Darling, we think you’re FABULOUS. The kicky hair, the witch dresses, the big rings that probably have the souls of your enemies trapped inside – you are working a look, girl! How did your look evolve? Or is this something you’re only doing at the moment and any second now you’re gonna break out the mini-skirts and extensions?
I am lazy when it comes to me, and Black just works! As you know I also like a little drama so it just fits me. Change my look; maybe after this show I need to!!
So, Australia to London to New Jersey. That’s like someone’s vacation backwards. Tell us a little about your salon, your work with Joico, and how you got to where you are.
My salon is like my Baby I love it, It is was a long time coming and I wanted to wait until I could truly devote myself to it and create a haven for my clients my staff and of course Moi. My work with Joico is a true creative outlet for me, I am an educator and I spend most of my time traveling all over the world (130,000 miles a year) doing shows and teaching other hairdressers. I started my career in OZ moved to London(and stayed 8 yrs) to further it and gain more experience and NJ is because I have family here, everything fell into place and now I call it home.
Now let’s talk Shear Genius: What made you decide to try out for it? Did you have expectations going in?
It was curiosity that led me to try out for Shear Genius and my expectation going in was to represent an industry I love and hopefully win. Oh well!!
What did you think of the challenges? Which ones were your favorites and which did you think were stupid?
I enjoyed all the challenges but the hair through the ages annoyed me. C’mon.
Oh but honey, we LOVED it. How about the judges? Best? Worst? Hardest-to-understand?
I don’t think I ever truly understood what the judges were looking for. My favorite guest judge was Garren, he is fierce.
We’ve been dilly-dallying long enough: What’s your take on your elimination? Because honey, on our couch it looked like you let your dislike of Tyson get the better of you. Set the record straight. What happened? Do you stick pins in a little Tyson doll now?
Tyson and I dropped the ball on that challenge, but was our hair worse than Boogie and Ben's? You guys decide. My dislike of Tyson was not our downfall, the hair was. I was frustrated because he never told me he was having issues and YES I asked, and my tirade was frustration because how can you sell that hair when in your heart you know it wasn’t up to par. The judges look at the hair before they bring in the models and I knew in my gut it was us, so I let loose and as always was honest about how I felt. As for the Tyson doll we went out for my birthday for drinks and I wish him a happy life and maybe a re challenge!
Any regrets about doing the show? Do you like how you came across? Did you have any idea that you would be a fan favorite?
I have no regrets about doing the show I made some wonderful friends and the experience was brilliant. I came across quite one-dimensional and there is much more to me than that. I do have an acerbic wit and tongue but I also have a heart of gold.
The support I have had from people has been amazing, and thanks to you all.
Our pleasure, doll! What’s next for our Hair Witch?
Back to the cauldron! No seriously, I am off to Australia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Shanghai and Bangkok for shows and that’s just June and July. As always I will be in the salon taking care of it and my clients and the rest...let's watch what happens!!
Thanks for sitting down and chatting with us, Miss Fabulous! We love you! Please don’t turn us into goats or anything!
BONUS: Preview, Poodles!

Dr. Boogie has a totally heterosexual response to being in the final four and the remaining stylists meet their clients for the short cut challenge here.
Also, don't go to bed after the episode, because...
"The "Shear Genius Reunion: Watch What Happens Special" will air on Bravo Wednesday, May 23 at 11 PM ET/PT, hosted by Bravo's Senior Vice President of Programming Production, Andy Cohen. Viewers will get behind-the-scenes scoop, see reactions to the show and relive the drama as Jaclyn Smith, Sally Hershberger, Michael Carl and the 12 stylists come together once again."
Bring it, bitches!
"....don't turn us into goats or anything."
Great interview. Now where are my goat pictures?
"The final four? FOUR?? FOUR?!? Ohmigod. Omigod....OHMIGOD."
I love me some Tab (you lucky bitches!), but Dr. Boogay is a hell of a funny girl.
Great interview!
Why does the reunion have to be hosted by Andy Cohen? He's such an annoying attention whore.
You guys rule, of course. And so does TABATHA!
Tabatha sounds over the Tyson hatred. Onya mate. Was she voted the fan favorite? I hope her career gets better and better.
A reunion show? Is this the last show? Will there be hedge clippers?
great interview, but I wish you had asked about the hedge clippers!
Fabulous interview, Boys!
"Back to the cauldron!"
Glad to know she has a sense of humor. LOVE.HER.
Love to the hair witch and brian how dare you insult Andy "sigh" Cohen!
I wanna see Tabatha and Laura Bennett do a road movie together...
Tabatha rules! Great sense of humor, talented, scary. What's not to love? I'm about due for a haircut, too...Hmmm, where's her salon?
And Boogie...What can I say? Except "Dear God, man, own up to it and own it!"
Great interview! Tabatha will always be my favorite.
"I'm not gay or anything"
Is Boogie on the cover of this month's ADVOCATE w/ Anderson & Jodie?
His response to being in the final 4 was like Blanche Dubois.
I'm surprised he didn't fan himself from "the vapors"!
Boogie: Cece from Salon 50 where you once worked says you're so full of crap!
Love the interview, bitches! Tabatha is absolutely FABULOUS!
" Anonymous said...
Boogie: Cece from Salon 50 where you once worked says you're so full of crap! "
Oh, darling, tell us MORE!
OK, since "I saved the fucking day" Jim is gone, and now, "I am quite fucking logical" Tab is gone, (how could they?), it is totally "those wankers" Anthony! You go, baby! Thanks for the great interview, I miss her already!
Tabatha IS fabulous! I'm sure the viewers only saw one side of her on the show. Good luck with all your future endeavors, Tabatha!
i saw nazri on the new kmart commercial. fyi.
Excellent interview, boys!
You guys rock and so does Tabatha!!!!
I think its crazy that Ben is in the final four....
Anonymous said...
i saw nazri on the new kmart commercial. fyi.
5/22/2007 6:19 PM
She's also in that smaltzy "Hungry Like The Wolf" Old Spice commercial w/ Bruce Campbell from Briscoe County Jr/Evil Dead!
I'm confused as to how anyone could have taken Boogie's "I'm not gay or anything" comment seriously. Especially when in the next scene he tries to run away with Rene. Girl was totally kidding.
Tab is great. Best of luck, scary hair witch.
My sister and her troop are moving to upstate NY later in the year; we are already planning our roadtrip to Jersey to get our hair did by Miss Tabatha!!
Great interview! Tabatha was a lot of fun and the show would not have been as good without her.
faboo interview! Tabatha is awesome, awesome, awesome. she is totally my heroine/role model.
i LOVE Dr Boogie. i would let him do my hair any old day of the week, happily.
and i love Ben, but I'm not sure he should be a final-four.
ah well!
that guest judge - Kaia Wright? - has a GORGEOUS speaking voice.
Great interview--and the best part was hearing that she & Tyson went out for drinks on her birthday. While I wish to hell she hadn't said anything during the judging (too late, now!), I apologize for any pissy thing I said against her. (It *is* just a game show of sorts, after all.)
And I will forever be grateful for FIG JAM. It has come in handy at work, and only a few understand the stifled giggles.
PS--Do NOT change the look. The short ash hair with the black outfits is beyond striking. It would be just short of criminal to floof about in Laura Ashley pastel prints and little white sandals. {shudder}
I love Tab! I hope that I can get my hair cut by her someday. I need her expertise! (and I'd be willing to drive the hour or two north of my NJ locale to do it!)
eric3000 said...
Great interview! Tabatha was a lot of fun and the show would not have been as good without her.
AMEN, sister! I LOVE Tabatha! She is FAB!!!
"Dr. Boogie has a totally heterosexual response to being in the final four and the remaining stylists meet their clients for the short cut challenge here."
ROFL. You guys are freaking hilarious! Great interview, gentlemen! Tabatha, we love you!
African-American hair? Awesome! This is going to be very interesting. And thank you for the interview, Boys!
Boys, I need some advice. I can't get the email however, because I click on the link, and it does not give me the address. I am not that technically advanced. If you could let me the your email, I would definitely appreciate it!
Whoa, looks like she hired Anthony!
" James Derek Dwyer said...
I wanna see Tabatha and Laura Bennett do a road movie together... "
I couldn't agree more! Tabatha is my SG Laura Bennett!
"jaypeegee said...
Whoa, looks like she hired Anthony!
http://www.joico.com/html/np_expert_advice.php "
Thank you for the link, jaypeegee. Tabatha and Anthony look gorgeous!
Fantastic interview! Tabatha fucking rocks!!!
Thats my girl Tabatha,
And so glad that people are totally starting to see her funny side. Thats my girl!
Man! You get all the best interviews and invites! Love Tabs, but love you more!
Fab interview with Tabatha-ah, the famous Bravo one-dimensional editing trick...
I would love to see Tab and Laura Bennett together. Of course, could the world handle that much fabulosity and cutting wit?
" jaypeegee said...
Whoa, looks like she hired Anthony!
http://www.joico.com/html/np_expert_advice.php "
Actually, I think Joico is the company that hired him, and Tabitha works for them as a expert advisor and demonstrator. Though it wouldn't surprise me if Tabatha helped him get the job.
I LOVE THE HAIRWITCH!! Tabatha you are fantastic, amazingly talented and definitely someone I'd love to have out with all the girls!
Love the interview, Boys!
Tabatha is the best!
James Derek Dwyer said... I wanna see Tabatha and Laura Bennett do a road movie together.
Bad Mommy and Me? The Road to FIGJAM?
I picture them crossing the desert like Hope & Crosby. But instead of camels, Tabatha is riding a broom and Laura is astride Frank the Turtle (wacth out for the turtle poop!).
They're on their way across the sands of Algeria, hoping to cross the Mediterranean to the South of France and then on to Paris to advise Catherine Malandrino on urgent matters of Style and Fashion.
Then, off in the distance by the shimmering oasis, a mysterious creature in a sarong appears. Is it Dorothy Lamour? No, it's that temptress Austin Scarlett threatening to lead them astray!
Cut back along the gals' tracks through the sand. Who is trailing them just two sand dunes behind? Why it's the villains, Tyson and Jeffrey, laughing maniacally and plotting to take down Tabs and Laura. But who's the evil genius behind their dastardly deeds?
Cut to a corner office in an office tower in Manhattan. Rene Fris is crouched on a desk, wings on his back, small hat cocked to one side, zig-zag striped vest (just like Nikko, the chief flying monkey in Wizard of Oz). He hops up and down and babbles unintelligibly.
A cackling laugh is heard as the camera pulls back to show the windows behind Rene and reveal a sky full of winged contestants. Kara Janx, Evangelin, Santino, Paul-Jean, Vincent, Kayne, Zulema, Lupe - all armed with hedge clippers and pinking shears and flying madly about.
The camera swings around to show the mad woman plotting Tab's & Laura's demise. Nina Garcia, perfectly coiffed, screaming, "Now fly--fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!"
There's more - with helpful friends met along the way.
Jaclyn Smith floating over in a big pink bubble to drop off K-Mart collection clothing when Tyson and Jeffrey steal the girls' frocks.
Tim Gunn and Andrae on their Love Yacht (The Red Lobster) helping the girls cross the Mediterranean.
Uncle Nick, Gay Frodo, Robert Best and all the other little gay munchkins bursting into song to welcome Tabs and Laura to the Côte d'Azur and escort them (in a horse drawn Saturn Sky roadster) to a rinse and blow dry by Sally Hershberger.
And on and on....but I have to get back to work now.
I love Tabatha! Where is her salon? I really want her to do my hair. Like REALLY REALLY. Where can I find out where her salon is???
oh, i just fell in love!! Tab, smooches, honey.
Bill rules and stuff.
You know, I've "met" some seriously interesting people from the Bravoverse over the last 8 months and Tabatha ranks high among them.
My rooting interest may be out but I'll still shout TEAM TABATHA!
"Cut to a corner office in an office tower in Manhattan. Rene Fris is crouched on a desk, wings on his back, small hat cocked to one side, zig-zag striped vest (just like Nikko, the chief flying monkey in Wizard of Oz). He hops up and down and babbles unintelligibly. "
An aside....Occasionally one could hear mumblings that sounded strangely like "Shaget, monkeys"
I'm gasping for breath! Thank you for sharing such bizarrely fabulous images!!
Boogie remindes me of those people that keep telling you how much talant they have because deep down they know that they are untalanted.
Seriously, taking an Asian girl and turning her into Lil Kim for her wedding.....what a one dimensional idiot he is. Maybe if he finally came out of the closet he could relax a bit and work on the skills he claims he has.
Bill, that freakin' ROCKED.
African-American hair? This is really going to be a great challenge and kudos to SG for doing this. Really, there ought to be African-American models in EVERY challenge. I think to call yourself a fab hair artist, you must know how to work with all textures. I'm certainly not a hair expert though. Just my opinion!
LOVE Ben, but he looks a little nervous about this challenge in the clip......
Bill - you have many talents!
Love me some Tabs. And if she turned you two into goats, you would be the best shorn goats ever.(I can't decide if you'd be cashmere or angora goats.)
I heart Andy Cohen and he hearts me back. He even said so. (Well, he said, "J'dore Scarlett" - same thing.)
Congrats to Tabatha!!!! LOVE HER!
LOVE Tabs! Honestly, I thought she came across as less 1-dimensional than some of the others. Maybe its just 'cause I understood her dislike for Tyson...?
Anyway, loved the interview. I want to go get drinks with Tabs!! <3
wake UP boys! that was delicious last night. poor boogie, and anthony's wide-eyed stare and who's that queenie bitchy judge? even my husband, who watches by default, listened to him bitching and said "who's that clown?" and that little hair flourish on top of the photographer's head the first time we saw him ~ intentional? he looked like the little dairy queen kid, and boogie has a KID?? well some boys are confused before they find themselves, and oh my, just so much, so much.
wake up. please. i need my fix.
Love Tabs. My favorite part was where she said she had a good heart. We know that babe. Sometimes you just have to surround a sweet heart with a fierce maouth to keep the heart safe.
Daisy on the other hand is an open book. It's love at first site all around for her. I think she'll take it because she is beautiful on the inside and super talented on the outside.
Beautiful picture of Tab and Anthony at the Joico site. Anthony is hot, baybee!
We gals with an ascerbic tongue can relate to Ms. Tabatha, which is why she stood out from the crowd. And yes, Ms. Tabs, I believe you have a heart of gold.
Bill: you don't owe me a new keyboad, you owe me a new lung. Christ on a crutch, I'm still down with bronchitis! This damned near killed me.
Tabs, if you read this: where do you get your dresses? If I woke up to find my closet full of those gorgeous, swirly black gowns, I would be a happy, happy camper.
Answer to Tabatha's "was our hair worse than Boogie and Ben's?"
NO! T & T's hairdo's weren't great, but B & B's were DATED! There's nothing worse than looking like an old-fashioned frump on your wedding day. Being Asian doesn't mean you're stuck in the 1950's, Boogie.
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