In case you were wondering what floats in an Oompa Loompa's toilet bowl...
Now you know.
We admit, we (like most sane people) have a bias against the bubble skirt. Rare is the occasion when the wearer doesn't look like an escapee from the set of H.R. Pufnstuf, as you can well see. The proportions on this thing are laughable. They'd have to manufacture a special Barbie box just to fit the skirt in. And the bubble pattern on the fabric isn't helping. In fact, it's making it even more clown-like. And that vest and tube top? Is he kidding us?
Unfortunately, no he isn't kidding us. In fact he took the whole thing ridiculously seriously, from his protestations over wigs to his smartass attitude toward the judges. Get over yourself, princess. You're making a Barbie dress on a reality show. This is not the time to be getting on your soapbox about standards of beauty.
And after last week's wholly unprofessional spectacle on the runway, this was no time to be mouthing off to the judges and spewing a lot of attitude. This looked absolutely nothing like a Barbie and in fact, he gave the impression that he didn't really care about that to begin with. Andrae, it's definitely time to revisit your runway strategy.
"You were much less tiresome when you were sobbing uncontrollably."
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Your screencaps are genius.
"Get over yourself, princess. You're making a Barbie dress on a reality show."
So true. But that could be said of Santino, too.
I liked the belly top and hoodie for My Scene, but the bubble was way to big and long. Bratz wear a lot of bubbles. It could have worked, but it didn't.
OMG!ROFL! Why aren't you guys writing material for Joan or Kathy, etc? Absolutely hilarious!
PS: Danyelle should'a slapped the taste outta Ms Thang for that whole presentation. Standard of Beauty? Keepin' a sister in the competition and not look like POOMPA is a standard of beauty!
But the top wasn't nearly as bad as the skirt. With a different skirt design it would have been cute (or at least not laughable)! Bubble skirts - GAGGG!
......Yet, it is the perfect skirt for the Astronaut who likes to wear diapers.
One must admit that Andre was quite prescient on that score.
--Gotham Tomato
The reason I love you both is because you're obviously aging beauty queens who grew up with things like H.R. Puffnstuff. OMG. The flashbacks.
Poompa? Too much.
And Gotham Tomato, you're killing me.
What's that Neena GahSEEuh (sorry--that's my best Heidi accent) is wearing? I think I kind of like it, but it's . . . odd.
Oh, and i forgot: Poompa!
Where do you guys come up with these things?
Funny that a wig was okay for Danyelle to wear last week but Andrae felt it wrong this week.
At least he didn't growl at her so that's an improvement!
POOMPA! OH. MY. GOD. I can't stop laughing. That is fucking hilarious!!
"They'd have to manufacture a special Barbie box just to fit the skirt in."
Oh, so many wonderful things about this post!
"The Scarlett said...
Funny that a wig was okay for Danyelle to wear last week but Andrae felt it wrong this week."
Exactly! What a load of poompa!
You two knobs still at it? I was reading with interest some of the quotes you put up from critics, most of them fawning over you like your loyal legions of commenters.
Must have been a slow newsday for them to even tune in and read your blog.
One other thing fellas.
Next time you bring me my lunch or dinner, no lemon for my Perrier and my latte with non fat milk, got it ?
Love the top but the skirt is pretty hideous. It's a shame.
"Tom Foolery said...
You two knobs still at it? I was reading with interest some of the quotes you put up from critics, most of them fawning over you like your loyal legions of commenters.
Must have been a slow newsday for them to even tune in and read your blog.
One other thing fellas.
Next time you bring me my lunch or dinner, no lemon for my Perrier and my latte with non fat milk, got it ?"
Jealousy is eating you inside out, isn't it?
I love how much time you dedicate toward fueling this hatred. Must be a slow day for you every day. Too bad New York Magazine isn't interested in writing about it.
" Tom Foolery said...
You two knobs still at it? I was reading with interest some of the quotes you put up from critics, most of them fawning over you like your loyal legions of commenters.
Must have been a slow newsday for them to even tune in and read your blog.
One other thing fellas.
Next time you bring me my lunch or dinner, no lemon for my Perrier and my latte with non fat milk, got it ?"
ROFL. Poompa!! LOVE IT!!!
Gothan Tomato- truly a classic post.
You guys are genius. "Poompa" is killer. Oh and Tom, your dom thing is showing. Again.
Is that an Inter Milan shirt he's wearing?
You are one of the highlights of my day! Brilliant commentary as always. Your blog is one of the first things I check every day, and it never disappoints. I could wish you'd attract a better quality of troll, though. Aren't hecklers at least supposed to be witty?
OMG Andraes dress was incredibly shiteous!
WHO TF is TomFoolery and what is he/she doing on OUR BLOG??
Barbie does Cirque du Soleil. Our lamb certainly did come on like a lion at first, huh? I think Danny V. calmed him down. He was good at that.
Quit feeding the trolls, please.
Andrae's such a precious little bitch! He has a POV and he's letting those judges know it! Don't you be goin' around makin' fun of his crazy vision! He's Andrae and he's NOT gonna take it!!
Andrae is such a petulant little bitch. WTF is up with his pissy face? Miss drama queen needs a spanking.
Poompa!!! LOL. I love you boys!
I love what Tim said about his outfit too:
"Andrae blew it. Was his muse My Scene Barbie or fashion muse and eccentric Isabella Blow? The combination of the balloon skirt, asymmetrical top and hooded vest all said couture, whereas our marching orders were cool, hip, and trendy. Furthermore, his refusal to permit Danyelle to wear the blonde Barbie wig underscored the preciousness of his presentation. Andrae, it's not the Carousel du Louvre; it's Mattel!"
Is Tomfoolery imitating Meryl in "The Devil wore Prada"? It was close but I think he needs a deeper voice.
"Lighten up....with liquor!" ;)
Too many reds this episode. Lots and lots of bad color choices for Barbie.
Andrae, dear, maybe if they start a Bubble Barbie line. No, not even then.
Yes, the outfit was hideous, and, yes, Andrea was obnoxious, but I actually find his objection to the "Barbie=white girl" mindset legitimate.
Er... that should have been "Andrae."
No it shouldn't.
This blog is doing it's best to inflame hatred towards gays. All you commenters ,oh wait, commentators are part of the scenario as I see it.
All your back and forth kvetching and calling each other bitches, poodles, darlings, princesses etc.. has many confused. Gays striving for respectability are reeling at the behaviour all you are exhibiting here. For what ?
You can't watch a show by yourselves? You need two "guys" who haven't stated design qualifications to tell you how it should be ? Blow by blow dissection because they want to get out of waiting tables ?
You might think all your clever little comments are enjoyed by many, but the reality is that people are looking at this as a freakin joke and wondering why people fall for such nonsense.
Hey have any of you ever asked yourself or T or L what or why they should be picking apart legit designers trying for a bit of glory ?
No, you all think it best to natter along with these two clowns and denigrate honest work.
Some of you bloggers make me puke. Ever hear of hard work ?
Professor Batier, I will have fries with my cheeseburger.
Hey Tom Foolery,
Like Nina Garcia said: "You were much less tiresome when you were sobbing uncontrollably."
Love this blog!
Tom Foolery said...
You might think all your clever little comments are enjoyed by many, but the reality is that people are looking at this as a freakin joke and wondering why people fall for such nonsense.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What people? All the little people in your head?
OK, you're not even interesting. You're just silly.
Just one thing and this is the last I'm commenting on your silly behavior: If you hate this blog, the boys (and now) the commenters so much, why the fuck do you keep coming back?
Tell us, Alec, Jim, The Bad Student, Tom or whatever name you have picked for the day. What pushed you to the edge? ('Cause you were doing fine...just a bit of jealously here and there)...Their friendship with Laura Bennett? Article in the NY magazine? Guest phone callers on Andy's show?
Here's what you don't realize, you fool. It's YOUR TIME that's being wasted here. The boys are going to keep on blogging, we're going to keep on reading, and you're going to be..."oh yeah, the loser that posts everyday using different names!"
Credentials can be meaningless. I personally know people that on paper should be brilliant but are disappointing at best and incompetent at worst. I'm married to a person that was originally educated in one field and has found great profit and success in another.
You only want Tom and Lorenzo's credentials to find fault with them. Regardless of their answer you will find them lacking. This is a BLOG not a thesis requiring scholarly documentation.
If you dislike blogs in general and/or this one in particular, take some free advise. Go somewhere else. By repeatedly visiting a site you claim to detest you prove that there is something very wrong with your thought processes. To quote Laura Bennett, "I worry about your choices."
"the tribe has spoken said...
By repeatedly visiting a site you claim to detest you prove that there is something very wrong with your thought processes. To quote Laura Bennett, "I worry about your choices."
LOL. LOVE IT. Well said!
I am not gay, and I love these blog's . When T and L say "Previews kittens" I purr on cue. I was going to respond to Townfoolery but hey there is a grumpy pumpkin in every patch.
I hope I am included in the poodles, princesses, darlings and bitches. MEOW
Best wishes to all of you
"They sew, we rip,I rip you,you can't take it, you hide under the bed etc...
You are right.Credentials often mean diddly . It is good starting point to at least have some formal training in the industry so when the viscious attacks are launched, at least the participants know it is coming from someone who didn't learn the biz by looking a woman's fashion magazines.
You should be ashamed of your snarky attitude and comments towards the participants.
Armchair critics have a tendency to really get the ire up with decent fair hardworking people.
I won't bother quoting St.Laura. I am not influenced by anything she says.
Dude, you REALLY need to switch to decaf.
Or Vicoden.
...you misspelled vicious and your grammar sucks...
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