This garment has been a point of contention in the T&L household for over a year now. Tom always thought it was a beautiful garment perfectly executed.
Lorenzo always thought that basing your look on a flower is far from the most original idea in the world and didn't warrant the judges spewing praise all over it.
This of course lead to screaming matches, broken dishes and unfulfilled marital duties.
Well darlings, thank Jesus for Project: Rungay. It saved our marriage. Last night we decided... we're both right! Tom conceded that Lorenzo had a point and Lorenzo conceded that it was still a beautiful garment no matter how basic the inspiration. Compromise, darlings. The secret to marriage. Compromise and blogging.
It really is a head-turner of a design and Daniel showed a heretofore unseen sense of restraint. It's simple; it's elegant; and it's well done.
Except...it sorta looks more like an onion than an orchid, don't you think?
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Did we EVER see Rebecca smile? By this point in the season, I found her expressionless mug a serious detriment to Daniel's efforts.
"This of course lead to screaming matches, broken dishes and unfulfilled marital duties."
Haha! You guys are too funny.
I actually kinda liked this one (though the onion comment is on the money).
Can anyone find a link to Rate the Runway for Season 2 on the Bravo site? I tried and came up empty. BTW, when I went to type "Project Runway" in the Bravo search box, I accidentally typed Project Rungay"!
I think Lorenzo was right. Sure, it's a decent garment (plain skirt, tho) but I did not get why the judges were falling all over themselves about Daniel V being inspired by a flower. Big deal!
It's a lot easier to create something beautiful from something beautiful than it is to create something beautiful from something ugly. That's why I though Andrae was absolutely robbed on this challenge.
The bloomin' onion!
I liked the contrast of Rebecca's stoic face and thousand-yard stare with the softness and femininity of the design. The outfit itself is just ok for me, but I can see why he won. Plus, I think Michael Kors may have a crush on Danny V...
i absolutely LOVE rebecca!!!
that will be all
It's.......okay. Yes, well executed, but the flower inspiration is so......ho hum. Andrae was robbed on this one, but I know you're getting to that.
I loved this one, but I still think Andrae was totally robbed. A rarity, two designs that both deserved to win. Perhaps L'Orange's Dan Fandom had something to do with it. When in doubt, pick the one you want to boff.
It's an unwearable garment and the styling was HORRIBLE. That hair is repulsive and it makes the weird design look even worse.
"Except...it sorta looks more like an onion than an orchid, don't you think?"
ROFL. It does look like an onion. It was OK, pretty, flower-inspired, blah blah blah...but not my favorite. Andrae WAS ROBBED!!
" Nikos said...
It's an unwearable garment and the styling was HORRIBLE. That hair is repulsive and it makes the weird design look even worse."
I agree. The styling was horrible. What was he thinking? The worst so far, in my opinion.
Not impressed and never understood why the judges were fawning over Daniel. Michael Kors had a crush on him. I have no doubt!
This is a basic skirt and a blouse that would make anyone larger than a size 2 have a dowdy bosom.
Oh, and Rebecca is FIERCE!
I prefer Bradley's version. Sure, his sewing was sloppy, but Bradley's proportions were more flattering.
Daniel V ALWAYS manages to make Rebecca look like a linebacker. Why does this skinny girl consistenly look huge in his clothes.
That top is heidous. It's weird silhouette adds 20 lbs.
Oh, and the styling? Just awful. Rebecca's hair is ugly. And her makeup makes her look washed out.
I would have to agree this garment is well made and the inspiration is clear. I actually do think the styling works for this outfit
However as a matter of personal taste I simply did not care for it. I can respect the effort but that's it. In fairness though I did not feel any of the contestants got it 100% right. Daniel and Andre came close but not perfect.
I hated this outfit. I thought it was, to be honest, hideous. The skirt is OK, but it's very boring and the color is so blah. The blouse..... I know it's supposed to look like a flower, but it looks like a blouse for a busty linebacker. Rebecca looks lost in it. A flower is also the dullest inspiration imaginable. Andrae was robbed, and a number of other outfits were much better than this one. Damn you, Michael Kors!
Compromise and blogging! I'll have to remember that.
Personally, I liked this outfit a LOT. I thought it was clean, elegant, and that the inspiration was clear -- well, okay, it would work as an onion as well, but it *did* work as an orchid. The fact that Dan used something fairly predictable and conventional as inspiration didn't bother me as much as it did some folks -- there was no requirement that the source of inspiration be outrageous or different or unexpected, merely that the designer translate it into a garment, which Daniel V. did very, very well.
I'm not saying I didn't like Andrae's -- I did, and I could have easily seen him bring home the win for this as well. But I don't think he was robbed. Dan did good.
I didn't think Daniel V's garment was very wearable. I loved Andrae's piece the best, and I also liked Nick's. The thing that killed Nick was his description and him talking about Paris Hilton and her Greek boyfriend. What he should have said was something to the effect that he was inspired by the Mediterranean feel of the blue and white color combination.
I liked the idea of using a beautiful inspiration. I've grown tired of weird designs of any type. Being out there doesn't always mean better.
The execution was quite good. It look great on the runway.
but wearing this makes you look like having a strange top....
good dress though.
daniel's wrong winning number...three.
why is it so surprising using flower as an inspiration?
I've never understood why Daniel garment was so lauded...is there a female silhoutte in there? And, as far as it being wearble, only someone who is tiny can pull it off (adn even then, she'll look like a linebacker, as has already been pointed out).
Andrae's inspiration was so creative (gutter water, for Pete's sake) and his gown so exquisite. Why he did not win this challenge remains a PR mystery to me.
I liked the skirt and blouse well enough. I even liked how her hair looked like the little center of the flower (stigma I think they call it). I really think that is what got the judges! The whole styling. They like it all put together it seems. Even the skirt looked like the flower pot! But I must say I don't see it being really wearable in the real world. I like to take in my surrounding not have to look around little puffs to see what is going on!
I always felt Daniel cheated by his inspiration in the first place--a potted plant in the lobby of Michael Kors' studio/HQ? Tho' his win suggests that his indirect homage to Kors' taste (even to using some of Kors favorite neutral colors) was probably a factor.
Was wearability one of the stated judging criteria this challenge? Everyone's harping on how unwearable Daniel's outfit is, but I see plenty of fashion that no reasonable person would step outside in. I thought it was a stunning piece, personally.
ok, so i agree the flower inspiration has been done before. but i think the beauty in this dress lies in the interpretation of the flower. it could have been so easy for him to pull a Kara and do this up to its most literal extreme. The simplicity of the green pencil skirt is much better than if he has just thrown on green pair of slacks. I think it is simplicity, and in the end simplicity is the best thing.
Of course it is not wearable, and secondly this outfit was not made for anyone I know or anyone on these boards. It wasn't even made for Rebecca. It was a dress made to 'represent' something. And really, what is wearable. Of course it is wearable by people, it is just whether or not you want to wear it.
Andre's dress is GORGEOUS and definitely wearable for all you strict straight-lines who believe all fashion must be made for the common people. It represents his inspiration literally and is done perfectly (unlike Kara). Don't get me wrong, it is gorgeous, to me it is just a little prom-dressy, not high fashion.
I always thought it looked more like a bulb of garlic
I try to be impressed by it but it looks very "design school"
it does look like an onion
(read, subscribe)
I think the blouse paired with something else would look terrific. The skirt is very matronly looking. I'm surprised Michael Kors didn't say anything about the skirt. He had plenty to say about Marla and Diana's skirt for the BR challenge.
You know I found the rise and fall of Daniel to be one of of the most interesting things about S2. This is the episode where Daniel's arc rises and it culminates into the flower design (which I will never understand why Chloe didn't win). But right after that the editing changes. Watch how PR shoots him, rolling his eyes at Santino, coming across more smugly. We went from loving him and to thinking he was brat and cheering when he was lost. I felt that this typifies the amount of editing S2 did. They turn on him later in the show and they do this weird sumpathetic treatment of Santino which also culminates in his home visit.
"jrt said...
ok, so i agree the flower inspiration has been done before. but i think the beauty in this dress lies in the interpretation of the flower. it could have been so easy for him to pull a Kara and do this up to its most literal extreme. The simplicity of the green pencil skirt is much better than if he has just thrown on green pair of slacks. I think it is simplicity, and in the end simplicity is the best thing.
Of course it is not wearable, and secondly this outfit was not made for anyone I know or anyone on these boards. It wasn't even made for Rebecca. It was a dress made to 'represent' something. And really, what is wearable. Of course it is wearable by people, it is just whether or not you want to wear it.
Andre's dress is GORGEOUS and definitely wearable for all you strict straight-lines who believe all fashion must be made for the common people. It represents his inspiration literally and is done perfectly (unlike Kara). Don't get me wrong, it is gorgeous, to me it is just a little prom-dressy, not high fashion. "
That's pure bullshit! Whether you shop at Sears or Prada you want to look good. Period. Just because some of us don't think this outfit is a masterpiece it doesn't mean we don't have any taste or that we don't understand high levels of fashion.
The blouse is OK, nothing out of this world. The proportions are all wrong, it looks like a potato sack fitted with spandex at the neckline and waist.
The uptight and boring secretary skirt is poorly fitted especially around the hips.
P.S. And no, I didn't like Andrae's dress.
I would have killed for a top like that when I was twelve and still flat chested!
"That's pure bullshit! Whether you shop at Sears or Prada you want to look good. Period. Just because some of us don't think this outfit is a masterpiece it doesn't mean we don't have any taste or that we don't understand high levels of fashion.
The blouse is OK, nothing out of this world. The proportions are all wrong, it looks like a potato sack fitted with spandex at the neckline and waist.
The uptight and boring secretary skirt is poorly fitted especially around the hips.
Right back at you, bullshit comes in all forms. No one said people didn't have taste. I just said, just because someone doesn't want to wear it doesn't make it ineffective. There is also a difference between high LEVEL of fashion and high fashion. This dress is not meant to be worn by people. It is not meant as an every day outfit, it isn't meant as a party outfit. It is merely a design that is supposed to be representative of an image.
So you think the blouse is a potato sack. Maybe I missed something, but I am pretty sure my last potato sack didn't come in that fabric. Did I miss something. Or are you potatoes fit for a queen? And my potato sack didn't have elastic on it, if i remeber correctly. So it is both a potato sack and spandex. That is some Anne Slowey thinking if I have ever heard. How in the world is it both? (Must be like how it can be both too much tootie and vulgar). And if you want a secretary skirt, than so be it.
Well since you are the next TIm Gunn, how about you go ahead and enlighten us all. Tell us how this outfit should have been designed. Feel free.
Settle down, kids!
"I prefer Bradley's version. Sure, his sewing was sloppy, but Bradley's proportions were more flattering."
Yes! Poor Bradley. That was an eleventh hour save for him, and I liked that top.
I like it. It has sculptural quality that is very appealing. Yes he veered far from her body on top but the straight basic skirt kept it human (and wearable) in my opinion. Out of all his wins this one was the most deserved. The poor kid looks like he lost his last friend in that last screen cap.
You guys hit the nail on the head. It does look like an onion.
The outfit does make a statement, I'll admit to that. I still think it's ugly.
I can't remember what most of the dresses looked like from this episode, so I am anxiously looking forward to the rest of your posts on this episode to refresh my memory.
Although I liked this all right, I thought it was overrated by the judges. It is elegant looking and striking--a high impact runway look. But it's also unflattering and weird-looking. If worn out in the real world, it would provoke a "what was she thinking?" kind of response--Michael Kors is usually so harsh towards those kind of looks. And I think it's fine for fashion (clothing) to make a statement, but it should actually function as clothing too--for at least some people and some purposes. I can't see any context in the real world where that blouse would work. If you want to make pure art, there are plenty of other media.
Why does Rebecca have that ugly black smudge under her eye? It looks like somebody punched her. She really does look like a football linebacker.
I've seen Rebecca in person, and she's very young and slim. Daniel always styles her so old and matronly. He seems to add 10 years to her age with those outfits and makeup choices. And an extra 10 lbs too.
The top is unwearable. It's interesting to look at, but very unflattering on a real woman.
Andrae's was both more creative and beautful to wear on a female body. I still say our little lamb was robbed on this one.
nso said...
I can't see any context in the real world where that blouse would work. If you want to make pure art, there are plenty of other media.
EXACTLY! I'd like to see any fashion designer or House survive by just making "art." Even freaking Galliano knows that when he sends his delightful madness down the runway. You're making a product for the consumer. It has to sell!
And that's all the time I'm going to spend on the potato sack.
I think the blouse is absolutely gorgeous but entirely editorial. You could never wear it anywhere: It's a logistical nightmare. By the time you got to your destination, you'd look like a wilted flower.
I'm picturing shlepper me trying to wear that blouse to a cocktail party: It would have to be a day with 0% humidity or it would start to droop quickly; and I would not be able to take a cab or any public transport either. As soon as I sat down and leaned back I'd flatten the back. I'd have to walk slowly, with my arms stretched straight out in the air, to the sides. Once I got there, it would be hard to drink a glass of wine without dragging the bottom of the glass on the collar. I'd need to bring a long straw. I'd have to spend the whole time thinking about maintaining the blouse.
Maybe there are women who don't sweat, or who have hand maidens and slave boys to carry them around. I don't have the budget for that. I can't even get anyone to peel grapes for me.
But I could totally manage the hair.
--Gotham Tomato
"I think the blouse is absolutely gorgeous but entirely editorial. You could never wear it anywhere: It's a logistical nightmare. By the time you got to your destination, you'd look like a wilted flower.
I'm picturing shlepper me trying to wear that blouse to a cocktail party: It would have to be a day with 0% humidity or it would start to droop quickly; and I would not be able to take a cab or any public transport either. As soon as I sat down and leaned back I'd flatten the back. I'd have to walk slowly, with my arms stretched straight out in the air, to the sides. Once I got there, it would be hard to drink a glass of wine without dragging the bottom of the glass on the collar. I'd need to bring a long straw. I'd have to spend the whole time thinking about maintaining the blouse.
Maybe there are women who don't sweat, or who have hand maidens and slave boys to carry them around. I don't have the budget for that. I can't even get anyone to peel grapes for me.
But I could totally manage the hair.
--Gotham Tomato"
ROFL. I LOVE YOU, Gotham Tomato!
I didn't hate it - but Andrae's was just so much more creative. I loved the dirty rainwater photo. hate the styling.
THAT'S what my marriage needs....a blog!
this was the first (and only) garment that daniel v. produced that i was wow'd by. i love the colors, the play on volume, and the softness of the top contrasting with the skirt.
i do agree that the inspiration isn't really anything to be in awe of. they gave santino grief for picking something unoriginal to be inspired by, why didn't they give that same treatment to daniel.
So were the Tresemme Gurus on a cigarette break when it was Daniel and Rebecca's turn. Their hair !?!
And onion is apt. I was actually thinking of the Dutchess' brioche comment.
It's interesting, and very well made... but with such basic inspiration, did it have to be so LITERAL? Flower blooming on the top, base at the bottom? I feel like it could have been turned into an elegant, flowy dress or something that was more thoughtful and wearable while still maintaining that level of sophistication.
What mostly killed this outfit for me was that the moment I saw it, I knew I'd seen it before. It was hardly an original design, beautiful as it was.
(It probably also doesn't help that I'm extremely tired of the flowers = women aesthetic. Something new, please.)
First time poster.
Loved the detailing on the waist of Daniel V's orchid top, though I can't say I like how it poofs up in in the front---hence the onion described.
On Andrae's dress: I liked it, though some of the drops(?)/metal tassels(?) he had hanging from the dress were distracting for me. Loved how he aimed to make ugly into something pretty though.
I HATE this outfit. She looks like a piece of shiny candy or something. It's weird, the poofy parts are too poofy. You can't even see that she has breasts under there. HATE, HATE, HATE it.
i don't get why the judges were so ga-ga for it.
Much ado about nothing. I'm underwhelmed.
Must of us ordinary women wearing it would have looked like a sack of potatoes, much less an onion or an orchid.
Yeah, the design was definitely out there and Rebecca owned it. But dahlings, we all would have been laughed out of school if we had worn this contraption.
"This of course lead to screaming matches, broken dishes and unfulfilled marital duties."
Ha ha! I'm glad Other Eric and I agreed on this one from the beginning!
We both thought it was stupid to be influenced by a flower in an office (how does that represent New York?) but we thought the outfit was beautiful and well made and he deserved the win.
I loved this garment -- it looked like an orchid. The soft pastel color on top, the green/brown skirt at the bottom (the stem). The hair, which I thought truly inspired, represented the stamen.
Whether or not it's wearable isn't really important . . . what was important was seeing his train of thought.
But I agree, Andrea's garmet, from inspiration to conception, was beautiful, too.
but, he had her crimped...
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