Tuesday, February 27, 2007 by
Darlings, we have heard your cries. After the 15th email asking "When are you guys getting to the Oscar fashion stuff?" we knew there was no getting around it. To be honest, we had no idea people would consider the topic such an inevitability. Never "ARE you guys going to talk about the Oscar dresses?" always "WHEN are you going to talk about the Oscar dresses?"
kittens, now we're going to talk about the Oscar dresses. Sort of. You see, Lorenzo and Tom looked up from their respective computers last night after the latest such email and said "I guess we have to talk about this." Now don't get us wrong, we have PUH-LENTY to say whenever a starlet walks down a red carpet in borrowed
goods. The thing is, there are so many other people out there who do a far better job than we ever could ripping these ho's from their heads to their toes.
So we were talking it out, discussing the various dresses and trying to come up with an angle when we realized that there really wasn't much to choose from in the "What the HELL was she thinking?" category. The red carpet is now an Olympic-leve
l sporting event and women especially are going to be judged and scrutinized to within an inch of their lives. Consequently, the red carpet has also become a major media and marketing event. With all that attention, and in the age where image reigns above
all, a cottage industry has arisen which has as its sole purpose the dressing of movie actresses in order to sell themselves as well as the items they're wearing.
Under the weight of all that self-imposed importance, one just doesn't see the crazy-ass fashion disasters that one used to see back in the day - not on the A- and B-list starlets. Oh sure, some composer's wife or costumer (and inevitably, Sally Kirkland) will show up in some execrable thing to provide
grist for the entertainment press, but for the most part, all the ladies are floating around in goddess dresses and a couple million dollars worth of ice a piece. How boring. And whose fault is this? Joan Rivers.
It was Joan that invented red carpet commentary as we know it and all the queens and bitches who do it now have her ass to kiss because of it. Her tongue is so sharp and she's so unafraid to go there that she managed to whip two entire generations of actresses into a level of fear that changed the red carpet dramatically and probably forever. Gone are the days when you'd see Barbra Streisand's ass crack or Demi Moore's bicycle shorts. Now it's all drapey, flowy, full-of-yourself high-end prom dresses coupled
with vulgar amounts of diamonds. We doubt Joan meant for this to happen, since she has less and less material to work with each year. Now, even the most minor mistakes - like the size of a bow
or the shade of blue - are treated as if fashion armageddon has occurred. Frankly, if we're not seeing ass crack or nipples, we can't be bothered.
Oh, alright. Quick rundown: Cate Blanchett: Gorgeous. Flawless, actually. Nicole Kidman: looked like she should be hanging from a Christmas wreath. Jennifer Hudson: thank god some queen took you aside and hissed at you to get rid of the Judy Jetson shrug. Kelly Preston: now THAT's what we're talking about! Cavewoman hooker! Brilliant! Cameron Diaz: used Kleenex (in more ways than one). Helen Mirren: Beautiful, feminine, flattering and age-appropriate. Kirsten Dunst: Sandy Duncan on top, Mae
West on the bottom. Very confusing. Jessica Biel: pretty color, smoking bod, but too simple for the red carpet. It looked homemade, honey. Beyonce: While this was admirably toned down, like everything else she wears, it looked slutty, glued together and unflattering.
Penelope Cruz: Dramatic, but she looked like a flesh-colored feather duster. Gwynugh Paltrow: Okay, fine. You looked pretty good, bitch. The hair was a bit much and we don't love the color, but you did alright. You can live.
For now.
Darlings, we have heard your cries. After the 15th email asking "When are you guys getting to the Oscar fashion stuff?" we knew there was no getting around it. To be honest, we had no idea people would consider the topic such an inevitability. Never "ARE you guys going to talk about the Oscar dresses?" always "WHEN are you going to talk about the Oscar dresses?"
kittens, now we're going to talk about the Oscar dresses. Sort of. You see, Lorenzo and Tom looked up from their respective computers last night after the latest such email and said "I guess we have to talk about this." Now don't get us wrong, we have PUH-LENTY to say whenever a starlet walks down a red carpet in borrowed
goods. The thing is, there are so many other people out there who do a far better job than we ever could ripping these ho's from their heads to their toes.
So we were talking it out, discussing the various dresses and trying to come up with an angle when we realized that there really wasn't much to choose from in the "What the HELL was she thinking?" category. The red carpet is now an Olympic-leve
l sporting event and women especially are going to be judged and scrutinized to within an inch of their lives. Consequently, the red carpet has also become a major media and marketing event. With all that attention, and in the age where image reigns above
all, a cottage industry has arisen which has as its sole purpose the dressing of movie actresses in order to sell themselves as well as the items they're wearing.
Under the weight of all that self-imposed importance, one just doesn't see the crazy-ass fashion disasters that one used to see back in the day - not on the A- and B-list starlets. Oh sure, some composer's wife or costumer (and inevitably, Sally Kirkland) will show up in some execrable thing to provide
grist for the entertainment press, but for the most part, all the ladies are floating around in goddess dresses and a couple million dollars worth of ice a piece. How boring. And whose fault is this? Joan Rivers.
It was Joan that invented red carpet commentary as we know it and all the queens and bitches who do it now have her ass to kiss because of it. Her tongue is so sharp and she's so unafraid to go there that she managed to whip two entire generations of actresses into a level of fear that changed the red carpet dramatically and probably forever. Gone are the days when you'd see Barbra Streisand's ass crack or Demi Moore's bicycle shorts. Now it's all drapey, flowy, full-of-yourself high-end prom dresses coupled
with vulgar amounts of diamonds. We doubt Joan meant for this to happen, since she has less and less material to work with each year. Now, even the most minor mistakes - like the size of a bow
or the shade of blue - are treated as if fashion armageddon has occurred. Frankly, if we're not seeing ass crack or nipples, we can't be bothered.
Oh, alright. Quick rundown: Cate Blanchett: Gorgeous. Flawless, actually. Nicole Kidman: looked like she should be hanging from a Christmas wreath. Jennifer Hudson: thank god some queen took you aside and hissed at you to get rid of the Judy Jetson shrug. Kelly Preston: now THAT's what we're talking about! Cavewoman hooker! Brilliant! Cameron Diaz: used Kleenex (in more ways than one). Helen Mirren: Beautiful, feminine, flattering and age-appropriate. Kirsten Dunst: Sandy Duncan on top, Mae
West on the bottom. Very confusing. Jessica Biel: pretty color, smoking bod, but too simple for the red carpet. It looked homemade, honey. Beyonce: While this was admirably toned down, like everything else she wears, it looked slutty, glued together and unflattering.
Penelope Cruz: Dramatic, but she looked like a flesh-colored feather duster. Gwynugh Paltrow: Okay, fine. You looked pretty good, bitch. The hair was a bit much and we don't love the color, but you did alright. You can live.
For now.
I was waiting to hear from y'all. And thank you for calling out Miss Beyonce. I am so sick of that heffa. Her smile is as fake as her lacefront wig. And just as tired.
Am I the only one who thought Gwenyth's dress was coloured and designed to look exactly like one of those visual aids for the human body where all you see are a person's muscles? Revolting!
Helen Mirren was without a doubt the best dressed, most outstandingly gorgeous person of the evening. So effortlessly beautiful. Reese Witherspoon's dress was perfection in purple, but *she* needs help fattening up her face so she doesn't look like she could impale someone with that killer chin.
I'm glad Jennifer Hudson lost the Ming the Merciless shrug thing too. Poor naive thing. :)
I really liked Ellen's velvet suit, actually. And Jodie Foster had the second best dress of the night, that blue was fabulous against her eyes. Everyone else was sooooooooooooo boring though. I couldn't believe how bad all the fashions were this year! At least all the boys were hot. Mmmmmm Clive Owen. :)
As usual, Our Gays raise a number of valid points. Lots of "pretty" dresses on "pretty" people who are doing their botoxed best not to crack. Not much to chew on here.
So, what are your takes on the winners? Losers? The endless program as a whole? Yeah, I know...B-O-R-I-N-G.
At the party I was at, everyone was talking so loud and drinking so hard that nothing really registered---though this Chicago crowd did let out a huge cheer for Miss Jennifer Hudson. After she returned her jacket to Klaus Nomi.
LOL! I love it! If that was a typo (B-i-e-l, boys), please please please don't change it.
Shame on all of you for hating on Jennifer Hudson's Jiffy Pop shrug!
Michele: I second your motion. Mmmmmm, Clive Owen.
Am I the only one who thought Nicole Kidman looked like a walking roll of Christmas wrapping paper? That woman scares me. Her face is starting to look less like porcelain and more like plastic.
Helen Mirren: Flawless. Age appropriate and still sexy--some of these hoochies and old hoochies need to take note. To quote my dear, sweet boyfriend: "Damn, those are some big, hot grannyboobs!" It was the first time he's genuinely paid attention to fashion. I was so proud.
Michele said...
Am I the only one who thought Gwenyth's dress was coloured and designed to look exactly like one of those visual aids for the human body where all you see are a person's muscles? Revolting!
I agree, and I thought the same thing about Penelope Cruz's top. There was too much funky detail on the bodice and then the skirt looked like a bunch of soggy bathroom rugs sewn together. Thank you boys for not fawning over Penelope's crazy dress!
What about the Dunst situation? Or Anne Hathaway?
Did Jodie Foster's Botoxed forehead frighten you as much as it did me? Girl couldn't move from the neck up!
What have they done with Cher? We need her now more than ever! Thank God for Mrs. Travolta!
Yes, I love the Fug girls (and their realtime blog on the oscars from NY magazine is great!) but I love hearing your opinions, ladies, cause it's like being catty with my girlfriends (and the Fug Girls are probably being catty about me).
How could you not comment on the fact that a queen CHOSE Ms. Hudson's metal shrug? Or are you denying responsibility for Andre Leon Talley of VOGUE was commenting all over the place about how he worked personally with Ms. Hudson on her outfit? If he's not a queen, what on earth is he? Inquiring minds want to know!
Please, I know the pink mafia is busy with Britney right now, dragging her and Lindsay back and forth to rehab, but can you spare a few commandos to go after Nicole Kidman's botox needle? And maybe have them slather something on for the shine?
And add me to the crowd who was less than impressed with Gwenny and Penelope's outfits. I can't believe the number of people who liked it!
And thanks for noticing that Jessica Biel somehow dressed for the Independent Spirit Awards rather than the Oscars. Girl needs some bandaids, stat!
Anne Hathaway got a bye from me because she looked SO DARN HAPPY to be there. Horrible dress (wasn't it Valentino like Hudson's work? or was she YSL?), but she was just so darn happy!
Meryl, meryl, meryl. We know you don't care for award shows. You've said it often enough. So don't show up, or at least show enough respect to dress appropriately.
"Helen Mirren was without a doubt the best dressed, most outstandingly gorgeous person of the evening"
Agree completely with this statement. I have been a big Mirren fan for years and she really knocked it out of the park at the Oscars. Hard to believe she has gone from "Caligula" to this level of age appropriate, sexy perfection. She must have one hell of a gay posse!
"I'm glad Jennifer Hudson lost the Ming the Merciless shrug thing too"
LOL! That's where I've seen that cape thing! Andre Leon Tally should have his gay card revoked. Does he still work for Vogue? I bet Anna Wintour was horrified to learn he picked out that jacket. JHud was smokin' hot once Mirren's gays rassled away the shrug.
Didn't even notice Kelly Preston because I was so hypnotized and mesmerized by Travolta's wig. Man, that was really bad.
And I can't believe you gave Meryl Streep a pass (or maybe you're saving it for a separate post) Lord, she needs a visit from Laura Bennett!! Any day now I expect Meryl to show up on What Not To Wear. That dress was Prada (I think)and everyone at Prada should be mortified. And what was up with that "Queen of the Amazon" necklace? Did she go green and recycle it from Apocalypto??
Yes, Meryl Streep was wearing Prada. Horrible outfit! Andre Leon Tally is SOOOO overated.
There were a few women who didn't fully test drive their "frocks" (to use Cate Blanchett's word) before deciding on what to wear. There were a few dresses that were creased just from having been sat in for a while before hitting the red carpet, Gwyneth's just being one of them.
I was a little saddened to see that it looks like Mrs. Portia DeGeneres has returned to her Ally McBeal era weight. It's not necessary, sister!
I blame Leon for the Jennifer Hudson mis-step. She has looked fantastic all award season, and the dress was great but she needed to keep her hands out of her pockets. Love the girl to death (Chicagoan here) but I thought she had a case of crabs!
Beyonce... at least her mother didnt make it. Thats all I have to say about that.
" Anonymous said...
Beyonce... at least her mother didnt make it. Thats all I have to say about that."
Hahahaha. I agree with you!
Gads, Meryl looked like crap. She knew she wasn't going to win, but damn, at least respect the entity that gave her a zillion nominations and not more than a few Oscars in past years. Sheesh.
Pen Cruz looked like she was molting, though I did like the bodice. Anything that makes Gwen look like she has tits and an ass is fine by me. I understand the need to show off the construction, hence the lighter color, and given her pallor, it had to be amped up from champagne. I would have liked it more in a pale salmon or soft orange, but that's just me. The color that came out was off.
Faves were definitely Cate, Helen and Reese. Then again, these three rarely miss, so no surprises there.
Oh, and what the fug was that on Travolta's head? He has enough money to live at the end of a runway and house his plane in his house, but he can't shell out for a decent rug?
He's back to John Revolting in my book.
I think Scientology coupled with lack of contact with normal people = warped sense of reality.
Kiersten Dunst did a great job of imitating a showgirl/librarian/spinster. That skirt was so awful, she could only hobble in it. Her outfit is my choice for worst. Best of the lot? You didn't include her, dahlings. Reese Witherspoon in a to die for, exquisitely proportioned purple gown with swirling tiered skirt. Kate Blanchette had my number one vote until Reese appeared.
"Jennifer Hudson told Matt Lauer this morning that the only regret she had about the Oscars was her dress. Jennifer landed on a few worst dressed list for her Jetsons-inspired Oscar De La Renta thing. Vogue editor, Andre Leon Talley, kind of sponsored JHud and wanted to help her find the perfect dress. Unfortunately, he chose that mess. The morning of the ceremony, JHud wanted to go with a custom Roberto Cavalli dress instead. That’s when Andre lost it.
A source said, “Jennifer was kind of sponsored by Talley and Vogue. Andre insisted she wear that hideous Oscar de la Renta dress with the awful, awful gold python bolero. Jennifer really didn’t want to, and so [noted stylist] Jessica Paster got her a beautiful gold Roberto Cavalli custom-made. But when Andre found out, he went ballistic. Moments before she left for the show, there was a power struggle and Jennifer ended up putting his outfit on.”
From www.dlisted.com
Brilliant commentary on how this event has devolved. It's really all marketing at this point, isn't it? And yes we should all bow to Joan for setting the standard on red carpet critique. And maybe runway critique too?
Personally I liked Diane Keaton on the stage, I haven't seen any red carpet pix of her. You know she's going to cover as much skin as she can, I mean that's who she is, but this time with the tight black blouse, wide waist treatment and slim skirt (though I didn't see it below the knee) she had a real "nothing like a dame" attitude.
And Andre Leon Talley interviewing the stars?! WTF? Were they all reading cue cards? He should have left his fly open, he's good at that!
Tom and Lorenzo, you are SO good to us.
Someone mentioned Jodie Foster's forehead -- I didn't notice because I was too busy watching her walk like a truck driver. Representing for our team.
And, Meryl Streep might have at least combed her hair before she left the house.
I know a lot of people have been ripping Anne Hathaway, but I thought she looked adorable. Her schtick with Emily Blunt was misguided, but I'd rather see a very young woman look happy than look like Ms. Lohan or Kate & Ashley.
Gwyneth's dress was awful - too fake-flesh colored indeed. Helen Mirren - SO GORGEOUS!
Reese's dress I liked but her HAIR looked awful - just lank and yucky like an old Barbie doll.
Nicole Kidman: more plastic than porcelain for sure!! she SCARES me now, a little, when I see pictures of her.
i also kind of liked naomi watts's yellow gowny thing. KIND OF.
i thought most of the dresses were just bland and unappealing.
i hesitate to ask this, but why, exactly, do we hate G.Paltrow?
Beyonce! How could I have forgotten? The dress was fine standing up (staid for her, actually), but did anyone else notice that she was in severe danger of a cootchie shot because she was sitting in the front row and anyone going onto stage led to a pass by her legs and oh-so-not-crossed ankles? That slit was cut to THERE!
I feel bad that JHud was bullied into the python hug, but she DOES at least have Oscar to keep her warm at night. Mr. Jay Manual nailed it on Fashion Police when he said ALT loves coats and as soon as he saw it he knew it was ALT's fault.
I didn't like Gwen's dress because I didn't like the capped sleeve shoulders. I thought it was more flattering from the back.
I actually liked Kristen Dunst's dress (except for the peter pan collar), but agreed with the Fashion police when they said that someone like Nicole Kidman could have pulled it off. Hmmm...if Kidman and Dunst had switched dresses, they would both probably be on best dressed lists. Even though I had to admit I was screaming at the TV in my best "Tim Gunn" voice, "Just say NO to the BOW!" a la Charlize Theron and her ginormous bow from last year.
OK, I love awards shows for the gowns, all there is to it, so here's what I wrote up for a fashion commentary post on a board yesterday AM ...
Rachel Weisz, Cate Blanchett, Naomi Watts, Rinko Kikuchi & Helen Mirren were my picks for best dressed Oscar night ... and LOVED Keisha Whitaker's gown ... Queen Latifah looked great too, and liked Diane Keaton's look; elegant seperates that worked in lieu of a gown. Liked Maggie Gyllenhaal & Kate Winslett's old Hollywood glamour looks, and Portia de Rossi & Reese Witherspoon's updated Hollywood glamour looks, and Anika Noni Rose did a great job of full-on glamour with class. No one else really stood out as positively remarkable to me though.
JLo looked like an old woman. Kelly Preston was doing her Jungle Jane look. What in hell was on Nicole Kidman's neck? Could someone PLEASE give Gwyneth a good support bra??? If Beyonce shows anymore leg she's going to look like she's on permanent tryouts for the Rockettes. Nice that Eva Green rose from the dead and pushed her mummy shroud into a semblence of a gown to join the festivities ... Kirsten Dunst's gown *could* have been lovely, if she had either gotten rid of the collar thing OR the feathers - just too busy. I think Meryl Streep dressed in the dark, no other explanation for that mess - unless she had just come from speaking at a New Age seminar as had no time to change at all. Looked like Cameron Diaz had a professional napkin folder wrap her in a tablecloth - if you're going to wear a tablecloth, take a tip from Jessica Biele & Celine Dion; lighter weight and some color to mask it's origin, those were too simple but not horrible. WTF was on Catherine Deneuve's chest? At least Jennifer Hudson realized the short jacket made her look like Queen of the Alien Invaders and removed it before accepting her award. Oh, excuse me, Penelope Cruz? There's a little girls whose very sad that her Barbie birthday cake topper is missing!
For the men ... no one really stood out except what was Clive Owen thinking with the silly lack-of-neck-adornment thing? And the ones that stood out as well dressed to me were Leo Decaprio and Djimon Hounsou
Can you believe that Jennifer Hudson was dressed by Andre Leon Talley AND Giorgio Armani? I saw the tape on TV of the 2 of them choosing the dress and shrug for her. What the hell were they thinking? Was it supposed to be an audition for the next Star Wars movie? I also read that Jennifer wanted to lose the shrug and Andre had a bitchfit over it so she wore it to shut him up. amazing.
Speaking of the men, I thought Ken Watanabe did a good job with his jacket. I think he managed to make a jacket with frogs not look too gimmicky.
Which leads to Catherine Deneuve -- is that some kind of Rosicrucian device on her shoulder?
Hmmm ... Sounds like Andre Leon Talley lost all fashion cred over that shrug.
If Jennifer Hudson had worn the Cavalli gown she probably would have been on the best dressed lists - I *think* that's what she put on after the Dream Girls number and was photgraphed in at the end of the night - very becoming.
Thanks everyone for the fab responses to my commentary! I feel so hilarious. *beams with glee*
Personette...I personally do not dislike Gwyneth Paltrow. Although apparently I can't spell her name properly. Ever. *giggles*
But that DRESS needs to burn. Buuuurn. Because she looks like she already did in it, that colour combined with the ruffles in the fabric really do make her look like she lost a layer of skin. It's just *sad*.
Which describes most of the fashion this year, really. Nothing truly horrible, or even outrageous, just a whole lot of blah and bleaugh. With, thankfully, a few fleeting moments of beauty. Do better next year ladies! :)
Oh man, someone mentioned Jodie Foster walking like a truck driver! Hilarious.
She's one of my favorites, but damn if that isn't true...she totally LUMBERED out to the podium for her presentation.
Beyonce's was SO unflattering, it made her hips look like the side of a barn. It still looks cheap and glued together but at least it wasn't shiny.
Oh no, no, no one, NO ONE does a better job of ripping these ho's from head to toe than you two, my guys, and that is final. And, about time already.
LOL on Gwynnie.
Is it me or does Beyonce always strike the most bizarre pose with her right arm at a weird angle? It always looks like she just got out of a cast or something. Seriously. Try to do that with your arms. Your shoulder starts to cramp.
AT LEAST she didn't wear some "House of Dereon" crap.
Delicious! Thanks guys!
Helen Mirren was smokin' hot. In my book she was by far the best looking gal of the night. Reese is in the distant second.
I'm ROFL about the Jody Foster truck driver and Beyonce comments. I have never understood Beyonce's appeal AT ALL.
My big shocker of the night was when Dianee Keaton appeared onstage looking downright skeletal! She's never been that thin before. I found myself wondering what she looks like without the glasses. Does she never take those off?
Gwynnie can't pick a dress with color or personality to save her life. Show a little character once in a while, girl! Bland bland bland.
Was it just me, or did Ellen seem a little tentative all night? Didn't she look kinda funny with that makeup on? I hope they invite her back for next year, she is so cute.
what was Clive Owen thinking with the silly lack-of-neck-adornment thing?
He was making it easier for us gals who were undressing him with our eyes.
Thank you, Clive.
Thank you.
ahhhhhhh! Thanks boys. I couldn't relax until I heard your take.
I found it interesting the way you started your blog, because that's what my friends and I have been saying as well. Fewer risks are being taken, and there are those who won't even walk the carpet, a la Katie Holmes. It's amazing how it's changed. No more swan dresses in the near future. I guess that's what we get for bashing all the fashion victims into the ground.
Thank you again, guys! I couldn't get any Oscar closure til I'd heard your two cents.
Thank you! Now I am happy! The boys have spoken!
Why is it that Gwynugh always picks colors that make her look moribund?
There are so many other blonds on the red carpet that don't look like zombies....
Uh-oh....wait a minute: I think I just realized the truth about Gwynugh....
Meryl should have done the "look in the mirror and take (at least) one thing off her multiple sets of beads looks like she went to Mardi Gras before the ceremony.
Totally off topic, BUT
This just in!
Search: Advanced
Beckham move to U.S. to be reality show
Y'all heard it here first! Thanks boys!
I think Beyonce Knowles is awesome. Don't love her taste in men (Jay-Z is a dead ringer for Mr. Limpet in fish form), but I respect most of her professional choices. Beyonce is young, poised, gorgeous (how come nobody capped on JHud's or Reese's fake hair)and an extremely talented singer. She doesn't behave outlandishly to get attention like Lindsay, Britney, et al.
I wonder if people detest her because she is so accomplished. That would be too bad, since she seems to be a scarce commodity in the entertainment community.
"Helen Mirren was without a doubt the best dressed, most outstandingly gorgeous person of the evening"
"Agree completely with this statement."
--I have a feeling that if she wasn't being raved about for "The Queen," no one would have paid much attention to her on the red carpet and she wouldn't have been labeled 'the most outstandingly gorgeous person of the evening.'"
I'm just saying...
GG wrote:
Totally off topic, BUT
This just in!
Search: Advanced
Beckham move to U.S. to be reality show
Y'all heard it here first! Thanks boys!
Sorry sunshine, but look at the post dated January 15th and 23rd. EVERYONE has already beaten the Posh and Becks move to LA reality show topic to DEATH. If you are going to go off topic, please try to stay current
*hangs head in abject shame and humiliation*
I don't get out much.
Young Offender ....'-I have a feeling that if she wasn't being raved about for "The Queen," no one would have paid much attention to her on the red carpet and she wouldn't have been labeled 'the most outstandingly gorgeous person of the evening.'
Actually that is entirely untrue. At least, for me. I have been in awe of her since, hmmm, 1993 I believe, when I first saw Prime Suspect and her BRILLIANT portrayal of DCI Jane Tennison. As an actor I absolutely adored and admired her talents, and wished I could be more like her. So I am of course I am thrilled she is being spotlighted by the press, in every capacity, whether it be her acting skills or luminous beauty. :)
Michele I agree with you and also wanted to add:
It looked to me as if Jack Nicholson's shaved head and turned into Rod Steiger
It doesn't really show up on this site's pictures, but why was Cameron Diaz so orange? Actually, it was a strange color, maybe "br-orange", a brown-orange hybrid. Maybe it was exaggerated by the white dress...maybe E! needs to pay the technicians more...maybe its my cheap tv......hmm....it bothers me.
Helen Mirren, Goddess!
Young ones who don't appreciate should check out what La Mirren has worn at other events plus: Prime Suspect; Oh, Lucky Man; The Cook, a Thief, his Wife and her Lover (or, whatever the hell that film was called. Mirren was gorgeous in it).
-- desertwind
PS Forrest Whitaker's wife looked lovely.
Oh, I've loved Helen Mirren for her spunk--and don't forget Calendar Girls and her showing it all off for charity!
I noticed Cameron's orange-ness--I think it was emphasized by the white dress and the ratty brown hair. Jay Manuel nailed it when the Fashion Policers were complaining that she should go blonde--she had previously been black and he said that her hair looked like she had tried to "lift it" to get to blonde, but black dye is really, really hard to remove and the brownish color is probably the closest to blonde she could get.
Nicole Kidman is RIDICULOUS. Set the dingos on her and be rid of her!
Snaillady2, she was in her birthday suit in "The Cook, The Thief His Wife and her Lover" and when she was dressed she looked stunning. If you haven't seen this movie RENT IT. RUN OUT LIKE A 9 YEAR OLD AFTER AN ICE CREAM TRUCK AND RENT IT!!! One of the best parts of the movie is the fact that every room had a color, Red for the dining room, green for the Kitchen, white for the powder room etc and everyones clothes change color as they walk from room to room. It is a great thing to watch.
Didn't Dame Helen "take her kit off" in "Excalibur," too? AnĂ¡l nathrach and all that jazz...
"Jennifer Hudson: thank god some queen took you aside and hissed at you to get rid of the Judy Jetson shrug. "
But what amazed me was the Queen of queens, Andre Leon Tally himself (that fabulous, 6'11" hunka chunka) put her in that gawdawful thing!!!!" What was he drinking?
Speaking of drinking, Kelly Preston? Honey, stop swilling the champagne in the Prius limo. They were talking to your husband, they didn't want to hear from you.
"Jessica Biel: pretty color, smoking bod, but too simple for the red carpet. It looked homemade, honey."
Hey hey hey! Bitch with Needles here! My stuff looks way better than that rag.
Mmmmwaah! Thanks so much for doing this post. I'm still chuckling....
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