show below her midback, and her actual booty is swathed in so much fabric, she might be wearing a diaper.
PS: nitpickery, but Rami was born in Jerusalem. He lists his "hometown" as Ramallah, whatever that means.
"Anonymous said...
oh come on.. I liked that dress, I am 22 years old and would totally rock it! I think he is talented and unique in his designing."
Too bad he will not be designing for you, my dear, since his clientele is much older.
"Coco Puff said...
The towel draping is fabulous!"
You should see it when he drops it on the floor.
That's the old San Fran bath house drape. Just a lite touch of the hand to the front fold, and it jumps to the floor for a gay ole time! Rimi may well have learned to "drape" in a sauna.....no?
Great towel.. what took our boys so long? dress.. color was horrid for a teen.. Maybe in Isreal, the girls would have been in the army.. Army green is OK for GI Joe
Did anyone else think that dress might have won if it had been floor length?
I thought Rami's dress was beautiful, and creative, and sophisticated. However, I do think the judges were on target that it might not have been a prom
I actually really liked Rami's dress, but I'm not a teenager.
Rami is HOT. "Shake it," darling!
Rami's Fall 2007 collection at Bryant Park.
LOTS of draping!
So, what's in for him? I guess he wanted to be on TV.
The top was awfully similar to the dress he made in the first challenge and the judges said nothing. Go figure!
All that ruching and draping made it looked like a Tadashi dress.
I see your guys points - all of them, but I do like the dress very much. But as you said, perhgaps not for prom however.
I do love Rami though. He's got a lot of clASS! :)
I like the dress and love Rami's asthetic. Rami has a certain unique "edge" that I feel is MUCH NEEDED on this season of Project Runway. His style intrigues me.
I really enjoying these blogs...
That dress is for a 35 more ear old woman and not a 16/17 year old girl.The reason the mom liked it is because she's going to borrow it.
Ungh, I want him so badly. Rami, stop wearing such revealing outfits! I can barely concentrate on the design because you're always thrusting your gorgeous frame into my television!
The weird melting boob thing is the same look that he did in the first challenge! He's making her look like some sort of weird female gladiator or something.
I liked this dress except for the color, which was too drab and militaristic for prom. A rich deep color would have been better.
Nothing about this dress said "party" for a 17 year old. Whoever said his girl had "Eleanor Roosevelt" hair was spot on too. This look might do better at a night at the theater or concert.
As a member of the Society of American Women in Support of Men in Towels, we would like to commend Rami.
How does one join such a fabulous organization such as this?
Loved the draping on Rami, not so much on the dress.
ZOMG, in the first picture, is her left breast like 5 inches higher than her right?
To join the Society of American Women in Support of Men in Towels, all you need to do is
1- look for men in towels
2- look at men in towels
3- enjoy when appropriate
or 4- make a face and tell them to put some mf clothes on, for the love of g-d, when necessary.
Because with the joy of the towel comes the burden of the towel.
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but didn't Rami make a remark about he "draped" his pants perfectly for the Tiki Barber challenge?
Bleh! Bleh! Bleh!
This isn't ancient Rome. I hate, hate that big ropy green cord around her neck.
Hate the color too. Pretty much hate everything about that dress. The only thing that doesn't scream bottom 3 about it is that it's nicely executed, if way too fussy.
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