Jeffrey Sebelia Fall 2007 Collection

Friday, March 30, 2007 by
Jeffrey Sebelia presents Cosa Nostra Fall 2007 fashion show. The show was called “The Eternal Embrace."

(Photos by Mark Mainz/Getty Images)

Let's hear it, bitches.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised by how much I like the womens clothes here. They're sort of goth and punk and Victorian all in one.

The men in this show, however, all look like they just crawled out of a gutter after sleeping off an all-night bender. What is WITH those outfits?

Anonymous said...

Not impressed...

Gorgeous Things said...

Well, it's not exactly to my taste, and this one reminds me of Eliza Doolittle when she first goes to Henry Higgins' house (thank you, Project Gay!)

But the clothes are well constructed. I actually like the menswear better than the women's

GothamTomato said...

Very '80s. Very derivative.

The women all look like they got lost on their way to a Stevie Nicks convention.

And are you sure that guy in the picture at the top right wasn't just dumpster diving outside & wandered onto the runway by mistake?

--Gotham Tomato

Annie said...

Derelicte. It looks like the garbage challenge from PR.

Anonymous said...

Why is it always want to bathe after seeing Peanut's heroin chic?

Angela said...

Well, I must say I do like the women's clothing for the most part. The burnt orange dress in the middle was nice, and yes, it is all derivative of the '80s. The orange tights might be a bit much. The men's clothing was not a turn on. Every piece looked like something that Jeffrey himself would wear, and since Jeffrey always looked like a refugee rock star his personal look was never to my taste. This goes for his men's wear. But at least he's out there, bless him, and trying. Has Laura Bennet had a show yet? You boys would know.

Anonymous said...

I think Jeffrey Sebelia needs to meet Tim Burton. He'd do kickass costumes for a Burton film.

It's interesting that he's gone back to his original, less wearable but perhaps truer to his cult following muse. I wish him nothing but luck.

Stephanie said...

Eh. The first image that caught my eye is the man in the top right corner. I immediately thought of Mugatu's Derelicte campaign.

Anonymous said...

It looks good. If I was in my 20's I'd definitely wear that light blue jacket that looks like shearling and the gray flannel pants. For me, the whole thing has a kind of David Bowie Reality Tour vibe. Gail Anne Dorsey would seriously work that orange dress.


Anonymous said...

Vivienne Westwood called. She wants her designs back.

Embeedubya said...

When I was in high school, lo, those many years ago, the word was "tuff," (now known as "fierce") These clothes are tuff. Derivitive? Somewhat, but with enough of a spin to qualify as POV. Definitely Jeffrey. And after reading the article about him using the $100,000 to pay off debt and splitting with his girlfriend, I hope the collection does well for him. But, then, I was never a Jeffrey-hater (or lover).

Anonymous said...

I can't say I like that orange dress. This deconstruction-meets-asymmetry thing is too jarring for me, and strikes me as almost costume-like.


DolceLorenzo said...

The women's reminded me of my grandmother's pictures. I hated it. The menswear (except for the homeless guy - second picture) was very interesting and kind of sexy. I'd wear those clothes.

Anonymous said...

Not bad but not my taste either. Good luck, Jeffrey!

Anonymous said...

I hated the Victorian look. It's depressing!

Katyola said...

Enough with the skinny pants. The only outfit I really liked was the orange dress, but the platform shoes feel out of season. Not very inventive.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!! Jeffrey is amazing! He's so creative and innovative. The clothes are fabulous!!

Erica said...

L-R, top to bottom.

#1: Hate hate hate it. Makes the model look like a little boy who hasn't yet grown into his suit. Nice jacket though.

#2: Nice silhouette, but I'd like to see such a springlike dress in a more exuberant color. And that elipse in the middle adds about 20 lbs.

#3: Looks like a homeless person. I could put that outfit together at Goodwill.

#4: Gorgeous, youthful and innovative below the neck, but the sleeves and collar say matronly.

#5: Beautiful dress. Flowy and elegant while still having an edge. Great color and fabric.

#6: I like the beadwork, but hate the bubble skirt and the bust seems like an afterthought.

#7: Just...ew. Looks like a tent.

#8: Seen this look a billion times. I have no idea what this is doing on a runway.

#9: Oooh, LOVE this one! Really, really innovative while still being wearable and pretty.

#10: Looks like a vintage sweater set worn in a modern way. I like the idea. But it seems more of something that you would put together yourself than a high-fashion runway look.

#11: I would like this in a kickier plaid. It has the potential to be an elegant punk look, but as it is it looks heavy and staid.

#12: Looks like a fashion victim. Those pieces don't really go together, and I feel like he needs to either go more over-the-top or more conservative. This just looks awkward.

#13: Really lovely and classy looking. Would like to see what's under the coat, though. Also if you're not 6 feet tall and 100lbs the proportions on the coat aren't particularly flattering.

#14: J'adore! Stylish, wearable, flattering, and eye-catching. Unique without being over the top. I could see this worn in New York or in Miami or anywhere else.

#15: This one looks the most Jeffrey to me. A signature ugly/beautiful piece.

Anonymous said...

Some I like, some I hate. The homeless look (#3) is bad, really bad. I agree with Erica (fabulous take by the way)

"#9: Oooh, LOVE this one! Really, really innovative while still being wearable and pretty."

# 9 is GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...

I found most things......ill fitted. Maybe it was on purpose....? :-S

Anonymous wrote:
"I think Jeffrey Sebelia needs to meet Tim Burton. He'd do kickass costumes for a Burton film."

Oh, the blasphemy!

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey's style is definitely not to my taste. I think he got the name of his collection right (Eternal Embrace) because it sure looks like death warmed over to me.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only 1 who thinks lots of these are VERY reminiscent if his PR collection? Which is not a bad thing! Really like the jackets. Colors are only so so. But I'd love to wear the men's stuff.

Peanut did good

Anonymous said...

I had the same reaction as gothamtomato, VERY 80s. It's one step away from pegged jeans and hypercolor t-shirts.

Melissa Sue said...

i enjoy sebelia, and like his clothing, etc.
i also like mary poppins.

this collection is for me, a win-win situation.

Anonymous said...

Don't like it. Any of it.

Anonymous said...

T&L, why don't you guys ever comment on these things?

I think many would love to hear what you think.You don't have to disect them by outfit (although I'd love you, to).

Anonymous said...


Brooklyn Bomber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic:
Project Runway Season 4 is casting in Los Angeles this weekend.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Strangely (because I don't wear tons of color myself), I think the color palette could be so much better.

The black dresses could be saved from their Victorian/Gothic-ness with color, and the contrast might have been really interesting, since black is so very obvious for these styles.

The pants outfits. . . again, I think they could have been so much more interesting with great use of color. I kept thinking about how Jay used color as a design element. Jeffrey's shapes aren't that interesting-- or if they are, it's hard to see because the designs are so monochromatic. Look at the guy with the light purple-y scarf around his neck; that bit of color makes the white of the jacket look prettier. I wish he'd gone more in that direction.

Roxy said...

I'm kind of surprised, because aside from the fourth line down from the top, I hate almost every single thing he's designed, and I liked his PR collection.

It's sort of faux trashy, trailing everywhere... And is that Snoop Doggy Dog among his models?

All in all, I'm underwhelmed. Most of his dresses look like they were designed for Elvira.

skovs said...

Ergh. I feel as if I could assemble any of these by going to the Goodwill and flinging myself haphazardly about.

I'm sure the clothing is well constructed and made with love, etc. But I'm firmly planted in the Laura Bennett fashion camp - be beautiful, classy and sophisticated. This is not the grunge era, and this does not make you look or feel fabulous.

Ergh, again. For emphasis.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like it at all. I guess I’m just not his demographic!

Here's an interesting article about his collection:

"The Mirror was taken aback that someone would automatically assume the event was part of the Fashion Week festivities which had wrapped up eight days earlier.

Could it be that the recent rash of off-site shows has changed the perception of Fashion Week? Can any half-decent collection with a catwalk and a corporate sponsor be automatically counted in, no matter when it takes place?

Perhaps it was just Sebelia's "just gotta be me" attitude that made him shun the tents of Culver City, or perhaps his collection simply wasn't ready in time to show there or in one of the other downtown spaces, but if things keep going on like this, the event might well earn the moniker "L.A.: Fashion (Every Other) Week."

Anonymous said...

Fabulous!! I love every piece!! I'm so glad his doing well. Go, Peanut!

Anonymous said...

"Melissa Sue said...

i enjoy sebelia, and like his clothing, etc.
i also like mary poppins.

this collection is for me, a win-win situation."

ROFL. I love Mary Poppins too.

Anonymous said...

Do my eyes deceive me or is Jeffrey single-handedly trying to bring Acid Wash back?


Anonymous said...

I'll admit, I'm not a Jeffrey fan, but that first outfit is G-O-R-GE-O-U-S!
I want it!!

Anonymous said...

I hate the tights! I don't care if they're back in style. They're hideous and do nothing for the look.

Anonymous said...

All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?

Lots of chocolate for me to eat.
Lots of coal makin' lots of 'eat.
Warm face, warm 'ands, warm feet.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?

Oh, so loverly sittin' absobloominlutely still.
I would never budge 'till spring
Crept over the windowsill.

Someone's 'ead restin' on my knee,
Warm an' tender as 'e can be,
Who takes good care of me.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting, but it isn't really to my taste. I do like the colored leggings.

Anonymous said...

" Angela said...
But at least he's out there, bless him, and trying. Has Laura Bennet had a show yet? "

Apparently Laura has a maternity wear line designed and ready for production:

Advance to about minute 5:05 and listen to her answer.

Can't wait to see it!

Mim said...

Umm...take a look at #2 then think back to Jeffrey's Couch Cushioned green striped, yellow zippered dress from his PR collection...see any resemblance?

Anonymous said...

Not sure about all of you, but where I live, lots of the kids are wearing pencil leg jeans and striped shirts. It reminds me so much of the 80s I crack up laughing and find myself humming "Highway to Hell."

pyramus said...

The women's clothes are gorgeous neo-Edwardiana. Love 'em. Exactly the sort of thing we would have expected from his work on Season 3.

The men's clothes are obviously made for Sebelia himself--everything looks exactly like something he'd wear, or has in fact worn--and while I don't love the looks, I do love a lot of the individual pieces, particularly the jackets and coats. The coat in #3 is really beautiful, even with those sleeves that are two inches too long. (I'm telling myself it's a Japanese influence, however eighties that might seem.) I bet the jacket in #12 is beautifully detailed: I wish we had closer looks at everything.

Anonymous said...

Mim and bernd, I thought the exact thing. #2 is the same as the green striped dress, just with a band around the shoulders. The orange dress is also derived from the PR collection - I think he did it in the red polka-dot for that one.

Unknown said...


Although I have to say this line is a step about the trash he showed during the PR show. It is a bit more upscale/elegant. I do not like the men's looks at all. They all look dirty and homeless. While the Jeffrey/LA Rock aesthetic does not do anything for me, the clothes seem to be improving....


Saskia said...

Feo, feo, feo. Most of these clothes completely obscure the shape and silhouette of a human body, and that is not aesthetically pleasing!

Anonymous said...

I like it very much. I definitely see the 80's references, but everything comes back and that was more than 20 years ago so it's time.

Anonymous said...

What's with the homeless guy in the upper right?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous collection! I'm a huge fan of his work and I buy Cosa Nostra quite often. Congratulations, Jeffrey! You did it again!!

Anonymous said...

His clothes seem to carry a lot of similarity from one season to the next. The red dress looked like the one he opened at Bryant Park with. Another of them (at least hidden partially under a jacket) was constructed almost exactly the same as his half-red/half-black striped halter dress. He needs to disguise his construction better.

Vic said...

Sorry. Uggh. Where's my airline puke bag when I need it?

Vic said...

Sorry, maybe I should have been more specific. I specifically didn't like images 1-15. Oh, make that 16.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Whatever. Looks like anyone in Silver Lake.

I think I need a shower.

Thombeau said...

These are "nice".

Whatever happened to originality?

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey looks like he's trying to appeal to the same demographic as before - people who are young enough not to care that his clothes look like costume rejects from a Pat Benatar video. And don't care that he's never figured out where to put seams to flatter a woman's body.

His fundamental problem may be that most people who like his clothes can't afford the price tag, and most people who can afford the price tag don't like the look. This collection doesn't look like the solution to that problem.

Anonymous said...

"Ms. Place said...

Sorry, maybe I should have been more specific. I specifically didn't like images 1-15. Oh, make that 16."

ROFL. I was not impressed. A couple of interesting ideas, but in general, same old Jeffrey.

Anonymous said...

I am really, REALLY not a fan of those dresses of Jeff's with the little extraneous bits hanging from them -- what IS that? And the black dresses look like stuff I wore during my goth period back in the '80s, only less well-made. In fact, one of those dresses looks very much like my "check me out, I'm a goth PRINCESS" prom dress. I *did* love that dress -- I'm just not sure I would have classified it as "high fashion" even when such things were "in". Jeffrey, boychik, the '80s were over a long time ago. It's hard for all of us, but eventually you have to move on.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Place said...
Sorry, maybe I should have been more specific. I specifically didn't like images 1-15. Oh, make that 16.
Say it sister!

Anonymous said...

It looks as though he raided an antique store and refashioned the dresses into maternity wear. Deconstructed empire waists just make us all look as though we are hiding a serious need for hydraulic undergarments with remote winching mechanisms.

Anonymous said...

I do have a hard time not giggling at men in leather pants...

Loved number 7 and bits of others and would be interested in seeing more detailed photos.

Loved loved loved the hair hats. (shown better in the photos Christine took for BPR. She's got a nice report of the show). Hated the jewelry distraction.

-- desertwind

PS What does Alison Kelly thinks of his Victoriana?

Anonymous said...

The men all look like they were just caught after they finished dumpster diving. The women looked boring no color other then the orange dress that was so so. All in all the clothes were very depressing to look at .

Anonymous said...

oh my gawd! like, gag me with a spoon! i was like sooooooo totally over this look back in the 80's. and, please, can someone tell me who exactly can wear those evil skinny pants?
marisha (venturing out of lurkdom due to my having been completely disgusted with peanut's monstrosity of a collection. so, thank you, peanut!)

Anonymous said...

I run hot and cold on this collection. Some pieces I really like, and some I think are atrocious. But I do want to mention that a lot of people have ragged on the collection for looking goodwill, and I think that there's a level at which that can really work, when done properly. There are more and more young female designers taking actual found pieces (not just pieces that look like it) and reworking them into new garments. Some do it as an artistic or environmental statement, some don't, and some have a good deal more success with the aesthetic than others. But when it works, it works, and I think it works when the garment is truly re-worked not just re-used. I feel that in several places here, Jeffrey just re-used design elements from bygone eras instead of reworking them into something new, modern, and appealing. In some of the garments, I think he did do that, but it still seems like an immature concept. My emotional reactions when perusing the shots go back and forth from "exciting" to "depressing." I'll be interested to see where he goes with it, and if/when he learns that clothes can make a statement and be attractive.

Anonymous said...

I thought this collection was incredibly strong, cohesive and well thought out. he is very talented and he'll go far.

Anonymous said...

Being young (15), and a lover of 80's inspired, Victorian-inspired, and subculture inspired stuff I probably should really like this stuff... but I don't.

I did like the 9th coordinate but as for the

Anonymous said...

What a great collection! I feel like Jeffrey is always experimenting with fabrics and new design styles. I like the vintage-inspired look very much.

Sewhat? said...

The Eternal Embrace of the Salvation Army Store.

Nicole said...

I'm presuming, by the term "The Eternal Embrace", Jeffrey's referring to death. He certainly nailed that one... it even looks like he warmed it over a little. I suppose my statements are a bit unfair because I'm not an enormous fan of Jeffrey's style, but this reminds me of a March 2006 Vogue feature on the wedding of Dita Von Teese and Marilyn Manson--Dita, of course, looked far more fabulous than the ladies in this collection, but the menswear looks like it was aping Marilyn's attire from the wedding. Any of the attire that showed promise as a thumbnail becomes an eyesore upon viewing the larger graphics. But at least he's trying.

Amie said...

Yawnnn. Please wake me when this designer makes a statement beyond the wannabe goth/punk thing.

Black is the

Amie said...

"The women's clothes are gorgeous neo-Edwardiana. Love 'em. Exactly the sort of thing we would have expected from his work on Season 3."

Boloney. The wackjob hair is what evokes that idea, not the clothes. Cover the models heads and the backdrop and you'll see what I mean.

Brandenburg3rd said...

"The Eternal Embrace" actually has to do with two skeletons that were dug up. There's a link to an article on the BRP site.

Jeffrey has rarely done anything I find interesting or that I would buy. At first I thought perhaps it was because I'm an old fogey, but the "why work?" Thursday morning group that shredded Wednesday's episode over the morning coffee ranged from early 20s to mid 50s (not me--yet!), with an occasional appearance by one particular 19 year old. Nobody liked his clothing, even the hip, edgy 19 year old (who wore things that made my eyeballs bleed).

He has his demographic. I just have never met anyone in it.

Anonymous said...

Here's another article about the collection:

“So what’s the new collection all about?

True love,” says Sebelia, explaining his inspiration. He’s referring to the discovery earlier this year of two 5,000- to 6,000-year-old hugging skeletons. “Just the thought of them embracing one another at the time of their death,” he says, “it touched me. It seemed like the eternal love people keep searching for. They’ve been hugging for several thousand years.”

The embracing skeletons also made him think of the color of bones and dust and dirt, all of which suggested a color palette for the designs, and also inspired simplified, stripped-down pieces.

“I know it sounds trite to say this out loud,” Sebelia says shyly, “but I wanted to get to the skeleton of the pieces, the skeleton of fashion."

Anonymous said...

Drab, dull and uninspired... unless the inspiration is the latter stages of syphilis.

Anonymous said...

"The embracing skeletons also made him think of the color of bones and dust and dirt, all of which suggested a color palette for the designs, and also inspired simplified, stripped-down pieces."

Eewwwww, that's gross and creepy! Thank you for the link, Bettie.

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of Mugatu's "Derelicte" collection in Zoolander.

Anonymous said...

Mugatu: "Let me show you Derelicte. It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this wonderful city so unique."
- Zoolander

Anonymous said...

am i the only one that thinks "forever 21" when i look at these clothes?

Miranda said...

Oh, look! It's Hot Topic's new collection!

Seriously ... meh. Just meh.

Unknown said...

On first glance, I'd say Jeffery's collection intrigued me. But then upon closer inspection, each look was grossly dissapointing... I guess I just can't stand assymetrical hem lines. Really really dead givaway dated to me. And then I hit look #9, and 10 and shit, 11-14 too. Then everything is definitely something I'd wear or already do wear and have BEEN wearing for a couple years now. And then that last look sucks again. Me no likey. So like I said I've ALREADY BEEN dressing like this and you know what? That probably means he'll sell really well. Now the look has finally reached the masses.... and.... I'm over it. L.A.'s always a couple years behind. Thats why I got the hell off the west coast. Yup, weathering seasons for the sake of fashion freedom to move forward. FORWARD.

Oh and:
Embeedubya said...
"the article about him using the $100,000 to pay off debt and splitting with his girlfriend"
I'm not sure this is possible. I think the contract for the winner states that the money must be used for a NEW line, and then Bravo owns a huge percentage of it for all eternity. Thats why Jay didn't accept the cash. But maybe they've changed it since then.
Hey they own my images "throughout the universe" which they sold to Tresseme. I got nothing for a hair ad, which would normally pay thousands, MANY thousands. Yeah, I read the contract, but I didn't they'd sell my shit to another brand.
Sorry, I'm talking shit. I'm just still pissed I was officially NOT invited to the premier party for season three. Don't you think the winning model of season two would be an important guest???
Jeffery is really good at leather jackets as shown on his site for Fall '06.

Unknown said...

Oh! How could I forget to comment on look #3! You know, the guy who looks like he might stab you for a fix. Hey, its dead of winter but he don't care.

Another So Cal thing, right?

DolceLorenzo said...

Grace, you are fabulous! One of the best models on the show, darling!

James Derek Dwyer said...

Wow! Who knew there was a Hot Topics inside the Tardis!

Anonymous said...

"James Derek Dwyer said...

Wow! Who knew there was a Hot Topics inside the Tardis! "

RFOL. That is hysterical, James!

Anonymous said...

The menswear is far better than the women's. It's definitely kind of clothes.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the collection. I found it to be too depressing, but you know, I'm not into the whole Victorian look thing. Jeffrey wasn't the only one inspired by it; Zac Posen's fall 2007 line highlighted an overly dramatic Victorian look too, featuring frilly blouses and full skirts. Not my thing!

Anonymous said...

The male models look like they need a good scrub down and a stint in rehab maybe.

Anonymous said...

I'm only going to talk about the men's clothes.

The first men's suit I like, but it gives that guy hips, which is not the look you want on a man. The second suit, with no shirt and a trenchcoat makes that guy look totally homeless. And believe me, I work in the public library, I know from homeless. The guy in the middle looks just kind of blah normal (and kinda like Jeffrey, no?). I'd wear that shirt, maybe the coat. The final guy is wearing the exact same clothes as the woman he's walking with. Um, no. If two women can't be in the same room wearing the same dress, there is no way in HELL she'd ever go out wearing the same as her man. And besides, that outfit is ready to go to international male it's so flaming.

mumblesalot (Laura A) said...

Where is the Airborne I feel like I am catching his depression.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I actually like quite a few of his menswear pieces. I would wear a few of those suits. I like the cuts. And the colors are perfect. Definitely rock star chic, typical Jeffrey, but, very cool nonetheless.

Nice work, peanut!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised by how much I like the womens clothes here. They're sort of goth and punk and Victorian all in one.

I'm surprised by how much I love his collection. There are some really interesting pieces there, very detailed and intricately constructed.

And the styling is amazing. The hair on those models is incredible. It goes well with his clothes.

However, Jeffrey's own attire is lacking. He could have dressed up a bit... He has some nice men's suits in his collection, but Jeffrey comes out in his undershirt with his pits showing? C'mon! Get with it.

Anonymous said...

Great collection, I hope I can afford to buy at least one of those pieces. Jeffrey never disappoints me.

Congratulations, Jeffrey, fabulous collection!

Anonymous said...

I love the women's clothes, the hair, and the shoes. Very elegant collection with a point of view.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! I thought his women's clothes were bad before I saw his men's stuff. I didn't know you could do a fashion show from the Salvation Army grab box. I actually thought a few of the women's looks were okay, but the rest came out of the grab box with the menswear. I just hope he washed them before he threw them on the runway.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey's collection is a little too weird for my taste. There are only a few things in his collection that I would wear, like #10 for example.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone have to be so negative about someone who is a big part of a show that we obviously all love? Let's support Jeffrey. He won fair and square.

Anonymous said...

I like this collection, overall, and probably for the same reason I've been liking most of the clothes out this/last year. 80s-inspired stuff suits my body type better. *biased opinion* Oh well.

Anonymous said...

"He sees himself as a renegade John Galliano."

LOL. Yeah. Right.

Vic said...

Anonymous said...
I like this collection, overall, and probably for the same reason I've been liking most of the clothes out this/last year. 80s-inspired stuff suits my body type better. *biased opinion* Oh well.

Wonderfully said, anynymous. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

I like clothes that make me feel happy, inspired, and attractive.
Jeffrey's clothes aren't my style. His clothing looks like everyone had a particularly bad day. There's no energy because the clothes look like the wearer has been in a fight. It's just to negative for me.

Still, I wish him luck with his customers.

Anonymous said...

I was at the show and it was amazing. i thought the women's collection was especially hot. The space was just as cool though - check it out .. wonder how much it costs to live there?

Anonymous said...

The collection is amazing! Jeffrey is a great designer. He'll go far!!

Anonymous said...


boardwatcher said...

I swear that I gave the guy in the top/right picture 2 bucks on Sunset last month.

Anonymous said...

This isn't my taste, but it looks interesting and well-made. I like it much better than Jay McCarroll's ridiculous collection. Also, it only took Jeffrey 4 months to put together a collection. Jay took two freaking years. I just gave up on him after a year...much like Tim Gunn.

So congrats, Jeffreys. You got your act together and created a new collection in a timely manner. You seem to be working and plugging away. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Blech. First off, the whole raggedy/Victorian/goth look has been done numerous times by designers. Secondly, it looks poorly made. Many of the deconstructed layered dresses on the girls are tailored almost exactly like the dress he made for the first challenge he did on Project Runway (which he got a bitching from the judges). Sure, I'm not exactly a Jeffrey fan, but I give him credit where credit's due. Sometimes, he's pulled put some incredibly amazing pieces, both on PR and on Cosa Nostra. This collection, however, is definitely not what I would have expected, and that's not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

#1 - makes the model look thick through the middle, and the pants are pulling at the crotch-not a good look for a man

Love the orange dress, and yes, I think this is one of the looks he did for his PR3 collection

It's certainly Jeffrey's aesthetic...and it would look fabulous for an Addams Family reunion!

Anonymous said...

Well, Harold, Jay was also starting his business. Jeffrey's continuing a business. And Jay obviously is a socially conscientious designer, who went well out of his way to try and set up a business without the use of sweatshop labor. God bless Jeffrey, if he doesn't use sweatshops, but I don't think anyone starts a sweatshop-free business in 4 months.
Another quibble are the accessories: Jay wanted to show an entirely "vegan" show, to show what one can make and have without the use of animal products. His shoes were custom-made. Jeffrey's didn't seem custom-made, much.

TheQuietOne said...

Okaaaay... well, the #3 picture immediately made me think of Gary Oldman as Sirius Black in "HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban." #1 looks just like Jeffrey, and several of the women look like the bar wenches in the movie version of "Oliver" from the sixties. The bottom left picture looks like she just stepped out of a film noir with Humphrey Bogart doing a voiceover about the dame that just walked into his office.

*shrug* At least he's doing something.

Anonymous said...

The clothing was stylized well and executed beautifully.

And the taste of the clothing was palpable... the collection was cohesive... he did a wonderful job.

It's established that his taste isn't possessed by 100% of the country, but that doesn't mean his clothing is poor whatsoever.


it's strong enough to be covered by or some major magazine.

Jeffrey, excellent job.

Anonymous said...

Love his women's clothing; but then again I was always a sucker for Jeffery's victorian-meets-modern look. (Though I get more of a hobo-has-money vibe from his men's collection). Must be some West Coast aesthetic thing, because some people in LA actually do dress like that.