On the Drama Phone

Tuesday, May 01, 2007 by

These drama queens can't even make phone calls without turning it into a soap opera. No "Hi! Just checking in. I miss you!" with this bunch. No, it has to be HIGH DRAMA 24/7.

"Okay, calm down. I need you to focus. You should see a red wire and a blue wire."

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I just think it's time for me to start seeing other people. Well now that's rude. Besides, I'm not the one who "accidentally" slept with his ex on New Year's Eve! And don't take my Scissor Sisters poster!"

"I know, I know. But the vet said it was time. No, he said it was very peaceful. Yeah, keep the leash."

"Don't cry, honey! Mommy's working really hard to make it all better! Promise! As soon as Mommy wins the money, she'll give it to the nice man and he'll give you back to us, okay? Don't cry! Mommy loves you! We're all gonna be a FAMILY again!"

"Hey, I just wanted to call to let you know ... I'M A LESBIAN! Gotta go! Talk to you later!"

"What the hell is WRONG with these people? Can't they make a simple phone call without all the drama?"

"Dunno. You wanna go next?"

"Naah. I've got my ouija board. You go."

"Right. Time to tell my mother exactly what I think of her. Cheers!"

BONUS: Preview time, Angels!

Evangelin and Tyson unveil towering new looks for themselves, the producers come up with a kickass challenge, and Evangelin is still crazy. Check it out.


pyramus said...

In my heart of hearts I know "Shear Genius" is a stupid show, and yet I just can't stop watching it, and it's all your fault, gents. I watch it so that I'll know what you're talking about when you hilariously blog about it.

Even that wasn't enough to make me watch "Top Design", though. Man, that was a bad show.

Tyson's sort of adorable, isn't he? Too bad he'll be chewed up and spit out by The Evil One.

Anonymous said...

Keep the leash! OMG!

It's so true pyramus - it's the dumbest show EVER but I see it (and all reality shows) through new eyes since I found the GayBoys!

Have you watched ANTM since you started reading these blogs? They don't even BLOG it and I hear their voices in my head!


DivineQueen said...

LOL. That is hilarious!

And what is Evangelin doing with those hedge clippers again?
Giiirrrrl, please.

Cinthia said...

"Naah. I've got my ouija board. You go."

ROFL. You bitches!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the yahoo preview - stylists go to the day spa!!!! Steam room scandal!


(sorry for posting a url! just wanted to put this out there!)

ToddNY said...

"And don't take my Scissor Sisters poster!"

LOL. I love Gay Frodo!!

eric3000 said...

Ha Ha!

Some of those calls were a little strange, though. Danna telling her step-mother to tell mummy and daddy she loves them? What's that about? Is her step-mother also her sister? Just wondering.

littlekarnak said...

"Have you watched ANTM since you started reading these blogs? They don't even BLOG it and I hear their voices in my head!"

Thanks for clearing that up, Anne; I thought those voices in my head during ANTM meant "time to stop drinking!"

And WTF with Tyson's hair this week??

Dani said...

WTF with Tyson's hair every week?

God help me, I cannot say it enough.
I. LOVE. Scary Hair Witch.

David said...


I lovedTabatha's reaction when they all started crying and stuff. She's fucking fabulous, man!

Suzy said...

Yay! Daisy is lesbian! Awesome!!

KlausK said...

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I just think it's time for me to start seeing other people. Well now that's rude. Besides, I'm not the one who "accidentally" slept with his ex on New Year's Eve! And don't take my Scissor Sisters poster!"

Freaking hilarious! Pretty much the conversation I had with my last boyfriend. LOL.

macasism said...

What is Evangelin smoking? Went to your head, much?

Mario said...

ROFL. They were all crying and hugging and my friend turned to me and said 'What the fuck?' 'It has been what? a week that they haven't see their loved ones?'


LindaLA said...

"Keep the leash" LOVE IT.

Jeffrey Bryan said...

Evangelin = The Good Witch version of Wendy Pepper

Anonymous said...

I may be alone in this, but I love Danna - she's so cute and sweet. I thought her phone call back home - to South Africa, I'm imagining, where she probably hasn't been in a long time - was very touching.

Anyway, she's nice. That means that she'll be the next to go, though. Her or Boogie. Those are my predictions!

Dani said...

You think they're going to hold on to Evangelin like Vincent or Wendy Pepper?

The Java Junkie said...

Those are some pretty wacky "do's" on Tyson and Evangelin_. The phone calls are genius! Mwah!!

Jason said...

"Dani said...

You think they're going to hold on to Evangelin like Vincent or Wendy Pepper? "

I think Evangelin_ knows what she's doing; playing the crazy/mommy so she can stay a bit longer. She's always playing for the camera. She tries too hard.

MarceloF said...

Tyson creeps me out! I guess winning the challenge lets him make the first phone call?

Anonymous said...

Fabulous divas deathmatch: Tabatha vs. Laura Bennett

nso said...

Oh goodie. Can't wait for the blogging about Tyson's and Evangelin's new dos.

shiver72876 said...

"Hey, I just wanted to call to let you know ... I'M A LESBIAN! Gotta go! Talk to you later!"

The producers had to get the info to us somehow! What a break she gave them!

(By the way, I just signed up so in case you are wondering, I used to post my comments as "Kerry" which is indeed my name.)

Nancy said...

Tabatha and Anthony are my favorite stylists! Fabulous post, boys!!

thyrza said...

Hahahaha! Perfect.

I love Scary Hair Witch more with each passing moment. My internal dialogue between Anthony and Tabatha went something like this --
Tabs: Bloody nuisance, these Americans, yeah? Let's kill them all in their sleep. With our minds.

Anthony: Heh. Excellent idea! Er...I'll just be...leaving your presence...now...runs, runs like the wind!

Anonymous said...

I watched this episode with my 12 year old nephew whose parents were away for a week long RnR. (And we both caught the two reruns prior to this viewing. Count him as another fan).

We both were very confused and amused about the tears. He asked me if he was supposed to be so sad because he hadn't seen his parents almost a week, because he was having the time of his life.

Oh these crazy stylists.

Javier said...

" Anonymous said...

I watched this episode with my 12 year old nephew whose parents were away for a week long RnR. (And we both caught the two reruns prior to this viewing. Count him as another fan).

We both were very confused and amused about the tears. He asked me if he was supposed to be so sad because he hadn't seen his parents almost a week, because he was having the time of his life.

Oh these crazy stylists."

LOL. I love your story! Very funny!

sistersin said...

Anon said...
Don't forget the yahoo preview - stylists go to the day spa!!!! Steam room scandal!

Ah hell, here we go. Can't wait till they reveal all of Tabatha's vocal comments about hating him, and just hoping that whomever win's it's not Tyson. She is talking with Anthony whom she has known for many many years. So i'm sure it's all going to be spoken very freely from T's mouth. Where no Thought Bubble will be present.

Let it flow Tabatha, let it flow! This is going to be some funny shit! Just wait. Oh my panties are are quivvering; oh wait i don't wear any! LOL

This is going to be a good one, belly on up to the bar with a cocktail in hand

Mia said...

" Anonymous said...

I may be alone in this, but I love Danna - she's so cute and sweet. I thought her phone call back home - to South Africa, I'm imagining, where she probably hasn't been in a long time - was very touching.

Anyway, she's nice. That means that she'll be the next to go, though. Her or Boogie. Those are my predictions! "

I love her too. She's very sweet and I love her accent.

Dishes said...

Don't you think Tabatha and Evangelin would be perfect if they headlined 'Wicked'. Do you think they can sing?

Anonymous said...

dishes -

holy sh*t i just burst out laughing! hey - tyson refers to himself as "the wizard" and tabatha wants to take him down... it's all workin for me. tab's already got the costume down!

a last-minute casting choice... sally as the flying monkeY?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else want to see Tabatha brandishing those ridiculous hedge clippers and yelling, "off with their HEADS"? Cut scene to Rene protecting his crotch.

Hell, I'd SPONSOR the damn show to see that one!

Love Tabatha!

thombeau said...

I love you guys so much! You ALWAYS make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

"You think they're going to hold on to Evangelin like Vincent or Wendy Pepper?"

I love Evangelin. She's crazy, but at least she's not crazy in an evil or malicious way (like those two). Also, she deserved to be in the top 3 these past two episodes.

Even though she used hedge trimmers, her cut was nice. Others were pure ASS (like Anthony's, Tyson's and gay frodo's)

Dani said...

"anonymous said:

I love Evangelin. She's crazy, but at least she's not crazy in an evil or malicious way (like those two). Also, she deserved to be in the top 3 these past two episodes."

Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't hate Evangelin. I just think she's too much of a case of baskets, if you know what I'm saying. She's probably going to be her own undoing (see the Hedgeclipper intervention on the commercials). The cut from last week was indeed nice, and she has deserved the praise so far. And I don't think she's evil crazy. In fact:

Wendy Pepper - Evil Crazy
Vincent - Stupid Crazy
Evangelin - Estrogen Crazy.


Anonymous said...

I love Tabs. She's my new anti-hero.

Brett said...

i know! it was jolting with daisy's lesbian revelation. random.

here are the stylists in my order of skill.

1. Tabatha [duh]
2. Evangelin
3. Anthony
4. Danna
5. Ben
6. Daisy
7. Tyson
8. Dr. Boogie

Jessica said...

ROFL. I love all the drama!!

Bill said...

You guys are sooooo good at the hysterical screen cap comments. The phone calls were priceless.

And your style is getting under my skin. When I look at any photos now, I start writing captions in my head.

thescot said...

Tyson as Illya Kuryakin ?--good one.

krissy said...

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I just think it's time for me to start seeing other people. Well now that's rude. Besides, I'm not the one who "accidentally" slept with his ex on New Year's Eve! And don't take my Scissor Sisters poster!"
Are you sure he wasn't talking to his mother?

Tyson is like a adult, crazed Little Lord Fauntleroy.

the bot said...

Just watched this for the first time via tonights' mini-marathon. My continued belief in the $12 Supercuts haircut has been reaffirmed by this show. So is Sally still riding the wave of her now-outdated look? The boys nailed it with the comment about her $150 t-shirt. So done.

And they need to stop it with the little speech by the loser at the end of each episode. By the fourth episode I was reaching for the mute button after their name was announced. Pretending to lose gracefully is just gross.

d said...

Boys... this is like the seventh time I've read this post. I have to say that your cap of Daisy on the phone is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. EVER.

I love you guys!

Smoogis said...

I love her meltdown in part 2 of her exit video from the Bravo site.

Evolution with Props: The Mystic Guide to Professor Evangelin!

Anonymous said...

"i'm just calling to tell you, i'm a lesbian!" lol that was so funny! are you sure she's not bisexual? she doesn't strike me as a lesbian. the way we find out is the most random way..

"on the phone: girlfriend"

ok, just tell us in an interview, why just slip it in thinking no one will see? it was weird...