Judging the Judges: Diane Von Furstenberg

Monday, February 12, 2007 by
With Fashion Week wrapped, we thought it would be fun to put on our bitch dresses and turn the tables on Project Runway's various guest judges who showed collections. We've already done Michael Kors. Next up, the fabulous Diane Von Furstenberg:

Killer boots, girl!

More pictures of DVF's Fall 2007 collection here and here.


Suzanne said...

DVF is one of my idols. I have several of her wrap dresses and even when I am PMSing they make me feel thin. I also think she is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

love her!!!!!!
nice clothes!!!!!!

jinxy said...

One word: DIVINE

Nuff said.

Anonymous said...


That's my idea of what fashion is all about.

- Barnaby

Anonymous said...

I'd chose anything by Kors over DVF. Not because I don't like her clothes. They are interesting from a few different angles; the only problem is that none of them actually look all that flattering on the models. They silhouettes do something weird to their mid-sections and make their heads look tiny. And the colors - again interesting - but they don't seem to produce flattering affects against skin tones, like say Vera Wang's or Cynthia Crowley's. But DVF definitely has a perspective.

Anonymous said...

I must own those yellow shoes! Sure, I have nothing to wear them with, but with shoes like that who needs clothes!

The middle dress in the second row is gorgeous.

Sewhat? said...

DVF and Ralph Rucci are possibly the only two PR judges who have a right to open their mouths on PR or any other 'fashion' podium.

BigAssBelle said...

oh. my. goodness. i adore that gold and black polka dot number. and those yellow/gold shoes in the center bottom row? i am flat out drooling.

it is a tragedy that self employment means i don't have to/get to dress up for work. sigh. i could wear that gold and black confection.

Anonymous said...

She's a very long-time client of my firm, we represent her for IP throughout the world - over 30 years, I believe. She's indomitable, enduring, a clever and constantly refreshing designer and a VERY shrewd businesswoman. It's an honor to work for her.


Anonymous said...

Highly wearable collection. You would actually see real live humans wearing these garments in public, as opposed to some of the arty pieces that the other designers put out that you can tell that only a fashion victim would wear. Or maybe someone going to a Halloween party. DVF and the Dutchess "done good" this season!

Thombeau said...


Put Diane Von Furstenburg in the Hair Harpy Cage Match!

Oops! Wrong blog.

Anonymous said...

she can do bold prints like nobody's business. love it!

Embeedubya said...

That is how it's done, bitches. Should be required viewing for all future Project Runway contestants. And the woman is ageless!

Anonymous said...

I want those yellow cruel shoes! Damn! Thanks for showing the big girls in action. Keep it up! It's like seeing the major leagues after watching your kids in little league all spring. (Sorry, PR designers, but it's true.)

Emily said...

Yay DVF! What a great collection. I especially love that yellow/black jumper. I want to wear that right now.

DolceLorenzo said...

I love her! She is fabulous!! I love the collection, especially the first dress in the last row. GORGEOUS!! The shoes are FABULOUS!!..so is this post, bitches!

Anonymous said...

"jinxy said...

One word: DIVINE

Nuff said. "

I agree. I love her designs. She is fantastic. I have two of her wrap dresses and they fit me like a glove. Great idea, boys!

Anonymous said...

F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! And my favorite judge!!

GothamTomato said...

Now THIS is someone who can judge.

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

OH. MY. GOD. I am drooling here. Simply divine! I love this woman. The shows, oh my god, the shoes...

Anonymous said...

The bitch didn't put out ONE bad dress in the whole collection.


Unknown said...

LOVE Diane von Furstenberg (sic). She has been around for so long because she is talented. Her stuff is great! And she looks amazing herself! I liked her a lot as a judge on PR...I wish they'd replace Kors with her.

JP :)

BigAssBelle said...

a girl could make a career in personal service with those shoes and nothing else ;-)

Anonymous said...


DVF is just plain awesome.

Anonymous said...

The shoooooooes, god, the shoooooes! Damn I wish I could afford (and walk in) those babies. HOT!

Anonymous said...

Diane has always been one of my favorite designers. She made fashion history with her signature jersey wrap dresses upon her arrival in New York City in 1972. I love her clothes.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite collections for Fall 2007. She is always great and such a sweet person. The shoes are FABULOUS. I want all of them.

Anonymous said...

Ditto, ditto...the shoes, oh, the shoes...

Anonymous said...

" Christie said...

I must own those yellow shoes! Sure, I have nothing to wear them with, but with shoes like that who needs clothes!

The middle dress in the second row is gorgeous. "

Exactly, those are some fabulous shoes, let me tell you. No wonder they had photos of the shoes alone.

Anonymous said...

Diane is so stylish. I love her.

d-kat said...

Not diggin' the black dress with the big red splotch on the left side. It seems 80's ish to me.