"The thing was, I had a lousy model with a big ass who couldn't walk if you drew a straight line on the runway and tied her to it."
"Let's bring out Tarah and Rachael for some uncomfortable shifting in our seats!"
"Heidi, I am at one with the universe and I figure, if Zulema wants to be a straight up bitch who makes shitty clothes, then that's what the universe intended."
"Yeah, and if you wanna be a no-walking, marshmallow butt bitch then I guess the universe wanted that too."
"It all worked out in the end. You made another shitty dress and got kicked off the show, and I got to work with Nick, the most adorable designer ever."
"Look! You sucked! You couldn't walk for shit, you have a big ass, and you had a lousy attitude. I did what I needed to to stay in the game."
"If you needed to get rid of me to stay in the game, why were you sent home the minute you got rid of me? Looks to me like I was what kept you in the game."
"That's a good point."
"That's a good point."
"You said WHAT?" I don't think so, bitch. You got Nick's skinny ass booted pretty quickly didn't you? I saw that plant dress you wore. You looked like Tinkerbell's fat slutty older sister."
"I'm ... sorry you still carry such anger. It must be awful to be so untalented."
"Oh don't pull this 'zen model' bullshit with me. The only reason you stayed in as long as you did was because of ME. Nick took you because he had no choice. SAY IT!"
"Whatever, bitch. My ass just got its own agent and you're still stapling clothes together. Eat it."
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Zulema just wanted to give her model the chance to work with another designer. That Zulema; always thinking of others!
"Damn" "Good Point" "Ouch"
OMG I fell over laughing
Side note: how much prettier is she when NOT on the runway? Is it because they let her do her own makeup this time or something? Yow!
BTW, Zulema looked GORGEOUS at the reunion.
I did think that was one of the funniest parts of Season 2--Zulema demanding the model walk-off and then being auf'd at the next opportunity. Karma bites.
Rachel looks quite pretty there without Zulema's styling choices.
Freaking genius. Now, if only it had gone down that way on the show...there might have been blood!
Zulema & Rachael are both prettier in the reunion epi...you bitches get the greatest screencaps. I'm wetting myself.
"Good Point"
OMFG! I'm crying here ( for reals! ) LMAO!!!
Hahaha!!! This is your funniest yet, Boys. Absolute perfection.
Eric: "That Zulema; always thinking of others!"
Anonymous: "how much prettier is she when NOT on the runway?"
I've seen portfolio & ad pix of Rachel on line. . .she looks great (here, too). I think the PR styling just wasn't kind to her, but we should all look so awful, huh?
LOL. You boys are terrible! I love it!
While I always enjoy reading your blogs....the picture of Nick and "Guilty" is by far the funniest damn thing you've ever done, followed by "Damn" "Good Point" "Ouch"
I love this!
OMG, you guys break me down!
I think Nick's "Guilty!" and Tim's "Sucks to be you, Kevin!" are now tied for my two favoritist screencaps ever. I've never felt so perky on a Monday. Thanks, guys!!
Hahahahahaha. Freaking hilarious!!
That "Guilty!" made my day.
you guys are so hilarious... holy shit...
i think i just died X.X
ROFL, OK, I'm going to get fired, bitches!! Love you both <3
"That's a good point."
Hahaha! I love Shetangi!!
And yes, I agree, Zulema looked gorgeous.
So we're treated to this post and the West Side Story Musical Monday post on the same day... wow.
Darlings, Poodles, Commentarians, lend me your ears! We musta did something right to have the kind of good karma that allowed us to find the PRGs. 'Nuff said!
Another ditto: this is the funniest PRG entry yet.
...stapling clothes together?? LOVE IT!!!
Thank you for making my Monday!
There's just universal agreement here (unlike on the whole Ginger v. Rita question): this IS the funniest ever.
(Now you guys have to answer, "Guilty!")
LOL. You boys are too much! I can only thank you both for making me laugh on such a shitty day here at the office.
I almost fell out of my chair with that one. Uncle Nick's expression is priceless.
Awww, Nick looks so cute in that picture. Fabulously funny post, boys!
Whoever said the reunions aren't ripe for the bitching?
Hilarious! I don't know how you guys manage to make something so old be so funny and fresh. Great post!
These screen caps and your captions are pure genius. That is all.
doesn't rachael look like pumkin from flavor of love? the girl who spat on new york...
High-larious!!!! Love it. Love you boys.
Oh god, my sides hurt. What a classic exchange. Now I have to go rent the DVD to remember what they really said. But I'll be chuckling with your commentary.
You guys should do a MST2K(remember them) type of video recap on YouTube!
That was comic genius. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.
You can find her photos on here. True story. I was never impressed on PR (Reunion notwithstanding), but she really is quite striking. Love the first shot with the crazy makeup.
What can I add? A shining example of the wit we all love here. Thanks for the fantastic post.
And thanks even more for my Tim Gunn book that arrived today! Can't wait to read it!
You know boys, you say you don't like recapping reunions, but with this cagematch, you have outdone yourselves. I was falling out of my chair laughing at work and it was just as funny tonight reviewing your commentary and screencaps again. Love it and love you!
Oh. My. Gawd.
That was pure gold, love it!
"and I got to work with Nick, the most adorable designer ever."
True. He is a Latin Kewpie doll.
--Gotham Tomato
LOL. I can't stop laughing and that picture of Nick... He looks so cute : - )
how do you get such amazing screencaps, and manage to caption them so perfectly? how????? sheer brilliance, boys. comic genius. i love it.
Nick's face..."guilty"....I can't take it!
You know this is definitely in the top 10 of the PRG Greatest Hits...
LOL Eric3000...
Ok, you two are officially my heroes. This post rocks.
Awesome! I really did think that Shetangi, I mean Zulema, purposely directed the awful makeup on Rachel--girl can handle lots of makeup when applied correctly!
Cutest pic of Nick, ever.
Funniest post to date, I think. And that's saying something. Really, could you just go and recap all the past episodes with screen caps? Like a photonovella of every show? Thanks.
You guys never fail. Some entries get even funnier the more times you read them, and this is one of them. "Damn" "Good point" "Ouch" is the tip top of the heap, followed oh-so-closely by "Guilty!" and "Oh. Shit."
I'm so glad you use your powers for good, not evil.
OMG! I haven't seen the first two seasons but I have them on my Netflix list. I suspect I'm going to be sorely disappointed. Nothing will be as good as this.
Sadly, I've moved and no longer have Bravo so I'll miss the new season also. Guess where I'll be glued to?
rachel sucks
Oh my god, I love this post. Fabulous, boys, simply fabulous!
I haven't commented here in a LONG time, but holy damn, the pic of Nick with "Guilty" underneath brought me out of retirement. F'ing GENIUS.
This is some seriously funny shit right here.
Well done, bitches =)
that is the BEST re-caption you guys have ever done. Effing BRILLIANT!
"That's a good point."
I have read this post 5 times already (I'm not kidding) and I can't stop laughing.
You boys ROCK!!!
Oh my god, this was perfection. The "Guilty" made me laugh so hard...so SO well done.
I actually snorted with laughter at the picture of Nick with "Guilty!" underneath it. Love it!
Hilarious, boys! One of your best posts EVER!!
"Dani said...
You can find her photos on here. True story. I was never impressed on PR (Reunion notwithstanding), but she really is quite striking. Love the first shot with the crazy makeup.:
Thank you for the link. Great pictures of Zulema!
This is the GREATEST thing i have ever read!
"Thats a good point"
I just about peed myself!
wow wow wow
keep them coming!!!
I Love You Guys!
LOL! One of the funniest ever.
You know these girls so well it's frightening!
Rachel was defintiely in the right here...Zulema was quite consistent in her poor execution of garments. NONE of the models would have been able to pull off her designs on the runway. While she was within her right as the winner of the previous challenge to switch models, Zulema needs to accept responsibility and ownership for her work, and not make excuses (as Heidi had pointed out), and certainly not blame poor Rachel. Zulema's justification of "wanting Rachel to evolve" as a model was ridiculous, and I was glad that Rachel had the last word. And yes, Zulema did look good.
Uproarious. I think you guys should blog every TV show with screen caps. You are so much better than actually watching TV.
Guys . . .
You should approach the "Magic Elves" or whatever they call themselves and convince them to include you in the next "reunion" show. Can you imagine the mad mayhem that would result if they projected the "stills" on a monitor while playing your dialog? Even the protagonists would have to laugh at themselves.
Yours for the enhancement of future reunion shows . . .
hilarious, boys!
Rachel sucked as a model. Is she even working now? I doubt it.
That was one of your hottest posted ever.
Rachel sucked as a model. Is she even working now? I doubt it.
Yes she is.
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