Thursday, April 26, 2007 by
She's back, y'all! Back and better than ever!

And really, REALLY drunk.

But first:

A Moment. With Tom & Lorenzo.

Can we just take this time to say that we really HATE the reunion episodes? Oh sure, back before we became the internationally reknowned Bravo reality show bloggers extraordinaire you've all come to know and possibly love, we LOVED them. But when you have to write about them? Nada. We've been staring at a blank screen for HOURS now, trying to come up with jokes. The problem? The reunion episode already IS a joke. It's an hour when the show makes fun of itself - and usually does a damn good job of it.

Look at Lupe, for instance. Last night, we had a whole post planned about making fun of her drunken rant, but really, what could we possibly add to that? It was comedy GOLD the second she opened her mouth.

It didn't help that S2's reunion was the dullest of all of them. At least in S1 you had Vanessa's drunken rage and the dogpile on Wendy to save her soul. In S3, you had Vincent's insanity plus the deliciously high-school moment between Angela and Jeffrey. Granted, almost everyone in the cast was pregnant, so there was less drunkenness, but somehow the personality clashes and manufactured drama made for fun blogging.

With this one, all you got was Lupe-ness and everyone else whining about how mean Santino was. El Yawno Grande.

But kittens, we are COMMITTED (or we should be), so let's see what we can do, shall we?

"Mmmmarla has her aesthetic and nobody can dulpi-- duplita-- No one can copy it. I have my aesthetic and no one can duplicitate it either because my aesthetic is unduplicitativable. See? Because like Mmmmmarla is wearing something that makes her look like she was attacked by a shark and I look like a nun on her day off? See? Un-dup-lic-it-a-tiv-able-ness."

"Holy shit on a stick, girl."

"Also, because Johnny Cash and because nobody would never know unless they personally respond to me would know what my personal response is because they have not personally responded to me, and sometimes the moon makes me cry and sometimes I laugh so hard I get a little wet spot and Arion? On national television? If you're looking for a hot time with a crazy chick, call me, because you fucking ROCK.*"

"HAHAHA! You all think I'm bad? That bitch is crazy!"

*Play at home! Guess which parts of Lupe's rant were made up and guess which parts she actually said! Fun for the whole family!


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DolceLorenzo said...

"...and Arion? On national television? If you're looking for a hot time with a crazy chick, call me, because you fucking ROCK."

OHMYGOD, that is so funny. Lupe was drunk as a fiddler's bitch.

Anonymous said...

One of the best moments on the show. I bet there was something else in that drink.

By the way, Zulema looked fabulous - and very quite the whole time!

Anonymous said...

With this one, all you got was Lupe-ness and everyone else whining about how mean Santino was. El Yawno Grande.

OK, this is one of the funniest and best writing blogs in the Blogosphere. And there's some great stuff out there. Thank you for the daily laughs, boys!

Anonymous said...

So, what happens now that Season 2 is just about over? What will we do until Season 4 starts? I'm completely addicted to you guys!

Anonymous said...

'Youse' guys "writer's block" sure turned Lupe's verbal diarrhea into liquid gold on paper.

Thanks for making my day!

Roxy said...

I couldn't agree more about the reunion shows AND Lupe! Also that Zuleima looked great, much better than on PR. Of course, they worked like dogs, rose at the crack of dawn and had to endure each other. Kara looked ill the entire time and I think only the gay guys used any kind of moisturizer or foundation in PR2.

I think Lupe is a borderline personality. Just MO.

Anonymous said...

Doves, you forgot Sir Tim's perfect reaction.

"I've never heard so much bullshit in my life!"

Pricless moments from drunken fashion bitches.

Anonymous said...

So, what happens now that Season 2 is just about over? What will we do until Season 4 starts? I'm completely addicted to you guys!

Well they could always blog season 3.

I'm being facetious, but if you look at the posts for season 3, the format is so very different from what we've seen during seasons 1 and 2 (with the exception of the "Ripping the Final Collections" posts, which seemed to set the tone for the future of the blog). We'll never REALLY know what T+L thought about, say, Kayne's wall-to-wall fashion dress, or Keith and Bradley's gown for Miss USA. But I digress.

Anonymous said...

I would be totally fine with S3 recaps. Beyond the different format, I just always feel like there was more material that could be covered if there was more time in the day. Although at this point I wouldn't blame T&L if they need a break, but it would certainly make my days duller....

Kim said...

What I've been dying to know is why Tim Gunn didn't have a podcast for this episode.

Anonymous said...

Honey, after watching Lupe on that episode, I don't think liquor was the only thing Bravo was serving up to those guys.
JEEESSSUS on a cross, that bitch is Crazy!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I agree with your assessment of the reunions generally, although you're spot-on about Season 2 being a snooze fest. Are we surprised, though?

And actually, to tell you the truth, I will NEVER forget your season 3 reunion post. I think it was one of my fav post of all time. Then again, you're right that there was a lot more opportunity for insanity in S3.

I miss Heidi.

Fnarf said...

I knew the minute they showed Lupe with a gallon-sized glass of something pink and lethal before all the contestants even got there that she was primed for brilliance. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Zulema used to be a model. I think she's very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Janet said...

Zulema used to be a model. I think she's very beautiful.

2nd that.
"Statuesque" I think is the correct description.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Be still my heart! Isn't Mi`jo handsome in his white pants?

More screen caps of Raymundo, por favor?

Thombeau said...


Anonymous said...

Lupe was out the night before with Anna Nicole Smith. I think Lupe was still high on some pills Anna Nicole had given her, mixed with alcohol and Orian, it was a train wreck TV episode she can't erase.
Lupe, learn from your friend Anna Nicole.................

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that you are correct in that you couldn't make up anything funnier that what she said. It's hard to distinguish between the real and made up because she is so darn crazy.

If only Laura Bennett would have been there to call her out on it.

Suzanne said...

The best was TIM'S REACTION to Lupes insanity.Priceless.

Anonymous said...

What?! No showing Tim's reaction shot? That better head up the next installment of your blog, because it tops all the reunion quotes save S1's Raymundo's, "What a hot bitch."

Because, you know, he was, AND he had a great quote.

'Scuse me, while I go get my bagel.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I loved the "What happened to Andrae" montage, as well as the tape showing just how long Andrae's runway breakdown really went on!

Bill said...

felicity - thanks for the reminder about the Andrae montage and the meltdown timer. I forgot all about them and they had me screaming with delight when I watched the S2 reunion episode way back when.

Anonymous said...

As far as what to do till S4 begins, I was hoping Project Rungay would take on the first two seasons of Project Catwalk -- you can watch online at Youtube (BPR recently ran a directory to all the clips).

Very funny, and I'd *love* to hear the boys' take on Ben di Lisi and Julien MacDonald.


TLo said...

Anonymous said...

As far as what to do till S4 begins, I was hoping Project Rungay would take on the first two seasons of Project Catwalk -- you can watch online at Youtube (BPR recently ran a directory to all the clips).

Very funny, and I'd *love* to hear the boys' take on Ben di Lisi and Julien MacDonald.


That's a great idea and we love Project Catwalk, but the YouTube videos are no longer available due to a copyright claim by Fashion Cents LLC.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that stinks! I hate that they took those down.

p.s. Not to be chronically off-thread, but Ben di Lisi is one of the most terribly funny characters I've seen. In addition to wanting a Project Rungay send-up, I so want Steve Carrell to play him in a skit/movie.

TLo said...

Scarlett from BPR informed us that the videos are back on YouTube. We'll see how long they last this time.


Anonymous said...

As far as Guadalupe goes, to be fair, I think it's pretty obvious that her rant was heavily edited. I mean, I doubt she just interjected with "And Johnny Cash... Walk the Line..." and continued what she was saying.

From the uninterrupted bits we did get, and from people's responses, it's obvious she was a little loopy, but as usuals the editors exaggerate.

Anonymous said...

You bitches make my day.

eric3000 said...

Yeah, this was the least interesting of the three reunions. I found some of the clip segments boring and we really didn't learn very much about anyone.

There were a couple of new clips that I don't think we saw during the regular episodes, though. Someone pointed out the Andrae clips and I especially loved seeing Chloe do an impersonation of him! I was also surprised to see the way Daniel F. confronted Santino on the runway during the lingerie challenge. That was strange.

Anonymous said...

I must have been blinded by Daniel Franco's jacket because, when I listened to the episode, I didn't think Lupe was making any sense. But now that you guys have translated, it all makes perfect sense.

Am very glad I caught all the Project Catwalk episodes while they were up on Youtube--I hope they stay up this time. I would also love to hear T&L blogging on Project Catwalk--but wouldn't it be great if it came out on DVD so we could get clear screen caps?

LauraK said...

Wasn't it Mario who said "What a hot bitch!"????

Anonymous said...

Hey! I loved the S2 reunion, or as I like to call it, Project Runway: The Musical. Come on! "Where'd You Go, Daniel Franco" was pure gold. I wish I could get that on my iPod. And I have to admit, I can never get enough of Santino's Tim Gunn impressions. Those alone almost made his presence on the show worthwhile.

Plus Lupe! With liquor! How can you go wrong? (Your "transcription" of her speech was hysterical.)