Finale Party Antics

Thursday, May 31, 2007 by
Darlings, when a GayBoy can't meet the demands of his title, one must appoint a runner-up to keep up our extensive schedule of personal appearances for shopping mall grand openings and finale parties. It's simply too much fabulous for one GayBoy. There must always be two. So when Tom realized he couldn't go with Lorenzo to the Nexxus Shear Genius Finale Party, there was only one person to whom we could turn. He's almost fabulous enough to be a GayBoy. Ladies and ladies, The GayBoys are proud to present:

Emmett McCarthy, GayBoy #3. With Adorable Andy Cohen and Fab Tabs of course.

And she IS Fab. She looked gorgeous last night. She was wearing a fabulous pair of shoes but neither GayBoy 1 or 3 managed to get a picture. Bad GayBoys.

And how could we not have a pic with the Rivalry Heard 'Round the World? To be honest, there were no sparks flying. They're both sweet and friendly. We kept hoping one of them would throw a drink in the other's face, but alas, no such luck. Doesn't she look GOAWCHUSS?

Anthony brought his girl up for his little acceptance speech. Check out Miss Fabulous' little LV!

And speaking of Anthony...

HOT. Hotter in person.

Anthony was there with a "friend" and kittens? That is too much hotness for one picture.

Ben. What a doll. He was working a Mr. Roarke look last night and it suits him. His girlfriend is GOAWCHUSS - although this pic doesn't do her justice.

Hmmph. If Tom was there instead of Emmett, ALL the pictures would have been perfect. Just sayin'.

Of course we had to get another shot with Adorable Andy. He said he worries what would happen if Bravo ever put out a show the GayBoys hated. That's right. Fear the bitches.

Check out our little moptops! Theodore had to be told who Frodo was, but he loves the blog and so did Danna. Danna's only (joking) complaint was that we didn't write about her enough. Darling, you were too low-key! If you'd had a meltdown or threatened to destroy one of your competitors, we'd have been all over that shit!

With Dr. Boogie and his fabulous date for the evening. He was wearing an outrageous pair of platforms but once again, our fill-in failed to do the job. Emmett, we may have to review your file to see if you're still worthy to be a GayBoy.

Lorenzo, with Daisy and her girlfriend and their fabulous boobs. Seriously. We can't stop looking at those things.

EVANGELIN! Rocking the Pucci print! Lorenzo ran up to her and said "How's our little under-voweled Italian?" She shrieked (just as you would expect her to) with delight. She's a bubbly sweetheart and her husband's kinda hot. No pics of the husband. Emmett, you suck.

Shake it, girls! Honestly, everyone was friendly, laid back and fabulous. Lorenzo says out of the three finales we've been to, this one was the most fun because the competitors were all genuinely happy to be there and to see each other again. EVERYONE knew about us and everyone thanked us for writing about the show. Feel our bloggy power, bitches.

Rene darling, stay out of the sun! We're in pain just looking at you. Can we see your tanline?

Speaking of which, Emmett was all "Is that the guy whose ass you were talking about? Let's get a picture!"

Surreptitious attempt #1. A good try, but we're not getting the full effect.

Rene was like "What are you doing?" and Emmett said matter-of-factly "Taking a picture of your ass." He tried to get away, but Lorenzo and Daisy held him down for the piece de resistance:

Nice. It's a tiny little thing, isn't it?

Not to be outdone, Anthony was all "Hey! What about MY ass?"

Et voila. It's true what they say about Black men. No, that OTHER thing they say about Black men. Emmett, you can stay, because neither of us would have had the nerve to do that. You are the official GayBoy ass man.

Anyway, if you can't tell, GayBoys 1 & 3 had a fabulous time, mainly because the crowd was so much damn fun. GayBoy 2 hates them both.


thombeau said...

Love Love LOVE you guys! How absolutely FABULOUS!

Lorenzo is such a damn hottie!

In fact, it seems like a night of hotness. And ass! (In the best way!)

Our Tabatha has the greatest smile. Who knew? And Figjam looks much better with his natural "hairline", as it were. He's kinda cute, in a weaselly sort of way.

I read an interview excerpt from fabulous Anthony, where he talks about being gay and proud. I think it was from AfterElton.

What a fun way to cap off the season!

BrianB said...

Simply Dazzling! Thank you all so much for a great season!


Allen said...

Oh yeah ... who's jealous?? The bald, buff gay guy here in Many Hopeless ... I mean ... MINNEAPOLIS! :P

Anonymous said...

ok, send me straight to hell for saying this, but i think i've gone on enough about daisy's less tangible virtues to say that the girl has one prodigious rack.


Anonymous said...

I agree...Tabatha has such a great smile and has she lost weight since the show? She looked thinner on the reunion show and in these pics. Or maybe she's just

Anonymous said...

wearing better fitting clothes.

Sorry...thought I'd finished that statement

Kathy said...

Awww...Emmett did a fine job!

You boys really crack me up. And I'm kinda jealous that you guys have parlayed a fun blogging gig into your own practically-celebrity status! Maybe my posts aren't ever snarky enough.

macasism said...

Anthony kicks Rene's ass, so to speak. Boyfriend is just 8,000 kinds of hot.

You bitches get to have all the fun. Thanks for sharing. Emmett, have some pity on poor Tom. It was the drugs talking.

potty mouth princess said...

Hilarious pics. Thanks to Emmett for filling in so ably.

In bed myself with back spasms today, hoping Tom feels better soon.

Gorgeous Things said...

Oh how wonderful!!! You had the perfect Stand-in-Date in Emmett! Even this totally hetero gal can admire Emmett's ass-capturing photographic ability.

Ah, this makes my day. I'm still giggling 5 minutes later

BG said...

What fun photos! Racks, asses and smiles everywhere - sounds like a porn flick going really well, if you haven't seen the photos.

Anywho, thanks for the photos. Everyone looked lovely and I think Emmett did an OK job (Sorry, love). I could do a better job. Call me!

Bill said...

Of course you guys had a standby ready! Silly me. I just guessed the wrong one.

Emmett did an admirable job as GayBoy #3 - and that ain't easy, you fabulous boys set the bar so high.

So nice to see pics of everyone and to hear that everyone was so nice. Really refreshing.

I think the butt shots are required for all future season finale parties. When do we get to see the Tom & Lorenzo shots??

Tom - feel better, honey. I know you'd have to be pretty bad off to miss the possibility of meeting Jaclyn Smith. Could you imagine if she'd been there?!

Great wrap up to a terrific season 1 of Shear Genius. Hope there are many more to come.

ToddNY said...

GOAWCHUSS pictures, darlings!
Ben looks HOT, doesn't he?
And Tabatha!...LOVE HER.
The ass shots are HILARIOUS!
Thank you for sharing these fabulous pictures with us.

Yomanda said...

You guys CRACK ME UP!

I cannot even remember what life was like before you guys entered the blogosphere. I'm sure it was dull, lifeless, and completely drab.


frogboots said...

faboo! ben is such a hottie and a sweetie - an almost unknown combination in a straight boy!

also: come ON! more about Dr Boogie and his (lady?) date! what is the scoop????

Debby said...

I live vicariously thru you guys! You always make me smile (and sometimes fall out of my chair)!

Big Shamu said...

You so need a Shoe Camera Bitch. And I'm just the bitch to volunteer. No shoe will go un-stalked.

Laura S said...

Is Boogie wearing scrubs over a pinstripe shirt?

Just askin.

Brieanne said...

Emmett! Darlings, you have just made my afternoon. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

boys, i gotta know your opinion:
is anthony gay or straight?
he convienantly ignored the question on reunion night, and i just can't decide.

Anonymous said...

kbryna said:

also: come ON! more about Dr Boogie and his (lady?) date! what is the scoop????

Dr. Boogie's "date" is actress LisaRaye. She was in "The Wood", "Player's Club", and the very appropriately titled "Beauty Shop".

I think he mentioned in one of the episodes that he had done her hair before.

Marius said...

Great pics! I envy you guys. I wish I had a chance to meet the queen diva--Tabs!

carmelita said...

What a fun looking party! Thanks for the great photos.
Just wondering, what did it say on the back of Anthony's shirt?

The Java Junkie said...

So jealous! You guys are beyond fabulous!

The Scarlett said...

Damn you, Lorenzo! You should have asked me to go so that I could tell you my lameass excuse why I couldn't join you (my kids need dinner). If I COULD have gone, I would have worn the dress that Emmett named after me. I love me some PRGayboy #3 as well as #1 and #2. (Wait, Lorenzo, how did you get to be #1?)

Anyway, jealousy aside, I adore these pictures and I'm happy you had such a fabulous time!

Suzanne said...

I was hoping maybe Emmett would handcuff Dr Boogie, drag him off, and dress him. Enough with the scrubs!

Suzanne said...

And GOOD for Emmett....the Project Gay's Cindy Birdsong. Love you big E!!

TLo said...

Suzanne said...

And GOOD for Emmett....the Project Gay's Cindy Birdsong. Love you big E!!

Tom's not so sure he likes being compared to Florence Ballard.

j-yo said...

And let's not forget to mention how GAWCHUSS (wait, how do you spell that?) Lorenzo and Emmett look in the photos! My only disappointment: After all that talk about Rene's great ass, I kept looking for it but couldn't find it. However, Anthony's booty is worth writing about, especially when it's encased in a shiny fabric!

Ted said...

Daisy's boobs, Anthony's ass...what a delicious post, Boys!

Sammi said...

I LOVE that last picture of Anthony's sweet behind - I can totally hear him in his warm-yet-slightly-snooty British voice saying that. xD

BigAssBelle said...

poor little gay boy 2. feel better, pumpkin. thanks for the ass shots, always nice to see a nicely rounded man bottom.

Limecrete said...

Of course we had to get another shot with Adorable Andy. He said he worries what would happen if Bravo ever put out a show the GayBoys hated. That's right. Fear the bitches.

So, instead of saying Top Design sucked, we're all just pretending it never happened? I can get behind that.

The party looked like it was loads of fun.

Jules said...

Excellent! Fabu! Tom, hope you are feeling better. Emmett, shoe shots! Lorenzo, you just have the BEST smile! Thanks for the great coverage of the party.

Tom in Chicago said...

Anthony's BF is completely melting my monitor with his hotness. I can't decide who I'd like to do more.

I guess I'll have to settle to be the creme filling in that oreo.

Kate said...

I've never commented before because I never have anything original or interesting to say, but I am compelled now. You boys are so much fun and I enjoy your sites so very much. They are definitely highlights to my days.

My only complaint is that you make me miss my own personal gay--who now lives thousands of miles away--that much more. After all, what is a hag without her fag? (No, really, what is a hag without her fag? There should be a proverb for that one.)

Anyway, you're fabulous, poodles!

Anonymous said...

OMG and I want to hate you for going to such fabulous finale parties!!!! My mouth dropped when you guys got EMMET-HONEY to go with you!!! You guys are soo lucky!!!

I love Ben, he's so cute! And Tabs is officially my idol in fabulousness!!

Aaaww don't worry Gay Boy #2, we still love you.

DAMN Anthony's got a NICE ass!!!

TLo said...


More pictures and videos here.


MarceloF said...

Great candid shots, Boys! I love the picture of Anthony's ass. Hilarious!

KlausK said...

"llen said...

Oh yeah ... who's jealous?? The bald, buff gay guy here in Many Hopeless ... I mean ... MINNEAPOLIS! :P"

Hmm, that sounds hot : - )

Fabulous post! I'm so jealous!!

bitchybitchybitchy said...

It's all FABULOUSSSSS! I am sooo jealous-what a party-love the booty shots, and Theodore and Danna are adorable together!

Cat said...

Emmett McCarthy, Official Project:Gay Party Correspondent.

(But I think you should let him blog, too. :)

Feel better, Tom!

Suzanne said...

Tell Florence not to get his panties in a knot....many people felt she was the glue who held it all together....
Lorenzo you know who that makes you........

The Divine Miss M said...

Oooh, child...Dr. Boogay is workin' a bitch's nerves, you hear me?

Dr. Boogay's "date" is LisaRaye, an actress. LisaRaye also happens to be married to the president of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Miss Boogie did her hair for the wedding. So...yeah. She wasn't his date, she was his "fairy princess".

Laura K said...

Completely fabulous as always - and Emmett is the PERFECT #3!

Homo Ono said...

OK, that's it! Now I officially hate you! That's right, I am a hater. You met Renee! Bitches! I am ten shades of green right now!

Mazeway said...

Holding Renee still for an ass pic? You fellas have gone so very famous on us! We're all so proud to say we were there almost from the beginning, when you were but little snarklets, helping us to enjoy our Runway.

But seriously, you should have used your hard-won fame to pin Andy down about that wretched Top Design.

Thank you for Anthony's bum. My day is that much brighter now.

LaFemmeFataledeNY said...

Anthony is gorgeous, and so is his friend. Great pics and coverage, darlings!

LaFemmeFataledeNY said...

By the way, how did you bitches manage to get a picture of Anthony's ass? I love it. LOL.

Mariana (The Unoriginal) said...

Awesome pictures, guys. Thank you so much for blogging Shear Genius. I absolutely love your blogs.

Sarah said...

I still think Tabatha should have won the whole thing, but I'm happy Anthony won. He is adorable.
Tabatha looks gorgeous in those pictures. I love her!!

David said...

"but Lorenzo and Daisy held him down for the piece de resistance:"

ROFL. Cute butt but honey Anthony's is the winner.

krissy said...

I think he mentioned in one of the episodes that he had done her hair before.
I'm sure that's all he's done of hers...not that it matters.

Tabs looks marvelous, so much less stressed. Almost glad she was eliminated so she didn't have the pressure. She would have kicked asses and taken names!

Is that Anthony's BF or twin?

Rene needs a little aloe vera on that burn. I'm sure Dr. Boogie will apply for the job.

TokyoDoll said...

OHMYGOD I love those pictures. Thanks, Boys! They all look so happy : - )

Tom, dear, hope you're feeling better.

snaillady2 said...

Okay, I want a wannabe GayBoy contest. I could have filled in for you, Tom! I would've even worn a strap-on for what it's worth!

I guess I'll have to take Emmett as fill-in. Except I didn't get to see Mr. Gorgeous enough himself.

[/pout off]

James Derek Dwyer said...

ummm... speechless about pic of Lorenzo and Andy 'sigh' Cohen
