Shernett Swaby talked to Metro recently about her memories of the show.
What was the big mistake that sent you home?
“I really don’t think there was a mistake that got me sent home – I don’t think of it that way. I just think about it as it was time for me to go according to the producers. I really don’t think I did anything wrong on my particular challenge. They asked for my resort collection, and I came up with my resort collection – what I would wear if I was heading out to a resort. The fact that it didn’t translate to them doesn’t mean anything to me. You can’t please everyone.”
What didn't you get to show the judges and the audience?
“The regular clothing that I sell through my boutique and through my collection, I normally do a lot of details, a lot of 3-D effects, and I don’t think there was enough time to show as much of that as I would have liked. I don’t know when they’re going to come in and say ‘Well designers, you only have two minutes.’ So I didn’t want to get to in-depth with anything and not be able to finish it.”
What will you always remember from your experience on PRC?
“I’ll remember that the people that I worked with were amazing. All the people backstage and the designers were all really talented. So I’ll always remember that it was the only opportunity I’ll have to work with that much creative talent in one room. And I think the only thing it taught me or reminded me was to not change who you are or what you do – just stick with what you do and whatever you do, do it to the maximum.”
Who's going to win? Who do you want to win?
“I can’t say who I want to win because I want me to win. So I wouldn’t say I want anyone to win – I want us all to do well, because in my mind it’s not a competition, it’s an opportunity. The TV show was not a competition, it was an opportunity. So I don’t see it as win or lose, and that question, if anyone asks, I’ll say I want me to win. I wish us all well, but I was really looking forward to me winning. I think personality is going to win, and because, knowing what I do, and because it’s a TV show, they want entertainment, and the most entertaining designer is Biddell.”
And darlings, here's your chance to compare the Americans and the Canadians as they take on exactly the same challenge that the S2 designers had.
You can watch Parts 2-6 here.
[Photo: John Van Der Schilden/Slice - Video: MsRoyalT/YouTube]
I am so excited that you brought PRC to my attention. It comes in so handy when I need a project Runway fix at work.
And, after watching more episodes of the Canada show, I have to say that the models are way better than the present models for the US show.
Does Iman actually know anything about garment construction or design? I am not getting the vibe that she "gets it". She gets on my nerves.
much as i loved the season 2 US designers, it was no contest. The level of detail in the design and execution was incredible to me, including Stephen's dress..perhaps the Canadians had more time to work on their garments? Perhaps because they had gotten to see Iman so much in action they understood her better? Even the way the styling was approached in Canada made so much more sense..i love PR Canada, it is what i wish the U.S. show could be...thank you Ms RoyalT!
I found it interesting that the losing dress (Stephen) bore a resemblance to the winning dress from PR-US Season2 (Daniel.) But even so, Stephen's dress had more interesting construction, seam placement and color than Daniel's.
PR-Canada has been a joy to watch. I have found it far more entertaining than PR-US-Season 4.
Have you noticed that they have each designer blogging about each episode?
Some of those blogs are better than others but it adds so much to the viewer experience.
Also, they post the sketches after the episodes as well. Another great extra for the viewers. (Look at the photo gallery at the site above.)
I especially like Lucian's sketches but truth be told: I adore everything about Lucian.
I hope Shernett is wrong and that Lucian wins!!!
i don't know much about runway walks, but didn't stephen have such a fierce walk when he put those heels on and strutted his stuff during the resortwear episode??
I felt bad for Stephen, but his dress was boring and ill-fitted. I rooting for Marie Genevieve. Biddell gets on my nerves.
Great episode! By the way, I love the jacket Shernett is wearing in that picture. I noticed that Iman wasn't yelling at the designers and judges as usual. Has she softened up a little bit?
The designs in this episode ran circles around those from PR S2. Wow! My take on the designs were:
Lucien - beauty, but you could see her Spanx slip under the dress
MG - pretty much what the judges said
Stephen - Looks like a dress you can buy at Macy's and what was up with the left boob?
Biddell - Gorge dress, but it's kind of hard to get pass his a**hole mentality. And I loved the look of rage on his face when Lucien won!
Iman? So fabulous, and I LOVED it when she walked onto the runway wearing Roland Mouret's galaxy dress!
Iman was right that the designers played it safe, but not as safe as the PR2 designers! And I thought the level of construction was way better.
Lucien's gown was gorgeous, and much more "Iman" than the rest. While I loved the basketweaving on Biddell's, the dress was far too tight and short to be worn comfortably for the situation. Lucien clearly thought about that more than any of the others did.
I must say that I was hoping Biddell would screw up, because I despise him as a human being, though he's a good and interesting designer.
I happy to see three great designers making it to final three. Biddell definitely has an attitude problem, and he needs to work on it. His sarcasm and uncouth comments are just unbearable and unwanted, but if you ask moi, I think Lucian is the real asshole on the show.
I'm with you,toddny, Lucien is by far the bigger tool. Biddel just comes across as an arrogant kid. I think life will bring that swagger in line. But Lucien is just such a priss. I wasn't wild about that under-the-boob drape with a lacey bra cup look. Seen it, didn't like it then, either. Biddel's weaving was aMAZing, but that dress looked really uncomfortable and the weaving really didn't work as a hem. I liked the style in the sketches a lot better.
I'm so sad Stephen's gone, much as I think he dress was the worst. He was so much fun. And how sweet was Iman's good-bye to him? You know, she gets a lot of attention for her harsh criticisms of the designers, but she obviously can be very caring toward them, too. She's really grown on me since the first episode.
Great episode, though I wish all of the dresses had been a bit more interesting. Did none of these guys see Iman on PR2? I couldn't believe no one chose more exciting colors for their fabrics. M-G's black was a horrible choice.
i'm loving project runway canada. i think it's more entertaining than this season so far.
i don't think biddell is as much of an ass as he makes himself out to be. he's purposely playing the jerk card to make it further. it's like sharnet said, the show wants entertaining designers, and he's certainly entertaining.
and all that aside, the man is talented. that dress he made for iman was absolutely fabulous and i'm bummed he didn't win.
lucian's dress was good too, especially the color and the movement in the back, but i felt like i've seen that dress before.
i'm glad mg made it to the final three. i'm so stoked for their loreal fashion show.
Awww! That episode was heartrending! I've grown rather fond of Stephen. He is certainly the nicest of the designers and possibly the most interesting person. And, while I've been finding fault with his designs all season, I really enjoyed his final design; although, I would have to agree that the execution did leave something to be desired. Possibly it would have turned out differently had he not had to race the clock, but then again, that holds true for all the designers.
Kisses and good luck, Stephen!
Shernett looks smashing. Love the cardigan.
Aw, poor Shernett! She just doesn't get it. I think Iman and the judges gave her good advice, but she doesn't want to listen. She's got mad skillz, but her nose is so close to the grindstone she can't see the big picture.
Lovin' PRC!
-- desertwind
PS - Haven't seen latest ep, but understand Stephen goes. The little sweetie.
Biddell, MG and Lucian.
Go MG!
-- desertwind
Btw, does anyone else think that Biddell has a crush on Lucian? While watching this last episode, I got flashes of my kindergarten days when two boys used to try to tease me during recess at the playground. I get the feeling Biddell wants attention from Lucian but knows that Lucian is out of his league.
Poor Lucian. It is cute to watch...from an audience's perspective, of course.
I'm so impressed with the PR Canada designers. The level of skill and construction is phenomenal. Most importantly, they are creative and have a strong POV.
I'll miss Shernett. I loved those pants she made! Those were amazing and I would buy them if I ever saw them in a store. I, for one, was blown away by her attention to detail. Sure, she needs to edit her work more, but the craftsmanship is terrific.
I adore Stephen. Such a lovely man. I cried when he was eliminated. He was the heart of the show for me.
Biddell is a tool but he is talented. I suspect he's being an asshole on purpose like Jeffrey Sebelia to play that whole reality TV angle.
Lucien is a very pretty man. It was sweet when he hugged Stephen. I saw some genuine warmth from him in that moment. He has an interesting charm to him.
Marie Genevieve has been my favorite since the beginning.
I'm so excited to see all the final collections.
"Btw, does anyone else think that Biddell has a crush on Lucian? While watching this last episode, I got flashes of my kindergarten days when two boys used to try to tease me during recess at the playground. I get the feeling Biddell wants attention from Lucian but knows that Lucian is out of his league."
Most definitely. I think Biddell is sexually frustrated and has a massive crush on pretty boy Lucien. It's so obvious to me from the way he acts around Lucien.
Biddell can't keep away. He's always hanging over Lucien and teasing him and trying to get his attention. He's got it bad.
Sadly, Lucien doesn't seem at all interested. I don't think Biddell is his type.
Do I heart Iman? Oh yes, I do. Her three-kiss farewell to Stephen got me all tearful. And honestly, has that woman worn a single outfit this whole season that does not look absolutely right on her? She KNOWS what looks good on her body and does not deviate from that aesthetic. I'm learning tons about fashion just by watching her.
I will miss sweet Stephen, but I think they got the correct final three. I find myself thinking that, although Biddell and MG are most likely to produce the most original collections, Lucian would exhibit the most business savvy and discipline (a la Chloe) were he to win. Should be a fascinating finale!
I loved Iman's answer, "If you could come back as anybody who would you be?" "Iman 2."
I've got to say, I'm also loving PRC's editing. I suspect that the three remaining designers are all egomaniacal tools, but I can still see touches of humanity in all three (something PR's heavy-handed editing rarely accomplishes).
And I'm glad to see I'm not the only one thinking that about Biddell and Lucian. Don't know if it's true or not, but you can totally tell how desperate Biddell is for Lucian's attention
I love Lucian and I really hope he takes this down. Biddell really grates on me. MG is in between; she sometimes annoys me, but usually turns out good stuff.
Does anyone know when Loreal Fashion Week was? October maybe? How long did they have to complete their collections? If they filmed in the summer, they didn't have long at all, much like the 2 months PR3 had b/t Parsons and Spring FW last September.
Lucien's dress reminded me of a more refined version of Michael's couture dress. Liked the back, but otherwise, kinda meh.
LOVED Biddell's dress, but can see its impracticalities for the event.
Can't disagree with anything said about either MG's or Stephen's dresses. I hope Stephen got to show as the "decoy."
That said, TEAM MG!
TEAM MG!!!!!
So sorry to see Stephen go, his sense of humor will be missed as well as his Iman-worship (and his cute legs!!). I think this could be a good final 3 if they don't play it safe. I second Agnes Gooch: Iman is always impeccably dressed, she's never a Fashion Don't!
Wow Homo Ono, thanks for all the good stuff!
I must gush (again) about how good this episode was. I too, think PRC is much better than PR4 so far. Iman never ceases to surprise. The way she took Shernett's, and now Stephen's face in her hands and whispered sweet, encouraging goodbyes shows how much she really cares about the success of each one of them. (That's the same reason why I love Tim so much.) She's really got some interesting sides to her. Even Brian showed a softer side this week. I'm lovin' all the love.
I agree that Bidell has it bad for Lucien. His bad behavior reminds me what my dog does to get my attention when I'm busy doing something else. Kind of kindergartenishly barking in a bad boy way. He knows it makes me mad, but still does it just to make me look at him.
I think the right three are in it, although I hate to see sweet Stephen and his beautiful, perfect lips go.
Like a bad fungus, MG has really grown on me and I think she's our winner.
Man. Shernett still doesn't get it after all these months? Her stuff was either overly detailed or ill-concieved. She just wasn't very good at going with the design flow and if Megan was constantly being raked over the coals for good design but bad construction, then it's only right that Shernett was finally tossed for another display of good construction and bad design.
Biddell wants Lucian. Bad. God, he's like a bitch in heat. The Biddy Mating Dance is a thing of beauty to watch; come closer, aggravate the potential mate so those pheromones start leaking, try to initiate a bit of frolicking, then turn around and bend over to let the mounting begin.
But Lucian always just looks aggrieved and unfrolickable. It's hilarious and has made watching the show a hella lotta fun. Sometimes more fun than watching some of the developing designs.
MG's designs: m'eh. I can't see her style after all these challenges. Biddell's designs: m'eh. Not my personal style but at least he has his own. And perhaps he won't be as Avril Lavigne-y as he seemed to be at the start of the season. Lucian's designs: bl'eh. Somehow stale and a touch too tacky. He gives me the impression he designs to get into fashion magazines, not for actual women.
Stephen? Should have gone all-out-rock-glam for the last challenge. Do something crazy and out of his usual mindset 'cause at that point, surely he knew that if he did his usual stuff, he'd get his usual remarks ("minimalism needs perfection when it comes to construction").
As he said in his exit interview at the slice.ca site - he's no spring chicken at 38 (at least 10 years older than the finalists) and he was t-i-r-e-d.
Having typed this, I actually liked the season very much and can't wait for the finale and for the next season.
As sweet and adorable as Steven was, there was NO way he should have been there that long...not when designers like Carly and Kendra wre sent home way too soon.
I love Iman more and more and she seems like she is really IN this ...very devoted to the show...Heidi seems like she is in it for the money and doesn't even know the designers names...
You can also tell Iman is ALL ABOUT Lucian. I bet he wins
I really loved the way Iman stuck up for MG when the guest judge said she felt the Fashion Week line would not reflect MG's style. I was a bit nervous because, as an MG fan from the beginning, I got the idea Iman had no patience for her. Her defense was incredibly strong.
(Not to say this dress deserved to win -- the judges comments were fair.)
Iman has seemed to have a soft spot for Lucian. I didn't care for his dress at all though. I thought the front was a bit cheap-looking.
Biddell's dress was beautiful, hands down and personalities aside.
And sweet as Stephen is, I think the right three are going to Fashion Week.
My one issue remains that I always have problems with one or two of the parts. They run for two or three seconds and then stop for a minute. I can generally get the drift from the other parts or from the comments, but I wish someone can tell me why this is happening and if there is anything I can do to see all parts equally clearly.
Love PRC and love Miss Royal T for putting up the episodes on You Tube and love our PRGboys for introducing the series here.
Hope Laurie
I always have problems with one or two of the parts. They run for two or three seconds and then stop for a minute.
Laurie, I have this problem, too. I find that if I hit "replay", and then use my mouse to move the time counter to just past the point where it stopped, I can watch the rest of it fine. It takes a bit of manipulation, but it's worth the effort.
But I have no idea why this happens. It's not just with these videos, but with quite a few others on YouTube.
I've enjoyed PRC and grew to like Iman much better as she eased into the show. I don't have a favorite in the final 3 - none of their design aesthetics appeal to me. Lucian's is to me what Michael Kors said about Nick's - it always has some vulgarity in it. MG's style is a little fussy for me. And I have a fear that at fashion Week, Biddell will give us the clothing equivalent of his hairstyle now that he doesn't have the constraints of the challenges.
I liked Stephen as a person - what a gentle soul - and his minimalist design aesthetic. It does seem that if minimalists have to show perfection in sewing skills, you're unlikely to see them in the final 3 very often. It's too hard to achieve perfection under these conditions on a consistent basis.
I really don’t think there was a mistake that got me sent home – I don’t think of it that way. I just think about it as it was time for me to go according to the producers.
I may be wrong, but I think she's the first one ever to just lay that out there like that. Man, I *love* that! I keep telling myself I can't add another show, I'm even resisting watching the videos of PRC but when it comes out on DVD I might have to buy it.
There's an amusing interview in Toronto Life with Stephen and the codesigner of his clothing line:
The last word of the URL should read 'november'.
Last year was '40s-inspired, huh? I would have like to have seen that.
Or, would Kors et al. dump it for being "too costumey". God. What the hell is wrong with a little fun and a little costumey?
Thanks for the You tube advice!
Hope Laurie
Wow! I feel so left out. I don't have high speed internet at home and can't watch this. At work they block you tube, plus we have no speakers at work anyway. Anyone want to record it on DVD and mail it to me?
Wow! I see you guys are right about the popularity of these posts. 38 comments. How can you keep up? Folks just love it!
Great episode, it made me cry. I really liked Stephen, but I have to agree that he had the worst dress on the runway.
I just took a look at the Project Runway 2 (USA) episode, where the designers were asked to create an evening gown for Iman, and I must say it confirmed what I had suspected all along: the PRC designers produce exponentially more interesting and professional-looking designs.
I wish Stephen's design had been better executed, because, while it was a simple design, I disagree that it looks like Daniel's. Stephen's was a much more sophisticated design. Unfortunately, the poor craftsmanship outstaged his beautiful design.
Re. Iman vs. Heidi, Iman is exquisite. Can anyone picture Iman referring to her breasts as "knockers" and playing Austin Powers machine gun boobs in front of a camera like Heidi did? I can't.
"Anonymous said...
Wow! I see you guys are right about the popularity of these posts. 38 comments. How can you keep up? Folks just love it!"
And what would be an acceptable number of comments to get you to shut up, angry rural person without high-speed internet?
Biddel and Lucian totally nead to get married (or at least get naked). If you click below and go to the clip "Biddel gets camera ready" about halfway down, there's irrefutable proof. They're just too cute together!!
canadian PRC junkie さんは書きました...
Biddel and Lucian totally nead to get married (or at least get naked). If you click below and go to the clip "Biddel gets camera ready" about halfway down, there's irrefutable proof. They're just too cute together!!
They are denying access to viewers outside of Canada.
Why do some of the posters believe that Iman favors Lucian? Personally, I think she has been proud of the performance of all three: Lucian, Biddell, and Marie Genvieve, and rightly so. S
However, she positively beams at Biddell. I think Iman likes a designer with chutzpa.
I was at first hesitant to watch PRC but I think that the level of work is extremely high on it. Easily as good as the American one.
I am in Canada but have been watching US PR since the beginning.
I think the only thing lacking is that the personalities of the judges and the mentor are not as fun. I love tim, nina, micheal, but I also think PRC is more level headed and realistic.
I love the discussion!
I want that coat. I just do. Gimme gimme!
Tim: Emmett - even if you could skate, hot pink is NOT your color.
Emmett: Well, Tim, you can just kiss my paTOOTIE!
Hey, it's an entry...
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