Thursday, May 03, 2007 by
That's it.

Blog over.

There's nothing more to write about. Our world has gone cold and gray.

Oh Evangelin. Our little Italian Tammy Faye. Our Madonna of the Garden Shears. Our under-voweled, over-accessorized Mama of Drama. How can we go on without you? What will we write about?

Will any of the other contestants go batshit crazy like you did last night? Will any of them strut around with gardening tools and try and convince themselves they're forward-thinking hair artists? No, doll. They won't. And you know why? Because it takes real talent and focus to become a reality show drama queen superstar and NONE of those people have it. You were the quintessential "piece of work" and now Shear Genius is a little less genius without you.

Exhibit A in the case of whether or not they drug the wig stands. She's so strung out, we're shocked she can still stand.

Honestly, it was a little obvious that she was the one going. You don't strut around and get into arguments about your genius and then expect to stay, honeys. No, she was clearly digging a hole for herself. And her final creation wasn't just ass, it was MEGA-ass. Those little spiral curl tendrils are creepy.

Notice how NONE of the women came down to hug her. Those bitches are HARSH.

Our biggest regret is that she didn't have the Major Meltdown that we were convinced was right around the corner. Granted, she probably burst into tears when she left the studio and hasn't stopped crying in the months since, but it's no fun for us if it's not filmed, now is it?

Bravo, please give her her own show. We think we speak for the rest of America when we say that what this country needs right now is a weepy little Italian woman with garden shears in her hands, too much makeup on, wardrobe by Dress Barn, crying in our living rooms at least one night a week over things that the rest of the population would never considered tear-worthy. Teach us how to feel, Evangelin.

In other news,

Congratulations Danna!

What is it with the vowels on these people? Was the O too expensive or something? We're liking Danna more and more. Partly because she's low-drama but with a sense of humor about it all, but mostly because we're fairly certain she's smoking a blunt every morning before she heads to the studio.

She kicked ass last night. The day-to-night look was simple, but really, simple was the only thing you could have done in a challenge like that.

Her red-carpet challenge? Well....

...don't get us wrong. It's VERY Vanessa Williams, probably moreso than any of the other styles last night - and the back of it really is unique and gorgeous, but man, the front. That is some tranny-looking hair there, sister.


Toran23 said...

Ah, Evangelin. I too, will miss the Mama of Drama. But don't worry, boys. There is always the reunion show. Maybe she'll show up drunky-drunk and try to cut someone's hair with a pair of pliers. One can only hope. But seriously, she was fun to watch and I enjoyed her work. Good luck, Evangelin, where ever you are! We miss you!!!

valpal said...

No more Evangelin_! I didn't see that coming. Goes to show that the producers fo SG are not pushing the judges to go for drama over talent (not to say Evangelin_ wan't talented...but her style this week was ass). Of course, with Tyson and Tabatha still in play, there will be plenty of drama.

I LOVE Tabatha...anything she says sotto voce, she'd be totally at ease saying out loud and to someone's face.

Those poor models...can you imagine having to strut down a runway to be judged by VW? Scary.

Great Job, Danna!

jinxy said...

Well... Danna knew her client and aimed to please, and she succeeded...

As for Evangelin going? I would have rather seen Ben leave. He's boring compared to her. His hair was ass too, but Evangelin's was definitely worse. Her tendrils looked like calamari.

Now, as far as all the fun drama stuff being gone, I wouldn't completely rule it out. Tabatha and Tyson are just heading for a showdown, and now with Evangelin gone, I wouldn't be surprised if the hairstylists turn on Dr. Boogie or Daisy. It will be fun to see who will turn out to be the next "crazy" now that the position is opened up.

Gorgeous Things said...

Oh damn, I missed it! Fortunately I Tivo'd it, so I'll check out the drama later today. But I have to tell you, I was at my hairstylist's yesterday, and I asked her about the show. Piece of advice: if you ever want to hear a stylist go off, ask them about Shear Genius! I wished I had a tape recorder with me!

SmartAss said...

SO, I missed the first airing and saw only the last few minutes, with St. Evangelinista being sent off to limbo.

AND I knew THE BOYS would be writing her hagiography as the tears washed her cheeks and their cheeks at the same time.

SO, I had to stay up and watch the show from begin to end in the second airing. Lordy, it was a late night for me, but well worth it.

The ecumenical arguments of the saneness of using pruning shears in a salon (Tabitha the Witch, dressed for the inquisition).

The evolutionary arguments for using pruning shears as an artistic statement (Evangelin dressed as a wild thing escaped from the Dress Barn).

BOYS, I know the patron saint of drama queens is now gone from the salon forever. However, she is captured on the Allure Wall of Fame to be worshipped from afar (the way Jaclyn keeps saying Allure Wall of Fame makes it sound like a permanent star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.)

It is time to go to the dark side and begin worshipping Tabitha.


Wasn't it fun to hear Tabitha dish on Tyson during the Detox massage treatment.

(OF course it was fun watching Anthony flashing his junk, while Tabitha was dishing with Evangeline.)

And Tabitha would have even preferred Evangelina to win over Tyson. Of course, the next morning she served crazzzzzy Evangeangel up to Rene without even cracking a smile or twitching her nose.

And speaking of Rene, his accent can annoy sometime but her is gorgeous. Simply gorgeous, and they are always filming him from the back to capture that cute ass of his. His eyes, his smile, his hair, his ass. You two can't walk away from all that.

And then hearing Tabitha dish with her wig stand? Can't say I disagreed with her character synopsis at all.

And changing topics here, Danna was fun last night. I like how she did the reverse order of Tyson, just to even the playing field. Payback is always a bitch.

Anyway, I feel for your loss. With the Madonna of Garden shears pruned from the set, you were denied your last moment melt down.

But please come back ... Jaclyn and Rene would miss THE BOYS sooo much .... And so would we.

Just sayin.

Debbie Cook said...

Tranny hair ... TOO funny, and, of course, spot on!

Laura S said...

I thought Evangelin was adorable and was sad to see her go. Still, her defense of garden shears as avant garde hair artistry was annoying. If she wanted to use them she could have just said "I feel more comfortable with them" or something.

Did anyone else notice how, while Evangelin was giving her goodbye speech, Tabatha rolled her eyes and gestured as in "get on with it already"? Until that point I loved Tabatha, but I'm not sure now - that seemed less dishy/snarky/fabulous and more just mean.

And, I LOVED Danna's style. Didn't she do the hair art with the ball-baskets too? I love that wrapped around hair kind of look, and I think it's tricky to do without creating prom hair.

GRETCHEN said...

Have to say, I disagree! Evangelin is irritating to me, but not in a fun way-- in a Vincent way. And I have a little crush on Ben, so I was nearly as happy as he was that he the irrepressible giggle when he was on the chopping block.

My Tabatha love is fading, though...why on earth pick a fight with Evangelin about her stupid shears? Tab should encourage her to use them, if they'll give a crap cut and frighten her clients. Not to mention, calling her an idiot just wasn't cool.

nso said...

Ahh Evangelin--done in by scary tendrils. At least she gave us one last night of high drama, what with the screaming and hollering about hedge trimmers as revolutionary new styling tool. I'll miss her, but I can't really quarrel with the judging.

Maybe she'll put on some pasty white make-up and open an Evangelin Scissorhands salon.

Bill said...

"Our under-voweled, over-accessorized Mama of Drama."

Oh you Boys never fail me. Hahaha!

Evangelin was just nuts with the garden shears. The Tabatha showdown over them was a surprise. I felt like there must have been a lot of prodding from producers or other contestants. Whatever the cause, I loved it!

And as far as people being mean or unprofessional or whatever - hey, it's reality TV (a misnomer if ever there was one). I expect at least a few people to do whatever they can to try to win. You should know by now going into these things that it will likely get ugly at some point. And isn't it part of the fun for the viewers?

wildflower38 said...

Evangelin_'s hedge clippers were no match for Tabatha's claws. I was sorry to see Evangelin_ go. She will be missed. Of course she should have put those hedge clippers down. period. Instead of being famous for winning a Shear Genius challenge with; she's now infamous because of them. She should have kept them, taken them home, and put them up on display at her shop right next to a copy of her Allure poster of her model. She could even have a cute note with them too. Not letting go of those hedge clippers and the ass hair style she deigned was her downfall.

Even with Evangelin_'s weirdness, Ben should have had his final cut. He's first mistake was choosing an African American as his model because he doesn't know how to style our hair. His next mistake was that he should have kept it simple since he'd never done red carpet hair designing.

DAnna's hair style fit Ms Williams. She knew what she was doing. Personally though I loved Daisy's design; its pretty.

I loved how Rene put Boogie on he spot about his red carpet hair styling experience. LOL

Oh by the way, my top 3 are Tabatha(she's going to win it all), Daisy and Anthony. Ben 's leaving next week.

Embeedubya said...

Evangelin of the Hedge Clippers was starting to get on my nerves. Go home to the family, Puss. Are you kiddin' me? Vanessa Williams is perfect for tranny hair! Her hair always looks a bit like limp bacon since she found the flat iron.

Jules said...

What?: No comment about the tears in Jaclyn's eyes as the Mama of Drama was saying goodbye???? Surely your eagle eyes didn't miss that!

Allen said...

Guys ... what is up w/ the flaming heterosexuals on these Bravo shows? Daniel Franco on Project Runway; Michael on Top Design and Dr. Boogie on Shear Genius. I'm an all American athletic gay guy, but DAMN DUDES!!!

And Tyson ... dear Tyson ... even I know better not to mess w/ Tabitha.

bitchybitchybitchy said...

I cannot say that I will miss our Madonna of the Garden Shears...she was a tad too perky for moi, and her babbling about the shear as innovative was a bit much....

I am in total awe of the judges on this show. I want a celebrity smackdown between the Shear Genius judges and the PR judges...I think that Sally could take on the Dutchess and Nina both and leave them in the dust....

Am I the only one who finds Tyson a tad scary....or is he simply just too full of himself?

Cheri said...

And would someone please explain that 1959 Garden Party dress that was masquerading as a red carpet dress? Am I the only one who thought that was the UGLIEST dress of all time and that no one would have noticed if VW was shaved bald when wearing it, onlookers being distracted by the giant pink and green tweed evening gown?

Marius said...

Yes, the reunion show should be loads of fun. Evangelin is a lot stronger than we thought. I was impressed by her tenacity. She was confronted by Tabatha, Rene, and Danna about using hedge clippers, but she never broke down. I guess you could label her a drama queen, but in all honesty, I agreed with Danna and Tabatha—it’s just not professional to use hedge clippers. Danna rocked last night.

Anonymous said...

I admit it I will miss Evangelin, but that do last night put the fug in fugly. If they do a reunion show I hope they go out and do a follow up on her to show us her salon and cutting edge techniques, although she might be working for Sea World by then because it looks like she put a Portagese Man of War on that poor models head.


Anonymous said...

what this show needs are some middle aged balding queens for wigstands. Can you imagine the drama that would ensue after someone came at them with a pair of garden sheers?

bitchybitchybitchy said...

And would someone please explain that 1959 Garden Party dress that was masquerading as a red carpet dress? Am I the only one who thought that was the UGLIEST dress of all time and that no one would have noticed if VW was shaved bald when wearing it, onlookers being distracted by the giant pink and green tweed evening gown?

That was a seriously fugly gown...and I cannot see VW wearing that anywhere...with or without hair

Janet said...

I'm going to miss Evangelin_. Mama of Drama could cry like nobody else.
Now I have to focus on Tabatha!

macasism said...

I actually cheered when they cut St. Evangelin. Enough is enough. I thought Ben's do was worse--at least E's was somewhat composed, even if it was composed of ass. I think they cut her because they were afraid she'd hack off a body part, or in some other way conjure up a lawsuit. (I would love to see the waiver the wig stands sign.)

Was that my hero, Tab, getting ruffled? I was a little disappointed that she'd think Little Miss Sunshine deserved the wasted energy.

Hilarious post, tho, as usual.

ToddNY said...

No more Evangelin? NOOOOOO! She made me ROFL every single episode.

Tabatha must have taken a double dose of bitch pill. Nobody could stop her last night.

Anonymous said...

"Notice how NONE of the women came down to hug her. Those bitches are HARSH."

Hahahahahaha. True!

Anonymous said...

Tabatha disturbed me last night to the point of nighmares following the show. THOSE EYES! Would not want to meet that bitch in a dark alley....But then that's the only time of day she'd come out of her coffin. YIKES!

Monica said...

i agree with bitchybitchy comment: that red carpet dress was fugly!!!! if a dress like that would have come in PR that person would have been auf'd!!! it was really dowdy, sort of Wendy's style.
Danna's win was obvious, because it was the only one that really fit VW, but i didn't like the front either.
finally, was i the only one who thought that Dr Boogie's do looked like Princess Leia???

Laura K said...

I got a Delta-Burke vibe from Evangelin last night. It was weird.

BrianB said...

Laughing my head off at that 4th picture down of Evangelin and the wig stand, totally Mrs. Danvers and the new Mrs. de Winter...

"It's just your hair, it's not that important, is it? It'll always grow back, won't it? Look! They aren't hedge clippers, they're just a tool. A tool to make you more beautiful. Go ahead, Take that step and let me, let me! Don't be afraid....."

I really thought Tabatha was too cool to get in a shouting match with someone so inferior in her mind. When she turned on her heel after her dust up with Evangelin all I could see was Mercedes McCambridge in Johnny Guitar! She's kind of got the look already. I thought she'd save the venom for Tyson. A huge chink in her armour.

And Anthony, I wouldn't get too close because you're going to go down to the wire with Tabatha and who's going to be best friends then? All I can say is watch. your. back. (Unless you're already way ahead of me, which wouldn't surprise me!)


LindainLA said...

That's NOT a red carpet dress, and if it is, it's FUGLY. It looks like upholstery fabric.

K9812l said...


Anonymous said...

Glittered, rhinestoned and sequined eyes and purple streaks in your over-ratted, backcombed hair???? Oh Evangelin, you have so much more to weep about than your missing vowel.

Muse of Ire said...

Did anyone else notice how, while Evangelin was giving her goodbye speech, Tabatha rolled her eyes and gestured as in "get on with it already"? Until that point I loved Tabatha, but I'm not sure now - that seemed less dishy/snarky/fabulous and more just mean.

I was too busy rolling MY eyes and begging her to get on with it already.

Seriously, what is the story with Rene? Is he Jewish and under the impression that everyone else in the universe is a non-Jewish male? Because he keeps saying to everyone, "Come on, shaygets!"

BigAssBelle said...

what this country needs right now is a weepy little Italian woman with garden shears in her hands, too much makeup on, wardrobe by Dress Barn, crying in our living rooms at least one night a week over things that the rest of the population would never considered tear-worthy. Teach us how to feel, Evangelin.

America just needs more southerners, gentlemen. Weepy, dramatic, over the top belles and beaus to liven things up a bit. There is no drama in the country like the drama in the south. All these weird ass accents grate on my ears. How about some soft, slurred dulcet tones like we find in Georgia natives, in the Alabama coastals, the Mississippi back woods?

jlp said...

Ben should have gone, based on the hairstyles alone. At least Evangenlin tried to do red carpet hair. Ben's looked like he tossed a wig in a blender and hoped for the best.

sistersin said...

brianb said...
And Anthony, I wouldn't get too close because you're going to go down to the wire with Tabatha and who's going to be best friends then? All I can say is watch. your. back. (Unless you're already way ahead of me, which wouldn't surprise me!)

Anthony & Tabatha have been friends; really good friends for many years as well as co-educators for same company for years. Nothing will get in the way of them and this competition if it comes down to Anthony & Tabatha in final 3.

KlausK said...

" jlp said...

Ben should have gone, based on the hairstyles alone. At least Evangenlin tried to do red carpet hair. Ben's looked like he tossed a wig in a blender and hoped for the best."

I agree, I thought Ben's was horrible. I was shocked when they sent Evangelin home.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Belle. Agreed. I know someone that just moved to Illinois. On purpose, if you can imagine such a thing. I told her I didn't know how she could stand to listen to those Yankee accents everyday. We're just thankful that she's managed to hang to her beautiful Southern drawl.

Ah, the South...where we can make the word "hey" last for three syllables, and it takes 14 syllables to say, "Come on y'all, let's go to Target".


brilliant said...

So glad to see Evangelin gone. Her constant woman-on-the-verge-of-a-nervous-breakdown act was annoying. I'm not surprised the women didn't come down to hug her. It's one thing to cry every now and then to release some anger/frustration/etc. but to do it all the time at the drop of a hat is unprofessional and is one of those things that women get dinged for in the business world ("Oh, she's too emotional. She won't be able to handle it.") Women are harsher on other women because we're so conscious of how we as a gender are represented. IMHO, I think Tabatha and Danna's confrontation w/ Evangelin was about more than just the hedge clippers.

Anyhoo... Can't wait for your take on Dr. Boogie and his day to night mullet. Good gawd almighty. I thought I was going to pass out and it wasn't even my hair.

Anonymous said...

What was with Evandelin's hair? Her hair was nasty last night - she needs to keep the hat on. If my stylist looked like that, let alone the shears, I would run away! Both scream white trash.
Still loving Tabitha and love her with Anthony gossiping.

Dani said...

Oh, come on, she pulled an academy awards speech out of her pocket! I would have rolled my eyes too. Besides, it really wasn't Tabitha that picked the fight. It was Danna.

Tabitha just FINISHED it. Thank god she did, too.

Anonymous said...

Evangelin needs to know that support can be beautiful. Gawd, those bra straps showing through her Dress Barn shirt...How big can her boobs be if the back strap is up around her neck???

Bill said...

Our favorite Master of Elocution, Rene Fris, appeared at the Actors' Fund's 125th Anniversary Gala in NYC on Monday night with someone named Lorne Bager (16th picture down) (3rd picture down)

Any idea who she is?

Eliza said...

In my opinion Evangelin was the only one of the stylists who looked to the dress for her inspiration... didn't the judges say the hair must go with and complement the dress? Fugly dress? Fugly hair! Girl should have won!!!

Tom in Chicago said...


You guys crack me up.

Looking forward to the Jaclyn-mouth agape screen cap. Maybe there should be a thought bubble caption contest....

And no screen shot of Tyson getting rubbed?

Anonymous said...

"Our biggest regret is that she didn't have the Major Meltdown that we were convinced was right around the corner."

Oh, but she did! Have you seen her exit interview on the Bravo website?

Oh, wow...

frogboots said...

i like ben, a lot. for me his saving grace was his recognition that he didn't know what he was doing, and that he produced crappy hair. evangelin_ was PROUD of her hideous mess. i know they always say "be confident, OWN your product" but sometimes, i think acknowledging your fuckup shows better judgment.

Tyson needs to be put down. and Our Tabatha is just the woman to do it.

and I laughed when none of the women hugged Evangelin_ -- don't blame them a bit! Evangelin_ stomped all over my nerves...

Oh, and after looking at it for awhile, i realized I REALLY liked Dr Boogie's style. The way he fixed the curls to sort of froth over the back V was nice - and his attention to multiple angles was also lovely.

Suzanne said...

That hair was so middle America junior prom......ugh.

Poor thing never even got to buy her vowel.

Buh bye

dawn said...

Wait, you didn't talk about Jaclyn CRYING at Evangelin's exit speech! Seriously, Wonder Woman wept.

Anonymous said...

Jacklyn Smith may be many, many beautiful and inspiring things. But she is no Wonder Woman. Linda Carter rules that arena and no one else can touch her.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, please give her her own show. We think we speak for the rest of America when we say that what this country needs right now is a weepy little Italian woman with garden shears in her hands, too much makeup on, wardrobe by Dress Barn, crying in our living rooms at least one night a week over things that the rest of the population would never considered tear-worthy. Teach us how to feel, Evangelin.

I had to wipe down my monitor after reading this. Cracked up so hard I spit out some of my water. Need to remember never to drink when reading T&L's brilliant writing.

The Java Junkie said...

When Evangelin_ was eliminated I did not say "I wonder what will happen next week." I said "I can't wait to see what Project Gay will say about this!" Wicked funny, boys!!

Anonymous said...

What a challenge! To come up with Red carpet hair to go with a dress that looks like it was reworked from an old Chanel suit. How fugly. I honestly thought Ben was gone. His model's hair was a mess and something Vanessa Williams wouldn't be seen taking out her trash in, let alone do the red carpet in. He should have been gone not Evangelin. OK, the tendrils had a medusa thing going on, so pin them up and be done with it. Ben's was unsalvagable. My last thought as I turned off the TV and turned out the light was "oh my god, the PR guys must be DEVASTATED!" I hope they have a reunion show - or maybe she'll go the Daniel Franco route and come back next year?

Anonymous said...

I kinda like Ben too, though I'm pretty sure he's not long for this show. He's got the Jeffery look MINUS the Jeffery attitude. I'm a big fan of humility and the abilty to say "I'm going to try my best but I have NO idea what I'm doing." And he did as best as he could.

The sheers... I swear, I need eye areobics to ease the pain from all the rolling mine did last night. Oh just stop it with the pruning shears. During the competition her model had to hold her own hair to complete the cuts. Not really over the top professional.

And I am a card carrying member of the Tabatha love cult. I just think she's a bit TOO professional to be part of show. One too many "are you kidding me?" And of course she's right on with all of them.

Anonymous said...

I thought Rene was saying "shake it".

macasism said...

So disappointed, not a tear in her exit interview! Woman is certifiable, tho.

From next week's preview, she wouldn't have lasted much longer anyway. Maybe she should be glad they spared her.

bitchybitchybitchy said...

Please tell me that my eyes deceived me, but when I read Rene's blog on the Bravo site, Vanessa Williams chose the dress that the designer were working with. Now, did the Magic Elves force VW to choose from an incredibly fugly lot of dresses and this was the best, or did Ms. VW really choose that dress? Oh,the humanity...

Anonymous said...

No one mentioned the best part... the Top Chef teaser! *squeeeee*

OK, I like Tabitha and Anthony at the spa, as well as Tab's rundown of all the contestants as told to her client.

macasism said...

Sheer Genius kicks Top Chef's ass! These hairdressers are the best thing in tvland since Laura Bennett, maybe even better. I'll take Tab in the grudge match. (sorry, boys!)

Jenn said...

I saw someone on these posts say Dr. Boogie is straight.........???

K. said...

i kinda liked that dress

K. said...

oh -- and I'm not feeling the Ben love. he just comes across as really mediocre to me.

And, if you're going to be pretentious enough to cite an ancient deity as your inspiration for a mediocre hairdo, you ought to at least try to get the gender right -- Dionysus was a boy!

Jabes said...

I completely agree with Jinxy about the calamari tendrils!

And, Gorgeous Things, I spent most of my appointment last Saturday talking to my stylist about the show! Her first comment to me, in her awsome French accent, was, "Some of them are so green." She thought the hair bleaching adeventure from last week's episode was just crazy! It was cool to get a professional's view on the show, contestants and challeneges.

Jessa said...

I was wondering where the tears were last night... SG won't be as much fun without the Weaping Wonder.

By the way, does Tyson creep anyone else out? He looks like he used to think he was a vampire or some other creature of the night in high school. He only became a hair stylist because the cheerleaders let him play with their hair.

Also, where is Danna from? Did someone cut out her tongue or something before they let her audition?

Anonymous said...

Danna sounds like she must be South African.

When watching Evangelin_'s meltdowns, was anyone else thinking "undiagnosed bipolar?"

Anonymous said...

Danna is South African. There is more than one way to speak English you know.

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

I watched Bravo's Evangelin's exit interview. Thanks for the link.

That was definately a view into the abyss.

It was like watching an interview of a sport celebrity the day before he gets busted for coke.

I do believe something preceded the Tabitha/Evang scream fest. Bravo's editing departmen is pretty good with a gardening shears too.

Anonymous said...

I love Tabatha! Unfortunately, I fear for her next week... every preview I've seen has her being super arrogant and being like "I really want to kick Tyson's ass." It also shows Tyson floundering. I'm hoping they're not preparing us for an episode of "pride goeth before the fall," where Tyson wins and Tabatha gets the boot. Hopefully, the judges would be smart enough to know that she deserves to be there...

Also, I was a big fan of Danna from day 1 - her hair was my fav in the first challenge (well, maybe tied with Tab's feather-fro). I'm so glad to see her finally get some recognition. You go girl! Plus, the whole reverse order to even things up was priceless. What a sweetheart. I wouldn't be upset if she won either.

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

It was fun to see histrionics with a southern drawl. It does take longer. In Boston we can do histrionics quite quickly, usually with one or two swear words. Group hugging is only done when the White Sox win the world series, once every 85 years.

thombeau said...

Just got around to watching this---better late than never!---and I have to say that I LOVE THIS SHOW! It is TOO fun!

Was sad to see Evangelin(e) leave, she has so much entertainment value. Loved Tabatha's little rundown on the others. She rules.

That dress was just ugly.

Loved the blog and all responses. Can't wait until next week!

Hairclip said...

I love Danna. I'm very happy she won both challenges. Go, Danna!

I'll miss Mamma of Drama.

Anonymous said...

I loved Danna's updo. The hair wasn't tranny, bitches, it was the hair stand.

Plea to Tabatha: Please lay off the spray starch and the tortilla press. Petrified face is never a good look.

Anonymous said...

Love this post. Love this show. The camp factor is way out of control. Tabatha scares the shit out of me

Red Seven said...

Okay boys, I'm patiently waiting by my computer screen for your analysis and deconstruction of the Tabs/Anthony relationship, particularly that dishy conversation in the spa.

Just sayin'.

James Derek Dwyer said...

Tabatha cannot go! She's been invited in and that allows her access to their SOULS. plus there isnt enough garlic in the world to remove her now. LOVE her...

macasism said...

mumblesalot, you are going to have to move out of Boston.....honey, it's the RED Sox.

Love from a Giants fan!

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

lol Macasism That's what I get for posting so late at night.....the ghost of my dad, an avid white sox fan comes through. That is funny. Actually hoping to move.

snf in va said...

"That is some tranny-looking hair there, sister."

You are mind readers...

littlekarnak said...

"When she turned on her heel after her dust up with Evangelin all I could see was Mercedes McCambridge in Johnny Guitar!" My thoughts exactly BrianB! I was glad to see Evangelin go, she was workin' my nerves the last 2 weeks. Ben really lucked out this week, he better get it together for next week. And I still haven't figured out what Dr. Boogie was attempting in the Day/Night challenge.

sistersin said...

red7eric said...
Okay boys, I'm patiently waiting by my computer screen for your analysis and deconstruction of the Tabs/Anthony relationship, particularly that dishy conversation in the spa.

Hmmm, let's see.....Bloody F*#@kin Hell; those damn WANKERS! they just don't know what they have encountered; game on; i just don't give a fuck. I'm in it to win, come along now Anthony; it's time!

NahnCee said...

I've never seen any one melt down in hysterical giggles like Ben did. The look of concern on Jacqueline's face as she watched him was also priceless. You could tell that the judges knew he was helpless to control it, that it was a stress thing and not a disrespect thing, and didn't hold his laughter against him.

But how really really unprofessional. And not-cool.

sistersin said...

Ok, so why hasn't anyone mentioned that during the explosive change of words between Evangelin & my dear Tabatha in the morning; how Miss Mama of Drama had a napkin so motherly draped inside her Rene might say...Shake It!

Anonymous said...

Laura K - DEFINITELY a Delta Burke/Suzanne Sugerbaker vibe!

Poor vowel-deprived Evangelin_!

Maybe this has been discussed on another post and I missed it?. But....

"Evangeline" means "good news" or "bearer of good news", from Greek EUANGELION (euaggelion, 2098) originally denoted a reward for good tidings; later, the idea of reward dropped.



Roxy said...

God, I was glad to see her go! She was a nutcase! And tacky! I could just imagine her clients lining up to get their hair butchered with garden shears! Yeah, yeah, her cut last week was good, but you give people like that one inch of praise and they go nutso!

She really went overboard this week: the garden shears, the quick challenge -- I mean, that girl would have needed AT LEAST half an hour to get her hair up the way Evangelin wanted her to do it. Cheez! And this prancing about pretending to be the latest thing in avant-garde coiffure. Girl, you're lucky your clients... Never mind, I was getting cruel here.

I just noticed Tabatha didn't come down because I was watching for it, but Miss Daisy and Danna didn't either? Wow! That's not harsh in my book, that's honest. You don't slobber all over an outed contestant you can't stand and pray to see the back of (okay, not grammatical, I know). Even from the back, Tyson's hug looks nauseatingly fake. And don't tell me that prissy, competitive little p... didn't want her gone, along with everyon else.

We're about a month behind on SLICE (home of Iman, yeah!) so I don't know if Ty's gone home to mummy yet. I can only hope.

BTW, I think Dr Boogie is near the end.