"Can I see it with the jacket off?
And could she turn around?
And maybe put on another dress?
And tell her to stop looking directly at me."

Oh, kittens. She's BACK. And childbirth has thankfully done NOTHING to soften her. Nina, we missed you so.

"You show me THIS? I left my baby with a stranger so I could come in here and look at THIS?"

There are so many things to love about Nina (the hair, the shoes, the jewelry), but really, the thing we love most about her is that she makes absolutely no attempt to keep what she's thinking off her face.

"Hmmm. Must remember to mention how much this outfit makes me want to throw up."
And if you're a designer on the runway, you better hope Heidi says "Michael do you want to start?" when it's your turn, because if Nina's the one questioning you, your anti-perspirant is bound to fail.

"I'm a little confused. Were you blindfolded for this challenge? Did they throw you in a ditch or something?"

"I think perhaps you should consider a career change. Something that doesn't require taste or technical skills."

"Could you tell me what you were thinking with this design? Were you thinking, or did you just throw random bits of fabric at a dress form and staple them together?"
Nina Chica, guest judges may come and go, The Duchess's charms may wax and wane, but YOU, you are everything this show stands for: style, bitchery, and the ability to cut obnoxious designers off at the knees before they even know what hit them. Don't ever change.
(Screencaps: Project RunGay)
the comments about the faces are CLASSIC! her comments are written all over it. no inhibitions whatsoever!
I am just not a fan of hers. Ever since she intimidated the crap out of all of them to have Chloe win ....I will never get past that. I AM a huge fan of the duchess though....M.O.B. is my new catch phrase....its replacing Level 8 Blonde.
Gotta admire NinaGarcia's honesty with her observations whether you agree or not, she's a power house! And "It's just not aesthetically pleasing!" - how can you not get that phrase out of your head when you see something covered in fug?!
I too am an enormous fan of the duchess but you cannot deny the enormous contribution NG makes to the success of PR. She is fantastic. As were those screencaps about her facial expressions!
All hail Nina! I think her comments are more to the point than Michael's and they balance each other well in judging.
I love how you know exactly what is going on in her mind just by looking at her face.
Still would like to see her and Heidi get into a catfight though.
I'm just watching the show, and even my stomach gets all in knots when she starts critiqueing their work and making her scrunchy faces. She's so intimidating!
Boys, absolutely perfectly said.
I would love to see her and the Duchess judge PR Canada. Maybe a catfight between Nina and Iman?!?!
I love the captions on this site!!!!
I love it. So many polite ways to say "WTF were you thinking?"
I love her! I don't understand why a lot of people hate her so much. I mean, Michael Kors is just as bitchy and nobody seems to hate HIM. Is that because she's a woman?
yes, if she's had Botox, she had it done very discretely so you can still see her frownies when she is appalled... thank God!
Nina ROCKS! One of the main reasons to watch the show. She's amazing!
ROFL. Oh my god, the captions are hilarious. You guys are so funny!!!
Ted said...
I love her! I don't understand why a lot of people hate her so much. I mean, Michael Kors is just as bitchy and nobody seems to hate HIM. Is that because she's a woman?
I think it's because the Duchess uses clever phrases or metaphors, e.g. "it looks a little MOB" or "she looks like a paper brioche," to critisize. If they're amusing, his critiques get a pass. Whereas, with Nina, she's so straightforward, there's nowhere to hide.
That's why I agree with maggie that they balance each other so well.
aaah, NEEEENAAGARCIA. A bitch with class and an opionion.
Waaahhh!!!! I can't watch PR this year because of my stupid cable company. They offer Bravo in some parts of the state but not others. Reading your posts makes me laugh and then I think that I'm missing out on so much. :(
Shoes? Jewelry? When do you see her shoes? And Nina doesn't wear jewelry.
Otherwise spot on, although I doubt any caption could be as funny as the things that ACTUALLY come out of Nina's mouth. She's fierce, and the Manifesti luv her.
nina scares me a bit, but that is what being a supreme bitch is all about :) i wouldnt want to be one of the designers when she is bored!
" Fashion Manifesto said...
Shoes? Jewelry? When do you see her shoes? And Nina doesn't wear jewelry.
Otherwise spot on, although I doubt any caption could be as funny as the things that ACTUALLY come out of Nina's mouth. She's fierce, and the Manifesti luv her."
Hello? Have you watched S1, S2 AND S3? She wears jewelry in several occasions AND you can see her shoes in several shots, including the last reunion episode.
She is FABULOUS! I LOVE HER!!! I hope I ran into her one of these days at H&M, one of her favorite stores.
"Shoes? Jewelry? When do you see her shoes? And Nina doesn't wear jewelry."
I don't know what show you've been watching, but you can always see her shoes when they do a long shot of the judges and she is known to wear chunky rings, necklaces and dangly earrings.
Oops...I hope I RUN into her...
Mr. NinaGarcia's inner monolog:
DON'T BORE NINA! Can you imagine the critiques?
Nina is the best judge ever! She has that fabulous Latin temper going on.
I also love her book.
I will never forget Ninagarcia's "It's just not aesthetically pleasing" comment from PR2-classic! I think the only person on PR who intimidated Nina was Santino
I think we should petition for a picture-in-picture NinaCam (TM) to show her face as the models are walking the runway.
Sorry sorry sorry but the waves of panic are rising....
I've seen several references to the non-presence of Tim's podcast, and just went to Bravo's website (shudder) to look around for it. Not there.
Is Tim's podcast gone for good? Is he too busy now that he's got his own show?
suzanne said "...its replacing Level 8 Blonde" Oh, I miss Sheer Genius, I wonder if it'll ever come back?
Anyhoo, NG is my hero. It would be so great to get paid to be a bitch, and look fabulous doing it.
Great caps, boyz!
And THIS is the reason I love this blog--the recaps of Nina's face with those bitchy little comments that so accurately capture what we all know she's thinking! Made my Friday morning!
I love Nina's facial expression when someone sends a dress down the runway she loves. You can tell she is in complete rapture over it.
She has such a high standard, and wants to be wowed by these designs, and rightfully so. I think she goes in really looking for the next great American designer, and so when she is disappointed, she lets the whole world know... and I love her for that.
""You show me THIS? I left my baby with a stranger so I could come in here and look at THIS?""
LOL. You don't want to fuck with La Nina.
I love Nina, probably because I also lack the ability to put on a poker face.
I heart Ninaaaa
Oh my God, thanking you for making me laugh so hard in every post since Wed. night, Tom and Lorenzo. This one took the cake. This has been the *****iest week in recent memory and its the little bright spots that make all the difference. Bless you!
I loved Nina from day 1. She's a great judge and knows what the hell she's talking about.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I'm a fan of Nina, loved this post. I see you two will dribble these posts out, a couple per day....can barely stand to wait...
The Boys are back!
Ah, I heart La Nina.
" bitchybitchybitchy said...
I will never forget Ninagarcia's "It's just not aesthetically pleasing" comment from PR2-classic! I think the only person on PR who intimidated Nina was Santino"
I don't think so. She always laughed at his stupid remarks, especially in that lingerie episode.
Thank you, TLo. I will be giggling all day!
Golly I missed you two!!! Sure your other posts are swell, BUT it's your post game comments that slay me!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU TOM and LORENZO!!!
"You show me THIS? I left my baby with a stranger so I could come in here and look at THIS?"
I don't know how you guys do it, but you do it every single time. Hilarious!
Don't bore Nina! : - )
I love Nina’s attention to detail.
Sorry, I didn’t finish my thought on the last post.
I love how she checks the hems on the dresses.
OK, so I identified Nina's "I'm gonna barf" face as early as season 1. But for the life of me I couldn't figure out what her "I actually like this" face was, until this episode. She narrows her eyes. Watch for it.
Nina tell it like it is. You gotta love that.
You just KNOW that was La Nina's inner dialogue! Love how she always lets you know exactly what she's thinking!
Tami S.
Love the "shit sniffing" face she makes when something doesn't please her. I missed it.
It's great to be back, isn't it?
But you just know she must go through assistants like underwear.
--Gotham Tomato
Love Nina. No bullshit zone. I respect her opinions even when I disagree with her (what was that big ugly puffy blue thing that she loved from last year?).
Also, hate to be a picky bitch, but since I loved the comment soooo much, it was actually closer to "It's...aesthetically not pleasing!". Not sure why the order makes it funnier to me this way. Thanks
I don't get the Nina hair love. It's brown. It's hanging there unstyled. There are short split ends boinging up all over. What gives?
LOL! Love her!!!
It's interesting to note on her blog she reveals that she had an off camera à bout portant discussion with Santino so heated the producers had to intervene....
Bitch should have put on her Vaseline and cut him...
I think Nina's great. She's honest and to the point. And her opinions are about the work, not the designer. It bothers me that some people think those qualities in a woman add up to being a bitch.
-- rain brain
"You show me THIS? I left my baby with a stranger so I could come in here and look at THIS?"
Ahahahahhahahaa. I almost cried laughing at that one, Boys. I do love you so.
The Duchess tries too hard to be funny & bitchy and only has about a 40% success rate.
Nina just lets her opinion fly and god love her for it.
I am a physics student and I have a teacher who we call "the Dragon" who is just like Nina but for physics and math. That bitch will tear you down to your bones and spit on your steaming skeleton. I feel for the designers that Nina ball busts....but I love to see them squirm.
As long as its not me it's entertaining!
You could sooo see her chambering a round in her shotgun right before the judges started asking questions. Love The Nina.
I can just hear the voices of NG, the Duchess and Heidi's when I read your screen caps - Hi-freaking-larious!
i adore ninahgahceeeeyah!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't she say "it's just aesthetically not pleasing", not "it's just not aesthetically pleasing"? Something about the slight awkwardness of the phrase makes it perfect.
Thanks so much for this post, I have had the worst week and and this made laugh out loud, to the point I was almost crying!! I so love Nina Garcia, I just know that we would be BFF's if we ever met. My only problem, is that normally I am the bitchy one, and how does one compete with " El Nina:????
Oh yes, ditissimo!!
Nina Garcia for world leader. Girl steps up everytime.
OMG, you guys are so on target. Those are the best captions on some great screencaps.
Are you on Miz Nina's payroll???
The designers already know the show, and they have no problem telling the judges that they're wrong. I'm glad she doesn't put up with that kind of attitude. Best judge on the show!
I loved when she said, "Then why is the construction so poor?"
Geez girl, way to get it out there! I thought to myself, "Wow, that was so bitchy it sounded like a TLo caption!"
Nina = Fabulous
LOVE her opinionated, blunt style.
When confronted with crap, she tells the truth. She is the only judge I find trustworthy.
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