AfterElton has a fabulous interview with Miss Mary Jack wherein she comments on her departure from the show, friendship with Christian, relationship with Dale, plus crybaby Ricky and everything else you'd want to hear about from Jack:
AE: There was no way you could get treatment and still compete?
JM: The problem is — and they didn't show on this on the show because of time constraints — but I had been to the hospital once. There are very few antibiotics that treat this staph infection and I'm allergic to two. The one that works for me is an IV treatment that is very strong and is administered over a two hour time period. I would've had to have been gone four hour a days and it wasn't not appropriate for me to stay.
AE: What are you doing now? Are you sticking with fashion?
JM: During the hiatus I made a whole line of menswear. I don't really know where I'm going to take that. It takes a ton of money to turn designs into production. I'm kind of just enjoying what comes along with being a D-List celebrity. If I made it to the finals, then I would've been on the B-List. [laughs] I guess I'm on the G-List because of all the gays. [laughs] I've been asked to attend a lot of charity events but at the end of day I need to make a living so I've got to get some source of income soon.
AE: Since I had to wait a whole extra half-hour for our interview [Jack was running late] can you give me some scoop on your cameo in the Sex and the City movie?
JM: It's funny — everyone thinks it happened because of the Sarah Jessica Parker challenge [Parker appeared in and helped judge one episode]. But it actually happened because I had a friend who knew the casting director. My friend called up and said they were looking for a gay guy with a good body and that I should go meet the director.
AE: And what's up with Ricky? Why does he keep crying? Were all of you secretly teasing him when the cameras weren't around?
JM: The thing is he's crying in all his interviews, but we never really witnessed it. He did cry with the one client who lost the weight, but as designers we were watching it [the episodes] and going "My God! He's crying all the time." He's an easy crier, I guess. He seems to cry at the drop of a hat and always be wearing a hat.
[Photo: Frank Louis]
"AE: And what's up with Ricky? Why does he keep crying?"
Teacher says, 'Every time Ricky cries, an angel gets their wings.'
***See disclaimer.
***Disclaimer: Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how blog posts will affect you. Not intended to offend teachers, angels, Jack, Ricky, assorted winged beasts, people who find the use of the word 'beasts' offensive (yes, we know they're people too), Turner Classic Movies, people with overactive tearducts, overactive bladders or overactive imaginations, nor any assembled societies organized to protect any of these oppressed groups, including, but not limited too; The Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Designers Who Insist on Putting Chubby Women in Cropped Pants, The Society for the Prevention of Mentioning Chubbiness in Women (yes, we know they're people too; noble women deserving of only highest praise and carb-free adulation), The Thunder Thigh League, The Society for the Promotion of Weepiness on Reality TV, ZuZu's Army, The Heirs of Frank Capra, or The National Society to Pay Some Attention to All Those People Whose Parents Never Disappointed Them (who meet every other thursday, in a back booth at TGIFridays in Paramus to whine about how they missed out on all the fun excuses). Furthermore, no peanuts or peanut products were used near any computer logged onto the blog, nor were any cute, furry animals harmed in the typing of this post (not for lack of trying); If any one of the groups mentioned above, or any of their friends or relatives, or any random person passing by a computer is upset that they, or their group were offended, or were mentioned, or were not mentioned, or were not even offended, and take offense, (whether they are offended because they were mentioned or they were offended because they live to be offended and are upset they were not considered important enough to bother offending), don't complain to me. Complaints are like ex-boyfriends; they're someone else's problem now. And they may cause drowsiness. If that callousness offends, I'm sorry. Well, actually, I'm not sorry, but I'm sorry about that; that I'm not sorry. Possibly. Answer hazy, try again later. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. If this causes dizziness or vomiting, call your doctor. If it causes an erection lasting more than 4 hours, call me (certain conditions apply). Offer not valid in the state of Delaware, Oklahoma or Insanity, not that this is an insult to the residents of Delaware or Oklahoma or Insanity, nor their asssorted friends and relatives, if they have any; not that this is meant to infer that they don't. They probably don't, but are likely very sensitive about it, so lets just whisper, and insult them quietly, so they don't hear us. It's more fun that way. Void where prohibited.
P.S.- LOVE Jack!***
***Disclaimer: Not intended to infer that he has unnatural relations with urban vegetables, citrus fruit, or women. Just sayin'
The Baby Jack picture in matching shorts and hat sort of explains everything.
Wasn't as over the moon about him on PR4 as most seem to be, but it's a nice interview and he seems like a normal grounded guy. Yay! We gays need guys like Jack out there in celebri-land representing for us.
Hey boys, just wanted to point out that your link is to the last page of the interview. At first I was all, "Well that was short!" but then I actually paid attention and saw it was the end.
Bop said...
Hey boys, just wanted to point out that your link is to the last page of the interview. At first I was all, "Well that was short!" but then I actually paid attention and saw it was the end.
Fixed. Thanks, Bop!
I agree with Bill. Jack wasn't one of my favorites but he does seem like a nice, grounded guy.
I imagine that a lot of the contestants struggle with what to do after PR. They want to take advantage of the exposure but still have to make a living and build a career. I doubt that's an easy balance to strike.
Very nice interview! Jack seems like a nice guy. I wish him the best!
"Bill said...
The Baby Jack picture in matching shorts and hat sort of explains everything."
I know, right? That picture is sooo cute! I want Jack to be "my gay." Thanks for the link, bitches!
The G-list is way cooler than that shitty old A-list anyway.
Aww, I love Jack! He's sweet...and hot!
BWAA HAAA HAA! Gotham Tomato, you RAWK!
His 15 minutes was up weeks ago....
BTW Gotham does that include tax , tag and title?
Jack was just on NBC Nightly News, in a story about MRSA.
Sometimes their stories are also on their website after broadcast, so check there & maybe you'll be able to see it.
Je t'adore, Dale, so I'm glad to hear he has a nice down-home boyfriend who'll treat him right.
Interesting that Jack says Elisa's even more normal on TV than she is in person.
BTW, Gotham - You should start your own blog! :D
This is what confuses me: if Jack does menswear, what happened with the Tiki challenge? He had to cut up his own shorts for a pattern. He barely finished two pieces when womenswear designers were putting out three-piece looks.
Gotham, you didn't mention Republicans, are you just trying to start something, bitch?
Nice interview, he comes across as a very sincere, grounded guy.
Interesting that he declined to handicap the remaining contestants because he knew the final four, but went on to say that he's "pulling for" his friend Christian... does this mean he's pulling for him to win PR and therefore Christian's in the final four I wonder? It doesn't necessarily (he could just be pulling for him as a designer on his own terms), but it could... (personally I'm hoping so!)
OMG, Gotham Tomato, I bow, ever so humbly, at your feet.
oh dear! i missed this because of the ice storm and having NO FUCKING POWER FOR EIGHT FUCKING DAYS.
but the lights are on! and jack's gone????? say it ain't so! :(
and he has a staph infection? totally sucks. husband was on IV vanco for two months. TOTALLY sucks.
poor jack. hope he is better now. what a terrible ordeal. booooooo.
Jack is my favorite. He seems sweet, talented and he is obviously HOT.
Jack: Please. Go. Away.
Jack: Please. Don't. Go. Away.
Call me : )
Yay Jack!
Gotham, tee hee!
From the interview:
"AE: I think it's evidence of how starved gay men are to see images of themselves on television. Especially a gay couple.
JM: That's true and if we're a positive role model that's great. I'm all in."
How true is this? We ALL are starved to share in the enitrety of humanity, not just one or two "PC" stereotypes. Good point Jack!
GTomato, I love hanging out with you.
Hey TLo! It's T or Lo's birthday today! (Or yesterday or some nearby day). Who's is it, hmmm?
I propose that the time has come for a new blog avatar. Once that reflects your true mega-fabulousness and shows your gigantic stature as our PR heroes. I say, ask Robert Best to make one for your birthday!
Happy day! Mwah.
He seems to cry at the drop of a hat and always be wearing a hat.
Oh, Jack. I love you more with each passing hour.
GT-that was a bit too much for a "comment", it appears you want to be the funny one. Maybe you should start your own blog for people who like things not funny.
"Teacher says, 'Every time Ricky cries, an angel gets their wings.'
***See disclaimer."
Hehehehe. Perfect.
It's unfortunate that he had to leave the show under those circumstances. I respect him for putting his health and the health of others above anything else. I saw his menswear sketches and I have to say they're very promising. I would totally wear one of those designs.
The "Nightly News" piece was nice, and represented the perfect storm for NBC: killer bacteria, PLUS cross-platform promotion! Glad Jack's doing better, but we'll miss his bod-- er, fashion sense. :)
Anonymous 11:10 said:
"Maybe you should start your own blog for people who like things not funny."
Hehehehe. Perfect!
Anonymouses, (and I have my doubts it is plural), you are wrong, wrong, wrong. Gotham is funny, witty, and clever. I'd read her blog any old time. You go girl.
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